Sports massage and kettlebells training

Christina Warren, MFHT, provides an introduction to kettlebell training*, including its benefits, kettlebell exercises, and how massage can benefit those doing kettlebell training

Kettlebells are iron balls with handles, offering training using dynamic moves targeting strength, balance, agility and cardio endurance. It is possible to work virtually the entire body with just a small group of kettlebell exercises. Results can be extraordinary and the technique is popular.

Kettlebells can be used by men and women to help achieve fitness goals, transform the body and provide a challenging and fun workout. Because we typically sit so much these days, our core muscles become weak and our posterior chain tight and stressed. Kettlebells can help address this imbalance.

A dynamic workout is also a motivational way to work stress out of the body. Kettlebell training demands maintaining your centre of gravity whilst supporting a moving load. Swinging the heavy kettlebell creates a displaced centre of gravity, which the body has to respond to.


The benefits of exercising with kettlebells may include:

Fat loss and toning

Kettlebells can be beneficial for fat loss and muscle toning due to the intensity of the workout keeping the metabolic rate raised even after the session has finished, meaning more calories are also burned at rest.

Functional fitness

Kettlebells work the body through functional training, using movements our bodies we are designed to perform in everyday life, including bending, squatting, twisting, swinging, pressing, pulling and pushing.

Increased strength and power

Kettlebell movements are ballistic; a form of applying force, using fast twitch muscle fibres, where we lift, accelerate, and then release weight, rather than slowly lowering it. Ballistic training requires muscles to contract quickly and forcefully to develop muscular strength and power.


Kettlebell training can increase condition, stamina and endurance, increasing the ability to work out longer and harder, with less fatigue.

Core strength and stability

Kettlebell training encourages core stability, improving posture by working postural muscles in a functional way. This can potentially help to reduce the risk of lower back problems, as core muscles strengthen and stabilise the spine.

Weak and unbalanced core muscles may be associated with low back pain as the muscles are unable to help maintain appropriate posture and reduce strain on the lower spine.

Strong posterior chain

Muscles down the back of the body, including back muscles, glutes, hamstrings and posterior calves play a key role in many lifts during kettlebell training, promoting a stronger posterior chain.

A fun workout

Kettlebell workouts are dynamic, varied and fun, which increase their popularity with clients.

Kettlebell exercises

Some examples of kettlebell exercises include:


The swing exercise embodies speed, power, strength, and endurance; it leaves muscles fatigued and the body catching its breath. Swings can be one or two- handed, powerfully working core, back and shoulders, arms, glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and driving through the hips as the ball is raised to chest level.

One-arm clean

This exercise builds strength and endurance, involving both a swing and lift component. The upper body gets a workout as the kettlebell is lifted up against the upper arm.

One-arm One-arm snatch The one-arm snatch builds explosive strength, power and endurance. Similar in form to the swing exercise, kettlebell snatch differs in the end point, where the kettlebell is punched overhead, making the core muscles work hard to keep the body stable through the punch.

Deadlift / stiff leg

This technique helps to tone and strengthen hamstrings, core, lower back and glutes.


The windmill exercise involves twisting to touch the opposite foot, placing emphasis on the abdominals (particularly obliques) and building a strong back, arms and shoulders, with the bonus of working on balance and stability.


By extending a leg and lowering the body’s with kettlebell centre of gravity, resistance is displaced onto the leg muscle areas to firm the lower body.


Squats with kettlebells work the quadriceps, gluteals and hamstrings.

Muscles used

The muscles used in kettlebell training include:


The hamstrings get called into play when the knees go from a straight to bent position. Any squatting exercise will recruit the hamstrings. They are also contracted for stabilisation with exercises like one/two arm swings, single or double snatch, and clean and press.


The quads primarily extend the knee. One of the quads (rectus femoris) also crosses the hip joint and is a hip flexor. Any type of squat with kettlebells activates the quads.

Back muscles

Classic kettlebell movements like snatch, clean and swing involve heaving the kettlebell from the ground up into the air, so the back muscles are involved. Latissimus dorsi, rhomboids and erector spinae get recruited with any exercise that involves a pulling (‘rowing’) motion toward the body.


Overhand grip for swinging kettlebell exercises works shoulders and arms. Gripping the kettlebell tones forearms. Overhead clean and press, or even basic snatch, works shoulders: levator scapula, trapezius, deltoids and rotator cuff. Shoulder muscles are stabilisers with all kettlebell exercises and any exercise involving an overhead movement.


Different fibres of the gluteals flex, extend, abduct or externally rotate the hip, so the glutes get recruited when the thighs go from a close body position to a straight leg position, or vice versa. These muscles are also recruited for stability when doing swings and .


The core muscles, such as rectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abdominals and erector spinae, stabilise the spine and pelvis, and some run the entire length of the torso. When lifting, swinging or even holding the bell, the abdominals are contracted to maintain postural alignment and stability, and create a solid base of support, allowing powerful movements of the extremities to be generated while protecting the back.

How massage aids kettlebell training

Kettlebell training is a demanding form of training using the whole body. Many people sit all day for a desk-based job, then train rigorously and physically, placing two very different sets of demands on the body. If muscles are already stiff and tight, this increases the risk of injury and slows down recovery from exercise. Any new form of training places the body under mechanical stress, and although movements in kettlebell training mirror those the body is designed for, they are not what the body is necessarily used to doing, as modern lifestyles often involve a significant amount of sitting, increasing stiffness and reducing flexibility. Regular massage helps to keep muscles supple, flexible and better able to cope with the demands of kettlebell training and other sports. Massage reduces micro-scarring and adhesions in muscles associated with day-to-day poor posture, lifestyle or existing injury, and stimulates blood flow through tissues, allowing oxygen and nutrients to feed muscles and aid repair. The demands of training and sport, along with lifestyle factors outside of sport, may all contribute to muscular tightness and imbalance.

Massage can play a preventative role as part of a client’s training plan, keeping muscles flexible and supple in the first place, minimising stiffness and reducing the pull on tendons to allow muscles to then be worked harder during exercise and sport.

Benefits of regular massage: recovery; injury prevention; rehabilitation; body awareness; psychological

Stimulates blood circulation, increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues. Restores flexibility to tight, sore muscles; enhances flexibility. Relieves chronic muscular stress; breaks down scar tissue and micro- scarring through ‘stuck’ muscle fibres. Loosens bound fascia and alleviates trigger points within muscles. Encourages flow of lymph, helping metabolic waste be drained away. Reduces pain by stimulating release of endorphins (the body’s natural painkiller). Tailored techniques: deep tissue massage, muscle energy techniques, soft tissue release, neuromuscular techniques, postural assessment. Psychological: the client will feel good and in peak condition; a confidence booster. Every treatment can be tailored to be relaxing yet deeply effective, or more technical.

* This article does not relate to kettlebell technique. It is essential to work under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

Further information Christina, Pure Urban Massage T. 07739 572985

© Christina Warren, Pure Urban Massage

Kettlebells pictures: Chris Rogers, Advanced Extreme Kettlebell Instructor, Bath (