ii!. ' LIU-NO. 35 Bntsrul M Jnd ClMt lteu On Thur«d»y WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 At p. 0, Weodbrldfe, N. 1, PRICK TIN CINTS Hess Host To Business Leaders.... pinner Held Last Night in Port Reading PI mil to Pay Honor to National President of B. of E. Junior Chamber of Commem>; Many State DignataricR in Attendance To TalkFree School Lands With NJ Immediate School Accord Is Reached Needn to be Tnpir Of Today's Confab WOODBRIDGE — Members of 11 IP Board of ttducotion wll' Proceeds RO to Trenton' today to confer with members of the Depart- ment of Education and Depart- ment, of Local Government on For New wlmt Francis 'Wukovcts, Board president, last night, called "our explosive school population." Last, week. Superintendent, of j Schools Patrick A. Boylan dis- Schools cussed the Increased enroll- ment, particularly for the High School, which he said would be. WOOOBRTDGE — Proeeedj mi triple, session If new facili- from the disposal of Wte,J>#B ties aIP not, provided. School Lands will be turned The Department of Local over to the Board of Education Government has held up ap- and earmarked only for ne# proval of a second High School school construction'. pending a final court decision This agreement was reached on the separationist movement iHte yesterday aftemoou, Wb- ' in Sewaren and Port Reading. Jfft to court approval, at th* At last night's meeting, on a office of Township Attorney DINNKR: I*fl tn rlfhl. Freeholder William J. Warrrn, Mayor Frederick M. Adams, Assemblyman Norman motion made by Robert M. Vo- Stewart M. Hutt. Outers pre«- Icon Hes.s, Ciomnor Rntwrt B, Mrynpr, Dr. Robert E. Watson, president, New Jersev Junior Chamber of gel, the Bpard voted to elim- were Francis C, Foleft Robert 1 "njrr, president, V. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce; Joseph Somers, lnduatrial Commissioner inate double session in the counsel for the Board of Edu- of Mlddlesei County and Stanley Mann, Woodbridice Jaycee president. Fourth Qrade in School 11. cation and Stanton L, Levy, OB Full Session for TooW, Haney Mr. Vogel's recommendations and Romond. special counsel of id \DINO — Leon were accepted in their entirety. FIRST CONTRIBUTOR — Lawrence F. Campion, viec-president of Woodbridie Publlnh- the Trustees of Free School ivMiieni nf Hess Trad- Local Bank Successful Separationist The present gym in School 11, ing Co., is pictured above making the. initial contribution to the Disabled American Vet- lands. ( |i. I .disport was host last erans, Chapter 56, "Forget-Me-Not" drive. In the photo, left to right, are: Joseph Stabo, will be divided into two rooits. It was agreed that the lands j mil executives of lead- chairman of the drive; Miss Janice Paliwoda, commander. Junior Auxiliary; Mr. Cam- New lighting, blackboards, tack- will be disposed, of as soon as ; pion, and Myron Van Buren, commander of the chapter. All proceeds will be used (or dis- board, shelving and new desks possible for light industrial •• ,.; 4 dinner at his For Town's Notes Appeal Set abled veterans hospitalized in the North Jersey area. and chairs will be installed. The purposes and that the technl* ii MI: plimt In honor of W O 0 D B R I D G E The The projects, most of vfclch present auditorium will be con- cal personnel of the Tbwnshlp, •ii.il president of the Woodbrtdge National Bank were authorized through cer- PORT READING - George verted Into an all-purpose including the Industrial Com- :i,uiiher of Commerce, 3 was the successful bidder for tificates of necessity Issued olkowski, leader of the sepa- room, as in the newer schools missioner, Real Estate Depart- it rmiKcr. $1,871,000 worth of Town- by the State Board of Health atloni&t movement in Sewaren and will be used for gym class- Strahl Withdraws From First ment, Township Engineer and iliosf who attended ship Bond Anticipation Notes, are Woodbrldge 8pur and ind Port Heading, announced es as well as assemblies, It is Attorney "will undertake lm- rrnor Robert B, dated October 2 and matur- Ford Avenue relief sewer, ate last night that his group estimated the cost of convert- mediflte study of the best sidewalks on Inman Avenue, ms Instructed their attorneys, ing on January 16,1962. ing the rooms will-be close to means to meet the objectives." Colonla and Oreen Street Ftorio, Dunn, Marclano and $3,000 and should be. ready nnfr told the buslneai Ward Township Committee Race AS ft result Of, -JBSy'HlKStB' The local bank bid 1.84% and Oak, Tree Road, Iselin; lipinskl to file an appeal In within two weeks. One hundred ( 'he effort* of more plus a $22 premium. First Victory AcreB, Iselin, sani- the Appellate Division of Su- and seventy-five children in meeting »' which the latest n .iiuuor Chambers of Sir^nw CJUI' decision involv- Bunk Trust Company ty 'sewer; Highland Road, serior Court the,Jburth GradeJgBj/then be GOP Leaders Suggest throughout the qa-•alap bid' 1.84% but 1U premi- Colon la, sanitary sewer; 1 \ms, fftc land was discussed,,,*,. "By this action", he said, "nsiSjjkf'aessitnsiSjjkfaes " "^ ••>» •>rr helping their um, bid was $10.31. Th> tUM Qrove Avenue, Hopelawn, 'five-part agreement Wfts reach- •we are continuing our efforts The Board Public Meeting Tonight h bidder was John 3. Ryan U sanitary sewer and road' Im- ed by the attorneys as foll9f«: tor the legal foundation of . (Continued on! at J.lMfc and a provements authorized by the ith Ward Workers 1. The necessary technical to tb*ir •Port Waren' and for the sepa- id legal documents will im- ordinance, of 1960, WOODBRIDGE — Mayor' ' Township Treasurer ration of the Sewaren-Port To Discuss Charter Study ediately be drawn to dispose The proceeds of the sale Reading area from the Town- Frederick M, Adams today an- Charles J. Alexander noted Taxpayers WOODBRIDGE — The League of Women Voters has ex- the remaining land claims WHI.VOH. a resident of th<, mtf vm ^ ugwj by ship of Woodbridge." nounced the withdrawal of the "extremely low rate at tended an invitation to all residents of the Township to attend . . such as the pipe line com- i: -* S»alr .Inycpe ^ Township to retire $1, (Continued on Page i) Fred Strahl from the First which the notes were sold." a public meeting tonight at 8:30 at. School 11, Ross Street, to aniee. the Board of Proprl- * m pnrt 097,000 worth of 190% notes Ward race as an independent "It reflect* our improved hear a discussion on the proposed Charter Study which will tors, Reading Railroad and ' <•>< v philosophy, dur 0<-tober 2 and to provide Unit Formed candidate, cf'riit- -atlng which Is now appear on the ballot in the November election. A large crowd Ilddlesex Water Company. ii'illinii nf ourtlmej additional funds to compete County Clerk M. Joseph Duf- BAA. and makes our notes WOODBEIDQE - A new is expected. The Trustees of Free School : '"•|'> WoodbridsWodbrid e Township •We believe- tha»~t' th"•e- Wood' victory for the Republican Chemical Engineering at Stev- bridge Board of Education hai past two years has established would like to join are asked to re-election of M*j(dr Frederick '•"i)'iR men." |Education Association has in- party in the First Ward." ens Institute and Christian if sorry record of squandering call Mr. Boyle at LI 8-2157 or formed the school body. ^ not enjoyed a competitive po Mr. Strahl's decision to with- Stockel, Woodbridge, an at- Adams arid the incumbent Re- his guests the taxpayers1 money — while Mr. Mullin at LI 8-1 At a recent conference the sltlon In keeping teacher turn draw from the race just leaves torney. publican Township Committee- Door Open, • hneriy. A tour of the over at a minimum. We bellev at the same time saddling the Monthly meetings will be held men Maynard Winston, John P. teacher group stated that dur- the candidates of the two ma- The League's interest in the •n"- uf the most mod- the fact that we have the high home owner with the highest at various places throughout Hughes, David T. Miller, and ing the past school year. Wood- jor parties in the First Ward- Charter Study goes back al- ' United States, prfr est teacher turnover in thi tax rate in the Township's his- the Township. the election of its new candi- bridge Township had a 14 per Robert M. Vogel, Demqcratand most two years -when it selected dinner. county is a community dis tory. The aims and objections of dates, Carl Fleming and Simon Helps Self cent teacher turnover. They Committeeman iMaynard Wins- for its local current agenda '" W. tjockwood, Clark grace. We believe the publ "During the current cam- the association as set forth by Kudelka, on the record of the pointed out that Metuchen had ton, Republican, seeking re- study, "Should Woodbrldge WOODBRIDOE—Joseph W. '* as dinner chair- is unaware of this turnovei paign the Democratic candi- Mr. Boyle are: Adams' administration in a 9 per cent turnover; New election. The only other Inde- Township Have a Charter Raysor, Jr.. 18, Perth Amboy, Townahlp plight which exist* in ou: dates have proven, and will (a) To promote Efficiency last two years. Brunswick 8 per cent; Edison, pendent in the Town Commit- Study." The League's study re- was held for the Grand Jury •ive Jaycee Chapter the rt continue to prove, that the Re-and economy in government, 5 per cent; Perth Amboy, 3 per schools. We believe tee race Is Walter Garvan in sulted in an affirmative stand. "By the same token, the ci-under $500 ball after his at- well represented at existlm publicans have gone on a wild through the improvement of cent and Carteret, 2 per cent. eponslbility for the the Fifth Ward.. The next step was a join tizens of Woodbridge must view orney waived a preliminary i Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) public services and the reduc- hearing before Magistrate Ben- "Last June", the teachers 'Suggest' Resignation meeting with the Woodbridge the record of the Democrat tion of public expenditures, to- amin I. Kantor yesterday. Meantime two members of Township Business and ProPart- y while it was in office to ward the end of reducing taxes fessional Women's Club, Th< over ten years and decidi According to Detectives Wil- without impairment of benefits the Republican County Com- h PO SiiWWoodbridge (England) Sends Greeting mittee . in the Fifth Ward, two groups called a publli which party has best serve iam Reid and Steven Tobak, jd meeting which led to the tor and will beat serve the inter' Raysor has admitted, entering To foster public inter- Third District—Vera and Hen- matlon of the Citizens' Com- ests of the community. It is he Park Sweet Shop earlier 0 est in government, to assist in ry Strubel have received "sug- mittee now functioning for th important for the citizens of his month on Amboy Avenue Progress^ Woodbridge (N. J.) With Visitor (Continued on Page 2) gestions that they resign." The (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) (Continued an Page 2) and taking $6 from the cash " By RUTH WOLK register and a brown billfold, ldry iK - The fact WOODBRIDGE We had a, The officers said Raysor re- li < '•r two-vear lease has thls WWk_from Wood- Gas Station ated that he had been at a 't h* ilie present post party in Rahway and started to ^ ' Snbn, the own-, walk home early in the mor- He brouKht a mi'Ksmje from 11111 IIWHH that the ning. He claimed when he ' Woodbridgr irt the County o( * Department has Bid propped reached the Sweet Shop he Suffolk and in return Mayor iiins for rt new Wood-, found the door ajar and en- Frederick M. Adams, of Wood- WOODBRtDGK •••- An appli- tered. brldje 1"Qwnshlp,Ufl*f present* cation- for a variance by Sky- sbtatn Hnp. Realty rnnipany ti> build A dry cleaning receipt, found ed him with'a key to the mu- Peter i gas station on Lake and Sky- near the «a*h register, led the nicipality. vesterday. line Avenues, Colonia, has police to Raysor. ! was In Our visitor was Arthur W. been withdrawn, it was an- H defln- Baker, who is the guest of his nounced by the Board of Ad- fi'nin the Post Office uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. justment last night. Tyson Matter Goes l1 'hut a new bulld- F. W. Clarke, Irvington. Hearing on an application 11 Before Court Monday, rnnslructfd here Mr. BaKer also has two cous- for variance for a second gas '•iii'-d by The Inde- ins wlijo are residents of Wood- .station by the Sibarco Cor- WOODBRIDGE — The case yesterday'""ofbrldge~Woodbrldge, New Jer- poration, also MitiKht for on of Tyson vs. Woodbridge Town- ttip Represents- sey, that is. They are Mrs, F. 0. Lake and Skyline Avenues, Co ship will be heard before Judge >k tn find out the Deitzold, Edward Street, Iselin loniu, will' be lielct tomorrow Frank J. Kingfield in Superior and Arthur B, Kruysman, Flor- night at 8:30. Court In Trenton, Monday. The suit Involves the Town- " follows: brought from EnglanE d was Charles De Murco, Middlesex Hill plant dismantle buildings V..HI- lease but It allegedly built in violation of •"'

% *~w c. i « ...JJttrtlie land. In order to effect- taxpayers Unit Woobridge (England) Sends Greetings rree School Lands u»t« ««« purpo«» it ™ »- ., (Continued from Page 1> Continued from ?age 1> peed thit the Township should their counterparts in Wood- Continued from He* 1) through 1W twtmte«l*t>erwi the maintenance of mutual un- bettreen the cltl- bridge. New Jersey, and bei ptnte, railroad and eunnent'ml undertake *™H"^?!£ them to receive the attached as a small token of friendship and •rs.* problenu' ; goodwill and in the hope that eonflnn title to the lands to 11 the links which bind our two the TWnuhlp Of Woo^dfT, 'thrtr""rwprttiwrawrttolttiwBh "r^ J^l further agreed that d^: »nd to Inform, arouse, 'countries together may be more . lt*rd of Education and the dEtlon of th^and lead public opinion tow.rdj vcurely forged by the fellow- Trwtee* of Free School Unds, muSt be -ubject to court^ -JiMon.^ ^ ^ all Of wWch will be subject to ship of two communities bear- ._jautt. awrpval which will. be. ing the same and honoured gought as soon as the necessary ning procedure*, drganitttion.j name" 1 document* are prepared. Public itafftng, finance?, and like Mr. Baker presented the 4. Th« three Township aaen-i matters; to formulaU and ap-j mayor with a copy of "Brief ft« a«Tee that the proceeds ply standards of cost* and per-j HUtoi-y of Woodbridge", a cen- Continued from Page 1) tenary Issue of "The Wood- from the disposal of the Free! f educating t will be turned bridge Reporter" and several • olorrd postcards show Khool construction. The three The League will also sponsor,public continuously Informed Ing scenes of the ancient town. groups further resolve to dls-a public meeting Octooer 28 at as to It* findings Mayor Adams in turn presented • of tthhe llandds ffo r Idtriindustrial l 8:30 at School 11 to Introducintroduce

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SERVICE TO SAVERS SINCE 1869 PUBLIX PHARMACY PER ANNUM QUARTERLY ilf, 'LYI. ME 44)809 THURSDAT, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 PAOB voxm nardelll, a gradual* of Middle Ilininr Hicrli VfLFmhion Show Date Bulletin" sex County Vocational- and Hadassah Unit Miss Whealton Technical Hlih School, New Brunswick, U employed by Mlele junior mgn r 1 A ISELISelN hy — • schoolThe Home and participate in ,„„ Opens Season Bulletin contest Weds Iselin Man Excavating and Grading, Iselin. School Association. School 8. held a special meeting of tht COLONIA—The local chapter Mrs. Irvlns i,,,.. 1 ffiELINTo Presen — Thet executivSkite IS K I, IN — Ml&s Maureen fashion show committee of Hadassah held Its first regu- tlon chairman m • Mary Whenlton. daughu-r o? Parochial PTA Mean tmra meeting or tn* j called by MM. FT*"* Oft' lar anting ol tnVswuon atirj New iniicy Rr-Ki,, Mr ,u,d Mrs, Catlton D. Wheat- Pattor at Meeting Junior High School PTA was cumbo, chairman. Mn. Manny Tetnkln, president addressed'the „',!,;,' ion. 04 Dolierty Avenue, Bon- held in the school where Mrs.j "pgghions on ParadePi ' will be reported a banner and medal- An amusini! - hnintoin. became the bride of ISELIN — St. Cecelia') PTA H. Wuth, Demorest Avenue, Qgre«atlon Beth Sholom, 90 "o•' n were awarded for Increased question ami V,' • .1. Bernardelll, son of1 and 1 conducted h> first gt C A»enel, beRan her duties a»; November 15,membership and surpassing presented by \. Mr s!irt Mrs James Bernardd- meeilnt of the M-hsol year, Cooppr Avemif Treasurer, r«pl«lng Mrs. Kmi>|tt — quotas. Schiosser ill, no Kennedy 8treet, Saturday with Mrs. Andrew Dapuno pre- neth Rolb, who has resigned, I A budget report for tht com- Levy. In st Margaret Mary Church. siding in the absence of Mrs. Mrs. William Talt, president,!, ing year was read by Mn Guests, Rev Flynn performed Richard Slnnot, president. mm. winiam IRK, presiaem, __ tt OT> Abraham Kramer, treasurer. Temkin, •»•< ,Uic double rln» ceremony. i Rer. John M. Witus, pastor,, announced her intentions of 11HjlVVJll11l IIIVill nPlTIvP represent^*: the schqol at the ™"" * Mrs. Jerome Berkowits, mem- Zlochzower F.t Twmore Hotel.'wlth Mrs. Robert BonRart pre Plans are also in progress to nue were hosts a! ,, . buttrrflv roll was held by a'hold one October 8. Atlantic City. (siding. hold a study group once a in honor of tin-n-'. • ('1-0*11, The next meeting will be Oc- month according to Mrs. Leon- on his 16th bii •!;,- and for Preparations for, a program Tickets for tlie annual square ] Mnid of honor was MIM; _,_..._ ,ft are in progress for the next dance November 18 at tht Ma- ard Schlouer. education chair' were Mr. and Mr. H 1 OCMPgr I8 lElnine Whealton, Bonhamtown, ' - meettng of the PTA October 4, sonic Temple. Woodbrldge, will man, and for a theatre party P*l, and sons Hi. . isister of the bride. Best man raitD DAT g.viTRDAY in the school, at 8:00 P. M.jbe distributed at the meeting according to an announcement ard, Alan, «;„•.' \ by Mrs. Herman H»berman >-!is Thomas Maroney, Iselin. jgEUN —Th Thee Olrl Sdouta Mrs, Albert Campana. program The program will be a Ha- Wayne; Mr. nnat Cuthbtn d dht«rljav lJfCU)i rice * uunv uwiai J • ,, -.„, Funk, wood carving: Cilthbertson and daughter.iMrs Cecil Bllss first vlce pres_: end Michael Cody. Jerry Rij'Maureen, Iselin. lident, was chairman of the I "n-y Plateel and Rudy Maneff J —Guest* on Thursday of Mrhuncheon and of the penny sale.) •"••'{"•try. land Mrs. Robert C. Scank,! Mrs, Frank Brinkmann won! rvnnis Ebbets Bruce Butler iLlncoln Highway were Mrs. the prize from the Ha-Ha club. snandi Christopher Bihler were^Harolwere d Maul, Cheesequake and Mrs. Herbert B. Williams, Mrs Ge0 e welcomed as new scouts and,..._- " Maxwell„. Iselinr..,,. . p-regWent| gave tne weicom(.: Durln the presented with Tenderfoot! « weekend Mr. andand presented Mrs. George U.: Mrs ank en t ned Mr badees by Scoutmaster Her-i - ^ J ?I^?' D ! Welnheimer, Sixth District vice 8chel J. Tarver. I Harry Evans and William Scank president, : Mr. Tarver announced (both of R&hway and Mr. and Miss Carol Simon, Westbury; Scoutin? exposition will Mrs. 0, R. Dougherty and cbll- Park section, a senior at Wood- 1 at McWilliams Stadium, Perth. dren, Keith and Kevin, Menl&bridge'High School, reported on Amboy, October 7. Tickets! Park; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander her experiences at the Girls'' may be obtained by calling the CuthberUon and children, Rich-jcitlzens' Institute she attended Scoutmaster at FU 8-0431. ard and Maureen, Iselin; andjgt Douglass College, under the; Mrs. Robert 8. Scank and chil-.sponsorship of the club. ! All patrols within the troop dren, Janet, Linda and Bobby! Federation and district; have been re-organlzed. Ap-'of Metuchen. j events announced were: State; pointed were: Senior patrol.j _Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barella conference September 30 at, Gerald Tarver. patrol leader.;^ ^ ^ and i^g, Douglass College; Federation' William Spencer, assistant mh Paige, Long Island were Day meetings of the Perth Km-' leader; scribe, Drew Turnbull; weekend guests of Mr, anbod y Woman's Club October .2: instructor, William Marquardt, Mrs. Theodore Caliendo, East at 1 P. M. in Presbyterian Cen•• and librarian, Fred Relghts. James Place. ter and. the Fords Woman's; Apache Patrol, Charles Dre«- —Faith Maxwell, daughter Club, October 11. in Our Re-j son, leader, and Brad Sheets, of Mr. and Mrs. George Max- deemer Lutheran' Education1; assistant leader; Buffalo Patrol, well, Charles Street was feted Center; card party aud lunch- Anthony Pecorale, leader, and at a barbecue on her four- eon of the Iselin Woman's Club, Michael Cody, assistant leader: teenth birthday, Sunday. Guests October 11 at noon in the home Eagle Patrol, James Kuell, were: Andrea, Lonnle, and Gall Of Mrs. John Cwlekalu, 1429 leader, and Douglas Punk, as- Caahlon, Avenel; Lynn Wald- Oak Tree Road. sistant leader; Flying Eagle helm, Sandra and Marlene Reservations for the sixth Patrol, Robert Iichowtd, leader, Skrypa and Joseph Sepanskl district fall conference and and David Fauquler, assistant of Iselin; Paul Flschley, Port luncheon October 24 at Gar- leader, ' Reading, and Ruth Ann and wood will be accepted by Mrs. Plans for an October camp- Hope Maxwell. Faith's brother. Williams or Mrs.' Spencer ing trip will be discussed when George, was attending a foot- Green up to the deadline, Oc- the troop meets at New Dover ball game at the Polo Grounds, tober 17. Methodist Church at 7:30 to- New York at the tjime, so he 1 The cancer dressings group night. was not present at the party will meet Wednesday at noon In the evening R«v, and Mrs. with Mrs. Williams, 100 Chain FELLOWSHIP SESSION William Kirby and children. O'Hills Road, for a luncheon ISELIN—The Men's Fellow-;P1«1UP. Christine and Craig, and to make surgical dressings You have had' your first look at the new "car Engineering triumphs include independent become a marvel of construction and a pa rap ; of our time., lighting system. -nslderable amout is used able with the widest selectiop of interiors m gional director of the Full Gos- Billings. Jr.

K—Firsidviit fireside Kealty

• GDUCATOH—former Woodhridfe High School Teacher • BU.SlNt^K LEAUCIt—Member, Board Ulrtc- t«f» Mlddluci County Boar* »( K«»IUrt mm. • CIVIC LKAUKR—Cluliman < 1900 > Retarded Children'* Drive—Kxecutlv* Director Ueltn VISIT YOVH LOCAL 4VTH0MiH0 CADILLAC DEAUK Chamber of Commerot -r- Organizer Itelin Llttlf Lwtut • VETIRAN-Koreta ConAlet. • Chelit t( Mayor Fred Adami. , 9, ,,_ MILLER PONTIAC - CADILUC Corp. YOTE-November 7, 1961 477 West Milton Avenue, FU 1-03Q0 Rahway, N.J- THUKSDAT, SOTTRMBER BB, 1MJ1 PAGE

correct In our plan to establish ATTEND MEETING RALLY TOMORROW Sqmrationists the 'City of Port Waren'. Gas Station COLONIA — Dr. and Mis FORDS — Simon K i Continued from Page 1) Three weeks ago Judge Sam- Albert Souner of 66 Jeffrey Republican candidate f uel Convery handed down a (Continued from Page It Mr, PolkowsW ». k , , , iRoad attended a Joint meeting Township Committee, wffl decision which In effect, dis- dwelling on a It by 100 lot In 0» the Hudson and Essex Coun- honored at a dance- missed the separatlonlsts' ef- a Business 2 zone. ties Optom«trlc Societies to morrow night at the "W •our lnwyers will Introduce forts to compel the mayor and Elizabeth Oetz, 36 Ling Streetiplan activities for the newly- Avenue playbvound. All ..imilinK 1»H»1 movi-ta their Town Commute? to hold s Knrrts, to construct an sdditlon'formrd Hudson Bi«x Women'rfenU «t the SwntxJ W»r designed tIn Mayorr FFiedrrici k M. Adamg 1 ,i,,. case is out of the hands of right to establish a municipal mnilv dwelling In t Residence"'"P"**1^ ihf~ of also be honored. politicians In the smoke fi Vlg n Icorporatlon Is a political Qne ™<" ^^ '° Al.lrltGK TO BOYS l,.(l room category. residing solely In the legislative 1 DoluUivIVulh, 303 Denwrest.Q|NFR , QOTF,D Louphton. England — J#hi tho adjournment of branch of the government Avenue, Avenel. for R pfopowd ^ Reeve. 1ms a rare d(sense — any .further That, uowei or right, being WI- rWollins m\ A W tt? 150 lot TV . nl'leSiit' it would bit, ability of the RepublicaRpub n cluslvely thnt of the legislature, 7 Sl from a Residence 75 zone. °f * *" °'? f one for must, girls. She Is Committee or the cannot be delegated to any A .,ah,11(.e was oemrd Wil- . lcrftic to boy.^, other brunch of any govern- Stanleys Diner, Informed 1P !)• tir Middlesex na limn Lc-boy. Princeton Avenue, " .lnn» had finished her «tu passiiiR additional retro- ment or to the people as elec- police Monday. nt her present school and p oiua, to build a house on ,,-nvr lawn seems dashed upon tort s whho a e or who may be- transferred to a coed m undersized lot. Mr. Leboy H , hl,uldi'i.s nf justice. We In 'Portj member>..>s .o.f the municl- mi-lit sub-Blvlslon on two lots. HWS¥ school to finish her educit Wiiirn' hnve been subject to'P*' corporation." COLONIA-An uudetermmed She would become tie i ^inequities. We do not In-' • amount of money was stolen every time she got around ,,.,,,1 lo remain In the role ofi-HWELRY STOLEN Munow would open satellite from the horn? of Oarfleld Pro- and as a result would ., ,„ i•mmient minority since wej AVENEL - Lester Grossman,1 j\ to all, ;vel, Predmore Avenue, Tuesday, in a rash. hnvc the leRftl rlKht to with- Lord Street, and Dcmorest Avr-;'": ilnrv from our. 'union wlth!nue, reported Monday that nn WniiilbiiriRc1. Just MI we are!undetermined sum of money innrallv right In our secession inul soine jewelry had been GET ir. so too are we legally stolen out of a bedroom dresser.

