Out for an O 1 FU ZI 婦子(好) the SHANG WOMAN WARRIOR 商 女
FU ZI 婦子(好) THE SHANG WOMAN WARRIOR 商 女 武士 by Elizabeth Childs-Johnson The Fourth International Conference on Chinese Paleography [ICCP] The Chinese University of Hong Kong October 15-17, 2003 Typescript For a different pagination see International Conference on Chinese Paleography [ICCP] Proceedings, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, October 15-17, 2003, 619-651. out for an o 1 “ Fu Zi 婦子(好): The Shang Woman Warrior 商 女 武士” Fu Zi , or Noble Daughter surnamed Child, is the most distinguished and powerful woman known in Shang history of ca.1600-1100BCE. She was also the most prominent of three queens betrothed to King Wu Ding武丁 of the Late Shang period. Wu Ding allegedly ruled for fifty-nine years during the 13thc. BCE from ancient Yinxu (modern Anyang), located according to Shang bone inscriptions near or within Da Yi Shang大邑 商, Great City Shang, or Zhong Shang中商, Shang of the Center in northern Henan province. Noble Daughter Zi was posthumously revered as Hou Xin后辛 or Queen Xin, as Mu Xin母辛 or Mother Xin, and as Bi Xin妣辛 or Ancestress Xin. Xin 辛is one of ten days in the Shang week that signified the sun of a Shang king’s or queen’s spirit worshipped in an annual cult lasting over thirty-six to thirty-seven ten-day cycles. Fu Zi was awarded the status of queen after giving birth to son and heir apparent, Zu Ji祖己, the first male offspring in line to succeed Wu Ding as 22nd Shang King. Consort and Noble Daughter Zi apparently died prematurely, before her husband and his two other consorts, Hou Gui 后癸and Hou Wu后戊, queen mothers of Zu Geng祖庚 and Zu Jia祖 甲, who succeeded Zu Ji.
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