Member of COPS Local 911 Organization of SEIU Police & Sheriffs An

I $ I WA POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION To Promote the Ideals, Policies and Accomplishments of the Association and its Members


by Al Triguetro, SFPOA President

Approximately one year ago the WE Association's Building Committee undertook the task of putting to- gether a plan to remodel our existing facility at 510 - 7th Street. There are several valid reasons which prompted . the Committee's actions and recom- mendations. While the Association owns two buildings at 510 and 502 7th Street, V only one generates adequate revenue 4,11 which helps to partially defray the • bank loan on both properties. Our corner building at 502 - 7th Street is under a long term lease with a direct ing hail is not an adequate facility for mail business, but our Association such functions as Retirement Din- office and downstairs meeting hail at ners, Family Get-Togethers or other 510 - 7th Street is utilized primarily types of formal/informal meetings. for POA business with little revenue The Building Committee felt that if After Rodney King: being generated throughout the year. certain specific improvements were What Have We Learned? Truthfully, the Association's meet- (See PRESIDENT, Page 10) by Greg Meyer © 1994 Some officials specifi- cally predicted that baton beatings Retirement Board Election The Rodney King civil case was would be the result of taking out of All Association Members loaded with lessons for federal, state routine use the most-used police tac- To: tics, commonly known as "choke- From: Executive Board & Board of Directors and local officials if only they will Mike Hebel, Welfare Officer stop, look and listen. The King inci- holds." A number of arrested sus- pects on whom the holds had been dent will become one of the classic Earlier this year we asked Al Casciato to run for Retirement Board case studies that public administra- used, later died while in police cus- tody during the late 1970s and early Commissioner. tion students consider to learn the Al, who is a member of our Negotiating Committee, has been a 1980s, when society found its streets consequences of policy making. strong advocate of improving Tier II and including Health and The federal civiljury awarded King knee-deep in PCP and cocaine. Some influential people theorized the Dental as part of the retired package. We asked Al to run in order 3.8 million tax dollars from the Los to have an advocate (for us) on the Board during all contract Angeles city treasury for general dam- chokehold (not the drugs) to be the cause of the deaths, and this view negotiations. ages but not a dime from the involved On Tuesday, January 10, 1995 Retirement Board Ballots will be officers for punitive damages. The prevailed. The mass media played these in- distributed with your paycheck. Be sure to vote and make sure all your jury learned during the punitive dam- Vote for Al. Ballots must be custody deaths to the hilt. The city fellow City employees, active and retired, ages phase that the roots of the King returned to the Registrar of Voters by Monday, Januar y 30. 1995. beating were to be found in poor leaders wanted the chokehold con- The Firefighters, Plumbers, and a variety of other Unions are assist- policy which encouraged Los Ange- troversy off the front pages and off the six o'clock news. With encour- ing in the Election. But you also can assist by: les police officers who encountered • Calling every retired City employee you know and assuring that they resisting suspects to hit them with agement from the media, the holds vote for Al. metal pipes ("police batons," if one were banned from routine use. But the policy makers and news editors • Calling or visiting every City employee you know and assuring that prefers to minimize the impact). Most signed and returned their ballot (by Monday, January 30, people are surprised to learn that (in Los Angeles, they appearto be one they have and the same) hadn't read their 1995). nearly all the procedures caught on Our future depends on our action today. Vote by January 30, 1995. the King video tape were deemed Sherlock Holmes: "It is a capital mis- proper by use-of-force experts who take to theorize before one has data." testified on both sides of the case, in The stage was set for Rodney King view of policies sanctioned by mu- and thousands of less famous resist- nicipal leaders more than a decade N THIS ISSUE ago. (See KING, Page 15) Widows and Orphans Page 2 Ask Annie Page 11 Police lost Page 2 Building Plans Pages 12 & 13 POA ELECTION Around the Department Page 3 Union flews Page 17 Tuvera Remembered Page 5 Letters Pages 18 & 19 VOTE Close Encounters Pages 6 & 7 Sports Pages 21 - 23 January 23- February 10 Im Page 2 Notebook January 1995 deep in mud. You have to lie in it. In Police- comparison to the way our men are Widows and Orphans taking it we can't complain, nor do Fire Post we feel that bouquets are due us. Aid Association Seeing [the GIs] when they are brought in, bloody, dirty with the The regular monthly meeting of awarded the following: 1944 - 1st #456 earth, mud and grime, and most of The Widows & Orphans Aid Associa- Grade for arrest of holdup man who them tired,:" she described. tion was called to order by Pres. had killed an auto salesman; 1954 - News "Somebody's bothers, somebody's Huegle at 2:04 p.m., Wednesday, 2nd Grade arrest of armed suspect in by Greg Corrales fathers, somebody's sons. Seeing December 14, 1994, in Conference robbery of a financial center; 1963 - them gradually brought back to life Room, Ingleside. 3rd grade arrest of armed suspect in "It was duty, honor, country... our and see their lips separate into a grin ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS: All of- holdup of a pawnshop. Jack was country had been attacked. . . It was when they first welcome you. Usu- ficers present. P. Pres. Hurley present promoted to assistant Inspector in freedom vs. oppression. It was against ally they kid, hurt as they are. It with others. 1945, Full Inspector in 1946. He was imperialism and againstfascism, and doesn't amaze us to hear one of them MINUTES OF LAST MEETING: 94 years of age at his death. the country was so together, and I say, 'How's a babe?' or 'Holy mack- Approved as presented to member- REPORT OF TRUSTEES: Mrs. wanted to be on the cutting edge." erel, and American woman!' or most ship in writing. Good-Swan, V. Pres. Bank ofAmerica. George Bush on his decision to indiscreetly, 'How about a kiss?' We REINSTATEMENT: WILLIAM reported on the Trust Fund. No rec- enlist in 1941 have learned a great deal about our TIFFAULT reinstated by Trustees. ommendations, B ofAis reviewing all American soldier and the stuff he is Treasurer Parenti presented regu- accounts and will probably wait until made of," Lt. Slanger wrote. "The lar bills, benefits, salaries, taxes etc. after January for any changes in n August of 1943, Frances Y. wounded do not cry. Their buddies Approved. Portfolio. Payments by retired are Slanger enlisted in the Anny Nurse come first. The patience and deter- Treasurer Parenti reported the fol- slower than last year. I corps at Fort Devens, MA after mination they show, the courage and lowing deaths: JEFFREY BARKER: UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Secre- she had worked in the Boston City fortitude that is sometimes awesome Born in Auburn in 1948, Jeff was 24 tary to writ a letter to Dept. of Labor Hospital to support her parents dur- to behold. It is we who are proud to be when he became a member of the regarding Erisa. ing her post graduate years. Thirty- here." Department after working as a sta- There being no further nomina- one years old, she was then assigned Twenty-four hours later, Second tion officer. From the Academy to tions from the floor, the Secretary to the 45th Field Hospital, accompa- Lieutenant Frances Y. Slanger be- Richmond for 2 years, Park for 3 was requested to cast an unanimous nying it to England, then Normandy came the first American nurse to lose years. For a change to Juvenile for 2 ballot for the following: President, on D-Day plus 4 and then on to her life in the European theater of years, back to station, Ingleside for 1 James Sturken; Vice President, Mark Belgium. 2nd Lieutenant Slanger WWII when she was fatally wounded year, to Mission, as FF0 Jeff then Sullivan; Secretary, Robert McKee; made a name for herself when her by a gunshot. Lt. Slanger was buried went to Personnel and Training, then Trustees, Mark Hurley, George touching letter giving a nurse's view at the U.S. Military Cemetery Henri to Legal, back to Personnel & Train- Jeffery, Robert Kurpinsky. Secretary of battle was printed in The European Chapelle in Belgium until her body ing, before going to Mangement Con- and Trustees serve two years. Stars and Stripes on 20 October, was returned to the States where she trol, remaining there until his un- GOOD OF THE ASSOCIATION: 1944. received a full military funeral. timely death at age 46. Pres. Huegle set next regular meet- "It is a privilege to be able to re- As you wait in line to purchase JOHN O'KEEFE, SR.: Born in San ing for 2:00 pm, Wednesday, Janu- ceive you [a wounded soldier] and a those three cent stamps, think about Francisco in 1900, John worked as a ary 18, 1995 in Conference Room, great distinction to see you open this one. On 5 July, 1944 Army Pri- clerk typist before joining the De- Ingleside Station. Installation of Of- your eyes and with that swell Ameri- vate W.B. Hilleary mailed a postcard partment in 1923, age 23. There ficers. can grin say, 'How's a babe!'" she to his mother in Southwest Wash- being no Academy at this time, Jack ADJOURNMENT: There being no wrote by flashlight while the rain was received his training working out of further business to come before the beating on her tent. "We wade ankle (See POLICE POST, Page 10) the night Chiefs Office. He was as- membership, the meeting was ad- signed to Northern where he worked journed at 2:45 pm in memory of for 11 years, then assigned to Bu- above departed Brothers. Editorial Policy reau of Inspectors for a year, then to Fraternally, The Notebook is the official newspaper of the San Francisco Police old Bayview Station, off 3rd Street, 2 Bob McKee, Secretary Officers' Association and is published to express the policies, the ideals years, Southern for 1 year and then and the accomplishments of the Association. It is the Notebook's finally to the Bureau of Inspectors, Yearly letter to be sent end of editorial policy to allow members to express their individual opinions working mostly in the Pawnshop January or early February will in- and concerns within the necessary considerations of legality and space. Detail, and from where he retired for clude a beneficiary form. Make sure Submissions that are racist, sexist, and/or unnecessarily inflamma- service in 1965, age 65. Jack was we have your current address. tory or offensive will not be published. Contributors must include their names with all submissions but may request that their names not be printed. Anonymously submitted material will not be published. The San Francisco Veteran Police Officers' Assn, SFPOA and the Notebook are not responsible for unsolicited material. The editors reserve the right to edit submissions to conform to this OFP/c "Keep in touch" policy. S.F. VETERAN On the second Tuesday of every month, you can The San Francisco Police Officers' Association visit and have lunch with your police friends at the ICA Hall, 3255 Folsom St. Parking is good. 7\1 Annual dues of $15 includes a monthly Bulletin. NOTEBOOK USPS #882 320 EDITOR PUBLISHED MONTHLY $10 PER YEAR Attend to join or write to Box 22046, SF 94122, Tom Flippin OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF or call the Secretary at (415) 731-4765. SPORTS EDITOR PHOTO EDITOR THE SAN FRANCISCO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION Dennis Bianchi Peter Thoshlnsky 510 7TH STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 (415) 861.5060 SFPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT ...... Al Trlguelro Co. H ...... George Rosko VICE PRESIDENT ...... Gary Delagnes Co. I ...... Chuck Limbert SECRETARY ...... Steve Johnson Co. K ...... Ray Shine TREASURER ...... Phil Dito MUM ...... Cliff Java Co. A ...... Jim Deignan TAC ...... Matt Castagnola Frank Machi INSPECTORS ...... Dan Gardner Co. B ...... Gary Castel Gary Lemos Co. C ...... Dean Sorgie HEADQUARTERS ...... Glenn Sylvester Co. D ...... Ray Benson Lynne Torres Charles Effis NARCOTICS ...... Dave Faingold Co. E ...... Brian Canedo T1'F (Steward) ...... Tom Shawyer Dave Herman AIRPORT PD ...... Jim Milled Co. F ...... Matt Gardner John Scully Co. G ...... Mike Dempsey RETIRED ...... Gale Wright ASSOCIATION OFFICE: 861-5060 ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: Edt-Members or readers submitting letters or articles to the tor, SFPOA Notebook, 510 7th St., San Fran- editor are requested to observe these simple rules: cisco, CA 94103. No responsibility whatever is • Address letters to the Editor's Mail Box, 510 7th St., San assumed by the San Francisco Notebook and! Francisco, CA 94103. or the San Francisco Police Officers' Associa- • Letters must be accompanied by the writer's true name hon for unsolicited material, and address. The name, but not the street address, will THE SFPOA NOTEBOOK is the official publi- be published with the letter. FREE PIZZA cation of the San Francisco Police Officers' • Unsigned letters and/or articles will not be used. Writers are assured freedom of expression within neces- Buy Any Medium/Large! X-Large 6 topping pizza Association. However, opinions expressed hi sary limits of space and good taste, this publication are not necessarily those of and get ONE TOPPING PIZZA of equal size FREE • The editor reserves the right to add editor's notes to any the SFPOA or the San Francisco Police De- article submitted, if necessary. CITY WIDE FAST FREE DELIVERY 24 HOURS partment. 'Articles should be typed, double-spaced. ADVERTISING David Dermer: 415/863-7550 Nancy Huffaker: 206/892-4710 ONE COUPON PER P2ZA, NOT VAUD (Collect calls accepted) WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. EXP. 6/30/95 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SF'POA Notebook, 510 7th St., San Francisco 94103. 1-800-570-5111 2nd Class Postage Paid at San Francisco, CA. January 1995 Notebook Page 3 EWW Impacted: suit our criminal tried to scale a and later withdrawn, after Around The The FTO calendars are out and cyclone fence topped with razor wire, grandfathenng in current subscrib- show that, commencing July 1, ap- and in doing so, severed a finger. ers. The current program may be proximately 100 recruits will be in More punishment dealt out by the similar in that instead of disability Department training at any one time and during razor wire than he would have re- the real benefit will be the cata- to one period 160 recruits will be train- ceived had he just surrendered... strophic illness clause. Take a close ing. What does that mean? It means look. There will only be a small win- that by July'96 there will be approxi- • .Recruiters: dow of opportunity... mately 280 new Officers on patrol During the recent recruitment ef- and very little EWW to go around. So fort for new officers, the recruitment •Direct Deposit Alert those who have become Ewwwwwww staff contacted various colleges about When paychecks were distributed dependent should start preparing for making presentations to their stu- on January 10, those having Direct the eventuality... dent populations. Most welcomed the Deposit to Bank of America were not recruiters. Two institutions were dif- provided their statement form. TTF's • . .Sick Building: ferent, Stanford would not allow re- Joe Garrity called BofA and was Is the Hall of Justice a sick build- cruiters on campus, and Mills Col- informed that as of January 1, the ing? Over the years this question has lege would only allow female recruit- bank no longer would forward the been visited and revisited. Retiree, ers... statement form and that only those Ray Carlson when assigned to the on DD with the Police Credit Union Crime Lab constantly worked on • . .New Mission Station: would receive statements. Joe then grievances that called attention to The New Station is now open and promptly cancelled his account at sanitation problems associated with occupied. Like any newbuilding there BofA and opened his account at the Police Credit Union. ontract Negotiationswill have the building. Primarily the lack of is always something that was forgot- started. What the '95 con- circulation and the presence of raw ten during construction. At Co.D C tract bring? If it's Tier II up- sewage in the ventilation system as a someone forgot to anticipate that • . .Wanted: grade as well as paid health and result of the prisoners on the 6th and there would be computers in the Retired SFPD officer for position dental in retirement then get out the 7th floors stopping up the toilets. building and cooling vents are neces- as caretaker on Mendicino ranch. vote during the Retirement Board Today the issue is again being revis- sary (an old architect drew up the For more information, call Al Election. We need all the leverage we ited by the unions as they look into plans). Also, the Fire Marshall would Matteoni (mornings) at (707)983- can get... the histories of 26 sworn and civilian not allow prisoners to be booked 6278. employees who have died or are cur- (someone forgot to call him for a •. Building Remodel: rently cancer victims to determine clearance), and finally not enough ...Birth: The Building Committee is look- whether there is a common denomi- parking spaces in the lot, so double The Madsen family (Mark from ing for an assessment to upgrade the nator ... the hail ... in particular the parking is the norm (in the lot) dur- Park, Janice at Comm. and Grandpa Association Building. Already there 7th Street side below the jail. ing change of watch. Some things AlBaldocchi at Co. C) welcome Devin are those who are saying that the never change... Jessica Madsen. Devin arrived De- modest assessment request is too Rest in Peace Benny: cember 14th, weighing in at 7lbs, 10 much. It is that same lack of fore- On December 23rd, 1994 Ben •.. Everyone Goes To Jail: oz. and measuring 20 1/2 inches. sight that led this Association to not Tuvera carried out his duties at the Co.D's Rick Shiff, while off duty Mark and Janice especially want to buy the buildings at 60 - 70 Oak radio room with smiles and good driving downtown to his daughter's thank Park Station's Ann MacKenzie Street in 1978. Yes we could have wishes to all. TITF's Gordy Clark doctor appointment, observed a for watching over their daughter Alex gotten those two buildings for vividly remembers how happy and strong arm robbery in progress, three while they dashed to the hospital. $800,000 (a price negotiated by Fa- talkative Ben was when he exchanged males on one. Rick summoned help, ther Heaney) with a 99 year loan some radios for the Task Force. It is and while awaiting on duty officers, .Christmas Spirit: from the AFL-CIO. Let's not make a very hard to believe that a few short he detained the entire group. Alter all Tom Feledy tells us that once similar mistake in '95. Vote for the hours later Benny would die of a was sorted out, it was determined again, Sgt. John Sterling has con- assessment and invest a little bit in heart attack. Ben is gone, but those that the three druggies were robbing ducted his year-end food drive at our Association Home. smiles and good wishes live on in the another druggie of his stash of rocks. Ingleside Station. With the proceeds memories of those who had the good So everyone went to jail... from Co. H's Christmas Party raffle •Dean's List: fortune of receiving them... plus donations, John was able to fill The POA's first scholarship recipi- • .Catastrophic Insurance: over 30 boxes with food, which he ent Kristen O'Conner has made the .Never Too Late: There is an insurance program delivered two days before Christmas Dean's Academic List at Notre Dame Some months back, Gary being offered through the Insurance to elderly and shut-in citizens University located at South Bend Constatine, then assigned to Co. C, Committee that deserves a close look. throughout the district. Undoubt- Indiana. Kristen is the daughter of took a suspect into custody and im- The program which is offered by edly, there are many more like John— Retired Inspector Kevin and Linda pounded a car that had an obliter- Transamerica Insurance is a pilot. unsung heroes ofthe poor and down- O'Conner,and the Niece of Donald ated vehicle identification number. Some veterans may remember the trodden within our Department, who O'Conner, Investigations. The Fam- The case came to rest on the desk of New York Life disability (pilot) pro- don't always get the recognition they ily and Association are very proud of Inspector Joe Nannery in the Auto grams of the late 60's and early 70's deserve. Find outwho they are, where Kristen... Detail. Alter several weeks and some which were offered to Police and Fire they work, and lend them a hand! digging Joe solved the case of the .Tides In: Vehicle stolen in "1965". Yes you Near the Fleet Office in the base- read correctly a 28-year-old case was PACIFIC COAST TITLE COMPANY ment of the Hall there is a lot of solved. It is never too late. Good Our rate schedule is consistently lower construction going on. Have you work, Joe... than the industry average in Mann wondered why there is so much con- struction taking place when the ga- • . .Punished: When purchasing or refinancing your home, rage was just rebuilt as part of the On December 15, '94 a suspect open your escrow with a friend. Call for rates. newj all? Well according to Fleet Czar was spotted breaking into a car at Frank Falzon Gary Frugoli 6th and Stevenson. Officers were (Bus. Development) (Vice President) Loyce Tucker, the construction Retired SFPD San Rafael Mill Valley Novato Retired crews are digging a big circular hole called, and when the suspect saw (Homicide) San Rafael P.D. Novato office 454-6070 388-8740 892-8744 San Rafael office so that the water from Islals Creek them, he fled. During the foot pur- 892-8744 900 Mission Ave. 110 Tiburon Blvd. 1500 Grant Ave. -6070 will not flood the bottom of the ramp during high tide. Loyce points out that he warned the Jail design teams that there would be a problem with SERVING MARIN AND SONOMA COUNTIES water from the creek since he had fished the area prior to the hail being built. No one listened. So today thou- HOWAR sands of more dollars are being spent to keep high tides out of the garage...

