Catholic Hour Wihs Aghostic to Church
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CATHOLIC HOUR WIHS AGHOSTIC TO CHURCH Was Full-Blooded Indian I The Register Has the International News Service (Wire and Mail), the N, C. W. C, News Service (Including Radios and Cables), Its Own Special Service, All the Smaller Catholic Services, International Illustrated News, and N. C, W. C. Picture Service. M A N SCORES HILL OF VISION Local Local “ Egypt is to Islam about Edition Edition v/hat the U. S. is to Catholic P f A p |7 BUT ALSO AIDS Rome— an outland which BURIAL provides large sums of THE inoney but gets modest rec ognition from the high N. C. C.M. PERIOD Church Hierarchy.” So de OF ARCHBISHOP clared “ Time,” in its issue of ‘Charming Heckler’ Is Lost to Nationwide May 25. President Cardenas Overrides Edict of Min Broadcasting Program, But Soul Inasmuch as we write for REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S, Patent Office) ister, Permits Dr. Diaz’s Body to Be a national Catholic paper VOL. XII. No. 22 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1936 TWO CENTS Is Won to Christ and the papers of twelve Taken to Cathedral American dioceses, we are Wasl^ngton.— An agnostic of Los Angeles who for Mexico City.— (NCWC Wire)— The remains of the several years criticized and helped the nation-wide Cath let in on the opinions of both full-blooded Jalisco Indian who was to attain international ' Family Life Prize Essayists olic Hour has been converted by that very agency, accord the laity and the clergy, in prominence as the Most Rev. Pascual Diaz y Barreto, S.J., ing to The Monthly Bulletin of the National Council of cluding the , “ high Church Primate of Mexico, Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, Msgr. McCormick Catholic Men, producer of the broadcast. Hierarchy.” The Catholics Roman count, and director of Catholic Action in the re of America do not feel them The man in question has for years been a friend of the public of Mexico, are resting on historic Tepeyac hill, Catholic Hour, although an agnostic. He has openly criti selves in the least snubbed where, in 1531, the Blessed Virgin appeared, in a vision be by the recognition they get New Vice Rector cized the broadcast, but frequently expressed himself by fore an Indian boy, Juan Diego. letter as enjoying the talks “ as talks.” He insisted.on send from the Vatican. So far as Archbishop Diaz died May 19. Only a few moments the siie of the Hierarchy is ing regular annual contributions in support of the program. before death; he thanked the physicians for the efforts they Suddenly, according to the headquarters of fhe eoun- concerned, the Pope would had made to save his life and asked the blessing of Bishop At Catholic Univ. willingly increase it if there eil, and quite without previous indications or hint, a letter- Pio Lopez. vevealed that the Catholic Hour were need for that. As for Informed of the passing of the Washington.' — The appoint had “ lost a charming heckler” and the number of Cardinals, we Archbishop, the Most Rev. Max- Christ had won a soul. feel ourselves quite well rep imino Ruiz, Titular Bishop of ment of the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Pat The letter from the former ag Derbe and Auxiliary Bishop of rick J. McCormick as vice rector resented. The number will Churches Are nostic says in part: Fascist Pilgriins Mexico City, as dean of the Metro of the Catholic University of “ I was an agnostic 30 years. I probably be gradually in politan chapter sent a communi America has been confirmed by ain’t no mtore. I’ve listened in creased as different Archi- cation to the minister of gober- tently to every one -of your speak Pope Pius XI, according to an an nacion informing him of the death ers. And I wish there might be a episcopal sees reach an im of Archbishop Diaz and asking per nouncement made at the univer To Pay Visit to portance that would justify Re-opened in l\ Father Sheen in action in every mission that the body be removed sity. Monsignor McCormick as block in every city and town. Your having Cardinals preside to the chapel adjoining the Cathe sumes the office that was left influence has been strengthened over them. As for the lesser dral, where it might lie in state vacant by the appointment at the by the priests on the Church of the honors, such as Monsignor- until the funeral service May 23. last meeting of the board of trus Air programs and Father Vaughn, Italian Shrine The message referred to the de States of Mexico tees of the ^It. Rev. Msgr. Edward where I had doubts or was at sea ships, everybody who knows ceased Archbishop 'as “ a notable A. Pace as vice rector emeritus. I now know is the only One, the inside of the Church is missionary, a distinguished patriot, Monsignor Pace had been vice rec at His feet is the only place to and, further, one who has governed Mexico City.