
BRA-535A / 9-20 P 1 States (US). Popular (Tortola). in Withdrawals Islands 2:OverdraftService check Electronic Debit)and/orpaidreturned Electronic Transaction(PaybyPhoneand/or Purchases ATM transactionsand/orDebitCard Option 1:Standard POLICIES* stop paymentandrenewal) Stop paymentfor12months(simultaneous Stop paymentextension Stop paymentfor6months Checkbook Order Each drawncheck Check relatedfees in foreingcountries Withdrawals atATMsandpurchases ATH not membersoftheATHNetwork the to Withdrawals atprivatelyownedATMsthatare associated ( Unions Network Network) ATH the of banks and members other are to belonging that ATMs at Withdrawals Automated TellerMachine(ATM) Electronic debitcancellation(EFT) ATH /Internationalcardreplacement Dormant accountfee Monthly servicefee Minimum depositneededtoopenaccount ACCOUNT OPENINGANDUSAGE Puerto


Rico Withdrawals


ATMs or

(BPPR), and to

belonging other


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ATMs banks United


Banco Virgin

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Islands Virgin


o uhrz h akt a uoae elrMcie AM rnatosad/o purchases or / and transactions (ATM) Teller Automated pay to with DebitCards Bank the authorize You or / and transactions (ATM) Machines Teller Automated in fees overdraft in incur purchases withdebitcards. not will You $15.00 Percheckorgroupofchecksinsequence. Forextendingthe original stoppaymentperiodfor6additionalmonths. $15.00 Percheckorgroupofchecksinsequence. $10.00 $10.00 $15.00 6monthswithnodeposits,withdrawals,orpayments. Permonthchargeafter $10.00 aisDependingonthestyleyouselectplusshippingcosts. Varies 2.00% $0.00 Applies toeachwithdrawal.TheATMownermayassessotherfees. $2.00 Appliestoeachwithdrawal.TheATMownermayassessotherfees. $0.50 $0.00 05 Chargeforeachcheckdrawn. $0.50 $5.00 $5.95 $0.00 fyud o p-nfrteOedatSriet a T rnatosad/o ei Card Debit or / and transactions ATM pay to Overdraft the for opt-in purchases whenyouhaveinsufficientfundsornon-availablefunds. not do you If Withdrawals yPoead/o lcrncDbt n rpyo eunacekaantinsufficient against check a return or pay or (Pay / transaction electronic and an Debit) returns Electronic or your or pays requiring Bank / funds ornon-availablefunds. the and without if Phone transactions charged by be these Will pay overdraft. Per discretion, its at authorization. may, Bank The VISA by charged The 1% purchase. includes and withdrawal This per fees. applies USVI other PR, Charge assess US, charged byBPPRafterconversiontoUSDCurrency. Tortola. the may outside in owner purchases ATMs and ATM ATMs non-BPPR at at amount withdrawal and total the to Applies charges specific a from debits account not future does avoid to fee and This . . electronic additional an /or cancelling and For damage theft, loss, to apply toautomaticrenewals. due replacement For Banking Internet by or (VRU) answering the through payment electronic An 3. AconnectionthroughInternetBankinginthestatementperiod. 2. ReceiveaDirectDepositinthestatementperiod. 1. Not applicableifyouperform in thestatementperiod.



