Proceedings of the Rhode Island Historical Society
i X' '^1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE v{ MOi\ ifiland llijilnrjcal ^ocidii 1S73-T4 i3' mi'' PRO VIDEXCE: !• I K N T E U F O li THE S O C I E T r . 1874. CommUtee on PubUcation, Hon. JOHN IIUSSELL BARTLETT, Pkof. J. LEWIS DIMAN, D. D., IlEV. EDWIN M. STONE. TROV. PKLSS COMPANY, PKINTEKS. OFFICERS OF THE RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Elected January 20, 18"4. President. Hon. SAMUEL G. ARXOLI), Providence. Vice Presidents, Hon. ZACITAP.IAH ALLEN, - - - - . Providence. Hon. FRANCIS BRINLEY, Newport. Secretary. Hon. AMOS PERRY, Providence, Treasurer, Mr. RICHMOND P. EVERfc'.TT, - - - - Pkovidence. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper qf the Northern Department. P.EV. EDWIN M. STONE, Puovidence. Librarian and Cabinet Keeper of the &nilliem Department. BENJAMIN B. HOWLAND, Esq., - . - - Newi'okt. 4 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Comniitlee on Nomination of New Members. Rev. EDWIN M. STONE, ----- Providence. Mr. WILLIAM G. WILLIAMS, . - - - Providence. GEORGE L. COLLINS, M. D., - - - - Providence. Commiltee on Lectures and Reading of Papers. Prof. WILLIAM GAMMELL, - - - - - Providence. Hon. AMOS PERRY, Pkovidence. CHARLES W. PARSONS, M. D., - - - - Providence. Committee on Puhlications of the Society. Hon. JOHN RUSSELL BARTLETT, - - - Providence. Prof. J. LEWIS DIMAN, D. D.. - - - - Providence. Rev. EDAVIN M. STONE, Providence. Comviittee on Care of Oroimds and Buildinr/. Hon. ZACHARIAII ALLEN, Providence. Mr. henry W. LOTHROP, Providence. Mr. RICHMOND P. EVERETT, - - - - Providence. Audit Commitee. Mr. henry T. BECKWITH, Providence. .Mr. WALTER BLODGETT, Providence. HONORARY MEMBERS Elected since January 21st, 1873.* July 1, 1873. William Ciillen Bryant, Xew York City. Oct 7, 1873. lion. John Lotlirop Jlotley, LL. D., London, Eng. Jan. 20, 1874. Jas. Anthony Froude, F.
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