DIONATARIES AT JAYCEF. DINNER: Uan Hess was host at the Port Reading riant of Hess Trading and Transport at a dinner honoring the National President of the Junior Chamber of Commerce, Robert Conger, last night. Left to more right, Mr. Hess, Dr. Robert E. Watson, State Jaycee president: William Flynn, National Vice President of Jaycees; Robert Lockwood, banquet chairman; Mayor Frederick M. Adams.

and Clyde Edrington, voted ft- responsibility of examining all {800 LOSS Hd. of Education gainst the section which would IT PAYS TO senior high students who par- AVENEL — Frank Qrlpko, advertising permit construction of a high ticipate In Interscholastic ath- Linden, plumbing contractor, Continued from Page U school on the former Freeman letic the checr leader8 jchase of property In the Maw-j'EstateV" j '' > drill reportrd to police yesterday ADVERTISE bey tract to make room for newi . TTh^e «,,<,questiooli^n norf o^antingrantinog trip,corpthe s and twirlers. He must at- that six burlap bags contaln- FOR YOUR MONEY School 1 as follows: extra $500 pay to principals tend all football games played ing copper fittings, traps and Property Purchased whose schools are on double at. home. |valves for a laundromat under Prom Julia Kuchle house and session was referred to the per- iconstruction on Rahway Ave- at Strret• S-onnel committee. Reds order draft of Germans nue, were stolen. He estimated from L. Charles Man the loss "at $800. SuccMiftrl gdvrtiiiWQ it MM Mcmarily a motor ft MgitM On a recommendation of the for harvest, gione, six lots of land and CARTERET okm».. M coMta of wing Mwtpapw tpoet mart dKMOtV i house on Campbell Street, for personnel corrifnlttee, three den- ,$13,000 plus two lots of |tlste were appointed at a salary land A New Season of THEATRE PARTIES coHy MKI mart fr«qu«nUy. W« can qm yow MM orj»irtklm owned by the Board and not!oU500 per year to make dental deIe weeded for .school purposes; Jo- J™ ?™», f" ^ ^ See the Best of BROADWAY PLAYS (or your mwwy, at no wrira «o»t, btxavw w« OM *quJpp«d family d tists 1 the .seph Mativland and house at t I" ^i H "Sail Away" "Sound of Music" Campbell Street, $11,000. helparpnts' ^ are Dr' Isadore with th« M*tro N«wipop«r S^rvki. Owr ririlM ttaff k pm> T Rabinowltz, Woodbrldge; Dr. prices paid were In accordance "Unsinkable Molly Brown" s Ralph Deutsch, Fords; Dr, parMl to r.«4p you find lh« right IdM, dtoott HM MmtraNon with appraisals made by board- ... and many others. Stephen Kaplan, Colonla. appointed appraisers. Our Package ihot w)N commond cortom oNention (or your ad and O^t Once ^HKHIII , du___e t_o_ the fact Mr, Boylan was authorized to the Town Co'mrnittee h'aYin-lirrtervlew experienced speech . TRANSPORTATION—Door to Door writt tU topy thot MHI. Ito* pay onty (or i DINNF.R—Fine Restaurants, New York City creased the bonded Indebted- therapists with the hope of finding one capable of organiz- THEATRE TICKETS—Preferred Seat Locations space. ness of the Township, the Metro Newspaper Service li Uit ln a 5 eecn Bonrd had to pass another res-j R- P Program in the Telephone: MErcury 4-7583 nation's leading »dvsrtltlnj mil Townsnl dluimii on its proposed $4,500,-: P schools. Reserve Fall, Winter and Spring Dates NOW lervice, subscribed to by us to D00 bond issue for school con-' Dr. Boodin's salary was In- help you net better remits from struction and as at the previ- creased from $250 to $500 aj jour advertising In our news- Call ME 4-1111 occasions, both Roy Mundy year. He Is charged with the papers, It costs you nothini to From Start Utkr advantage Iree Display Advertising Dept. \ lervice. 1895 CHRISTENSEN'S 1961 Woodbridge Publishing Co. "The Friendly Store ...To Finish the home of home financing in your area . . . PUBLISHERS OF for the best terms arid fast service on commit- ments . , ..it's... . The Independent-Leader Carteret Press Edison Township & Fords Beacon AND LOAN ASSOCIATION IN WOODBRIDGE: 535 Amboy Avenue OFFICES AT playtex 250 bras IN PERTH AMBOY: 339 State Street* IN EDISON: Amboy Ave. at 5th Street 18 Green Street Woodbridge, N. J •Home Office SAVE 1.01

Above is the striking Chrysler 300 2-iloor haiiltoff, Jtetp, ttmtoui bucket seat!, (/nicer left) are an txdting option on thk moid, CHRYSLER B2 1 FEATURES THE NEW FULL-SIZE 300 ,..A HIGH IMMWNCB SPOUTS SEMES UN A POPULAR PRICE MNGE! JTS A NKW CHRYSLER 300! With a priee that puts "300" lirrfui iiuiii.('f and luxury well within your reach. You j»ct your ehoii'i; of two bucket seat interiors; big V-H engines ranging trom ..T standard 305 to brealh-takinf; M) horsepower; three body styles playtex playtex playtex that nobody can mistake for a coin pact. Check out the other Chryslers, too. The smart-ljuY Newport and maolc-cllnfl'bra cotton -Dacron* bra fashion-magic bra the luxury New Yorker. Enjuy Chrysler-enginecjWl motoring . ., with sniootli, stable torsion-bar suspension .<''. with solid, uuiet NwwMp pan«b h. bock and ttailk in |h« '2,964! rtrop. M Ih. bock won't rldt »p. While. Unihtidy . . . with details like new chassis fittings that need 32Ato«C. *«»2 h»«W -2 for lubrication only at 32,000-mile intervals. • for Nothing lio-huiiidnini about these stout Chrysler '62s! Drive mic! 4dt>0l \fiIiUi, r\,ill-,it>f of ii< ilitngri. H ittir uwU ttfrt cu There's nothing as exciting to own as a big one from ChryrJer! Each of rrMM thru Playten Bras has tn« lumous rupn ..„.,*-...... v ttailk in tin back lo giv* doubl* wear I Hurry and lake advantage of this «x1ra spcdal ofhr today. Too saw $1,01 for a short linn only. n \m m\m mm mm m io TUME m m mm SERIES OH MBCTVJUW HOIQ...UD VISIT m ^mn mi *m." nou «tv m DUE OFIM) m mmmumw m vt mnm coipoum STORE HOURS; FREE

;; DAILY 9:3fl A. M.'-6 P. M. CUSTOMER FRIDAY MAURO MOTORS Inc. 9:30 A, M,-9 P. M- PARKING OPEN ALL DAY Amboy Avenue^ Tel. ME 4-4100-1, ME 4-1651 " Wpodbrid|e: WEDNE8DA\ PAGE SIX THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 school GroupS Guild Resumes Ticin* Mother* Club Plans Card Party FX)RDS^Mr«. Andre* Mrt*. The TVtiu Plan Ketreat principal, School 14, aruwered ..Bus. y Schedule MoV.ors Club ?' a meeting but questions concerning the school COLONIA - ' Dav , COLONIA - Ml Hr"pi^' O-.A ar» ;p- iisrjH !h? Topic. "Helping the>n«l Sunday, a1 trie First; fts «nd board members were and Rosary 8r.rr.»rlt. Holland, question and answer period IU and 11 A. M RPV. D: Charles, Hiihib. president. 3-8 P. M. nul Uwtt^rlartd bv wwiw held 8. MacKenxie »i!l pr-ach at 9j Cl;is? 'mothers Introduced Rev, Edward n s- nd ll A M u 91 &I .films at HorTm-.r Boulevard P;a:.5 „>•„ cmpletod for a » - " ^*'™ "!i weir- Mrs. John Sestak slstant at st. joi.:. 1 A nh m win 'School. TV«df.r 0 P V! c>rd ptrly November 13 at thei *** *«>*[' .*> « ! ^^ls Frank Kovacs, morning parish. will begin a Mrs Walter Z.rpolo p r. fiecutr.f ;:iv:yc! to attend" arid WIN* £ ' kindergarten; Mrs. 8ervlc A question and ;,; l">'-d met with Mi- P.ter 8s- -r,av oe purchased at the door. *' Wflxkewich. Mr*. 8-. W. wrW be tnctiiflrr! dem Tuesday Mr< Richard Miller U chair- Mrs. Stephen V.Kh. prwldent Yanik. first grade; Mrs. Wil- Rev. Walter A • ; Commits'm

the regular mTnbTjhip will al- •pfidance were Mn. James Tic- !£.*• •ml] be the to \K self-cted. Recommenda- ulas and Mrs. . Eugene Ci*ek..~.~"™8 Sidcner, tions for new officers will be The next meeting will be Wild.*Mrs, Robert > biadc at the ixwmber me*tlne. tober 16 and any women Mrs. Gordon Mallon, Mri. Wil- multiple births who are liam Faucrea, and Mrs. P, J. • Etteuttve board members at- ln Iselin. will-be ested may contact Mrs. McHale, fifth trade; Mi'3. J. I. tending W?:P Mrs Paul Abion- speaker. The program will in- Sabo, HO Sherry Street. Franks, Mis Fdward Bten. iray.'Mrs. SwarU Mrs. Farlcas. clude, Worship. Bible study! Mrs. Llndley H^iiry, Mc^, 1. J. I Mr«. Parks, Mrs. '.V. J. Sweeney, ;and a communion service. I Ganspl. Mr5 WlHifun I'xsij. Mr* Edward fcupcrsito. Mrs SPONSOR HAT SHOW The Sunday School bus serv-j r i to atttiiL Mrs, M. S. Werner. Mrs. T,»sl'' > Marks Ortgei. Mrs. Sideris,. WOODBRIDOE—The Sigma Ice ha* been resumed and there Tho Society v.4;i Mrs. Zlrpolo, and Mrs. R. AAlpha Fi of the First Coiwre-I* no fee. Interested persons Warren and Mrs. Martin GcW berg, sixth gTade. Communlojv In n gatlonal Church sponsored a ihould wait along the route of; 8:« Mass Sund^ hat show Monday night, Modelslbm which starts at 10:20 AM NEW OFKK f ItS: Pictured above are the officers nf the Woodbridfr Hljh Alumni A«*ci»«»e^ u-.v-rtr Fe»«ler. Delegates to *he PTA conven- bers are artpft ( Should Remtmtwr were Mrs Adele Hansen, Mrs.jat St. George Avenue and corrrnpondini; secretary; Stephen Markulln, first vicevresiilent: Jovph Juhisi. i>rr»1der,t MT kr.t \-entlon October 25, 28, and 27, will be Mrs. Holub, Mn. Berk, In time The woman who thinks she Allan Biorken. Mrs. Boyd John-jWaahlngton Street.»to Bedford. secretary, and Miii Dolores fapraro, treasurer. "and Mrs. Peter Dulk, A.Oa Chain O'Hill Road; thence ™ _ ^ *™ltmWfm OllOS Plan vcntlon planning meeUng for Nf^'V.rt vrewnwd bjr today with Mrs. Axel w., Berlin1'0 McFarlane, Broolcslde Court,1 •:::o\\. White i charge. . " Wednesday. 8 r he proposed. n at School 21, Inmar, A i VS. Coast Guard Mag North HU1, Long Hill, Mldfleld rhuf( - ** ^ K«« ConventionZ^^ ^*S°^ felF River Mothers of the kindergarten Chrtaloffersen. Patricia Field. W0ODBR1D0E _ ^^^ htU ln KVtuAk City. ^ —The U. S. Coast Guard Miss Rae Osborne :c-conventlon student* were hostesses for the A dessert-card pa:-, Butler, Remsen, Tappen, Dem- Ined October 16 at ci nix iwiaiK CAIOI 0 CVflOTT. HML lUDniTC CO««I>TIM an Ton H, • t. BONELESS BRISKET BEEF 79 i# ^## nM,.r ARM POT ROAST 59 Come One...Come All... 10,7 OO PRIZES SHORT RIBS BEEF 39 WORTH MORE THAN CR0CROSSSS RIB ROAST Bon«Uu * 79 17 I # 0 0 O FRCSH GROUND BEEF 49 Lancaster Br«od 49 OPEN HOUSE MW VHI Brand 29 (LIKEBINGO) OX TAIL" S at 49 r U- H pinti In autchtal tbt miatxri SMOKED BEEF TONGUES OK your cad ifiiml tin 30 tadicite4 iimt mmlicri tpptKioi * mtUr Acme it: n yowi mmpiOtf. PLATE BEEF L«ncasltf LVand 19 Pencil to X HfUlT tvtr "»« twWitii M JXI cud thjt ulcl Blow |im nunlxii ipptii,ni - frith Fruits I WOODBRIDGE FORD ia IMi adtirliumwt. If n* CM X oot Im mmitn ia > io« oi ro« «oai ttii 00 855 ST. GEORGE AVENUE (Next to Drive-in Theatre), YVoodbridge Ciid cither doM, Kro» « diitaiuilf, 11 imji- tiled br DM arrewt, you hMt »o« a nm1 Drinks 3 I Extra Fancy H*d Deh« Ihe [»iti m U WIMM »r M m« n IN cirl Coapbtlli If yw km a Miaacr, H nt tM itqutiu) In- 10") lormitioa oa th* back of tix tu6, tut Mil it It tin Mitil found Uwrt. You'll itcfin your Tomato Soup 10 '1 priit witlui about 15 &W. Do not brui( IM cifd bKk to UM Itwc. Ckkko t< Sta Solid Wli*4 Tonight - Thursday, Sept. 28th *nr tot txi Md U)r cm j< CM b< aulcliid APPLES to cltm t aiiMr, but til |>m HUOOI-I mill conn Mi if Aawfca* Starts tmt Oak JIMMOV ,\t (MiltM ar. not tH|ftlt «• alt) Ott |IM l Froien Foods Baked Goods **•** 4 ^' 49e Grapes 2*-2 . Hylll'l Uf|. Cb*Mf and All Day Saturday, Sept. 30th Vktoc Wkit. '29' pkg. 59c Tomato Paste . . 4 IT 79c Pascal Celery Ravioli Bread 2 *~ 25« Goiiwt Waffles 2£27c Vilgwia Dog Food 5::: 69c See Features of the Future. • • NOW! Fsfwlal* SM|, Oka**, Tifk*T Pies ICE CREAM Pot Pies 5 £ V lUfuigr, I , 5iU« Gold Crtst Uf O' i« %titkf Cirn - v sot Sovarin Coffee * 71= AN FtavofS pkg 10 * Fish Sticks JJ.' 59^ Buns ' All AdoMiud Pnc.i IH., npnrvyrtvrfTffn»o«rrnr t s niiTinnr«- \ rrrrrm m inrrorrt DOOM °_V: ^ > fc—^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ MM ^Hr "^^ j The 1962 FORDS FREE-100 FREE 50 I S £ H GREEN STAMPS FREE! SI H GREEN STAMPS FALCONS - GALAXIES ... WAGONS .... THUNDERBIKDS Wirfi Meal PurchaM WHh Purchaw o» G«M S«td Totaling $3.00 or more. GREEN 4 Ib. bag Radnor tatato o> 2lb.boflSKowLown'F Nam« STAMPS I FREE ON-THE-SPOT DEALS Nom« A.ddr»u 100 S 1 M Oittn Stuipi .irt M««l rv W AddrtH m (•«(»• fapliw Up) )(M 1100 o/ mri and *twia«|Hi UVDVII ,.,HI(H REFRESHMENTS ON '61 LEFTOVERS! I timk I >« Jlx^Ug Fo«ll y Grten Stamp* klrti PUfch«M of Greu S«td 4 Ib too, IM rffeeirr 2 Ib. kof iW.w Li** Prtmuo. m •mi THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 38, 1961 PAGE SEVEN

• nutIris broiiKht heavy criticism health; Mrs. Eugena \ Kirthday (iuffredal leads from one Krmip of women. Pi. Reading PTA school education; Mr«. Robert ; They decried the practice of Walk, publicity. A| • plnnm! outlets above baseboard D.i..«4 rnmiAn/>n l mother* willing to ttrm Program Topic MOD (lamnaiini [level m rooms other than the [kitchen and the bathroom. Hoard convenes M c\tu mou*™ are -,l i, In comnicmora- POm READING Leonard JMore outlet.' are needed In PORT READING - The »• #,',M" <***" , .,. i!ir Ifllli anniversary of A. Cluffredfl, Cartoret Rrmd ' 'every room In the average mitivr board of Port Reading ll]lrf, Nations, Sisterhood has iMln b( the home of „. pkiv will depict the Duffy, of Perth Amboy, county importance of a utility yard w«s discussed and the year's' ;hiid«et wan planned. Mrs. John Amaeil "-««'M rhnlrmftti, the Cesar Undafta. secretary; Mri day, 9 A. M. to S P. II. al drive will take place in late main reasons Riven were safety ,11 feature Mrs. Jule* Mario Novelllno, treasurer .Roosevelt Park. All Brownie* •,.• Morton aitiiuer and January, 1962. factors and low of too much yard nrea, Mrs. Thomas Flynn. ways andwlll meet at Oroves 1 »nd 2 ,,old Meltz. Mr. Cluffreda, father of tlfree The iop olTfring in Ford'nution imgon linf for 1%2 U ihlt'means; Mrs.Thaddeus Wykre-'»nd are advised to bring, a ,.,inKirR»tlon choir, dl- children and a teacher at fnur-drmr, nine-paiwngrr Country Squire (lop). Tl>f power, towlcy. program: Mrs. Chailffl "nosebag" lunCh. bv Mr. Olnlner and' Woodbrldue High School, said np«alnl rear window U •tandard in llii» Squirr II well an in llif JLobel. membership; Mrs. Wai- A cOOltOUt Will be held III I,. Hi. will provide, the 'Your Dimes Will Do It Again" •ii.puMrngrr Country Squire and in ihr Bin<-pnMfn»rr CnunlrT |[Pr MacFadden, hospitality; Fords Park. October 12> Miml music. In the theme and challenge of Sedan. The G.laxie nint-piMengir wig.m. havr llie only f..rwlrd w,., yjm\m Comerford pubil- Further' plans Will be an» AVENEL PERSONALS faring third .»! in ihe lowprirfd far firld. Tallgatj" oP'nbig. on ! . , p,,,,, , ed at a later date. ,,..;,i -|f( shop featurlns the New March of Dimes. callons M| HrPsk( nolmc Mr, Cluffreda received a 'B 8, •II of the wagont are more linn SO wirlr. Tlnn (>alaxi« 500 two- | ' ncms and' apronp s will door hardtop (bottom) u one of twelve modeli being ofTered in ; degree from at. John's Uni- MRS MARTIN GUTOWSKI at the meeting- by r'orci'i expanded Calaxl* terlei for 1%2. Th* irulplured body of •1'irpv Herman, chalr-i.versit, y. and a• muster of educu—••- U Oforge street, *»enel the 1962 Cilaxle girei the apptaranrt of aelual motion to ill "•' • jtion deRree from Rutgers Uni- ME 4-0981 unmiitakably rlaiilc Ford linei. Thii tppearanca of movement ii READV MIXED versity. rmphaiiied in ilie recemd Thundrrbird-like rear window anil in Ashing to work at; Active ,„ sevml c,ylc fl|l() - Third Wprd Republican the forward Ihruit of th* roof itaelf. The new CaUxle leriei will nuiiii!!* sale to be held charitable affairs, he Is secre CMiib of Avenel meets tonight ftalure an Induitrjr flrtl—"Twlce-a-year"maintenance . •\ of O-lober 30 at 1438 tary of the Port Reading Tire nt 8:15 P. M. , Bahway, are fid- Company and a member of the -Hnturdny the Avenel Wom- "' ™"tiicl M"' Mel|N. J. Exempt Firemen's Asso- an's Club will sponsor a rum- nel Schools 4 and 5 meet forJuel-Colonla First Aid Squad H' 1-3:i48' • .elation, Knights of Columbus inimp sale at 102 Main Street, the first time this year at 8|tullding at 8:15 P. M. ! n,iil meetlnx for the fun Elks and various teachers' pro- Wonribrldge, from 9 A. M. to 5 M. A parent-education —The regular monthly mect- , jiidiili'd for October 8 fessional organizations. P. M. Mrs. Sam Albrecht is panel discussion with teachers Ing of the Avenel Qlrl Scout 1,,1. by Mrs-.. -Irvin g- Mallna , The port Reading MOD lead- chairman. from the lower grad«s partl- leaders will be held October 13 KoR(i. Colonla, Mem-jer disclosed he welcomes the —The younu folks who be- ilpatlnsr will be featured, ac- with Mrs. William Oralinm 437 Hudson Boulevard at 8 P.M . reminded the deadline assistance of additional voluii- loiiK to the "Whales" fellow- cording to Mrs. Edward Right- deliverrd in Saturday dellttrlei ship Kfoup of the First Presby- mire, parent-education chair- iiird goods and novelty trers for the coming drive. estimates given today. The deadline for terian Church meet Saturday man. any quantttj Ii .nip linked goods Is the U. S. plrnis major Antarctic at 10:30 A. M. The "Termites" —Sisterhood B'nal Jacob • of October 8. research program. group will gather at 12:30 P.M meets Tuesday at the Avenel Congregation B'nal Jacob Community Center at 8:30 for Pre-teen holds their first faH meeting P. M. A play, "One World" will fashions THORN-WILMERDING CORP. HAZARDOUS: Says Simon Kudelka, candidate for Sec- today at 9 P, M. at the AveneJ be presented. WELDON CONCRETE CORP. ond Ward Commltteem.in on the Republican ticket, as he Community Center. —Avenel Memorial Jost, holds youngster over open sewer on unoccupied property and fin... DIVISIONS OF WK1.DON MATERIALS, INC. —Sunday the Rosary and VJ?.W., meets at the Maple KEEP UP WITH YOUR adjoining School 25, Fords, lie claims residents have ap- Altar Societies of St. Andrew's ,Tree Farm tt 8 P, M. Tuesday. Linden Scotch riaiiu So. PUlnfield pealed to the present repreKentativei from the Second phurch receive Holy Com- —Tuesday" the Avcnel Re- Ward to have, the area fenced in or the sewer piped to a GRABER'S Hllntr 6-4422 FAnwd 2-4600 PLnfld 5-«M munion In a body at the 9 A.M publican Club, Inc. meets. HOME TOWN NEWS safe discharge area, without result. Youngaet Shop Mass. —Wednesday the Avenel OTHER WF.LDON PRODUCTS: Crushed Stdne, Blaok 319 State Street CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAf —Firemen will hold drill ex- Lion's Club meets at the LOB Top, Gravel, Sand and Mason Mitt rials ••MS^'iain tubs that can be used to ercises at the flrehouse at 7:30 Cabin, Woodbridge at 6:30 P.M. Perth Amboy hand-wash colored and white P. M. —The Avenel Woman's Club WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO J clothing, defrost large items —Tuesday the F.T.A. of Ave- ! meets Wednesday at the Ave IK GREEN STREET AB0U1 YOUR HOME such as twenty-five pound lur- WOODBRIDGE, N J. ' keys, cut flowers, and even ] Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-year The utility room is definite-ibathe a baby. subscription to: ly an Important part of new The utility room, we are told should be about 10 by 12 feet, ! ] INDEPENDENT-LEADER i houses, and if the present trend located next to the kitchen [] CARTERET PRESS keeps on, this room will be- and have a door leading to the come as common-place as the backyard. It should be deco- ] EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON kitchen. Women agree thatjvated attractively so that I To lie sent to: : there must b; a place. In thejwoman will want to work there jhome where the washer and It is a very good Idea for the NAME dryer can be operated with al-|utility areas to have separate lied activities, such as Ironing electrical circuits so that the and sewing. iwashing machine and toaster ADDRESS Most women ask for separate]can be operated simultaneously •laundry units, a built-in lron- without fear of blowing a fuse TOWN |lng board and a pair of porce- The placement of electrical



. ,^>j


fJ. VISIT ^irst Bank FIRST J FOR FULL BANK SERVICE < Here's a kind of banking that makes a lot of sense — it's "com- plete banking," at First Bank. Why? One reason is that it con- . centrates all your banking in one place.. .saves you time when Gel full-time economy that you bank for yourself, your family and your business. Another only starty with Ford's low price reason is that you're being foresighted. Even though you don't need some services now, they'll be handy and easily available Coma In and maat th* trucks that mak« A iapa) M) M « Cummlm Wtwl p««n itvu Ford** laving money a lull-lima butlnan .,. n*w n« Mfhwiy trKton iup«b perforrnarc*. (GCWt when you want them — here, at First Bank, where you're Ford Trucks for '62, In a ••lection oi over 600 uplo7?,mib.) new modeli, thtri'i a truck that can »«v« • MlW Ml ih IK farl MtlaM o»«n 2? known and where you know the outstanding quality of service money on your lob, whatev*r your job I They •it|ln« faattirea, fpng-tttm rtllibility, ktep laving mil* after mile, load after load, we provide. y«jc after year! Our n«w 'W Fords lava on c umtm-*mt mm War-can sm «ioo price. They nve on fla> and oil. They lave iich 16,000-mlli yw m gts, oil and tlrti ovir on tire* and on maintenance-wherever convinliooil pickups. Ctrrlei K-lon kudil there'a a way to save, Come in today and let o Enktdn «HIKI cat-Mr Mia iivei raid styitsldt us iliow you how. Check out Ihe tacts, work Pickup* utra itJM|th, win capacity I out a deal and drive out In struck ^JCT. that taves money... lull time I (. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. 855 St. George Avenue, Woodbridge. N. J. '"ff • •«**«?• FORD TIMBER HEPEHAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION (Hut U Drive-la) ME 4-7400 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, PAGE EIGHT Mothers Outline w'""r Athm'FplP(l Parish lJbrJ o[ .he nvmbm Chevrolet Impala Sport Coupe T1UUICI a UUUHIG ^^ /,„!,,,,,,,„/,,„, Club lndn.-l.-dYoun 8. g Ud!"' SodnlUr fill I, i lans and th(1 Junjor ,,olv Htnw a,. IfiKI.1V 1, H p

bvtf;]Aii fhiir. h Monday Moth home of Mr. and Mrs PftsM tnpjj, orgarilzatimis. Till p4ftl- n PI.' vur.fr.:','.' v>TP Mrs. St<*ph-M rrii. 72 Amhprst Avmup. ;C|pfttp ln ^c Huh Pchool of of the Paijsi, j ,• pti U-.hnVt M:= Thomas Bow- Th' ;>arty was elven by Mr. n,ll(jlon whlch ^j^, sn>t*m- jthe Trciitnn .r. • rn, Mi* R'bf-;t Acltrrman, Mrs. Merrst' 72 Amherrt Avpnur j^,. 13 gnd wl), (,0.,t;nlle Wh M William Tait Mrs Robert Ar-'Independent Club. and ' iwe-'newUy evening at T30 in ibrary .\un,1;r,fi' rthv di-.ri Mm. Wliliam Doorr iUwrmec W Suit, ttw Colonla Junior High School i 1:00 P M ir,'-.'- A C.ri-'mas card cat'1 will Oucst* enjoyed the MprrltU'lcrmperoned socials »il! t»kp biary. 29 and end Oc- popular StSoutherh n fifried chicken'plachik e after each nver.r.*. .start Mr< Fi uk ;. itob<: Pificevit from the sale after grace TM said by Mayor librarian. a«;a! , , bo iiMd to help, ms lor the.Adfl.ms. The rneal wag topped4CUAIRMES NAMF.D ;tO <»HT m J ,. . Box PfowN monthly swimming off with a lam cake on which! COLONIA - CimrnTttw 'lows nisri1 a' tlif VMC/, Perth Am- was Mwribed "Good Luck May- chairmen were named as the Chuirnin:i. \; boy or Adams and D. Miller." The'flrst meeting of the Mawn ol Citm|)hpll aK.A>..- A C'IU:' <•'. Honor will be neM "party rejwrtfd successful, last- the Mothers' Cirde of Boy rick Ahern \\.. 1 tomorr-••* r ri-.» First Prfsby- ed from 2 to 10 P. M. Scout Troop 44 Monday night a boll, Mrt Wi|' ,.' tensn Ch'irch at 7:30 P. M All " at Wesley House, New Dover -lr •Reoruf Fnv parentf are.^-f-lcome. . . ' . Road Church. Appointed were: D Lyons, Mr^ % . Plan? wer* discussed for a Inri'StlUtre nue$ Mr». Hersche! Tar.fr. member- ; u John T«n Eyrfc', 8 llp: Mrs Blhler pro Pot Luck Supper for the boys (nntlnrtpd hv rVO ' - ^ ' " i man Good v TV »lti«tf i" «"•«" iW «^.' *«•« »< ttl which «iicc the .port nrnpr «n n- and their families, sometime in '.»"«nn" .' ^ gram; Mrs. Thorb Ebbetu. sun- <•*"* *>*%^ fl«»n* ami mnly tppcartner The Impali top I Rev. Rob-:! 1 Novemrx-r COLONIA — The St. Johh shine; Mr*. Richard Sklllman, CVerroItt lapilt Sport rt««^ rv*r« 1 lii>' rf M pii «r«« Me* tH* fthrif top »f «»» Cw«iiW* r»n»ir, Corwtt* and the ntm (Tievy II wries, ;tor, announr>'(] • ATfnuf on the rixht, a rtodml rounwior *t Bfavfr Col- 1 Hostesses the Mother's Club will be held ture ceremonies for the officers Pecorale. stock It? *m« M n*t whw-h iVrrokt d*tl*r> will inlroduf* S»pt. ». ;0f the Dewi-.- [>, lar JrnkintoTm, Pa., flm flrrk to Stiun n»w», Refreshments were served af-:ficers are; John Bek, Jr., presl- Anthony Llchowid. Thee next rw* in farm pay U. S. ,ud to World's Fair op •'dren's secttni: .• .Idf Conn., *nd Join Oilman. South Hadl»y. H ter the business meeting by Mrs. dent: Kathleen W2, vice presl-meeting will be October 23 st Broad Federal aid to srKvk *•••*' posed in Senate. as well as Uic .,,;' Thomas Bowe'n. dent;*obfrt dolden, treasurer; I Wesley House. »rt as 1962 aim. tr Communion to BeCub Pack Enjoys 4* Observed Sunday Football Came 1 *5* WftJN - World-wide com- IBELIN-Cub P«* «, « sored by the PTA of 8chool 15, FRIDAY «*~ munkm will be obsmed Sun- 3£ day at both the 8:45 and 11:15and several leaders, attended •*£ service* in the Pinrt Presbyter- |New Tork "TiUns" and the Denver "Broncos" game at the A New World of Worth >*-•' ian Church with Rev. Roger D. Z. "., Sldener officiating. Wo Grounds, New York. 8un-

October 16. g^ p^ Afisigtant A teachers' retreat ha* been Ur HamDton Bminffi JrJ from Chevrolet for '62! planned for October ' »t «H1- Coimnltteemen Carl Luwt and top Presbyterian church, Mend- AjeMndCT cuthbertwn.