.Make It With Wool: ft-7L I =M_WW,._ I - CALL Sara Watt, 17, the daughter of Sam and Nan Watt, Northern Sta- tion, is the California State Cham- TODAY FOR ALL pion in the "Make it with Wool" Com- petition which was recently held in Sacramento. Sara is now preparing to leave for the National Finals which YOUR REAL ESTATE will be held in Washington DC. Here is wishing Sara the best of luck not only in the competition, but also in DONNA FAIZON her career in the Garment Industry NEEDSH I. Real Estate Broker which is sure to follow... 915 Diablo Avenue Novato, California 94947 898-0484 ext. 138 Page 4 Notebook January 1995 157 Police Officers Killed In 1994—Highest Total In 5 Years'

A total of 157 American law en- to keep the newly-invented "Rhino forcement officers were killed in the bullet", capable of piercing body ar- line of duty in 1994, the highest total mor, off the production line. We wish in the past five years, according to the research and development that preliminary numbers released today led to this invention had been geared by the National Law Enforcement to developing equipment that could Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) save lives instead of taking lives and and Concerns of Police Survivors mutilating bodies. We cannot con- (COPS). tinue to ask our officers to do their The 157 police fatalities reported jobs and not address every safety this year represent a six percent in- issue that arises." crease over 1993 when 147 officers Thirty-eight of the states had at were killed. More officers were killed least one police fatality during 1994. in 1994 than in any year since 1989. California had more law enforcement Adding to the risks our law en- fatalities than any other state during forcement officers face is the fact the past year, with 13 deaths, in- that there are more than 66,000 cluding Los Angeles Police Officers assaults against police officers each Clarence Wayne Dean, who died in year, resulting in some 24,000 inju- January as a result of the California ries, based on the latest figures com- earthquake, and Christy Lynne piled by the Federal Bureau of Inves- Hamilton, a 45-year-old rookie of- tigation. ficer shot to death during her first On average, one out of every nine month on the job. California was officers is assaulted in our country followed by Texas with 12 police each year, one out of every 25 officers deaths, Georgia with eight, Michigan is injured and one out of every 4,000 and with seven, and New York officers serving today is killed in the and Virginia with six. line of duty, according to NLEOMF There were 13 federal law enforce- chairman Craig W. Floyd. "Law en- ment officers who died in 1994. They forcement is the most dangerous pro- included five Drug Enforcement Ad- fession in America today," Floyd de- ministration agents who were killed clared. in a plane crash in Peru, and two "This astounding level of violence Federal Bureau of Investigation against our police officers points to a agents who, along with a D.C. homi- critical lack of respect for human life cide sergeant, were gunned down and basic values that is threatening when a man walked into D.C. Metro- our nation's future," Floyd com- politan Police Headquarters and mented. "If you don't respect the opened fire. badge and the people who wear it, On average, the officers who died you don't have respect for anything during 1994 were 36 years old and or anyone." had served for nine years. Six of the Of the 157 officers who died in officers killed were women. In one bit Forever Ballroom 1994, 76 were killed by felonious of favorable news reported, the num- Beginning Thursday evening, have a good foundation of the basic assault (72 by firearm), and 81 died ber of police officers killed by drunk January 12, the Christ Church, steps in all the popular ballroom from accidental causes while on duty, drivers dropped from 16 in 1993 to Lutheran will offer a six-week series dance rhythms. such as aircraft and automobile only four in 1994. ofballroom dance classes for couples. The new students class begins at crashes. Noting that the figures could These preliminary findings were The church is located at the corner of 7:30 p.m. The intermediate class have been much worse, Floyd said announced jointly by NLEOMF, the 20th Ave. and Quintara Street. begins at 8:30 p.m. The cost is $48 that the DuPont Company has docu- non-profit organization that built and The dance instruction will include per couple for the 6-week series. mented more than 150 cases of po- now oversees the National Law En- learning the waltz, fox trot, samba, Registerat7: 15 p.m. on the evening lice lives that were saved by bullet- forcement Officers Memorial in Wash- rumba, swing, cha cha, tango and of the first class, January 12. resistantvests during 1994, and more ington, D.C., and by COPS, a na- fun dance mixers. After completing For information, call 731-0746. than 1,800 police lives saved by the tional self-support group for police the six-week series, students will vests since they started being worn survivors. The data was compiled twenty years ago. with assistance from the FBI and the "Wearing bullet-resistant vests is U.S. Justice Department's Public probably the single most important Safety Officer's Benefits program of-

It is our pleasure V thing a police officer can do to save fice. to offer a 50% 4, his or her own life," stated COPS Throughout history, more than president Sue Lange. "But, isn't it 13,500 American police officers have discount to all active h ironic that while we release the 1994 been killed in the line of duty, dating C,. & retired S.F. police F deaths and promote vest wear for back to the first known death in officers at any of the officers, we're engaged in a campaign 1794. r 2 listed locations. Please present your police or retired police I.D. BUILDING SERVICES TECHNICIANS Alan Stoltzfus Quality Is Our Specialty 1072 Illinois St. Serving Delicious Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner All Day Janitorial/Maintenance Interior San Francisco, CA San Francisco: Mann: Supplies & Equipment Fabrications 94107 Market Street' 1498 Market at Van Ness • 431-0600 Terra Linda Nortligate Shopping Center • 479-9383 1-800-500-4595 (415) 552-2024 Sunset District' 901 Taraval at 19th Ave. • 6814743 1555 Yosemite Ave. #3 (415) 822-4595 Lic. No. 559454 Fax 648-0457 Laurel Village' 3490 California St. at Locust • 775-6699 24 Hour Service San Francisco, CA 94124-3268 Fax: (415) 822-5603

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BUSINESS: (415) 876-0180 APPLICATIONS ARE TAKEN DIRECT LINE: (415) 244-WALL 'Y' OVER THE PHONE AT YOUR (anytime-answering machine) CONVENIENCE Same "Cost Plus" system Wally's been doing for the past 27 years! 1-800-664-1414 New Car Financing Through Your Credit Union Broker licensed by the California Department of Real Estate Call Mary Dougherty (Dan Dougherty • Auto Detail) January 1995 Notebook Page 5 He Touched Friendship Real and True Time is a tasteless empty vacuum Till touched by another human life. Us All Nature holds little beauty Till viewed through another' eyes by Barbara Kempster No rapture fills the human breast Till with another heart it lovingly entwines The whole department is still in And in the doing sings a heavenly hymn sublime shock at the sudden passing ofBenny Oh! To walk with those who can love Tuvera. And be loved in return Civilian and uniform felt the deep Those who's friendship is not like unto pain when the announcement was Cheap red mountain wine past via teletype throughout the de- But rather bears the label vintage 1929 partment. So young, so quick, and And as is in '29 when things fell apart two days before Christmas. . our That friendship framed in a noble heart Santa was taken. Helping Out Loses not its rich bouquet Never have I seen, and heard, so But bears midst trial and storm many comments from every level in And not without a measure of modest Grace the department, of how much Benny by Tom Feledy, Ingleside Station Like a sentry at this appointed place meant to them. Those piercing pains that would otherwise He had a gift that comes to so few, It was small, brown, and faded as Break his brother's heart Benny could touch you with his I held it in my hand. The old newspa- This, and this alone is friends hip words, his smile, and his humor. per clipping from the Notebook Real and true Benny was passionate about his showed a picture of a man much Oh! How I loath that line in Kipling's famous poem job. Enthusiastic and ready to help smaller than Mayor Art Agnos stand- 'All men count with me, but none too much' in any capacity. A handyman inside ing beside him, but with a smile For all of Rudyard's celebrated fame the Communications Center because every bit as big. For Benny Tuvera, it He didn't have the damnedest notion he would not let the dispatchers suf- was one of many awards he would Of the very meaning of that precious name. fer while we waited for a response to get in his career as a Police Commu- A friend keeps no record fix dilapidated equipment. It was not nications Dispatcher. offavors rendered, money lent, hours spent unusual to see him on the floor, But the award and ceremony de- But rather, with a singular disposition much like the politeness of the under the console, fortifying the bro- scribed in the news clipping tells old school ken keypad tray. only part of the story. The photo Long since past I would see Benny deep in concen- captured his smile, but not his heart. Bears a constancy capable of mending tration grading homework he had For those who were priviledged to The broken heart, given his children. Eyeglasses raised, know him quickly learned that you Yes, capable of imparting to the near despairing he scrutinized their answers, as he could count on his help when you A new vision, a new beginning, afresh start! corrected it with a notation on the needed it - and often before you —Thomas Warren Powers side. even had a chance to ask for it. Benny always had a smile to greet I met Benny when I was detailed to everyone and never a harsh word. A Communications, back when the Happy New rear! very caring husband and father we Department still considered it im- saw everyday. His watch, 1900-0300 portant for officers to know some- hours, left him little sleep because he thing about dispatching. Not only F wanted to be up to see his children off did I learn about dispatching, but I to school and be with his wife in the learned about Dispatchers. I learned 1T1RS TRAVEL SERVICE, INC. morning. how they endure the daily pressure Tung Sing WORLD WIDE TRAVEL SERVICE The day of his funeral was a day of of keeping officers and citizens alike honor and respect paid to a very from becoming victims of their own Restaurant (415) 661-5921 deserving man. carelessness or the selfishness of FOOD TO GO Res. (415) 333-1652 Sandy was very generous to allow others. Unlike those of us on the Open 7 Days A Week 1133 Taraval Street (near 22nd Ave.) the department to give special trib- street, Dispatchers can't afford to San Francisco, CA 94116 ute. think only of themselves. They are 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Police honor guard led him into too busy keeping all of us on the 4015 - 24th Street Nancy Callaghan, church and followed the department street alive - using only phones, San Francisco, CA 94114 Travel Agent members, dispatchers leading the radios, and computers. And, like 415/648-8582 SFPD Family Member way with officers alongside, as we left challengers in some bizarre video the church. game, we manage do our best to The blend of dispatchers and offic- frustrate them with our inattention, ers, was the deepest respect paid this lack of discipline, and an attitude. gentle man. But the best Dispatchers, like Benny Tuvera touched all who Benny, learn to take it all in stride. graced his life, and he has left his Like iron in a forge, more hammering N spirit with those he left behind. just seems to make them tougher. If The Police Credit Union has a lim- Dispatchers thought too much about ited open account in the name of Ben themselves, many would probably DELLI Tuvera. quit and go work elsewhere. But Anyone interested in contributing thank God they stay, and like guard- SAN FRANCISCO ian angels we never see, they watch to this account the number is Alain Rondelli • 126 Clement Street • San Francisco, CA 94118 • 415387-0408 984 100S5, Ben Tuvera Trust. over us. Those who would like to contrib- Benny was a good person. But ute in another form might want to standing there outside the church in consider the American Diabetes As- the company of his co-workers, I sociation, 631 Howard Street, Suite could see that he was only one of 520, San Francisco, CA 94105; many. Benny went to rest, and the phone: 777-4499. Dispatchers went back to work - t's called a VIATICAL SETTLEMENT, and it's more than one of the highest Ben suffered from this destructive back to their channels and phones yielding investments you'll ever make. VIATICAL SETTLEMENTS mean a disease and many realize, or may not and computers, to continue watch- remaining life of dignity and reduced financial stress for thousands of people realize how much this disease dis- ing over us. Arid, if I know Benny, living with a terminal illness. Investors look for safety, a fair rate of return, no loads or fees, and a short term on rupts and alters the lifestyle of those he'll find a way to be with them, doing their investments. Tax advantages would be nice as well. But what afflicted. Ben never let show the what he always did - helping out. about helping out somebody else? Somebody who really needs the change this disease made on his life, help? The VIATICAL SETTLEMENT is a transaction that does all but it masked his symptoms of a of these things. . .and more. It's truly an investment you can feel heart attack and took him away from good about - even in your IRA account. The minimum purchase all of us, too soon. is just $2,000. You never thought anything could be so profitable for yourself and so beneficial for someone else at the same time. Find out what thousands of current purchasers already know. RONALD K. SMIALOWICL, M.D., INC. Let your money do more than jiii earn interest. UROLOGY LIFETIME Call today for our free brochure.

