C;. Em Spencer Mfan Reascends to Beauty T Hrone at Faculty Soiree

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C;. Em Spencer Mfan Reascends to Beauty T Hrone at Faculty Soiree Vol. LX No. 56 CAMBRIDGE, MASS., FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1941 Price Five Cents f)- _z1 rml I _ _ _ _ _ 'Registration Material C;. Em Spencer Mfan Reascends To Beauty May Be Obtainled Today Spring Play Is Elected T hrone At Faculty Soiree IReg istration material for the Isecond term may be obtained to- Is Selected Faculty Club Danlce by the propaganlda department of the |day as follo-ws: To Corporation I Faculty Clubl Dance Committee, Inc.,~ !FIRST YEAR STUDENTS Will Be The Scene For Dramashop states. aFor those taking Chemistry To Join Institute Board I1 Of Man's Trium~ph 5.01, registration material will Men Are More Beautiful I"Margin For Error" This Month; Will Serve| Opprses .edi manhood will at last be given out in the 5.01 labora- WiRl Be Presented hav e its dlav because of the trermend- Tirading further, "We men hold that tory sections. All others, in- Special Five Year Terin cus eftorts of the M.l.T. Faculty Club. we are the more beautiful. We say: cluding Course IV students, may O n March 28, 29 'Take away their paint pots and pow- If nlot for a wvhole day, at least one .obtain material at Mr. Pitre's |"Margin for Error", a satirical Mr. Charles E. Spencer, J ., Pr e~si- der boxes and insidious perfumes and v v~in'iig has been se-t aside for the .Office, Room 4-258. {comedy by Claire Booth, was chosen let's make the comparison'." With a dent of the First National Banll of hlly of niasculinitv in the form Of OTH ER STU DENTS by the D~ramashop for their annual quaint air of sadness, thle bulletin Boston, has been eleetedl to the III-l a "F~air Mtale Dance"s to be staged, .Obtain material in Building 10 |spring production at a dinner meet- continues "W\e'd like to run a dance stitute Corporation, it was announcllledl presentedl, held. or what have you oil ! Lobby until 1 P.M. After ing Wednesday Jan. 8 held in the the night of Saturday, Jalluary 18, at attended by fail ladies unbenefited by .1 P.M. material may be pro- lDutch Room of the Graduate house. by President Karl T. Compton at its.- !i Xhe wvitchlinlg hour of nine. cosmetics. But who whould come ?- .cured in the Information Of- |It is to be presented at a local thea- xneeting last night. AMr. Spencer, whole I only the luen." "Among animals the miale has the fice, Room 7-111. |tre March 28 and 29. In true Faculty Club style with a is to join the governing body of Tech- iImor e glorious plumies, the more ir- Registration material must be re- |"Margin for Error" Mwas chosen touch of scien-tific log-ic, 1ology sometime ill January, will serve r ideseent scales, the more dazzling a solution turned to Room 3-107 not later |after Martinl B. Levene, '42, chair- wvas contrived which in a small way- as a special member for a term of feathers. But wte humans seem to .than 1 P.M., Friday, January 17, man of the play reading committee five years. have r eversed things and womnan will help to replace "man" to his ped- .to avoid the fine of $5.00. lhad reported on fourteen possible The new member of the corporation preens and pretties and rouges and estal of natural beauty. "Your dance lplays and presented them to the committee has decided that the only wvas educated at Rutgers Preparato'ry perfumes and powders herself to a |floor. After an hour's debate over School near his native New Bruns- facial beauty superior to that of solution is to invite the males to T. C. A. Sponsors |the possible choices, votes were cast, wick, N. J. Beginning in 1900, Mr. man," the advance publicity circulated, pretty tip their faces for the next and Claire Booth's satirical comedy dance and let a committee of un- Spencer was successfully associated Course Counsel 0las chosen. with the National Bank of New Jer- biased !Edl. 