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Year Rooster RELOCATING To or From Victoria? Volume 62 Number 4 | January 30, 2017 FREE HOME EVALUATIONS YOUR BROOKFIELD APPROVED RELOCATION SPECIALIST CONTACT ME TODAY 15% Personal Military Real Estate JEFF MEYER Corporation MARPAC NEWS CCFBFB EEsquimalt,squimalt, VVictoria,ictoria, BB.C..C Discount 250.885.2047 @LookoutNewspaperNavyNews @Lookout_news [email protected] 250•381•8725 878 Viewfi eld Rd. Year of the Rooster Photo by LS Jordan Moore, FMF MS Stephan Girard prepares to slip into a Cantonese lion head brought to the base by fellow worker MS Adam Choi. MS Choi showed off the special Chinese ceremonial costume used in the Spring Festival to his co-workers. Read the full story on page 3. MARPAC THURSDAY ARE YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FEBRUARY 16 2017 FOR YOUR MORTGAGE? HEALTH Call me for a FREE MORTGAGE CHECKUP & NADEN GYM 10AM - 3PM WELLNESS VARIABLE RATE 2.20% • 5 YEAR FIXED @ 2.44% Andrew Wade, DLC-Modern Mortgage Group SOLD OUT SHOW 250-886-1959 expo DON’T MISS IT! Proud to be a part of the DND FMF Community 2 • LOOKOUT January 30, 2017 Malahat introduces life at sea to new recruits the unit to life at sea in first time in a naval ves- SLt Rudee Gaudet sel. Training weekends are HMCS Malahat PAO an Orca Class vessel since the training year started in always jam-packed with events to maximize the On a mid-January week- September. Grizzly departed sailors’ opportunity to keep end, members of Victoria’s their skills sharp, and this Naval Reserve Division Esquimalt Harbour Saturday morning, crossed weekend was no different. HMCS Malahat took advan- By working through diver tage of the mild West Coast into U.S. waters and spent Saturday evening in Friday training, man overboard climate by going to sea on exercises, engineering drills board Patrol Craft Training Harbor, San Juan Island, Washington. Among the and a simulated fire exer- (PCT) Grizzly. cise, the new recruits had a It was the second sail- 23 sailors on board for the weekend training were solid idea of what to expect ing opportunity for Malahat as they progress through sailors to refresh skills and five of Malahat’s newest recruits, going to sea for the their training in the coming introduce new members of months. “I am keen to take every opportunity to get junior sailors to sea,” said Lieutenant-Commander Michael Lawless, Leading Seaman Christine Gatherum enjoys Commanding Officer her first time at the helm of PCT Grizzly. HMCS Malahat. “The man- date of the Naval Reserve is PhotosPhotoss byy Lt(N)Lt(N)() AnneAnne GardamGardam to generate trained individu- als and teams for Canadian training. LS Gatherum, a Gatherum. “What a won- tions. While the majority Armed Forces operations. former Artillery Sergeant derful navy tradition!” of Canada remained in the Training weekends at sea and Afghanistan veteran, PCT Grizzly with its grips of a deep winter freeze, provide real-world experi- loved diving so much that Malahat crew embarked, the crew enjoyed calm seas ence, establishing a founda- she transferred into the departed Friday Harbor and temperatures relatively tion of skills, which are fur- Naval Reserve as a Port on Sunday morning, sailed balmy at around plus five ther built upon throughout Inspection Diver. through the San Juan Islands degrees Celsius. the year in classrooms and “The dive training and and crossed the interna- With another produc- simulators.” learning some new seaman- tional border en route to tive training weekend suc- For one recent recruit, ship skills was amazing, but Esquimalt. As Grizzly cessfully completed, the Leading Seaman Christine my favorite part of going returned home, morale Malahat crew were already HMCS Malahat’s Gatherum, a highlight of to sea for the first time was among the crew was buoyed looking ahead to their next sailors fall in on the weekend was the diver the 10 a.m. soup,” said LS by ideal weather condi- sailing opportunity. the fo’c’s’le as PCT Grizzly enters Esquimalt Harbour. PO2 Scott Bell (right) prepares to dive while PO2 Colleen McInnis (left) supervises deck operations NCdt Elizabeth Mifsud-Sweeney (right) discusses a lookout report with PO2 Class Colleen McInnis near San Juan Island, Washington. (centre) and LS Manuel Dussault-Gomez (left). January 30, 2017 LOOKOUT • 3 sailor brings LLionion ottlede b DDanceance Dan Murphy, RAdm (Ret’d) Lawyer with a Military Perspective TO LIFE 250.589.4571 Grievances • Service Discipline • Notary Pension Appeal • Criminal Defence • General Practice [email protected] • According to traditional beliefs in Southern China, lion dancing signifies courage, stability, superiority and can Photo by LS Jordan Moore, FMF chase away bad spirits. Homemade Soups and Sangys LS Dinh Tran tries the ceremonial drum used in MS Adam Choi the Lion Dance Ceremony. North America do because a crouching position to While at his family home Military Peter Mallett the ceremony is considered tall while using your arms, over the Christmas break Discount Staff Writer sacred and most people