Gay Era (Lancaster, PA)

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Gay Era (Lancaster, PA) LGBT History Project of the LGBT Center of Central PA Located at Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections Documents Online Title: Gay Era (Lancaster, PA) Date: November 1977 Location: LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection Periodicals Collection Contact: LGBT History Project Archives & Special Collections Waidner-Spahr Library Dickinson College P.O. Box 1773 Carlisle, PA 17013 717-245-1399 [email protected] Dy Urawrord Barton Now under new ownership formerly “The Dandelion Tree” In the News KU KLUX KLAN CALLS least two major denominations have actually ordained homosexuals into FOR EXECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS the ministry. The first was the HOUSTON—A tape-recorded tele­ 1.8 million member United Church of phone message from a Ku Klux Klan Christ which ordained a male preach­ bookstore in Pasadena, California, ing queer five years ago, and the urges the execution of all homosex­ other is the Episcopalian church, uals. It is not known whether the which recently ordained a female call for the execution of gay people homosexual, or lesbian, as a priest. is official KKK policy. However, "The Ku Klux Klan does not have KKK members have offered their serv­ to rely on the feelings or thoughts ices to protect anti-gay singer of man, nor do we need to experience Anita Bryant at public appearances a dialogue with some Jewish psychia­ and recently did so at a Huntington, trist or rabbi who is mentally warp­ West Virginia, rally. ed anyway. We rely upon the age- The phone message states that proven and reliable law of God. "The Ku Klux Klan is not embarrassed "The law on homosexuality states: to admit that we endorse and seek 'That if a man also lie with man­ the execution of all homosexuals. kind as he lies with a woman, both "While many church people are of them have committed an abomina­ duped by their brain-washed pink- tion, and shall be put to death1 panty preachers into believing that (Levitucus 20:13). we should merely pray for the homo­ "It is not our intention to put sexuals, we find that we must en­ this matter up to discussion or de­ dorse and support the law of God, bate the matter, or start a dialogue BRYANT AIDE DETAILS which calls for the death penalty with a committee of queers as to for homosexuals. their rights of sexual freedom. The GAY DADE COUNTY 'ERRORS' "In recent years we have witness­ law of God states the death penalty for homosexuals, and when God's laws ed our churches court death so WASHINGTON, D.C. - In an article are again enforced, the death pen­ closely that it appears that they in the August issue of Conservative alty is what it will be." actually glory in the destruction Digest, Mike Thompson, who was com­ that surely awaits them. - Gay Community News munications director for Anita Bry­ "Not only have we seen the estab­ ant's Save Our Children crusade, lishment of homosexual churches in lists several ways in which "To Fight our once-unblemished land, but at the Homosexuals." The homosexuals made several mistakes in Florida which they make again," wrote Thomp­ son in an article entitled "Anita Bryant's Crusade: What Next?" "If you must fight a sexual preference ordinance in your community, watch for these possible errors and exploit them." Among the "errors" which Thompson lists include: * "IDENTIFYING WITH THE HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE. The homosexuals tried to portray themselves as victims of persecution, like the Jews in Nazi Germany or blacks fighting for civil rights. Large numbers of Jews and A bold banner headline on the blacks were offended by this absurd first page of the “Special Report” proclaims “SAVE OUR CHIL­ comparision." DREN from homosexuals!” Illus­ * "URGING THAT ROLE MODELS BE A- trating the front page is a large VAILABLE TO HOMOSEXUAL CHILDREN. The photo captioned, “Three degener­ homosexuals argued that some children ate queers parade the streets of Los Angeles in their best dress up have already formed 'gay' sexual pre­ clothes. It was not to (sic] many ferences at an early age and need years ago in this country when the publicly-identified homosexuals... likes of the three shown above to pattern their behavior after. This would have been run out of town argument alerted parents to the dan­ on a rail. In the days to come they will be executed—by law.” ger that homosexual teachers, simply by public acknowledgement of their lifestyle, can encourage sexual de­ viation in children." 