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BRA-535A / 9-20 P 2 Copyright 20 Terms, conditionsandfeesforaccounts, products,programsandservicesaresubjecttochange. and BVI). BVI). For * nteeetadsuesalaiebtenteprist ac oua ePet iosDpstAcut gemn lgbet erslei u court our in resolve be to eligible Agreement Accounts Rico’s Juan, Puerto San de 362708, Popular Box Banco the PO containing to statement (685), parties account Center the first between the Resolution BVI). day arise Customer the and shall Rico, following USVI days Puerto system, youmaypursuetheclaimaccordingly. a (60) Area, BVI). de sixty event and Popular Metropolitan within the USVI complaint Banco PR Area, In the address: Metropolitan of (Outside PR following knowledge 1-888-724-3659 (Outside have the 1-800-981-9666 must toll-free to toll-free Bank error wassent. The or or claim 00936-2708. Area) your Area) Rico Metropolitan send Puerto (PR Metropolitan also 787-753-9677 PR (TDD): can impaired and You hearing (Mobiles the for 787-724-3659 available at Us Call If youbelievethatthereisanerrorinyouraccountstatementorthe receiptissuedbyanATMorPOSterminal: ERROR ANDDISPUTERESOLUTION* Availability forotherdepositedchecks: Available forwithdrawalonthenextbusinessday: Available forwithdrawalthesamedateofdeposit: When yourfundswillbeavailable* Order inwhichyourtransactionsareprocessed PROCESSING POLICIES is it regardless cheks returned or paid or Overdraft Maintenance transactions for $75.00) (maximum day per charges 5 than more Overdraft Maintenance you assess not will Bank The by OverdraftService,InsufficientFundsand/orNon-AvailableFunds. 2: and 1 Options check Electronic Debit)and/orpaidreturned Electronic Transaction(PaybyPhoneand/or or PurchasesPaidwithDebitCards Automated TellerMachinestransactionsand/ .Checksbasedontheorderofchecknumber.withnosequence numberwillbeprocessedfromhighesttolowestdollaramount. 4. ACHdebits(electronicpayments)intheorderwhichtheyarereceived. 3. In theeventatransactionisreceivedwithouttimestamp,itwillbeprocessedbasedoncategoryaftertransactionsthathave timestamps. Debits,basedoncategory,bythedateandtime,infollowingorder: 2. DepositsandCredits. 1. For moredetailsorinformation,refertotheDepositAccounts AgreementforIndividuals.


.OtherDebits(PaybyPhone®,transfersbetweenaccounts,wiretransfers, anddebitnotices). d. Purchasetransactionswithadebitcard. c. Checkscashedatourbranches. . WithdrawalswithadebitcardinourbranchesoratAutomatedTellerMachines. a. Telephone

information, 20, ©Popular,Inc.AllRightsReserved. MemberFDIC.










(787) (TDD): $15.00 $15.00 $5.00 724-3659


(mobiles Puerto Orders; dayfollowingthedepositdate. deposit on available , Electronic fundstransferssuchasSocialSecuritybenefitsandDirectDepositpayroll. Representative Checks, be The deposit ofotherchecksdrawnonbanksthanBancoPopular. Puerto fyuwn h akt uhrz n a vrrfsfratmtdtle machine teller automated for pay and authorize ATH your to with complete theapplicationorvisityournearestbranch. Bank purchases the and transactions want payments or you ATM transaction. an If the at transaction pay the to pay applies onlyifyouauthorizeit. to right ATH decides its Bank your the reserves with if Bank overdraft per the charged discretion, its At yPoead/o lcrncDbt n rpi rrtre hc gis insufficient against check returned or paid or (Pay transaction / electronic and an Debit) returns Electronic or your or pays requiring / funds ornon-availablefunds. Bank the and without if Phone transactions charged by be these Will pay Overdraft. Per discretion, its at authorization. may, Bank The fyu con ean vrrw o oeta as a days, 5 The feewillbeapplieduptoamaximumof15days. than more for overdrawn from the6thdayinnegativebalance,excludingSaturday,Sunday,andfederalholidays. remains account your If