back and legs; it was quite MS Choi asked a Priest don’t have access to it.” the workout and highly from his church group in Wale Road - 310 Wale Road - 250-391-0689 A worker from Dockyard’s MS Choi says accord- demanding just trying it out Calgary to borrow the eye- Jacklin Road – 2806 Jacklin Road 778-432-3900 Fleet Maintenance Facility ing to traditional beliefs in for a few minutes. There catching felines and drums DDadsSoupsAndSangys.coma d s S o u p s A n d S a n g y s. c o m introduced his co-workers to Southern China, lion danc- were even levers inside the in an effort to “bring the a w a y t o i v e d a y the magic of the Cantonese ing signifies courage, sta- head to control the opening lions to life in Victoria.” D r i GET FINANCING Lion Dance ahead of the bility, superiority and can and closing of the lions eyes When his co-workers and Jan. 28 Chinese New Year’s chase away bad spirits when while you are dancing.” curious onlookers saw the NOW ! celebrations. performed with loud noises, MS Choi, 32, was born costumes, their eyes imme- MS Adam Choi, who such as fire cracker, cymbals in Calgary and got his first diately lit up. DDND-MILITARYND-MILITARY works as a Radar Maintainer and gongs or drums. taste of the Lion Dance “Initially some people $ in Fleet Maintenance MS Stephan Girard, a from a church group he was were apprehensive to try Facility’s Radar Shop, Radar Maintainer who part of as a youth, and was the dance and put the cos- DDISCOUNTISCOUNT 775050 introduced the colourfully works alongside MS Choi, hooked for life. He hadn’t tume on, but once they real- * Not to be combined with painted, shiny paper mâché attended the gathering and participated in a Lion ized the detail and colour, any other offer. Present this PPROGRAM*ROGRAM* ad & military ID to qualify. and bamboo lion costumes climbed inside one of the Dance for over 10 years but the beating of the ceremo- and traditional ceremonial two giant lion heads to try can’t resist its allure every nial drums used in the cere- VICTORIA MEGA CENTRE • (250) 478-7603 drums to members of his his hand at the dance. He time he sees it performed. mony, and the intricacies of 1772 Old Island Hwy, Victoria, BC unit last week. said learning choreography “When I started watch- the costume and mechanics The informal gather- involved in the ceremonial ing lion dance videos on of the dance they were very ing occurred just four days dance was both physically YouTube I would start itch- enthusiastic.” Habitat for ahead of China’s annual and mentally challenging, ing to jump right on the MS Choi was encour- 10% DND lunar festival, also known but highly enjoyable. screen and perform the aged by the level of inter- Humanity Discount as the Spring Festival, and “Just to be able to try on dance with them,” he said. est from his co-workers and with ID & coupon was an effort by MS Choi to the equipment and climb “Then I realized what I is currently in negotiations Two locations share his cultural traditions. inside the lion head was really wanted was to per- with Personnel Support “They were pretty very interesting for me,” form Lion dancing with Programs to form a Lion • SHOP • DONATE • VOLUNTEER intrigued,” he said. “Most of said MS Girard. “MS Choi all of my friends in the Dance club at the base with 849 Orono Avenue, Langford them never had hands-on showed us the positions and navy and knew they too an aim to have the club per- 250-386-7867 • [email protected] experience with the Lion movements, you need to wouldn’t be able to resist form at Chinese New Year’s 331H Oak Street, Victoria before, and few people in go left, right, move from trying it.” celebrations in 2018. (250) 386-7867 • [email protected] How To Turn a Used Car Into Over $400,000! Find out by joining Pierre Goulet, SISIP Financial’s Associate Vice-President of Client Services Delivery, for easy-to-follow strategies that will highlight how to achieve a brighter financial future. Esquimalt Pacific Fleet Club • January 31st 2017 • 0830-0930 Hrs All attendees will receive a FREE copy of The Wealthy Barber Returns by David Chilton. Enter to WIN a $250 CAF Savings Plan! 4 • LOOKOUT January 30, 2017 ofOPINION WHO WE ARE WHATmatters SAY YOU MANAGING EDITOR Melissa Atkinson 250-363-3372 Lookout asked this question: [email protected] If you could transform yourself into any animal which one STAFF WRITERS People Talk Peter Mallett 250-363-3130 would it be and why? [email protected] PRODUCTION Shelley Fox 250-363-8033 [email protected] Teresa Laird 250-363-8033 [email protected] Bill Cochrane 250-363-8033 [email protected] ACCOUNTS/CLASSIFIEDS/RECEPTION Mary Lou Climenhaga 250-363-3127 [email protected] A wolverine because they Tyrannosaurus Rex because A panther because they are A goldfish because I own A sloth because they are SALES REPRESENTATIVES are small, mighty and also I could smash anything in very intelligent and you them as pets and they natural smilers, naturally Ivan Groth 250-363-3133 one of the toughest and my path just for fun.
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