Network for Greening the Financial System Technical document A Status Report on Financial Institutions’ Experiences from working with green, non green and brown financial assets and a potential risk differential May 2020 NGFS Technical document MAY 2020 This report has been coordinated by the NGFS Secretariat/Banque de France. For more details, go to NGFS and to the NGFS Twitter account @NGFS_ , or contact the NGFS Secretariat Secretariat
[email protected] Table of Contents Executive summary 3 Introduction: Why focus on potential risk differentials 6 between green, non-green and brown? 1. Classification principles 7 1.1. What is green and what is brown? 7 1.2. Most respondents use a voluntary classification or principle 8 1.3. Alternative views on the use of the taxonomies and classifications 10 2. Respondents’ views on the risk aspect and risk assessments 10 performed by the industry 2.1. Various motives for engaging in climate- and environment-related issues 10 2.2. The results of backward-looking approaches are not conclusive yet on a risk 12 differential 2.3. Forward-looking approaches may be a better tool for capturing this 15 emerging risk. 3. Integration of climate- and environment-related risks into risk 15 monitoring appears to be a challenge for the respondents 3.1. The path towards integration into risk assessment and monitoring 15 3.2. Identified challenges and obstacles 17 Tentative conclusions and high-level messages to financial 19 institutions Appendix I : Defining green and brown – sector, asset, activity 21 and value-chain aspects Appendix II : Case study: Practical application – internal 25 classification Appendix III : A summary of the Chinese taxonomy 27 Appendix IV : The Brazilian classification framework 28 Acknowledgements 29 2 NGFS REPORT Executive summary A point-in-time survey of how financial institutions are undertake a climate- and environment-related risk tracking green, non-green and brown risk profiles… assessment.