BWPP BioWeapons Monitor 2013 1 BioWeapons Monitor 2013 BioWeapons Monitor n 2013 1 BWPP BioWeapons Monitor 2013 Copyright and credits © BioWeapons Prevention Project, 2013 Editor First published in November 2013 Gerald Walther (
[email protected]) Graham S. Pearson All rights reserved. No part of this publication may (
[email protected]) be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or Simon Whitby (
[email protected]) transmitted, in any form or by any means, without 2 the prior permission in writing of the BioWeapons Design, Layout and Printer Prevention Project, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate Inprint + Design, Bradford reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to Gerald Walther at Images
[email protected] or Simon Whitby at
[email protected]. Shutterstock Images and iStockphoto ISBN: 978 1 85143 273 8 BioWeapons Prevention Project Contents About the BioWeapons Monitor 4 Introduction 7 Findings 14 Argentina 16 Germany 30 3 India 46 Japan 63 Kenya 80 Philippines 88 South Africa 96 Switzerland 111 BioWeapons Monitor 2013 About Bioweapons Monitor The BioWeapons Monitor is an initiative of the agreement of Standing Agenda items on international BioWeapons Prevention Project (BWPP)—a global cooperation and assistance, developments in network of civil society actors dedicated to the science and technology and strengthening national permanent elimination of biological weapons and of implementation, the BioWeapons Monitor will seek the possibility of their re-emergence—to help monitor to provide relevant national information that will compliance with the international norm prohibiting assist the States Parties in developing approaches biological weapons, laid down chiefly in the 1972 that will enhance the effectiveness and improve the 4 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC).