April 2019 CHAIR CANING, Daniel SEAGRASS WORK Offers a unique blend of traditional #=##=##=##=##=##=##=##=# psychology with a range of tools for personal growth, spiritual awakening,

MIKE PARCELL emotional challenges, life changing events etc., to empower you to take 1 Oak Cottages, Chuck Hatch, control of your own life. Hartield, TN7 4EX Call 07951 013702 for a free 30 min. consultation. Tel: 01892 770764

Te Dorset Arms, Withyham Te De La Warr family welcome you to Te Dorset Arms. A family-friendly Pub, open all day, seven days a week, serving local seasonal produce. Accommodation available. 01892 770278 [email protected]

ADAM C WILES Quality Carpentry and Building Established 30 Years All aspects of Carpentry and Joinery undertaken Internal Alterations and Extensions Withyham, Telephone: 01892 770554 Mobile: 07818 434506 [email protected] OLD MILL YARD, HIGH STREET, COWDEN, KENT, TN8 7JJ TEL 01342 850559 FAX 01342 850981 EMAIL [email protected] WWW.WSMITHERSANDSONS.CO.UK Conversions, extensions, listed buildings, joinery, plumbing and heating, kitchens and bathrooms, electrical, roofing, maintenance and repairs and decorating. Covering all types of building work. 4 Te Parish of St Michael & All Angels, Withyham, with All Saints, Blackham Rector Te Rev. Canon James Campbell 01892 770069 Te Rectory, Withyham, TN7 4BA [email protected] Churchwarden Mr Richard Carden 01342 822491 Cat Street House, Upper Hartfeld, TN7 4DP Churchwarden Mr Antony Cumberland 01892 864347 Te Beeches, Stonewall Park Road, Langton Green, TN3 0HG Sexton & Verger Mr John Collins 01892 662389 9 Whitehill Close, Crowborough, TN6 1JG Licensed Reader Mrs Elizabeth Parish 01892 864989 6 Lynwood, , TN3 9LX Licensed Reader Mr Donald Yonge 07872 529740 Organist Mrs Sue Stone, GRSM ARCM DipEd 01892 770978 Deputy Organist Mr Peter Ellefsen, BSc CEng MIEE 01892 653965 Bell Tower Captain Mrs Julie Richardson 01892 652008 Hon. Treasurer Mrs Anne Barker 01892 661393 Hillside, Lye Green, Crowborough, TN6 1UU Asst. Treasurer Mrs Pauline Cremer 01892 663469 Pembury, Myrtle Road, Crowborough, TN6 1EY Hon. Secretary Mrs Gilly Halcrow 01892 770607 Backshaws, Cotchford Lane, Upper Hartfeld, TN7 4DJ Safeguarding Mr Donald Yonge 07872 529740 Officer [email protected]

All Saints Representative Mrs Sue Schooling 01892 740397 Withyham Flower Guild Mrs Jill Pardey 01892 661882 Blackham Flowers Mrs Sue Schooling 01892 740397 Withyham Altar Linen Mrs Diane Pedder 01892 770240 Withyham Church Cleaning Rota Mrs Diana Muckleston 01892 864410 Mrs Diane Pedder 01892 770240 Chichester Cathedral Link Rep. Canon James Campbell 01892 770069 5

Church Calendar - April 2019 St. Michael & All Angels, Withyham, with All Saints, Blackham

Sunday 7th: 5th in Lent 9.00am ‘Breakfast Church’ 11.00am Sung Eucharist 6.30pm Evensong

Tursday 11th 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 14th: Palm Sunday 9.45am Family Service 11.00am Matins 6.30pm Evensong

Tursday 18th: Maundy Tursday 6.00pm Holy Communion 7.00pm Passover Meal, Te Rectory

Friday 19th: Good Friday 2.00pm Good Friday Service

Sunday 21st: Easter Day 9.30am Holy Communion, Blackham 11.00am All Age Communion

Tursday 25th 10.00am Holy Communion

Sunday 28th: 1st after Easter 9.45am Family Service 11.00am Matins 6.30pm Evensong

Sunday 5th May: 2nd after Easter 9.00am ‘Breakfast Church’ 11.00am Sung Eucharist 6.30pm Evensong

Parish Registers – March 2019 FUNERAL On 20th February 2019 the funeral took place at the Kent & Sussex Crematorium, Tunbridge Wells, of Roger Julian SPURRLING, aged 86, followed by a Service of Tanksgiving at St. Michael’s Church, Withyham. 6

Leer from the Rectory – April 2019

Dear Friends,

We celebrate Easter again on 21st April – nearly as late as it can be.

It has been esmated that evidence for the resurrecon has been examined more carefully than evidence of any other fact in history. It has been weighed and considered by some of the greatest scholars, among them Simon Greenleaf, who held at a professorship of law at Harvard University from 1833-1848. He is viewed as one of the greatest authories on legal evidence in history. When he examined the resurrecon in light of all the laws of evidence, he concluded that it definitely was a historical event. He believed that anyone who honestly examined the evidence for themselves would also be convinced of its truth.

In the last century, Dr. Frank Morison, a Brish lawyer-cum-engineer, set out to write a book repudiang the truth of the resurrecon of Christ. He did write his book – but it wasn’t the book that he started out wring. As Morison examined the evidence, this scepcal lawyer found it so overwhelming that he came to accept it and became a believer. The book he wrote, ‘Who Moved the Stone?’, was first published in 1930. It details the evidence for the resurrecon; the opening chapter is entled, ‘The book that refused to be wrien’.

During the me of the American Civil War, a Union general, Aorney Lew Wallace, also set about to write a book disproving the deity of Christ and his resurrecon. He ended up defending it in his famous book ‘Ben-Hur’ which has been described as the most influenal book of the Nineteenth century.

As Luke, the author of the Acts of the Apostles put it, ‘He…presented himself alive…by many infallible proofs’ (Acts 1:3).

Jesus Christ is risen – He is risen indeed! James Campbell 7 Churchwardens’ Notes The large lime tree in the middle of the churchyard came down in the gale during the Family Service a couple of weeks ago. Miraculously only a small number of gravestones were damaged. We are incredibly grateful to Mark Weaver for organising the clearing up operaon by David Newcombe. It is testament to the skill of David and his team that no further monuments were damaged during the process, despite a number of them being very close to the enormous trunk.

There was a good turnout at the Men’s Breakfast held at the Rectory on Saturday, 22nd March when, aer a splendid “full English”, Tim Humphrey, Vicar of Christ Church, Tunbridge Wells, gave a lively address based on one of his favourite lines from scripture where God urges Joshua to be strong. Richard Carden & Antony Cumberland

Annual Parochial Church Meeting The Annual Meeting this year will be on Monday 29th April at 7.00pm at the Rectory. Apart from approving the accounts and holding elections, it is an opportunity to hear what has been going on and also what plans there are for the coming year – and to ask any questions. We have now established a format which means that the meeting is much shorter than in the past…and there will be a glass of wine awaiting you to help the evening along. jmc

EASTER LILIES There is a tradition at St Michael's that people who wish to commemorate their loved ones who have departed this life, present lilies which form the basis for the floral decoration of the church at Easter. In April a list and envelopes will be placed at the back of the church. Please write your name and the names of those to be remembered on the list and donate £2 per lily (cash or cheque made out to the Withyham Church Flower Fund). Please put your name on the envelope and give it to Jill Pardey. 8 YOUNG CHURCH

You .-\ w;ll nee/ MARK /o, lb: t-l Solve the clues DOWN and you rvili find a secret message rvhich seems impossible - but it is truel .-.-F 1. One llary rvas the mother of ----- . (terse 1) 2. What tinre of day n,as it? (aerse 2) i'l 3. lVhat had the \\.omen 10 brought? (uerse l) 4. 6 12. 4. Which day of the rveek ri,as (xerse 1.2.3 5 8.9 it? 2) 5. What day rvas just over? (t:erse l ) 6. \lrhich side u,as the angel? (uerse 5) 7. \Yhat rvas he doing? (uerse 5) 8. Horv did the rvomen feel? (uerse 5) 9. I{e said, 'l knorv you are for Jesus.' (uerse 6) 10. 'He is not irere - he has been ------l' (u-erse 6) 11. Then the rvomen knerv Jesus \i'as nut dead but -__- _. I 2. 'I'he angel said they rvoulci --- Jesus in Galilee. (uerse 7)

O o ( .,/ 9



Maundy Thursday 18th April 2019 The Rectory Withyham


A chance to share a meal with Church friends and family, to reflect on the events of the Last Supper & to think more about the first Easter.