Life Curriculum" whi

Fund'Ramng Party; If . COLONIA - ladies AtaUlanr of Beekman Avenue Pint Aid tlOStS SqSquau d will sponsor a merchant dise ny October 23 88 p MM At Millar Partv th ^e Squad building' , it'• was'1 i\l iTlllICl I dl IV at COLONIA - Mr. and Mrs. "g"^ when the grWV A^ Hannon. Doenood Lane, enter- Amherst Avenue. to ined at a_ housePart,. _ ,,,,y for. Com. - Free first aid classes are open rrutt^man David T Miller, who ^ WJc rk^^y rt; is seekin? re-election as Prfth ^ ^ug<,buiW 1 ^ ttae! Ward representative on the Re- haJ ^^ changed ^ ^^ at publican ticket. 7:30 8nd flnish at 9:30 p M i Speaking in behalf of him- injector Bud Spitzer, member self and Mayor Frederick M.0 {%e sqaa(ji ^n demohstrate Adams. Mr. Miller said he felt artificial respiration. that "irresponsible diatribe" Auxiliary members will meet has no place In an ejection cam-,Witn j^,. Merrin Lane, 123 paien. He stated that he had|West street, October 9, 8:15 been accused of failing tofiavelp. M. Openings are still avaU-j streets while the "Democratici^ for new members, and ln- '6! Impala Sport Coupe—with a roof line that took* like a convertible^ rninority withdrew its supportjformation may be obtained' of a resolution which wouldjfrom Mrs. Anthony Basile.PO have given us 50 more paved 1.9008, or Mrs. Rudolph Grewe, roads we need badly." The res-lprj 8-: olution was defeated, he ex- plalneld, because the Democrats did not vote in favor of the res-!1 COLONIA — Michelle Maria olution which required a two- Doerr, 98 Fordham Place, cele- thirds majority vote." Rich new styling with Jet-smooth ride! brated her eleventh birthday '62 CHEVROLET BIRTHDAYS MARKEP | Saturday and was entertained Here's everything a car fancier could want. Fresh-minted style H you've wondered what owning an expensive car is like, have a choice of four optional-at-extra-cont \ 8'i»"r ISELIN — To celebrate the;at a birthday dinner at the here's when you find out-without the expense. Check it all the way up to 409 hp. • Hard-working hHp« combined birthdays of Mrs.;home of her Krandmother, that comes to a climax in the sportiest sport coupe you've seen yet.over from ita dean-thrusting prow to iU rakish rear deck. the new steel front fender underskirts that guard William Bihler, West Warren Street, and Edgar Thompson,! A road-gentling Jet-smooth ride. A new choice of V8 skedaddle.Look inside the deep-well trunk. Step through one of those corrosion) give this '62 its built-for-keeps beauty. K Woodruff Street, Mr. and Mrs.j NOTICE! wide-opening doors and plump down on a seat the size of a heater and defroster ceme as standard equipment William Lemiska, Benjamin! sofa. Then-head for the open highway. • That littin'-on- This is the kind of car that will nuke you M nv • 1 Avenue, had a candlelight din-] Rich Body by Fisher interiors. Beauty thafs specially built to satin feeling you get is Chevrolet's famous Jetamooth ride all over, and your Chevrolet ncr party Saturday at their stay beautiful. Here in '62 is more than ever to please you from at work-with a pliant Full Coil spring cushioning at each home. Guests were William BWS dealer will be only too happy Bihler, Mrs. Edgar Thompson, wheel. The standard six and V8 are triggered to do special to show you how easy it is to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Jacobs, Mr. the make that pleases most people. things on regular gas, and for real hair-trigger reflexes you have one of your own. and Mrs. William Duerscheidt, DOLL HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs. John Miele, Mr. Now Located at and Mrs. William Wit, Mr. and 116 Main St., Woodbridge Mis. Henry Glover, Mr. and "Thr1 Dutrh Boy Paint Mrs. Dan Tearpock, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kane and son Michael Store" and Miss Marie Kane, all of1 PATTY PLAY PALS fcelin. REPAIRED HERE

... are yours even if you have VARICOSE VEINS CoTvair Munza Club Coupe Chevy II noil t-Door Sedan-sensibility at it* Sunday ... when you wear This jim-dandy'8 got the stuff that drivers dot* iThjs pljicky new Chevy II comes al>m,i BAUER & BLACK -.,: K2 CORVAIR mm. on. • Backstage you have a standard aluminum HEM'S THE NEW CHEW H as a car c#n to perpetual motion H"11" air-cooled engine that turns up 80 hp. (or if you Modern basic transportation in a fetching, fresh-shaped bonnet you'll tint r The car that puts sport in the like more razzamatazz, one that uncorks 102 of long-lived dependability that lias >•" totally new line of cart driver*§ seat! hp.*). You can pick from a 3-speed Synchro- Chevrolet's special stock in trwl<-- • Mesh transmission, a 4-apeeder* or Corvair Here art all solid, time-tested virtues you models (station wagons, a hardtop, ••'•' : Step right up and meet the latest version Powergtirle. * • Sure eneuffe, there's independent know you am count on from all the Chev- vertlble will soon be available in "' of the car that's proved its mettle in the suspension on all foun wheels to keep the ride as are designed to, save you money »rJ - J.F your doctor has preicribed elastic stock* amiable as ever. Inside, you'll find a heater and rolet family-plus some surprises you've ings for any leg ailment you will enjoy wearing fiercest competition going-'6t Corvair. Major front-end'sections, including M•'"•' defroster, cigarette lighter, dual sunshades, front- never seen on any car before. A full line on for easy replacement in cm of "" BAUER k BUCK Eltutic Stockings... .You get Bigger new brakes team up with Corvaift door armrests and automatic, choke as standard of saucy new-size models, each built a savings; The heater and defroster an two-way stretch elastic in a fashioned stocking renowned rear-engine traction for Just equipment on the 500 Coupe, 700 Coupe and new way for easier service and mainte- standard equipment. Tough-"but <•••<•< '" that does not wrinkle and is not conspicuous about the surest footed going on the road. Sedan, Monza Coupe and Sedan, Monza and under sheer hosiery. nance. Thrifty? Choice of a frugal 4- or -Mono-Pltto rear springs Hex as a >^ A new Monza Station Wagon makes its 700 Station Wagons. • There are Iota of reasons eliminating the friction of old-M"01"" WH* rnndili f« CJIOQI* from storting at $7.50 par pair. spunky 6-cylinder engine (in most debut. And all models sport freshly tai- for liking what's new—and tried and true—in leaf springs. | And, maneuverabl'' llil the '62 Corvair. And your dealer's eager to tick models). Roomy? Sedans seat six solid vtlU lored upholstery inside matched by sassy sited u this Ch^vy 11 «, it pv* - .'. 'em off for you. citizens, bag and baggage. Price? A real of passenger and. packing room • new styling accents outside. •Optional at ettra «ut. MARMAO pleasant surprise! many a "big" car wonder how it's

SmiktM Chevrolet*, the new Chwy ?/'i and '6$ Corvam at your loeal authorized Chevrolet dwl&r' Phone: ME 4-0809 Or BOVTR AMBOT OfCABTSBCT PWTH OFEN EVENINGS TILL 10 — SWDAY TILL 1 P. M. Brtgp Chevrolet Godeny Clwvnlrt, lie. *Hf llC. Chevrolet FREE PARKING RKAR OF STORE Main 8t.-PA 1-UDd M Ati—K 1-UM 1«| Nrnr Bnim. Hl J-8J00 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 PAOV KINl

will carry the OOP banner In bazaar scheduled In the race for State Assembly. New Teachers Work will begin at the OBITUARIES Kopac - Harrison RitesThree other county Republi- meeting, October 9, on Doctor Talk cans Leo A. Ryan, Jr., North ties for the Christmas Brunswick, Charles A. Flana- Hold Discussion tlons booth under the FI.ESTINO D'APOLITO Performed in Avenel gan, last Brunswick, and of Mrs. Edward Blmonien. i Brookvllle; two grandchildren, WOODBRTDOE — A Wlow- Cold weather Is due In the AVENEL - The First Pres- trip to Niagara Falls and Matthew E. Hawke, Dunellen, booths sponsored by READING — Funeral Robert and Kathy, »nd orientation ffieftfriR for er nejrt few weeks and with It the byterlan Church was the set- Canada, flor traveling the complete the OOP assembly wiil be "Parcel Post" I r, i views for Celestlno D'Apoilto, brother, Horace A, Farnham, Inset of counties* virus Infec- npw to ie elementary bride chose a beige suit with ticket. 1 as New Used Chi ••n 4 First Street, who died laat ting Saturday afternoon for of WoodbrtdKP Worcester, Mass. tions In man, the foremost of the marriage of Miss Nancy Lee matching accessories. (id In Perth Amboy which will be the common cold Township was held at Bchool Harrison and Andrew Paul A graduate of Tottenville Saturday and mlllons of productive man- id. isriin. Monday afternoon. A vote to furnlih drap JOHN KONDOR Kopac. The double ring cere- High School, Mrs. Kopac Is em- for the newly remodeled ehu ,'innilng ftt the Orelner Funeral hours lost from essential Indus- mony wan performed by Rev. ployed by the Irving Trust PTA is Planning Approximately 90 teachers irimc 44 Green Street, Wood- WOODBRIDdi - Funeral try, . office and study was R, A. B,onham. Company, New York City, as a met In small groups according Drapes will be made by Masg of services for John Kondor, 87, In the past many scoffed lo crude level* tauRht, and dla- The bride Is the daughter of private secretary. teers under the direction at St. Anthony's 813 Almon Averse, who died when the family physician an- A School Papei cxperlencps they had In church. Burial was in 8t Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Har- Her husband graduated from Miss Judith Zak. last Thursday at Roosevelt nounced some malady due to WOODBRIDGE—Plans were first two weeks of school, j n' eenrttwy, Woodbrldg*, rison, 15 Park Avenue. Mr. Ko- St. Mary's High School, Perth Qpen. House will, be hcidjajg m Hospital, were held Monday becatwe" so ttttte was for ttw formation of xperimwa t e a e tr * r I tlif) pac U the son of Mr. and Mrs. AfflTxiy, an«l SerVed two years the Presbyterian Home, Bom*] The deceased was a resident morning from Kaln Mortuaries, known about this infectious a school newspaper Tuesday tAiwM. lft the Township's Andrew J, Kopac, 77 Evergreen In the U. 3. Army, He Is em dere, October lft and J6, .2-1 of port Reading (or 96 years Inc, 424 State Street, with a agent In man. This Is not the night at an executive board 7 1»cnu 111 iimu. iiiu is not meAvenue, Fords. ployed by Nixon-Baldwin Chem- for Bfverftl years acted P. M. Everyone Is welcome. n,lrt WR)I employed by the Read- fltl iohn'«ca« today, much r^rch has meeting of School 1 and 11 lenders. They Perth Amboy. Burial loaU, Inc., Nixon. Quests present at the dlruiefjj ing Railroad at Port Reading oy Bil answered many questions that Given In marriage by her PTA held at the home of Mrs. was in the church cemetery. were Mrs. Kalman Kovacs, 1 . mr 42 years retiring in 1953. have been baffling medical father, the bride wore a gotfn Alfred Hellrelgel. Mrs. Ruth Miss Barbara Varona, kin- Scott Jensen. Mrs. Louis WJtt-| a communicant of St. The deceased was a retired science.. of satin with tha neckline and Kee will be In charge of theELIZABETH ANN TRAINER dergarten; Mrs. Dorothy Qal- Church, employee of the Jbnes and Today the size, chemical bodice outlined In Venice lace ehberg, Mrs. Howard Eslu Mclsaac Choice paper whlc-h- ^1,^^ BwnAnrn vanek, first grade; Mrs. Jean- and MIM Susan Kruger. "survlnn are his widow, Maria Uughlln Coal Company, Rlch- Structure, mode of action and Her skirt featured a' cuffed ette Bernstein, second: Mrs. hlpllne. A cabbage rose head- Trainer, 14 two daughters, eyvllle, Pa,, and had resided In many other factors regarding Johanna Mawrek, third; Mrs Hostesses for the affair ^_ , I ^|,., (mils Daldone, Perth Am- Woodbrldge Tor five years. A piece held her butterfly veil OtRcpubhcans-^ _ S21SK.-.--U- viruses are known. For ex- dtsci]Bed WMth e pos Dorothy McCabe, fourth; Mrs. Mrs. Edward Kravltt, Mm I ,v and Mrs. Franclg Cap, communicant of St. John's ample, the viruses, generally, and she oarrled roses and car- engagement of thtlr daugh- b( slbtllty of sending a letter to Helen Laurltzen. fifth; and Philip Johnson, Mrs. Mam»1i , t»-ret; four sons, Matteo, Greek Catholic Church, Perth are all much smaller than bac- nations with center orchids. COLONIA — Veteran cam- ter, Elizabeth Ann, to Unit. u the Board of Education con- Westry Home, sixth. Da Coticeicaa, and Mrs. Joseph jj ,wfirk: John and Leonard, Amboy, he was a member of teria and one of the smallest paigner John H, Mclsaac, Pine (J.i.) John GHmore Gllflllan, Maid of honor was Miss cerning the construction of an- Harold Lund, Director of El- Husk. Grace was saH by Mtt>t ,,t reading, and Angelo, Is- Sojedlnenlje Lodge 131. is the causative agents of po- Tree Drive, Colonla, Republi- III, U.S.N.R., ion of Mrs. Maureen C a v a ti a g h, Staten other high school and the In- Mnpntary Education, directed Andrew Lockle and devoMOJ ,„ seven grandchildren; a liomyelltls and Is no longer can candidate for the State As- John G Gllfillan. Jr.. Wil- Surviving are his widow. Island, cousin of the bride. At- crease of teachers' salaries. the program with the assist- by Mrs. Fred Waterhouie. than some protein molecules. sembly, Is one politically active mington, Delaware, and the i^r, Mrs. Constancy Santera, Elizabeth (Konlck); two daugh tendants were MIM Oeraldlne Officer* for this season In- ance of Mrs. Miriam Balderston Viruses differ from bacteria citizen who makes no apologies late Mr. Gllflllan. ||.,,rt heading; a brother, Louis, tera, Mrs, Helen Poduslo of Fornal, Staten Island; Maureen clude Mrs. Howard McDonough and Mrs. Doris Kelly. in that they require living tis- for the term, "Politician." The bride-to-be Is a gradu- l',,rt Rending, and a step* Woodbrldge, Mrs. Elizabeth McQulness, New York City, president; Mrs. Edwin Wynne Details for another meeting sue for growth and their prin- "I don't mind being called a ate of SI Mary's High r, Patsy LaRusso, Wood- Hegedus, Meadvllle, Pa,, and and Mrs. Francis Kopac, Perth first vice president; Mrs. Alex to be held next month will be cipal habitat In the man is the politician," says Mclsaac. "be- School, Perth Amboy and re- 1)1 Hid1'- three sons, John, Jr., Sewaren, Amboy, sister-in-law of the Wlshney, second vice president; announced. Joseph, Fords, and Michael, intestinal tract. From this ini- bridegroom- cause It means people are Mrs. Arthur Mattes, third vice ceived a B.8. Depee tn Nun- RUTH A. TAMJtT L Perth Amboy; 15 grandchll- tial sight In man viruses mul- Serving as best man waawars e I've been elected to president; Mrs. Robert Lyness, Ing from Georgetown Univer- FORD6 — Funeral services dren, and a brother. Charles, choose up sides and participate recording secretary; Mrs, Roy sity, Washington, D. C. She Mrs. Ruth Amelia Tapley, lurope. Demlng, treasurer; and MrsI.s a member of the faculty of Church Guild 1 ii- Hill, Me., formerly a resl- voke a host of poliomyelitis, Steve Farkas, Fords- Edward country. I think Its obvious Frank Johnson, corresponding St. Peter ! Hospital School th8t the of Nursing, New Brunswick. nf Fords for many Tears HENRY B. DRAUDE myocarditis, pericarditis, dtar- Harrison, Jr., Avenel, brother , two-party system is secretary. U'lln died last Wednesday at ihea, and respiratory diseases. of the bride, and Francis Ko- our on^ «™t™* *<* "n»Ung The first regular meeting Her fiance, a graduate of To Elect Slat FORDS — Funeral services The chemical structure of a ;- Hill Hospital, were held pac. government what we would like will be held October 10 when Saleslanunt Catholic High WOODBRIDQE—Mrs. James for Henry B. Draude, 45, 167 irus has been worked out and Friday at Brookvltle, Me., The couple will reside at 238 It to be." the teachers will be Introduced School, Wilmington, and VII- Lockle, president of White ippears to be formed of a cen- L,;rt burial was held Saturday Arlington Drive, who died last Old Post Road, Edison, after a A graduate of Wagner Col- to the membership. lanova University School of Church Guild, named a nomin- tral core, comprising 25 per Hillside Cemetery. M«tuch- Friday at the Beth Israel Hos- lege, Mr. Mclsaac did graduate Engineering, Is presently sta- ating committee for selection of Have us REPLACE your oent of the virus, of an acid Hev. William Schmaus of work at the University of Pitts- tioned at the New York Naval officers for November elections kcn crystal NOW. pital, Newark, were held Mon- called rlbbnudelo acid. The School 20 PTO Plans nro Episcopal Church, burgh. In I960, he Served as Shipyard, Brooklyn, New at a dinner meeting Monday. day morning at the Flynn and :entral core Is then surrounded officiated at the chairman of Senator Case's York. Committee members are Mrs. Son Funeral Home, 23 Ford iy a Bhell of protein—the out- Orientation Program Ibiilnl service. special 1960 Committee for William Balderston, Mrs. An- Avenue, with a Requiem Mass layer of the virus appearing economic Development. The re- COLONIA — An orientation STATE JEWELERS The deeeejed was the widow the North Central Jersey drew Lockle, Miss Emily Lre, lo Irritate the process of entry port he submitted on behalf of program will be held at School the late James H. Tapley. at Our Lady of Peace Church Region Board, will be the guest and Mrs. Donald Fales. 23 Main Street. WoodbrWg* into the susceptible body cell. the committee to the Email 2» Wednesday, 8:30 P. M. when |g::r was born In Clinton, Conn,, Burial was In St. James' Ceme- speaker. A film '"Mellah" will Plans were outlined for Guild The central core of the virus, the PTO meets tqr the first (Neit to State Thtitre) |ln 1864, and was the daugh- Business Administration of the be shown. 'sponsored booths at the church tery, Woodbrldge, 'ormed by nucleic acid, con- time this season in the all- ter of the late Harry W. and Federal Government drew com- Mrs. Lloyd Ealugln and Mrs. alns the genetic element of purpose room. loortrude Whlttemore Farn- The deceased was a commit- mendation from within the ex- Joseph Rayman, membership1 ;he virus and thus determines William Herron, school prin- tee man of Cub Scout Pack 53 ecutive branch. co-chairmen, planned the eve- ;he degree of virulence of the cipal, will Introduce faculty She is survived by a daugh- a native of Newark, and had Active in the 1957 guberna- ning. Hostesses will be Mrs. Sol rirus, as well as its ability to members, who will explain pro- |tn\ Mrs. Gertrude T. Dalagard, been a Fords resident for the torial campaign of Malcolm S. Bleck, Mrs. Jerry Hollander, Why Not Try jrow at high or low tempera- gram pertaining to each past six years. He was a com- Forbes and the '58 and '60 Con- Mrs, Maurice Lelb and Mrs. ures, and other characteristics grade. Mrs. Howard White Is munkant of Our Lady of Peace gressional campaigns of U. S. Herbert Rubensteln. if the various viruses. PTO program chairman. Re- Church, an Army veteran o Representative Peter Frellng- The specific virus or viruses freshments will be served. Esslinger WANT World War n and was em huysen, Mr. Mclsaac also responsible for the "common ployed by the Maas and Wai served as local campaign man- cold" are not known, because SOFT W4TER? stlne Company, Newark, ager for Senator Case's success- several do cause th« symptoms Membership Tea Set ful primary and general elec- of CALL CUUItAN Surviving are his widow, commonly experienced by man JEROME J. GRIGAS tion battles In I960. He has Frances (KUng); a daughter with a. cold. For Tuesday IVigfa « Kiehinga Patricia Ann; three soru, Rich- PROMOTED — Airman Je- also served his party as county The surface of man's knowl- FORDS The Metwood ard, Robert and Raymond, a rome J. Grigas, son of Mr.commltteeinan and ward lead- and YOUNG MEN Service edge regarding virus Infections Chapter of Women's American Philadelphia at home; his mother, Mrs and Mri. Joseph Grlgas, 25 In humans has been barely er. ORT will hold a Membership W II'AGliK SHOP Theresa Draude, N#wark; foui East First Street, Colonla, • Aatomatlt scratched—no doubt In the More recently, in the April Tea Tuesday, 8:30 P. M. at the sisters, Mrs. Hilda Ross, Irving' has been promoted to airman 119 MAIN STREET Softener* future an effective vaccine Republican primary, Mr. Mchom- e of Mrs. Gerhard MUenz- ton; Mrs. Marie Hoelle, Leon third class after completing EXTRA DRY PREMIUM against the common cold and lsaac played a critical role In er, 74 Taras Drive. Mrs. Ray- WOODBRIDGE ardo; Mrs, Lee Palmer, New' bis basic training at Lack- other virus Infections in man producing James P, Mitchell's mond Chalt, president, will • Rental ark, and Mrs. Eleanor Stein land Air Force Base, Texas. substantial plurality In Middle- will be found. preside. MERCHANDISE CLUB Plini mete, Roselli, and a brothe: He Is now stationed at sex County. He served as Mr. Mrs. Richard Welnberg, past Edward, Newark. Keesler Air Force Base, Mb- Mitchell's county treasurer and president of the Metwood NOW FORMING • Repilr slsslppl, where he Is taking a campaign coordinator, Chapter and vice president of Fr« AlrUna course In ground radio. Be- Last Friday, a county Repul) BEER? Service IDABELLE GCNTZEL Infprtution, iore entering the service be Hcan nominating convention WOODBRJDaE — Funer Tlcksu'Obulned graduated from Wo«dbridge unanimously chose.him to be KATURING services for IcVbelle Ountzc! It'i niori eonvenleot High School in June. one of the four county men who 88, formerly of Carol Avenm LOUII CMM when w« mik» your 24-160Z. Delivery Book with reservation; yet tt YOUR HOME PAINTED who died Monday, will be he »n sgenl CO5U Do morc| ^e- KING SIZE rick up yow pl»on« miwy today at 2 P. M. from the there tual tlcket prtcB''a" QUART Orelner Funeral Home, 44 you pay. No etiarga 11th Annual Oreen Street. Burial will be in (or our ier»lc«. The Btcr With the Buccaneer BOTTLES Cloverleaf Park Cemetery. The deceased was the widow LOUIS CSIPQ.INC CCMPUM TBAVIL 5KJVICF of Adoliih and devoted aunt 33% MORE of Mrs. Idabelle Dunfee. Phone VA 6 3661 AUCTION SALE Than 12 oz. Bottles NBiON, PHULK ALSO 24 12-OZ. PARTY QUIZ ft CO. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th by experienced professionals CANS AND STEINIES u noimM su Starling at 10:00 A. M. MUlburn Heating Problems? NO MONEY DOWN - 3 YEARS TO PAY DISTRIBUTED IN RAIIWAY ONLY BY DI051M MUtlKl • WOOD •STUCCO CALL ANYTIME RKPLACE YOUR OLD WORN-OUT COAL or First Congregational Church Grounds • ASBESTOS OIL-FIRED, Forced WARM AIR FURNACE with Corner Barron and Grove Avenues, Woodbridge • BRAND NAME PAINT MErcury 4 3567 BEVERAGES UNLIMITED a NEW Refreshments Available 366 ST. GEORGE AVE., RAHWAY LANE FU 8-5224 only ONE HERBERT VAN PELT, Auctioneer MErcury 4-9436 GAS FURNACE PAINTING CONltt. There is • GIVES INSTANT HEAT • CUTS FUEL BILLS Tharo'a 'BaMBTHINa EXTFtA'mhyut awning mn only one • REQUIRES LESS SERVICE WELCOME • LOWERS MAINTENANCE EXPENSES WAGON • DEPENDABLE and HEALTHFUL You can feej4 big advantages ONLY 548 COMPLETE of Oldsmobile's smooth At Low u '16.7x vr • I 3cr rer Month

K&rt of experience No Money Down - Si Years to Pay '62 4-S HYDRA-MATIC! NEW SMOOTHNESS I lood wfll In New Pressure-Compensated Shill Pattern adds busineu and community CASH DISCOUNT ON ALL new smoothness to automatic driving... with- INSTALLATIONS PURCHASED out sacrificing any ol Hydra-Matic's power- Kor Information on }l BEFORE SEPT. 30TH, 1961 performance characteristics I Welcome Wagon, In NEW SILENCE 1 State Of Ntw Jeney Licensed Contractor • COLONIA From first take-oft through all four stages of Complete Installation Includes thrust, 1962 4-S Hydra-Matic features a silken • AVENEL silence all its own I ' \ • ISEUN ir SHEET METAL W^RK necessary to attach the new furnace to'the existing duct system ADDED SAFETY I Call More efficient downhill enjlm braking, plus in if COMPLETE ELECTRIC WIRING iiittiorltstiva passing gear, prsvkftt betftt con- ME 4-8355 ^ COMPLETE GAS PIPING trol, extra safety!

If you reside In + THATCHER 100,1000 BTU Input Gas SUPERIOR RESPONKI FURNACE with Thatcher's Famous 10-Year When you ask for action... you really uel it! • WOODBRIDGE Guarantee j Oldsmobile's 1962 Hydra-Matic Is the perform- ance transmission with the solid "feel I'1 • SKWAREN FURNACE complete with Hoijeywell Auto- matty Controls US Hydra-Mali* M NM,-Eishl mi • I'OKT READING Starflft Driamk (I • IOKDS Perl»ot partner to CAIX KETZENBERG & ORG. me. Oldsmobile's Famous Bmaath ptnvmrfut OLOSMOBILE tun* *m owvaM'|T«l *'W MK 4-2759 1063 HIGHWAY 1 ,iJtf-B matiart In mvary Engine I 'Z. 8t| m •»« OL08M0BIUS ... NOW ON DISPLAY . . , AT VOUR IOCAL AWTMOKIZED OLDOMOBILB QUAlUr OIAUWI --«> CARTERET AVENEL For Complete Information CftU WOODBRIDGE AUTO SALES RESIDENTS ME 4-2904 Call Woodbrldge li J. If It'i » K*O Installation, 475 Rahway Avenue WA 5-1533 You Can B« Sure Ifi OK. TON! W IVBRY TU«J)UAYI DON'T MlflS "TUB UABBI UOORI BHOW" - CM-TV THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE TEN .(demand* of school life is one of of education, are Mrs. Jacob now consider incurable could be This Bel Air sedan i* I the first important steps along Bass, Mis. Lawrence Weiss, cured through proper diet. Ufe's way for many children. Golden Jubilee Year Mrs. Walter Shimanskl. Mrs.j YOUR GARDEN There Is a great deal being By the time they reach school David Outman, Mrs. Herbert One of 14 New 1962 Chevrolet M Swrltten about "organically age they have usually made Wlnograd, and Mrs gram." fruits and v«getab)e* their adjustment to group ae- Marked By Hadassah Ooodstein. TfflS WEEK and those (jrown with the help'tlvlty and social Intercourse. In WOODBRIDGE-Tht theme chapd of *•• • RpUI'PSPtituHvw $f -- rommwiaJ ptant food The]% niftrltcd way tfiefr personell*' $f t',)< oprnii:-.' nicotine of the Hebrew University Medical. have been invited to participate )wcrtng opinion seems to ties are cast, In school the; BULB TIME •lln the Unitod Nations "Food „ that, other factors being WoodbrW-p Chiiiti.r of Hudas- CmUT at Em Karera, Jem ad- It's bulb planting season. If (for Peace" program, the D. 8. equal, thrre U no practical dif- Bah »•:•< 'AH Oir F,<«s in one sul'm. .._._ them- you've planted them, you know r t Peace Corps planning commit- ference. However, all doctors' dolflfn B i -k"t" rommrmorat- Mrmbeis of thr fund-raising ucn I selves to work flowering bulbs can give you a (> tee, and the National Confer- ap-ee ^at n> nutfitional tytt tli b'',!lnmnu of Hadas-!CWTntii(t«'' wpre named in the mental nature. lot of earl*-season satisfaction. ence of Disarmament value eiin bf tort avh's GMcir-n Jubilrp Y^ar. .report of Mrs. Burton Sher, Mrs. Stanley Shinrod and Bulb* are easy to plant and

^^^rt. JU .U.the Jules will be higher, help frotn parent* Al , Al , found some spotty re- , especially with

!ements to make foods their color, to preserve their time the tulip bulbs didn't have was undet the freshness and to, in general Doctor Talk enough drainage and so they add to their salabillty. rotted. In almost every case of and Mrs. disappointment the bulb, had any nrrmbr v. ho eligible to Cut down on your salt eon- man. >>«n planted ta low spots in the receive one and Stahl. sumption, Rtfined white sugar By John •. Remlwrt, BLD. A dinlinclivi-ly new styling touch in both th* y «W»en wher< wst« could r—-••»-• ears offered by Chcv will be held! has no ?ood' cause at all In By John t. Rembert, MD. front and rear end of (he 1962 ('hcvrolrU in * Hfl Air modeh «re eiquinilf, *n ME 4-3553. ' A healthy body. A peptic ulcer involving one aharp depxrlurr from the sloping hood formerly interiors and appointment*, A nc of the segments of the uppo Order your tulips now be- natd. The M Air 4-lhxit Stdan with twin wind- These are just a very few of the segmets f pp wiltaliobesKownbTChemi,,,, li-al, r thSsToSs-hii! know It you iMtiotn testlnal tract, whethehh r <*»* J« tow g split* on thr hood in one of H new tttndtrd ilie «»d I to Mil. want to do the very best for It be In the lower end of the w«ks to£ut fen than y AtSchool25 your farnilv esophagus, on the stomach wall &* <*m- L«ey *«» have more to say about them later. as ivy. They'll bloom and also want to dig In some peat moss face. He pulled Art for three months beginning 4-3585. FORD6 — The School 25 or In the first portion of the a k Many well - meaftng parents small bowel, oocurs as a result Daffa Now make inconspicuous cover. or humus and add bone meal teacher and said 18 windows„», ' o,,,-,,,Sen ing o-n a committee with PTA entertained the mothers or a fertilizer mixture such as seek to help their children of autodlgestlon of a portion of Get your daffodils and lilies Fairly Deep "I don't know H fill later be installed in the Mrs. Abe Cooper, vice presidenidtt of the kindergarten classes at 5-10-10. 3.1 an afternoon tea, Monday. about tests by "houndlflg" them the mucosa by action of the Into the ground as soon u pos- How deep to plant? There's If you want to no on ' ter sign this." Mrs. Frank Lamatino, presi- into studying. This does not gastric jukes? sible so they'll make deep roots danger In planting daffodils He handed thi tc.i, dent, p-eeted the parents and mean that you should not en- Statistically it can be said before winter, he advises. too shallow because you'll get ONE WAY JjAM SESSION AHEAD - • By Alan Mover Mflcate that statm stressed the importance and courage your children to make that aim** one out of ever; When you plant, make L.,_ mall flowers, Llnz, Austria — Afraid to interest in the important cours ten people allre today either face failure m passing short" class had pawed, i. purposes of PTA. "The main ular little groupings of eight or Rather, cover the bulbs with signed. sfAMM£R object of the PTA is the wel- good grades and to take an In- has, has had, or will have the 10 bulbs, 8 or 10 inches apart. hand and having to spend an- o6 incneinches ofi soilson. That'iu»n>s measIU«M- ., CROlVP PCE5ER H fare of our children," said Mrs. terest in the important courses signs and symptoms of a peptic You'll like this way better than in the they are taking. uring from the top of ttai bulb *«r Lamatino. ulcer before he dies. The In- lining them up like soldiers on was more than 17-year-old Alaskans to ,sU., 0IKS RAC/NG to the surface. Robert Zanzalarl, principal, Instead of repeated hounding cidence of peptic ulcers has In- parade, Karl Nagenkoegl wanted to hunt for fifty bu!!,,: Bulbs planted as de«p as this also addressed the group re- and nagglne. try telling your creased tremendously In the You can do this not only will bloom a little later but garding school procedures child at every opportunity how past half century—and occur- with (toffs but also with bulbs they'll last years longer. Mrs, Murray Spivak, mem- much his studying »nd learning rence of ulceratlon is about six such as grape hyacinths, snow now will mean to him later, times greater In the first por- drops and crocus. For the smaller bulbs a safe bership chairman, encouraged at a [all to join and become active Tell him you know that he can tion of the small bowel (duo- Or try planning the* small"* make good marks If he applies denum) as In a gastric ulcer depth of twice their longest di- Avenel Plumbing members. kinds In your ground cover such Mrs J L. Martin, hospitality himself: never moan that he Is Involving the stomach wall). mension. no good in a subject, and tell 'Soil prepared about as you chairman, was in charge of re- The process of autodtgestlon there U relief following the ln- and SUPPLIES freshments courtesy of the ex- him you know he will fall. —that Is the actual digestion would for a vegetable garden is f foo d righ}, for bulbs. Maybe you'll Starts the Fall Season by ecutive board. Grade school is the time for of a segment of the lining tis- ot p your children to learn to apply ^ off ththe stomacstomach oor duduoo- O oi n themselves to consistent study denum-has two requirements -to learn to dig, if necessary. tnat must be present before an ",. ^ the Introducing HEALTH and BEAUTY 'if the normal child makes an vieB ^ fom, First there belching 'effort to keep up with bis must ta a tiny area of deviUli- : —„ . Sj studies , there wililll bbe no dreadd d Zfttion in the gastriti c or duod - tt^ dSamSSi (DttlTtriM It has been fashionable for of examinations at the term's ,jenfti mucosa and secondly, A NEW PAINT ome time now to eat health-!end, even lor tough subjects, hydrochloric acid and pepsin [ully. This trend started on a Few teachers fail students who gastric juices) mu6-••'*t b- e prea- history, One of our beautiful 5mall scale with the "upper,try conscientiously and con- ;nt to digest the devitalized corsages makes a girl 400," so to speak, and has at sistently to learn through the ireas. RED MILLS LATEX PAINT by a competent radiologist will feel pampered and last come to be Important to year, Contributing causes for pep- show no evidence of an ulcer glamorous... turns an l of us. | The mental and physical ic ulcers are not known for —it must be remembered, how evening into a memo- It would be hard to find a;health of jour child can be ertain, but physical an4 emo- QUALITY ever, that an active ulcer may rable occasion! young homemaker in Americalgreatly affected by the wrong tional stress are recognized as be present but demonstrable by today without some very soundjstudy habits, There are stu- Important factors. In older per- • Floral Amnr«nenti X-Ray only at a later exami- LATEX ldeas on the best ways to feed dents who let bad grades and sons vascular disease appears • rotted Plant* nation. her family. ' iworry over tests lead to jitters play a part, with occlusion If you should have any dis- • Cut Plowen This is a tremendous step in characterized by sleeplessness, a small artery in the stom- turbances or symptoms as out- WALL PAINT the right direction. Even highjdilated pupils, excessive perspl- ich wall; the tissue supplied by lined above, then your family, schools now have classes in nu-: ration, loss of appetite, and vessel dies and necrotic or • One c»»t rovers physician should be consulted trition. jother usual symptomi of situa- face levitalized tissue results, Hy right away. After listening to WALSHECK'S Doctors who have made longlional anxiety, Irochlorlc acid and pepsin then your complaints, and after X- Flower Shop • Quick drying studies in this field tell us that There i's evidenc' e that undue ittacks and digests this ne- studies in this ield tel us Ray examination, the proper anxiety about grades and tests :rotic area with an ulcer f orm- MB tabor Aft. ME 4-MI ERti all have just begun to scratch treatment can be started • Easy to apply—u can trigger an existing neurosis ng, these ulcers being those "/ROM AW" TMK5 To T//0 /m the surface. Great things would rapidly. brush or roller be possible through diet. Some into an emotional explosion. ound in late middle ageg . Other [ St/RUGS OFF f/JJ{JRt£5 To COHt/NU£ R/P/flQ. believe that many diseases we Adjusting to the pressure and lactors, such as allergy, trauma • No unpleasant '« md burns, undoubtedly con- ibute to the ulcer syndrome • Scrubbablr is well. WHITE AND 14 DECORATOR COLORS The diagnosis of a peptic ul- :er may usually be suspected When it's y your physician from the Rrgulir listory given—that is eplgas- Pricf 5« NOW •> rlc pain (pain in the upper j matter of ibdominal region) of a burning | LIMITED >r gnawing character two or ;hree hours after a meal and; form, see us TIME ONLY ONLY J