Free Estimate, All Makes, All Models James J. Kelly $39 + Parts: Color TV, Computer Monitor FUNDING Investment Representative $45 + Parts: VCR, Laser Disc Player (415) 345-4545 $32 + Parts: Cassette Deck, Amplifier, Stereo, Car TELEPHONE (415) 441-5000 Cassette, CD Player, Microwave Oven OFFICE HOURS 909 HYDE STREET, SUITE 115 VIA TICAL SETTLEMENT SPECIALISTS S.F.F.D. - Retired 415/292-5623 BY APPOINTMENT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. 94109 1450A Bush St. (at Van Ness), SF, CA 94109 LIFETIME FUNDING IS A LICENSEE OF LIFE PARTNERS, INC., THE NATIONS LARGEST VIATICAL FUNDING SOURCE Page 6 Notebook January 1995

CB is very small. Normally, users will dilated to approx 8.0mm and showed What's New In Drugs? take anywhere from 8mg to 30mg. no visible reaction to light. His pulse (For comparison, MDMA [3,4- was 130 and his blood pressure was by Gregory A. Kilpatrick, popularity during the late 60's and methylenedioxymethamphetamine, 142/100. He also had additional State Police early 70's. 2-CB and DOM are classi- aka "ecstasy",] has an average dos- bruxism, sweaty face, etc. The sub- fied as hallucinogenics, both by their age unit of 125mg.) Some dealers ject said the only drug he had taken 2-CB effects, and the Health & Safety Code. have mixed the normal dosage unit that night was 2-CB. As 2-CB is NOT Another new drug is being used in Officers will probably encounter of 2-CB into an inert powder. This covered under 1 1550(a)HS, I did not the Bay Area nightclub scene that 2-CB in powder form. 2-CB is nor- way they can fill the capsules com- take a urine sample, and although officers should be aware of This drug mally taken orally, via capsules. 2- pletely, so the customer doesn't think these influence symptoms were not is known on the street as 2-CB. 2- CB powder can also be dissolved in he's getting cheated. (2-CB is also confirmed by urinalysis, I have re- CB, or "Spectrum", or "Nexus", is someone's drink. I have seen 2-CB in sometimes passed off as MDMA to ceived information from this subject chemically known as 4BROMO-2,5- both white and green powder. The unknowing customers.) before and consider him reliable. DIMETHOXYPHENETHYLAMINE. 2- capsules containing the white pow- To identify the product as 2-CB, 2-CB should be detectable in urine CB is an analog, ("chemical cousin"), der were almost empty, and the cap- the dealer sometimes adds the green and blood. Possible problems would to DOM, otherwise known as STP sules with the green powder were or orange color to the drug. The include the relatively small dose ini- (2,5-DIMETH0XY-4-METH- packed completely full. Informants orange colored 2-CB, when mixed tially taken, and whether you knew YLAMPHETAMINE). Some ofyou may have told me 2-CB also comes in an with water, supposedly has an or- that 2-CB was, in fact, what the remember DOM, as it had widespread orange powder. The dosage unit of 2- ange flavor. The capsules that con- subject took. 2CB would not show up tain only a slight amount of the pure, on an initial drug screen and would SFP0A-INA Change of Beneficiary Form white colored 2-CB are what has have to be requested specifically. Active SFPOA Members Only been in demand in the San Francisco Driving under the influence of 2- Basic Life Policy Paid By Association: $5,000 Benefit area. CB IS covered under 23 152(a)VC. As 2-CB is apparently a very intense 2-CB is a schedule I drug, (11054(d) Your Name Your Birthdate high. It has been described to me as Last First MI (5) HS lists DOM. 2-CBfalls under this a supercharged MDMA or a very definition as an analog [11 400HSJ of Your Social Security Number . ------Your Sex M - F - strong LSD (lysergic acid DOM); it carries the same penalties diethylamide) high. I have only seen as methamphetamine: Possession of Beneficiary Relationship one person under the influence of 2- 2-CB: 11377(a)HS-Felony; Posses- Given Name MI Last Name CB. His influence evaluation was the sion for sale of 2-CB: 11378HS-

Date Your Signature same as someone under the influ- Felony; Transporting/Sales/Fur- ence of a stimulant. His pupils were nishing of2-CB: 11379(a)HS-Felony.

January 1995 Notebook Page 7

from State Prison the day before investigation at Post and Leavenworth and had already armed themselves when an apartment window opened with a .22 caliber rifle (taped clips above their surveillance position and for quick reload), and had your the occupant of the apartment started basic altered ski masks (eye cut- shooting from the window. John and outs) no doubt prepared for the Brian were able to take cover and still inclement weather we've been ex- establish an immediate perimeter periencing. Interesting to note that 7 one of the suspects committed his 1st robbery in 1969. The robbery conviction worked its way into a stay at Atascadero (for the criminally in- sane) and later our eager felon perpe- 41 trated another robbery in 1980 (with the use of a firearm), and again in 1985 (with the use of a firearm), and again, (I'm not making this up) in 1989 (with the use ofafirearm). So 3 days out of state prison our guy gets a gun, modifies the ski mask and is once again captured by the police (the most recent incidentwould mom never have happened if he was still in Weapon retrieved by Lt. BobArmanino prison serving his full sentence!!) and Lt. Greg Suhr from two suspects Close Encounters Lt. Greg Suhr teamed up a few during a traffic stop at Church and nights later with Officer Gavin Market Streets. McEachern and, their contact with a by Steve Johnson, SFPOA Secretary Chief A. Ribera, Laverne Petrucci/ suspicious individual at 14th/Julian locking the suspect down until an POA, Yvonne Huey/POA, Louise Streets resulted in the arrest of an- entry team could arrive. Sgt. Frank Wright! POA, other armed suspect (this one was Lee, Officer Al Cardenas, Officer SFPOA Hospital Visit: If you'd be interested injoining us walking around with a fully-loaded, Sid Sakurai, Officer Glen Marr and next year please send me a note. 9mm semi-automatic). Officer Marty Lalor then conducted On Tuesday, 12/13/94,45 caring And the night following, Officer an operation that led them to the members of our department volun- Marty Halloran and Officer Joe suspect inside the apartment, who teered their time to make sure for the "Too many bullets..." McFadden were investigating the still had a gun in his hand! The 12th consecutive year that every Our Mayor certainly had the right activities of an individual at 16th/ officers were able to restrain the hospitalized child in San Francisco idea, being concerned about so many Shotwell Streets and came up with armed and extremely dangerous in- had a personalized visit from Santa bullets flying around the streets of the arrest of a man carrying a con- dividual without utilizing their weap- (documented with a Polaroid photo), San Francisco, but he seemed a little cealed, loaded .45 semi-automatic. ons. a small gift, and the opportunity to confused in his reasoning when he A few days later, you guessed it, (The investigative team that took talk to the people they admire almost expressed fear that providing police Officer John Evans and Officer charge of the follow-up reports, as much as Mr. Claus -the men and officers with catch-up armaments Roland Canales witnessed a nar- headed by Inspector Bill Canning, women of the SFPD. (i.e. semi-automatic handguns) might cotic transaction at 16th/Valencia found later that the suspect was We also dropped by many child increase the danger to citizens - Mr. Streets and, as the officers ap- armed with 4 handguns, 2 of which care centers and family shelters tak- Mayor, please get a grip. . . this isn't proached the vendor, he took off were loaded with blue-tip glaser ing a total of 600 Polaroid photos. a one-dimensional matrix program running, discarding a loaded hand- rounds, ammunition designed to in- Our hospital program offers the - our members are dealing with gun in the process. flict major trauma). most touching encounter a police real-life situations in which they are Not to be outdone, Sgt. Lou Perez I recently had the privilege of as- officer can ever experience, and I constantly being placed in jeopardy and posse recovered two loaded guns sisting in the representation of the know that the group of officers who and, as such, they need every advan- from a gang-occupied vehicle at 14th/ courageous officers who had to face covered California Pacific Medical tage they can get. Harrison Streets on New Year's Eve off a suspect at Market! Powell Streets Center will long remember the cour- (probably not the best way for our who was threatening to kill them age of the young girl who underwent Take, for example, the day after young suspects to start out the new with grenades. The following officers a brain tumor operation several days Christmas at about 2000 hours when, year...). were prepared to give their lives rather before meeting Santa (the operation after a brief vehicle chase, Officer Officer Thomas Jankowicz ap- than have anyone else injured/killed: took place on her 11th birthday.) Andy Ting, Officer Darryl proached an individual at three in Sgt. Ed Cota, Officer Bob Swall, The children look forward to our Tsujimoto and Officer Mel Thorton the morning who, he was told by Officer Terry Gregory, Officer visit each holiday season, but no left their police vehicle and were in clerks in a nearby convenience store, Kevin Jow, Officer John Kranci, more so than the uniformed veterans pursuit of 3 carjacking suspects in had been sitting in a car for hours, Officer John Peterson Officer Ray who have participated - Members the area of Jerrold and Dormitory possibly casing the business. Tom's Ragona, Officer John Centurioni, such as Officer Roland Tolosa, Of- when the suspects suddenly turned investigative efforts resulted in the Officer Henry Yee, Officer Joe ficer Carol Scatena, Officer Brenda and started shooting at the officers. apprehension of an armed suspect Carlin, Officer Richard Mc- Rogers, Officer Tonii Cato, Officer Officer Ting and Tsujimoto had an (fully-loaded 9mm) who just hap- Naughton, Officer Jim Deely, Of- Deborah Anderson, Sara Kelly, Sgt. opportunity to return fire and subse- pened to be 6'3" and over 300 lbs. ficer Terry Cottonreader, Officer Bob Fitzer, Captain Sylvia Harper, quently captured one of the sus- (Tom was working as a 1-officer unit Jerry Donovan Inspector Jennifer Forrester, Terry pects. Fortunately, none of the offic- because we are too short on the The very same day that this inci- Landini/Brennan, Officer William ers involved were injured. streets!!) dent occurred officers were sent out Murray, Inspector Dolly Casazza, Or, how about the close call Of- Speaking of 1-officer units, Of- to the 500 block of Guerrero Street to Sgt. Steve Tittle, Sgt. Dorree ficer Jody Kato and Officer Clifford ficer Angel Lozano chased an armed check on the well-being of an indi- Donnelly, Sgt. John Hallisey and, Chiu experienced recently when they (loaded handgun) suspect through vidual. They found the subject in of course, our stalwart Santas: observed, and pursued, a vehicle that the Valencia Gardens (1 5th/Valencia question sitting in a chair, an appar- Lt. Dave Robinson matched the description of one men- Streets) at around four in the morn- ent suicide by gun. The officers also Officer Leroy Lindo tioned in a drive-by shooting. Once ing and was rewarded with a com- found all sorts of extra ammunition, Officer Charles Coates the officers had the car and its 3 bative suspect who Officer Lozano a bulletproof vest, a kevlar helmet, a Officer Carl Tennenbaum occupants pulled over at 6th/Mis- was able to take into custody, at shotgun with an extended clip, sev- Officer Gil Chang sion Streets a subsequent investiga- great risk to his own personal safety, eral other handguns and a crossbow tion revealed that the individuals and yet he still recovered the suspect's with a scope... I especially need to thank the fol- detained were wearing bulletproof gun. Our Mayor is right about one thing lowing people, because without them, vests and were armed with fully- On 12/28/94, Officers John - there are too many bullets out Christmas just wouldn't happen for loaded, semi-automatic weapons. (All VanKoll and Brian Devlin were a there. many of the seriously ill and the 3 suspects arrested were gradu- little surprised during their vice crime economically deprived children of our ates of our state prison system). city: Then again, New Year's Eve in the Officer Lloyce Tucker, Officer Mission District and Lt. Greg Suhr Michael Lujan, Officer Glen and Lt. Bob Armanino, overseeing Melanson, Officer Joe McFadden, both district and special event op- Officer Marty Halloran, Officer erations, happened to make a traffic Susan Glaser, Inspector Dave stop at Church and Market Streets POA ELECTION Faingold, Sgt. Michael Slade, Lt. and became suspicious when the Rick Bruce, Officer Jay Parishis,, vehicle in question kept trying to Sgt. Andrew Blackwell, Officer maneuver into a diagonal position VOTE Vivian Bruce, Inspector Rich countering Lt. Armanino's unit. Bob January 23- February 10 Dalton, Lt. Greg Suhr, Major Peter was able to prevent being placed at a Masalin, LJSMC, Sgt. Kevin Macy, disadvantage and, it was fortunate USMC, Sgt. Linda Myers, USMC, that he did, as the two occupants of Corp Joey Grant, USMC, Police the traffic stop had been released Page 8 Notebook January 1995 Deferred Compensation Police Department Achieves Fifty Percent Participation

In December 1994 the 1, 191th best in his new assignment. Ken's police member joined the Hartford's determination and persistence, Deferred Compensation Plan; with coupled with a friendly personality, that member's enrollment, the Police helped the Department achieve this Department's participation level, for 50% goal. the first time, exceeded 50%. Gary Bozin will fill Ken's shoes. Ken Ross, SFPD account repre- Gary will soon be handling the Police sentative, has accepted a new posi- Department for the Hartford. Gary tion with the Hartford at its Fresno has promised the same high level of Ken Bozin, Pat Kalasardo (Area Vice President), Mike Hebel, Ken Ross, office. Ken served us well for the last service that we have enjoyed with our reviewing the Deferred Compensation Plans several years and we wish him the past account representatives.

Domestic Partner Clare Murphy, General Manager San Francisco City and County CCSF Retirement System Employees' Retirement System 1155 Market Street, 2nd Floor Office of the General Manager Retirement Benefits San Francisco, CA 94103 December 28, 1994 In November, San Francisco vot- mentor of the employee's death if the RE: DERIVATIVE INVESTMENTS ers approved a Charter Amendment employee should die before retire- Mr. Michael S. Hebel, Esq. (Proposition H) which provides do- ment. Dear Ms. Murphy: Welfare Officer mestic partner retirement benefits. This last requirement means that When Orange County, California San Francisco Police Officers' Assn. Surviving domestic partners of City if an employee files a certificate of filed for bankruptcy protection this 510 Seventh Street employees are now eligible for retire- domestic partnership with the Re- week after huge losses in risky in- San Francisco, CA 94103 ment benefits. tirement System immediately, the vestments including derivatives, the Two important eligibility criteria earliest that the employee can retire San Francisco Police Officers' Asso- Dear Mr. Hebel: for domestic partner retirement ben- with a domestic partner eligible for ciation felt no need for worry or con- In response to your letter of De- efits stated in the Charter Amend- spousal retirement benefits would cern. However, when the news media cember 12, 1994, please reassure ment are: be December 1995. It is important, revealed that the Orange County your members that the Retirement • the domestic partner must be therefore, that should you wish to Employee Retirement System had System remains dedicated to "secur- designated as the employee's benefi- take advantage of this retirement $133 million in the Orange County's ing, protecting and prudently invest- ciary with the Retirement System provision you file your certificate of investment pool this Association be- ing the pension trust assets, admin- • the domestic partnership must domestic partnership with the Re- gan to receive inquiries as to whether istering mandated benefit programs, be established by filing a signed Dec- tirement System as soon as possible. the CCSF Employees' Retirement and providing promised benefits" laration of Domestic Partnership with If you wish to file your certificate of System was investing in derivatives The conservative investment philoso- the County Clerk; in addition, the domestic partnership with the Re- and/or other leveraged investment phy and highly disciplined strategy Certificate showing that the Declara- tirement System or would like fur- strategies. Our reply has been - we employed by the Investment Staff tion of Domestic Partnership was ther information, please contact: don't know but will find out. Hence, under the guidance of the Retire- filed with the County Clerk must be Member Services Unit this letter. ment Board reflects this mission. We filed with the Retirement System at Retirement System Our question is this: How much, if are proud of the investments that least one full year prior to the effec- 1155 Market Street, 2nd Floor any, of the CCSF Retirement System's have been made on behalf of the tive date of the employee's retire- 554-1550 $6.2 billion is invested in derivatives employees of the City and County of and/or other high leveraged invest- San Francisco and can assure you Correction ment strategies? that they will provide a safe and In the December issue of The Notebook, Barbara Brewster was Your reply is much appreciated. It sound return for current and future incorrectly named as the author of the article titled Security?, printed will be published in the January, retirees. in the "Members Speak" section of the paper. The article, in fact, was 1995 issue of the SFPOA's Notebook. Because of our prudent approach written by Barbara Kempster of Communications. The editor regrets Sincerely, to investing, there is only one deriva- the error and apologizes for any inconvenience caused by it. Michael S. Hebel tive issue in the $2.3 billion U.S. Welfare Officer fixed income sector of the portfolio: an $800,000 Government-backed Agency note which yields 7.9%. It is important to note, however, that it was not the derivatives that Orange County purchased which caused the ultimate bankruptcy but the exces- sive leverage or borrowing on margin COURTESY which was employed. The San Fran- cisco Employees' Retirement System does not engage in speculative lever- OF age. Besides the $2.3 billion invested in U.S. fixed income securities, the rest of the $6 billion Fund is diversi- A fied into a combination of carefully monitored enquities, foreign govern- ment-backed bonds, venture capital FRIEND and income producing real estate. r4Z Please contact me if you or your members have any more concerns. Very truly yours, Clare M. Murphy General Manager


FOR INFORMATION SYN-MaR 230 '01 Cultured Marble, Inc. CALL (415) 956-8086 POL%C BEN C LUTTRINGER Ken Hibbs 220 Bayshore Blvd. 760 MARKET ST #1040, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102 Phone 285-5995 San Francisco, CA 94124 Fax No. 285-2577 License No. 527673 January 1995 Notebook Page 9