We will see how our Christian Faith has its roots in the events of the Passover which all Jewish families have celebrated since the days when Moses led them out of Egypt, and which they still celebrate every year.

All offers of help welcome, To book your places or for more info: email [email protected] phone 01892 770069

Are you enthusiastic about learning new things and have the time to do so? Do you enjoy history, art/craft or drama activities? Do you enjoy being part of a team? Are you well organised with a friendly and helpful manner?

Chichester Cathedral is currently looking to expand its team of Learning and Engagement Volunteers to work with visiting schools, colleges, adults and families. If you are interested in finding out more and would like a copy of our Volunteer Role Profile please contact Sue Poil, Schools and Adults Officer, on 01243 812497 or [email protected] 10 St. Michael and All Angels Church, Withyham with All Saints Church, Blackham

New Church Electoral Roll 2019 will be published on Sunday 14th April, in time for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Monday 29th April. Any queries, please speak to Tom Wild (Electoral Roll Officer) 01892 653957 [email protected] James Campbell (Rector) 01892 770069 [email protected] Groombridge Horticultural Society Steven Moore from Rapkyns nursery spoke to us in March about ‘Spring Colour’. We had another great turnout and Steven shared his real passion for plants with us, which will hopefully inspire members to enter our next event….. The Spring Show is on Saturday 6th April at 2.30 pm in the Groombridge Village Hall (Main Hall). There may not be many daffodils left by then but there are lots of other flower, fruit and vegetable classes to enter plus floral art, cookery and handicrafts. There are also junior classes – why not keep the children busy by getting them to make a decorative spring nest? Or arrange a vase of flowers and foliage to enter into the show? The full schedule of classes is on our website. Entries by 8pm on Thursday 4th April if possible please. As always, everyone is very welcome to come along and view the show. Entrance is free and there will be delicious teas and cakes available. Staging of entries: 9 am to 12 noon Judging:12.15 to 1.30 pm Open for viewing: 2.30 pm Prize Giving: 4 pm New members are always welcome and our events are always friendly and sociable. Annual membership costs only £3 and members get free entry to all talks and shows as well as discounts at local garden centres. 2019 Programme of Events Thursday 25th April - Trip to Borde Hill House and Gardens Saturday 11h May - Spring Plant Sale Saturday 27th July – Trip to Kew Gardens Saturday 14th September - Autumn Show Saturday 12th October - Autumn Plant Sale Thursday 17th October – ‘How to Love Weeds’ by Katherine Lynn Thursday 21st November – ‘Floral decorations for Christmas’ demonstration by Sue Thompson If you have queries, please email [email protected] or see the website: 11

Groombridge Film Societ Sunday 28th April at 18.30 - Groombridge Village Hall

“Goodbye Christopher Robin” Our own much-loved plays a major role in this bittersweet film, which traces the relationship between AA Milne (severely traumatised by WW1) and his young son Christopher (known to the family as Billy Moon), which inspired the Winnie the Pooh stories and brought the family international recognition. Script: Frank Cottrell-Boyce. Director: Simon Curtis. Doors open at 18.30 Film starts at 19.30 Members £2 (£1 child) Non-members £6 (£3 child) Come early to socialise and enjoy our licensed bar serving wine, prosecco, craft beers, soft drinks, tea / coffee and nibbles.

Withyham Parish Amblers Walking at a relaxed pace for pleasure APRIL WALK

Date: Saturday 27th April 2019 Meeting point: Groombridge Village Hall car park Time: 09.15 for a 09.30 departure. Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes approximately. Type of walk: Undulating walk along footpaths. Suitable walking attire and footwear recommended. It could be muddy! Dogs: Well-behaved dogs very welcome.

Come and join us for a pleasant circular walk around the Groombridge countryside. Hoping for lots of bluebells along the way! Home-made cakes and refreshments will be available afterwards at the Community Café in Groombridge.

