Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 1, Number 2 Department of Library Special Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected]
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Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Library Special Collections Society Newsletter Fall 1978 Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 1, Number 2 Department of Library Special Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn Part of the Genealogy Commons, Public History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Department of Library Special Collections, "Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 1, Number 2" (1978). Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter. Paper 1. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn/1 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,, 11'. f . \ , I 1425 Audubon Drive Bowling Green, KY.. 4.2.1·01 Volume 1 Fall Issue No. 2 1978 Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society 1425 Audubon Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101 * (*1985 address: Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society) P.O. Box 1905 Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101 -J- SOUTHERN KENTUCKY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY President Mrs. Tom Davenport, 1425 Audubon Drive 843-1477 Vice Pres. J. D. Evans 304 Leslie Dr. 842-2313 Secretary Mary Francis Williams 1341 State St. 842-7825 Treasurer ~rs. Dana Harlow R.F.D#9, Box 117Al 781-2298 Historian Mrs. Martha Jackson 119 W. 15th St. 842-1358 Publicity Ch. Mrs. Virginia Devries P.0.Box 1747 842-0864 Program Ch. J.D. Evans 304 Leslie Dr. 842-2313 Hospitality Mrs. Beverly Wells 2649 Russellville Rd. 843-6929 - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - NEW MEMBERS SINCE LAST NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION Mrs. Dickey Thomas (Carol) Charles B. Graves, R.F.D.#1, Box 25, Woodburn, KY. 42170 Hollis Herald R.F.D.#1 Oakland, KY. 42159 Anna I. Chumley 1705 Curling Way B. G., Ky. 42101 781-2881 Gradie R. Rowntree,M.D. 70 Valley Rd. Louisville,KY. 40204 David W. McLellan 1031 Newman Drive B. G •, Ky. 42101 842-4057 Marjorie Osborne R.F.D.#2, Box 89 B. G •, Ky. 42101 Bertha Osborne 615 CoYington B. G., Ky. 42101 842-1072 Wm. N. Jackson 121 Cedar Ridge Rd. B. G •, Ky. 42101 842-0711 FAMILY LINES OF OUR NEW MEMBERS (If you have any information regarding any of these families, our members would welcome corresponding with you and exchanging family records.) c. Thomas ••••••••• Miller, Floyd,Phillips, Chastain, Taylor ,Lee, Hayes, Clari{ Holloway C. Graves •••••••• Graves, Freas, Russell, Key H. Herald •.••••••• Meeks, Tinsley, Henly/Hendley, Moats, Low(e),Huffstetler/ Huffstutler/Huffstudler A. Chumley •••••.• Chumley, Stenseng, Faust, Swanson G.R.Rowntree,M:D •• Rowntree, Bale, Cannon, Lewis, Wright D. McLellan •••.••• McLellan, Campbell, McDonald, Brown M. Osborne ••.•••.• Park, Price, Williams, McCormick, Taylor B. Osborne •.••••.. Osborne, Palmer Wm.N.Jackson ••.••. Jackson, Neel, Barnett, Campbell, Gadd - :i. - MEET OUR VICE PRESIDENT James David Evans was born April 22, 1928 in Shelbyville, Tenn, the son of Jane E. Thompson Evans and David L. Evans. While still a baby he moved to Ohio with his parents. In that state he lived in Toledo, Springfield, Lima and Dayton. His father being transferred frequently meant that he also lived in Memphis, Louisville, Baltimore, Nashville, nad Harrisburg, Penn. He enlisted in the Navy in 1946, served two years and was put on inactive reserve. He married Sue Litton on .December 20, 1949 while attending David Lipscomb College in Nashville. The Korean War interrupted his education when he was called back into the Navy. Following his release after 17 months, he went into the wholesale drug business as a salesman, then into the retail business, where he presently is employed as sundry department manager, College He~hts Bookstore, Western Kentucky University. Sue and Dave have five children: Susie, Beth, David, Mark and John. None of the children are married. J. D. Evans has been active in the P.T.A. work, serving as local unit president and president of Third District P.T.A. He holds a state life membership in this organization. He also has been active in scouting, serving as Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, District Committeeman, and presently serves on the Audubon Council Boy Scouts Executive Board. He was presented the highest award the local council can present: the Silver Beaver in 1976. He is a member of the Greenwood Park Church of Christ in Bowling Green. Having always had an interest in history, he is now actively and enthusiastically pursuing genealogical research. AND OUR SECRETARY ~lary Frances Williams was born in Scottsville, Allen County,KY., the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Williams. She attended Scottsville High School and the Bowling Green Business University. While growing up on her parent's farm, she developed the love of the outdoors and especially the hobb.v of quail and dove hunting, which later grew into the love