384 BRIDLINGTON. EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. [KELLY's County Court Office, Squire lane, Sis Honor F . .A. Bedwell Treasurer, Edward James Smith, York City & County H.A. judge ; Thomas .Harland, regi~trar & high bailiff. Bank, Hridlington The county court is held e'Very alternate m.onth Medical 'Officer of Health, William Albert Wetwan, Pros­ The following are the places Within the county court district : pect street, Bridlington quay -.Argam, .Auburn, Bridlington, aridlington Quay, Boyn­ Inspector of Nuisances, James Stephenson, I2 Market place 'ton, Buckton, Bemptan, BeJSingby, Burton .Agnes, Barm­ SCHOOL ATTENDANCE CDMMlTTEH. st<Jn, Rrough, Carnaby, Dringhoe, Easton, Flamborough, Flamborough ,Head, Fordon, Fraisthorpe, Grin dale, Grans­ Clerk, Charles Gray, 40 High street, Bridlington moor, Hilderthorpe, Hunmanby, Huisthorpe, Lissett, Attendance & Inquiry Officer, Theophllus Hermon, South North Burton, Octon, Reighton, Rudston, Sewerby-cum· Hack lane P.ublio Offi.oers. Marton, Speeton, Skipsca, Thwing, Thornholme, Ulrome1 Upton, Wilsthorpe & Wold Newton High Constable, Martin Richardson, Market place Certified Bailiffs ar,pointed nndcr the "Law of Distress Clerk to the Commissioners of Bridlington Piers & Harbour, .Amendment .Act ':-John Wentworth, 7 Westgate, Brid­ Thomas Heselton, Commercial bldgs. Bridlington quay lington & Harry Cranswick, Wellington road ; John Clerk to the Commissioners of Assessed & Property Tax, Major Wilson, 5 Promenade & Harry Taylor, 4 Prospect Thomas Ha.rland, Squire lane street, Bridlington Quay Collector of Fair & Market Tolls, Anthony Wa1te, St. John's st County Police Station & Court House, Quay road, Wm. Hy. Distributor of Stamps, Joseph Crosby, Market place Winpenny, superintendent, 2 sergeants & S constables Inspector of Corn Returns, Maurice Bolton Fitzgerald, Fire Engine Stations, Thomas Chambers, supt. for Bridling­ Medina avenue ton Quay Fire station, Bay legate, Thos. Everingham, supt Notary Public, Martin Richardson, Market place Inland Revenue Office, Black Lion commercial inn, Maurice Town Clerk, Martin Richardson, Market place Bolton Fitzgerald, officer Town Crier, .Anthony Waite, St. John's street Lloyd Cottage Hospital & Dispensary, Quay road, Francis Places of Worship, with times of Services: ...... Charles Brett L.R.C.P. Lond. W . .A. Wetwan L.R.C.P. Lond. St. Mary's Priory Church, Rev. Henry Wotlindin ll.A. H. J. C. Godfrey M.D. Sidney Moberly L.R.C.P. Lond. rector ; 11 a.m. & 7 p.m medical officers; C. G. Wheelhouse & John .Allison, con­ Baptist, Quay road, Rev. John Scilley; 10.30 a.m, & 6.30 sulting surgeons; Mrs. E. Hutton, matron; Wm.Headley, p.m. ; wed. 7.30 p.m · dispenser: f. J. Medforth, hon, sec Congregational, ~t. John's street, Rev. Richard Wyatt; Stamp Office, 48 Market place, Joseph Crosby, distributor ro.3o a.m. & 6.30 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m Temperance Hall, St. John's street Pnmitive Methodist, St. John's street, Rev. Thomas Whit­ Town Hall, Baylegate taker & the Rev. A. J. Bull; 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; VoLUNTEERS. thurs. 7 p.m Wesleyan, St. John's street, Rev. Henry R. Burton, Rev. IBt East Riding Yorkshire Volunteer .Artillery (No. :1 Bat­ John Boulter (St. John's avenue) & Rev. Elijah ShW.l tery), Cambridge street (Capt. .A. Mills, commandant; Lieut. Cecil Harland; Sergeant-Major James McKnight, (Kilham); 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m drill instructor) Schools. BRIDLINOTON UNION. ASchool Board of 7 members was formed in r879 for the united district of Bridlington, Bridlington Quay, Bes­ The union comprises 32 townships & parishes, embracing singby, Easton & Hilderthorpe; ~'rederick John Brigham, 66,592 acres, with a population in 189r of r6,838; rate­ 8 Manor street, Bridlington Quay, clerk to the board; able value, £II9,621; it comprises the following places: Theophilus Hermon, attendance officer, South Back lane, -.Argam,.Auburn, Barmston, Benton, Bessingby, Boynton, Bridlington Bridlington, Buckton, Burton