For more information: [email protected] 07941 055011 [email protected] 01892 864557 A Withyham Parish Council Forward for 5 Initiative 12 Groombridge & Surgery Patients Participation Group

This edition of the magazine will have gone to print before our fund-raising quiz night event on Saturday 30th March, but I’m pleased to say all tickets have now been sold. Another date for your diary is Saturday 11th May, which will be our AGM. This year it is being held in Groombridge Village Hall from 10.00 – 12.00, with tea / coffee available from 09.30. Drs. Andrew Wolfle and Matt James, along with other members of the Practice, will be present to update you on matters of interest and answer your questions. We look forward to seeing many of you there. Tony Howell

Music & Movement is for the beneft of the whole community, both male and female, and aims, through exercise and general strengthening, to avoid falls during such activities as gardening or walking, so that they can be enjoyed more easily. It’s a friendly group averaging 14 people and meets on Tuesdays from 1.30pm to 2.30pm in the New Hall at Groombridge Village Hall. Sessions currently cost £3.00 a time, and if we can attract more participants it will help us to keep costs down. Please try to arrive at 1.15 so that you can have a chat if you wish and we can start on time. Charlotte Fairs of Active Future is our current leader, and you only need to do what you can, either sitting or standing. Contact Duncan on 07756 436085 if you require further information. 13

A walk from Balls Green to Motts Mill & Cherry Gardens & back via Hunts Farm 5 miles – 2 ½ hours

Start and finish at Forest Way - Beech Green Lane crossing. (Grid Ref 498364) Ordnance Survey Explorer map no. 135 – ‘Ashdown Forest’ is strongly recommended.

Go eastwards along the Forest Way, past the old Withyham Station platform. Keep on the Way, taking care at the road crossings at Ham Bridge & Hendal Bridge.

At the end of the Way at Corseley Road, turn right past the waterworks, then right again across a stile into a field opposite the entrance to the sports field. Aim for a footbridge and then the cattle arch under the railway. At the other side is a large field with two paths. Take the left-hand one across the field, to a stile into a small meadow. Cross to another stile that leads into a long narrow meadow with a wood on your right and stream to the left.

Walk up the meadow, keeping to the right side. At the other end, go through a gate into a wood. In spring this is a carpet of bluebells and wood anemones. In a few yards the path forks. Take the right-hand path to go uphill through the wood and into a field. Take the path in front of you up hill across the field to a track. Turn left on the track to a pair of houses on the right. Just past these is a path on the right. Follow this along the left edge of a field and on to a driveway to the B2188. Taking care of speeding traffic, turn right and in 100 yds turn left into Cherry Gardens Farm. Follow the drive past the shop and between two houses on right and barn on left, and through a gate and stile into a field. Go straight on to a gate into a field. Keep straight on with the hedge on your right, to Hunts Farm.

Follow the yellow waymarks across the drive into a small meadow. Pause to enjoy the lovely views across the Medway Valley. Walk straight ahead towards a hedge then down the right side of this to a squeeze gate in the corner. Go through and continue down the field edge to a corner. Bear left and head diagonally across the field to a gap in the opposite corner that leads onto the B2110. Cross the road into another field, bear left and head diagonally across the field to a gap in the hedge leading into another field.

Keeping the same line, head downhill across this field, aiming for a wood and the roofs of houses beyond. Cross a stile and a plank bridge into the wood and approach the back hedge of a house. The path splits: take the right-hand path into the Balls Green estate. When you reach the road bear left along it to the junction with Station Road. Turn left to return to the Forest Way and the start of the walk. 14

NOTES FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL – MARCH 2019. Withyham Parish Council (WPC) met on Monday 11th March 2019 at Groombridge Village Hall. Action from the last meeting is on our website ( and Facebook ( Minutes can also be obtained from the Clerks at the Old Station, Groombridge. THE NEXT FEW WEEKS ARE GOING TO BE EXCITING, FOR HERE IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE PARISH! WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW COUNCILLORS! ELECTIONS TAKE PLACE ON 2ND MAY 2019. If you are interested in finding out more about what this would enable you to do, we would be very happy to take you through the role of a councillor and answer any questions you may have.


REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND DISTRICT COUNCILLORS: Cllr. Whetstone notified Council that London Road at Crowborough Cross Traffic lights is not wide enough to accommodate three lanes, so drivers will probably continue to informally create two lanes on the approach. Issues continue with Council (WDC) not keeping to its twelve- week cycle for road sweeping, which exacerbates problems with ES Highways’ drain clearance and the visibility of white lines that should edge roads. District Councillor Rutherford reported that he is trying to get a more comprehensive street sweeping schedule.


GROOMBRIDGE WARD: Groombridge Preschool has for some time enjoyed the use of a small area of Groombridge Recreation Ground which they call a ‘den’. Unfortunately, despite a dog waste bin being close by, they have an issue with dog fouling. It does seem incredible that despite the publicity about the danger of children being infected by toxocariasis caused by roundworm parasites in dog faeces, and even though the parish council pays £1,978 per annum to purchase and empty dog bins, there are still a few inconsiderate dog owners who disregard their responsibility and look the other way whilst their dog is fouling a public area. Groombridge Horticultural Society has installed a bench on the Recreation Ground close to the tree they planted a few years ago. The Community Warden has been asked to monitor the increased level of pavement parking particularly along Corseley Road where there used to be an unwritten agreement between residents to only park on one side, Council has approved a notice that the Community Warden will place on vehicles blocking 15 footpaths, parked on zig zag lines and/or double lines informing them that they are breaking the law. Any repetition of the offence will lead to details of the vehicle being sent to ‘Operation Crackdown’.

ST JOHN’S WARD: Police are investigating immigration concerns in the ward following recent reports. The broken sign at Summersales Hill has been reported as has the water across the road near the Forest Fold chapel on multiple occasions, and this latter is awaiting a drainage investigation.

WITHYHAM / BLACKHAM WARD: The Highways Co-ordinator has investigated the water on Ironchurch Lane and reported to ES Highways.

HIGHWAYS COORDINATOR REPORT: This annual report, which had been circulated to councillors, outlined 176 reports made to ES Highways in 2018 of which 92 were completed. Highlights included: assisting in achieving a 40 mph limit on the A 264 in Blackham; many filled potholes; edging of paths; new signage at Cherry Gardens Hill; completion of a streetlight asset register; commencement of a lantern replacement schedule for LEDs and identification of sites for Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) The Highways Coordinator continues to work with ES Highways to ensure that the ditching programme and drainage plans are completed, defective road studs (cats eyes) are replaced and centre line markings are repainted. This is such a good example of how volunteers can make a difference to the quality of life in our parish and WPC notes how very fortunate it is to have the benefit of Barry Agutter’s skills in this role.

NEWSLETTER / BULLETIN: A two-sided bulletin has been delivered to households across the parish to advertise the Annual Parish Assembly and vacancies for elections. Thank you to all those who have helped WPC to maintain this personal delivery.

ROAD SAFETY: The Road Safety Committee has recommended a priority list of Road Safety projects. Top of the list is the installation of SIDs to be used in three locations across the parish where there is a speed limit of 30/40 mph. These will be funded from Earmarked Reserves. I was delighted to attend an assembly at St Thomas’ School with the Community Warden to present a road safety sign for them to display where appropriate.

THE PARISH OFFICE: The damp works have been completed and decorating has begun. Soon you will be able to access our tolerant and patient clerks without negotiating the back gate and platform! Next Parish Council Meeting: Monday 8th April 7.30pm Please check venue. Diana Kelly: Chair. Clerks: 01892 864557 or [email protected] 16 BLACKHAM VILLAGE MARKET (First Saturday of every month except January) Authentic village life atmosphere Local produce for sale Saturday April 6th 10am – 12:30pm Blackham Village Hall Meet other village folk at “The Stage” café! Enjoy Filter Fresh Coffee, Tea and Homemade Cakes! Local produce for sale includes: Bread, Free Range Eggs, Occasional Fruit & Veg in Season, Pasties & Other Baked Savouries, Cakes, Scones, Preserves, Fruit Juice, Honey. Also available: Phoenix Cards, Aloe Vera Health Products, Handmade Jewellery, British Legion Merchandise, Wild Bird Food Blackham Village Hall is a registered charity whose sole purpose is to promote & maintain the hall for the enjoyment and benefit of the community.