When it comts to devising a form (or ROLLER & PAN forms) to expedite your office* opera- With Every J'imh.w FREE Of 3 Gallons or M"i< lions, set us. We have the "know fow" to coma Jp with iuggestlon« that will lav* time and money. You'll FULLY AUTOMATIC fike the quality and ipeed of our work ELECTRIC ... and our prices! MIDDLESEX PRESS WATER SOFTENER 18 Green Street, Woodbridge 140,000 Grain Capacity Take your pick of your TEL HE Mill Mauro Motors New Kali Style Permanent let ui quote on 95 1 Hclene Curtis your next job 189 Caryl Richards • r ibrr Glau Tank Zotos • l.ifflimr Guarantee on link! Styles fipecially for you • Efficient Rntneratlon! by Fredrie'» 00 The 1962 only $10 complete PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Fredric HOTEL MINOT BUILDING & CONTENTS hairdressers 400 THIRD AVE., ASBURY PARK, N. J. . IMPERIALS Rahway FJJ 8-9883 Highest bidder on this 81 room hotel will be given Serving Milady (or over 20 ;tart four months to raze the building and remove the debrl in one nl llnlun Countj'i >U|tit from the premises, Fine lot of material* can be salvaged and mokt modern Suloni. from this four-story building. ! SPARTAN . CHRYSL2RS Sale on the premises PORTABLE ElECTRK TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd RADIATOR 10:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. • Abitluttly Safi Furnishings will be sold separately and comprise: • Uantli, ThirmoithtUilly Carpeting, Hall RUnners, Refrigerators, 10 Fire Ex- Controlled Hiat AS LOW tim'ulsher*, Chinaware, Glassware. Kitchmware, piano . PLYMOUTHS Upright,' Grand Piano Baby Grand (Hardman), Gan • Silent (no fans) Odorlii* Range & Grill 6 Burner (Vulcan) Oas Cabinet Baking • CompleUly Portabll Oven, Steam Table, Work Tables, Refrigerator, Two • Hai thi 'Built-in* Lwk Door, Aluminum Serving Trays, Beautiful Old Victorian ^5 • Pluji In To Anj Outlet $22 Wicker Rockers & Straight Chairs, Floor to Celling Mir- rors on Marble Bases, Floor Lamps, Desks, Stands, Boft • S Yiar Buirantai 0* o VALIANTS Drink Dlspensor, Automatic Flrt Alarm System. Ap- Heater Element proximately 150' of 3" Firehose. Brass valves & Nozzles, Antique Electric Fixtures. Leaded Stained Glass Win- dows, 6 Original Sidcwall Gas Lluhts of 3 Lights each. HARDWARE • CUSTOM K1W HI N Approximately 30 Dinlne Room Tables. 'Souare * ELECTRICAL SUFPUKS SHOWROOM OPEN EVENINGS Roundt. Approximately ^5 Porch Rockers, 3 Lawn PAINT AND ACCESSORIES WrouRht Iron Plantei'8, Safe, Billing Machine (Stand- ard). Approximately 108 Thonet Dining Room Chalrn. PBttrt* pish Washer Uaclcsoni. Misc. Office Equipment, COMPLETE FINANCING —and when we grow up 1 ifirtpmatlp

hr Rollm e CARTIMT LAMM 1UMRA1 Merit Supermarket ...... o I Two-game winners: 8t Andrnr's Jersey Council of B'nal BAT TITLE J J AVKNKL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MOOM No. 1M0 0 J BUS. om Wll Plo Electric AIIM1 rES By Alan Maver L , 3 W L A. Qusmer, Inc. l I NIT1 MINI LUOt'I JM-8 Meat Market will entert&in th SUn([IB|i ai »f l*pt«akb«r M i White Blreh tun ...... fl ] Bar ot«r Fords Sporting Canter. .welders J 7 Bud's Hut 3 0 Wm. Penn Insurants 0 • more than 200 freshmen ttof Shipping ; 1 S Avenel Cod A Oil _... 1 Honer Well (2M or Better dunes, W l!Anthony's.Barter Bhop X-lWs , 0 9 AMU el Rudmr* 1 «H m Bet««T Sets) Price's fashions'. 7 J Spoilers 2 j ROK1.-MOR BOTTIKRHTTH d«nU attending Rutgers UtltV 1 Team hlfh game. 8M. Molnar*s Ortffln's Pro Shop J Marquei Pharmacy . Honor Roll (200 or Better Bimii, ftoxbury Inn • ° ' SUntlngs is ef leptember 21 venltjr and Douglass Coll«Hr Mfl or Better Sets) Home Mild Bakery Tavern: R. BlaJteilee 1J». A. RothlRooievelt Tavern 3 Honor R«U (IM M W a Lltclk 1B8-253-17H iJldi, A. 8ea-iAvene> Pharmacy'.... 3' 133. M. Petrtr 211. L. Nemeth 1J7. Yuhu Construction 3 IM »r Better i|The proiram will begin at 3:W mm 111! a H«sko 9U-»10, R t,rt Rlllenet tea », » J, An* tH. iPnn Raiding Buber thasi 4 ft ftaimond XU~m-m.B*\ Pijea.chlWe Clwitrl* ZTZ-.'.Z" t P. M, and Include a t*a ho»4, 3 Individual MRII games: K. PetroO & M Tnicklni i IM, I Radetaky 1», J. Hsyes Wi. ]nf n.on,,r-, Trophy ahnp _. J »» 213. E. Caritenaen 112, S. Kola-jShop-Rlte JJ»nI! d series of talk kowskl 211, B. Mltr.sk 210-301. J 241 cf, t. Btmnnsen 209, M. F»tra»!Certeret Lanes .... 5 C. Morrow 200, T. Mencuno Ml, rd TMm fj01 S Hlr.y 210, N. Kreusrher 509. J. Mur- WOOMMIDGK TOWNSHIP 211. Royal Crown Cola - J lyman 200 'White Home Taiern J Jj Participating from _ phy 207, A. Nagy 105, J, Hallo 202. nRKMKN'R UAOUI Angelo Michael & Boo 5 Results A. F Orelnrr 4 J Chapter of Colonla will be Results •landings ai ol September II BOWL-M'IR rOMMFRCIM. |V O. Miller _., • There-game winners: log Cabin Team No 1 J Tlirco-ttsme winners: Com-Pound- w LRrK iSabo Sport Shop •over Merit. Gambit over M-S Mest Team No. I J Jerome stlch, president ers over X-10O's. jWoodortdfe %. Squad .. » 1 Standings ss of September 20 'Stewart's. Woodnttdgi __.. ^Market. Pete's FlooT Wiling over H«n»r Roll and Mrs. Donald Lteb Two-gune winnew: Osrw« overj'elln "- "' 1 l! Honor Kelt (IM e? MUtf flaunt, White Birch, Menlo Hardwire om Jutta Kara 177, Dot Orlmler Terminal over inKiuterinR Avsnel flnt A: I t 1 11 IM or Better lets) Anthony's Barber Shop, Joe's Auto Terry Thomas 173 vice president. Woodbtidje Oar wash Results Ofllre o?er Weldets, Pay-Rollers over,'.n't i i Treat Bhop 2 A. Jackson JH-111-M4-4U, J.iBodT over Spoilers, Menlo Phsr- Rabbi Julius J. Funk, HIJfct Depot, Treasury over Shlpplnu, La- 'Arenel No. l .3 3 Matyl 121, J. AntonelU Ml, 8. over Msrquet Pharmacy Three.game winners: Team No. I J 'petrlclc's Flowers T«o-««m« wtnn«rs: Rem Mquor iver Team No. l director, and itud°nt« attend* borers over Schedulers. I P. B. A. Ho. 3 ; _. —._ .. 3 } Bowl-Mor .- 4 vacs 209, T. Sdnrpellettl JOS, R, W. I. 8. Mo. 2 0 3 I.Rrto 215, O. DeVUo 201, J. Lynch over Turport. Two>game Winners: Chl'.ds Her Inf Rutgers ind Douglasa ' Disco C.B.8 - :rlc over A. r". Orslner, Joe Flnmsrs) IIHPHII No. 1 0 ° BohwenMi Bros .V31«, N. Marko 301. J. Baurko 308. describe the HUlel BOWL UOR ttlXDAX £IIE ) T Wi|t*p>M jMS MilfkMlftllMlS ^11 S iMaU»...aha» .niir....TiiBL.jiiL...3la,., .-_,..,..,.. ... r MIXBD \.Y.\mr, (Miller 202-5M. M. Branch 110-201. LlAOt-'R House Tavern orer Tenm'Thf; HiTIri tra iirxr. co'i ' as of September 11 Fharmacj No. I. Team high game, 85B, Woodbrldfe Honor Roll (ZM or Brtter Oamei, S.. Mllltr 20S206, S. PluPlumm 314. J John- Standings ks o( leeitember 12 Jby counrll, Irts n'i tn'-n- Ti W I, Emergency Squad: t. aichwdi IM. son 201, O. ttanten 201, B. Duciai Mauro Motors (W or Better fets) ""• ~ "* " • " Iproiram of activlil-s ""''l^ * lilt. Heller IM, P. Bsumfartner 310, P. RaUJack 2M-J33-1»-«31. R,211, E. »«bo 221. J. Babs 30*. C. i neer Bros •* 1 W. Housman 170, O. Housman 197. Simmons a38-l»8-105—BIBf R. Oanle- Stromoskl 212. Wlrun Furn. Co - j B'riai B'rith Women B'nsl B'rlth Whm'n p'.an (ttir< Bwket ..: 4 - Individual high games: t. Baum- wlrs 231, P. Sllagyl 311. J. Tlrpsk Fords Sport C»nt«r ... Hunk's 19th 4 Ing th«< month wh^n t.try nl« ' Wtner 310, I,. Rtprmel 113, H. Deter 208; W. Lewkowltf and P. Tnhlo- WIIITR BIRCH LIAOL'E St. Andrew's H.H.S. s Rlrnpne , „ 3 '191 eg, W, Housman 201. nlckl 304, J. J. Lynch and H Wan- Wll Flo Eleotrio J 1 Woodbridge Llquof „.... 2 fUitdlngs as of leptember it Entertain Fremmcni\ne m a«-out tucb 203, A. Notchey 202. W Wm. Prnn luuranoe ^. 3 7 C np lpi1 T«»m No. 7 1 Honor Roll (IN or Better Gimeo FORM - Mn. David Brf|.'| " * Fcnnelly Insurance 0 I VTOODBRIDOI SERVICE LEAGUE Rtiults ;O»b!n Three-gam* winners: Woodbridge Pete's Floor Waving Jim Davla Ml-Ul. Jo* Wegyrn man, presldsnt, Ramot Chap- Honor Roll j Standings as of September II 0 214, Arnle Ooldfub 205. Carl Chrla- Bob Scholtz, e.x-Notre Dtmaj Ed Mlkos 529, Howie fltrawn MB,: W Car Wash over Schwenter Bros.. Menlo Phormacy ter of B'nal B'rtth Women, and 1 Treat Bhop over Team No. 8. Pat-Qatnblt Insurance 0 tophenen 201, BUI Ceglla 201. player, appeared in all Detwtt •« T15, Bob Simmons 1M. Miner's Tatem 8 0 Results Mn. Henry Karger, HUlel Milt Fink 200. |Hu1" Body Shop t rick's Flowers over Atensl Phai- Joe's Auto Body ,.__—. 0 Three-g»m» wlftners: Wlraan Fur^ Uon League gamei lart Women: Marj Doros 1M-S18, Ann,s»'urlI»J: ] Jmwy. Menlo Hardware . chairman, will participate Bun- Center Bat Two • game winntrs: Bowl-Mor Rem Liquor 1 nlttire Co. over Wm. Psnn Insur a a center. M:i(CVir 117-514 Edna MlkOS 901. 1 2 anre. day when the Northern New son 1 Results Wonder Ride, Inc. , 1 3 glovtf blaee O.B.S, Uectnnlet. Carport > Three-game winners: Schwenner Bros, over Team No. 7. Wsuro Mo- tnr> ove> Fen&ellv Insurance, Hank's 19th over Trett Shoppe. Twn-^ame winners: Brau Bucket oner Woodbridge Liquor.

PITTSBURGH RI6HT $ATTt/i6 CHAMP •:p£R,MAY'SALVAGE Flynn * Bon '. a OF H HB'LL BB Teem No. 1« .'...a ™,.u » I m No. 7 11 3 The Township Treasurer, A Der.ocrat, 5' IOZT /96O Varea's Beauty Salon , S 4 Alibi Liquors S 4 /F MB d dllnprs _.._ _ S 4 0A7T///O "tori's Moving 4 5 T Purltsn Dslry 4 5 Thurnifrhtrd Inn 4 J Rowmcver's ...» „,., S |Teflm No. 5 _ 2 Corrects he Democratic Party: Deidllners 0 nonor Roll Men: B, NagT 200 c«, 509; J. 1 Strikes and Spares rellonn 100-200; B. Lucas 310, c«: F. Brans m; R. Mosul* 114; C OnMen 204, rg; R. Bem*t 501. MERCURY 4-4500 Women: A. Kvans t!8, B. Lawk TREASURER'S OFFICE ,, CKC'ELIVI K. OF C. WOODBRIDOE TOWNSHIP 173, H0WI.WO LBAOUI LEAGUE Results I, ,.,rtm«i as «f lepWWber It lundlnn ai of September 22 Three-Hsme winners: Flynn tt Bon W L!ovar RoMmeyer'i, Team No. 10 over 1.^;,^ , 7 Molnar's Tavern 7 SilPidilners. ili Ins. 7 Marsh Excavator . „,., 3| Two-gsme winners: Tenm No. ' , 7 V.F.W. 4410 3,over Purltsn Dairy. Varga'« Beaut' i , v.»;\m « I:V.F.W. J«M 4jaalnn over Turn Ho. J; fleadllnerv • i.,vfrn _ * I A * P Trsdlng 4lover Thiinderblrd Inn, Earl's Mov- f v.t ding ~ • 4iTuh»a Const. „..„„... 5 Ing over Alibi Liquors. - 4: White House 4 B A B Flttpatrlck 0 Honor Roll ((2 N or Bttttr Gamei) «T rr.rnxvs JJo * NNemoth 32i-«03, Ed Smith 207. BOWLING I.EAGIK 9 Phli Poulel 231. Art Andersch 311, Tesm Standings «;J. PfelfTer 103, Dan Ooryl 204, Georfie!,..,,.., !Ulsure • iSchmoll 323, J. Storey 313-202, A.Isella Shop Rite Township of Woodbridge I Waxgo 311, J. Uesiaro* 100-201, Art Cooper's Dairy 8 Nelson. Sr.. 211, P. lablonlclil 201. White Birch Inn I,William Dernier 300, J. Lucas 214, St. Oeorne Pharmacy . or Better dsnei) I Blair Bvlhrs 201, Oak Tree Drugs In The County of Middlesex R. Madora 321, 1 R*sulU Frystoclt Rambteri , 211. U. Lakomskl 208, Three-guiti winners: A A P Trad- MaryMary's DreDresss ShoSopp ;\y..y . :ni, p. Catternleohlo 2fl. Ing Post ovsr B Si B Fltzpatrlck. HonoH r RolRlll (170 or Bettett r Gamei, Remits Two-game winners: VFW 4410 over 400 or Beter Sets) ••••*.v.t winners: Duwschsidt Marsh Oonst., Molnar Tavern over Maryon 'CKncy 49S/170, lolenf New Jersey r •• -e nvrr Petco Plstlng, VFW 2«M, Yuhas Const, orer White M>stir>ftrr 419/177. Dot koczewslti ' .Unit over WlsSbow Bros. Houi« Tavern. 448, Winnie Rusche 437. Kitty . !•>-j aveer Msuro MotorsMtors. IRuscrii\437. Kitty Scherteneck 434/ winners: O*k Tree »O-«I1E1X INTRA-PLANT LEAGUE 170, Millie Annla 418, Ruth Elnhnrn , Iselln Shop. Stuidlnfdl s 11 off SSeptembeb r 222 415, Jenn Franl: 412. Pog Hlckey 408. CHAftLtS J. ALEXANDER cr ^Towne Clesnera, St I W I; \nu Koczefcskl 177. i 11 Reiults .i.irm»i'y over Iselln I.tim-:Laborers ., TOWNSHIP TREASURER , i".:\r Unes over FlrenldeiOfflc* J Three-game winners: Leisure Vn- 1 :vrr'i Tavern over Mlcluj's Tennlnil 3|llmlled over WhHe Birch Inn 1 Cflbper's Dairy over St. George •p. M«lle ixcavauag ov«i oilers .... ; PERSOuiJEL" OFFICER •Oarage ... 3 Pi»rmscy, Isflln Shop Kit* ov« SjFrj'stock Ramblers. ,... _J.|TTeasury •ii^BBBBas^BBBBBiiss»awawa«a» ZutlMttiat .— 3 4; Ons Riime each iserlesunflnlihed) 4 Oak Tree Drugs and Uary't Drest I Depot . .„— 5 4 Shop. 1 Corn-Pounders „ -- 5 -,'••• '•- • September 25; 1961

Mr. Walter Zirpolo • '•'.'.,•..• J. Arthur Applegate, Inc. 335 New Dover Road , • , ' Cqlonia, New Jersey " » Authorized Agency * , • STUDEBAKER LARK Dear Mr. Zirpolo: • - I cannot in fairness to myself as the .Chief Financial Officer of the Township of Woodbridge permit and your statement in .regard to the Township's banking policy as reported in the Perth Amboy Evening News MERCEDES-BENZ for Saturday, September 23, to go unchallenged, particularly when the source you recited is Inaccurate. SALES AND SERVICE The article gives the impression that the information was obtained or was available on file in the Town- ship's Treasurer's Department. While my name was not mentioned, the inference most citizens and tax- 363 Division Street, Perth Amboy - VA 6-0363 payers will draw from the press release is that this office was consulted. You know that this is incorrect. Leo Therefore, I think that the least you can do, is to furnish me for the sake of the record with the source of r your information. AEK! WOODBRIDGE LUMBER CO. Yes, it is true that you have requested information from this office recently, but that was with respect tt at die SHOE so many CITY AND SUBURBAN DELIVERY to the number of employees on the rolls as of August 31 Compared with a year ago, as well as the composi- pt .s i(lommend — and tion of the staff of the Engineer's Office. This information was furnished to you by letter dated September 1 SK11J, IN UTTINQ de- AN ESTIMATE ANYWHERE «,• -a SINCE 1818. Quality Keeps Is in Business . . . 22nd. Materials • Doom A Windows This appears to be the time of the year when some people begin to worry about the economic health THE t MUlwork • Wallboard of the Township of Woodbridge. Where were these foiks last spring when it was necessary to borrow $350,* • Roofing • Flooring QOO.OO to enable us to meet current obligations and maintain the credit record of the Township of Wood-, JRIDERrri • Ininlatlon • Plywood bridge unblemished^ The record will reveal that the decision to borrow was supported unanimously by all • Moulding • Knotty Pine members of the Township Committee on the basis of the then prevailing facts. • Hardwire • Kitchen • Pilnt Cabined Occasionally one hears what is the Township doing with all the millions it takes in. Apparently, some j have short memories. They forget that everything costs more nowadays than it did previously and that DOING IT YOURSELF? UPrrurv A-O1 25 Lei us advls»dvls*t yon on nneww IflClOUl J T v» s *»w more people are requiring more services which require more expenditures. , * conitruttlon, altanUon ao< 437 Eahway Ave., Woodbrldie npilrs. Perhaps, I can illustrate my point .somewhat more lucidly by stating that the 1961 cash needs of the Township of Woodbridge (other than normal operating costs) exceed $10,000,000.00, as. outlined in the table that follows: IOOK WHAT'S HAPpemime 1961 CASH NEEDS Amounts due various Districts- $7,082,622.88^) School Districts ••• ••-• „,.-.»-.«, ,„, • to Tftiintv Taxes •- 2,117,424.46 (B) *v SELLING OUT!! ™ County laxes joc aeA M /fl^ Fijre District Taxes r 155,070.00'(E) ALL Municipal Debt Service "T .110,381,378i.23 Widths 1961 TJotal BioEE All models and colors in stock . . . Please L $598 coiWin, get the BW OF YOUR LIFE! — r'-"- i Source: ' Amplr support 4A).HelenH. AD(Jerapn, Secretary Board of Education , A'lfiiuate crow room M OFFE (B) Abstract of Ratables, prepared by Mlddesex County Board of Taxation I'"" but flexible I«1«I to (C) Treasurer's Office noted inicenUln feet.. (E) 1961 Municipal Budget '"'hi them balance prop frlj.

Our Specialtyl I «MU,H!IXY FILLING Bring your Bill of Sale - ready to do business DOCTOES' j the contrary. I'ltllSCRIPTlONS | also - Large Selection of "Safe Tested USED CARS record that there are few times in thinee course uofi thniec yeajxur whewu