4 * "LOOKING FOR ACCEPTABILITY. The “eorts'so sh’eli.rtedlu’sbfM EX’ (pe^fic e7l.St wor un,t es...d national coverage and now has take perhaps to the banquet circuit. winnable, goal of job ng W the - Gay News general, and unwinnable, issue ot lif*S"FAILING TO PRODUCE EVIDENCE .OF FR, McNEILL TO OBEY DISCRIMINATION." * " TYING THE LOCAL ELECTION TO VATICAN AND KEEP SILENT A NATIONAL CAMPAIGN... Anxious to CHICAGO—The Vatican has ordered move their campaign forward, they Rev. John J. McNeill, S.J., a lead brought in organizers andspeaker t lil RiOF) ing advocate for a change in church from throughout the United States. This tactic backfired because the Later that day Falwell, who or­ attitudes toward homosexuality an ganized the original pro-Bryant rally the author of The^hurchand_the voters resented outside int^vention Homosexual, to keep silent on jhe on an issue affecting cormunity J ife which filled the Miami Beach Conven­ tion Center, called for a return to Tlsue-----Fr. McNeill has agreed to as profoundly as homosexuality. "the McCarthy era, where we register obey the church directive Rome In an interview in the same pub­ all the Communists...not only should also directed Fr. McNeill to ask the lication, Thompson seemed to back we register them, but we should publisher of his book, Sheed, An­ away from forming al nances with stamp it on their foreheads and send drew, and McMeel of Kansas City, to other right-wing causes suc federal them back to Russia." remove the words, "impriirn potest position to abortion and to federal After adding that "th)S is a free -the Latin phrase that indicates financing of day-care centers, or country" he castigated Bryant s many the church's permission—from an support for parent control of school critics, and claimed that the media, future editions of the book. textbooks. "These all concern the w tSe most part, are "as perverted The Vatican decision was conveye familv unit, the parents ability to as the homosexuals the, represent, to Fr. McNeill through his superio , raise their children as they see 1 - and that the country would be bet­ Rev. Eamon Taylor, S.J., New York But mainly we will resist attemp ter off going back to the carrier provincial of the Society o „n+<nn to legitimize the homosexual 1ite-_ pigeon and pony express" than relying on the eve of the Dign ty convention style 'through sexual and affectiona on information disseminated by in Chicago. Fr. McNeill who had preference' ordinances. That job wil television and the Associated Press. helped found the organization of g be enough to keep us busy, he sa . Bryant, after some alleged weep­ Catholics six years ago had been As for an alliance with anti-EKA ing because of the bomb threat, told scheduled to address the group but forces, Thompson said, "we shouldn t the Lynchburg press that, among cancelled his speech ®fter ^e get sidetracked on such issues, at other things, she was intrigued can decision. The order to silence least initially. We've got a good is­ that a number of gay b°ok^or^n„av parallels a similar 1973 command sue that can bring people together, ordered copies of her forthcoming which delayed publ’cat’’" ° for and unfortunately many people who book, The Anita Bryant Story, due Neill's widely-acclaimed book tor should oppose ERA do not, because for publication soon by Revell, a tW°Dignity delegates issued a state­ they don't understand it . ■ b new religious publishing house, an abstract concept while ours is threats of militant action, egel or ment hailing McNeill as a 1J modern simple: you're either going to en­ illegal, have been received thus far prophet" and stated that his si courage a homosexual lifestyle ,or "symbolized more eloquently ty InVJopiin, Missouri a convention you’re going to discourage it. words the continuing center owner named Jack L. Webb has gay people in the Church and else refused to rent his center to a re­ WhSThe'Vatican directive, issued by EXPORT GAYS, MINISTER SAYS ligious group who planned a booking Bryant and Charles Colson (the ex- the prefect «f The by Janet Melaragni Nixon aide who made one of the most 4 dec,s,on When Anita Bryant appeared as a highly publicized religious conver­ speaker at the Thomas Road Baptist sions in recent memory) as keynote to silence Fr. McNeill- con_ Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, the speakers. As he puts it, "I t*r.5R?rS?UeS church teaching was a bomb threat. .Lynchburg police this center. It's mine and I should notified the church s minister, the be able to choose to whom I make it Rev. Jerry Falwell, who voted to r available. It's the American Way. main in the auditorium and police Of Bryant, Webb said: "She couldn gy," that is, arguing in favor _ searched the building as services make it as Miss America, her career continued. GIOVANNI’S ROOM 1426 SPRUCE STREET,PHILADELPHIA,PA.19102(215)732-9612 license had to be renewed so that 5 our amendment (programing changes) alternative teaching, rather than could be included and so they would simply presenting an alternative have a license to divest.
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