Redalyc.Distribution and Additive Partitioning of Diversity in Freshwater

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Redalyc.Distribution and Additive Partitioning of Diversity in Freshwater Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN: 0034-7744 [email protected] Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica Martello, Alcemar R.; Hepp, Luiz U.; Kotzian, Carla B. Distribution and additive partitioning of diversity in freshwater mollusk communities in Southern Brazilian streams Revista de Biología Tropical, vol. 62, núm. 1, mayo, 2014, pp. 33-44 Universidad de Costa Rica San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Distribution and additive partitioning of diversity in freshwater mollusk communities in Southern Brazilian streams Alcemar R. Martello1*, Luiz U. Hepp2 & Carla B. Kotzian3 1. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade Animal, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, CEP 97105-970, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; [email protected] 2. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões – Campus de Erechim, CEP 99700-000, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; [email protected] 3. Departamento de Biologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, CEP 97105-970, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; [email protected] * Correspondence Received 08-II-2013. Corrected 10-VIII-2013. Accepted 10-IX-2013. Abstract: Additive partitioning of species diversity is a promising approach for analyzing patterns of diversity in mollusk communities, especially their spatial distribution. Our aims were to assess the distribution of mollusk communities in Southern Brazilian streams, and to evaluate the partitioning of community diversity at different spatial scales. The study was carried out in the lower course of the Toropi River, one of the main tributaries of the Ibicuí River Basin, in Southern Brazil. Four microbasins were considered: Sertão da Mata, Ribeirão, Tororaipi and Chiniquá, and sampling were undertaken in autumn, April and May 2009. Six sites were sampled in each stream: two in 1st-order segments, two in 2nd-order segments, and two in 3rd-order segments. All species found and the community as a whole, exhibited a clumped distribution. However, the variance-to-mean ratios for the Drepanotrema kermatoides and Heleobia bertoniana were higher than those of other species, suggesting a higher degree of aggregation. The additive partitioning of the species richness showed that the observed richness at smallest scale (α=within streams) represented 20.7%, and among-streams (β1) represented 10.5% of the total richness. The richness and Shannon diversity index observed at the alpha scale, were higher than those observed at the first level of beta diversity scale (β1=among-streams). The interaction between passive dispersal, tolerance to changes in some environmental variables, abiotic factors, and clumped distribution might have determined the spatial distribution of the communities studied. The greatest variation at the larger scales of analysis, involving among-orders and among-microbasins (β2 and β3, respectively) components, was expected, considering that the increase in distance leads to greater differences in richness (higher beta diversity). In conclusion, our results showed that the clumped distribution influenced the partition of the diversity of the mollusk communities in the streams studied. Dispersal methods and tolerance to variations in abiotic factors also have important roles in determining high alpha diversity. The partitioning of diversity showed that to preserve limnetic mollusks, it is important to preserve local areas, i.e., streams. Accordingly, conservation of streams on a local scale will contribute to conservation of the entire basin and maintenance of regional diversity (gamma). Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (1): 33-44. Epub 2014 March 01. Key words: distribution, Neotropics, spatial scale, beta diversity, clumped. Species diversity in an area is important of species diversity change over multiple for examining many important questions in scales (Collier & Clements, 2011). The pattern ecology as well as for the development of man- observed within a local community might be agement actions for conserving biodiversity very different from these found over broader (Engen, Saether, Sverdrup-Thygeson, Grotan areas such as landscapes or regions (Crist, & Odegard, 2008). However, spatial patterns Veech, Gering & Summerville, 2003). Thus, Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (1): 33-44, March 2014 33 to effectively conserve regional biodiversity, Freshwater environments are one of the conservationists need to know how diversity is most threatened ecosystems in the world. distributed across spatial scales (Jost, DeVries, Human activities have altered water charac- Walla, Greeney, Chao & Ricotta, 2010). teristics (e.g., Ricciardi & Rasmussen, 1999; Partitioning of total species diversity into Mansur, Heydrich, Pereira, Richnitti, Tarasconi additive components within and between com- & Rios, 2003), which leads to degradation, and munities provides a framework by which diver- sometimes destruction of these environments sity can be measured at different levels of (Moreno, Navarro & Las Heras, 2006; Hepp & organization (Lande, 1996). Total taxonomic Santos, 2009; Sensolo, Hepp, Decian & Restel- richness in a region (γ-diversity) consists of lo, 2012). In these settings, mollusks are one of two components, a within-assemblage compo- the most imperiled animal groups (Ricciardi & nent (α-diversity) and an among-assemblage Rasmussen, 1999; Brown, 2001; Bogan, 