The Arms Race For Cops Videotape Can Misjudge From Billy Clubs Police Actions by Joseph D. McNamara Just a couple of weeks before this To Machine Guns Retired San Jose Police Chief incident, another San Francisco of- ficer investigating the report of a by Kevin Mullen Frisco police, the leading establish- After the Rodney King incident, a crime died instantly when he was ment newspaper of the day replied: grim joke went around that the Los shot by a criminal. Saying cops must be able to keep "Several persons have been shot at Angeles Police Department was ask- In the KRON tape, the suspect up with crooks'firepower, a commit- night by the present police, and the ing for passage of a law requiring a struggled despite the cops' command tee of the Board of Supervisors and consequence is that when a police- 15-day waiting period for the pur- to "Freeze!" The policemen found the Police Commission have come out man arrests a man, he goes without chase of - video cameras. Underly- themselves tin the very hazardous strongly in favor of arming all San a word. It may be laid down as a rule ing the humor is the real fear of cops situation of fighting with one hand, Francisco police officers with semiau- that at night when a person runs, that video tapes can crate false im- while trying to safeguard their guns tomatic weapons. and runs too fast for him, the police- pressions of brutality in situations with the other. The suspect was six - Examiner, Dec. 1, 1994. man should shoot, and shoot in such where officers are legitimately de- feet and weighed more than 200 a manner that the offender will not fending themselves. pounds. In the very early days of municipal run farther, nor shoot back." Some police anxiety surfaces in The videotape vividly illustrates policing, it was far from certain that Not everyone agreed. Afew months San Francisco recently when KRON- the risk from the accidental discharge peace officers should be equipped later, when an officer attempted to TV showed a tape of two officers to the suspect, to the officers and to with firearms. quell a disorder in a brothel on Du arresting a car burglar at 11 a.m. on innocent bystanders, any of whom American police departments were Pont Street (now Grant Avenue), by Thanksgiving Day. The person tak- could have been killed by the stray generally modeled after the London firing his pistol in the air and ing the tapes remains anonymous, round. The officer using his gun as a Metropolitan Police. It was founded pistolwhipping one of the combat- but other witnesses also observed club yelled to the suspect that the in the 19th century by Sir Robert ants, the examining magistrate of- the event. weapon was cocked. Cocking a fire- Peel (the unarmed officers became fered this opinion: The tape shows a struggle in which arm is also contrary to police train- known, in his honor, as "bobbies" or "Officers were too sensitive, and one officer hits the suspect on the ing, because of the increased poten- "peelers"). sometimes too ready to misconstrue head with his gun, which accidently tial for an accidental discharge. To this day, British police officers the drunken struggle of a man they discharges. This is contrary to ac- Those reviewing the case will also generally carry no firearms. In some were attempting to arrest into a re- cepted police practices, ad the viewer keep in mind that roughly 70 percent cases, they carry guns to deal with sistance of their authority." is jolted by the violence. It is not my of the police officers murdered every the growing number of armed crimi- The magistrate said he opposed intention to judge these officers but year in the are killed nals confronting them. equipping police with firearms. They to illustrate how their actions will while investigating a crime or mak- It is difficult to get an exact handle are, he said, "allowed to carry a stick, likely be reviewed by the depart- ing an arrest - exactly what these on when American police depart- which in most cases was a sufficient ment. two officers were doing. The internal ments began to go armed. It often weapon of defense." The two uniformed officers were review is unlikely to fault the officers occurred without official sanction. When the first police rule book doing a goodjob by observing a crime for drawing their guns. The video- As with many controversial policy was published the same month, it in progress and making an arrest. tape showed a spontaneous act by issues, the bosses couldn't make up specified when and under what con- Too many cops across the nation the cop during a dangerous struggle. their minds, and, in the very violent ditions an officer could use force. It have become skilled in not observing Striking the suspect with the gun policy vacuum during the formative made no mention of firearms. things and not exposing themselves was not a calculated act of brutality. years of American police depart- The debate continued. In 1858, to physical danger and complaints of Further more, although the officers ments, officers made the decision for the National Police Gazette magazine misconduct. On the other hand, had no way of knowing it at the time, themselves. editorialized that police officers were KRON showed police conduct that the man had escaped from prison The principal determinantwas the beginning to recognize the folly of could easily be misjudged as a replay and had a record of violence, which long tradition of carrying arms by going armed. of the brutal Rodney King incident. may explain his irrational, danger- Americans generally. At one upper- "The policy they adopted, to coerce However, the suspect was caught ous resistance to arrest. middle class assemblage in Philadel- rogues and rowdies into submission, flagrantly committing auto burglary. Additional facts will be available phia in 1845, it was discovered that has had a contrary effect and instead It is clear from the tape that he during the internal review. For ex- four-fifths of the men' were carrying of over-awing them, has driven them vigorously resisted arrested and ample, were these two good cops who firearms. to deeds of desperate daring, as they struggled with the officers. In gen- got caught in a tough situation, or do And they were not reluctant to use are now using the very same weap- eral, cops must follow a policy of they have a record of being casual them, often against the police. In the ons most effectively against the po- escalation of force from verbal to about procedures and the use of late 1850s, four New York City police licemen." physical to deadly force - the use of force? Supplemental investigation officers were killed in the line of duty Nonetheless, San Francisco Police their firearms is a last resort. Police will also yield more detailed informa- in a single year. The superintendent Chief Martin Burke explicitly resolved are trained not to hit people on the tion from witnesses and analysis of of police recommended that his offic- the issue in January 1859. head because it can cause serious or physical evidence. In the end, the ers be permitted to carry firearms. He decreed that "all regular offic- fatal injuries, which would be war- fact that cops work in a dangerous There was disagreement. When local ers shall, when on duty, carry a large ranted only in serious crimes and as and unpredictable world will have to politicians failed to act, officers armed sized revolver and baton, also a • last resort. be balanced against the requirement themselves. whistle." Ordinarily, cops would not expect that those who enforce the law must In 1854, Philadelphia's mayor told But he added, "Officers are espe- • criminal breaking into a car to be also obey it, if we are to live in a free his officers to buy guns, but a year cially cautioned against using pis- armed and thus would not draw their society. later the issue was still being hotly tols except in cases of emergency." firearms. But the suspect reached debated in the council. The Police Gazette's assertion that down to the floor of the car. The cops In Boston, after an officer was shot the increase in firepower on one side feared he might have found a fire- Reprinted from the SF Chronicle, to death in the line of duty in 1857, results in an escalation of violence by arm. December 12, 1994 there was some agitation to arm the the other has never been determined. force. But with the social climate as it is "(I) never knewbefore, "commented these days, it is unlikely that we will the pastor who presided at the officer's ever get back to a condition when funeral, "that the billet ofwood which depriving police officers of firearms they carry was their only defense can even be considered. against midnight assassins." Kevin Mullen, historian and au- Not until 1884 were Boston offic- thor, is a retired deputy of police in ers issued firearms as part of their Sari Francisco. regular equipment. 249 per week In San Francisco, gold seekers Reprinted from the San Francisco S.F.P.O.A. SPECIAL RATE heading to California almost invari- Examiner, Dec. 9, 1994. Includes Complimentary Continenta1TBreakfast with this ad ably equipped themselves with apis- yyyyyyyyyyyy tol to ensure their safety along the way. Once here, they did not dis- • PccommendTedby firommer's atu19v(obifGuidebooks. pense with the practice. Soon a San Francisco coroner • Locates near 'Union Square and Cable Cars. would write, "There are so many in Courtesy • ¶fliLc Rate i.ppllesto JIT guests and Friends. our midst, and to a great extent (I am sorry to say) among the youth, who of a PACIFIC BAY INN do not consider their toilet is com- plete for an evening's walk or a call upon a friend unless they have a Friend revolver hung to their side." When some complained in 1853 about indiscriminate shooting by Page 10 Notebook January 1995 You are cordially invited Membership Survey for to attend a IeUrement Dinner honorin8 Contract Negotiations Lieutenant John 1ichardon TO: All Members for more than 35 years of police service FROM: Al Trigueiro, President to the people of an I1ranci&co Contract negotiations will commence next month as our current agree- on Thursday, January 19th, 1995 ment expires June 30, 1995. This survey will be relied on by the Association in drafting proposals and the importance members indicate for particular Villa Hotel issues will guide your negotiating committee throughout negotiations. 4000 El Camino Ieal Please indicate your concerns and preferences as indicated below and see an Mateo, California to it your survey form is turned in to the POA by January 17, 1995. 1. List, in order of your preference, the three (3) most important matters that you believe the POA should seek to improve in negotiations. 6:30 p.m. - No Host bar (1) 7:30 p.m. - Dinner Tickets will be held at the door (2) (3)

Entree &elecUons: ($50.00 per per&on brochette of beef 6500.00 per table of ten 2. Please circle the number that indicates the importance to you of each

Grilled Orange Qouhy Includes Dinner, Wine, issue listed, #1 indicating "most important" and #2 "least important".

brea&t of Chicken Jerusalem Tax, Tip and Gift a. Wage increase ...... 1234567 Contach Mike Nevin (415) 363-4042 b. Tier-2 retirement improvements ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

c. City purchase of automatic pistols for officers ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 POLICE POST d. City indemnification of officers sued for conduct (Continued from page 2) that the Hoga helped battle fires and within the scope of employment ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 rescue wounded sailors from the oil- ington DC. On 18 November.. . 50 covered waters of Battleship Row. e. Agency shop (requiring non-members to pay years and four was later . . . the Built in 1940 and still on the Navy's dues for representation) ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 postcard turned up at the Depart- list of inactive ships, the Hoga is ment of Transportation in Washing- listed on the National Register of f. Promotive appointments to be by rank order when affirmative ton. Sadly, the postcard had outlived Historic Places. It also served the action requirements have been met ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 its sender and its destination. Willett Oakland Fire Department for many Burton Hilleary dies in 1993 at the years. g. Improve Department's disciplinary procedures...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 age of 69. His mother's old address, Boys' state is approaching once 407 Sixth St. SW, Washington, 4, again. Any of you who know of a h. Clothing allowance for non-uniformed members ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DC, is no more. The area is now deserving young man who is a high asphalt and federal buildings. schooljunioratthis time, who would i. Career Development Program ...... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "I knew the mail was slow, but this like to be sponsored by Post 456 to is ridiculous," said Carol Baker, the this year's Boys' State, should con- 3. The Department has proposed a career development plan but the secretary at the Transportation De- tact me soon. My telephone number details have not been clearly defined. What, if anything, would you like to see partment who found the postcard. "I at the Narcotics Division is 715-4900. in such a plan? wonder how this got through." We really need to increase atten- Few observers realize that the tug- dance at the Post meetings. Remem- a. boat Hoga, swinging nondescriptly ber, they are on the second Tuesday b. on its moorings at Treasure Island, of every month, 1800 hours, at the was an important player during the POA Building. Refreshments are C. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor 7 served at the conclusion of business. December, 1941. Dan Martinez, his- A lawyer stepped in some cow What would you like to make sure that plan does not include? torian at the Arizona Memorial Visi- dung and thought he was melting. tors Center in Honolulu explained Semper fi, Jack. a. b. PRESIDENT C. (Continued From Page 1) only add a real banquet facility and 4. lounge area, but it will also improve Please list any premium pay that we do not now have which you believe made such as the addition of a full the spacial conditions of the the Association should negotiate for. kitchen and lounge the membership Association's office upstairs. With would be more inclined to use it as a the recent addition of an in-house banquet facility for different types of attorney, our office space is in short family or department functions. If supply and the remodel project will improvements are made, the Com- address this problem. 5. Please list anything else that you believe the Association should mittee and the Board of Directors The Board of Directors along with negotiate for. agree that a remodeled facility would the Building Committee requests that reflect a pride of ownership increas- the membership vote to assess itself ing membership use as well as gen- $7.50 per pay period for one year in erating increased revenue for the orderto complete the remodel project. Association. The membership will directly benefit At this time, the Building Fund from the full, complete remodeling of can not adequately cover the cost of our facility. the complete remodel project. A par- When the vote to improve the tially completed project will not be Association's facility comes before cost effective nor particularly appeal- you, please know that the projected ing to generate increased use. improvements will be in your best The remodeling project would not interest.

best wi,sheg this holiday 8cawn C .E.A. TRAVEL AGENCY (415) 334-1131 to 8an Francisco Police Officers PI4QUETES (510) 458-3163 from NTIr 1, TURISTICOS MOM IS COOKING op and owi zll"kly RESTAURANT CRUISES Chairs - Sofas - Antiques - Draperies Window Seats - Clear Plastic Covers - 1166 Geneva Ave. (btwn. Edinburgh & Naples) Boats Full Bar . Margaritas 'Tequila Homemade Mexican Style Food LINDA BERNY 4687 Mission St. Open 7 Days, 12 Noon until 10 PM • 586-7000 Room for Banquets/We Deliver Owner San Francisco, CA 94112

January 1995 Notebook Page 11 The Leadline by Father Heaney frustration and misunderstanding, in times of false accusations and 406 unjust criticism heaped upon them. Dear Annie: She needs to talk it out, but she 406 is the police code for "Officer Even in times of outstanding bravery Lots ofguys are in a hurry to get doesn't want solutions. She wants needs assistance." Three little num- and total self-giving there always home, butldon't care jflget stuck her feelings heard and validated. If a bers that strike fear into the hearts of seems to be a cadre of individuals with overtime. The closer I'd get man listens to a woman's feelings he San Francisco Police Officers because who immediately look for something to home, I'd get this knot in my feels responsible for fixing some prob- they are so rarely used and they wrong in their action. stomach. My wife would start with lem or responsible for causing it, indicate that one of their own is in For example, on December 6, po- little questions like, "Where'd you even if he didn't. Because he auto- serious trouble. Three little numbers lice officers courageously responded go, who'd you see?" Pretty soon I matically takes responsibility for her that initiate an immediate response to a silent alarm at a Bank on Powell felt like she was interrogating moods and her problems, a man can from officers without thought for their and Market where they faced a man me. Like she wanted to know ev- become overwhelmed by all the de- own safety. Their only thought is to who was armed with a number of erything I was doing. If I went out tails that the woman gives him. So a go to the aid of a comrade. Three little hand grenades and threatening bank with my friends she'd get on my woman could help by doing two numbers that were probably the last employees. The man threw one hand case for something that was very things: first, by telling him the out- words ever spoken by Officer Jim grenade and was in the process of innocent. Before you know it come before going into all the details Guelif in the early evening of Sun- pulling the pin on another one when there's an explosion. so he's not left hanging and coming day, November 13. His fellow officers the responding officers shot him. 'Wants Peace and Quiet' up with solutions in his mind; sec- responded as quickly as possible but Almost immediately there was a cry ondly, (as long as it's true) she should it was too late. His call of 406 not only of "overreaction." Put yourself in the Dear 'Wants Peace and Quiet', say, "This is not about you; this is not announced his own need for immedi- position of these officers. How would Sometimes, when one feels inse- your fault." ate help but alerted the responding you react to the sight of some very cure about oneself, she or he will Here's an example: Let's say the officers that they were responding to real looking hand grenades which need more assurance than usual. wife's car breaks down on the free- a very dangerous situation. But re- could have scattered shrapnel all Often, however, then what seems to way. Before she shares the details of spond they did. Having given the call over the bank full of citizens? This happen is the more he or she pushes, the incident she needs to explain for help and the warning of danger, incident, like all such incidents, will the more the other person will pull that the car is fine, it's in the garage Officer Guelif engaged the heavily involve debriefing of officers, investi- away. It becomes a vicious circle. and everything is fine. Because, if armed suspect and in so doing drew gation by the internal affairs divi- I spoke about your letter with she doesn't inform him of the out- fire from the suspect and pinpointed sion, and close scrutiny by the Office Rosalind Thompson, MA, a licensed come first, he will automatically start his position. His action was a heroic of Citizens Complaints and the Po- marriage, family and child counselor thinking of reasons and solutions. act that cost him his life and un- lice Commission. With all those in San Mateo County. According to He will think about how to get the car doubtedly saved the lives of civilians checks and balances in place, who her blaming doesn't work. She says off the freeway, if it was his fault that and other police officers. His su- needs the amateurs in the press to we need to understand how men and the car broke down, or if he should preme sacrifice may soon be forgot- make guesses? women approach relationships. Men have paid more attention to its main- ten by the members of the commu- Yes, Officers do need assistance. talk to solve problems. Women talk tenance, etc. nity but it will never be forgotten by They need your cooperation, they to share feelings. So, a women offers It's hard for women to receive from the men and women of the San Fran- need your understanding, they need advice to be nurturing, but a man their men, so the women try to do cisco Police Department. your concern, they need your appre- hears it as criticism that he needs to more, and men are afraid to give to Though Jim's face and name may ciation, and most of all, they need improve or change himself. Women women because of fear of failure or of fade in the memories of those he was your prayers. talk about problems to get close, not being rejected. In attempting to get sworn to defend and protect I would to find solutions. When a man offers close again men do it quickly. Women hope that the concept of 406, Officer a quick solution to her problem, he's need time to talk and re-establish needs assistance, will not fade from not hearing her feelings. the relationship. Each can misinter- the consciousness of the citizens of Here are six things that men want pret their partner's approach. Men San Francisco. The average citizen THE from women: and women both cycle through need- will probably never hear those three 1. Encouragement ing to be close and needing to be little numbers and they will never be 142Z Roo" 2. Trust independent. When we allow these called upon to put their lives injeop- 3. Appreciation cycles to occur, without interpreting ardy to respond to that call. But the 5267 Third Street 4. Acceptance the pulling away as rejection, getting concept should be kept firmly in mind. 5. Admiration close again becomes easier. Officers do need assistance, notjust San Francisco, CA 94124 6. Approval Men and women think differently. in times of danger but in times of 415-822-9894 And here are the six things women Understanding your partner takes want from men: practice, but IT PAYS BIG DIVI- 1. Caring DENDS. 2. Respect 3. Validation Rosalind Thompson has been in Specializing in workers' 4. Devotion practice for fifteen years, including compensation, employment 5. Understanding four years of working directly with discrimination, personal injury 6. Reassurance police officers and sheriff deputies. and retirement Men and women handle stress She has also worked with the Depart- for public employees. differently. Under stress a man be- ment of Justice on drug related is- comes focused and withdrawn. He sues. 100 Van Ness Avenue • 19th Floor needs to solve problems. He goes "Ask Annie "encourages any and San Francisco, California 94102 inside himself to find answers. If he all who want to raise an issue or talk 415 • 431 • 5310 can't solve the problem, he wants to about a problem to write. Please write lose the problem by watching TV or to the Notebook and put "AskAnnie" 117 "j" Street • Suite 301 playing a sport. When he finds a on the envelope. The letter will not be Sacramento, California 95814 solution he comes back emotionally. opened by anyone but "Annie". Let- 916 • 443 • 2284 When a man has a problem on his ters used will be printed anony- mind it would be helpful to say to his mously. 'Annie' also will make sure wife: "I'll be back." that any letter published will be ed- Representing the community A woman deals with stress by be- ited to avoid revealing the identity of for over thirty years. coming overwhelmed and involved. the author. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ...... GOLDcfr MORE YEWELER5 John Payne (Co. E) of

