Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 13, Number 2 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected]
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Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Kentucky Library - Serials Society Newsletter Summer 7-1-1990 Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 13, Number 2 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn Part of the Genealogy Commons, Public History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Kentucky Library Research Collections, "Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 13, Number 2" (1990). Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter. Paper 49. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn/49 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r~ , HUNl[R eoulh~rn ~tntucky <5~n~al0 gf C 0.1 $oci~19 + VOLUME XIII, NUMBER 2 SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEAI.OGTCAL SOrTETY Chartel'ed 1977 P. O. Box 1905 Bowling Green, KY 42102-1905 **********~****************************************************************** President: ~[rs . Barbara Ford, 545 Cherokee Dri'-e, Bowling Green, KY , 42103, Ph. 502 782 0889 Vice Preside nt: Ed ~loody, 1174 Silent Grove Ch urch Road, Brownsville, Ky 42210, Ph. 502 597 3584 Recording Secretary: Mrs. Doris Loos, P. O. Box 2230, Bowling Green, KY 42103, P h . 502 782 5276 Treasurer: Ri'-ers Ford, 545 Cherokee Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42103, Ph. 502 782 0889 Co rresponding Secretal'Y: Lloyd Raymer, 405 Austin Raymer Road , Bowling GreeJl , KY, -1210], Ph 502 777 3731 Longhunter Editor: Kenneth Tholllson, Jl', 13790 Louisville Road, Smith 's Grove, KY -12171, Ph. 502 563 3·[61 **********************************************~**********-******************* MEMBERSHIP in The Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society is open to all persons, especially to those who are inLerested in research in Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Logan, Simpson, and \"arren Counties in Ke ntucky. ~[embel' ship is by the year, 1 January tl1l'ougn .Jl Uecem bel' and Includes a subscrIp tion to the LONGHUNT ER, published qual'tel'ly. ,'[embers are invited to submit free queries which will be published as space is available. DUES for indi,-idual or family membership are 510 per year and includes a subscription to the LO NGHUNTER. Cun-ent and back issues of the LONGHUNT-· En, when available, are $3.5Cl postpaid. MEETINGS: The Society meets on the Lhird Monday of each month aL the Bowl ing Green Public Library, 1225 State Street, at 7 P~J. A cordial welcome is extended to all visitors and prospective New ~' [embers. BOOK REVIEW S : The Societ,' wekollles donated genealogical bool's for l'evie'" in the LONGH UNTER. All donated books are placed in either the Bowling Green Public Libraq' or in the Kentucky Lib"al')', on t.he campus of \"estern Ken tucky University, fOl' all to use. Please ll1clude price and ordering instruc t ions. THE LONGH UNTER: ~lemhers are encouraged to entel' L]uenes and submit arti cles for publication. Local Records, COU1·t Records, Government Records, Bible I{ecords, Family Research which you have done, and Photographs (send copies only) will be welcomed by our Editor. Articles for publication should be typed 01' printed legibly and should not be over 10 pages in lengt.h. Sources for the information you submit should be stated in the article or put in footnotes at the end. The right to edit any maLerial for presenLation IS reserved by the LONGHUNTER Editor, Although it is the desire of the Southern Kentucky Society to publish reliable genealogical material, neither the Society :1or the Editors assume responsibility for fa('1 SOl' for opinions expressed by contribu tors. Subrnitted material becom"" the property of the LONGHUNTER and will not be retlJrned to the contril,utol'. THE LONG HUNTER VOLUME XII I, NUMBER 1 SUMMER ISSUE 1990 CONTENTS PORTRAITS OF GEN. & MRS. ELIJAH M. COVINGTON . ................. .. 40 BIO OF GEN . ELIJAH M. COVINGTON BY DR . ROBT . C. WALL ACE ..... .. 41 FLOURNOY FAMILY TREE BY IRENE MARTIN CONSTANT .. .. ..... ... ..... 43 ANCESTOR CHART OF PAUL DUANE LOWE . .. .... ... ... .... 44 JACKSON/HINES/BLAKELEY CHARTS FROM Col . JACK THACKER . .. .......... 45 CHART FOR COMPUTING BIRTH DATES FROM TOMBSTONES ... .. .. ........ 51 GLEANINGS FROM HENRIETTA B. JOHNSON'S SCRAPBOOK BY SUE SPURLOCK .. 52 BIO OF BURRELL Z. GANNAWAY BY KENNETH C. THOMSON, JR ............. 59 THE RICH POND METHODIST E. CHURCH SOUTH BY STEPHEN L. KING ...... 61 BIO OF CHAS . A. SKILES BY STEPHEN L. KING ...... ....... .. .. ..... 64 1839 TEACHER AGREEMENT IN WARREN COUNTY, Ky . ... ... .. .... ....... 65 NIGHT RIDERS - CALDWELL COUNTY, KY . BY RUTH D. SNAZELLE .......... 66 PORTRAIT OF MRS. JEFFERSON DAVIS, FIRST LADY OF THE CONFEDERACY .. 68 BIBLE RECORDS OF DR. N. H. LEE SUBMITTED BY DRUCILLA S. JONES .... 