King’s Hall Spring Lunch Another successful lunch with 34 people enjoying roast gammon followed by the famous Meg Stafford sticky toffee pudding and the equally famous Peter Griffiths boozy bread and butter pudding. Numbers were up from the first lunch which was great to see. As ever, thanks to all the helpers. And yes, we will be doing more.....stop press...more dates...

Easter Lunch - 18th April

Step Into Summer Lunch 20th June

Tickets (£4) from Meg Stafford (01892 770035) or Ali Hunnam (01892 770347) 17 The Kings’ Hall Withyham 100 Club We are very grateful for everyone’s support but are happy to encourage more local people to become members and help our fund raising for further maintenance and improvements. We are edging ever closer to 100 members so please help us reach the milestone. Each number costs £12 per year; if you would like to join please contact Rick Hunnam (01892) 770347 or email [email protected] Winners: Details next month

Forthcoming Events in the Withyham Village Hall

May 10th Quiz June 28th Kingo Bingo (see page 16) Sept (tbc) Withyham’s Got Talent Sept / Oct (tbc) Bluffer’s Wine Tasng 18

A Date For Your Diaries!! Traditional Blackham Quiz Night Blackham Village Hall - Saturday May 25th More details next month, but expect the usual traditional format, with a two-course hot meal and licensed bar.


Thursday 11th April at 2pm Crowborough Community Centre, Pine Grove, Crowborough, TN6 1FE Lecturer: Hilary Williams Rembrandt: Faces, Family & Friends In a return visit, Hilary Williams of the British Museum introduces us to the medics, lawyers, bourgeoisie, burghers, clerics and family members who were Rembrandt’s subjects. With the help of drawings, etchings and paintings we will see how Rembrandt offers a brilliant window onto a spectacular age.

Refreshments available. Members free, guests £6.

BETT, Sheila Henriette Passed away peacefully at home on 23rd February 2019, aged 84. Beloved wife of John, loving mother of Fiona, Andrew, Rory and Hamish, and grandmother of Sam, Rory, Selena, Harry, Alastair, Eleanor, Lola, Rafferty, Isabelle and Tristan. Memorial service to be held at 2.30pm on 12th April 2019 at St Michael and All Angels Church, Withyham, Nr Hartfeld, TN7 4BA, and afterwards at Groombridge Village Hall, TN3 9QX. Donations welcomed to Sheila’s chosen charity, WaterAid. Editor’s note: It’s around this time Jane Perry Homeopathy of year that those people who have their Parish Magazines delivered by Jane Perry MSECH MARH our trusty band of volunteers fnd a little note inside inviting them to make a fnancial contribution Bingles Farm towards the ever-growing cost of Lye Green producing the magazine. Of course, East Sussex that doesn’t mean that those who receive their magazine via email TN6 1UU need feel left out. You too can support this worthy cause by 07796 174264 sending a little something. Contact Anne on 01892 661393 or [email protected]. Anne can [email protected] also advise on Gift Aid, which is of real fnancial beneft to the Church. Best wishes - Stephen

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Nicki the Seamstress Traditional Mole, Mice, Do you have a pile of sewing jobs Rabbit & Squirrel Catcher that you never seem to get to? Traditional methods only Let me do them. No poisons used Any sewing alterations or repairs, all at very reasonable rates. I offer home consultations, with a PETER KING collection and delivery service. Mobile: 07432 813614 07871 808434 01892 770051 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

Painting & Decorating Your advert could appear Interior & Exterior here!! Free Estimates Very reasonable rates Kevin Wild Contact Anne Barker Mobile 07766 404945 [email protected] Crowborough (01892) 664272 01892 661393 KING’S HALL, WITHYHAM Your local village hall makes a great venue for Parties, Weddings, Anniversaries and Children’s Parties. Hire it from only £10 per hour. Bookings and enquiries (01892) 770035 or 770347 or email Meg Stafford on [email protected] or Rick Hunnam on [email protected] Court Solutions South East Tennis Court Restoration and Maintenance Specialists. We are a small family company, using modern machinery; we employ traditional methods for the perfect finish. Our Services Include: Full Tennis Court Restoration, Pressure Cleaning with Specialist Detergent, Surface Screeding, General Surface Repairs, Resurfacing, Fencing Repairs, Polyurethane Resin Coatings for Prolonging Macadam Life, Colour Coating and Lining to LTA Standards, Annual Maintenance. Email: [email protected] For more information see our website: Or call Richard Mitchell on 07973182877

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Hartfield Playschool ~ Celebrating 50 Years in 2015!

