HAINES TOWNSHIP Centre County and Pennsylvania
HAINES TOWNSHIP Centre County, Pennsylvania CO~WEHENSIVEPLAN Prepared for: HAINES TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS and HAINES TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSION Prepared by: RICHARD C. SUTTER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Comprehensive Plannersaand PlannersMistoric Preservation Planners The Manor House, PO Box 564 Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania 16648 1997 December 3 1, 1997 Haines Township Board of Supervisors Star Route #46 Woodward, Pennsylvania 16882 Attention: Mr. Ray Decker, Chairman RE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR HAINES TOWNSHIP, CENTRE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Ladies and Gentlemen: We are pleased to be in the position to transmit to you the COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for Haines Township, Centre County, Pennsylvania. The Comprehensive Plan is comprised of two (2) phases: PHASE I, BACKGROUND STUDIES and PHASE 11, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The COMPREHENSIVE PLAN represents a cooperative effort by the Haines Township Planning Commission and the general citizenry of the township, with the technical assistance of Richard C. Sutter & Associates, Comprehensive PlannerdLand Planners/Historic Preservation Planners over the past several years. It is our sincere hope that this COMPREHENSIVE PLAN will act as a guide for everyday planning and development decisions and for guiding the hture orderly growth and development of the nunicipality . Speaking on behalf of my associates and me, we have thoroughly enjoyed this most interesting and challenging project. If throughout the course of the coming years our firm can be of additional assistance to you, kindly feel free to call upon us. With best personal regards. Very truly yours, RICHARD C. SUTTER & ASSOCIATES, INC. storic Preservation Planners / President xc: Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) Haines Township Planning Commission RICHARD C. SUlTER and ASSOCIATES Inc.
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