from WoodbricU*1, » son to Mr. (and Mr' Charles Mler, !43 The Crow's Nest 'Burknfll V'WIP, • *"i to Mr. HollYWOOdNews| Sarah Ann'i Cooking and Mm St*v»n Kovach. S07 term Avr-n'i<\ a daughter to, r Mr »nd M « Pet'r Burgess. mskinc Onus of Na- Baked Ham WHh Pineapple Totted Salad AVRNift, Mr 193 Prnfpw' A win*, a son to; nnvin Niv(»n lw made 1 head lettuce "on of 5 1 slice ham. 1 i"rh thick DT ar.d Mr Fdvurd Zullo. 21flj c/>," ano4h*ri Pew stalks endjy* Elections deputi,^ 1 d Nnr»h Par ! Drive, a »n to Mr. film, and Im* turned down Ww leaves ol mustard green* bem of the Canned and M all war Uncooked shredded tpln&cA !i cup brown District, Rppnhlif . , MalTl P ••><•. a * bn hand. . . Sgt. Herbert W P^r^ak, 27 Overtook TITTSC:; front fendrr. and hood and larger laillighta. hut Kill retaina ihe in.idp^uiMd* Ford's forth-coming production 2 tablespoons French dresi- of "The Man Who Shot Liberty cately brown, busting frequent- Morcmi ,0emie, Air Force Recruittn? a daughter to Mr, and Mr* j n* of iU predrreMor.. On the inlerior, «hf imtrumfiH flualer has br«n Ing Avenue; Mr. Valance." , Officer, Perth Amboy, wuhes Frank Z"ndol. 12 Two Drive.; romped «rf «her, are new f.brin. Myle* and color, for .11 moMt. Ur new Toss all together, lightly, but Hoffman. 3is R.-,,, ; f> Inform college graduate* .a son to Mr and Mr* William1 ly with syrup In pan thoroughly. In a large ulad Mrs. Trudy ft,-, •»ho accepted draft deferments Ermine 29 Tracy Drive, a snn Falcon line, to b« introdnced b, Ford dealer, on September 29, w,U feature a total Now that the word in out Breaded Carrot* bowl. This u)ad should be Prospect Avpnur,,. i*tle they were working for to Mr and Mr? Paul Potash- of 13 model*. there Is a split between Natalie Little carrot.' nerved chilled. Scheuermnn, 3nn p, .. fjielr decrees, that thev ran TIT. 42 Aldrich Drive, a son to; Wood and husband. News gets Salt nue., Any nim-r..,-. apply for commission' in the" Mr *nr! Mrs Henry Yunera." around that she Is seen in the Cream. dent may rr»ittr j|lr Force, a? navigator, pilot 11438 Woodbndite Avenue s. GLAMOR GIRLS company of Warren Beatty Buttered (rarlter cnimbs these or ien1ce in th» administrative son to Mr and Mrs. Ed?sr Thl- quite often n(1 , Scrub little carrou. cook » |l((|AfK||ni Dork UOUIC Speakers «,, . Or technical fields. College VKIPBII: 69 Webb Drive: a »n| ahape with potato ball cutter: fibolUllj J I fllR HBWS Neves, Third Wnrrt ; i graduate* may apply for the to Mr and Mrs. Theodore Ur- Woodbridge Oaks Today's Film Review or use tiny canned carrots. leader; Mr \\u- program even though marrled!son. M Jensem Avenue: a HONEYMOON MACHINE Sprinkle with salt, dip in cream Ward campamn <••,, Or classified 1-A in the draft, dauehwr to Mr. and Mrs. Don- By Alice Cutnbertwn A trio of navy men work out ">" |n cracker crumb*.1 Put in : *..«•. aid Merker. 261 New Brunswlck| —Mr. and Mrs. Prank Tau-iCommtttepman .i,,i. 1606 Oak Tree Road a system to use the ships elec- !„ ,lng d o * „ "rt'llarent, Worth Street, had aa'and Mr» lldblU: .Avenue; a son to Mr. and Mrs.] Iwlin tronic computer, and the navy 20 minutes Remove oover and,™ , ; ; ; Margaret Holden, daughter Leonard Marode. ?8 Burnham' . ^_ . . •. • ^mtaut^Remo>.•>_• !_..<. U.biHia unti« ~vel oai^ntr ,^lj |WU*IMW. _ tin .- —Mr. and Mrs. William Cas-ibllnker to gain a few green- continue until carro{»J . 'it Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn C.jrjjrivp a daughter to Mr and !Mrs. Jack Manzella and sons, won by Mr sidy and son, Thomas. Wood|b»cks at several of the well are browned. Donald and Nicholas, Bayonne. for the ! Holden. Harrell Avenue, Wood-!Mr5 paui Williams. 407 Crows Avenue, were guests over the known casino tables In Venice. —A guest for the week at the Burrows and I teldje, a senior music major atkiill Road: . ,. from Hopelawn, Caallflower CusUrd • SeMelberg- College. Tiffin, O.., daughter to Mr and Mr». weekend of Mr- Kurt Klein. Max. their pet name for the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mlddletown, N. Y. electronic computer, can (r«4« 1 medium cauliflower Porzano. Worth Street wu Mrs j Inu been selected for member- per>r Palmblad, 88 Jamee Quick W —On Satun.jy Mr and Mrs. within Inches the landing of; Chopped parsley HJohn Shlllltanl. Hwlet. ihlp to the Herdelberg College|str*et. . from Iselln. a son A tfachn ».n Alexander Cuthbertson and missiles—so why couldn't it de- 2 eggs slightly beaten Concert Choir. . . .Enrolled asWMr and Mrs, Robert Kueaba, claw a livtur« children. Richard and Maureen, tect where the little white ball1 '•j teaspoon salt Some Beach frwhmen in the Newark Col-^ Aberdeen Avenue: . . from "Willie," hr said toge of Engineering are: Stan- colonia. a daughter to Mr. and; jOak Tree Road, were dinner on the roulette wheel would lj teaspoon white pepper The Arab met an American boy beatine ;i kr/ T. Grzybowskl, Midwood'ws. Richard Thomas, 150 Ken-: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis land? 1 cup evaporated milk tourist clad only In bathing •topped him (vv Way and Barry S. Pearlman, Avenue: . . from Port Schmitt, Rahway. On Sunday, singt<)n Lieutenant 8teve McQueen Boil the cauliflower In salted|trunks, plodding through the what virtue shmi Mercury Avenue, Colonia; Car-lR^ding, a daughter to Mr. and the CuthberUons were guests and his buddies iJIm Hutton water for 10 minutes, after Sahara Ing?" • Men W. Faucera, Jr., Gordon'Mrs William Resnyk. 30 Tap- of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cuth- breaking it apart. Drain and "Where are you going, «(• and Jack Weston) figure out Wllllr prompt l- , Avenu* and pranda V. Koemp-ipen street; . .. from Sewaren. bertson, South Amboy. fettfltr Arab. the needed details on their way chop fine. Mix together the ly love." •«I, Arlington Drive, Fords: ;a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jo- —Robert Fltzsimmons, Jr., 12 to Venice, Italy, aboard the eggs, salt, .pepper, and milk. "For a «wim." the American James J. Bolger, Bond Street: jseph Kamas. 55 Summit Ave- Semel Avenue, spent the week- USA. Elmlra. Asvsoon as the Adi this mixture to the cauli- answered. Robert Perwerda, Ltacoln! nUf end at Saugerties, N. Y. ships land. Steve and his bud- flower. Pour into greased cust- "A swim!" echoed the Arab Highway; Donald J. Relffer, —Mr. and Mrs. Walter dies check into a hotel with a ard cups and set in pan of in astonishment. "But Bond Street, Iselln; Myron M. Kronert, Wood Avenue, were good view of the ship for their water. Bako in an oven 350 de- ocean is a thousand miles from hosts at a family celebration in signaling purposes. crees for 30 minutes or until here." honor of the birthday of Em!) "A thousand mile*!" gasped make mlllt safe from fallout So busy with their prepara-'flrm. When ready to serve turn CaUendo, Paterson, Saturday, out of cups and garnish with the American tourist. "Oee, thls| should a nuclear attack hit the tions, they are unaware of the Hid David Emmer, Cutter's Quests were Mr. and Mrs chopped parsley. la sure some beach!" United States. admiral- and his daughter mak- Lane and Paul J. Komlsky, Ralph CaUendo, Jr.. Ralph ing reservations at the same The Agricultural Research *%€*£ Sherry Street, Woodbridge. 0 mi. xt-1 r«tm Srrttafc tt, » Caliendo, 8r., and Benny Car- hotel. 'J Undergoing recruit training a'i Service, the Atomic Energy jdlno, Newark: Mr. and Mrs. All is well for a while—thenij WOODBRIDGE PUBLISHING CO. 1171 Commission and the United! the Naval Training Center, •Hug is 724 Elm Street 1724 I Street is ten. EmU Caliendo and children, one of the lieutenants. Jlmji 18 GREEN STREET Comf In I- nr \, States Public Health Serrlcel Karen, John and Linda, Pater- Great Lake*. 111., 1* Thomw H. blocks down." Hutton, tails for the admiral's!; WOODBRIDGE, N, J. FREK(\n U\ Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs. have developed a process that son; Mr. and Mrs. !.-ouls Barel- daughter (Paula Prentiss) and Henry Kennedy, Park Avenue. removes 98 per cent of the la and children, Anthony and vice versa. • Enclosed please find $4.00 for one-year Strontium-90 from milk which Avenel. . . Enrolled a* Fresh- Louis, Beth Paige, Long Island But. when the admiral spots • they claim will make it safe for Nb Place Fpr Him JACC0MODATING JUDGE subscription to: men at Trenton State College and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore!^ ^mlfi _ ne> the! use. The no-account husband^ Albany, K. Y. - Stanley W. Caliendo and children, Carol O INDEPENDENT-LEADER "ire Edwlna Kohler, Willry Joined some of the other loaf-Forsack, of Long Beach, N. Y. enemy is going to attack the Street and Barbara Mesar, Ly- and Charles, E. James Place, city and blow up the fleet. H'B i ers sitting on ths curb of the was fined $135 for speeding • CARTERET PRESS man Avenue. Woodbrldge, Times Have Changed Iselin. On Sunday it wa« Carol hard to decide whether this courthouse square. He an- and passing a red light. For- • EDISON TOWNSHIP-FORDS BEACON 8andra Sablatzky, Arlington "When I was a young fellow" KronerKronert'™S 8t«nh birthdaoinnoay anda discovery of • nounced that he was leaving sack confessed that he did not dlscovery orth e Jjrlve and Francis Van Dalen, grandpa related, "my ambition have that much money another party was in order. At- tne Iove a(falr of Ws daughter! town. He said he just couldn't tending were: Mrs. Louis Hei- To be sent to Overlook Terrace, Fords and was tohav e a gig and a gal. The judge then reduled was most disturbing to the Ad- live in it any longer. the mall and Mrs. Elizabeth Kron- Janey Syby, Livingston Ave- "Well," said his son, "when fine to$30 , miral (Dean Jagger). NAME nue, Avenel. . . I was a young man, I wanted "What's the matter?" asked ert. Livingston; Mr. and Mrs In this comedy situation, The most the traffic offender Theodore Caliendo and chil- Were and There: a flivver and a flapper." one. could Come up with was $29. Steve McQueen pleases his au- ADDRESS "Hey, pop," said the grand- "Oh, the town's all right," dren, Carol and Charles. Mr. dience. The supporting casts 'Louis H. Wright, ceramic re- The judge lent Porsack $1 and son, "how about me having a he replied, "but it just ain't no and Mrs. Walter Brady, Mrs. are credited with good work, engineer for the Wood the line was paid. TOWN _„ plane and a jane?" place where a woman can find James Clark and Miss Jane too. bridge Sanitary Pottery Cor- work!" Huryk, and Walter Kronert. paratton, Woodbridge, le co- r" nor of an Important techni- i • 1 paper which appeared In TURNPIKE TODAY THRU SATURDAY! RITZ Theatre ;'."» September issue of "The DRIVE IN THEATRE TheFord ) American Ceramic Society Bui- Steve McQuren • Brlfld Bulen Cirtcret, N, 1, K] 1-5961) NOW THBl! TUESDAY l'tln". . . Janet C. Ruesch, "THE HONEYMOON NOW THRU MONDAY Rock Hudson SEPTEMBER 7) - M in yoimfe/ future du'qhter of Mr, and Mrs. Carl MACHINE" "THE YOUNG DOCTORS" SEPT. 27 TO OCT. 2 Olna Lollobrifida E, Ruesch, Fifth Avenue, Ave- rrrdrit Msrfh, Bm Gamra, If runs on Love! "COME SEPTEMBER" nel, Is a freshman at Gettys- "VOYAGE TO THE Ina Balln will be here tomorrow t Plut 'MAN OF THE WEST" burg College. . . Joseph W. Ar- "BATTLE AT BLOODY BEACH" way, St. George Avenue, Wood- BOTTOM OF THE SEA" OCTOBER 1-3 Starting tomorrow at vour Ford Dealer's, yoo will discover comproome, look to Ameriea'i favorite compn SUNDAT - MONDAT - TUBSDAT! SUrrtn{ "DAVID AND GOLIATH" brldge, is enrolled as a fresh- Joan Fontaine - Fruiklr Ualon a line of Fords so long, so new, so varied that everyone year there are more Falcons than ewr to rhoov f" From Bhar«cropp«rs stuck to 1 Orson W>U« is Bins Saul man at Niagara University... — also — NOW THRl SATURDAY will find his personal Ford-the car that fit* his pleasure 13 in all. • Wagon fanciers will find unpn•>• '!• From Michigan State Univer- governor's nuntlon. . me clawed MARLON BRANDO in Pins 'HOISE OF INTBIGUE" Frrdrtf Marr.h and needs precisely' • For those who want a true luxury variety-from a new wagon that seats eighi m J I• > sity, come* word that Robert her w»y up to be the first IADT "THE WILD ONE" "YOtNO DOCTORS" EXTRA! Squire Wagon with the rich woodlikr lim^i M. Toth, James Street, Hope- at the SUt«: and Cartoon KARTOON KARNIVAL car. there are two distinguished new series of Galaxiei— Audlp Murphj lawn, was graduated Irom that "ADA" EVERY FRIDAY NIGH* both swift as a rumor, silent as a secret. With Thunder- famous Country Squire. • Pick the >""' '" Special Kiddle. M&tUiec "POSSE FROM HELL" Pius: Extra Added Attraction! Institution at the end of the -il»- Saturday and Sunday at 1 P. M. bird styling, and quality that sets a new industry standard, future with lhi» confidence: every 1%2 Kurd n !• - summer term, with a degree of SUN., MON., TUBS. Horror Show! October U Cominj, Oft. 4, "THE TRUTO' the 1962 Galaxies give you every essential feature of far a standard of quality so high that it will dun^ i Bachelor ol Science in Mathe- "TWO LOVES" WEDNESDAY THRU MONDAT William Holden OCT. 4 - 9 ' Shaw Bffclns at Dufk ideas of how fine, how quiet, how emltiniiK •• < •' • • = matics. . . Ralph P. Vtllars, Witb Shirley MicLtlne "WORLD OF SUZtt rostlier cars, • If you are looking for economy without Gregory Peck • David .Nl?en WONG" Ihildrrn Under 12 Free TMC, USN, announced today Onterbrldge t» Ronte 9 Anthony Qiilnn that the 16th annual national Junction U "THE GUNS Cary Grant • Tonj Cnrtli competitive examination for Toll B«fund on Dated Kwelpt OF NAVARONE" ••OPERATION PETTICOAT" the Regular Naval Reserve Of- Klddlt Mat. Rtt. A Sun. 1 C M. ficers Training Corps will be FORDS given to eligible high school .seniors and graduates on De- PLAYHOUSE cember 9. Application forms HI 2-4U* may be obtained at the high Air-conditioned Attention GIRL SCOUT LEADERS! TODAV THRt SATURDAY school, Navy Recruiting Sta- SEPTEMBER 28 • 30 tion, Perth Amboy or from FRIDAY THRU TUESDAY ROLLER SKATING Chief of Naval Personnel, De- EVENINGS ONLY "NEVER ON SUNDAY" partmint pf the Navy, Wash- MERIT BADGE INSTRUCTION 6:35 A 9:20 Fredrlc March, Deu Gaxz&ra, ington. 25, D. C. Designed to Will Start October 1th "THE GAMBLER supplement the officer output Dick Clark, Ina Balin WOEE A GUN" of the Naval Academy, the 10:15 A. M. to 12:15 P. M. Classes Will Run 10 Consecutive NROTC program makes it pos- "The YOUNG DOCTORS" Saturday Matinee: Z:00 PJ*. sible for a young man toear n Weeks. - Also - "Tansn and The Ape Man" a regular commission while SPECIAL BUSES WU1 Leave From: ftudyhiB at the civilian college SUNDAY THRU TUESDAY • (€ his choice which has an "MORGAN The PIRATE" St. Joseph's Church, Carteret, 9:30 A. M. OCTOBER 1 - * •,'SROTC unit. All tuition, fees Steve Reeve* • Cheld Alonso St. James' Church, Woodbrldge, 9:30 A, ML "TAMMY TELL ME TRUE" and books are furnished by the Our Lady of Peace Church, Fords, 9:30 A. M. with Sandra Dee SPECIAL KIDDIE MATINEE and John Gavin Navy and the student receive Total aq annual retainer of $600 fo SATURDAY AND SUNDAV Adiuiislon 40t Bus Fare M Skate Rental 35c Bound Trip. 3UC $1.25 "BLAST OF SILENCE" four years. During the summer 1 the student goes on training "MORGAN THE PIRATE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4 cruises as a midshipman and — and — ; upon graduation he is commis "THE SON OK ROBIN 1UTH AMBOY ARENA "HiiRgarlai Show" sloned in the Regular Navy o HOOD" Stevens and Sixth Avenues, South Amboy .Marine Corps and goes on Fur Additional Information Call active duty,.. NO SHOW WED. & THUR9 '".itfltf flut Not leant: EVENINGS PA 1-1213 PA 1-5183 PA 1D977 VILLAGE INN • Born at Perth Amboy Gener Bar & Restaurant n\ Hospital: From Avenel, & •4su|ht«rtn Mr, and MM. Felix 2 Grfrn Kt., Woodbrldge OALAXIE/500 QLUB VICTORIA fforepound) it cuier thin ever to movt up to bne cai chtngn and rniimi Miranda, 398 Douglas Avenue; UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i fur tuhwat Ar«.) . . . GALAXIZ 'I'UWN StUAN (li**|;roufld) linurj. •! Ihr Inw Finrl prkr All (.jlj.IP» !'1 .*8on to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth , . . The Galaxie^500—nrw in name, new lie beautifully rjuilt to be more Krvice- • Green, 409 Alden Road; Home Cooked In luxury—is for ihov; who wani all of ihe h«. They go J0.00O rniln brtwrcn major CROSS KEYS Luncheons aid Dinners l extras. The 1962 Gajaxie make* lubiicatipm, 6,000 mile* between all Served Daily STATE 11 A. M. Till ClodDf. 12:45 A. M. THEATRE RESTAURANT from 3:00 F, M. to (MMnl«ht) Woodbrldge, N. J. and HOTEL Aotheotk TODAY THRU SATURDAY - featuring - "The Honeymoon Machine" FINE FOOD and COCKTAILS iilnl lln In Glorlom Color HOME-MADE BPAQUETTI, H1X.ON SOUIRK WACON . . . HIJIUI tie* loi 62, i|'« tleck tnd lor a Six I» ' ' Starring Steve McQueen, 1 awKiu, rUvioU, Ptn» Hen, Mi(iliiMiiaie(K liuitlr, ii u available with rutun biuiet nil and year hisiwi* FAMILY DINNERS - CHILDREN i PRICE K BuWo Hoi or OoM feodwtehu luiixilcl Uutside, it lias rlt^am wwxllike Heel lidc pinding. SUNDAT LUNCHEON SERVED JUILY from 11:30 SPECIAL KIDDIE (From 85c) TAKEOUT OEDEB8 Features of the future—now MATINEE AT 2 Catering en Pr«tni»ei or to Take Out CALL HK 4-2M4 SUNDAY THRO TUE8UAY OPEN 7 DATS - SUNDAY FROM 1 P. H. BHEAKFA8T, Susan Btjward, WOODBRIDGt FORD 37 W. Cherry Street, Rahway, N. J. LUNCH, DINNER Dun M»rtin In free rVUnc — Tel. TV 1-5759 — Air-Conditioncd hnii to

ftxcluslv* NEWS Independent-Leader Carteret Press A Newiptpe* Dedicated U the Best and Fran in fatm* tf the BesMents « the Exclusively the Community Edison Township and Fords Beacon OMunontttet We Serve.

