NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Laboratory for High Energy
315 NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 ͓S0002-7537͑90͒00302-X͔ This report covers the period from July 1, 1999 to June 30, Krimm, John Krizmanic, James Lochner, Natalie 2000. Mandzhavidze, Thomas McGlynn, Alex Moiseev, Koji Mu- kai, Kirpal Nandra, Scott Owens, David Palmer, Sangwook Park, Chris Shrader, Alan Smale, Steven Snowden, Yang This Laboratory’s scientific research is directed toward Soong, Martin Still, Steve Sturner, Toshiaki Takeshima, Ken experimental and theoretical investigations in the areas of Watanabe, and Georg Weidenspointner. X-ray, gamma-ray, and cosmic-ray astrophysics. The range The following investigators are University of Maryland of interests of the scientists includes the Sun and the solar Scientists: Drs. Keith Arnaud, Manuel Bautista, Patty Boyd system, stellar objects, binary systems, neutron stars, black ͑UMBC͒, Fred Finkbeiner, Warren Focke, Ian George holes, the interstellar medium, normal and active galaxies, ͑UMBC͒, Una Hwang, Peter Kurczynski, Michael Loewen- galaxy clusters, cosmic ray particles, gravitational wave stein, Greg Madejski, Craig Markwardt, Chee Ng, Ian Rich- astrophysics, and the extragalactic background radiation. ardson, David Smith, Jane Turner ͑UMBC͒, Azita Valinia, Scientists and engineers in the Laboratory also serve the and Tahir Yaqoob ͑UMBC͒. scientific community, including project support such as Visiting scientists from other institutions: Drs. Vadim acting as project scientists and providing technical assistance Arefiev ͑IKI͒, Hilary Cane ͑U. Tasmania͒, Ernesto Esteban to various space missions. Also at any one time, there are ͑U. P.R.͒, Ralph Fiorito ͑Catholic U.͒, Peter Gonthier ͑Hope typically between twelve and eighteen graduate students College͒, Thomas Hams ͑U.
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