'o te. Ha ! Ha!) judges r | ~Trials Next Week sey, the National Bank of Commerce ender a vel diet. Whatever the de- For Freshmen Old Man Winter |The tryouts will' be held Thursday in New York, the National Bank of cisionl-all wtill see that the human Prof.t L. F. Hamilton land Friday, February thirteenth and Commerce of Kansas City, and the male is still dominant in his beauty Breaks Record I Will Supervise Program lfourteenth in room 2-190 from four Trust Company of America in Newv and that the scheming female has Ito six P.M-I There are lline charac- York. been covering,1 up this simple tl uth" Of Fifth Annual Session Of Cold Cases I is the text of the challenge to the |telrs to be cast, eight male and one A Course Counlselling program for Worked in Connecticut female of the species. lfemale. fresllmenl is to be offered under the He was appointed assistant treas-1 Breaking his season record at Tech- |The story, written in 1939, is very A Prize In Every Pack auspices of the T.C.A. Advisory Board, urer of the Colonial Trust C~ompany nology, Old Man Winter raised havoc ltimely because it concerns the mur- WYith an air of true Goebbelsizing, for the fifth conecutive year, it of Waterbury, Connectict t, in 1907, with students and faculty causing an |der of a Nazi Consul. Thle other "A&prize for the most glamorous male was announced yesterday. Professor and later was advanced to the post unpl ecedented numiber of cases of | (Continued on Page 2 (Continued on Page 2) Leicester F. Hamilton, of the depart- of treasurer. From 1918 to 1920, Mr. respiratory diseases. 1S8 patients were ment of Chemistry, was re-elected tog Spencer acted as deputy governor of treated on Tuesday anid 26 cases are supervise the program.l ITicketless Seniors the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, now confined in the Infirmary. Banquet Closes The purpose of the program is to| leaving that position to become vice. Traffic was so thick into the In- assist freshmen wcho have not yet| iTo Identify Selves president of the First National Bank firmary that the regular war ds over- The Tech Year reached a -decision in regard to the| Gene Saunders To Play of Boston. He was elected president flowved into the new~ eight-bed ward course which they wish to take. Def-| of that organization in 1938. which, in tul n, ovel flowed into the Mr. Stanley Fitch {Tonight At Senior Dance To Be Main Speaker; Mnite planls for the method to be usedI [In Walker At 9:00 P.M. Be-ing a mall of diversified in- Solarium, which now holds six pa- in the coullselling program will bel terests, Mr. Spencer is a director Of tients. Included among the victims Boards To Be Named drawvn up at a dinner meeting of thel |Seniors wvho fail to secure tickets present are twvo the First International Corporation of faculty membel s: I al~. tho 1n nf Vl,'lilma L.V committee to be held in the Silverl |for the Senior Dance tonight in Pr of essor s Chal les E. Reed, depal t- I tieralU~lllg Lne ciosU oi voUUum lA,- |Walker Memorial will be admitted Boston, a trustee of the Warren In- ,the Tech's annual formal banquet will Room, Tuesday, January 21.| ient of fIlit-mio::ll ilwza l Whirl I- |upon identification at the door, but stitution for Savings, a director of the ILLCILL uL une-Luicai na-gineering ana 1be held Saturday evening at the Hotel Magoun Lecture Last YearI American Optical Company, the Bos- Malcolin S. Stevens, department of only members of the Class of 1941 Bellevue at 7:300 P.M. Mr. Stanley G. L~ast year, the program included a| ton Tidewater Terminal, Inc., the M~ilitary- Science. |may attend. H. Fitchl, '00, member of the Advisory United-Carr Fastener CorPoration, the general lecture given by Professor F.| |Gene Saunders, collegian band Four Flu Cases Council of Publications, will be the Alexanarder M-agoun, of the department| French-Americanl Banking Corporation lleader will bring his band to play for Three of four cases wvlich have been main speaker. of Humallities, and Nathaniel M. Sage, andl Arthur D. Little, Inc., as wvell as |the ball wvhich will beg-in at. 9:00 P.M. treated at the Infirmary) were appar- The newly elected boards for 1941- Placement Officer, followed by a series nany other companies. |and break up about 2: 00 A.M. A half enltly mild touches of flu, none of 42 will bee announced at the banquet. of informal departmental teas at |hour's entertainment bzy professional A member of the Union League which were serious or had ally of the M~enbers of the Advisory Council of which graduate students and instruc- |artists has been planned and is sur- Club of N'ew York, Mr. Spencer also complications which typified the epi- Publications will be called upon for tOl'S in the val ious departments llolels membership in the Algollquinl roanded with the usual dance com- demic of 1917. shol t talks and tile miembers of the answel ed specific questions on the |mittee air oL secrecy. Cflub of Boston. the Countr y Club Of Ill and around Bostonl the effects of retiring managing boards will address various courses. Brlooklinle, and the Kittanlsett Club of the New Englalld weather have caused the group. Preliminary work will be started |Juniors to Act as Ushers Nl ar~i on.
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