Minutes, Council, 3 September 2018
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CRICH PARISH COUNCIL Glebe Field Centre, Glebe Field Close, Crich Derbyshire DE4 5EU Tel: 01773 853928 E-mail: [email protected] MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CRICH PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN CRICH GLEBE FIELD CENTRE, ON MONDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER 2018 AT 7.30PM 1811/18 Present: Cllrs: M Lane (Chair), D Anstead, S Bateman, M Baugh, J Brown, C Collison, J James, K Smith, V Thorpe, R Walsh, P Yorke In attendance: DCC Cllr D Taylor, AVBC Cllr G Gee, C Jennings - Parish Clerk Also present: Six members of the public 1812/18 TO NOTE ABSENCE Cllr V Broom, (apologies), DCC Cllr T Ainsworth (apologies), PCSO Wragg Resolved: Absence was noted. 1813/18 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS It was not considered necessary to vary the order of business. 1814/18 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTERESTS a) To enable Members to declare the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest they have in subsequent agenda items, in accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct. Interests that become apparent at a later stage in the proceedings may be declared at that time. b) To receive and approve requests for dispensation from members on matters in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. Personal (not Pecuniary) Interests declared: Cllr C Collison declared a personal interest in planning and listed building applications refs AVA/2018/0582 and AVA/2018/0583, arising from close associations with objectors to the scheme. Cllrs D Anstead declared a personal interest in planning and listed building applications AVA/2018/0582 and AVA/2018/0583, arising from personal association with parties involved. Cllr J Brown declared a personal interest in planning applications TRE/2018/0303, as this was his property, and AVA/2018/0629, as this was a neighbouring property. Cllrs K Smith and R Walsh declared a personal interest in planning application AVA/2018/0792, arising from employment/volunteering. Cllr M Lane declared a personal interest in planning application AVA/2018/0321 and Agenda Item 19 in respect of Glebe Field Centre, arising from her role on Crich Glebe Field Trust Management Committee. Cllr V Thorpe declared a personal interest in planning application AVA/2018/0321 and Agenda Item 19 in respect of Glebe Field Centre, arising from her role as Glebe Field Trust Management Trustee. Cllr Baugh declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 11b, as this was a neighbouring property. 1815/18 CO-OPTION FOR WHATSTANDWELL WARD VACANT SEAT a) Delegated Cllrs met with a prospective new Councillor on 22nd August 2018, and recommended his co-option. The vote was unanimous Resolved: Mr Jordan James was co-opted to fill the vacant seat for Whatstandwell Ward. b) Cllr Jordan James signed the Election Compact for Crich Parish Council, joined the Council at the table, and was welcomed by the Chair. 1816/18 PUBLIC SPEAKING a) A period of 15 minutes will be made available for members of the public and members of the Council to comment on any matter. Speaking is limited to 3 minutes per person and is at the discretion of the Chair. Speaking: A resident advised that there had been sightings of drug dealing in a local layby, the Police were aware. Cllrs Anstead and Collison left the room. Four residents made complaints relating to planning applications AVA/2018/0582 and AVA/2018/0583, Wakebridge Farm proposed development. The comments related to a number of elements including, but not limited to; size of development, size of accommodation, size of car park, traffic volumes, noise, type of farming, farming methods/ experimental farming, animal numbers, lack of business plans, type of business, lack of experience. The Chair explained that the Parish Council was only a consultee with regard to Planning, and had submitted a balanced response to the two applications. The reinstatement of a farm and local employment supported elements of revitalisation as contained in Crich Neighbourhood Plan, which would hopefully be voted in on Thursday 6th September. However, the Council had also raised concerns with other aspects seeking clarification and safeguards be included; with regard to location of the site which was within Derwent Valley Mills Heritage Site Buffer Zone, public footpath safety, the introduction of two timber framed works cabins, and insufficient information to demonstrate the reasonable residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers. Comments relating to type of farming or methods were not relevant to the planning application. b) If the Police Liaison Officer, a County or District Councillor is in attendance, they will be given the opportunity to raise any relevant matter. AVBC Gee spoke about the Wakebridge Farm planning application. He had asked the Chair of Planning, Cllr N Bull, to call-in the planning application for decision by the Planning