••t • , SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 PAOETHIRTSF iMoss Attends Shoplifter Released; Eye Bank Gift Clark A-kei He urns 3 Years Old! Sweetness and Light WOODBRIDGE -SWood- Society Session bridgt police had a shop- OfLionsClub'For Confab! BT CHARLES B. GREGORY lifter on their hands yest»r- WOODBRIDGR — An "Eye WOGDBRIDGE — Dr.-Her- WOQDBRIP&E fliy sfternwm; Mt rtnmjrty by Wood* bert h. MOM, Julaln Street. Township Is beirtk asked enough they did nothing hrlrtRc Lion* Club, will be Not*: Since thli *ai written, I have had an president of the New Jersey about It. Woodbridge not to open Jupitl Optometrlc Society attended formally presented to the Perth Street and Kilmer Avenue, lit If. Iflppnrlunlly 1° "I"1** w'"1 Mr. l*on Hew and inquired of The reason wai rimple — the annual Leadership Train- the shoplifter wai all of Amboy CK'nernl Hospital Oc new subdivision to be Known •*•••,•• ,,,i the aoeurary of mm o( the conclusion* I have stated, h Ing Seminar and Public Rela- three yean old. tobrr 25. according to an an- Drexel Hill at the Middlesex* f Union County line, as it WWW ' Mr. llrw **'d: tion* Roundtable of the Penn- It all ttarted when a Hope- nnuiicpment by Dr. Albert Rich' cause « traffic problem tn Hrrythlng yon propo* to wrltr about the nwttw h lawn mother frantically re- man and Nat Smith, co-chalr- sylvania Optometrlc Associa- Video Park development, ported her three-year-old !mcn of the sluht conservation |tl,r unequivocal truth.") tion, held at the .Perm Harris lonla. ion mlulng. A radio car wai .committee • « * « Hotel, Barrlsburt, Sunday, On behalf of the sent Out aid finally Radio • Alfred Hammon. rtpresenta- September 17. Leaders In Op- Township Attorney 3lewftrt Patrolmen Victor Ballnt and tlvp of the Port of New York lany inquiries have cotne to us—and particu- tometry from throughput the Hutt wrote to the Clark PI Frank Caro found the little (Authority, was miest speaker at Commonwealth were present at nlng Board In part m follow!! Liv to me—concerning the significance of a pro- boy walking down the street. a dinner meet Inn of the club, the one day meeting, which "The people In WoodfcridW, > However, the youngster was when the group also viewed pfl change in the corporate structure of the wan directed by. Dr. Joseph A who reside tn the develotoiwil ns carrying one of the new au- the dim "Fabulous Decade", known as Video Park are evw»7 Perka, Pittsburgh, vice presi- tomatlc 'atomic' ton, Ques- Jr. Isadore RabinowlU, presi- companies. cerned that there wtil be 4l>» dent, POA Department of Or- tioned M to where he not It dent, and Stanley Mann, pro- • • • » ganization, and Dr. Irving Sut- the little boy replied: creased traffic through theif, gram chairman, were in charge development. It seems to EM j tln, Carnegie, vke president, "At Two Ouys from Harrt- ismess techniques, in this stratosphere, are Plans were formulated for that the people In the new de- Department of Public Infor- theater party sometime In Wo |f i,vi complicated for me to comprehend, and I Htore officials questioned velopment will be equally con* pr mation. Dr. Bernard Kushner, vember: date to be announced cerned about traffic coming • Philadelphia, ii the association readily identified the toy as at a board meeting Monday. km afraid that my answer will be less than satis- coming from their establish- from Video Park through thi*,; president John Aqulla, chairman of development. ' ,;, ment, but no one the Woodbridge, Connecticut tory This is because, as some of you may know, "The Township 61 .Wood- Mr. J. Harold Bailey, Admin- bered seeing the boy, SAFETY AWARD RECIPIENTS— U. Joseph Mclaughlin in r-haritp of the Township Day, announced it will be held bridge would like to have both ,,-nr been unable—because of a small indisposi- istrative Director of the Ameri- One thing punles the cops. traffic program in pictured above as he received two safety awards from Peter Di Megllo, October 11. Itinerary of the a legal and physical barrltf, can Optometrlc Association, St. How did a three-year-old for the New Jersey Association of Insurance Agents In cooperation with the New Jersey day's activities will include similar to the one there now,' n -to pursue, as I ordinarily would, my trade Louis, was the featured speak- crow Route 440 at 4:30 in the Safety Council, yesterday at Oak Hills Manor, Metuchen. The awards are made annually luncheon at Howard Johnson remain In full force and effect er (or the seminar, which had afternoon, the busiest time to police departments for "distlnfiulshpd safe driving," Unking on are Carl Wheeler, Restaurant; golf at the Colonla so there could not be us its main theme "Schooitlme of the day? Township engineer and a member of the safety council, and Mayor Frederick M. Adams Country Club; a tour of the any through traffic. There •re i* Vision Examination Time pharmaceutical firm of Merok on the right. many other access street* w t havp not spoken to Leon Hess, who is the guid- to pinpoint specific times of and Company. Rahway; cock- Aid Squad Requests that through traffic li no* the year for vision examlna tall hour and dinner at Kenny necessary." - genius of this young and fascinating indus- tlons of school children, and to Assistance in Drive Acres where the Connecticut Mr. Hutt concluded by askln| strew to parents their respon- Talented WHS Students JCancer Society members and guests will be i;il mi pi re. The things I want to say here are, WOODBRTOQE — Alex- for a conference with Clark sibility of providing attention honored. Speaker o( the eve- ander Hamilton, general officials. Inrf, my own suppositions and must not be and carp tor their children's chairman of the 1961 fund ning will be-Dr. Andrew Sebben vision. drive for the Woodbridge To Take Part In Seminar Names Officers of the First Presbyterian 11 nod as having any imprimatur of official Church, Trenton. Bailey warned that bricks Emergency Squad, today ap- WOODBRIDGE—Woodbridge conservation, and microbiology. NEW BRUNSWICK—Nearly Services are Held ppi-oval of either Mr. Hess, or any of his repre- can't replace eyes, He said tha pealed to civic and fraternal 100 attended the annual meet- Conrad Diener and Dr. How- High School Is among 84 North ard Pelbush were installed as great emphasis nas been placed organizations In Woodbridge, The seminar was developed ng of the Middlesex County for Accident In recent years on the buildings Sewaren and Port Reading, Jersey high schools Invited by new members by George A by a joint committee from the lhaptcr of the American Can- and physical assets of schools, to provide male workers to Union Junior College, Cranford, Kayser. past deputy district AVENEL — Funeral servtcw faculties of Rutgers University er Society held Tuesday at without noticing that schools assist squad members In the and Rutgers University, New and Union Junior College, Serv- governor, for Julius Ji Fargo, 84, 459 Av he Institute of Microbiology, been, as with all industrial development also need children that an house - to - house campaign. Brunswick, to participate in a ing on the committee are: Dr enel Street, who was instantly Rutgers University. our rommunity, anxious lest the Hess develop- physically and mentally aler Assistance Is needed, he said, science seminar for academi- Albert E. Meder Jr., vice pro- man, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, killed early Friday morning In order to learn, "The public as squad members have to cally talented high school stu- vost, Dr. Elmer Easton, dean of Most of the county's twenty- Mrs. Helen Ringel, Mr. Daniel when he was struck by a car at often thinks that a new schoo' answer ambulance calls. Eivc municipalities were repre- Route 1 and Avenel Street, were brnt—because of beginning difficulties in such an dents this fall and winter. the College of Engineering, and Sheehan, Mr. James T. Feast, is the answer to our great edu- Mr. Hamilton stated work- sented. held Monday morning from th» ntricatf operation, cause impatience and mis- Dr. David D. Denker, assistant er, Mrs, F. W. Speldel, Messrs. cational problems, but it goe: ers are urgently needed for The seminar, which is aimed to the president, all of Rutgers Edwin B. Spaulding, East Art Brown and Bob Farson of Thomas J. Costello Funeral at challenging the high school ndorstanding among some of our people, I have beyond this. For Instance, dl< this Saturday and Sunday. and prp , Iversen, and Prof. El- Brunswick, will serve as Presi- WCTC, and Mr. W. Burton Home, Iselin, with a requiem you know that more than half students Intellectually, Is spon- Anyone wishing to help may s mer Wolf, head of the engineer- dent, pro tem, until the nomi- Salisbury; Perth Amboy, Mrs. mass at Sit James. Churchy pu^ht, therefore, ta bring such assurance as I the children who are slow ll call the squad building, ME sored by Union Junior College nn department-, both, 'it- Union nating committee reports a Grace Larsen; Plscataway. Mrs. Woodbridge. Burial,was In St. lcarnfrs or readers have vision on id that Mr. Hess's commitments—made public- 4-1335 or Mr. Hamilton at and Rutgers University under a unior College. candidate. The elected officers George 'Laprade and Senior James Cemetery. ptoblems? were Benjamin Copleman, MX>. Girl Scout Troop 58; Plains- many times—were totally sincere. The question ME 4-2436 evenings. grant from the National The seminar is leased on a Mr. Fargo is survived by hli Perth Amboy, first vice presi- boro, Mrs. Raymond Houten- Science Foundation. imllar series conducted b: widow, Emily. ' eh has arisen now, of course, is whether these g ry j • i |wr j j dent; Mrs. James V.'Selover, ville; Sayrevtlle, Mr. Frank A series of eight lectures nlon Junior College last yea The car which hit Mr. Fargo New Brunswick, second vice Kuntne; South Amboy, Mrs. Dmmitments are still in force, or whether this pro- | UttfldlC QppG(l WGGK starting October 19 is planned, inder a grant from the Merck was driven by John P. Slukl, president; John V. Strong, Albert Helm; South Brunswick, Dr. Kenneth W. Iversen, UJC ompany Foundation. Ther East Brunswick. The latter osed transaction with Cletrac may invalidate Milltown, treasurer; Mrs. Jack Mrs. Stuart King; South Plata' dean and seminar director, /ere 120 students enrolled from left the scene of the accident, Dlckson, Metuchen, secretary; field, Mr. George Byrnes; hem. said.' 1 North Jersey high schools.. but returned shortly after and To Be Observed Locally We anticipate that this pro- Robert Zullo, M.D., New Bruns- Spotswoood, Mr. Matt Costello; turned himself In. He was re- gram will increase interest of wick, chairman, executive com- and Woodbridge, Mrs. B. E. leased on $1,500 bail to await WOODBRIDOWUUUHttUAJfEc —— m OD-i Welnstein, Jr. capped workers so far this year. able students in science and mittee. Dr. Zullo succeeds Dr. the action of the grand jury. Foi my own part, I believe firmly that Mr. Hess i»rvance of Employ the Handt-i Gerard Qessner, Middlesex. Diild enter into no association with anyone which capped VTeek, which begins on "All have proven to be loyal ;ematlcs, help make them New Tax Bil Sunday, special efforts will be and dependable workers, with overall studiriK and in- In addition" to the annual re oulci in any way obscure or dilute his position of made to obtain jobs for area crease their interest in their ports of officers and commit- absenteeism records far below high school studies, and intro- residents who retain many tee chairmen, those attending sensibility to the community, which he so often those of regular employees," he duce them to the challenging Is Considerec useful skills despite their dis- heard Dr. James Leathern, As- added. life of the scientist and math- as asserted. I believed this in the beginning, I still abilities, Joseph W. Sheldon, WOODBR1DGE - The pos sistant Director of the Bureau ADVANCE Among the handicapped ap- ematician," Dr. Iversen said. it. manager of the N. J. State Em. of a breakdown for eac of Biplogical Research, Rutgers plicants currently seeking jobs, High schools In Union, Essex ployment Service office at 347 University, give a special talk he said, are shipping foreman, Middlesex. Morris and Somer ndividual tax bill showing just YOUR INVESTMENT Maple Street. Perth Amboy, on a segment of the cancer re- arc welder, bench machinist set Counties have been invited where each tax dollar goes, Is Until there is any evidence to the contrary—and said todny. search presently sponsored by and bench assembler. Employ- to send students with the KNOWLEDGE WITH Files of handicapped job- being studied by the adminis- the American Cancer Society jam firmly convinced that no such evidence will ers with job openings that can greatest potential to attend th spekers have been screened to tration, Mayor Frederick M. at the University. le filled by these persons are science seminar. There will b j r develop—that the Hess determination to be a select those abb to satisfy Adams said today. Citations were awarded by THIS FREE 32-PAGE BOOKLET rged to call the state employ- lectures In the following fields many job requirements in com- There is a new machine the CJhapter to individuals who |esp(Tted and useful and responsible element in ment office. applied mathematics, soils, as mercial and industrial fields. which automatically does such had given great assistance to Do you know the 9 ratios professional analysts tronomy, nuclear physics, cer- life and growth of our municipality, will live "It is clearly in the best in- work, the mayor explained and the Society's 1961 Crusade. BREAKFAST PLANNED amics, underwater archeology use in appraising securities? Do you know how erests of our local and state whether such a breakdown will Among those receiving awards nd endure. AVENEL-St. Andrew's Ro- to understand vital financial statements? » • • • economies to utilize the re- be helpful to the public is being were: Carteret, Mrs. Charles maining abilities of handi- sary Society will hold a Moth- debated. Lee; Cranbury, Mrs. Robert We're offering a free booklet which explains Immolated as I am, for the moment, and thus capped workers, particularly at er-Daughter communion break- Columbia Union Also being considered is the Lanning; Dunellen, Mrs. Kevin how to use professional methods in evaluating time when America's position fast Sunday after the 9 A. M. feasibility of sending duplicate Ffepatrick; East Brunswick, your own stocks. It takes you through a typical aMr to undertake a thorough and careful chore of world leadership is being Mass at Howard Johnson's, tax bills to property owners Mrs. Aaron Rosner and Mr. Woodbridge.' Guest speaker balance sheet—shows how to interpret each reporting, these are only reflections which have challenged." Mr. Sheldon said. Enrolls Benko who pay their taxes through Eugene McGulre; Edison, Mrs. item, make your own forecast of probable "Apni'1, from the humane will be Kenneth Becker from monthly payments on their c, J. Petrics,; Helmetta, Mrs. hfvitably arisen sinfe the,, news of the Hess- Middlesex Holy Name Federa- WOODBRIDQE — John E. iiSldi'iiitlOns Involved, em- mortgages to the banks. William Franklin; Highland future resulta. laarn how tn protect yourself— tion, ft proposal and Che myriad questions wrTich ployment of the handicapped Benko, 10 Wedgewood Avenue, "A great many people have Park, Mr. and Mrs, Horace 'before or after you invest—with professional worker transforms a communi- Tickets may be purchased has enrolled at Columbia Un- no idea what' they pay -.in Holaday and Mr. RobeM Ful- standards of knowledge. We'll be glad to send inspired. from Mrs. Edward' Malone, ty liability into a community ion College, Takoma Park, taxes", the mayor commented. ler; Jamesburg, Mrs. Frank you a copy without obligation. Just mail the asset," he continued. "No long- chairman, or Mrs. Robert "When the tax bill goes up, all pergola, Mrs. David Kaplan Fischer, president of the so- Maryland. A sophomore at the coupoa I.R No one—particularly, a sentimentalist such er a burden to the family or they know is that their month- and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrlck; welfare agency, the handi- ciety. Seventh-day Adventist college ly payments are higher." Madison Township, Mr. Lewis as I—could let the earliest possible occasion capped job-holder becomes he Is the son om Mr. and Mrs. Blanken and Mrs. Henry Pater- w by without passing a word of sincere taxpayer and a contributor to JOINT INSTALLATION M. J. Benko. INJURED IX FALL son; Metuchen, Mr. Edwin J. the community's growth." FORDS — Seven • year - old Mundy; Middlesex, Mrs. Ger- thanks to all of those who have sent me such WOpDBRlDGE—The Amer- Serving primarily the states Spear, Leeds & Kellogg Mr. $heldon said his office ican Legion and its auxiliary of the iWddle-Eastern United Ann Marie Dlleo, Webb Drive, flrn R. Gessner and Mrs. Her Mvmben New Ywk «nd Anwricut Stock Ezdwngai I encouraging and affectionate wishes. I have will hold joint installation of States, Columbia Union College was treated at Perth Amboy bert Hell; Milltown, Mrs. John appreciated tach one of them, a great deal officers tomorrow night, 8:00, Is one of nine Adventist liberal General Hospital Monday forYR Strong; New Brunswick, 288 Madison Avenue, Perth Amboy at the American* Legion Home, arts schools offering degrees in head injuries received when she First Baptist Church Dressing Telephone: Hlllcreat 2-8787 more than poor words can express. I only Berry Street. , a score of major fields. Mr. fell off a bicycle. Unit, Miss Edna Manley, Chair- hope that a real expression of gratitude can Benko is a graduate of Garden Open every Friday nnta 9:00 P.M. Pkam tend m fne booild on wultntanduif financial Hatemtnt*. onr day be said to each of them out of my BATTERIES STOLEN State Academy, Plalnfleld, New TIME II PORT READING—Contrac- Jersey. heart, tors at Woodbridge Village re- Majoring in pre-pharmacy, NAME. Ported yesterday that batteries he is one of more than 800 en- ADMtStL were stolen from a caterpillar rolled. This is the 58th academ- bulldozer and a back hoe at the lc yfear of the Maryland college YEARS AHEAD STYLING... development site. Islnce Its founding In lflA SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE... Proclamation S AV E by the 20th WHEREAS, the week of October 1-7 is being K«'i-ved as National Pharmacy WeeH under the EARNta* 1s t PRINKIG FOR BUSINESS IS! '•'Pices of the American Pharmaceutical Asso- 1 rt ion, the pharmacist's national professional J4aU- Cent OUR BUSINESS )(1ifty; and . . . . . Whether it's a form to WHEREAS, Pharmacists are essential mem- expedite your office op- ll'|'-1> of the team of professional persons who erations or a booklet to I'er Annum J-^erdonal ^minister to the health needs of our people; Alltlniutell stimulate your sales, Compounded 3aitL we'll design and print it NOW, THEREFORE, I, Frederick M. Adams, to your best advantage. ayor of the Township of Woodbridge, do here- Throofhrat FEATURES! FEATURES! FEATURES! Our deliveries will oe by proclaim the week of October 1-7, 1961, as right on the dot and National Pharmacy Week in our Community, I UNITED uhddleiex Count SMART TWO-TONE COLORS ... a whols galaxy of them NEW TOUCH ... makes typing a broom our prices will make alute our pharmacists upon the contribution VISIBLE MARGINS ... a fingertip Jeti them sense, tool make to over-all community health. ROOSEVELT NEW SPEED CARRIAGE ... built far real action GREINER fOlD-AMAr/C DESIGN ... for fait, « >»• rtu MM, tfi amtki. CJ1: Uirtt BOIIH this observation is the tremendous anything. the membership boost while controversial isc* growth In Federal grants to state and Sincerely, there U ample evidence tosug - CHARLES SILVER gest that the OOP quietly but tradtd e act, rxvi local governments to initiate or ex- effectively helped throttle the comes up for rn > 1962 and there „;. pand programs In various fields. These 45 Semel Avenue proposal. - vance rumblings <•• Iiwlin, N. J. If Republicans register sub- expenditures have grown 30 times In Indicating efforts' September 24, 196stantia1 l gains or possibly even or some whoir--.,, three decades until they now total capture control of the House In EdlteV On it to brtt'T ; $7,450,479,000, the Commission's re- next year's election u is now The Independent-Leader industrial intm V 4 SaJu/e to the 1 freganled at least possible, both port Indicated. WoodbrMft* , N, J. to get a new ir-aw {the OOP motive and the sound Dear Sir: Community Pharmacigt Special committee and even presi- ness of Its reasoning in the May I congratulate The In- KENNEDY WIX> We pay tribute during this National dential recommendations to cease, present situation become M(n,Rv dependent -Lender for the reeabundantl- y clear. President Kr: :.< Pharmacy Week to the practicing taper off or otherwise modify a dozen ofmltion of the fact that much victory as senaY-c The reasoning, boiled down pharmacists of our community. They or more major grant programs In the of the "ban the bomb" talk, most all Houv . foreign aid rm: are key members of the health team. Ught'Of changing needs have met with Senate and ii. In reality this week is just another little success in the' past, will no* try to <•'•• ed by th(» Communist Party mg to lose seats—most of them 1533,000,000 diff<- now Democratically-controlled week in the life of the pharmacist, who Among obstacles the Commission U.SX I spe«k of course In ref- fThe aid turn!. —and that such an upset will spends 24 hours a day—7 days a week found that once programs are estab- erence to the political carica- in an over-all :; give Republicans a golden op- lished, officials administering them ture appearing In the Septem- $4,416,091,000, • , —52 weeks a year—offering his profes- ber 21 issue of The Independ- portunity to move In and profit for various for-. sional services for your continued bet- and other supporters acquire a "sense ent-Lp«d"r. Perhaps If more of by resulting Democratic di- programs and n.; of mission." Usually they see need for us were to recognize the fact vision. One of the Itm:< ter health. , OOP signal-callers think this expansion, rather than contraction. that this nuclear criticism of asked by KM::, He is in constant touch with your our own national policy has would be particularly true tnpeace corps Some Memories and Reflections of: states where Legislatures rere- Recipient states and local government been and will continue to be far The Senate rf physician, not only by keeping him fused to redlstrict, with the re- more detrimental to the United $63,000,000 of i:••,. are reluctant to take over full expense sult that each Congressman posted on the 400 new drugs a year States than any,other country slashed from ' would be running "at large" on and the 7,000 drags already In com- of continuing programs established Including the Soviet Union House, Sam. Gordon Berkow, M.D., FJ.C.S. which has tended not to listen, a state-wide basis. Thus they mon use, but also by checking any with Federal aid. reason the OOP would have By CHARLES E. GREGORY mortality rate oy avoiding!the principal reason the United maybe then we will redirect NO PERMIT everything to gain and noth- questions he may have with regard Even efforts to re-direct outmoded states Navy sought him anthid s misguided energy Into sup- It Is impossible—after a close matching of incompatible types ing to lose but preventing ad- Dayton. Ohm programs to more urgent needs usu- gave him the rank of Com-port of civil defence and shel- to your prescription order. association of seventeen years f blood. of seats to the House. of this city deed" nuuuu In World War n, andters to act as a deterent to the ally result in new programs and ap-—not to have vivid recollections Dr. Levlne was typical of the a nuclear-bias: >..• After* correctly and accurately fill- il often meant to ask him Ifenemy Instead of a handicap to The OOP hand in the game of Sam. Gordon Berkow, MD., scientific company which Dr.! He oetaLned th* propriations piled on top of old, rather this was a significant factor In ourselves. showed up In the House Judi- ing, packaging, labeling and double- PJ.CS. Many, lndetd, are sigh used for t*st'.:.. Berkow a the Navy's Invitation to him. I ciary Committee Jtfst When It than their replacement. As an exmine- . Yours truly, vada Provln? Gr .: checking your prescription, he hands which he was so eagerly ac- do remember very well, how> appeared sponsors of the in- I always have a sense of epted. Dr. Berkow was an ALAN CALAVANO contractor arid j-.j ample, the Commission cited voca- ever, that the Coconut Grove crease plan might have enough the finished product to you. At this great personal loss when an as- impirlclst—who forever sought approved by an <:. tional aid programs, where, as urgent holocaust in Boston, in which i power to offset the opposition sociation which I cherish Is ;he basis of an idealistic phl- time he mentions any special cau- several hundrid lives were lost, of Chairman Emanuel Celler The estimated i needs for skills changed over the years, shorn of some of Its eminence osophy which could lead to a tions necessitated by use of that cer- would have had even greater (D-NY) and others who had$2,500. He pro P: ; by the departure of those who conclusive and valid philosophy. new programs were added but the old tragic dimensions had it notJUST PARAGRAPHS sought to even bar hearings on the 17-foot pit (1. tain drug and he also suggests related have established the eminence. He was never quite willing to been for Dr. Berkow. At that the bill. The resident tin: ones often were continued. I recall, and always shall, the accept either his own original 1 items that you should have on hand time, he was loaned by the The night before a crucial a building perm; great sorfbw I felt when after inalyses—or those of others— And Why Rubber Bounces Costs of the Federal grants are par- Navy to help in the treatment committee vote on whether to cation WRS for your better health care. an Irreconcilable conflict be- if any Intellectual exploration Science has conquered vir- of the victims of this historic a question win-:. ticularly felt in this state where latest tween the administration and lthout first satisfying himself tually all questions of everyday Our nation's pharmacists have bet- tire. Here again, is proof of the sponsor figured he had 14 would hold up trustees, Amherst College lost hat the process all started life except the matter of get- findings by the tfew Jersey Taxpayers versatility and discipline of his lemocratlc committee votes earth required ter than 14 billion prescription orders Dr. Alexander Melkleiohn—un- from sound, experienced prem- ting four legs of equal length mind—even though the dis- Association, show that a dollar received doubtedly one of the outstand- ises. on a coffee shop table. on file at this very moment. They can tance from his surgical speeial- in Federal aid costs taxpayers of New ing educators this country has —Indianapolis News be immediately referred to by the se- Dr. Berkow was a dynamic ty to the treatment of burns Jersey an average of $2.14. known. The tragedy, on this thinker, to whom the whole rial number on your prescription. occasion, was made even more may seem greater to a layman Difference Of Opinion spectrum of science was a con- than to a man of medicine. 129 Yean of Service Many a life has been saved because poignant because so many stant challenge. He had the My husband thinks it is much whose names were known far Tune for AU are capacity to be deeply In easier to hold the toothbrush this information is instantly available beyond the beautiful Pelham There were, of course, Uie Federal Aid Totem Pole volved in many of these chal- steady and shake his head, to OUT Customers hills of Western Massachusetts many human qualities which in cases of accidental overdose and No matter how you figure it, New lenges at the same time—and while I find It more convenient preferred to sever their con- so endeared Dr. Berkow to 1 also possessed the patience and to move the brush, — § — other emergencies. The correct medi- Jersey is low state on the Federal aid nection'with Amherst concur- those of us who knew him. His clarity which permitted him to —Chicago Daily Tribune rently with Dr. Melklejohn's hours were crowded by many cal procedure can be promptly ap- totem pole. catalogue each of them sepa- severance. Interests, by his fascination It Does T. L WATSON & CO. plied—saving precious seconds and The Advisory Commission on Inter- rately. Very often he appeared with the exploration of ideas, Stature Widely Known Face powder can catch to have satisfied himself In theby his deep devotion to the ESTABLISHED 1832 precious lives! governmental Relations established by Dr. Berkow, who was Direc- man but it takes baking powder resolution of several of these welfare of his patients. Still tor of the Department of Qyne- to keep him. Congress reports that where Federal hallenges, simultaneous- with all these pressures, he Pharmacists throughout the coun- cology and Obstetrics at Perth —Coast Guard Magazine grants-in-aid provided nearly one- ly. This was not a kind of men- never terminated a discussion MONROE A. WM AM try have given of themselves unselfish- Amboy General Hospital, was tal legerdemain — because It known and esteemed tar be before it was—at least, for the Naturally ly in undertaking community health quarter to'one-third of all state and was a vast skill which accom- moment—resolved. His great Resident Partner yond the boundaries of Perth modated him in maintaining A congressman naturally projects and various other civic pro- local revenues In five states in 1959, Amboy. The reason this is true. facility for teaching did, I spends lots of time fixing his MEMBER NEW TQRK AM> parallel channels of thinking know, contribute much to the grams and activities. Federal grants amounted to less than Is crystal-clear to all who knew which were never cluttered by fences, because that's where he AMERICAN STOCK EXCHASW * him and pouMud the energy development of many of the sits most of the time. iVz^o of payments to governments in liuutitotu from the ethsr young men who served with The practicing community phar- to maintain somewhere near channels. —Southern Lumberman New Jersey that year. This was thethe pace he set in his enthusi him at the hospital. I am sure Perth tafcoy Katloial Bank Building macist tea key member of the health There were, of course, many that their gratitude will live lowest percentage of Federal contri- asms for science and research Always Hopeful At the 5 Corners "1 - ' team in our society. Get to know him As a case In point, I remem other traits 'that made Dr. long in memory. woman considers herself bution to receipts of any state. Median ber a very pleasant; luncheon Berkow the esteemed man of With >Dr. Berkow's passing, of marriageable age from the » VEAR8 IN PERTH AMBOY and understand his problems, as he science and surgery, which he 1 state was North Carolina which re- io which Dr. Berkow Invite there dwindles further the time she reaches sixteen until understands yours, and works "round me, at which his other gues1 was. It should not be forgotten, small company of those who she dies, the clock" for your better health and ceived 17% of its revenues from the was Dr, Philip Levlne. Dr. I in passing, of his detour from from my early association with I, Federal Government. Wyoming and vine-it was Dr. Berkow's'firm ^ prtacipsU surgical specialty the hospital were and re- safety. Into the treatment of burns mained until their death pre- Alaska each received nearly one-third belief-will be awarded th< Therefore, during National Phar- Nobel Prize in medicine one o Dr. Berkow established — and eminent—Prank C. Henry, Jr..,, (32.8%) of their revenues from Uncle these years for his discovery ol the practice of his theories is J. J. Mann, Bam. Gordon! macy Week we say, "Thank you, Mr. contained in many of the ma Sam. i \ the Rh factor In blood. Un< Berkow. I only hope that those Ij Pharmacist, for a job well done." questionably, a strong case cai Jor textbooks a precise who will one day soon be In my This comes as no surprise to Newbe made for one who made method for measuring tbe sur place at the^iospltal, may have Jersey. Computations made annually such an enormous contribution face,area of "burns. the rich reward of being as- A LOT OF to the reduction In the world's I & not know if this was sociated with such as they. Teller on Shelters by the New Jersey Taxpayers Associ- - Dr. Edward Teller, who helped build ation have shown that the taxpayers INTERLST the atomic bomb, said recently that in this State pay premium tax dollars Under the Capitol Dome nine out of ten Americans would be for each dollar of "aid" received from SAFETY! saved if the country turns to a major the Federal Government. Last year the By J. Jowl Grlbhln program of building air raid shelters. price In New Jersey stood at $2.14 for The boxes in our Sale De- posit Vault, il stacked one But If we do not do tjhis six or eight each dollar in Federal aid received- ACCOUNTS TRENTON - Insane and The long term trend to admis- ministrative Director of the on top ot another would cov- out of ten might die, he warns. This highest in the nation. mental illness are on,the In- sions Is upward and will con- Jersey courts, reports an er a lot of distance. 01 Is how serious he views the present The Federal Commission's report rease in New Jersey as well as tinue in the years ahead, ac-experiment of requiring judges a number of other human fall- cording to the exp«rts. On theto work during the past sum- course no individual renter threat to the people of the United traces the history of Federal aid toures which makes tbe State a same imjwtury, forty mental mer has been most sbeeessful needs a box this long... of health clinics in New Jersey in helping to clear the court HI (.11 States. state and local government and its benefactor to thousands calendars. but lor "a lot ol safety" b citizens. had 13,750 patients on books 'The shelter program should be one tremendous growth. Such grants to- John W. Tramburg, State during fiscal 1961 as against To help prevent delays, half standard sized boxes are in for the states, for cities and counties taled less than a quarter billion dot Commissioner of Institutions 10,600 patients at 17 cllnios of the trial court Judges sat real demand among prudent and Agencies, reports then are during flwal 1860. during July and the other hajf people. Annual box rental av- and for private families—as well as lars In 1932. They have multiplied more mental disabilities, more correctional institutions, espe> during August. They disposed 9 V M. for the federal government. The most more than 30 times to a 1962 total tubercular patients, more prison dally at the prison and reform- of many pending cases during erages only pennies I weet and reformatory Inmates, more atory level, Indicating either an the hot months. In fact, their • needed stimulus is that of a resolute Federal grants estimate of $7% billion. work compares favorably with dependent children, more per- Increase in crime, or more vig- 9 V M. people, who are determined to survive Consideration was given In the re-sons receiving old age assist- orous law enforcement by poth- e decision output during the regular court year. an attack and who decide to build the port to means of terminating or modi- ance and more people on relieflice. Parole caseloads have also In the Garden 8u>t« at the Increased slightly. "As Judges and lawyers come fying and re-directing grants which present time than last year. shelters needed. The State's relief program, to realize that the courts can As yet, the people of the United have outlasted the purpose for which The increased load of humans tagged general assistance for function effectively during' the in trouble not only cause the they were intended. As a first step the politeness, felt the full Impact of summer, Just as other govern- States have not shown the determina- walls of State institutions to the business recession, rising to mental and business agencies tion and resolute will to bring about study group advocated legislation sub- bulge but strains the coffer; a seasonal peak of 46,500 last do, the records of accomplish- Woodbntige of the State Treasury- But the ment con be expected to Im- a widespread shelter program. Too sequently Introduced by several mem- March. June caseloads this continuuoua upward demands year and last were 31,000 and prove further," says McDonnell. . ipany of us have adopted the weak and bers, Including Congresswoman Flor- from afflicted persons and their 25,600 respectively. The Court Administrator ence Dwyer of New Jersey. This would (amillee for financial help, The child welfare progruu further contends New Jersey t faJWUttydibl that If atomic war be- must be m«t under the present provide an automatic five-year termi- rote illyhtly from 7,014 Uu>t court* must have additional National Bank ' gins evlryone will be killed anyhow, so policy of the State. New Jersey year to 7,135 this year, but theJudges to keep ap with the fast why worry nation of authorization on future voters will decide whether the State aid to dependent children pace of litigation. At present, grant-ln-aid programs and subject State should issue* a 140,000,000 program registered &0.611 chil- there are no vacancies in the This sort of pacifism or apathy Is of bond issue to finance the con-dren and 10,379 adults last Superior Court, but there are direct benefit to We Russians. It is them to Congressional miew to destructio- n of many new inatltu- June as compared with 38,623 li vacancies on the county tlotji!*)n General Election Day, MAIN OFFICE UELW OFFICE tantamount to cooperation in our own termine continued need. Taxpayer children and 12.49& adults a courU, 4 on the county district November 7. yew »yo, courts, and 3 on the Juvenile l!or. Moore Avenue and Berry Street 1411 Oak Tree Road groups across the nation have repeat- Admissions to mental hospl downfall (ty ft nation and a govern- JUDGES;—Summer-long vac*: and Domwtto Jtotatlons WOODBBIDOE. N. J, UEUN, N. i ment. " ! edly,, called for such a review of alltal* in New Jersey Increased tions for New Jersey Judges are "If the vacancies are'filled from B.37S in 19W U» 10,<|M up'threatened. with reasonable promptness Member: Fe season are periodic paper drives, honor was 'Mrs, COMPLETE Matron of Cranford, and graduated from Hubert C. Oilkison, Arlington madge Avenue. After a shot" Pack trips, toy collections for Rutgers University, College o" Listed Tomorrow Funeral Homes County institutions, and Pine- Va, sister-in-law of the bride business meeting, a social eve NUTRITIONAL Pharmacy. He served two yean ISELIN—A family fun night ning has been planned. wood Derby runs. Attendants were Miss Eliza' with the U. S. Army and was will be held at 8:00 tomorrow TREATMENT bi-th Mary Gilkison, Brooklyn stationed in Formosa. He at School 24 with all parents Green St. & Cooper Ave. State & Center Sts, cousin of the bride; Miss Ellssa employed as a registered phar and children invited to join in belli Ann Lindsay, Garden Clt' . an evening of pleasure. Iselin, N. J. Perth Amboy N. J. •South, L. I., and Mrs. Kenneth!maclst by area drug stores. Old fashioned square danc Tel. LI 84641 HI 2-0075 At Watch Mart in Colonia ing complete with a "jail" and if VALUABLE a "Marryln' Sam" will be tea tured. Cartoons will be shown; to the children, and light »•' Now-A Polaroid Towards This SS' freshments will be sold, Purchase Coupon A small admission charge will Electric Eye of I! Worth •1.00 be made lor adults, while child- Woodbridge Varsity Sweater ren accompanied by parents, Camera for GRASS 00 With Coupon II are admitted free. 8•30 *™« '«' Mrs. D. L. Nealis, ways and Less Than $75 it, LIGGETT'S i§ means chairman, assisted by the SUPPLY Sgt. Mrs. David Rasche, is in charge of program and tickets. Mrs. President Asks 1S41 Main Street. Rahway - FU 1-2210 I»I. II) Theodore Sager Is in charge of Iwhstryto refreshments, assisted by class mothers. Spur Halion'* tpring-green tu summet-wcary KM.S.1. ri-|iH your lawn green Planning Any Building or Repairs? l winter frvezen-geU Jome in and meet Krt-en quicker next Proper upkeep of your Komc protects jour Investment, avoids larurr miriiits later on, and "Miss Polaroid" ivt-H you a boitu* of htl|>s to maintain or Increase i "' • inorvnutriunUtlutn Die value of your properly. It AXIA il'tr leading, jiigli- *hu increases the whole family's Thursday enjoyment ol your home. The Will Finance Your This is the new J33 Polaroid uulitv lawn fooortlonat« paymenti. VlvldtU I'arkway) INSURED SAVINGS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE SIXTEEN v., — TV Today — . MEW JERSEY'S MONEY SAVING SUPER MARKETS LAWRENCE WEUC WILt DO POUR 8PEC1AL8 during the new season. The first, du* shortly. Is to be devoted en t tlreh to country and W«tw mimic. The others: »n »U-t>«n jhow, an all-Hawaiian »hov and a Roaring Twenties aho» There's No Substitute for duality in Meats NBC's Theater '62 series o —specials has s?t Polly Bcrgci for the title role in i TV vfr- 'ion of the Lnretti Youns Oscar-winner. "The Farmeri Daughter" to be aired In color ... That's Why Mutual's All-Ways Simply Delicious .in January• . . Henry FondB has signed to do an hour spe- * cial for producers Bud York Ip I and Norman Lear A satire or.j Meals Are the Best Value in Town! American family life. It ha«j b""n scheduled for February on CB5. .Jo Stafford Is back! from Einlund an.- taping 101 wcinls for British IV In Lori-! ('on. »ll of which will probntalyj bf offTPtl to the U. 8 market.| BUD Hope uuesU rn one »f lem. . . Tab Hunter hopes to I return to TV in a new series ! Command fteport, a World War II storr. BOBBY RYDELL WILL STAR IN "Disneyland at1 Night", being filmed for Walt Disney's Wonderful World of' Color. Bobby Is also set for; (ruest shots with Ed Sullivan.! Ped Skelton and J»ek Benny. \<: also talking with Desl Arnnz about starring In a new comedy series. . . . MOM wanU to Ret. Into live TV with a special.) BONELESS BONEIESS BONELESS BONELESS •The Crtiy Club," and a half-, hour game show. "You Don't Bay," both now In the planning! TOP SIRLOIN stage. . . . Bell Telephone Hour; BOTTOM ROUND TOP ROUND EYE ROUND goes international next spring with a show produced In asso- ROAST ciation with Eurovision. The' ROAST ROAST ROAST same series presents, early In' November, "The Music of Rich-! ard Rogers," featuring Ray Bolger, Dolores Gray, Helen! . . . Stanley ("My Pair Lady"M Gallagher, and Martha Wright. I Holloway will play Hlggins. a: British butler serving an Amer- ican family, next on Screen Gems pilot-production agenda. DINAH SHORE AND.ED- WARD R. MURROW, USIA chief, have discussed informally the possibility of her under- All pntt% tfffrctivf rfuovgh Saturday night, Saptimbtr 30th. taking a South American gdod- We ffitfVt the right la limit quantititt. wlll tour some time next year. Also in the works for Dinah: OPEN SUNDAY 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. a high governmental post. . . . Tour Star, one of Hollywood's Ib. Ib. leading TV film production Boneless Round Steaks 99* Top Sirloin Steaks 99' companies, is now planning to CENTURY 15 SECTIONS create and produce both live DICTIONARY Gol entertainment programs and Ib. Pack ib. "educational and industrial Assemble It Yourself Edil.on Boneless Cube Steaks Cubed Veal Cutlets training films. , , . One of Four 99' Sections Star's ventures, The Dick Gol Hot or Pnvell show, has signed Hughj ea. CBrian to star In an episode. Pack Ib. Sweet Ib. . . . The Marx Brothers will be Breaded Veal Cutlets 79* Italian Sausages 69 •> reunited for the first- time In nrre than 10 ytars, but not in I 'i 11111111 ii 11111 i.i II ii nil H i win i inn MiNsmmniwMAiim i person, in a new half-hour' comedy scries called simply | FARMER JONES' FINEST FRUITS A VEGETABLES Marx Brothers, Produced by YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT MUTUAL...SO WHY PAY MORE Screen Gems, it's to feature the FLAMING RED new Trl-Cinemation process, a Ib. LAXGI CLUSTfRS combination of animation and TOKAY GRAPES puppetry. DOLE'S or No. 2 CALIF. Health Hints PINEAPPLE JUICE DEL MONTE can 10 HONEYDEWS VINC-RIPINED PASCAL CELERY bunch POISON PERILS I The tragedy of many poison- ing cases is heightened by the fact that not infrequently the SCOTT TOILET TISSUE 10 Mclntosh Apples - 4139' victim is laid low by well- meaning relatives or friends who in their frantic eagerness are most harmful when they INSTANT 4-M, Juicy Oranges - 10"- 39' mean to be most helpful. Ig- can norance and carelessness are CHOCK FULL 0' NUTS COFFEE almost always to blame, and a lifetime of regret is the cost 69 that they exact. L I. Potatoes - 25 £.59' The average person should realize that it is always fool- ,t ;. hardy and sometimes fatal for Golden Sweet Potatoes - • him to attempt dignosis and treatment, except as literally a OXYDOL or CHEER 2 49 last resort. What Is good In one LOG CABIN AUNT JEMIMA instance may be deadly in an: FROZEN FOOD SAVINGS other. The responsibility in ail r r cases, by training and by legal C assignment, rests properly and , Pancake Syrup 27 49 Pancake Flour exclusively with licensed physi- or ELBOW 29 TA I ii" i •• «MA8oZAA^ BUITONI - 7c OFF LABEL «*- - cians. MORTON'S DINNERS MACARONI It is the duty of the intelli- f gent'householder to see to it BUITONI'5 that all poisons — whether of | Spaghetti Twists=2^ 33* IIIHMarinarI mui IIa SaucviluVve r 29 SPINACH medicinal or other character — Betty art clearly labeled and careful- C ly stored. For the sake of safety, Crocker's V I French Fries Fomu •I9 Raspberries ValUy 2 l:r 49=: old medicines should be dis- Friskie Dog Food carded. Even commonplace I Brownie Mix NABISCO Mn. Ti remedies should be kept in a Beef Steaks 3\:/*l Pierogii Petal* M CtiHU locked container, because chil- D dren liavft died from takln« 29 overdoses of such familiar Nabisco Ritz Crackers eanut Cream Patties * 25 DAIRY AND OELICATCSSfN SAVINGS medicines as aspirin. The medi- C v cine chest requires regular and 10 '" « rliT"'"«15* Anericai Glraose 15' careful inventory. It should | Easy-on Spray Starch 62 Hydrox Cookies never become, as frequently it 39 8 Is, a catch-all for dangerous % FINAST Fretk Frail yatf ;; M Taylor's Pork Bell materials, from unsterile band- ars to rusty razdr blade?. The C 1 HI \of accidental deaths is JT. 26° Narghile Cam Oil staggering. The best protection | Lipton's Instant Tea T 53 Beverag against them is intelligent foresluht and care. ' FRESH SEA FOOD SAVINGS No Argument About That YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE AT MUTUAL,..JQ FLOUNDER FILLET OYSTERS FOR STEW There isn't anything that can MORE be sliced so thin that it has only one side. FINAST BAKERY SAVINGS Appetizer Oept. SUIT AlDtN bin tu SPECIAL! Boiled Ham WHITE BREAD 21 it. i°u... 2Sc FENCES HNASI UVlN IKtlH | (or any homo '/'«.. 65c IRISH RAISIN BREAD - ^®s (FREE building Potato Salad PLAIN Mtkl.U IU <"kL;-.v supplies) POUND CAKE 3 p. 1.00 COUPON 'ARTIFICIAL ROSES •Wl Ii»«. «« IUIMJ IIHU * 19c FiNAir ovtw mtjH wm , *aoooHiu*r 3-BUD note find wt Fast in the ORANGE DOUGHNUTS IMC tut $PMN HllKMAtl Wk«aY«uluy King Id* •ar>l*Q Chickens FINAiill UbCOli IVORY LIQUID ^_^ YELLOW APPL.E PIES PAGES Baby White Fish Vtlt POPULAR tNKICHiD BREAD 2IMVW47C 10c C MUTlJAt SUPER MARKETS Rahway Ave. at Main St. WOO0BR1DGE Ophite TJWII THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER J8, HMH. PAGE SEVENTEEN Miss Gail F. Henderson Civic Groups Is Bride of Fords Man Make Plans FORDS—Mi«s Gail Frances Henderson, daughter oJ Mr nnd Mrs. Thomas P. Hender- son. 508 Zambory Street, Perth Busy Schedule Amboy, beenme the bride of CIII-MIT BngmAi, ICharlrs Berndt, son of Mr. and For Fords Club Mi' Kords Com* Mrs, Harold Benidt, IB Hamil- ativisrd. "'It ton Avenue, Saturday morning 1 FORDS - The art depart- , In liHve del*" iiii St. Mary's Church, Perth merit of the Woman's Club of Ambny. Rev, William Haugh Fords will sponsor an outdoor ney officiated at the double art show October 8, 2 P. M., Re- number dl, riiiK ceremony and celebrated cording to an announcement; ;iUttld U» thr Nupttal Muss. • by Mr* Ohfirter chairman of the art depart- Escorted to the altar by her iu.d render a vote father, the bride was attired This third annual show H Rown of embroidered silk or- will be held In the parking lot I 11iiii'iici' id the project of 1 nai«a with s portrait neckline, of the Fords Branch of the i' iiiirl Youth Cei)tor fot nd a bourTant skirt and Trust Compa- KltWARI) IHTNKR unimihitv." ndrd in a chapel train. Herj ny, King George Road and New Brunswick Avenuf. Mi RnBinski announced • Ingertlp veil of imported lllu- -nidi islnndms as to th*, lon was held by a crown of advised a\:iilability of tlir center's fi^ amateur and1 professional art- o? Leitner Appointed ilk organza rosebuds adorned WHS clarified — the with sequina and seed pearls, iste of the are* have been In- youth and civir center will be incl she carried a cascade of vited to display their work and opun to ,ill fiiiiulifs In the are* white roses, carnations and1 the public ls Invited to attend. As United Drive Leaders tephanotis. There will be no admission jand nnt exclusively for Ford* harge and no fee for entry of FORDS — Committeeman Jo- .Edward Leltnor, who i» Matron of honor was Mrs, !seph Nemyo and Edward Lett- past chairman of the Fords I Vincent DePaul, Bronx, N. Y., exhibits. MIS William Homsby lUg- [ner. Fords, have named chair- Division of the Rarltan Bay ,. ted the Council consider sister of the bride. Bridesmaids Besides the Art Show thej R s man and co-chairman, respec- Community Chest, is a mem- j fund - raisiiiR affair, co-sport were Mis* Elaine Hoffman and club calendar of events In Oc- ively, of the Fords Division of ber of the Metuchen Elks i j by all member or(tanl2»i« Miss Sharon Costanzo, both of1 tober Include the following: A SorP( HONORED flUEST — "Miss Fords", Miss .lane Bnnnlsky w:is the fliost nf honor at thp Solond Ward Detnotratta County he United Fund Campaign. Lodge, Perth Amboy Tennis Perth Amboy. Junior brides- meeting of the executive board, tlons, be held to provide fundl i ciinmUtT dance hold :it the I.OR Ciihin, Friday niitht. In the aliove photo, left to rich!, arc Ernest Blanchard, Free- [The division will also cover!Club, the Middlesex County maid was Miss Jill Dudik of|8:15 P. M, October 4 In the 11 for the start of the sales pro- IIUI<1IT William Warren, Grorire (risafulli, Miss Ronalsky, Herman I'allon, Second Ward candidate for Township Com- Hopelawn and Keasbey. Ed' Board of Realtors and the motion. mlHcf, and Joseph Manzionp, Third Ward candidate. Fords, niece of the bridegroom. brary; Federation Guest Night, ward B. Trio, general chairman American Federation of Musi- A committee was appointed Vincent DePaul served as October 11, 8:15 P. M. In the of the Drive, aald the Fords ud i orlum of the clans. Including Mr. Buglnskl. WUllMtt best man ana" ushers~ lncFuaed|? . * Division is a most important Borgrrson and Peter Smoyafc Thomas Panconl, Edison; Peter building of Our Redeemer segment of the total drive who plan to visit the Commun- inupleMarried Local Man is Married Couple Married DaiyTperth Amboy, cousin '^Lutheran Church;_ a fashion which seeks, to raise I2U.1B6 ity Center «t Union and report the bride, and Joseph Dudik, show, October 16, School 14, 8 n the Rarltan Bay area, Auxiliary Lists Jr., Fords, nephew of the P. M. for the benefit of the li- then- findings regarding the At Church Rites To New York City Girl The division, under the lead- type of construction, manner At Church Rites bridegroom. brary; October 24 members will ership of Mr, Nemyo and Mr attend the fall conference of of operation and scope of ac- ntn.4 Our Lady of Peacej FORDS—Miss Lois Jano Ull- Mrs. S. Howard Goldman, FORDS—United in marriage After a trip to Miami Beach,1 Leltner, will seek "fair share" the Sixth District of the New tivities offered. fcl i the setting Satur-'man became the bride of Ed- Hewlett, N. Y., was her sister's Saturday aftwnoon at the 8al Fla* the couple will make their gifts from professionals in- Jersey State Federation of ,t[i.nu>on for the marriage; ward C. Berknwltz Sunday aft- matron of honor, Miss Jessica vatton Army Center, New Yorl home in Perth Amboy, For| cluding doctors, lawyers, den- An Invitation waj extended 1 Women's Clubs, and October team by Ladle* Aux- Mi.-'; Btubarn Ann Wllllam- ernoon at the Waldorf-Astoria Weiss, New York City, brlde's|Clty, were Lt. Louise Haglsi traveling, the bride wore a blue tists, accountants, chiropodists, Hellegaard, vlo» 25 the club will sponsor a pub- Mary to Hopelawn Memorial^ iln\mhter of Mr. and Mrs. Hotel, New York City. Miss 1111- cousin, was Junior bridesmaid. and Capt. Abraham Douglai chiffon dress with matching1 retail and wholesale business president of the William War- lic showing of a film for the Post won fourth place In the mil Williamson. 92 Hillside man Is the daughter of Mr Servini? as best man was Johnson, Jr., officers of the accessories and a white orchid. establishments and selected 1 ren Association, to present the benefit of the Meals for Mil- Garden State Summer League, nee. Cliflwood Beach, and and Mrs. David Ullman, New Robert Schermer," ShoreharnJSalvation Army, The double residential gifts. program to their mera- Mrs. Bemdt graduated from lions Foundation In the educa- 11 A. Lenart, son of Mr. York City, Mr. Berkowitz Is the N. Y. ring ceremony was performed Mr. Nemyo has been a leader! Perth Amboy High School and tion building of Our Redeemer1 Mrs. Andrew Lcnart, 37 son of Samuel Berkowitz, 461 by Col. Paul S. Kaiser, Salva- 1 in civic and charitable work ln Ing. For traveling to Jamaica, is employed as a secretary by Lutheran Church. bowler. ,:reen Avenue. Rev, Chris- New Brunswick Avenue, and B. W. I., and Puerto Rico, the tion Army. Hopelawn and Fords. He ls aj delegate from Federal Seaboard Terra Cotta Mri. Margaret Pastor, presl-', Di>h>-i C Rellly performed thelthe late Mrs, Berkowitz. Rabbi bride chose a claret wool jersey The bride Is the daughter of Mrs. Otto Kowang, garden past president of Hopelawn En- Barton Uttto Corp., Perth Amboy. Her hu& dent, reported coming events as, IIIM> ring ceremony. Max D. Davidson of Temple suit. The couple will live atJMr. and Mrs. Frank Hagler, chairman, announced there gine Co. First Aid Squad, one •ganlzation accepted band, a graduate of Wood- follows: •Ilie Inide, Riven In marrlagejBeth Mordecai officiated. V 166A Fifth Street. Pender Plac«. Capt. Johnson Is were more than 70 entries in of the organizers of the Fords bridge High School, is em- at Post Home; October her father, wore a sheath i The bride, given in marriage1 Mrs. Berkowitz Is an alumna the son of Mr. and Mrs. Abra- ployed by Handy Motors, Inc., the fall flower show and HstedJLlons Club of which he Is pres- •'city distribution committee. 1 square dance with Mrs. Peggy i.i:i of satin with a bodice' by her father, wore a classic of Fieldston School, New York ham Johnson, Poughkeepsie, New Brunswick. winners as follows: Mrs. Ber- ently treasurer; vice president nard Sciblenskl, first prize and Gallckl In charge of tickets; Mr. Basinski Invited all clvja- rim mr<1 In Alencon lace, seed gown of Ivory silk alpaca fash- City, and Cornell University. N. Y, of the jilted Firemen's Relief! nunded rs ns n d an ;Mrs. Steven Balazs, second foi October 28, Halloween dance at ^. ° ^ , ^ |ft* Is and sequins, and brace- ioned with a scoop neckline, Her husband graduated from Qiven in marriage by her Assoeiatloivpf Fords, Keasbey tions in Fords and the sur- largest variety zinnia; Mrs. the post home. sircvrs. Her triple-pleated elbow-length sleeves and a bell Woodbridge High School, Cor- brother-in-law, Alfred Vaughn,, |and Hopelawn and served as rounding area to attend the 1 Samuel will celebrate skirt had a bustle in back skirt which ended In a floor nell University, and Harva»d|Fords, the bride was attired in Rally Planned Kushman, first andjan alternate delegate to the Mrs. Scibienskl, second for nd extended into a chapel sweep train. An Tieirloom fin- Law School. He Is a second the officer's uniform of the Sal- State Firemen's Convention best arrangement of zinnias; Her veil of Imported 5,11k gertip mantilla of Duchess lace lieutenant in the U. S. Army vation Army and carried a Recently he served as chair- itlon. By Democrats Mrs. Gabor Bodnar, first and making ^.itelp to New York/ on fell from a headpiece was worn madonna fashion Reserve, and 1B an associate In!Bible with white roses. man of the Boy Scouts Sus- Mrs. Kushman, second for best taining Membership Drive iniMrs. Helen Pullerton Is in (linns and crystals, and she and she carried yellow and the law firm of Qarretson and| Maig of honor was Mrs KEASBEY—John P. Meszaros arrangement marigolds; Mrs. |ii m d a bouquet of chrysan- Kold cabbage roses. Levine, Perth Amboy. wyn Thorpe, New York City and Mrs. Marge Rychlicki, Bodnar, first prize, largest va- — — W _.| reservations. ^ Q^ ^ ims. pompoms and a Attendants were fJliss Shirley members of the Democratic rlety marigolds; Mrs, Agnes n.i. orchid. Berry, Brooklyn; Mrs. ounty committee, are in charge 1 Schnelling, first and Mrs. Har- Mud of honor was Miss An- Laurence Harbor GiM Vaughn, Bronx, and Mrs. John a rally Sunday 2 to 5 P. M. ry Seguine, second for best Fords Church is Scene Formed in Fords •,i U'lmit, Fords, sister of Johnson, Poughkeepsie. the Keasbey Playground, single bloom dahlia; Mrs. Agnes } TORDS A new civic unit, DridrRioom, Bridesmaids William Johnson, Pough- ;inton Avenue, in honor of Scrolling, first and second ,the Colonial Gardens Civic As- n Miss Marie Lenait, Fords. seepsie, served as best man. erman Fallon, Second Ward| Bride of Hopelawn Mjnn prizes for best arrangement, Of Pokol-Merizio Rites sociation has been formed and nil HI sister of the brlde- Ushers were Roosevelt Jack- .ndidate for Township Com' HOPELAWN — At a doublejRobert Pavlowsky, Nixon, and' dahlias. FORDS — Saturday after- Her two-ti«red veil of French has elected officers as follows: |-n.>:ii: Miss Hazel Neville, son, Cleveland, Ohio; Ambrose dttee and Walter Zirpolo, can^ Gilbert Volosin. Also Mrs. James C. Harkay, ,.\;iv. cousin of the bride, ring ceremony Saturday after- Darrell, New York City; Wil- date for mayor. All Keasbey, noon, in Our Lady of Peace illusion was held by a double President, Frank W. Majew- After a trip to the New Eng- first and second pmcs' best|Church, the wedding of' Missjcrown of pearls and sequlns, ki; vice presidentpreside^,, William Miss Cynthia Szumski, noon ln st Lawrence's Cath- iam Jonest Bronx, and Jessie sidents are invitedAo attend; lS 1 land states and Nova Scotia,I single bloom rose; Mrs. OttOiMary Ann Mci.izlOi daughter ofiand she carried t cascade of'Ledcr; treasurer, Irving Pold- i.nn Harbor. Flower girls olic church, Laurence Harbor, Perry and Richard Johnson, freshments will be served. the couple will reside at 14 Kowang, first and Mrs, Samuel,^ and ^ jamcsMerlzio, 33|roses ajjd orchids. en; Emma Seymour. . Miss Ruth Ann Williams,:tne marr|afte of Miss Kathryn both of Poughkeepsie. Other committees include: Harbor Terrace, Perth Amboy AlbBny S CCt and St6Ve P :; and Miss Joan Keegaivj^,, senCQW and Franclsl toe Butth and Rose Kosdick SSE't^i-'Mrf KS'i " ' ' Maid of honor was Miss ?a- i ia! meeting, 60 For traveling, the bride wore After a wedding trip to & m Ot e Al the m t • . Amboy, nieces of the jamPS volosin was solemnized. Northern New York, the couple freshment co - chairmen; l ^ fL J.°J ^r'^jPotol. m, son of Mr. and Mrs. tricia Halpin, Metuchen. Miss|members attended. Invited ja navy wool suit with matching MIS. uLoige, Riverliead Joan Faupel, Edison, and Missi t re Walter Zirpolo, '•' Rev. Walter M. Slattery offlcl- will reside in Cleveland. For eorge Solovay and John Molnar second steve Pokol JV| 31 gues 5 W 1 accessories. lor best ar- AvenuE| was solemnized. Rev.jCarol Malaczewski, Perth Am-!Democratic candidate for may- :.,ild Nemyo, Perth Am- ated. • ' traveling, the bride wore a two- utth, beverage co-chairmen; of A graduate of Sayreville noweis, Hugl] P Roman performed thetboy, were bridesmaids. jor; Mayor Frederick M. Adams , .HIM!) of thr bridegroom/ The bride ls the daughter of piece beige dress with black etty Meszaros and Mary Mrs. Kowang, first and Mrs. High School, Mrs. Volosin ls double ring ceremony. . ^ best mafr wasiwho is seeking reelection; Her-' ••si mini. Ushers were Mr and Mrs joscph gencher, accessories. il, entertainment co-chair- Harkay, second for most ori- ServinB employed by the New Jersey Given in marriage by heiiwilllam Colletto, Edison. Ush-;man Fallon, Second Ward Rahway. cousin^ PorMt Avenuc ^^ Mrs. Johnson graduated from ,en; Stanley Zaremba and ginal; Mrs. Bodnar, first and m Portst AvenuC| Bell Telephone Co, Perth Am- the bride ers were Andrew Merizio, Democratic candidate and Si- Woodbridge High School and eter Keso, co-chairmen • Dndc; Russell Koch, Harbor Mr. volosin is the son, boy, In the traffic department of silk organza with a scooped Fords, brother of the bride,|mon Kudelka, Republican can- Salvation Army School for ounds. est variety. HniHNVK*. and aerald,of Frank Volos|n of Jullettei Her husband, a graduate of neckline and etchings of em- and Richard Kermes, Edison.[didate in the same ward. After Officers' Training. New York N> V York, cousin of the [St. Mary's High School, Perth On the welcoming commit- The winner for the broidery from bodice to skirt. the candidates spoke, questions Given In marriage by heri b y, | employed by the City. She was commissioned ,ee are Leon Jeglinski, Irma The couple will be at home Am O S usual house plant wast Mrs. at 34 W. Church Street, Mill-'were"'asked from the floor. make then fathtr, the bride wore a gown probationary lieutenant in the ebesky, Gabor Sipos, and John Edna Corkery and for the pret- same company. H lace iw best sill le bloom and town after a tri to ..; nutwood Beach after of silk 0l.Banza with a scaUoped Salvation Army last year a .ychlicki. West* was^rs^Kowan^ Theif 8 ; ' P Canada Standing committee chair- Ellen : ,.[ the New England Sabrina n,(.kli|lf, trlmmed wlth Hunter College, New York City prettiest African violet be- Harkay, second. |and New England, The bride (men were named as follows: M<1 wore a brown sheath dress andjways and means, Mr. Leder; Kin traveling, the bride Alenccn |acfi pearls and se. ATTENDS INSTITUTE Her husband graduated from ionged to"Mrr"Kowang" a"nd' Louis Farkas, florist served 7 as ud e and Mls Hftl old clme accessories and an orchid cor- membership, Jerry Solomon; . rx^i. suit with match- qulnSi „ flUed bodiM and ,ong! F O R D S — An elementary schools in Poughkeepsie. the the second place winner to Mrs.i J 8 - ' ords Junior High program, Norman Wolf; hospi- r-.snrirs and a brown , ,. . school teacher from Our Lady Hudson Psychiatric School Steve Smiriga; first place for registered the entries. MM. sage foi; traveling, slpevt s H(l bouffant skin fea tality, Tvudi Zukerman; educa- or Peace School, Sister Maura, New York City, the Manhattan PTA Arranges Tea the most unusual also to Mrs. Kowang was chairman of the A graduate of New Bruns- '•'''"'• tured « front panel of lace ap- Bible School and the Salva- affair. jwick High School, Mrs. Pokol tion, Walter AUna; welfare, A ulunt.of Sayreville High p1i'quCj'a!,d'"ended in a chapel 46 Wolf Avenue, is among the Kowang and second place toj tion Army School for Officers' FORDS—Mrs. John De Vald 1 is employed by the Selective Vincent Scolamiero; activities, Mrs Lenart is ^em-train A scallope__.d crow. n of 44 mathematics teachers at- Mrs. Bodnar. First place win- Mi's. Charles Leuenberger r Training. He was commissioned as elected second vice presl- Service System, Local Board Charles Seymour; business, J. C. Penny Com- ip . ] hold her veil of|tending the In-senice Instl- for her dried arrangement! and Mrs. William Menweg were A n{ 0I1 ace an officer in 1958 at Hunter ent of the Fords Junior High 31, New Brunswick. Her hus- Stanley Greenspan; publicity u.-nlo Park, as a snles ilTusion,and she car- tute of Modern Mathematics at ..j Mrs. Eli Cooperman. jchaii'men of the food sale con- College and is now serving with ichool PTA to fill the vacancy! band attended the same high editor, Gerry Leder. •i.lii clerk. St, Peter's. College, Jersey City, In the children's division firsti ducted during the show for the ritda casr.ude nf stcphitnotis. the salvation Army ln aused by the resignation of I school and served three years " Special committee chairmen I Mian graduated "ol" carantioiis and orchids, under the direction of Dr, ize for the best arrangement benefit of the library. Mrs, land. Mrs. Johnson will alsc .Irs. Anthony Toscano. 1 ln the U. S. Marine Corps. are Joseph Chalfin and Morton )! :il •!• High School and ls s :nt to Gregory Kushman and John Csabai and Mrs. Andrew Miss Frances Ziellnski, South}Prank McMackln. He is employed by Sorbo-Cast Mandelberg, masquerade danct serve in Cleveland. At an executive board meet- cond to Ann Sclbienski. Pa- Anderson were in charge of :.- electrical .theory at honor. | ~ ~ ICorp., New Brunswick. iand Jerry Schneider, theatre. ng, plans were made for a Icia Ann Molnar took first! refreshments. MX County Vocational _,. - ,. ... . ,„A . I MEETING TONIGHT •i..-hnic«i HiRh school,f!;!*™,!™™ ^!L, " RI!Rli,^^riE S*LE eachers' tea Monday at the Laurence Harbor, jtalc- FORDS — Mrs. Milton Han-j FORDS — Nomination and \mi)oy. A member of the ~~ chool at 3:30 P. M. Mrs. Chris ter of the bride,'and Mrs, Oil-son has been named chairman election of officers will taki Army Reserves assigned Meshron and Mrs. Steve Bal- Ma) or Genera! Wei_|bei'r Volnsin, Furds, slster-ln- of a rummage sale, October 5 place at a meeting of izs nrp cn-clmirmen. The exec- ming ui-iufi1 ''aw of "1e bridegroom. Miss and 6, at Wesley MethodlsUBabe Ruth Association tonight FORDS COAL & LUMBER CO. Training itive board wil serve as host- :Donna LaI1Ke Chmx'h. 1040 Wnodbrldge Ave-|8:O6. at the VFW Hall,. New lie is employed by ' Shrewsbury, was sses. flo er nue, 9 A. M. to 2 P. M. In Fel- Brunswick Avenue. Parents o' Home Owners Center 1.1'! t TerminalTerminal's Division of * RecomniendQd as voting del- Carbide Corp,, Perth John Mizak, Avencl, served lowship Hall, sponsored by the; the newly registered are wel icome to attend. gates to the New Jersey PTA ir» best man and ushers were W.S.C.S. :onvention in Atlantic City Oc- • PAINTS • MASON SUPPLIES ,ober 25-27 are: Mrs. George • MARINE SUPPLIES Heath, Mrs. Emanuel Rossen • HARDWARE Malazs, Mrs, Irving Greenwald • GARDEN SUPPLIES Mrs. Meshron, Mrs. Irving Sim- • LUMBER NOTICE! with Miss Arlene Schlcker • BOATS • EVINftUDE MOTORS NOTICE! and Mrs. Benjamin Leone as TO PERSONS DESIRING ABSENTEE alternates. BALLOTS TO I'KRSONS IN MILITARY SERVICE OR FUEL OIL * COAL I'ATIKNTS IN VETERAKS- HOSPITALS AND If,you are a qualified and registered voter of FOOTBALL TO THEIR RELATIVES ANp FRIENPS. the State who expects to be absent outside the State on November 7, 1961, or a qualified and WEEKEND SPECIALS registered voter who will be within the State lh gl II you are in the military service or are a pa- on November 7, kO61, but because of illness or TRASH CAN ^ ^!' 4.99 tinii in a veterans' hospital and desire to vote, physical disability, or because of the observance or if you are a relative or friend of a person who of a religious holiday pursuant to the tenets Of LEAF RAKE,«1M 77c is in the military service or is a patient in a your religion, or because of resident attendance varans' hospital who, you believe will desire at a school, college or university, will be unable 1 WHITE SHELLAC Reg. 1.39 It- to vote in the General Election to be held on to cast your ballot at the polling place in your I Msuml Safety November 7, 1961, kindly write to the untter- district on said date, and vou desire to vote in AT "PEACE" •siKned at once making application for a military the General Election to be held on November Convenience Select Your Wall Covering service ballot to be voted in said election to be WITH PROPER PROTECTION 7 1961, kindly write or apply in person, to ,the From fht Latest... forwarded to you, if you are in the military ser- undersigned at once requesting that a civilian Early American Indian* Earnings vice or are a patient in a veterans' hospital, found satisfaction in tee- absentee ballot be forwarded to you. Such re- pee living, but moit Amer- WONDERFUL E-I-DU stating your name, age, serial number, home icans today wouldn't be Service quest must state' your home address, a;nd the Anticipated WASHABLE TRIMMED aid PASTED iuiriress and the address at which you are ata- address to which said ballot should be sepit, and content with auch scant Annual Dividend tioni'd or can be found, or if you desire the mili- protection. The perils of must be signed with your signature, and state wind, lite, tkeft, personal WALL-TEX | WALLPAPER tary service ballot for a relative or friend tljen the reason why you will not be able to vote at liability and other hazards "Where FIRST in the name MKANS YOU!" make an application undei oath for a military are a conBtant twreat to your usual polling pla Perth Ajnbay | DATED: September 30,1961 HI AND 10AN ASSOCIATION " * II. JOSEPH DUFFY, M. JQ0EPH DUFFY, IN WOODBRIDGE: 535 Amboy Avenue CpUNTV CLERK, COUNTY CLERK IN PERTH AMBOY: 3,39 State Street* County Record Bldg., County Record Bldg,, mmnm IN EDISON: Amboy Ave. at 5th St. New Brunswick, N- J- New Brunswick, N. J. •Honu Offlct THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, lflf.l PAGE EIGHTEEN H CONFIDENCE...SHOP-RITE!