of fox hunting, a sport which she has en joyed as an active participant for the past 30 years, "riding to the hounds" several times a year. After moving to Bowling Green in 1950, she became employed by the Warren Rural Electric cooperative in 1952 as accounts receivable clerk. She and her sister EfI'ie Williams live together at 1341 State Street and attend the First Presbyterian Church. AND TREASURER, TOO! Dana Pedigo Harlow, a native Kentucian, graduated from Western Kentucky Universitv in 1969 and has tau.ght several years for the Warren Crunty School sv~tem. She and her hu~band, William Ross Harlow, a Barren Co. native, have three children: Julianna Ross, Arny Laura and Christopher Drowning. She began researching her parents lineage in the Barren- Monroe Co. area little more than a vear ago after finding a family history recorded by her great grandmother Dora Howard Gumm. The Harlows now reside at R.F.D.#9, Bowling Green, hY. --3- A VA ILABLE 1'390 CENSUSES Alabama - Perry Co. (Perryville Beat# 11 & Severe Beat# 8) D.C. Several streets Georgia - Muscogee Co. (Columbus) Illinois McDonough Co. (Mound TWJ?,) Minnesota Wright Co. (Rockford) New Jersey - Hudson Co, (Jersey City) New York Westchester Co, (Eastche,;ter), Suffolk Co. (Brookhaven TWJ?) North Carolina - Gaston Co. (South Point and River Bend Twps,) Cleveland Co. (Twp. #2) Ohio Hamilton Co. (Cincinnati), Clinton Co. (Wayne Twp.) South Dakota Union Co. (Jefferson Twp.) Texas Ellis Co. (J.P. #6, Mountain Peak & Ovilla Pct.) Hood Co. (Pct. #5) Rusk Co. (#6 and J.P.# 7) Trinity Co. (Trinity town and Pct. #2) Kaufman Co. (Kaufman) Any reference made to a person having been born in Virginia as early as 1723, or as late as 186J, could indicate that he was born in: Any part of ILLINOIS from 1781 to statehood, 1818. Any part of INDIANA from 1787 to statehood, 1816. Any part of KENTUCKY from 1775 to statehood, 1792, A part of MARYLAND from 1737 to 1776. A part of NORTH CAROLINA from 1728 to 1779, Any part of OHIO from 1778 to statehood 180J. A part of PENNSYLVANIA from 1752 to 1786. A part of TENNESSEE from 1760 to 180J. All of WEST VIRGINIA from 1769 until 186J. APPE:S:DIX C 187 Mississippi (a II). MISSING CENSi.JS RECOHDS New Jersey (all). New Yo, k (Cortland and part of Broome counties). North C11olina (Craven, Green, New Hanover, and ,\.ake counties). Ohio (all). ' ··1 Pennsylvania (parts of Redford, Philadelphia, and Cumberland counties). ·:1 Tennessee (all except Ruthcrfmd County). Virginia (C.abell, Grayson, Greenbrier, Halifax, Hardy, Henry, James, King William, Lee, Louisa, tlfccklcnburg, 1\anscmond, :\'orthampton, Orange, ·ii., Patrick, l'ittsyh·ania, Russell, and Ta,e\\ell counties). 1, 18::!o SCIII-.DlJLES ;\IISSING Alabama (all). • I Arkansas Territory (all). ~I Georgia (Franklin, Rabun, and Twiggs counties). I' Indiana (Daviess County). :,I 1790 SCHEDULES l\llSSING !•,I Maine (parts of Penobscot and Washington counties). Delaware (all). Missouri (all). Gco1gia (all). New Hampshire (Grafton and parts of Rockingham and Strafford counties). .,,. Kentucky (all). ~ New Jersey (all). 11: Marybnd (Alleghany, Calvert, and Somerset counties). North Carolina (Currituck, Franklin, Montgomery, Randolph, and Wake !.1~ New Jersey (all). counties). North Carolina (Caswell, Granville, and Orange counties). ,I• Ohio (Franklin and Wood counties). '11 Tennessee (all). Pennsylvania (parts of Lancaster and Luzerne counties). .'!' Virginia (all - the printed volume of schedules is made up of state tax lists, i, Tennessee (Anderson, nlcdsoe, l\lount, Campbell, Carter, Claiborne, Cocke, \ .,, not census). Grainger, Greene, Hawkins, Hamilton, Jefferson, Knox, McMinn, Marion, ul 1800 SCHEDULES l\llSSING Monroe, Morgan, Rhea, Roane, Se\'ier, Sullivan, and ,vashington counties). ~1 Ge01g1., all). 1 \ 11\' Indiana Territory (all). Su/Jplementary Note Ii Kentucky (all). Since 1937 the following substitutes for the missing census schedules of ~ Maine (part of York County). 1190 have been compiled from tax lists, similar to those comprising the Maryland (Raltimore County outside of the city of Baltimore). Virginia volume: 4 Massachusetts (part of Suffolk County). ~., Mississippi Territory (all). Delaware: Reconstructed 1790 Cenms of Delaware. Compiled by Leon De New Hampshire (parts of Rockingham and Strafford counties). Valinger. Washington, 1954. (National Genealogical S0t:iety, Special Publi New Jersey (all). cation No. 10.) Northwest Territory Ohio River (all). Kentucky: "First Cenms" of Kentucky, 1790. Compiled by Charles n. Heine mann and Caius Marcus Brumbaugh. Washington [c19~0]. Pennsylvania (parts of Westmoreland County). I: South Carolina (Richland County). Kentucky: "Second Cenws" of Kentucky, 1800. Compiled by G. Glenn Clift. Tennessee (all). Frankfort, Ky., 1954. Vennont: lleads of Families at the Second Census of the United States Taken Virginia (all). 1i in the year 1800: Vermont. Montpelier, Vt., 1938. I 1810 SCHEDULES 1\1 ISSI NG All the extant schedules of the federal census, 1800-8o, have been reproduced District of Columbia (all). · r, 'r'L.. - -- _,_ ---•-1-~-- .. i.. .... ..... ,..,.,. .. ~I" n.f.