Specializing in all jewelry & watch repair i I + Piercing, infants through adults + In-house appraiser once a month + Custom jewelry design PETALUMA TRAVEL I Let's recycle your broken and outdated jewelry into a new and exciting piece Of jewelry I + Full line of religious medals + Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, etc. I Can send you ANYWHERE! I. + 'Tree" SFPD Tie Tack or Charm with any $i5o.00 purchase . I Specializing in travel plans for you and your family I to off retail•.::: Jewelry always 25% 50% . I . -With this ad we'll take an additional 10% off I o Hawaii, Mexico, Disneyland 0 Sporting event road trips • for any S.F. police officer and their family members. . I I::' I 0 USA & Worldwide destinations 0 Lowest Airfares I • Hours 0 Free Delivery 0 Ask about special rates for retired members I Monday - Saturday 10-6 + All major credit cards accepted An— .), I I 1569 Sloat Blvd., Lucky Lakeshore Plaza + Upper Level, Right as you exit the elevator I Give Me a Call! I P3.50 watch batterl 753-0112 2.00 Ring Sizing ' I L391J— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —LL1J — — — — — — JOHN PAYNE 0 (707) 769-9610 0 (800) 564-8728

Page 12 Notebook January 1995

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We Need A New Building by Clifford Java

,-_-How many times have you needed a hail for a birthday party, ,—_—l_' —> -',.-- _•,-_?_"_ -. -. — .— .— _ —v—',_'-__l•_ __' '_.____' __' .— -.-' - ---S - a baptism, a surprise party or a testimonial for a good friend who -.-. - ----'------is retiring from the "Job?" -. -i--- -- The first thing we do is look in the Yellow Pages and calling 10 - or 20 places to get a price and to see if it's available for our affair. SAN TtkH010 fOLIC6 MON A Usually the Catering Manager is very friendly and helpful but there is a problem. You're told that the rental for the Hall is $700- IT I $1200 and you need $300 for a deposit and you have to "Come down right now before someone takes your date." [71, The price sounds right, date you want is available but you need some time to get the deposit money. You tell your wife the good MME"'MOO11111% news and run down to give your deposit. When you arrive at the hail, it looks good and you start your mental planning on what you will need and how your special day will be. You go inside to meet the Caterer, you introduce yourself but you see a sad look. The Caterer tells you "Sorry but I couldn't I wait someone else came in an hour ago and the hall is not N available." This story happens many times and it doesn't need to happen to you. The Building Committee believes we need to raise money so that our current building can be rebuilt in order to provide a 41 Banquet Hall for all members to use. We need a building we can use and be proud of. iI

-J-r 5 LP, VAIOI4 Arn;.

Page 13 January 1995 Notebook

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Page 14 Notebook January 1995 A Proven Advocate For All Employees Al Casciato For Retirement Board Elect Al Casciato Retirement

Dear Fellow Employee & Retirement System Member: Board Commissioner

As you may know, our Retirement Board faces a critical election this Ballots will be delivered with your those offered by the PERS System, by January. In these difficult and uncertain economic times, the future fiscal January 10, 1995 pay warrant. If either Charter Amendment, or nego- integrity and goals of the System are at stake. you do not receive a ballot, contact tiated deferred compensation strate- As a Tier 1 (Old Plan) member of the Retirement System and an active either your union representative, the gies and at the same time increase investor in the Deferred Compensation Program, I share your concerns Retirement System at (415) 554- COLA benefits for current retirees. about the soundness of our pension funds and the reliability of the benefits 1520, or Al Casciato at (415) 861 - • Find a way to ensure all current for which we have worked so long and hard to achieve. Those concerns 5060. and future retirees to receive health motivated me to become a candidate for the Board at the request of Union and dental protection in retirement. Leaders in charge of your negotiating committees. Al Casciato Is Endorsed By: I am a lifelong San Franciscan - a graduate of Sacred Heart High School, SF Police Officers' Assn., Al has been visiting worksites and S. F. State, and the F.B.I. National Academy— and have been a sworn Police SEIU, Local 911 retiree organizations in a effort to Officer since 1971. For the past twenty years, I have been an active member Joseph Driscoll, Retirement meet as many of the 30,000 plus of the S. F. Police Officers' Association. I have served on the Board of Board Commissioner voting members of the System as Directors and as President (in 1983-84). I am currently a member of the POA SF Firefighters' Union, Local 798 possible. to Negotiating Committee, Public Employees Committee of the Labor Council, Building Trades Council and a voting delegate to the S.F. Labor Council. Plumbers, Local 38 Al Casciato I believe that the primary responsibility of a member of the Retirement Transport Workers for Retirement Board Board is to ensure that all current and retired members are benefiting from Larry Martin-TWU Soon we will all be negotiating the System. To this end, I pledge to: Laborers, Local 250 contracts and it will be extremely • Protect the financial integrity of the System. SEIU, Local 790 critical to those negotiations that Al • Upgrade Tier 2 (New Plan) members to plans which are comparable or SEIU, Local 250 Casciato be a member of the Retire- exceed those offered by the PERS System by either charter amendment, or SEIU, Local 535 ment Board when those negotiations negotiated deferred compensation strategies. Stationary Engineers Local 39 take place. We need him. • Find a way to ensure that all current and future retirees receive Health Sign and Display Local 510 Al Casciato has been a tireless and Dental protection in our "golden years". San Francisco Labor Council advocate of retirement, health and On January 10th, 1995 you will receive the Retirement Board ballot with dental benefits for the last 20 years. your paycheck. At that time you will have the opportunity to help yourself Al Casciato is: Al is the only candidate running and your negotiating committee by voting for me. I am the only candidate • A 25 year veteran of the Police who is an active member of the Labor running who has a proven record of negotiating on behalf of all city Department, currently holding the Council, and an active union nego- employees. rank of Captain, commanding the tiator. He has a proven track record Fraternally yours, Tenderloin Task Force. of being a true professional who is Captain Croce "Al" Casciato •Alffelong San Franciscan. Gradu- always working for the benefit of all Commanding Officer ate of Sacred Heart High School, San employees. SFPD Tenderloin Task Force Francisco State, and the F.B.I. Na- Al was a member of the All-City tional Academy. Married to Maritza Negotiating Committee which in 1989 Endorsed By The: Zamora with whom he has two chil- caught former Mayor Art Agnos ma- S.F. Police Officers' Assn., SEIU, Local 911 dren, daughter Melissa, a senior at nipulating the contribution rate to Joe Dricoll Retirement Board Commissioner Immaculate Conception Academy, the tune of $35 million. He actively S. F. Firefighters' Union, Local 798 and son Alexis, a freshman at Sacred lobbied then-supervisor and Retire- Building Trades Council Heart Cathedral College Preparatory. ment Board Member Doris Ward to Plumbers, Local 38 • The only candidate who is a support a motion that would allocate Transport Workers / Locals 250A and 200 current member of a Negotiation $17 million of the $35 million di- Laborers, Local 250 Committee. A voting delegate of the rectly to employee benefits. The $17 SEIU, Local 790 San Francisco Labor Council, an million is still owed, and Al wants to SEIU, Local 250 active member of the Public Employ- bring that issue to the forefront of SEIU, Local 535 ees Committee of the Labor Council this year's negotiations. S.F. Labor Council negotiating on behalf of all City em- Al professionally and publicly Sign and Display Local 510 ployees. stood up to Mayor Jordan earlier • A Tier I member and active inves- this year when attacks on the tor in the Deferred Compensation Retirement System were being con- Program. templated. Al is fearless when it comes to Al Casciato Pledges to: defending our benefits. BAKER • Protect the fiscal integrity of the Help yourself and your negotiat- System. ing committee by voting for Al PLACES • Upgrade Tier II members to plans Casciato RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT SERVICES which are comparable to, or exceed

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January 1995 Notebook Page 15 scriptures that they walked and talked with Christ in the Garden and 1N FRANCISCO had fellowship with HIM. You see, for Managed Assets Accounts a marriage to last we have to have by Ray Arata After completing this examination Fellowship of God in the center of the relationship, process with you, your financial ad- Christian we have to make HIM LORD in our One of the newest and most excit- visor can recommend one or more Peace Offieers lives, we have to follow his com- ing investment services on today is qualified investment managers whose mands to serve and love one another. the "managed assets account." approach and strategy best fit your Jesus Christ is the glue that keeps In recent years, investors have personal investment profile. married couples together through placed more than $100 billion into Inmost cases, your financial advi- the good and bad times. these accounts, which incorporate a sor will select the manager from a Three In One What about our schools? Shouldn't variety of services, including invest- pre-approved list of professionals our schools have a triune relation- ment management, into a single in- whose credentials, experience and by Dan Hampton ship with us parents? Schools have vestment account. Instead of com- investment performance records have our children for approximately six to missions, these services are provided been well examined. These approved eleven hours (counting extended within one all inclusive fee structure. investment managers are also moni- ne of the most mysterious care). Shouldn't the school adminis- Some observers have termed this tored to be sure they continue to doctrines of the Christian trators and teachers mirror the val- arrangement a "wrap fee." However, provide high quality services. And, O faith is that there is but one ues that we have in our homes? If our calling these services "wrap fee" pro- because your financial advisor re- God, yet three individual persons children are taught no moral values grams would be like calling mutual ceives a fee for supervising your within the Godhead (Father, Son, at school won't they clash with our funds "load" or "no load" programs. managed assets account, he or she is and Holy Spirit). In the New Testa- Christian values which are centered Characterizing these accounts by the only interested in helping you choose ment Jesus Christ told the apostles on the teachings of God? Not all of us consulting and investment manage- an investment manager who is most after his resurrection that He was can afford private schools like Mr. ment services they provide is more likely to achieve your goals. ascending into heaven to "your God and Mrs. Clinton. But one thing we accurate than labelling them the way Assistance in selecting an invest- and My God", and in another loca- can do is to get involved in the edu- the fees are paid. ment manager is only one important tion in the bible before His crucifix- cation boards of our public schools Many investors like managed as- service your financial advisor pro- ion Jesus told the apostles, "I and the and attend PTA meetings. We have to sets accounts because they provide vides in conjunction with your man- Father (God the Father) are one". I convince our school administrators access to professional investment aged assets account. Other services know this is hard to understand and and teachers that our Christian val- managers who can create individu- include consistently monitoring your harder still to explain. But if we look ues are the foundational blocks which ally-tailored portfolios without the investment manager's performance, around us and in the scriptures there made our Nation great and free. $1 million minimum investment that as well as regularly communicating can be an attempt to try to explain Now all Christians have a triune asset managers usually require. with you about the status of your and understand this. For instance, relationship with God the Father. In most cases, these managers portfolio, especially during difficult have you come to know that all of us When we believed that Jesus Christ waive their high account minimum market periods. are a trinity? You and I have a body, is the Son of God who came into the because the brokerage firm offering Additionally, you will receive de- soul and spirit (see the book of world to die for our sins, we became the account has agreed to assume tailed quarterly reports which may Thessalonians in the NewTestament). one with God the Father and Our the time-consuming administrative include a commentary from your in- Now our bodies are a substance that Lord Jesus Christ. At the Last Sup- and reporting chores normally asso- vestment manager about his or her we can see, feel, and at times even per with the Apostles Jesus said, ciated with managing an investment performance over the previous few smell. But what is a body without a "Before long, the world will not see portfolio. months and his or her future expec- soul which is the breath of life, giving me anymore, but you will see me. Another attraction of managed tations. Also included will be a list of the body rhythm, movement and life? Because I live, you also will live. On assets accounts is that they offer the securities in your account, the A body without its soul can be found that day you will realize that I am in individual investors an opportunity current market value of your portfo- in the butcher shop ready to be cut my Father, and you are in me, and I to participate in planning and man- lio, dividends and interest posted, a up into steaks or chops; or can be am in you." Isn't it marvelous that aging their portfolios, without being summary of transactions and other found in a mortuary in a casket sinners like you and me can become involved in the many day-to-day de- key account details. ready for burial. And if the soul gives one with God? cisions that must be made. Although they offer a valuable ser- life to the body, what good is it if it Heavenly Father, none of us can Managed assets accounts grew in vice for investors who require indi- doesn't have a spirit which gives the truly understand everything about popularity as individual investors vidual financial planning and con- living body its intellect, reasoning, you. But we do know that you sent demanded more of the services of- sulting, managed assets accounts and ability to know right from wrong? your Son Jesus Christ to earth to pay fered to large institutional investors, are not necessarily suited for every- Obviously, we need all three. the penalty for our sins. We don't including the uses of consultants one. Many investors are quite satis- The institution of marriage should want to be controlled by our sin, so who were retained by corporate fied with the performance and ser- also be a triune relationship. Re- Father, give us your Holy Spirit every money managers to provide invest- vice they receive from mutual funds; member Adam and Eve in the Gar- day to help us not to practice sin on ment strategy and guidance. other may prefer a more "hands-on" den of Eden? Itwas Jesus Christwho a habitual basis. Help us to do what The process of starting a managed role in managing their portfolios. brought them together for marriage is right, to show mercy and compas- assets account begins with clearly As with any financial decision, your and said, "the two shall become one". sion, and to give honor and worship identifying your investment objec- financial advisor will be happy to And before they sinned it says in the to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. tives and risk tolerance. For example, help you determine whether a man- if you are recently retired, your in- aged assets account is suitable for vestment goals would differ from a you at this point in your investment much younger person who is plan- career. ning to put two children through To Go And Delivery METAL college in ten years. Your financial Ray Arata III, Financial Advisor '4 RECYCLING INC. advisor can help clarify your objec- Prudential Securities Incorporated - Young's B.B.Q. 1438 Donner Ave., San Francisco, CA 94124 tives and determine the amount of One Embarcadero Center, Suite 3700 3412 17th (at Valencia) Tel: 415/822-9096 • Fax: 415/822-9153 investment risk you are willing to San Francisco, CA 94111 S.F., CA 94110 Billy Vanh incur to maximize your investments. (415) 399-3841 552-4858

