LGBT History Project of the LGBT Center of Central PA Located at Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections Documents Online Title: Gay Era (Lancaster, PA) Date: November 1977 Location: LGBT-001 Joseph W. Burns Collection Periodicals Collection Contact: LGBT History Project Archives & Special Collections Waidner-Spahr Library Dickinson College P.O. Box 1773 Carlisle, PA 17013 717-245-1399
[email protected] Dy Urawrord Barton Now under new ownership formerly “The Dandelion Tree” In the News KU KLUX KLAN CALLS least two major denominations have actually ordained homosexuals into FOR EXECUTION OF HOMOSEXUALS the ministry. The first was the HOUSTON—A tape-recorded tele 1.8 million member United Church of phone message from a Ku Klux Klan Christ which ordained a male preach bookstore in Pasadena, California, ing queer five years ago, and the urges the execution of all homosex other is the Episcopalian church, uals. It is not known whether the which recently ordained a female call for the execution of gay people homosexual, or lesbian, as a priest. is official KKK policy. However, "The Ku Klux Klan does not have KKK members have offered their serv to rely on the feelings or thoughts ices to protect anti-gay singer of man, nor do we need to experience Anita Bryant at public appearances a dialogue with some Jewish psychia and recently did so at a Huntington, trist or rabbi who is mentally warp West Virginia, rally. ed anyway. We rely upon the age- The phone message states that proven and reliable law of God. "The Ku Klux Klan is not embarrassed "The law on homosexuality states: to admit that we endorse and seek 'That if a man also lie with man the execution of all homosexuals.