69 200 DOLLARS REWARD - 1809:CONTRIBUTED BY VAN A. STILLEY .......... 72 CAMPUS MAP WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITy ................. ......... 73 CHEROKEE ALPHABET CONTRIBUTED BY DAVID RILEy ................... .. 74 MAP OF THE TRAIL OF TEARS COURTESY CHRISTIAN CO . HIST. SOC ....... 75 BOOK REVIEW: ALLEN CO . VITAL STATS 1852-1904 BY MARTHA JACKSON .. 76 NOTICE OF WARREN COUNTY HISTORY BOOK IN PROGRESS ............... 76 QUERIES ........................... ... ....... ........ .... ... 77 NOW AVAILABLE: POPE CO., IL . MARRIAGES 1813- 1877 .. ...... .. .. .. 78 • N o Z H H H >< GENERAL ELIJAH M. COVINGTON HARRIET W. BALDWIN COVINGTON o -j '"00 0..'" THE LONGHUNTER Vol . XII I , No . 2 Page 41 GENERAL ELIJAH MOORMAN COVINGTON Elijah M. Covington (1773-1848) who was appointed the first sheriff of Warren County by Governor James Garrard in 1797 , took up large tracts of land , near Bowling Green, in 1795, which consisted of over 20 , 000 acres (7 percent of the total acreage of Warren County). He settled near John Cox (the first tax commissioner of Warren Cou nty), on Gasper River and later returned to North Carolina and moved his parents , Benjamin and Francis Moorman Covington , his three brothers and four sisters to this area. Elijah, in July, 1797, was made a lieutenant of the 25th Regiment of militia and on January 17, 1811 was promoted to brigadier- general over the Allen, Barren , and Warren County militiamen (20th Brigade) . Rowland Madison was appointed the first county s u rveyor , in 1797 , and served for two years. Elijah M. Covington became the second county surveyor, in 1799, and held that office until 1833 , when succeeded by his youngest brother, Isaac, who held that office until 1845 . In 1808, Elijah M. Covington made a survey of the whole county for the purpose of fixing the county seat of government. He found the center of the county to be on the south side of Barren River, just east of the Water and Sewer Works of Bowling Green Municipal Utilities , and there laid out a town named Jeffersonville. It lasted only a few months of the year, 1808, when the inhabitants of the City of Bowling Green obtained an Act of the Kentucky Legislature, returning the county seat to its original place of abode . • Elijah married Harriet W. Baldwin (1781-1826), in 1804, and lived on a farm on Drakes Creek, near Woodburn, where the first four of ten children were born _ Euclid, Albert, Erasmus, and Harriet. Then they moved near Bowling Green, where the remaining children were born. Four Page 42 THE LONGHUNTER Vol . XIII,No . 2 daughters were " brought out ," in New Orleans , while visiting their uncle, Federal Judge Isaac Baldwin . One daughter, Cornelia, married General Richard Delafield and moved to New York City. The name "Delafield" now applies to a large section of Bowling Green, between the City and Barren River . Bachelor son , Euclid (1805-1888), practiced law and served in the Kentucky Legislature. He lived in a horne at Elm Grove (now Hartland Development) . Son, Albert Wakefield Covington , attended Transylvania University, afterwards went to the University of Pennsyl vania and graduated in Medicine, married , 1853, Josephine , daughter of Robert William Wells, U. S. District Judge for Missouri . Their son, Robert Wells Covington (1856-1949), graduated from Warren College (which became Ogden College) in 1875 , secured a l aw degree , in 1877, from the University of Virginia , and married , in 1892, Mary Wickliffe Cooper, teacher of Art at Potter College. • In 1901, Robert W. Covington helped organize the Citizens National Bank of which he served as a vice president and director, until his resignation in January, 1942. The names: Covington Woods Park, Covington, Euclid, Wakefield, and Wickliffe avenues are familiar to us all . Submitted by Dr . Robert C. Wallace Gen .1 Irene Martin Constant(compil er) B-29-7-1925-Butler Co . ,Ky. Co . , Ky Co . Ky . (;2n .3 Vander Right Martin B -1 870 - ~utler Co . , Ky. Gen .4 · 0_1954 - Warren Co ., Ky . Maliss? Renfr91< Mgrt Fannie Rene Cern . B~1~45 - Butler Co ., Nartindale, Ky . 0-1896-Butler Co ., Noah Johnson Cern. Gen.6 Ann IJooldridge RentrOl; B-1789 Ga . - Ky . 0-3 i -1-1857 Little Reed~ , Ky.Butler ~...... - Old Rentrow Cern 7 Co . ,Va Gen .10 t. Jacob Flournoy >< B-5·1-1662 H Gene'va, Switzerland H 722 H Ches terfield Co., Va~ Ge(l . l1 z Jacques Flournoy o B- 1608 Geneva , Swi t zerland N Gen .12 Jean Flournoy B-1574 c;elne,'a, SId t zerland Gen.13 ~urent Flournoy B-1540 Lyon, France Gen .14 Nicholas Flournoy B-1509 France - - -_. --------------, Page 44 THE LONGHUNTE R Vo l. XIII, No . 2 Paul Duane Lowe ~t«Ut- ewe S2me of ComrHl uGenealosical Rer.eactbe.( Pinon No. I on thhl ( hut I. Ihf taml Born in I(V . Cbart No. __ Rt2,Box94OUt per.on U No. __on Ch2rt No. __ • 18 Isaiah Uriah LOWE AddruI _ M!!!!i;!!J ,.11'1 NC 2I5G>4 · Sept . 1 5 . 1 7 8~:'''c:.'';. ~---J Benjamin P!dn~v LOWE ",·Jan . 29 . 183~ . wi lks Co.