Evacuation Systems c3Iappj E44o&da Burglar Alarms Best Wishes from with appreciation from Card Access San Diego Gas & Electric Fire Alarms National CCTV I Guardian 9 TOM EMERY SD Sales Manager 550 Barneveld Ave., San Francisco, CA 94124-0591 • (800) 669-5454

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Page 16 Notebook January 1995 KING standpoint. It poses the specter of crease. Similarly, injuries to police aires out of convicted criminals and (Continued From Page 1) billy-club confrontations." (Los An- officers increased 521 percent as others who choose to resist arrest. geles Herald Examiner, August post-chokehold confrontations be- Many confrontations will not make ing suspects to be struck with ba- 22,1981). came more violent. The Chiefs re- for pleasant dinner-time viewing re- tons and kicked with boots. Then-Chief of Police Daryl Gates quest to modify the unreasonable gardless of which tactics are used. First, those who seek to under- (who was a defendant in the recent policy was ignored. Thus, a huge gap The public, the courts and the media stand the King incident should make civil trial until he was dismissed for in the police use-of-force continuum must insist on a more constitutional, no mistake about Mr. King and what lack of evidence), speaking about was created and itwas not adequately more rational use-of-force policy- happened the night of March 3, 1991. police batons, told the Police Com- filled. making process than Los Angeles The undisputed facts as established mission on May 7, 1982 that "if used, At a recent nonlethal weapons in- experienced in the early 1980s. Giv- by three jury trials (two criminal and these would result in injury in al- structors course in central Califor- ing an officer a metal pipe as a pri- one civil) are these: King was a most every case, a result which does nia, more than seventy percent of the mary tool, then telling the officer to drunken paroled robber, briefly out not occur from employment of attendees raised their hands when do the job humanely, is schizo- of prison and by his own testimony (choke)holds."Still, on May 12, 1982, asked if their agencies still use the phrenic. It should not be accepted by intent on not going back. He led the Police Commission (civilians ap- chokeholds. Around the country, the public and the press, or by the police on a lengthy chase, driving in pointed by the mayor to make police there are dozens of in-custody deaths political and police leadership. It sim- excess of 100 miles per hour. He policy) put the holds on a par with each year whether or not the ply costs too much. exhibited bizarre behavior, resisted "deadly force." Now the holds, previ- chokehold is used. To this day there Law enforcement leaders through- arrest, and pushed away four offic- ously used on several of the eight or has been no validation that media- out America must adopt humane ers before the video began and before nine hundred people arrested by labeled "chokehold deaths" were alternatives. any significant force was used on LAPD each day in the 1980s, were chokehold related. "Policy" includes more than what him. He was not struck while hand- only used a few times a month. Faced with clear evidence of poor is written in some thick book. Policy cuffed, contrary to continuing talk- When push came to shove in Los policy-making by elected and ap- includes choices of tactics, equip- show blather. He has been arrested Angeles, the civilian overseers of the pointed city officials, how could any ment, application and training. several times (twice for violent crimes) police department made billy-club of the three King juries hold the Choices can be based on whim or since the famous incident. In short, confrontations a tactic of first resort. officers personally accountable for fancy, or they can be based on objec- Mr. King was something more than This unfortunate policy and the train- the ugly results? The wrong people tive research and findings. Policies what the media calls "a motorist." ing that followed created a funda- were on trial. If policy makers are not should be driven by the numbers Still, he should never have been sub- mental change in routine arrest situ- held accountable for their poorjudg- and severity of injuries which are jected to the tactics we see on the ations that made the baton a tool of ments, needed improvements will not known to result from any given tac- video. aggression instead of merely self- occur. Many write off the Rodney tic. The lack of modern equipment is Those who feel as current City defense. King incident as an aberration, in- a major hurdle. Councilwoman Rita Walters, widely Police Commissioner Reva Tooley stead of recognizing it as the inevi- David Boyd, the director of the quoted asking for "accountability" told the Los Angeles Times, "The table consequence of lousy decision- Science and Technology Division of and bemoaning the failure of the civil baton seems to provide a new, broad making at high levels. the National Institute ofJustice, says, jury to hit the officers with punitive spectrum of control techniques that Recently there has been media "Police still have the same choices damages, ought to have a frank dis- perhaps could enable officers to con- attention focused on in-custody Wyatt Earp had. They can talk a cussion with the city's policy makers trol aggressively resisting suspects deaths which occurred after violent subject into cooperating, they can of the early 1980s. Apparently not without resorting to the chokehold," suspects were "hog tied," a widely beat him into submission or they can anticipating a riot, Councilman Rob- and that the burden will now be on used procedure to prevent violent shoot him. What police need are bet- ert Farrell declared that it would be the Police Department to prove that suspects from kicking at officers and ter alternatives." more " 'cost effective' for the city to other methods of restraint are more others. The phenomenon known as The latest rage is "pepper spray." settle claims for broken bones of dangerous than the use of the "positional asphyxia", discovered in As effective as it is in many cases, its combative suspects who are hit with chokeholds (May 12 and 13,1982). the late 1980s, is apparently to blame track record on very large, very ag- batons rather than to pay settle- On January 4, 1984, Gates pro- in many unexplained in-custody gressive, very "high" suspects is not ments" in chokehold cases (Los An- vided the City Council with informa- deaths. The National Institute of as good as the police need it to be. gelesTimes, October 7, 1981). Coun- tion that injuries to suspects had Justice and the International Asso- Available electronic nonlethal weap- cilman Zev Yaroslavsky, stated that climbed from an average of 3.1 per ciation of Chiefs of Police have just ons (like Tasers and Ultrons) are not "if we don't have the holds, the next week prior to the chokehold morato- completed a study which estimates standard equipment in most agen- level of force. . . is the baton, and it's rium, to 23.6 per week afterward. that four out of five in-custody deaths cies. The federal government, for all more dangerous from the maiming This represents a 661 percent in- are due to positional asphyxia. Most its recent efforts to inspire the next of those deaths, plus most of the generation of high-tech nonlethal remaining twenty percent, appear to weapons, is caught up in figuring out be cocaine related. Were the Los how to provide a more tasteful end to Angeles "chokehold death" cases of the next Waco tragedy, how to con- the late 1970s and early 1980s to be trol the next riot, and how to stop the 5flNRflKu reinvestigated, one would find that next O.J. Simpson-style car chase. (Tour (5cJ'a5011s Courtesy most if not all the subjects were "hog Putting something effective into the JAPANESE RESTAURANT tied" and that the deaths were con- hands of the average cop who is sistent with positional asphyxia and/ trying to control a resisting suspect, or drug-induced delirium, not ought to be more of a priority. There Of A chokeholds. With 17,000 different were no riots after Waco or O.J. law enforcement agencies in the If we can put a man on the moon 704 Sutter Street country, learning about positional and return him safely to Earth, why San Francisco, CA 94109 asphyxia and how to prevent it has can't we put a man on the ground Tel: 415/771-0803 Friend proven to be a slow, reactive process. and take him safely to jail? Police officers will continue to have The Rodney King jury heard these Fax: 415/771-0893 violent confrontations. The public things. Is anyone else listening? must grow tired of making million-

David A. Moore, PE, CSP FAR EASTRESTAURANT AcuTech PRESIDENT AND CEO Since 1920 Process Risk Management Famous Chinese Family Style Dinner AcuTech Consulting, Inc. Open Everyday 100 Pine Street, Suite 2240 Mon.-Fri. 11:30 a.m.-lOp.m. San Francisco, CA 94111 Sat.-Sun. 12 noon - 10 p.m. Tel: 415-772-5972 631 Grant Avenue, San Francisco • 415/982-3245 Fax: 415-772-5975

• Satellite T.V. Wiihu 2/eu 4 dIapp IVew '1/ea4 • Ten Screens Sor • Pool Table Thanks for keeping our City safe! • 18 Draft Beers Secondary Employment Opportunities available please contact Frank Cannizzaro 2239 Polk St. 785 Market Street, #1150 PHOENIX(Y) San Francisco, CA San Francisco, CA 94103 OPERATIONS I I Not Bad Seat in the House 775-4287 (415) 487-1010 • FAX: (415) 487-1020

January 1995 Notebook Page 17 •....••••• ...... S... • S•• S S SS S• • • • • S •••••••SS•

: Labor : Calendar of Events : Coming up on the labor front: nion News January: • APRI Western Region Conference, Portland, Jan 20-22 Western Women's Conference, San Jose, Jan 27-29 February: • Western Conference Organizing Committee Mtg.-Feb 18 March: Labor Notes • SEIU Western Union Skills Program, • : Newport Beach(tentative), Mar 28-31 • .•. ....• S..... S•• S ••• ••• • • . S • S S • • S S • • ••• S••• Local 790 Win Labor Paper San Francisco's own Local 790 The New Free Press, aweekly news- Labor Studies prevailed after a bitter struggle with paper, will begin covering labor is- Mayor Jordan over pay and benefits. sues in the Bay Area. Staff members City workers ended up with a pack- are soliciting news articles, press Spring 1995 Class Studies releases, items for a calendar of age that will give them an increase of LABR 250: Introduction to Labor Studies (3 credits) 14% over the next three years. events, etc.. Send stories or other material about the local labor move- Overview of history, economics and politics of labor in the U.S. Focus on women and minorities in the labor market and current issues such ment to: John Bryan, Editor/Publisher as health care and pensions. Boycott The New FREE PRESS Weds 7 p.m.-9:45 p.m. Instructor: Brenda Cochrane The AFL-CIO and SEIU want all 537 Jones St., #1076 San Francisco, CA 94102 union members to boycott the Tele- LABR 251: Knowyourworkrights (3 credits) scope Casual Furniture Company of Overview of basic statutory protections covering American workers, Granville, NY. The company makes including wage and hour, safety and health, workers' compensation, patio and lawn furniture. Members unemployment, family leave etc. of Local 36Fw of the IUE Furniture Mon. 7 p.m.-9:45 p.m. Workers Division went on strike after Instructor: Albert Lannon the company demanded that work- ers accept wage cuts, elimination of LABR 343: Women and Work (3 credits) seniority and other contract changes. Historical and current examination of issues and problems facing women in the labor market, Includes an analysis of the interaction of race, class and gender in the SFPOA'S NEW VOLUNTARY INSURANCE labor market. Thurs. 4:10 p.m.-7p.m. PROGRAM FROM TRANSAMERICA Instructor: Brenda Cochrane (Via Payroll Deduction) LABR 570: Urban Health Policy (3 credits) Political economy of OPEN ENROLLMENT (60 Days) * urban health. Workplace health and safety. Special role of women and FEBRUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 1995 minorities in community health care systems. Tues., Thurs. 2.10 p.m. - 3.25 p.m. Receive a "Living Benefit" if you become terminally ill Instructor: Debbie Leveen Double the "face amount" if death occurs accidentally Benefit for "Long Term" and/or "Home Health Care" LABR 677: Intro to Federal Labor Law (2 credits) Create an immediate estate in the event of your death An overview of the structure and functions of the U.S. Department of Waive cost of insurance after you are disabled for six months Labor. Add a low cost term rider option to increase your coverage Saturdays Feb. 25th, March 11th, April 1st, May 6th. 9.30 a.m - 4.30 p.m. Instructor: Jack Cunningham and others. LABR 699: SPECIAL STUDY (1 - 3 credits) Topics determined through discussion with instructor. Instructor: Brenda Cochrane All the above classes may be taken for credit or for Continuing Education Units For further info, call Walt Podgurski, CLU of Transamerica through the Extended Education Program. Insurance at (800) 400-0674 CALL 415-338-2885 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON Be sure to read the forthcoming letter from the SFPOA THE BA OR MA DEGREES IN LABOR STUDIES. Im

S T E V E $ I L V E R ' S

BAH BL.*PJKEF INSTALLED SERVICED REPAIRED HARVEY'S PLACE WASHERS, DRYERS, DISHWASHERS, Harvey & Sandy Woo DISPOSALS, ELECTRIC RANGES 21 Liquors, Groceries, Coffee Shop IIALiSHt AII1DUAC[ SEIVICF 330 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 2418- 28th Avenue • San Francisco 94116 B AYOpj® 415/495-0448 Dario Baciocco 731-4489

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It is our pleasure to offer a 20% discount Clisham & Sortor to all active and retired police officers F N Attorneys at Law __!A4 and their families. Ghiradelli Square THE 4071 24th St., S.F., CA 94114 900 North Point, Suite 300 415-824-9399 San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 775-1395 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am - 7 pm

Sat. 9 am - 5 pm Specializing in the Representation of Peace Officers Page 18 Notebook January 1995 Al Trigueiro, President SFPOA SFPOA Peony 510 7th Street Local 911 SEIU LETTERS Peony Fine Jewelry, Inc. S.F. CA 94103 510 Seventh Street 888 Brannan St. Showroom #1100 San Francisco, CA 94103 San Francisco, CA 94103 Chief of Police Tel.: 415-255-2202, 415-255-2216 Dear Members: San Francisco Police Department Fax: 415-348-6837 Thank you for the beautiful Dear Mr. Al Trigueiro: floral arrangement and your many I want to extend my warm thanks and appreciation to the San Dear Chief, kind words of sympathy. I want to thank all of the SFPD The family of Timothy P. Leahy Francisco Police Officers' Associa- tion contribution of $500.00 to the officers who participated in getting my daughter, Heather Boyce, SFPOA Administration of Justice Program S scholarship fund. picked up off the streets of San 510 7th Street Francisco in August of 1994. S.F. CA 94103 I am convinced your contribu- It tion will be appreciated by two Many of you have helped get her on the road to recovery, and you Dear Sirs: outstanding students in the de- don't even know it. Unfortunately, I The Sunnydale Tenants Associa- partment, who plan to further their HAMANO tion would like to send you and education in the area of Law didn't get the name of each officer I Enforcement. The scholarship will spoke on the phone with, but those SUSHI your company a heart felt thank you for your generous donations be presented at the end of the short conversations helped me a towards our Christmas Party. 1995 spring semester. great deal. I do know the names of a few: 1332 Castro Street We sent out over 100 letters to Respectfully, various stores and companies in Henry Collins Officer Michael Curren, thank you San Francisco the city but received only a few Chair, Public Safety Department for going out of your way to help California 94114 responses back (five to be exact). City College of San Francisco me. Officer Michael Norman is a saint. He went an extra step and 826-0825 We were still able to hold our Christmas party with the few got her where she needed to go. I donations we received from Nestle want to thank Mike Kangara for Corp., See's Candies, Frito Lay, recognizing that she was a run- Bank of America (Leland Branch) away and picking her up. and you. To those whose names I don't SFPOA know, thank you all from my heart. Please feel free to contact us in 510-7th Street the future if we can help you in Heather is now in a group home 1 S.F., CA 94103 and is on the road to recovery. It is bkU11 any way. May God Bless you and Season's Gentlemen, up to her, and I hope and pray she takes those steps. COSEY'S INN Greetings. I am late in writing to you, but I Sincerely Yours You are all in my prayers daily. felt I had to end 1994 by writing Thank you, Marsha Kyer, President this letter. Joanne Ramirez Sunnydale Tenants Association My husband, George Gryspas, NIGHT CLUB passed away on February 26, 1994. In lieu of flowers, donations Anthony Ribera PIONEER CLUB SUPPLY were made to the family. Thank- Chief of Police 4100 Third Street Manufacturers and Distributors of Poker Chips, True you notes were made on my behalf San Francisco, CA 94124 Dice, Plastic Cards and All Types of Club Room Supplies. Also M Chips and my daughter Sophia. I only Dear Chief Ribera, Theria A. Boyd-Cosey, V.P. 5252 Mission St. (Geneva Exit), SF 94112 fear so many addresses were not Today is a day that will live in 415/826-9115 Carmen P. Mrozek available, and someone could have the memory of three Santa Clarans FAX (415) 469-9314 (415) 469-5444 been overlooked. forever. My husband owned GNG Liquor Three men from the police and Deli at 40-5th Street for department, Officers Michael twenty years. He had great respect Travis, Rich Lee and Sgt. Dan for all the people he knew. There Greely answered our anxious were so many people who made his curbside call on Grant Street. We last day.. .the day of his funeral... a had become separated from our Courtesy tribute to his memory. Thank you friend Leroy, who was touring the and God bless all of you who took city with us, and somehow we lost part in that final tribute. him. Thank you all again, on behalf of Officers Travis and Lee were the Sophia and me. I remain first to stop. They spent consider- of a Respectfully, able time inquiring about him and Ann Gryspas looking for him. They did every- thing possible to help us. They even drove to the train station, where we started out. They found friend Leroy there! I think these officers are to be Dear SFPOA Members: highly commended for their com- On behalf of our members, staff, passion and tireless efforts in youth carriers, their parents and solving what was to us an in- labor and community supporters, soluble problem. we thank you for the understand- Thank you, Merry Christmas ing, consideration and care you and Happy New Year to you and Down About Rates Going Ups? of and your officers extended to us by your terrific SFPD. the highly professional way you Sincerely, 2.95 (6.79 apr) monitored the march and rally. Ellen Jamison % Start Rate!! Andy Eleanor Gallagher Jeanne English Also Available Lifetime caps to 9.5%(7.7 apr) Adjustable?! Pomts..A.P.R..? (???losing Costs Aaaahhh! Call Marci Strange Grey supports the blue. of Ailsource Financial C) today at: 415/371-1677 Rates and terms subject to change without notice. GREY SAN FRANCISCO