Agnes, Camaby, Dringhoe National, North Back lane (boys & girls), erected in 1826, Uptan, Brough, Easton, Flamborough, Fordon, Frais­ for 200 boys & 200 girls ; average attendance, r6o boys & thorpe, Gransmoor, Grindale, Haisthorpe, Hilderthorpe, r3o girls ; Isaac Willbourn, master; E. Earnshaw, mist Hunmanby, Lissett, North Burton, Reigbton, Rudston, Infants', Church green, erected in x857, for r6o children; Sewerby and Marton, Skipsea, Speeton, Thornholme, average attendance, r48 ; Mrs. Partridge, mistress Thwing, Ulrome, Wilsthorpe & Wold Newton . Newspapers. Board day, every alternate saturday, at the Workhouse at II o'clock. Bridlington Free Press, Edward Palmer Rogers, proprietor Clerk to the Guardians & ,Assessment Committee, Charles & publisher; published friday ; 24 High street Gray, 40 High street, Hridlington Conveyance. Treasurer, Edward James Smith, York City& County Bank, North Eastern Railway Station (Hull & Scarborough Bridlington branch), Quay road, Thos. Hy. Shipman, station master Collectors of Poor Rates & .Assistant Overseers for the Union: OMNIBUSES from • Black Lion,' High street, to the station --John Woodmansey,Cambridgestreet, Bridlington; John to meet every train Mainpriw, Huckton; John .Allerston,Hilderthorpe; Robert Carriers, Plews,. Hunma.nby; Joseph Crosby, Sewerby & Marton; William Thompson, North ,Burton With the places they go to, inns of call & days of departure. ATWICK--George Binning, ' Globe,' Market pl. wed. &!; sat.; Medical Officers &i Public Vaccinators, No. 1 district, William A.lbert Wetwan, Prospect street, Bridlington Quay; No. 2, Wm. Warcup, 'Pack Horse' & 'Star,' wed. & sat H. J. C. Godfrey r,..H.C.P.LOnd. 7 Manor street, Bridlington BARMSTON-George Russell, 'Black Lion,' wed. &!; sat Quay; No. 3, C. Goodridgc Heard, Hunmanby; No. 4, HEEFORD, LEVRN, BRANDSBURTON & HULL, DRIFFU!lLD &:; Donald MorisonM.B., c.M. Beeford KrLHAM-Robson, 'Green Dragon.' sat Relieving Officer for the Union, James Stephenson, Market BEMPTON & SPEETON-Mattbew Lamplougp Maaon, wed. place, Bridlington & sat Vaccination Officers, J oseph .Aldridge, St. John's street, Brid­ BoYNTON-Hall, 'Pack Horse,' every day BuRTON AGNEs & DRIFFIELD-George Chandler, 1 Green lington; Robert Coult~s, Hunmanby; & William Burton Dragon,' wed. & sat Gray, Burton Agnes 1 Superintendel!t Registrar, Chas.Gray,4o High st.Bridlington GEMBLING, GRANSMOOR & KELK- Wellbourne, Pack Horse,' sat Deputy Supenntendent Registrar, Alfred Gray, 40 High st. 1 Eridlington HARPHAM-Eden, Star,' sat Registrar of Ma,rriages, James .Aldridge, St. John's street HoNMANBY--8tephenson, • Pack Horse,' sat. & John Cham­ Depu~ ~gistrar, John Sherwood, Lawn terrace, Quay road, bers, ' Pack Horse,' fri Bri 1· gton KELK-Layburne, 'Pack Horse,' sat Registrars of Birtbs & Deaths, Bridlington sub-district, KILHAM-Wiles, 'Star,' wed. & sat. &: Webster, 'Black Joseph Aldridge, St. John's street, Bridlington; deputy, Lion,' sat John Sherwood, Lawn terrace, Quay road, Bridlington MusroN, FoLKTON & ScARBOROUGH-Boyes, 1 Pack Horae,' Quay ; Hunmanby sub-district, Robert Coultas, Thwing; wed. & sat NAFFEitTON-Stephenson, 'New inn,' sat deputy, D. Jefferson, Thwing; Skipsea. sub-district, W.B. 1 Gray; deputy, Thomas Gray, Burton Agnes lS"oRTH BURTON & GRINDALB- Webster, Globe,' wed. The Union Workhouse is a brick building, situated on the & sat north side of the town on the Flamborough road; it was NoRTH BuRTON, ScA"RBOROUGH & DRIVFIELD-Botterill, erected in 1846, at a cost of about £s,ooo, & has room for ' Pack Horse,' wed. & sat 150 persons; the average number of inmates is 40; Joseph NoRTH BuRTON-Hurton, 'Globe,' sat. & Gibson, • Globe,' Carter, master, & Mrs. Carter, matron; W. A. Wetwan, wed. & sat medical otli,cer REIGHTON & SPEETON-Marshall, 'Black Lion,' wed. & sa$ RunsTONE-John Chambers, 'Green Dragon,' wed. & sa& RuRAL SANITARY .AuTHORITY. R UDSTONE, BOYNTON & DRIFFIELD John Tindall, • S!ar,' Clerk, Charles Gray, 40 High street, Bridlington tues. & sat .
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