CURRICULUM VITAE Department of Chemistry, Bankura University, Puabagan Campus, Puabagan, West Bengal 722146 Name: Dr. Ram Chandra Maji Designation: Assistant Professor Date of Birth: 25-07-1987 Specializations: Inorganic Chemistry Contact Information: Department of Chemistry, Bankura University, Puabagan Campus, Puabagan, West Bengal 722146 Email:
[email protected],
[email protected] Web-Page: Educational qualifications Ph.D. National Institute of Technology Durgapur, 2017 M. Sc. (Chemistry), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, 2011 B. Sc. (Chemistry Honours), Bankura Christian College, The University of Burdwan, 2009 No. of Ph.D. students: (a) Supervised: Nil (b) Ongoing: Nil No. of M.Phil. Students: (a) Supervised: Nil (b) Ongoing: Nil No. of Publications: (a) Scientific Papers: 09 (b) Books/Book Chapter: 0 Areas of Research Interest • Synthesis of model complexes (both functional and structural) for metalloenzymes using newly designed chelating ligands. • Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for gas storage and catalysis applications. • Activation of small molecule (H2, O2, CO2, N2) by transition metal complexes. • Synthesis of fluorescent probes for the efficient and submicromolar detection of biologically and environmentally concerned analytes such as explosive NACs and toxic heavy metal ions Achievement & Awards: 2009 Joint Admission test for M.Sc. (JAM) Qualified 2010 Recipient of Merit-Cum Means Scholarship during M.Sc. 2010 GATE Qualified 2010 CSIR-UGC-NET Qualified 2013 SRF Qualified (NIT Durgapur) 2017 National Post-Doctoral Fellowship, SERB-India (IISc Bangalore) 2019 Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship at IIT Bombay Research Experiences: • SERB-DST-National Post Doctoral Fellow, IISc Bangalore, India (2017-2019) Metal-based Anticancer Drugs: Photodynamic Therapeutic (PDT) (Mentor: Prof.