— On the basis of tor of the university since 1925. Rome.— (INS)— Pilgrimages of cognizant that when a Bish authentic reports from 21 states, ask for relief from this world Italy’s sick and poor to the won this archdiocese with greatest pru chaos.” op asks for such honors for dence and discretion, gaining the complete; three, partial, and the Monsignor McCormick is an der-working shrine at Lourdes in alumnus of the Catholic university, his priests they are usually esteem of the members of the Cath federal district of Mexico, ob France are to be heavily reduced forthcoming. The Church olic Church and also of his fellow- tained from diocesan authorities receiving the degree of Doc Mrs. Coolidge Is Not ^ this year, and I^lians seeking in these states, figures show that in tor of Philosophy in 1911. He has miraculous cures Will be sent in would probably keep any citizens.” The ministry of gobernacion re exactly seven of these states been identified with the depart Eternal City Convert stead to the Santa Casa of Loreto, ment of education and is now serv fdiocese from getting so many fused to grant this request. .The have been reopened in near Ancona, on the Adriatic as to make the rank mean Metropolitan chapter then sent the i'l'® three months. The ing as its head. Vatican City.— (NCWC Ca coast. ingless, but it has been far following telegram to President number of churches thus re Following- the appointment of ble)— The report in Wash This was the announcement opened, by actual count, is 125, Bishop James H. Ryan to the Dio ington that Mr*. Calvin Cool made recently after the annual more generous to the United Lazaro Cardenas, who had gone to Morelos to celebrate his 43rd and 43 of this number are within cese of -Omaha, Monsignor McCor idge, widow of the former meeting of the national commit States in this regard than to birthday; one state. mick was named acting rector of President of the United tee for the transportation of the other parts of the world. As “ In the name of the Ecclesias Of the remaining 14 states com- the university and served in that States, had been received into indigent sick to Lourdes, and the for an American Pope, the tical Metropolitan chapter, permis pletoly surveyed, in 11 and in the capacity until the Rt. Rev. Msgr. the Catholic Church in Rome decision has received the blessing sion was sought of the ministry federal district ‘ some churches ' Joseph M. Corrigan was named as at Eestertime also was wide of Pope Pius XI. most of us are content to al of gobernacion to remove the body have been open all along, and all rector last month. spread in Rome, hut it can be The change was made “ in view low the Italians to keep that of Archbishop Pasqual Diaz to the churches are still closed in three. The Rev. Dr. Edward Benedict said for certain that Mrs. of certain prevailing conditions.” distinguished honor, not be Cathedral. Without his giving any Two of the 125 churches report Jordan, associate professor of edu Coolidge was not received into it was announced— undoubtedly the war tension along the Italian cause we think Americans legal reason, the permission was ed as reopened in recent weeks-^ cation at the university, has been the Church in the Eternal denied. Appeal is made to you not at Ciudad Juarez, state of Chi made acting dean. City. border and the desire of Musso would not make a good job only in the name of the chapter huahua— have since been closed. lini’s government to keep Italians of running the Church, but but of the Catholics of the arch Of these 125 instances where and Italian currency within the because it is wise to bar in diocese who, taking into consider churches have' been allowed offi Rugged Individualism, Communism Wanting country’s frontiers. ation the authorization given some cially. to reopen,. or have been Thousands of pilgrims, on spe ternational politics from time ago for the removal of the opened by the people and kept cial trains, have been sent annually the Papal elections. The Ital body of Archbishop Orozco to the open without official interference, GOVERNM ENT AID IS to the Shrine of the Virgin in ians, when they reach high Cathedral at Guadalajara, ask that 58 of them, located in five different Theie Catholic college itudents were among the 14 awarded prize* Lourdes in previous years. This year the program has been cut to (Turn to Page 4 (Turnto Page X — Column 6) states, are without priests.