ALEXANDER SPRINT JR With thf c.i:,:,r. «•:,•-».{> project ol the- Na'.;on»; A'jdu- bon Soci'-tvs eajilf study no* in full iwlnir, it will probably Interest readers of this coliur.r, to know just what is going on Although much h&s bfffi learned, mixh remain* to be dUwvered. The general re- iponM OW the country to the appeal for Information hu been little less than phenome- nal. Readen who HW the Jan- ukry, i960 lsiue of the National! Geographic Magazine will re- call the request for aid in the iplendld article on the bald eagle by Frederick Trnslor, and! bit niperb photograph*. R«- iponH to the request has been, most gratifying, many nun-' TktrVs w> qw+to" aboHt lt! Thct* art th* *h»lv" that tel1fh t Prict ••ftrY w^tn '• comtl •• feM'' YoM «™» bt dfKU-oiJ*«crveri from all over, the country have sent In data! urn surf, yti — yM con buy with tonfidtiicf with Shop-Ritt's vtry own brand of qvolity fo«d. Wky pay mart? Prtvt and comments which ar» now being corrollated and digested,j BOOK H for yotr»#K... shop and tavt with conftdtnet whtn you Shop-Rita! Ivtryttilno/i pricad ris>t a+ Sktp-ltitt — The Federal Pish and Wildlife! Service and StaUi wildlife de-| why pay partmrnU are autsUng. Any iMk Aplal V»IIM I project of such magnitude de- iri I IM h hM pends on co-operation of the VOLUMI I MIT •»• public and this has been wide- —VOUIMI Ul^ spread and sincere. It la some-| POPE IMPORTED thing indeed, of a parallel to; 99c well. !M tUt G*U- Pineopple-Grapefruit the way the whooping crane' project eaught the public's fancy. TOMATO COFFEE SALE SHOP-RITE I It is natural enough, too, YOUR CHOICE when considered. The eagle is' BEECHNUT our national emblem and every-, PASTI. DRINK one U awara of the bird even 4< Oil' If unacquainted with It from an observational sense. The CHASE & SANBORN 1960-61 nesting season was; particularly important, and re-; Shop-Ritt brings you confidence with mper-uvings HOLLAND HOUSE suits of that are now under! on your cigirttttl . . . king size cr filter—Shop-Rrte study. The situation In the. brand Southeast in areas affected by, Chkfcei Hood*. SWUM* last September's hurrlcani, "Donna," was of special inter-; UPTON SOUP ** 4^*1 28 K. eat. Although some of the nestsj c SALAD OIL destroyed In that storm have] CIGARETTES 2.33 »«. ORANGE SODA been rebuilt and used, the gen- GRAPE JUICE II,; 59' eral picture of reduced numbers 10< Oft! SPRAY STARCH of breeding pairs continues, j Creamed, Whole Kernel in Brine or Whole Kernel Froien Food . . . Buywith Confidence .nt f Ac Diak4o Good concentration* of eagles S .23= have been reported from the I 6 rl"| $11 GUIDEN MUSTARD Mississippi Valley region In' •ifc W CMS I C winter. The various dams along IH.EI PIANUTBUTTIR ;:43 the river have created areas of Shop-Rite Shop-Rite Shop-Rrta WktH or Pink open water at spillways even in. •f •-*• l !

