EX E CUTIV E SUMMARY OF TH E TW E LFTH ANNUAL RE PORT OF TH E OMBUD S MAN ’S OFFIC E OMBUD S MAN ’S OFFIC E OF PE RU Jr. Ucayali 388, Lima, Peru January – December 2008 Hours of operation: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Phone: (511) 311-0300 Fax: (511) 426-7889 E-mail:
[email protected] www.defensoria.gob.pe Toll Free Line: 0800-15170 EX E CUTIV E SUMMARY OF TH E TW E LFTH ANNUAL RE PORT OF TH E OMBUD S MAN ’S OFFIC E January – December 2008 OMBUDSMAn´s OFFICE OF PERU Jiron Ucayali N° 388 Lima - Peru Phone: (511) 311-0300 Fax: (511) 426-7889 E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: http: // www.defensoria.gob.pe Toll free line: 0800-15170 First Edition: Lima, Peru, December 2009 200 copies Legal deposit made at the National Library of Peru N° 2009−15976 Translation: Clara María Cavagnaro. Graphic design: Pixel Studio. Printer: Ediciones Nova Print SAC Av. Ignacio Merino N° 1546 Lince − Peru The Executive Summary of the Twelfth Annual Report of the Ombudsman´s Office was compiled with information obtained from the different Ombudsman´s offices around the country. The final document was prepared by National Ombudsman, doctor Beatriz Merino, and her team: Felipe Paredes San Román (leader), Paola Carbajal Ponce, Jacqueline Valverde Romero and Yessica Viaña Pongo. Twelfth Annual Report of the Ombudsman’s Office INTRODUCTION Upon presenting the Twelfth Annual Report of the Ombudsman of Peru to inform on the activities conducted during 2008, we are pleased to set forth in the first place the significant role played by this institution in defense of both male and female citizens that have been victims of exclusion, discrimination, and constant marginalization.