THE SPORT OF ROWING To the readers of This is the sixth installment on sources and illustrations, etc. will be an es- of the latest draft of sential contribution to what has always been the beginning of my coming new book. intended to be a joint project of the rowing Many thanks again to Rebecca Caroe for community. making this possible. All my contact info is at my website. I will also be at the FISA Coaches’ Confe- Details about me and my book project rence in London in January. Or you can are available at email me anytime at: For seven years I have been researching and
[email protected]. writing a four volume comprehensive histo- ry of the sport of rowing with particular em- For a short time you can still access the phasis on the evolution of technique. In first five installments, which have been up- these last months before publication, I am dated thanks to feedback from readers like inviting all of you visitors to the British you. Additional chapters for your review Rowperfect website to review the near-final will continue to appear at regular intervals draft. Your comments, suggestions, correc- on tions, agreements, disagreements, additional TThhee SSppoorrtt ooff RRoowwiinngg AA CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee HHiissttoorryy bbyy PPeetteerr MMaalllloorryy VVoolluummee II GGeenneessiiss ddrraafffttt mmaannuussccrriiippttt JJaannuuaarryy 22001111 TThhee SSppoorrtt ooff RRoowwiinngg AA CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee HHiissttoorryy bbyy PPeetteerr MMaalllloorryy ddrraafffttt mmaannuussccrriiippttt JJaannuuaarryy 22001111 VVoolluummee II GGeenneessiiss ENGLISH ORTHODOX MEETS CLASSICAL TECHNIQUE 17. Documenting Decline Richard Burnell – The Aging Process – English Orthodoxy Endures Burnell, Swing Together 1897 Oxford Blue Boat Boat Race Winner Bow J.J.J.