THE KINGS OF ISRAEL AND JUDAH 1 2 THE KINGS OF ISRAEL AND JUDAH Verse by Verse Notes Jim Cowie 3 Printed by: Stallard & Potter 2 Jervois Street Torrensville South Australia 5031 Published by: Christadelphian Scripture Study Service 85 Suffolk Road Hawthorndene South Australia 5051 Fax + 61 8 8271–9290 Phone (08) 8278–6848 Email:
[email protected] November 2002 4 PREFACE . B. N. Luke 2002 5 6 CONTENTS Page Introduction 10 Israel’s First Three Kings - Saul, David, and Solomon 15 Map of the Divided Kingdom Rehoboam - The Indiscreet (Judah) Jeroboam - The Ambitious Manipulator (Israel) Abijah - The Belligerent (Judah) Asa - Judah’s First Reformer (Judah) The Chronological Data of the Kings of Israel Nadab - The Liberal (Israel) Baasha - The Unheeding Avenger (Israel) The Chronological Data of the Kings of Judah Elah - The Apathetic Drunkard (Israel) Zimri - The Reckless Assassin (Israel) Omri - The Statute-maker (Israel) Ahab - Israel’s Worst King (Israel) Ahab of Israel and Jehoshaphat of Judah Jehoshaphat - The Enigmatic Educator (Judah) Ahaziah - The Clumsy Pagan (Israel) Jehoram - The Moderate (Israel) Jehoram of Israel and Jehoshaphat of Judah Jehoram - The Ill-fated Murderer (Judah) Ahaziah - The Doomed Puppet (Judah) Jehu - Yahweh’s Avenger (Israel) Athaliah - “That wicked woman” (Judah) Joash - The Ungrateful Dependant (Judah) Amaziah - The Offensive Infidel (Judah) Jehoahaz - The Oppressed Idolater (Israel) Jehoash - The Indifferent Deliverer (Israel) Jeroboam - The Militant Restorer (Israel) Uzziah - The Presumptuous Pragmatist