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WEDNESDAY, A HAPPY PRIL 22, 2020 EARTH DAY VOL. 12 NO. 21 LIFE IRONCOUNTYTODAY.COM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 Michelin 4 Opinion star Chef 10 Showcase 12 Life serving 20 Sports up french 22 Classifieds flare in 25 Comics/Puzzles Cedar City FAMILI ES FORGING AheAD THE LEAVITT'S IN PAROWAN POSE FOR A SPECIAL FRONT PORCH PHOTO courtesy of Dave Sr. and Tricia Mineer at Your Story Utah. The porch pics help people keep a positive persepctive during the pandemic. See more photos on the Your Story Utah Facebook Page. DAVE MINEER 2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 NEWS IRON COUNTY TODAY S OLIDARITY DURING LOCKDOWN by Richard CROMMIE currently had on their rights. FOR IRON COUNTY TODAY But what did not make national headlines was our fellow Utahns In Iron County we are fortunate down in Washington county march- enough to not be affected all that ing on April 15th, this past Wednesday, much from the Covid virus. However, for the same reasons and to show many of our fellow American’s lives solidarity with the rest of the nation. have been interrupted, not just from Hundreds showed up outside the sickness but from lockdowns and of the Washington County office to shelter in place orders. protest Governor Gary Herbert’s Nearly half of the country, 49% shelter in place order. Many just want of our nation’s citizens are living to be able to get back to work to paycheck to paycheck. So, with so support their families and others feel many people and businesses ordered that the government has overreached to close and stay at home it is becom- and is restricting people’s freedom. ing more difficult than ever to survive. American flags, handmade signs, In some democratic ran cities and and colonial “Don’t Tread on Me” flags states millions of people are forced GETTY IMAGES waved in the breeze for all to see. into their homes and are forbidden to we saw thousands of people defy the on government subsidizing, people More concerned about their livelihood leave until the government says oth- stay at home orders and gather at the showed up in masses. In some cities than the virus many are willing to erwise. Many think that this measure footsteps of their state’s capitols. this act of defiance worked and in take the risk of the virus than losing is too drastic and has culminated this They weren’t protesting for or others it did not. their homes. past Easter weekend when church against the second amendment or In 6 different states people took With almost all the Covid-19 cases goers were given citations for going LGBT rights but simply protesting to the streets: Michigan, Minnesota, reportedly being in the northern part to church to worship. the local government decision to Kentucky, North Carolina, Idaho, of the state, the argument against With a $1,200 check being issued close all non-essential businesses. and here in Utah. The Salt Lake City a one size fits all shut down for all to all legal Americans some say to All those that showed up simply marches were for the same reason all of Utah is justified, but one thing is just follow orders and accept the wanted to get back to work. Wanting the others were marching for, to be clear, everyone is anxiously awaiting government assistance. In true to make money to feed their families, able to go back to work and lessen the day the restaurants reopen and American fashion over this past week pay their bills, and not have to rely the control that the government working hours are restored. IRON COUNTY TODAY NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 3 P UBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: COVID-19 apps, and through gaming networks. Keep inter- » Clicking off the page they’re viewing when a L ocal USU Extension Service net-accessible devices in a high-trafficked area such parent enters the room. helps relieve tension as the living room. Find out what apps your children » Being online constantly, not being able to get off. use the most and learn how they work. Consider » Pulling away from friends and family. from Kathy RIGGS using parental controls on your children’s devices to » Using behavior or sexual language that is not help filter or block certain content online. appropriate for their age. F OR IRON COUNTY TODAY Set boundaries. Talk to your children about » Possessing new items or gifts. what they should not post, such as personal photos, » Volatile emotions, such as jumping from highs and With all the COVID 19 craziness taking place their location, and personal information about lows within a matter of seconds. right now, it is important to focus on the positive them. Consider creating an online safety agreement Be aware of apps that can hide other apps. There and utilize the resources available to us. One way together so you can both agree on ways that are a number of apps