Bombay Life Building, 5th floor, 45, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai-400 001 Tel : 22044186, 22047157, Fax : (022) 22835881 / E mail – [email protected]

“Notice Inviting Applications for Empanelment of Advocates / Law Firms for G.I. Facilitation‟”

Sd/- Managing Director For Sant Rohidas Leather Industries & Charmakar Development Corporation Ltd., Bombay life building, 5th Floor, 45 Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai-400 001. Tel-022-22047157/22044186 [email protected]

(Time Schedule) : IIIrd time

Date & Time of Publication of Notice Inviting Applications for 27/02/2020 at 04.00 Empanelment of Advocates/Law Firms p.m. Last Date & Time of submission of Applications for 05/03/2020 upto Empanelment of Advocates/Law Firms 02.00 p.m. Date and Time of the Opening of applications 06/03/2020 upto 03.00 p.m.

SANT ROHIDAS LEATHER INDUSTRIES AND CHARMAKAR DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD. (A Government of Maharashtra Undertaking) Bombay life Building, 5th floor, 45, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai-400 001 Tel : 22044186, 22047157, Fax : (022) 22835881 / E mail – [email protected]

Notice inviting applications for Empanelment of Advocates / Law Firms

The Leather Industries Development Corporation of Maharashtra Ltd. (LIDCOM ) was established on 1st May, 1974 to promote & boost the Leather Industry and people engaged in Leather Industry of the Maharashtra State by the Government of Maharashtra as a company under the Companies Act, 1956. As per Govt.of Maharashtra Resolution No.LID/1095/6461/lND-5, dated 24.6.96, LIDCOM has been brought under the control of the Ministry of Social Justice and Special Assistance in order to give financial assistance to the community which is engaged in development of Leather Industry. LIDCOM's objectives are broadly divided into Commercial and Social activities. Currently, LIDCOM has four production centres in Maharashtra State located at Amaravati (Daryapur), Hingoli, and Satara. LIDCOM has the capability to manufacture Two Lakhs Pairs and various leather products like Computer Bags, Briefcases, Purses, Shoes, , Belts, Hand Gloves. LIDCOM has six Shops situated at Mumbai, New Mumbai, Dhule, Jalgaon, Solapur and Nanded.

LIDCOM is the „Registered Proprietor‟ of the Geographical Indication „Kolhapuri Chappal‟ in the State of Maharashtra under The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999 and the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Rules, 2002 and is duly registered with Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks & Registrar of Geographical Indications.

The Board of LIDCOM has decided vide Meeting of Board of Directors No. 192 dt. 29/11/2019 to appoint legal advisors/advocates to facilitate filing of applications as „authorized users‟ on behalf of manufacturers of „Kolhapuri Chappals‟ in Maharashtra. In this regard, LIDCOM is desirous to empanel Advocates /Law Firms having skill and experience in handling matters pertaining to Geographical Indications, inter alia, facilitate applications for authorized users for members of the Charmakar Community in Maharashtra manufacturing „Kolhapuri Chappals‟ before the Registrar of Geographical Indications at Chennai.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The eligibility criteria for selection of Advocates/Law Firms shall be as under:- 1. The Advocates / Law Firms should have minimum 7 (seven) years of practice. 2. The Advocates/ Law Firms should hold a valid PAN number. Attach Photostat copies. 3. The Advocates/ Law Firms should possess adequate professional experiences in handling cases pertaining to Geographical Indication, Copy Right, Trade Mark in the Registry, or different Tribunal, High Court and Supreme Court of and should be well versed with relevant laws on such subjects 4. The Advocates/Law Firm should have such arrangement with Firm /Advocates outside India to oppose and protect and enforce the Intellectual Property Right of the Corporation and potential Authorised Users outside India. 5. The Advocate or At least one of the Partners of the Law Firm should have special skill and professional experiences as under:- i. Post-graduate specialization degree in law. ii. Practice in India in Trade Mark and other related laws pertaining to Intellectual Property Rights. ii. Well versed with Intellectual Property Laws of USA, European Union, Russia, China, South East Asia and WTO. 6.The Advocates/ Law Firms should not have been blacklisted/ debarred by any institution of the Central or State government. A self attested certificate in this regards on the letter head of the Advocate / Firm may be submitted.

The shortlisted Advocates/law firms will be called for a brief interaction cum presentation before the Managing Director/committee. Each of such interaction will be of 20 minutes duration. The venue of interaction cum presentation shall be in the office of the Corporation at Mumbai. The Advocates/Law Firms have to attend such interaction session on their own cost. During interaction/presentation, the shortlisted advocates/law firms will be interviewed on the following parameters:  Ability to communicate with the intended Beneficiaries/Manufacturers of Kolhapuri Chappals  Relevance of in-house resources to the SoW and clarity of thoughts.  Case presentation on any one of the most significant assignments completed during the preceding year.

Eligible Advocates/ Law firms who are located at Mumbai and interested to work with LIDCOM on the item wise Fee structure mentioned hereinafter are requested to submit their detailed bio-data along with experience & achievements with all supporting self attested documents latest by 27/01/2020 upto 2.00 p.m. in the format enclosed at Annexure „A‟. It shall be placed in a sealed cover, super-scribed “Notice inviting applications for Empanelment of Advocates / Law Firms.


