Baseball Deacons Begin
'. • ,. 1- Argen~:-.: ··seniors Elect ' • . J~' GamesBegm Outstanding ' Today Members 1- * * Volumne XXXVI, Number 18 * Wake Forest. N. C~ MO~da:f, February 26, 1951 Telephone 4056 Baseball. Deacons' . Begin· QueSt Fo~ Pan-American CH-ampiOnship ' . I :~ Farewell Into The Wild· Blue Yonder ( I . ' President Harold W. Tribble, third from right, wishes "bon voyage". and good luck to Coach Taylor Sanford and his These are the Demon Deacons as they boarded a plane at the Raleigh-Durham airport for the first lap of their journ baseball team as they prep~re to leave. the gymnasium for the Raleigh-Durham airport where they b~arded a plane for ey to Buenos Aires, Argentina, last Thursday. StjLrting at the top and coming down the row on the left,. they are Junie Miami, Fla., the first lap in the journey to Buenos Aires, A_rgentina, and the first Pan-American games. With Coach Floyd, left field; Max Eller, pitcher; Bob Coluni, short stop; Kay Rog~rs, centerfield; Jack Liptak, third base; Wiley Sanford and Dr. Tribble are, in the usual order, Bob Coluni, third ba!!e; Kay Rogers, centerfield; Jack Stallings, sec Warren, first base; and Tunney Brooks. Again starting at the top, coming down the right side, they are Dick McCleney, ond base; Coach, Sanford, Dr. Tribble, Jack Liptak, third base; and Alton ''Tunney" Brooks, catcher. pitcher; Frank Wehner, right field; Don Woodlief, pitcher,. Stan Johnson, pitcher; Jack Stallings, second base; and Coach · -Photo By J. B. Benton. Taylor Sanford. -Photo By J. B .. Benton. SENIOR FEE Seniors expecting to graduate Ten Sen.if!ts Ch·osen .
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