Major Projects 2017-2021
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MAJOR PROJECTS 2017-2021 MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS MAY 2017 DIRECT PUBLIC INVESTMENT - Upgrade and Rehabilitation of Route 11 CH - Optimization of Route 41 CH - Improvement of Route E-30-F - Upgrade of Route 7 by sections - Canelillo Reservoir - Pocuro Reservoir - Cautín Reservoir - New Hospital of Puente Alto PROJECT DATA SHEET NATIONAL ROAD DEPARTMENT UPGRADE AND REHABILITATION ROUTE 11 CH Updated: MAY 2017 Project Information Location Arica & Parinacota Region Improvement of the international highway Arica Location Map Objective to Tambo Quemado (border with Bolivia), 192 km. Maintenance and upgrade of Route 11 CH. 147 127 Main works 2016-2019: Asphalt repair, construction of auxiliary tracks, road safety 192 measures, path rectification, bridge construction 170 and environmental measures. 100 Description of 18 36 76 Works 2016-2019: US$ 130 million Estimated Investment 2020-2023:US$ 150 million Type of Public Investment Improvement of connectivity between Chile and Bolivia and the Port of Arica. Benefits Reduction of risk of accidents and travel times and improving road safety. Current Situation Timetable Activity Date Section km. Working section km. 36-60, asphalt repair, path rectification, st 36-60 and 137- End of works 1 Semester 2017 construction of auxiliary tracks, road safety measures 147 From first term 2016, works on km. 170-192, asphalt replacement, road Section km. th safety measures, path rectification, and environmental measures in End of works 4 Quarter 2018 170-192 Lauca National Park In process design studies sections km 18-36; 76-100 and 100- 127. Construction begins at the end of 2018. All projects consider End of works 2nd Semester 2023 citizen consulting process Source: Sub-Department of Development, Sub-Department of Works PROJECT DATA SHEET NATIONAL ROAD DEPARTMENT - OPTIMIZATION OF ROUTE 41 CH Updated: MAY 2017 Project Information Location Coquimbo Region Improvement of the international connection from Location Map Objective Coquimbo - La Serena to Argentina (San Juan) and the Mercosur. Improvement works and expansion in some sections. Description Construction of bridges and protection structures in of Works an international route of 233 km in the Chilean side. Estimated 2016-2019: US$ 34 million Investment 2019-2024: US$ 81 million Type of Public Investment To improve connection between Chile, Argentina and the Mercosur, and the access to the Port of Benefits Coquimbo as well the touristic areas in La Serena and Vicuña. Reduce the risk of accidents, reduce travel times and improve safety on the route. Current Situation Timetable Activity Date Call for tender: Design of expansion Las Rojas- 2017 Marqueza Design Project of section La Serena-Las Rojas ready Design of expansion Marqueza- 2018 Puclaro bridge New call for tender to finish section Juntas del Toro y Puente El Camarón (km 147-162) during first term 2017 Design of expansion Works 2018 Puclaro Tunnel - Vicuña Plans for Citizen Participation during the whole Project. Improvement Works: La 2020 Environmental management measures should be taken even if the Laguna- Llano Las Liebres Project is not located in a National Park Enlargement La Serena-Las 2019 Rojas (exprop) Source: Sub-Department of Development, Sub-Department of Works PROJECT DATA SHEET NATIONAL ROAD DEPARTMENT - IMPROVEMENT OF ROUTE E-30-F Updated: MAY 2017 Project Information Valparaíso Region, from the crossing of Location National Highway 5 to Zapallar - Puchuncaví - Concón. Location Map Improve the standard of urban and interurban Objective roads between Zapallar and Concón. Route of 83 km. The first section will have 7 m. wide and an outer Description of berm of 2 m. Works In the urban section (2 km.) a roundabout is considered together with a new bridge over the Aconcagua river Estimated 2016-2019: US$ 44 million Investment 2020-2024: US$ 108 million Type of Public Investment Improvement of coastal connectivity in Northern Valparaiso Region with a reduction of travel Benefits times, reduction of the risks of accidents and improvement in safety of the route. Current Situation Timetable Activity Date Call for tender: Expropiation process and Interurban section works in progress - Improvement of section 2017 Engineering studies for section Concón - Quintero (17 km) ready at the Concón-Cantonera Norte end of 2017 Concón Bridge Improvement of Route F30-E sector Cementerio Concón-Límite urbano - Upgrading works of section 2018 under progress ending july 2017 Concón-Cantonera Norte II phase Citizen Participation during the whole process -Expansion Cantonera Norte- 2021 Road Junction F-240 Source: Sub-Department of Development, Sub-Department of Works PROJECT DATA SHEET NATIONAL ROAD DEPARTMENT