Loan Shopping Grey Advertising, Inc. 345 California Street Made Easy! San Francisco, CA 94104 415-421-1000 fax: 415-291-4964 Real Estate Broker, California Department of Real Estate

January 1995 Notebook Page 19 The Honorable Dianne Feinstein Dear Friend: United States Senate WE DID IT - TOGETHER! SOUTH LETTERS On election day, I was elected to Dianne: a seat on the San Francisco Com- PARK Al Trigueiro I am a San Francisco Police munity College Board. It was the SFPOA Officer with 26 years service to the culmination of a year of hard CAFIffs Local 911 SEIU City and County as well as a campaigning, reaching out to every Between Bryant and Brannan 510 7th Street registered Democrat who like the neighborhood in San Francisco. and Second and Third Streets San Francisco, CA 94103 majority of voters in this state, I want you to know that I could voted a Republican slate with one not have done it without YOU. io8 South Park, San Francisco, Dear Mr. Trigueiro: exception. . . I voted for Dianne Your generous support helped us California 94107 • (r) 495-7275 On behalf of the Department of Feinstein. to get our message out to the Radiation Oncology at UCSF During the radical turmoil of the voters. Medical Center, I would like to seventies, while I was assigned to I will never forget your encour- thank you for your toy donation of Park Station, I guarded the home agement and continuing support FILIPINO $250.00. Your donation is certainly of Supervisor Feinstein at 2030 during the campaign. I promise SENIOR ka appreciated and will help to make Lyon because of bomb threats you that I will work hard and will radiation treatment for our young made against San Francisco City not let you down. CITIZENS patients a positive experience. government, and its supervisors. Thank you again for being my CLUB, INC. If I can be of further assistance, Last week, we buried a brother partner in this important endeavor please feel free to contact me. officer, and very nearly a second, to keep Community College acces- JOE ARTATES, President Happy Holidays! who fell victim to an armed mad- sible and affordable for every San 83 - 6th Street Franciscan striving for a better life. Sincerely, man who couldn't be stopped. That San Francisco, CA 94103 William M. Wara, M.D., FACR fanatic couldn't be brought down Thanks, S.F. Police Officers (415) 974-6288 Professor & Executive Vice Chair- by our meager gunfire because he Association! man was wearing a keviar bullet-proof With deepest appreciation, Lawrence Wong vest and military ballistic helmet. OFFICE APPLIANCE Al Trigueiro, President Where in a civilized world is SFPOA there a place for this bullet resis- COMPANY 510 Seventh Street tant armor? Not even the NRA can I.B.M. San Francisco, CA 94103 defend body armor for the general MINII RI All makes & models public as an expression of the right -v NJ A. N1 Electronic - Typewriters, Calculators Dear Mr. Trigueiro: to keep and bear arms. Why is this CUISINE Service Contracts, Rentals, Supplies Thank you for your gift of $100 stuff available to any suicidal Bob Plevney 534 Irving St. 11:30 am 10 pm Daily to Big Brothers/Big Sisters of San maniac who decides to "go our with S. F., CA 94122 Office Appliance Co. Francisco from the Police Officers' a bang"? No one wears it while (4J5)_566'5335 Mastercard & Visa 4039 Balboa Street Association. We greatly appreciate hunting or target shooting. Its sole San Francisco 94121 the trust you and your members purpose is to make the wearer 415/221-3781 have placed in our efforts. Your impervious to police gunfire. financial support is an investment You have taken a strong stand in a program that has long-term, against the NRA in your assault Bill Kreutzer * General Manager positive results for children. weapon legislation. It is time once Hans Lenkert At Big Brothers/Big Sisters, we again for you to come to the front * San Francisco with the officers who have pro- Associates 260 Stockton St., 4th Floor strive to give disadvantaged chil- San Francisco, CA 94108 dren a chance for a better future. tected YOU. Wholesale Floor Coverings * (415)986-2202 I beseech you to sponsor legisla- (800) 227-3730 By providing one on one mentonng To The Trade Only between children and adult volun- tion in the wake of the James * Fax: (415) 986-3668 teers, we are guiding children to Guelif murder making it a federal USA * * become responsible, productive offense to sell, possess, or wear 290 San Bruno Ave. Hosts* adults, offering them a vision of ballistic body armor. No law- San Francisco CA 94103 hope for their future. With your gift abiding citizen has need for these (415) 863-0222 • Fax (415) 863-1607 DESTINATION SERVICES * we will strengthen our comprehen- implements of war and someone sive services to children (ranging in needs to enlighten the legislature areas from responsible relation- to this fact. I remain. Accepting Delta Dental Plan ships to leadership), and will make Very Sincerely Yours, more matches between children Sgt. Rene LaPrevotte and adults. San Francisco Police Department JULIA A. HALLISYI D.D.S. On behalf of the Little Brothers and Sisters, I thank you for your (415) 641- 7739 + 641-7752 generosity. 377 C West Portal Ave. Connie 51 R.pcabo San Francisco, California 94127 Sincerely, Genera( Dentistry Joni Sims Office Hours By Appointment Development Director 2489 Mission St., Ste. #6 (Corner 2lstStreet) Telephone: 415/665-1500 San Francisco, Cq 94110 Wife of Sgt. John Hallisy - Narcotics Bureau Al Trigueiro, President SFPOA SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS LIFE INSURANCE 510 Seventh Street "A Common Sense Approach to Individual and Family Term Insurance" 24 Hour Service Male and Female Non-Smokers San Francisco, CA 94103 Call Toll-Free (800) 832-7333 for Details $300,008 $460,0680 JONES TOW SERVICE Monthly9700,588 Pnnmrnm Monthly$208,000 Prnnoom Monthly Pnenounn Monthly Pn,noum Dear Mr. Trigueiro: Innu, Age Mold FnmnIe Mole / Fern I, MoIn / Fnnnole Mole / Fennole On behalf of the entire San Complete Auto Repair 21 1201/1122 1762/1460 2376/1922 2990/2383 23 3201/11.22 1762/14.60 2376/1922 2999/23.89 Francisco Suicide Prevention 365 So. Van Ness, San Francisco 23 1201/1122 1762/1460 2376/1922 2990/23892990/2385 organization, I want to thank you Hablamos Español 24 42.8118122 176218440 23.7611922 3026/2421 25 1201/1122 8790/84771780/1477 2435/19.492403/1949 306212421 for your donation which we just (415) 554-0568 2027 1201111.22120911122 1798/1477 2430/1949 3062/221 received. (415) 222-5343 28 1206/1122 081611498 245611976 5597/2456 29 121 /112' 181,11495 248 /1976 3133124563/33/2456 Let me tell you what happens 30 12.08181 1 18311032/1495 / 15 .31 25.10246318976 120.29 31.68/25 28 when we get an unexpected dona- 31 1218 / 1/ 31 2597/2056 3200125.03 23 0227111311227/1131 1069/15491887/184 2363/2109 3240/2614 tion. First of all, we are able to use 5433 12.3511131 19.09/3631 25,90/2100 327512741 the money for something we've 35 1235/1131 1922/1673 2617/2243 3311/2812 38 0262/1148 292911782 2777/2378 3524/299853845/3133 needed for a long time. In this 10% DISCOUNT FOR 37 1279/120l 2189/1833 5297/20433017/2483 4165/3346 581922/8227 252350/1940 10 / 2065 3498/2830 4496/3596 case, we will be able to go out and POA MEMBERS 39 14.44113.221383/1279 2076/2172 33.3812903 400612404 get new training materials for 4041 1523 / 8392 2830 122.96 3978 / 3177 512614058 volunteer classes that are about to 42 0601/14,36 2980124.21 4215/3364 544714308 43 1705/15 14 3168/2563 48.061384406/3578 18 6110149,135803/43 92 descend on us. But most impor- 44 '' 1810/5566 5363127233631/2884 5180/4058 67,28152 33 BASIC 41.45 1923/16/0 3986/30.44 580714299 7295/5554 tantly, we also get a warm feeling 47 2227/1792 4254/3222 6114/4566 7974/5910 that someone out there appreciates 48 2508/1953 459213418 66.2714955 9292/6728865116301 what we are doing. And that is the BOOKSHELVES 49 2514/1940 4913/3631 7182/5180 803217106 545 26.45.2027 5253/3645 7563155808037/5794 10538/7547 best part of all. Plus Custom Work 51 2775/2140 5536/4041 8491161.41 11145/6060 52 3141/2332201512227 6301/45031030/42.12 9185/6488 12068/8473 Your receipt is enclosed. We are 5453 53,54/2462 6033/4755 180,13/6535 138,72/8936 grateful for your interest and 55 3628/2993 7423/5020 10867/7262 14311/9505 Features (male and female): assistance, and we are proud to • A+ Rates (Superior) Life Insurance Company • Portable Into Retirement have you in our family of donors. 555 Hayes St. • Term Rates and coverage Guaranteed for 10 Years • Same Low Rates for Spouses and Family Lowest Premium 10-Year Term on the Market • Guaranteed Renewable to Age 95 Very truly yours, San Francisco, CA 94102 Illustration Only. See policy for specific details. Smoker rates also available Eve R. Meyer 415/863-5864 California Administration Insurance Services, Inc. Executive Director Service to Over 25,000 Safety Officers Since 1972

Page 20 Notebook January 1995

'a PAL CORNER I PAL For additional information, I phone PAL at 695-6935

S ,N FRAN(IS San Francisco Police Activities League

1995 Schedule Please call a month prior to the start of sport, 695-6935

Baseball: Sign-ups January 10 - February 15, Call SF Park & Recreation at 753-7029 T-Ball 6-8 Yrs Bronco 11-12 Yrs Pinto 7-8 Yrs Pony 13-14 Yrs Captain Cairns with one of the pla ques awarded to the heroic paramedics Mustang 9-10 Yrs Par/Rec 15-18 Yrs Summer League, Call 753-7028 Basketball: (Separate leagues for boys and girls) 6th, 7th and 8th Grades (Teams Only) Season: October & November (December Playoffs)

Jr. Golf Lessons: (Boys & Girls) Ages 7-18, at Harding Park Golf Course, call for sign-ups Football: (Ages 8-14) Cheerleading: (Ages 5-15) Sign-ups: April, May & June. Season: September, October, November. Practice & Conditioning in August.

Judo: (7-18 years, boys & girls) Tuesdays at 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM and Fridays at 5:30 PM - 7:3- PM at the Police Academy Gym, 350 Amber Drive. N.C.J.A. Affiliation fees: Ages 7- 16, $60/year; Ages 17-18 $100/year.

Law Enforcement Cadets: (Boys & Girls) Session: September through May Jr. Cadets: (High School Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors) Left to right: Capt. Cairns, Chief Paramedic Pippa Amick and Paramedic Senior Cadets: (Ages 18-2 1) Melanie Brandon Cadets meet every Wednesday at 7 PM, at the Police Academy, 350 Amber Drive. Soccer: (Boys & Girls) Awards Ceremony April, May, June, Ages 6-18. For placement on the waiting list, call first Captain Richard Cairns presented responding to the November 13th week in February. awards to Paramedics Melanie Bran- shooting at Pine and Franklin Streets. don and Dan Bonam at the Decem- Chief Paramedic Pippa Amick ac- ber SFPOA Board of Directors Meet- cepted the award for Dan Bonam ing, held at Northern Station. The (who was on vacation). Dave Herman, POA recognition was to honor the Co. E's director, also presented the dedication shown by all of SF's heroic pair with gift certificates enti- S "'C FORD paramedics ... day in and day tling each of them to dinner for two at out.. .and, in particular, the courage the Postrio restaurant and a shop- of San Francisco that Melanie and Dan displayed while ping spree at Nordstrom. Why Buy or Lease From S&C FORD? • We Have the Most Repeat Customers in Northern California Hassle-Free Environment • We Can Get You Any Make or Model Officers Seek Fees in Bay Times Case (Ford-GM-Chrysler-All Imports) On December 5, 1994, POA Vice suit, most of the liability resulting You Are Paying Too Much For Your Car or Truck President Gary Delagnes, Inspector from the litigation results from the If You Haven't Shopped At S&C FORD. Jeny Golz and Officer Tom Yuen filed Court's decision on the underlying Ray P. Siotto, Executive Vice President a motion with the Federal District dispute over indemnification of the Court for attorney fees and costs three police officers, and of former incurred in defending themselves in Chief of Police Richard Hongisto. The Since i928 the recent Bay Times case. The case judgment for the plaintiffs in the is noteworthy because the incidents case amounted to only $35,000. Be- Sales located at upper Market at Dolores out of which it arose resulted with cause the officers and Hongisto are 2001 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114 (415) 861-6000 FAX (415) 431-4954 the removal of former Chief of Police now to be indemnified, this $35,000 Service located at Richard Hongisto. must be paid by the City. But, that's 450 RHODE ISLAND STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 (415) 553-4400 FAX (415) 553-4422 As reported last month, Delagnes, just the beginning. Golz and Yuen obtained judgments In addition, the plaintiffs' attor- against the City from the Federal neys' fees and costs must now be District Court in cross claims they paid by the City. The amount plain- r - - - - were forced to file because the City tiffs are seeking is $320,000. When I refused to represent them in the Bay I I you add to the amount that plaintiffs Times case. Judge Lowell Jensen I I are actually expected to recover the 1Name ruled that the City Attorney's failure amount that is expected to be recov- to represent these officers was wrong ered for attorneys' fees and costs for I I and that the City should fully indem- Hongisto and the officers, which ac- I Old Address I nify them. As a result, the officers are cording to POA attorney Vince I I now entitled to recover from the City Courtney is approximately $300,000, I City, State, Zip for the cost of their defense, includ- the total amount that the City will I I ing attorneys' fees. The City, which is likely have to pony up will be in now expected to pay approximately excess of $600,000. This, of course, New Address I $600,000 as a result of the federal does not include the City's own costs court action, could have settled the of defending the action. Its attorneys i City, State, Zip case for far less. were not just involved in the cross Though the plaintiffs, the Bay claims, but fully participated in all SEND TO: THE NOTEBOOK 510-7th Street, San Francisco, CA Times newspaper and its owner, Kim proceedings throughout the litiga- Corsaro, also prevailed in this law- tion, including the jury trial. January 1995 Notebook Page 21 £PORtS I

