Using R at the Bench: Step-By-Step Analytics for Biologists
This is a free sample of content from Using R at the Bench: Step-by-Step Analytics for Biologists. Click here for more information or to buy the book. Index A-value, 160 Checking model assumptions, 124 Accuracy, 57 Chi-square test, 85, 97 Adjusted R2, 117, 123 goodness-of-fit, 98 Agglomerative clustering, 150 independence, 99 Alternative Classification, 145–147 hypothesis, 79 error, 147 one-sided, 79 rule, 147 two-sided, 79 Clustering, 145, 148 Analysis of variance, 131 k-means, 153 ANOVA, 113 agglomerative, 150 ANOVA, 113, 131 divisive, 150 assumptions, 140 hierarchical, 150 F-test, 133 partitional, 150, 153 model, 60 Common response, 48, 49 one-way, 132 Complete linkage, 152 two-way, 136 Confidence, 72 Association, 47 Confidence interval, 65, 113 Assumption, 7, 67 computing, 72 ANOVA, 140 interpretation, 67 constant variance, 125 large sample mean, 72 normality, 125 population proportion, 76 Average, 20 small sample mean, 73 Average linkage, 152 Confidence level, 67, 70, 72 Confounding, 48 Bar plot, 24 Constant variance assumption, 125 Bayesian statistics, 145, 176 Contingency table, 19, 60, 98 Bell curve, 33 Continuous variable, 18 Bias, 56 Correlation, 46 Bin, 26 Correlation coefficient, 115, 116 Binomial Critical value, 70 coefficient, 32 computing, 71 distribution, 31 Cumulative probability, 32 Biological replication, 59 Data variation, 58 categorical, 19, 24, 25 BLAST, 110 quantitative, 19, 27, 28 Bootstrap, 64 transformation, 37 Box plot, 28 Dependent variable, 51 Descriptive statistics, 17 Categorical, 60 Design of experiments, 51 data, 19 Deterministic model, 51 variable, 113 Differential expression, 132 Causation, 48 Discrete variable, 17 Cause and effect, 48 Discriminant function, 147 Central Limit Theorem, 39, 66 Discrimination, 147 181 © 2015 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
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