2006). component (β-diversity) (Whittaker, 1960, In North America, many mussel species have 1972). Studies have recently recognized appli- been extirpated due to damming of major riv- cations for diversity partitioning in survey ers (Bogan, 2006). This problem also occurs in design (DeVries, Murray & Lande, 1997). An other regions, and with other mollusk taxa, but analytical approach based on the analysis of is less well documented. additive partitioning of diversity (Lande, 1996) Efforts to comprehend the ecological is very useful for studies of conservation and requirements of freshwater mollusks conserva- restoration (Crist et al., 2003). The additive tion have increased, but have been generally partitioning of diversity decomposes regional addressed to taxa of Unionoidea (e.g., Strayer, differences into components that are expressed Hunter, Smith & Borg, 1994; McRae, Allan in the same units and can be easily compared at & Burch, 2004; Bogan, 2008). Studies of different scales of space and time (Crist et al., mollusk communities as a whole, especially 2003). For aquatic communities, the additive those focusing on their spatial distribution, partitioning approach has been employed for are relatively few (e.g., McRae et al., 2004; many animal groups, such as fish assemblages Souza, Guilhermino & Antunes, 2005; Lewin, (Eros, 2007), aquatic insects (Heino, Louhi & 2006; Pérez-Quintero, 2007; Maltchik, Sten- Muotka, 2004; Ligeiro, Melo & Callisto, 2010; ert, Kotzian & Pereira, 2010). Studies about Hepp & Melo, 2013) and aquatic nematodes their diversity at different scales are lacking. (Flach, Ozorio & Melo, 2012). However, some studies have shown that stream River catchment basins are hierarchically order, substrate, and macrophytes are important organized and nested ecosystems comprising of drivers (Vannote, Minshal, Cummins, Sedell river systems, stream segments, reach systems, & Cushing, 1980; Miserendino, 2001; Buss, riffle-pool sequences, and microhabitats (Allan Baptista, Nessimian & Egler, 2004; Heino & Castillo, 2007). Thus, additive partitioning & Muotka, 2006; Hepp et al., 2012). In fact, of species diversity is a promising approach studying freshwater mollusk communities for analyzing patterns of diversity sampled can be a very difficult task (Dorazio, 1999). from hierarchically scaled studies (Lande, Clumped distribution (Elliott, 1977; Downing, 1996; Crist et al., 2003; Ligeiro et al., 2010; 1991; Downing & Downing, 1992; Vasconce- Hepp, Landeiro & Melo, 2012). It provides los, Espírito-Santo & Barboza, 2009), among an operational method for analyzing species other biotic (passive dispersion by means of diversity across multiple spatial scales (Crist vertebrate vectors) and intrinsic factors, needs et al., 2003), and to identify the most impor- intensive sampling efforts, making it difficult tant sources of diversity and target conserva- to analyze the structure and distribution of tion efforts appropriately (Stefanescu, Olaru & their communities (Dorazio, 1999). However, Boengiu, 2008). understanding how mollusks are distributed at 34 Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (1): 33-44, March 2014 different spatial scales could provide important of study). This information will allow properly data for defining preservation areas. choosing spatial and local environmental fac- The Rio Grande do Sul state, localized in tors to preserve the riverine malacofauna of the southernmost Brazil, have a rich hydro- Southernmost Brazil. graphical net. The slope of the plateau is one of the most well preserved region of the state. This ecoregion shows numerous microbasins, MATERIAL AND METHODS formed by streams of small to medium order, The study was conducted in the lower characterized by variation in grain size due to course of the Toropi River,
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    MALACOLOGIA, 2006, 49(1): 189−208 FRESHWATER GASTROPODA FROM ARGENTINA: SPECIES RICHNESS, DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS, AND AN EVALUATION OF ENDANGERED SPECIES Alejandra Rumi1*, Diego E. Gutiérrez Gregoric1, Verónica Núñez1, Inés I. César2, M. Andrea Roche3, Mónica P. Tassara3, Stella M. Martín2 & M. Fernanda López Armengol1 ABSTRACT Few studies have dealt with the geographic distribution of freshwater snails in Argentina. The objectives of this study were to: (1) determine species and family richness and diver- sity patterns; (2) verify if species richness behaves according to Rapoport’s rule; (3) iden- tify and classify species according to their distributions; and (4) identify endangered spe- cies. A grid was applied to a map of Argentina, with each of 340 squares (SUs) represent- ing 10,000 km2. A database of 3,376 records was analyzed. Of the 101 species belonging to ten families recorded in Argentina, four are introduced and 40 are endemic to Argentina. The Lithoglyphidae have the highest number of species (22). The highest species rich- ness/SU was recorded in the Brazilic subregion at Salto Grande (32 species) on Uruguay River, and parts of the Río de la Plata (31). In this subregion the species richness values increase from west to east. The highest richness in the Chilean-Patagonian subregion was detected at San Carlos de Bariloche, Río Negro province (9), and the Chilinidae contained the largest number of species. In Argentina, the north-south decline species pattern could be explained through Rapoport’s rule. In Patagonia, the species richness gradients do not show significant west-east trends. Most of the native species of freshwater molluscs of restricted distribution can be considered endangered (about 45 species) but need further study.
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