Inaddition,theOverdraftMaintenancefeedescribedbelowmayalsoapply. the available

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$225 Official PR on


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BRA-535A / 9-20 P 3 *Tepoiinlcek ple otefloigacut:Cet oua,Mliuna oua ls oua euiisIvso ls Private , Securities Popular Plus, Popular Multicuenta, Popular, Cuenta accounts: following the to applies checks provisional The ** Wire transferstoorfromsanctioned countriesarenotpermittedbythe DepartmentofTreasury oftheUnitedStates(OFAC). * • • • • • How toavoidchargesinyouraccount GENERAL TIPS Photocopies Confirmation Letters/ProcessingCharges Official orProvisionalsChecks/CheckBooksDebitCards Foreign Wire Transfers AVAILABLE OPTIONALSERVICES • • • • • • Urgent requestforInternationalATH Management Account, e-account. Outgoing DomesticandInternational Incoming DomesticandInternational vi htcp es s nentBnigt banu o1 otso amn itr n pt 8mnh ftascinhsoywt mgso checks Cancel yourelectronictransactions(EFT)directlywiththebusiness. of images with history transaction of Keep yourATHinasafeplace.Also,usetheenvelopeprovidedandthiswillpreventdamagingmagneticstripe. months account 18 required to up the and If youchangeyouraddressbesuretonotifythebank. If history payment transactions. of your months 13 validate to Never providepersonalinformationoverthephone,ofyouraccountsorcards. to up Online obtain to Banco Banking Mi Internet and depositslips. use or fees; Telebanco photocopy Avoid use the in or all statement them monthly include to Use MiBancoAlertswhereyouwillbenotifiedbytextmessageoremaileverytimeuseyourATHexceedbudget. your sure verify be check, and on receive balance ismaintainedyouwillavoidoverdraftscharges. than you more of sure theft Make or loss of case In Make transfersbetweenyouraccountsthroughInternetbanking. suspension. the with proceeding before Withdraw cashatover600ATMsownedbyBPPRtoavoidchargesotherATMs.FindthenearestATMfromyouthroughwww.http://locator.popular.com it locate to try lost, same requestiftheyareinthesequence. was check a If Pay throughmorethan5,000businessinbyPhone,obtainaconfirmationnumberofthepaymentmadeandavoidchargesfordrawnchecks. Account StatementPhotocopies Purchase andSaleofForeign Account BalanceCertification Active AccountCertification Non-Customer Certification Miscelaneous Photocopies Direct DepositCertification Foreign CurrencyChecks Provisional Checks Check Photocopy Consulate Letter Official Checks Money Orders Garnishment SERVICE Currency 2 otmyvr eedn nteinternational the on depending vary may address destination Cost $25 from $3to$10,basedontheamount. Acceso Fluctuates Maximum: Basedontheamount Minimum: $10 $25; 1% oftheequivalentindollars minimum: For Tortola, amount. the and Transmission: on USVI based in maximum: $40,basedontheamount. $35, accounts maximum: $25; Commissions:

$10 perprintedstatementorCD/DVD Popular

from $5 inpaper/$4CD/DVD $5 inpaper/$4CD/DVD $2 eachpageof4checks

For PR,USVI,andTortola:$25 o consi uroRc,minimum: Rico, Puerto in accounts For

$4 and to Acceso

$10, $75.00 $10.00 $15.00 $15.00 $10.00 $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 FEE



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udtasesfo oracutt n lc nteU and US the in place any to account your foreign countries.* from transfers Fund mn tes ple odpstsis rdto ei notices, debit or credit slips, deposit to withdrawalsanddeposited checks. applies others, Among 10 more. request must Cards. FortheCD/DVDoption,must request10statementsor CD/DVD, the Does notapplytoIRAstatementsphotocopies neitherPayroll For page. per items ormore. is charge This and Menores) de CRIM-PR Sustento any othergovermentagency. Hacienda), el Court, para de (Administración the Service ASUME-PR Department-PR(Departamento by Internal issued Municipal), (IRS), Recaudación garnishment account de an any (Centro have to not Applies does person the that with theBank. certifies letter entrance The requests customer and a Bank the for with Consulate to theUnitedStatesandPuertoRico. accounts a but deposit by has Bank, required that the certification with balance account A an has customer the with without thebalanceinformation. that account certify deposit To a maintains customer in the the Bankandtoinformbalanceamount. service that Deposit certify Direct To receives customer the the account. that certify To FedEx deliverycouldtakebetween1-2businessdays. not does customer the when branch the have availablechecks. at provided are Checks A moneyordercanbeusedinsteadofacheck. Official CheckPurchase. or Check issuanceinforeigncurrency. currency foreign to currency U.S. vice versa. from exchange Currency udtasest oracutfo n lc nteU and US the in place any from account your foreign countries.* to transfers Fund WHICH SERVICESAREPROVIDED?