Scope of Work of the Advocates/Law Firms/ Advisor: 1. To participate in meetings with Applicants for Authorized User Certificates of „Kolhapuri‟ G.I, collecting application forms and providing information on benefits and advantages of registration as „Authorized User‟. 2. To draft and vet Applications, supporting submissions and documents etc relating to registration as „Authorized User‟ of GI tag of „Kolhapuri Chappal‟ and filing applications with Registry in Chennai and ensure issue of Authorized User Certificate to Eligible Applicants. 3. To provide opinion/ advice on various legal issues arising out of the functions of the Corporation and the G.I for “Kolhapuri Chappal” owned by the Corporation. 4. To prepare draft of various legal documents pertaining to the Applications for Authorised User for the beneficiaries of the Corporation to be submitted before the Registry of Geographical Indications, Courts Tribunal/Forums and other Authorities 5. To visit the Corporation Head Office at least once in a week and tender advice on issues referred. 6. To appear and defend interest of the Corporation and the Authorised Users in Registry/Courts/Tribunals and other Forum/Statutory Authorities located in Chennai or authorities located elsewhere in India on G.I cases assigned by LIDCOM. 7. Keep the LIDCOM informed of cases of infringement or other offences against the G.I. of „Kolhapuri‟ and any other the important developments in cases from time to time, particularly with regard to settling of drafts, filing of papers, dates of hearing of cases, supplying copies of judgments etc. 8. Any matter incidental to the above broad functions.

The aforesaid terms of this Notice will have the following meaning: Effective Hearing: Effective hearing means a hearing in which either one or both the parties involved in a case are heard by the Court on the facts or law of the case. Non effective Hearing: If the case is mentioned by the other side and adjourned or when only directions are given or only judgment is delivered by the Court, the same would constitute a non-effective hearing. Identical cases: Identical cases means two or more cases in which substantially identical questions of law or facts are involved and where the main difference is in the names addresses of parties involved, amount of money involved etc. and/or where common or identical judgments are delivered irrespective of the fact that all the cases are heard together or not.


1. The selected Advocates/Law Firms shall be empaneled by the Corporation for a period of three years and his/their services shall be availed from case to case basis on a fee as mentioned below:

FEE STRUCTURE Fee Structure for Legal Advisor

Sr. No. Items of Work Fee Structure 1 Lump sum fee to be payable per Application 10000/- (Consolidated per person for item No. 1 & 2 in Scope of Work amount including all taxes payable)

(a) In case of any matter before any Court/Tribunal with respect to the G.I of Kolhapuri Chappal or any application of an „Authorized User‟ on a case to case basis on a fee as decided at the time of such case or proceeding arises (b) No fee will be payable in cases where no legal work is required to be done. For example, cases in which the interest of LIDCOM is to be watched pending instructions, the cases involving transmission of records to the Court, inspection of the Court records for ascertaining the position of the case or other information needed. (c) LIDCOM reserves the right to engage any of the empanelled Advocates/ Legal Firms for specific tasks. LIDCOM is not bound to give justification for choosing a particular empanelled Advocate/Law Firm. (d) Payment terms shall be decided through written agreement.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. The empanelment of Advocates / Law Firms shall initially be for a period of three years. 2. The Advisor/Advocate shall hold the office at the pleasure of the LIDCOM. 3. At any time prior to the due date for submission of Notice, LIDCOM may, for any reason, modify/cancel the notice inviting application for empanelment of Advocate/Law Firms. 4. LIDCOM may, at its discretion, extend the due date for submission of Notice inviting applications. 5. In the event of any doubt or difference of opinion regarding the terms and conditions of empanelment, the decision of the LIDCOM shall be final and binding.

SUBMISSION Submission of Notice inviting applications for Empanelment of Advocates/Law Firms

The Notice inviting applications are to be submitted in the following manner:- a) The particulars relating to the professional qualifications and experience etc. shall be furnished in the format as at Annexure-A to this notice along with the relevant documents. b) Every page of the Notice inviting applications shall be signed by the Advocate/Authorized Signatory of the Firm. The sealed envelope may be addressed to the Managing Director, Sant Rohidas Leather Industries & Charmakar Development Corporation Ltd., Bombay life building, 5th Floor, 45 Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai-400 001. Tel-022-22047157/22044186 on or before 2.00 P.M. upto 06/03/2020. c) Notice inviting Applications would be received by the above date and time, beyond which the responses will not be received. However, in case the said date is declared a holiday, the Notice inviting Applications will be received on the next working day by the time mentioned above. d) Conditional responses shall not be accepted on any ground and shall be rejected straight away. If any clarification is required, the same should be obtained before the submission of Notice inviting Applications. e) The applications received shall be scrutinized by the Corporation and the decision of the Corporation shall be final. f) The number of Counsels to be empaneled shall be determined by the Corporation based on its requirement. Annexure „A‟

APPLICATION FORM/ Notice Inviting Applications for Empanelment of Advocates/Law Firms in LIDCOM for G.I.

1. Name in full (in block letters):

2. Date of Birth and Age (o the closing date of application):

3. Father‟s Name:

4. Address:

5. Address for Correspondence with the name of the Authorized person in case of Firms:

6. Telephone No: Mobile No: E-Mail:

7. Educational Qualification (photocopies of documents to be attached)

8. Date of enrolment with name of the Bar Council:

(Enclose copy of enrolment certificate)/Date of Registration of Law Firm

9. Years of practice in various Courts/Tribunals/Other Forums [:

10. Details of Experience in handling & practice in IPR including important cases or issues has dealt with or handled.

11. Area (s) of practice with specialization:

12. Brief list of clients

13. PAN Card No.

14. Details of awards won by the firm, its partners, associates and personal achievements in the field of IPR by the Partners/Associates of the firm.

15. Any other facts which you consider relevant in the context of your suitability:

DECLARATION I/We declare that the information so provided for empanelment by LIDCOM are factually correct.

Signature (Complete postal address with mobile number and email id)