that allow you to hide content to stay positive is to view our current situation as personal devices and technology can be used, and or apps from parents. One such app conceals a time to discover new opportunities, hobbies, and how to use it safely. another app behind a calculator interface. ways to engage in our community. Always use security and a secure internet connec- Know who your children are talking to online Your local USU Extension – Iron County office is tion. Make sure all online accounts are set to private or on the phone. Make sure you know who is on here for you. Though we are working remotely, we and always use secure passwords on those accounts. their friend list online and who they talk to on the will continue to serve our community as best we can Make sure your security software is up to date and phone, through messaging apps, texting, and online via telephone, Facebook, & in person by appointment that you are using a secure internet connection. chat forums. Make sure they know that if they are only. Our website https://extension.usu.edu/iron/ Look out for changes in your children’s behavior. uncomfortable with someone who is messaging offers links to hundreds of educational, research- Below are several examples of behavioral changes them, they can come to you for help. based, how-to factsheets and resources which cover that you should look out for in your children. If your “The online risk for kids has multiplied now a range of topics including, yard & garden, agricul- child exhibits these behaviors, it could be an indica- that they’re at home and on computers for school ture, stress reduction, marriage, finance/budget, 4-H tor of abuse or grooming by a predator. instruction,” Attorney General Sean D. Reyes said. youth programs, nutrition, food preservation, and » Being secretive about sites they visit or who they remote on-line employment. are talking to online. see COVID-19 7 Please visit https://extension.usu.edu/covid-19/ » for resources and tips unique to COVID 19. Parents and children should keep safety in mind during COVID-19 crisis O nline Safety during COVID-19 from Richard PIATT U TAH AttORNEY GENERAL’S OfficE SALT LAKE CITY — The Utah Attorney General’s Office is offering tips to everyone who is concerned about online safety during the COVID-19 crisis. As schools closed and moved to an online setting, children are accessing the internet even more than normal. In addition to online classrooms, children are using the internet on phones, tablets, and gaming platforms to keep in touch with friends as commu- nities adjust to staying indoors. While convenient for connecting with friends and family, these devices are also pathways for predators to reach our children. These predators are aware of the fact that children are spending more time online and unfortunately, may try to exploit that. Below are some items to raise your awareness of internet safety and provide tips on how you can protect your children: Talk to your children about being safe when using the internet. Keeping an open dialogue with your children will help them know that they can come to you for help if they have a problem online. Teach them about using the internet safely and help them learn what to look out for when it comes to cyberbullying, predators, and suspicious activity. Educate yourself. The first step to helping your children practice internet safety is understanding it yourself first. Get to know how online and phone apps and online schooling work. Always keep you and your security software up to date. Be aware of online activity. Predators can gain access to kids through online chats, through popular 4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 NEWS IRON COUNTY TODAY OPINION A DMINISTRATION To the Editor From the Editor R . Gail Stahle PUBLISHER Restore God to National honor [email protected] Dear Editor, Happy “All” Professionals Day Deborah Martineau O FFICE MANAGER Our nation was founded 244 years ago on oday is Administrative every business in Iron County is officemanager@ ironcountytoday.com Judeo-Christian principles by mostly God- Professional’s Day. However, blessed by having someone both honoring men. Since then we seem to have slowly I think it’s fitting that we professional and personable at the A DVERTISING Tcongratulate and celebrate every helm of their workplace. It makes drifted away from those principles and today are facing a National crisis. It may seem appropriate single person who continues to man all the difference. S cott Stahle therefore to review a Bible verse found in II the ship, whether it’s At our workplace, S ALES MANAGER Chronicles 7:14 which states; “If My people who from their classroom or Deborah is much more [email protected] are called by My name will: couch, their boardroom than a “secretary.” She’s 801.755.5999 or bedroom, their desk our secret weapon, an Patti Bostick 1.