Dictionary of National Biography
Blair 160 Blair ' (4to). He casually names a cosen Blague i. 427, ii. 116). He defended Kames, his ' the surgeon' as attending on the wounded.' intimate friend, when Kames's 'Essays on ' their author to a Neve's i. Abbot Wood's Morality exposed charge [Le Fasti, 577 ; Reg. ; of and answer Fasti, ii. 184; Reg. Whitgift, 3, 269; Keg. infidelity, brought Campbell's to Hume's Miracles under the G-rindall et Bancroft, Kennet; "Wood's Fasti, i. essay upon communications from Dean of notice of Hume i. 222, 227 ; present (TYTLER'S Kames, 198, Rochester, rectors of Bangor, Ewelme, Great 266). He was intimate with Henry Dundas, ii. &c. &c. Newcourt's , afterwards Lord and Braxted, ; Repertorium, Melville, through him 91-2.] A. B. G-. had some influence upon Scotch patronage. He declined to use it in order to succeed BLAIR, HUGH (1718-1800), divine, Robertson as principal of the university, but was born in Edinburgh 7 April 1718. His is said to have been annoyed at being passed father, John Blair, was an Edinburgh mer- over in favour of Dr. Baird. Blair encouraged chant, son of Hugh and grandson of Robert MacPherson to publish the 'Fragments of ' Blair, 1593-1666 [q.v.], chaplain to Charles I. Ancient Poetry in 1760, and eulogised their Hugh Blair was educated at Edinburgh, and merits with more zeal than discretion in ' A entered the university in 1730. An essay irepl Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian, rot) KCI\OV, written whilst he was a student, the son of Fingal,' 1763.
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