384 . EAST RIDING . [KELLY's County Court Office, Squire lane, Sis Honor F . .A. Bedwell Treasurer, Edward James Smith, City & County H.A. judge ; Thomas .Harland, regi~trar & high bailiff. Bank, Hridlington The county court is held e'Very alternate m.onth Medical 'Officer of Health, William Albert Wetwan, Pros­ The following are the places Within the county court district : pect street, Bridlington quay -.Argam, .Auburn, Bridlington, aridlington Quay, Boyn­ Inspector of Nuisances, James Stephenson, I2 Market place 'ton, Buckton, Bemptan, BeJSingby, Burton .Agnes, Barm­ SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CDMMlTTEH. st