THE SPORT OF ROWING To the readers of This is the second installment on All my contact info is at my website. I of the latest draft of will also be at the World Championships the beginning of my coming new book. next month on Lake Karapiro, and I hope to Many thanks again to Rebecca Caroe for be at the FISA Coaches’ Conference in making this possible. London in January. Or you can email me anytime at
[email protected]. Details about me and my book project are available at For a short time you can still access the For six years I have been researching and first installment. Additional chapters for writing a four volume comprehensive histo- your review will continue to appear at regu- ry of the sport of rowing with particular em- lar intervals on As phasis on the evolution of technique. In you would expect, the first part of the book these last months before publication, I am deals with rowing in England where the inviting all of you visitors to the British sport began, and that has presented a special Rowperfect website to review the near-final challenge for me, a colonial writing at a dis- draft. Your comments, suggestions, correc- tance of 8,000 miles from the Mother Coun- tions, agreements, disagreements, additional try. That is why your various perspectives sources and illustrations, etc. will be an es- will make such a difference, so let me thank sential contribution to what has always been you all again for your contributions to this intended to be a joint project of the rowing book project.