which turned out to be a great deal of The Spectator work. I'm sure Gus's competitive spirit will keep him showing up for by Dennis Bianchi races around the Bay Area. Good SFPOA Golf luck, Gus, and thanks for the show. an it be that another year has Every one of these officers have The date for The Fourth Annual slipped by us, again? Huh? been a positive influence upon their C Can't be. It seems like just co-runners. They consistently took POA Golf Tournament has been set. yesterday I was writing the year-end care of themselves, training because column for 1993. This year's column it was important, because it pro- It will be held at the Olympic Club is much tougher to write. Too many moted not just good physical health fine athletes are no longer in the but mental balance as well. on Monday, June 19, 1995. Tour- Department, if they remain, they Well, I would like to thank Tom compete in private, or don't compete Flippin for all of his very hard work nament specifics aren't yet at all. I would like to say good-bye to and for keeping at me when I needed available ... but be sure you keep a few of them. keeping at, and maintaining such a First, to one of my all-time favorite positive outlook. Thanks, Tom. Also, that date open! cop/athletes, one of the toughest, Nick "Someguy" Shihadeh, Paul most fierce competitor/nice guys in Morse, Steve Balma, Rene Laprevotte the world; Thank you Jeff Brosch for and all of the contributors to the all of the good times and the pleasure Sports Section of The Notebook. You of watching you win. I made a call to did a great job, everyone of you. Jeff s home, left a message and re- One last message. I received a COPS Golf Tournament ceived a response on my machine. photocopy of a book review of Dr. On Friday, June 2nd, the Califor- following law enforcement associa- "Hey, I haven't retired! Ijust changed Kenneth Cooper's new book, Antioxi- nia Organization of Police and Sher- tions: phone numbers."Jeffis still out there, dant Revolution. Dr. Cooper is prob- iffs will host its 1995 Desert Classic Colma Police Officers Association; pursuing criminals, riding his bi- ably more responsible for the inter- Golf Tournament at the Woodhaven Colma Police Sergeants Association; "I - cycle and is, and probably always est in aerobic training in the country Country Club in Palm Desert. Daly City Police Officers Association; will be, ready for any and all compe- than any other individual. About In order to put on a successful Half Moon Bay Police Officers Asso- tition. twenty-plus years ago Dr. Cooper tournament such as ours, it is neces- ciation; Newark Police Officers Asso- Morgan Peterson also retired from wrote a book that got this nation sary for us to seek hole sponsorships ciation; Pacifica Police Officers Asso- this field of work this year. Morgan is running and exercising. His new book from businesses such as yours. Hole ciation; San Francisco Police Offic- another reliable competitor and, al- continues to extol the virtues of aero- sponsorships are $125.00. Of course, ers Association; South San Fran- though he is working in the San bic training but he warns against if you decide to participate you will cisco Police Association. Diego area, said he plans to be seen excess and promotes the use of anti- receive a sponsor's plaque as well as Your participation as a hole spon- competing in the Bay Area as the oxidants, vitamin C, E and beta- recognition on the course and in our sor in our 1995 Desert Classic Golf years go by, either running races, carotene. official publication, The California tournament would be appreciated. riding bicycles or racing his car at Please, don't take my word for any Law Enforcer. If you have any questions please Sears Point. It was a pleasure being of this. Read the book, or at least the In San Francisco and the sur- feel free to contact Al Angele, toll free, your competitor and teammate, Morg, book review, or do your own research. rounding areas, COPS represents the at (800) 352-7516. thanks. Dr. Cooper makes a reasoned expla- Also, retiring this year was Dennis nation for why he is promoting this Gustafson. Gus was easily the best regimen. Both he and Dr. Linus marathon runner the Department Pauling believe that such a system of had over the last 15 years or so. He personal health care can delay the s. 415/347-0205 was in a class all his own. Even at 50 signs of aging and reduce the risk of If tot years of age, and pushing a baby cancer and heart disease. The book carriage, he ran a 40 minute 10K! has me thinking that maybe they are Not only was he fast he was smooth right. For the five-cents my opinion RALPH E. SCHOENSTEIN AND SONS and pleasurable to watch. It seemed is worth, give it a look-see. In the CONSTRUCTION COMPANY he was playing out on the roads, meantime, get busy at something until you tried to keep up with him, and go do it. Cal. State License #497094 Additions • Remodel • New Const. S.F.P.D.Member 0 SFPOA'S NEW VOLUNTARY INSURANCE PROGRAM FROM TRANSAMERICA (Via Payroll Deduction) OPEN ENROLLMENT (60 Days) * FEBRUARY 1 - MARCH 31, 1995 [FF Flo —7-701 Receive a "Living Benefit" if you become terminally ill Double the "face amount" if death occurs accidentally ; Benefit for "Long Term" and/or "Home Health Care" Create an immediate estate in the event of your death Waive cost of insurance after you are disabled for six months Add a low cost term rider option to increase your coverage

7e made ee

For further info, call Walt Podgurski, CLU of Transamerica Insurance at (800) 400-0674 Be sure to read the forthcoming letter from the SFPOA Page 22 NoteboOk January 1995 P RTS I

San Francisco Police League Game Scores November 1st Basketball League Headquarters 71 Ingleside 65 Northern 57 F.B.I. 59 Western Conference Eastern Conference November 2nd W L W L Southern 64 Narcotics 73 Southern 8 0 Potrero 5 2 Airport 32 T.T.F. 71 Ingleside 6 1 Tenderloin T.F. 4 4 Narcotics 5 1 F.B.I. 3 3 November 9th November 10th Northern 2 4 San Mateo Co. Op 2 3 Southern 80 F.B.I. 78 Central 2 5 Airport 1 5 Central 69 Potrero 54 Mission 1 5 Headquarters 1 7 November 16th Narcotics 75 Central 70

November 17th Southern 76 Potrero 76 DON D. DANIELS Christie Construction General Building Contractors, T.T.F. 69 Headquarters 55 REALTY Novato California Real Estate Broker November 22nd Expertly installs aluminum, vinyl or wood Ingleside 71 T.T.F. 80 windows and skylights. Headquarters 54 Airport 42 Johnetta Daniels Also Sales Associate Bath & Kitchen Remodeling November 23rd Free estimates & 3D computer drawings Potrero 70 San Mateo 76 1255 Post Street NORTH BAY RESIDENTS Mission 48 Central 56 Suite 854 Maybe it's time you thought about San Francisco, CA 94109 WINDOW REPLACEMENT November 30th Save energy while you add comfort and F.B.I. 88 Mission 58 Bus: (415) 931-5659 beauty to your home Headquarters 58 Airport 53 Fax: (415) 474-1539 Stephen Christie Lic. #543104 Home: (510) 245-9510 SFPD, Southern St. December 1st (415) 897-2009 Northern 65 Ingleside 74 Central 49 Narcotics 63 December 2nd Southern 60 T.T.F. 82 Potrero 58 San Mateo 54 December 6th Narcotics 64 Southern 71 What Has Your Real Estate Broker Northern 57 F.B.I. 67 Done For You Lately? Ask any of these members about my personalized service, and how much money they saved by working with me on their real estate transactions: Gary Aicardo Co. H Kevin Dempsey TAC Dwight Lee Co. A Joe Allegro Co. F Mary Dunnigan Co. H Dennis Newcomer Co. E 0 El Porvenir Produce Richard Andriola hF Douglass Farmer Co. D Lon Ramlan Co. G GRAN SURTIDO DE Rich Cornea Mgmt. Control Dan Gallagher Permit Bur. Bob Stephens SFIAPD ...uuI...... i Fred Crisp Co. A Bob Lee Co. A ...... PROD UCTOS MEXIGANOS Refrescos a su Gusto Bien Helados * For SFPD and SFFD members and their families, I charge sellers a reduced commission rate O4 and give buyers a credit towards closing costs. I have been a real estate broker for over 16 years, C° Pan Mexicano and work in San Francisco, Mann County, Sonoma County, and the Bay Area. Abarrotes y Piflatas Para us Cumpleaños (415) 648-4444 Gran Variedad de Pan Mexicano WE'RE SELLING ALL OUR LISTINGS! - WE NEED MORE 1200 Minnesota Street 2950 - 21st Street LISTINGS! REFER A FRIEND AND GET A REFERRAL FEE! San Francisco, CA 94107 San Francisco, CA 94110 JAMES E. O'CONNOR (415) 282-1093 PRESIDENT BAUDELIO FLORES, owner SAN FRANCISCO MARIN RICHMOND DISTRICT SAN RAFAEL 4BD/2.5BA 31313/1.513A $319,000 $415,000 FAIRFAX IAL GRAF GOLDEN GATE HTS. 2131) Fixer $239,000 Huge Full 5 $378,800 BAIL BONDS OTHER COUNTIES Courtesy "The Bondsman With A Heart" 29TH AVE./ORTEGA SAN PABLO Call Al Graf or Bob or Geri Campana 1131) Home $229,500 3BD/2BA Condo $99,500 Of A BAY VIE W CAMP MEEKER 3BD/1.5BA $179,500 3/2 Hideway $119,500 Friend 369-7117 859 Bryant St. • San Francisco 94103 Daly City: 991-4091 Redwood City: 368-2353

January 1995 Notebook Page 23

ap TS I

San Francisco Police Basketball League December 7th Central 62 Potrero 72 Leading Scorers Headquarters 53 T.T.F. 52 G Pts 3's Avg. T.T.F. E 8 190 16 24. December 8th E. Hagan A. Rodriguez Central W 7 154 1 22 Ingleside 80 San Mateo 65 T. Walsh Southern W 8 144 4 18 Airport 48 Mission 41 P. Walsh Ingleside W 6 134 9 22. Guerrero Potrero E 7 124 0 17. December 13th C. Bryant Potrero E 7 121 11 17.2 Southern 82 F.B.I. 64 R. Tong Southern W 8 120 2 15 Headquarters 53 T.T.F. 62 16.8 A.J. Holder T.T.F. E 7 118 10 E. Anzore Narcotics W 6 115 4 19.1 December 14th 22.8 J. Calgero Central W 5 114 7 Potrero 65 Ingleside 81 A. Honniball Southern W 6 113 6 18.8 Airport 39 Central 67 G. Darcy T.T.F. E 8 109 1 14.' E. Delcarlo Ingleside W 7 108 0 15. December 15th 20.2 R. Spain San Mateo E 5 101 0 Northern 52 Narcotics 64 16.8 S. Roche Northern W 6 101 10 Mission 48 San Mateo 52 W. Horn Headquarters E 8 100 10 12. December 20th Southern 73 T.T.F. 89 Northern 62 Ingleside 79 3 Point Leaders December 21st Airport 48 Narcotics W E. Hagan T.T.F. 8 16 190 (Forfeit) Headquarters 43 F.B.I. E. Bryant Potrero 7 11 121 M. McDonough T.T.F. 7 11 40 December 22nd D. Nocetti T.T.F. 8 11 88 Potrero 76 Central 89 S . Roche Northern 6 10 101 San Mateo 62 Mission 76 A.J. Holder T.T.F. 7 10 118 10 100 December 27th W. Horn Headquarters 8 K. Burnernan Narcotics 4 9 81 Ingleside 76 T.T.F. 81 Ingleside 6 9 134 Northern P. Walsh 69 Headquarters 59 R. Chin Ingleside 7 9 49 54 December 28th J. Carey Airport 6 8 Potrero 71 Narcotics 70 Central 61 Airport 42 Free-Throw Leaders December 29th Southern J. Broadrick F.B.I. 4 18-24 75% 99 Mission 77 R. Tong Southern 8 20-27 74% P. Walsh Ingleside 6 19-26 73%

SPECTRUM exotic birds NEIL FINK ASSOCIATES • we ship nationwide Recruitment Specialists for the Entertainment & • bulk feed and full line Communications Technologies i.:' ) . i: pet supplies NEIL FINK, President 415/922-7113 Ghiradelli Square, 900 North Point Street, Serving San Francisco and the Peninsula 2011 Fillmore St. Suite 410, San Francisco, CA 94109 San Francisco 94115 Tel 415/441-3777 • Fax 415/775-4925 FAENZI PLUMBING "Over 30 Years Experience" SPORTS FANS - ATTENTION! Bob Faenzi New Construction - Additions SFPD CO. K Remodel - Re-Copper LOOKING FOR THE PERFECT HOL IDA Y GIFT? (415) 344-2114 Service - Repair ' Pager 804-4550 Bonded and Insured - License No. 539363 /? • Remodels I Additions ^Po fltana •Kitchens I Baths P64, S fts KILLIAN • Patios I Decks at 4 CONSTRUCTION • Fences e4floN cfom !Jn2&wvmiit cLafL± ,-r\ DAVE KILLIAN, Owner Bonded and Insured (415) 561-1449 Vece Contractor's License No. 674649 (415) 201-6992 pager


Page 24 Notebook January 1995


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Funny We all know how the scenario is ing telephone which he used to call Then we have the case of the De- played out.. .some dirtball commits a 9-1-1. Local cops arrived and found troit woman who bought herself one horrible crime (or a series of horrible all three of these yahoos, out in front of those steering wheel locks called But True crimes), when he gets caught he gets of Ron's house, patiently waiting for "The Club." No, her car didn't get some high-powered lawyer to get him Richard to return with some money stolen.. .not even when and armed by Tom Flippin, Editor off, the lawyer hires other high-pow- so they could rob him. carjackerjumpep in and demanded ered experts who testify that the sus- that she give him the keys. The pect didn't do it.. .but if he did do it, woman, afraid for the safety of her he didn't know any better.. .and if he children in the back seat, refused to did know better, he isn't responsible turn over the keys. When the man 'cause he's insane. This all-to-famil- began to threaten her with his gun, iar game got short-circuited recently she grabbed "The Club" and started in Peru. It seems some creepo ChristmasI* gifts often turn out to beating on the would-be carjacker. commited a series of very grisly mur- be useless items that end up being Eventually she got him out of the car ders. When he was caught, a psy- put in a closet and forgotten. Not so but kept on pounding on him. When chiatrist was appointed to ascertain with Donna McGee's present.. .she local authorities arrived, they found if the guy was sane or not. The psy- got a police scanner and had a great the robber on the ground with two chiatrist spent weeks testing and time listening in on what was going broken knees and numerous contu- interviewing the killer. He decided on. However, she got more excite- sions on his head and body. that the guy had done the murders ment than she had bargained for but was probably going to get off when she eavesdropped on two Two unlucky drug runners picked because of lack of evidence. In a people plotting a murder. Scanners the wrong place to land with their surprising twist (pun intended) the can easily pick up the transmissions $16,000 cargo ofmethamphetamine. Daly City police said a would-be distraught shrink, rather than watch of cordless telephones, and Donna Edward Velez and Jose Gonzalez, robber made two big mistakes when him walk away scot-free, wound his had beamed in on one such conver- both of Redwood City, landed their he tried to hold up a local video store belt around the killer's neck and sation. As Donna's family listened to plane at what they thought was a recently. First of all, the robber, choked him to death. The psychia- the gruesome planning her daughter small airport near Turlock in the Sasualei Faamausili Jr. (whom I will trist, from his jail cell, told the press recognized a name and they realized Central Valley. Instead of Turlock call Junior from now on), decided to the serial murderer was "a monster that one of the plotters was a neigh- they were just west of Merced. . .and save some money by arming himself of superior intelligence, with an IQ of bor of theirs. They heard Jacqueline they landed on a runway at Castle with a fake gun.. .he wrapped up two 180." Greene ask her boyfriend, Chris Air Force Base. Base air traffic con- wooden legs from a baby crib to Davis, "Do you really love me enough trollers (who had to alert several Air simulate a double-barreled shotgun. to kill for me?" When Chris said, Force Stratotankers which were prac- Junior's second big mistake was in "Yes, I do.", Donna called police. ticing night touch-and-go landings) allowing several people in the video Greene and Davis were charged with also alerted the Air Police who placed store to escape out the back door. conspiracy to murder Greene's hus- the two in custody after a search of One of the patrons ran to his nearby il* band James. I guess Santa really the plane turned up the drugs and home, grabbed his pistol and went Dumb-Crook-of-the-Month does know who's naughty and who's some $1,300 in cash. back to the store. Our hero, Arthur Awards go to three stooges down in nice. Azucena, met Junior just as he was the San Diego area (thanks to "True walking out the door. Junior pointed Scoop" in The Informant, the San the "shotgun" at Azucena and tried Diego Police Association paper). Tho- to rob him, too. Unfortunately for mas Bray, Todd Kirby and Lori him, the other guy had brought a real Stanton began their screwy crime gun to this gunfight, and Junior was spree when they picked out a penni- shot and killed on the spot. less, homeless guy to rob. Holding him at gun-point, threatening him and even beating on him still failed to get them a dime. However, the home- WE less man told them that if they'd take him to a friend's house he would borrow some money that they could Thanksgiving1* Day, 1994 won't be then steal. So, off they went in a car, forgotten soon in the small West Vir- adding kidnapping to the robbery ginia town of Belmont. Local citizens and ADW charges. When they got to are still upset over the death of a the friend's place they sent Richard, turkey. No joke! Sheriff David Kelly the homeless man, in by himself. said he was worried about restoring Richard's friend didn't have any peace to the community after several money, nor did he have a phone so people launched protests against a they could call the police. So Richard Your stories of nuts, man they accuse of callously stran- went back out and told them, "No glingaturkey. Thewild turkey, named money here, but I know another Jake, was sort of a town pet, guy..." The three fools agreed to take weirdos, dumb crooks, but.. .when he allegedly attacked and him to the next place on the list, but pecked Nolan Parsons.. .Parsons there was no money there either (and struck back. He grabbed Jake the the phone wassn't working, so Rich- ny funny-but-true stu Turkey and wrung his neck. Other ard still couldn't get hold of the cops). neighbors have come to Parsons' Richard told the three that he was defense, saying that the turkey had willing to try again if they were.. .they Send to Notebook-FBT SFPOA attacked other townspeople before were. At the third house, Richard's this incident. No charges had been friend Ron not only had a few bucks filed against Mr. Parsons when we (which he didn't want to give up to last checked. three stupid bandits) he had a work-