NABMSA Reviews a Publication of the North American British Music Studies Association Vol
NABMSA Reviews A Publication of the North American British Music Studies Association Vol. 3, No. 2 (Fall 2016) In this issue: • Cecilia Björkén-Nyberg, The Player Piano and the Edwardian Novel • John Carnelly, George Smart and Nineteenth-Century London Concert Life • Mark Fitzgerald and John O’Flynn, eds., Music and Identity in Ireland and Beyond • Eric Saylor and Christopher M. Scheer, eds., The Sea in the British Musical Imagination • Jürgen Schaarwächter, Two Centuries of British Symphonism: From the Beginnings to 1945 • Heather Windram and Terence Charlston, eds., London Royal College of Music Library, MS 2093 (1660s–1670s) The Player Piano and the Edwardian Novel. Cecilia Björkén-Nyberg. Abingdon, UK and New York: Routledge, 2016. xii+209 pp. ISBN 978-1-47243-998-7 (hardcover). Cecilia Björkén-Nyberg’s monograph The Player Piano and the Edwardian Novel offers an intriguing exploration of the shifting landscape of musical culture at the turn of the twentieth century and its manifestations in Edwardian fiction. The author grounds her argument in musical discussions from such novels as E. M. Forster’s A Room with a View, Max Beerbohm’s Zuleika Dobson, and Compton Mackenzie’s Sinister Street. Despite the work’s title, the mechanical player piano is—with rare exception—ostensibly absent from these and other fictional pieces that Björkén-Nyberg considers; however, as the author explains, player pianos were increasingly popular during the early twentieth century and “brought about a change in pianistic behaviour” that extended far beyond the realm of mechanical music making (183). Because of their influence on musical culture more broadly, Björkén-Nyberg argues for the value of recognizing the player piano’s presence in fictional works that otherwise “appear to be pianistically ‘clean’ ” of references to the mechanical instruments.
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