Updated: MAY 2017 - UPGRADE OF ROUTE 7 BY SECTIONS Project Information Location Map Location Los Lagos and Aysén Regions - Improvement of connectivity in Route 7 between Coyhaique and Puerto Montt with only 3 seatransfers - Studies for road construction of section Pichanco - Caleta Gonzalo and beginning of expropiation process. Objective - Paving of central section in Villa Ortega - Paving from Cerro Castillo to South Access of Cochrane (250 km) - Design studies road Cochrane-Puerto Yungay (120 km) - Length of the road: 1,075 km (Pto. Montt – Coyhaique – Cochrane – Pto. Yungay), 475 km paved in asphalt or concrete. Description - Construction of a paved road for average of Works speed of 50-70km/hr. - Sections of mountain road will be 4-6 mt.wide to allow average speed of 40 km/hr. Estimated US$ 1,200 million for improvement of remaining 600 Investment kms Type of Public Investment Improve connectivity of the Region, with the reduction of travel times, risk of accidents and the Benefits improving of road safety. Benefits for the population, tourism and economic activities of 16 % of the national territory. Current Situation Timetable 2016 – 2018 Activity Date This initiative is part of the portfolio of projects of the Special Plan for the Development of Extreme Areas (PEDZE) of the Region of Aysén. Citizen participation plans are considered. Northern Section, Call for bids nd 2 sem 2016 Section Puñon – Ex Pte. Parafina, 8 km nd 2 sem 2016 Section Pte. Cisnes – Pichicolo, 11 km 2018 - 2019 Section Pte. El Blanco – Pichanco, 25 km The Project has been divided in 3 sections: Section Leptepú – 2018 - 2019 - Northern Section: Pto. Montt – Coyhaique Fiordo Largo, 11 km - Central: Intersection R 240 CH – Intersection Route X-50, Section C. Gonzalo – 2017 - 2018 - Southern: Villa Cerro Castillo – Cochrane – Pto. Yungay. Pte. Bonito, 35 km Section Lím. Reg – La 1st sem 2017 Tolva, 22 km Section Lago 2nd sem 2017 Risopatrón, 14 km Section Las Pulgas – 2nd sem 2016 F. Queulat, 12 km Sector F. Queulat – Bif. 2018 - 2019 Cisnes, 27 km Central Section, Call Northern Section: Puerto Montt – Coyhaique: for bids Not paved section: 230 km nd Section 1 Intersection 2 sem 2016 Studies under progress: 96 km R 240 CH – V. Ortega – 2018 Paving under progress: 65 km Southern Section, Call for bids: Section V. Cerro 2017-18 Castillo – Laguna Central Section: Intersection R 240 CH and Route X-50: Verde Not paved section: 52 km Studies under progress: 28 km Section 1 Acc. Murta 2017-18 – Pto. Tranquilo Section 1 Confluence 2017-18 River Baker/Nef – Cochrane Southern Section: Villa Cerro Castillo – Cochrane: Not paved section: 245 km Studies under progress: 65 km Basic Works under progress: 30 km Source: Sub-Department of Development, Sub-Department of Works NATIONAL DEPARTMENT FOR PROJECT DATA SHEET HYDRAULIC WORKS - CANELILLO RESERVOIR Updated: MAY 2017 Project Information Location Map Location Province of Choapa in Coquimbo Region, Capacity: 200 Hm3 Description Flood area 800 ha of Works Wall height: 84 m. Netwrk of new irrigation channels: 300 kms. Irrigation 15.000 ha. Area Communes Illapel, Canela, Los Vilos Estimated US$ 169 million Wall of the dam Investment Hydroelectric Under analysis generation The National Department for Hydraulic Works has Water Rights rights for 150 Hm3/year. Possibilities to capture the water near the reservoir under study Current Situation Timetable Activity Date Feasibility studies Ready Study of environmental 2017 – 2018 assessment Feasibility studies are been executed by Empresa SMI. Design of Project and environmental studies 2017-2018 Design studies 2018 – 2019 Construction 2020 – 2024 Source: Department of Irrigation Projects NATIONAL DEPARTMENT FOR PROJECT DATA SHEET HYDRAULIC WORKS - POCURO RESERVOIR Updated: MAY 2017 Project Information Location Map Province of los Andes, Commune of Calle Larga, Location Valparaíso Region Volume of the reservoir: 100 Hm3 Dam wall height: 100 m Description Feeder Channel: 17 km (from Aconcagua River) and a of Works capacity of 20 m3/s Main channel: 10 km Irrigation 30.000 Has Area River 1st and 2nd sections of Aconcagua river sections Area of the Wall Dam Estimated US$ 290 million Investment Hydroelectri 5 to 10 MW installed capacity c generation The National Department has permanent water rights Water Rights for 400 Hm3/year in the first section of Aconcagua river. Current Situation Timetable Activity Date 1st sem. 2017 Social and economic 1. Feasibility studies and environment assessment under progress, State Evaluation System ending first semester 2017 1st sem 2017 Council of Ministers 2. Working on a model to run in a single contract both design and construction Allocation of budgetary 1st sem. 2017 resources Expropiaton 2nd sem. 2017 Call for bids 2nd sem. 2017 Source: Department of Irrigation Projects