Board, but as his request had been a couple of days late it seemed was not accepted and it looks like it would be delegated to Officers. However, other residents had also complained and one had referred the applications to the Secretary of State for Environmental and Rural Affairs, National Planning Casework Unit. It was suggested that the residents who were concerned could request a meeting with AVBC Planning Officers. If the applications were called-in, the residents would also be able to attend that meeting, but this was looking unlikely. After considerable further discussion it was Resolved: to write to the Chair of Planning, Cllr Norman Bull, to support Cllr Gee’s request to call-in Planning Applications AVA/2018/0582 and AVA/2018/0583, Wakebridge Farm. On the grounds that the applications were made during the holiday season and local residents therefore felt there had been inadequate consultation time, there is considerable local concern about the plans, and the applications are very controversial. Cllr Gee went on to provide updates on other planning applications. AVBC Thorpe provided an update of planning applications she was involved with. She has called-in planning application no AVA/2018/0629, Allen Lane. DCC Cllr Taylor chairs DCC’s Health Scrutiny Panel, and on 10th September 2018, at 2.00pm, the Panel is meeting representatives from Southern Derbyshire NHS Commissioning Group (CCG) to challenge the proposed £90M cuts to health services. Cllrs Anstead and Collison re-joined the meeting. 1817/18 CHAIR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair advised she had: ▪ Exchanged e-mails thanking Severn Trent for their consultative approach to the reservoir project and how pleased everyone concerned had been. ▪ Attended a Standards and Appeals meeting on 4th July. ▪ Arranged for Crich Area Community News to publish the AVBC leaflet regarding dog waste in their last issue. ▪ Joined the rest of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Members at Crich Fete, at a stall to promote the Plan and encourage voting. All this hard work had obviously had to be repeated when the first Referendum had been cancelled by AVBC. 1818/18 MINUTES a) Resolved: To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 2nd July 2018. b) Resolved: To accept the report of the Finance Committee Meeting held on Monday 23rd July 2018, including payments and receipts, and bank reconciliation 1819/18 PLANNING a) Resolved: That the Parish Council representations on planning applications submitted to AVBC since the last Full Council Parish Meeting be endorsed. The planning application comments made at this meeting be submitted to AVBC. Representations attached. b) Amber Valley planning portal Resolved: To write to AVBC Planning Manager, Sarah Brookes, to advise that the current trial of not displaying the Parish Council’s comments to Planning Applications is detrimental to open and transparent decision making. Local residents have complained about the inability to view Council comments, and as a public body we would like our comments to be publicly accessible. The Council would also like to see the reinstatement of resident’s comments, with personal details redacted to comply with GDPR, so it is able to gauge local feeling towards planning applications. FINANCE 1820/18 a) Payments and receipts Resolved: That payment of the attached accounts in the sums of August £4,991.10 and September £4,777.64, and receipt of the sums of July £1,606.00 and August £1,188.00 be formally approved. 1821/18 b) Finance Terms of Reference To ensure quarterly meetings are not inquorate Resolved: To amend Finance Terms of Reference Point 2 quorum number from ‘four’ to ‘three’. To be circulated as separate document. 1822/18 c) Notice of conclusion of Audit 2018 Audit Return for year ended 31st March 2018, sections 1-3 and notice circulated. REPORTS 1823/18 CRICH NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN The referendum is due to take place on 6th September 2018. The count is being attended by Cllrs Lane, Collison, Walsh and Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group member Claire Parkinson. RECREATION GROUND 1824/18 a) PLACE project Cllr Yorke advised that the new waste bins have been installed. One had already had to be repaired as someone had tried to dislodge it. The Trade Waste bin is also in place. Cllr Yorke continues to receive positive comments from users. The PLACE Project group are wanting to put in more benches, with one going in tomorrow and another being installed next month. Plans are also being made for the next stage of the development for a ‘Quiet Area’ with horse shoe seating. Consideration is also being given to a local sculpture. Permission for all additional works previously approved by Council. 1825/18 b) Damaged wall 2 Holly Bank Court, bordering the Recreation Ground. This matter has been referred to the Council’s Insurers. Resolved – To contact the Council’s Insurers to enquire whether a claim is being pursued, and if not when they will close the matter.