Founded 50 years ago, Hartfield Playschool is a well established community Playschool in a beautiful setting with extensive gardens and outdoor space, taking children from 2-5 years. We are open from 9am-3pm Monday to Friday during term time. Our aim is to enhance the development and education of pre-school children in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage. Please visit our website at or call us on 01892 770830 for more information about any aspect of Playschool. Charity No. 1158901.

LAND DRAINAGE & TRENCHING Ditching & Earth Moving Water Supplies & Repair Giles Swift Tel: 01892 864754 S. W. HARDING HOUSE AND GARDEN MAINTENANCE Builder and Sub-Contractor Garden Walls, Patios & Paths Pointing, Fence Erecting, Painting Garden Machinery Cleared (01892) 740505

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Felt Roofing 10 year guarantee Tiling – Slating New roofs or repairs New gutters or existing gutters cleaned Full service Free estimates Tel: 01892 655238 Mobile: 07811 588291 BLACKHAM VILLAGE HALL Ideal for: Parties, Receptions, Fitness Classes, Martial Arts, Dances, Tea Parties, Rehearsals, Concerts etc. etc. etc……. Disabled Access & Facilities, Central Heating, Fitted Kitchen, Raised Stage with Curtains, Small Private Garden Area, Licensed Premises A friendly Market & Café with a huge range of local produce & gifts is held from 10.00 to 12.30 on the frst Saturday of every month (except January) Hire Rates from only £6 per hour. Contact Penny on 01892 740574

WEALD ROOFING SERVICES LTD For a complete roofing service, stripping and retiling Tiles and slates - Fibreglass flat roofing - Felt roofing Specialist lead works - Extensions & refurbishments Fully insured – All work guaranteed Contact David Nash for a free no-obligation quotation 01892 619947 – 07983 413077 (CHECKATRADE AND GUILD OF MASTER CRAFTSMEN AFFILIATED)

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Kings’ Hall, Withyham Chairman: Rick Hunnam 01892 770347 Lettings: Mrs Meg Stafford 01892 770035 Blackham Village Hall Bookings: Mrs P Hawes 01892 740574 [email protected] Groombridge & Hartfeld Medical Practice 01892 863326 Withyham Road, Groombridge, TN3 9QP Old Crown Farm, High Street, Hartfeld, TN7 4AD Beacon Surgery, Beacon Road, Crowborough, TN6 1AH 01892 652233 Saxonbury House Medical Group, Croft Road, Crowborough 01892 603131 Family Support Worker Mrs Miriam Boobier 01892 662780 St Michael’s Primary School Mrs Katie O’Shea (Headteacher) 01892 770307 Withyham Art Group Mrs Rosemary Goolden 01892 770351 Dorset Arms Angling Club Fred Stillwell 01892 770661 Withyham Cricket Club Peter Hamerton 01892 655932 Music & Movement Duncan Sanders 07756 436085 Blackham Country Players Linda Weekes 01892 740261 Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Crowborough 01892 655303 Withyham Parish Charity Trust providing fnancial help for those in need Applications should be made to Richard Carden 01342 822491 Withyham Parish Council (WPC) 01892 864557 Te Old Station, Groombridge, TN3 9RD [email protected] WPC Office hours: Monday 12:00 - 17:00 Tuesday - Friday* 09:30 - 12:00 *closed on Wednesdays during school holidays. A councillor is always present at the monthly Community Café in Groombridge. Telephone numbers for the reporting of incidents Highway lights and footpath damage (location and problem) 03456 080193 Vandalism and Abandoned Vehicles (all relevant details) 01243 642222 Waste collection queries 03456 080193 Trading Standards 03456 080197 Problems can also be reported to: Magazine Editor Stephen Whittaker [email protected] Magazine Advertising Mrs Anne Barker 01892 661393 [email protected] Printed by EMS Ltd, East Grinstead - 01342 323700