••'••;-•': .'/ :•.'•' :/;>,,• . •'; :-."•" K ««irt severe weather, and these have' : GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 4;.; l -''•• ''•,-•••• •"tt-jfcjfca^: Kit < FACIAL TISSUES 6;: 1 attracted eagles in numbers, a • •'/•', •';,:', ,'v." V%'H|HH ill Brillo MAYONNAISE Libky m Sfcop-lit. most pleasant surprise in some; If* IOoL localities. Failure of some eggsj Shop-Rite or Morton — Retdy to take Birdi Ey* SOAP PADS 2 45 TOMATO JUKE 4 ff M . to hatch still presents a Shop-Rite ""' SKop-Rrt* Gripe Jelly, Grape Jam or Orange Marmaladi Shop-Rit. (Mrd.n puzzling problem which causes Frozen Pies 3 Z, 89' Sweet Peas 6 Z **' concern but not enough data Morton'i South.™ Shop-Rit. fordhook or Bjby LIQUID DETERGENT r49« PRESERVES «*" C has been jathered for any def- C Shop-Rite - " ••»»"•• • mW SWEET PUS 2:,;;29 inite understanding of the rea- Biscuits 2^49' Lima Beans 2pk ;; 35 "I1"43C 3 OH! VanC.mp, lon. Honh«T Red Shop-Rite LIQUID BLEACH C CANNED SODAS 12';; 95( The country-wide picture of Raspberries 5 Z. W French Fries 6 J; 89e the eagle population is well re- BONAMI • - flected in the annual reports Birdt If , Shop-Rite ::3« PORK & BEANS J7 of the Christmas Census, car- Peaches 4 Z. W Orange Juice 5 £ 89e Yellow Cling Sliced V Hilv.i tHt#7 IKA»Hw» ioo ried on at that season all over SHOP-RITE PEACHES 4 iTM s» Rit. 6 Allotted FUvon thla country and parts of Can- 0P ada by volunteer observers. An l examination of these counts DRINKS w,.,fie.d 5::: i from 1947 to date, Is now being KCOCKTAIL 3 . TOMATO JUICE Shop-Rite ; conducted, the comparative 1 Sh Rit c», I PORK ft BEANS 4 , 1 yearly reports being listed on APPLESAUCE B ;.:*. ^ * file cards. Some 286 localities TOMATShop-Rite O SOUP Shop-Rite have been listed as reporting eagles on the counts, and some GELATINS AIF....,, ;- five years of later reports have Shop-Rite Banquet or Morton s EVAPORATED MILK 8::, '1 ^NOD yet to be listed. These will pro- vide a comprehensive thermom- GRAPE JUICE 7!,: 99* Pol Pies 6 X.99' Buy Meat With (ontidence...Shop'ttite eter for study of increase or Shop-Rite Pink or Whit. Pea *r Potat. decrease In specific areas. C c C We would ask our readers i Lemonade 10 £ 99 Soup *«*•* 2 I: 39 herewith to assist the Audubon Kinji Butter Jekyll lilind CUT FROM TENDER YOUNG PORKERS... FULL CUT LOIN HALF RIB HALF Society In this very important1 C research endeavor. Whatever Beefsteaks 3;;; 99 Shrimp *«« 'J^9t« Burlington Shop-R.it* you know about the Bald Eagle C e in your locality — winter pop- Steaks *»* 2^ 99 Fish Sticks 4 J; 99 ulations, nesting, breeding suc- cess or failure, would be o value. Incidentally, the curren1 Deli b Dairy . . . fuy With Confidence Audubon Bird Chart that is iiM.fi used in so many classrooms Center Cut Uln Tender Center Cut Tjiiy Tender features the Bald Eagle among e e e ' full-color pictures of 38 Ameri- PORK ROAST .... 79 PORK CHOPS .... * 79 SPARE RIBS ^ 39 PORK CHOPS.... 39' K it can birds. A copy of this large '' chart, together with a booklet on the Identification,! habits and habitate of the 38 species, .Produce Buys with Confidence . . can be obtained by sending $1 Kralt Deluie Sliced UJ the National Audubon So- C CALIFORNIA POT ROAST ^ 55 ciety, Junior Department, 1130 Cheese Slices 4 „ M Liverwurst ' 69 L#in & Tuty Tjuty fr Tender Fifty Avenue, New York 28, Pure Maid 100% Pure Chunk C California, Red Luscious A A New York. l I PORK SHOULDERS ' 39 D LAMB CHOPS • ' 79= Hunters, fishermen, bird-1 Orange Juice 3 l Bologna 49' Well Trimmed Fer watchers, all can help as they L) CHUCK STEAKS 145e D SHANKS OF LAMB * 33' are all afield at one time or STRAWBERRIES 29 another. As was said above, the "•"•'«• Cut for Stew Trimmed success of this study depends C on cooperation from as many liB" I1BEEFSTEW ^69 I NECK OF LAMB ^27' observers as can bo secured. C Please send in what you may SHIN SOUP fVUAT 39 DLAMBPAHIES 39' know to Research Department, For Braliing or Sl«« Jwttt „ Hot Box 23,1, Tavernier, Fla,, where it will be most gratefully re- BEEF SHORT RIBS »49' D ITALIAN SAUSAGE ^ 69 ceived. _ Well T.immed ' jonM link CALIFORNIA SWEET GOURMET e ABOUT AIR INCIDENTS SHOULDER STEAKS 89 SAUSAGE 79* Soviet buzzing pf United PUMPKIN f'"h Cul Cooked ft B.eadtd States airliners in tiw corridors SEEDLESS GRAPES 19 ha* ••wwfif.d C MttntOlh r t-t ' -r A lbl CHICKEN LEGS 49 COD ••-•• _ Caliloiaia Tendi , jidjurlon at PQ» e 3 2.VI' counter measures. C APPLES «• , 3;; 29* CARROTS Diplomatic informants sug- CHICKEN BREASTS 55 HADDOCK- Ham. Red Tokay (-alitMi.il gested that th« buaslng of two r lh C . '* ' ' Co.k»d » lr.adW Pan American aircraft would l C GRAPES 29 LEMONS "bring quick decisions on the I CHICKEN LIVERS ' 69' ' SCALLOPS ><-• '•-• ' 69 part of the United States and <„ allied government* about pro- n. We i.wrve rtie ri«ht t* limit tective measures. 'm A Shop-Ritm Vvar YaM-< all E*w+x 1-7300 The Btate pep»Hroent an- rfounoement said that "Soviet! I :..{O Oak Tree Road fighters endangered the fligJilt ISELIN MENLO PARK 1 Mile South of Garden State Parkway of two Anwrlcan l" CN bUNUAVS (WOOl>BKlU(iE SHOPPING C'E OPEN SUNDAYS )u U.S. Koute 1, in the MtnJo Park hi' '"•' ('"" THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2R, 106! PAGE NINETEEN [position on Scouting LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOT1CEB LEGAL NOTICES win he rwel»ed by the Board of U. S. Highway Route #1. on Ml<1- Hlork MIC, Lot 1BO8B-1B0S, Walt* fiinriitnii, Towmhtp of WoodbrldM.Idlest* AYenne'from Oalt Trtt RoadjJaworaki, 1S1 Dow Aw., Isflln, H. i. Middlesex County. New Jerney, mi to Ooodrlch 8tre«l, on Chain Block 447C, Lot ISM-IIII, WUlUm the Cafeteria, of Woodbrldge Junior O'HIIls ROM) and New Dom Road,* J. Over. 1S» Mlddleati Kit.. IM* \anned by Area Council Him Srhool on Barron Avenue.]from St CreoWa. A«nu« fo the• lln. N J Wnnrmrliine. New JITMT, on TtiM-|Brld«e over the Pn BldjertnleUblrd Vtttrnna. M Preeman H* '" MacWllUam Stadium, COLON1A - Formation of a IIKAIINd AND VBNTlLAflNO- !»r«im» from Burinell Awmip to. Wondfiridte, N. J. * Amboy. »t 2 P.M., andCitizens for George Empry f'ONlHArr NO. 3 ;rrrem«n Strwt. whlrh propertlMi Blorlc 414 Lot 13 Barbara, taun* " PtttMHINU ANIJ SANITARY•- ;ire hereinafter more partlmlnrlv.„.,„, 5S1 chain 6'HIUi «o»4, €»•-«. nl 7 P.M. Committee was announced to- '•ONTRAt'T NO, • idmprlhed. thni the Tftwnihln Com - • |Otim p| j * • day In this community by a RI Kcrnu'At, WORK- sl,ow will open with a |mltt«. hy ordfnsnce adopted on the Blork for "niiMe • thortzfri the rnnATntrtlrm o" Mar-' ion In N J "^ OrmonStratlon of V8TI- Form u: Bid. Contract. "walk, -wlifc wmerrte y, ,H be the presentation 1 By Order of Hit Tcwm-hln N J. womens' unit, head. They will! Jn;i" upon ilrposlt of 150.(10 fill' Committee ill,,. Beaver awards, the each Omeral Cnmtruftloii and Iron: Block 3MF, U)t 3, BUnliT tod D. announce their campaign aides' Autuat IS. 1M1 DhiMskl. 12 Mffcer St., JUtuehiU, .! ii.viird R scout counol Wiirk set and US*) for each Mr- B J, shortly. j [chnnlrnl frade set or $13S(K) fnr 'M, J ii,.;,i(i«'. The award U each 'oms'trte set of Oenernl Cnn- Township Clfrk of the ' Block JilA, lot 1B-I4B, UaUftM ' (,,, outstandli*ig service to Mr. Williams said today that: ;afmrtlnn and Iron Work and tlir Township of Woodbrldge, ,»nd C. Ulb. 723 Tort A»t, Ha* throe Mwhnnlcal Trades. Checks New Jernfv tuchen. N. J. (l(l snd three men Will be he and a group of Colonla resi-i dents who launched the Emery INVITATION TO S M)AY SCIIOOI.: Vonnester, of the Woodbridff (Impel Church rHrawri helium fllled balloons cen- for cleponlt for drawlnfta a*nd sperin-' Block 3!III. Lot 1MA40A, A. ,, l|lil'llb. rations *\\&\\ be made payable to thr «s 8. Van Brnmer, (II m An, drive decided to move In that tainlnit Invitations to attend Sunday Srhool. Prtees will be awarded lo the sender and receiver nf the balloon travrllnf I Architects. Norman J. Wledersum or m. Lot 32A-31B, W1UU & Mituchtn, N. J. [iliii K Ltvitan Is chairman Fr^rterlr P Wrtdenum, and mny be Alllnon, 1H9 Hld|»dale Artnue, Block JMH, Lot letO-nSA. O «. direction after Interviewing the the greatest dlstanre. Woodbrldie. N. J. ||. is being assisted by Democratic candidate, his Rr-; | uncertified Van Bramtr. tU rord AT*,, Ml** ZiuizBiarl, Carl Coughltn. Block Ml, Uit 6-7, Roeeo ft C tuchen. N. J. publienpublican opponent, and an lnIn-- T till* I.KOAI. NOTICES Any person or corporation duly r»7!»rl, 043 BWMdale Ave, Wood- Block 351-1. Lot 7-11. John ft P. Irimholl, submitting a proposal accompanied brlriRe, N. J. Ruanakl. 113 Font A*«., Mnlo PMt Albert Haber, dependent candidate, all on the LQUHC/1 /l • > _* ... I li.nt IVAAjgood4 conditioHtHhrMllAMn A»n •«d A *•withi• I 4 W lint tiiltfrlthirtyl 1 I I ft* • -.^-J Rv (Thi- Call Brown has been uken over brldse, N. J. '• M. Weston, DM Ford ATWttM, U in Council serves Wood- al leaders plan to have closer! WOODBRIDQE - Rally Day By line i.ai) nro»n First Bank and Trust Company, (30) days alter the award of the Block 595, Lot 7(-7S, O*or(e it C tuchen, n. J. which has purchaud the' asset* and contract for the project, or rejfe- Shfdlock. T35 Bldftedale Are., Wood.- Block 331O, Lot 1-1, Jullttl * r o w ii s h I p, Carteret unity with New York Gov. Nel-!wtts observed last wpek at the, Themes from Rreat movies tton of the bids, receive the depositions N. J. 1 auumed the llabtlltlM nf The Fordi Kollar, 859 Fort! AvtnUI, UM South Amboy son A. Rockefeller as part of Sunday School hour of the become quite popular as National Bank. First Bank and In full. On rrturn of any additional! Block 595-C I,ot 11. Stanley * H. K. J. Township, Sayrevllle their effort to close OOP ranks Woodbridge Oospel Chuich. m TriuTr\ut Company habaas alto beabetn deslgdealg.. wti undrr tha samt condition! i\» pnttrr. 7S7 Rldgtdsle ATC, Wood- Block 3S1J. Lot 11, AMI Of, cell HS Kome of aur most en- nated >} liquidating agent for The enumerated, one-half of the deposit N. J. U s. Highway Jrt, Woodbrldl*, "• >• nf ECII.SOII. before the 1962 campaign. connection with the entry of Forda National But, AD cradlton will be returned. WHm a person or Block 19S-D. let 1. Oscar Blork SJ1F, Lot M, Barbara ft joynbln music. Jose Mells 111 corporation obtains :i Mt of drnw-!i ^,"on 7« Ridjsdtle' Ave., Wootl Senate Republican leader lh(. rehool ,n a lpn weeks at. of The Forda National Bank an T Joseph Birtontk. 1U Huon Bt. , a Mercury album, 1$ therefore hereby notified to Present inKi and inecincattant unit mnkes t,r|dSf n j Metuclien, N. J. Dlrksen of Illinois. h»s sufi-|tondance contMt spon6orwi by clalmi lof payment to Pirrt Bank the required dBposlt but does not] glocic '5MI-B, Ut 4»A, n. to X k Block 351O, Lot JA-UA, Loutl « \jirmation Date ii tremendous* album of themes submit, a proposal, one-tmlf of the gested to Mr. Rockefeller that|Thr phliadelphta Area Associa- and Trust Company at 871 Kins H. fc V. Chrlstenun, 117 Prospect 3, Otrmanskl, 13] U*wn it., H«- equem cm ci ivten th ilmi, will capture all ages and Oeone'« Poit Road, Ford«, New deposit will bt returned to such Ave , Woodbrldjr, N. J. tviohen. N. J. ^ f * ^ ^tinn of Churches, a hellum- Jeraey. non-binder upon return of tinBlock 596-0, Lot 29A-28A, Law Block 489A, Lot 37B, TbomU * V. Pt lor November lhR Senat types nf music lovers. Mells has ?"™!^ * "Viballoon launching was held mi Dated: AUftiet 11, 1H1 drawings and specification* In good rence & O. lenart, 734 Rldgedalt Bradley, 31 Hew Dover Road, I11 El IN ; House chiefUIn, would benefit^ lawn of trfe churcn with a creative flare all his own and FIRST BANK AND TRUST condition within thirty (30) dnyi Ave., Woodbrldge, 1*. J. N. J. jhls variations are outstanding. COMPANK arter the award of the contract for Block See, Lot 1A-1. Milton tc A. Block 484A, Let 53B-5J. VtDMlt theParty the project. ' ' leach student releasing-a Agent Opper, 118 Prospect Av«., Wood Ik U. Mitchell, ill Mew DortT Ro«4. Some of the themes are from , .L mi bridge, N. J. iMlIn, N. J. s a 1 oiange : Each coutrant will be awarded to :;;; ,,t of i iSSaTISSi ? tri ^ th(? following movies; "Gone!— the lcycett responsible bidder or the Block 59S. Lot I. Benjamin tt A. Block 941, Lot IB, WoodbrUM fc 5 SSTISS •« l.nnlstered November What made you decide to balloons contained Invitations With The Wind," "High Noon."' RESOLUTION proposals will be rejected within (0 Parsons. 803 Rldfedtlt Ave , Wood- Perth Ainboy RalltOKl, Bttt* 8UMt, t o tllc SmA Scn001 and days of the date of opening pro- brldge. N. J. Trenton, N. J. |put 0([ your adding by two W "The Apartment" and "Sum- Take Notice thnt on the 20th day posals, subject, however, to the dis- Block 8»0-K, Lot 5-6, Otto & 8. Block 4B4A, Lot M-MA, H*CIT * ' OIIZPS will be awarded to the mer Love." of Septemberp, , 1981,, the Zonlnf cretionary right reserved by the Stlerll. «40 Rldged»le Ave., Wood- M. atoll, 509 Naw Dintr Itotd, IM- •i "or higher and who VV\#elll , you see, I figured It ^Aer ant) recelver-of the one BoarBd d off AdjustmenAdt t off thth e TTown- Board of Education to waive any brldge. N. J. lln, N. J. „ of age by No-'out that my silver wedding an- Little Land features "Big" ship of Woodbrldge, after a public Informalities In. to reject any or Block 339A. Lot 10, Mario & M. Block «1A, Lot «B-M, WatUr H i mveillnB the greatest distance. Tiny Little's piano In unusual henrlng. denied the application of all proposals and to advertise for Cataldo, S37 F»rd Ave,, rorda, H. J. M Hattrlch, 909 Hew Dorer RoU, llRible. A sppclal^ riivers«ry would come on a Promotion certificates were stereo effects created through Margaret F, Kochy (or & variance new propoaali If, In 1U opinion, the Block 339A, Lot t, Uwl« ft D. Iselln, N. J. will b« held'Saturday, and 1 always play. warded as follows: Martha permitting the use of the dwelling best Interest of the School District Btsblng, S3l Ford Ave., Fordi, N. J. Block 4MA, Lot «-4«A. JoMph * on Lots 2104-B, 1103 and 3102 In Block 339A, Lot 3, Paul It C. Pa- . Otrhtn, 301 New Dorn BoU. ; ol) a delightful Interplay between will thereby be promoted. srhnol children ln Burgess and Joanne Trost, from Block 468-1 st 13 Water Street, Co- Bnch bidder mult deposit with duU, 509 Pord Ave., Fords, N. J. Iselln, N. J. E', a Dixieland group and the lonla, New Jersey, and that deter Block 484A, Lot 41-43, Board «( nursery to beginners depart- Hammond organ. , his bid security In an amount not Slock 343-C, Lot 1, Robert Si L. 7 u ment: Dorothy Jean Doughty,| ml nation of said Zoning Board of leas than ten perctntum 110%) of Pllaskl, 411 Ford Ave., Forda, N. J.Fire Commissioners, District #11, 111! '• ;flSrZ£S&, Printed Pattern Tiny has an unusual per- Adjustment has been died In the the Base Bid, In the form and sub- Block DMA. Lot 2. Cha«. & EiMlln, N. J. iidav. RellRlous in- Patty Palinkas. Linette Sudy,! office of said Board at the Municipal ject to the conditions, provided in •popovich, 40? I ., Forda, N. J. Block 4SS-I, Lot 103, JoMph * A. formance here and lias selected Building. Main Street. Woodbridge ot 5, jarahall k C. Olordano, 582 New Dover B&td, C4- for all other public Llsn Waliower, Mark Cockpr-; the Information for Bidders. Block 34SA. Cock One line, Robert Murray, and Jane1 CAROLYN PAWOWITZ 'well known numbers, Try this New Jersey, and Is available for in- No bidder shall withdraw his bldj^nirbanks, 309 Pord Av§., Fords, lonla, N. J. •••iildren will beitln Sat- mle fof ft spection, within 60 day» after the da,te ot R, J. Block 48S-I, Lot 104, JoMph Jt. Is BETROTHED: Announer- | different sou-id In FREDERICK 8IMONSBN Biock 335A, Lot 4, Herman & R S. Benantl, MS Hew Dorer Ro»4, N n'l'IIlbcr 11, ; Blend, from beginners to pri- opening of the bids. mary: Carol Chuisolo, Cindy ment has been made by Mr. Secretary Board of Adjustment BOARD OF "EDUCATION Fallon, 383 Ford Ave., Forts, N. J Colonis, N. J. »: HMS must be practic , Township of Woodbrldge Townstyp of Woodbrldge ...... Block 335, Lot 1A. Kurt ft A Block 489-1, Lot 103, Howard ts ». Coconuuiihitr, Karen Jensen, and Mrs. Stanley A. Pawow- For a visit in waltz-land, Krttsler, 572 New Dorer Hoed, Co-,. i-'ilics Rnd eath must I.-L. 9/28/81 Mtddltso* County, New Jersey Fretidenrelch, 350 Ford Ave,, Fordi Lynn Mlchalskl, Oale Ann itz, 171 East Cliff Road, Co- The World's Great Waltzes HELSN H. ANDIMON N. J. Ionia, N. J. Holy Communion on: Moorr, Dora Ting, Aletta Van- Ionia of the betrothal of their featuring the silken sophistica- t NOTICE TO BIDDERS Secretary Block 346D, Lot 140-143, Frank It Block 48SA, Lot J1B-S4, Bwood Is ,:Moi! day or on thepre-; TOBETO NOTICE Is hereby given I.-L. 9/28/61 B. Smoyak. J5S Ford Ave., Fords, H. Karris, 10 New DoT«r Road, Is*- deinat, Roaer Hendrlckson,: daughter, Carolyn, to Robert tion of the CleabanofI Orches- that separate sealed bids for the N. J, lln, N. J. Richard Kee, Dennis Hulak, Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. tra, on this Mercury album, of- construction of the NOTICE OF SIDEWALK IMPROVE Block 33BA. Lot 9. flalvatore It M Block 491, Lot IB, Marie & Hanr • ••-..<\ iidult confirmation ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS MENTB ON PORTIONS OF FOHD Crlml, 533 Ford Ave., Fords. N. J. Smith, 54« New DOY«» Road, Co- Danny Zieseniss, and Thomas Robert P. Brennan, 520 fers enjoyable listening in HI- lonln, N. J. ii'iudlnc converts andt TO WOODBRIDQE JUNIOR HIGH AVENDE, FORDS, MIDDLESEX Block 346B, Lot 63-66, Mrs. Anna Blend, from primary to Junior. Woodbridgt Avenue, Avenel. I PI, SCHOOL, located on Barron Ave AVINUI, CHAIN O'HILLS ROAD Balm. 333 Ford Ave., Fords, N. J. Block 491C, Lot 10S9-30O1A, SO- :i, Grades B. 10, II and; Waltzes' have been popular] "«• »» »he corner of Grove Ave AND NEW DOVER ROAD, FREE- Block 346-B34 , LoLt t 59659-622 , SSusan phen & E, Cymbaluk, 139 W, Bd- 111 \y held each Tuesday Also Carolyn Burns, Wendy A 1961 graduate of Wood- 1 mnue llnn 11 TownTownshiWl>p of MAN STREET AND ST. GEORGE'S Valocslk, 311 Ford Ave., Ford», N. J. ward St., Iselln, N. J. and these are suitable for " W"" """- " ° FREDERICK M ADAUB, R in P. M. in Room 7,nbel, Kuthy Qatffiyk, Mary bridge High School, Miss Woodbrldge, Middlesex County AVENOE, WE6T AVENUE, SE- Block 347C, Lot 1, Jennie Qrac WAREN, NEW DOVER ROAD, FORD Wilson, 255 Tord Ave., Fords, H. J. Commltt««nui-at-Urg« Ann Kac/.maiok, Beth Ann Pawowltz it employed by dancing as well as listening New Jersey: ('••fella's Orammar Fascination, True Love, Apple ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS .AVENOE, AND RIDCtEDALE AVE- Block 349A, Lot 311, John & V Attest: Katen, Linda Simpson. Shirley Revlon, Inc., Edison. TO SCHOOLS #2 - #16, COLONIAL NUB, IN TICK TOWNMJlP- OF Kerwln, IM-Tord Av»., 1'OTds, N. J.B. J. DUUIQAH, Tomaushansky, Michael Hulakj Mr. Brennan, an alumnus Blossom T*Ime, Tennessee Walti located between Outlook Avenue WOODBRIDOK, IN THE COUNTY Block 349A, Lot 312, Oeorne A M. Township Clerk and Falrvlew Avenue at Sussei OF MIDDLESEX, NEW JERSEY. Robertsb, , 246 Ford Av«.,, FoTds, N. J. To be advertised In Tht Indt- Brad Jensen, and Jonathan f Oratory Preparatory School and I You Truly are I BllXiK.T o among Street la Colonla. Township .o: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Block 336B. LoL t 25-26226 , WilliaWilli m& & pendent-Leader on September 28th, Moore, from junior to inter-J [or Boy«, Summit, is em- memorable rendl- Fords,11981. Hurry V. Byrd. 'D-. mediate: George Arthur Saba-j ployed by Hilton Clothing tions. lAvenue, Fords, from Main Street tolN 1 chairman of the' • t.ino and Randolph Frey, fiomj Manufacturers of Linden. .innee Committee e»-| 'lint the Admlnlstra-| intfimediate to senior depart-, — • ••• -• m*t HOPES FOR B-52 • i.inms would increase Nev (piu'licrs welcomed were There are strong pos.sibilitii'i • .•! bii(l;et to at lesM Miss Kay Simnson. nursery de,-that the Pentagon may reverse i"1 imo by 1963. •mtnifiit with Mrs. Frank itself to recommend buying 1 ni pninled out tliat SliiKer ussistlni;: Mrs. John'more B-52 bombers and push 1 K-niifdy hnd pro- •',)• -nding Increases in D'Elia a.isistln*f in the beRin- development of the 2.000-mile- uer department, and Henry;an-houi B-70 bomber, • ii'.'NMige.s to CHII- 'jopkr', junior boys. ' Final decision will be up to ih July 26. Mr. Ernest Barabas, superin-jPresident Kennedy, actuiR on ;'..it"i' said, in his re- icndeiit, announced a recordiany recommendation Defense :• ' :.;itive determlna- breakliiK attendance of 142 was'Secretary McNamara m i B h t '. (1-ftnsc expendl- reached on rnlly day. The con-imake. 1 rNe. non-defense test in the local Sunday School, Air Force officials are optl- • •••<• must be curtailed is the boys against the Rirls;mistic that McNamaiw would with prizes to be given those;change stated opposition to "it'll Always (1ft brinsiny the most visitors dur- spending added millions for iny the ten week contest. (these purposes, C,IHH\ Deal , . . 111 r- iiHirtiiajf tlnanr- 1'iniin or building — "COOL OFF" >"ii I'.tll first upon .. . 9361 ONE SIZE MEDIUM At

Printed Pattern S3C1 Includes first Savings 3 style a: Misses' Medium Size unly. Each aiiroii one yard 35- Now Here—a great new exclusive from Buick! ; •••'J ASSOCIATION Inch. Jiffy cut ln one piece. Swallick Semi FIFTY CENTS in oiins for • »in"jiiy Avrnne Beer ll(ii pjtlchi—ail'l 10 rent* lor rai'i fN ri Kin \MBOV pattern for first class mailing. Scivl 1 Wine •'' M»te St.' to 170 Newipaper Pattern Drpi. Tavern, Inc.: i\ riuso.N IM West 18th St., New York II. Cuincr William * Ntw Street t Liquor ; I11' • Viriiur it Jlh Slrrrt X.Y, Our Ntw Fall-Wini.T ! .i>h- •tVOOIMtKllHiU • Sandwiilies mm in ill *J»e r»UKfs. Send •'•">* Hrrfst 3-2770 "Bftty and ,l(ic"—fhonf ME 4-9738 •Main Orili-i

TO A SALESMAN WHO MAY BE It takii a Willon Humidifier to usurt Iht avtporilion at the gillons of wtltr ntedtd t»ch day to humidify • home ind ilop diy sir problems. Walton Humidifiers, TOO "HOT" TO HOLD • with tha patanted centrifugal •tomuer • do jusl thai,. Tin' man vvei-e looking tor has real sales ability. He • ciMtinf wJttr vaiw hta w mutt Uif people. He's enthusiastic, m wants an without jell, tans, • filtais or costly hast. income Unit is well above average for his family, and will Humidifier* toi awery home or aputmant roll up his sleeves to get it. It [tuts the engine ahead like the tip of an arrow • it tames "wind wander" and road sway It sweeps J mi... tor axary ty(« ot netting iiritem. you forward in u hush of luxury t It turns the floor hump into foot spare. DON t sirat FC* DKOFS WHEN YOU mto GALLONSI He wants a job with a long future. • INSIST ON * WHAT IT IS—Buick'H bit new move; It positions the great new Wild- • He is ready to take a crack at selling the mast interest- pat V-8 Linil Turbine Drive way up front over Bulck'i front wheels. WHAT 1T DOES—The power eoes UF, the floor hump goes DOWN. And, • COLD STEAM" ing new products on the market—automobiles. the forward weight makes wheels response far Quicker, cornering far HUMIDIFIER surer, tin- ride far| smoother. If this sounds like you, see us now. WHV VOU'jfX I.OVK IT—It's the dosest you can come to sporta car liundliiie iii1' u passenger car. Distances shrink tofcfore Its :1i-G thrust, We'll give you thorough sales training, hot prospect lists Hills di«*»|iear. Lean on curves is gone because the frame's gone wider. Winds don't makr you wander, four feet enjoy happy new freedom on and all the help you need. With a car like the new Buick its neatly Hat IJoor. It's foinr at its Buick best! TZENBERG & ORG. me. to gull. |>lu* vw wMww» .%•*«* W-yo" can bulw a solid clientele that will buy Worn you year after your. 1063 HIGHWAY 1 Were POUlOft'rK MOTORS it 229 New AVENEL Brunswick Avenue, Perth Amboy. POLKOWITZ MOTORS . Tor CompliU InJonpatiun t'»» Our phone number is HI 2-0100. ME 4*2904 Call «s now lor an »ppoiatnient. Ask for 22«> NIW BRUNSWICK AVENUE, PERTH AMBOY PHONE III 2-0100 J It It'i • JtAO IwUIUtion, MR. HARRY MOREY, Sales Manager You C»D B« Sure It's O.K. ^••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••"••••••»3 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, MMJ1 PAGFE TWENTY planning service* available to The air sanitation program of Record high yields of severaljsentsents an increase of momorre than municipalities are listed ln » the 8t«t« Department of Health through Saturday each where he WB! rMlden f '115 per wit overr thmie- 195i»«o9 total—••.'municipalitie, s are listed in fflnitnl Dome l P J ° ***Unportant New Jersey field will begin on October 2 Be- In New Jersey -: CLASSIFIED which then the annual|new 38-page booklet being dJs L.apilOl UUIIIC IWoodrow-wimon Association. crop«...s are-- als•o anticipated,, lt)8^d. cause of low prices, New Jersey KATK8 - INrnRMATKiv Continued from Edit Page) The many f^ °'fcT —Com , oat^ s anJdL ha y araSlee all exx- higIghh. 'trlbuted by the State Division potato farmers have asked the . and If future vacancies •» >t the state House offer ««n- Jummonsrs to drivers of all ALLIED TALKS BEGIN (1 M fM II »ord» Deadiin, to, .„, pected to establish new recordsr , Sun of Regional Planning. ... Six- Federal Government for help In to M«b additional word pr^yJ—^ur^lat^ , * of State Dean Rusk '• * M lot m, ,lrn = »houM jages numbered 414.395, an all teen bootleggers were arrested disposing of their 1961 crop. l lea promptly as mry IWUI. »•—»•- • ,. mnnv while aovbean yieios MIUWU ages nuuiuricu »•-..»—, — -- teen bootleggers were arreswu""-!—" — , , °"' ' ' Wnnf erences with Pajabl* 1B «a«Me« pabllctlon y iS likely the total number oficouplr and ««h them n>Bnyjwmie * ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^]y ^ gnd ^ In New Jersy - tudgrthlps will be adequate foris**" of hapciiiess, high of 397. In N»w J«r«*y dropped to 170.- NOTK. N, .»„» and 1989. _. min mi ,..•».,-,- _w__ and twb iflfctt Htllte wwe J ' tthe next couple of years," Mc-RECORRECORD CROPSCROPS:: - B^ord:I Is attributed to favorable 466 set in 1959. In the pnat five 400 in August, almost 60,000 be- chart the «1H«1 ••-• most be MDI ID by State ABC agenU during the Russia on negotiation* for Connell claims. crops will be produced In New jlng conditions during August. years traffitraincc arrestarrs for all ages low the 1S61 peak reached In buse of erlln settlement. 1 MARBWCTi-Jod H Stern./Jersey ^ ™^ *»'« °' Total production of the al nBve increased 43 per cent but same Tete»h«ne MEremn 4-1 in i harvested wheat and those for the 20 year period and The Western policy «onfer- oTMonteialr. "former Deputy .Ideal crowing conditions. ftdT opemd its 1961 fall striped bass in New Jersey this year — 17 Commissioner of the State. Dc- Th Cley crops is also good. The'unde1 r have risen W- -per' —cent». lenee will discus threr ( complaint last phase which will continue until tons per acre — is an all-time partmrnt of Conservation and'its bu. - .... .- New Jersey wheat crop I. The r Issues- the problem of ...-_. •- Residents - record for the Btate. , . . Farm • FEMALE HELP WANTED • • REAL E8TAT, Economic Development. is (luce "•" *"*,"""?• ™ estimated at 1.496.00Q 0bh bushells year Teal estate taxes in New Jersey negotiation*, the pis'"" about to take a pretty bride. torecMt u 1 • tons per »t emergency measures .. meet and the barley crop at 1,056.000 ' " the AmericanIreached $10.35" per acre, a new WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE- ONfF She u Miss Joanne Glickmah. This ties with Ohio for the the total. The New Jersey Turn loOO to .specific steps the Soviets could bushels. Average wheat yield, ,.„..,„ jrecord high. . . . Admissions to If you would enjoy working WE ARK 34 bushels per sere, equaled the pike continued as the i, service and educa-'New Jersey mental take to put pressure on West 3 or 4 hours « day calling regu- SOU) OUT ^ hi fprevTous HOT of m». Om w rfamsU *";& lion. . . . Both the Benjamin j iric're'iSW from 9.5T9 ocrun » K 'lafTy e"flPlv month xm a !P S h»vr nidi, |419 u. S 22 WSK second with Franklin and Walt Whitman! 10,051 thus far this year. . . idefeating Russia's p of Studio Girl Cosmetic cucnis vour ni-upmv TOVNG DRIVERS:—Teen-age 18,54.543 New Jersey's traffie safety pro to give Red China U. N. mem- on a route to be established in they are I ' drunken g bridge* over the Delaware River x MOM in Idrivers in trouble are. on the Arrp«ts (or drunken driving at Camden may become traffic grams are attracting national Ibership. and around Woodbridge and g)a(jiy ^ ly appoint-'33 per cent above the average year numberebedd ; Sterns ;increase in New Jersey. Idurin? the bottlenecks a few years henee,{attention, particularly the plo- !«--»-—» and are willing to • : to the Full spinach ~ i Cartern. ana are wunng io;glve you B SUillr, . • ed Executive The State Diviiion of Motorj3,030 aocordlng to Governor Robert jneering alcohol determination ;: e: t f JERS B. Meyner For the flrstiprofrram. . . . Next week has IFrance should leave ?l Assistant Secretarj'for Security!also estimated at 80,000 hun-i The State Division oi Mowr|j,uju to STUDIO GIRL OO8MET-llsrATE ^.FV • '"'' and Consular Affairs in the De-jdredweiuljt. 7 per cent fclw»B|v*htcle* reports arrests ofJERSEV JIGSAW';—New Jer- time in several years certain;been proclaimed National Pub- Senator Dodd asks ouiter (I1CS. Dept. NJW-«, Otantote.Bt1 ^ Vrth .' '' partment of State in Washing- lart year. Fall snap bean har-idrlvws 20 years of age 8nd!sey's 1961 traffic death rat* areas of Delaware Bsy are open lie Works Week by Governor ,. Route will pay up ton. He holds a masters degree vest will produce 63.000 hun-'younger reached a new high,thus far this year has reached for the taking of oysters. . . .1 Meyner. ... Car inspection iRussian expert, to $5.00 per hour, from the Woodrow WilsoDJdrrtiWTiaht, which is alw eon-aimual record of 10,906 In thp!521 compared with S26 up to »/JJ -9; 28 ' """"' lst»*» rimine I960. Thig repre- tbc *auie >ime last year. Local Mist ATTENTION LADIES — Im- mediate opening for part-iTHREEPlECF time work. High earnings. Ap- «™bl<1 now. Call U 8-0700. 8/28

WOMAN WANTED for genera!| housework. Weekdays. In- man Avenue area, Colon)*. Call BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY llBUY ANDSEIl. AN mornings or evening*. FU 8 glaM. chtnn :,:: • 5947. ia-brac, etc. MF < v,- B31

HIOH SCHOOL GIRL for very , Mcsle Iwtmtln -I- M« * Trwklu ni St... light housework, Two hours - Adding Machines -• Coal & Fuel Oil - ;HeatHg-Air Cwlltloiiliig daily i mornings or afternoons|MU8IC FOR AI.I »< or early evenings). Call ME 4-1 Call KI i-nr 1MANO 10119. QUALITY HEATING Move 'IDEAL WAY" 9/28 MM MACHINES BE POPULAR! Phone FU-8-3914 SAND jKITCHKN CIIAIIir LET US & AIR CONDITIONING AGENT^NATIONAL VAN Learn to Instructions JOIN AVON ERED. Easy-to-r.-i, 8O1T« Vour USES |or durable $30.50 ^ br play the and FOR CHRISTMAS rlc U HEATING PROBLEM piano in 1186 St Gwrrr Ave., Afenel Lessons Taught Buy the fwnily the "extrM" by P *« earning surprise Ml selling the ?• M- from K&O HEATING a *hort 3-4 Rooms - no, $», Mi At Your Home TYPEWRITERS time. . $-« Room - »S. $40, IM STONE populaT AVON CO8METIC8! BRICKLAYER AM. Service to Complete GAS - OIL • ELECTRIC and Christmas 01ft Line In LESSONS European «;)•:•: WABM AIK or HOT WATER your own neighborhood. Start Heating Installations IN VOL'R Call lilliam Dilrolit dali»d bomb sh..:.: now for big Christmas profits WOODBRIDGE Citlmiln tln» Pijmfnu OWN porches. Rlde»«k\ •»„ KEROSENE by calling Mrs. Davis, MI 3-In* and repairs ni * BUSINESS MACHINE HOME . . .! Call LI 8-2146 FU 8-5619 5146 for exclusive territories in FUlton 1-93PS CO,, LTD. Instructions All Day Sewaren. 250 Amboy Ave., Woodbridge Mercury ten SALES & SERVICE 4-1400 All of Woodbridre Township Service Station J O - A N Tel. ME 6-M10 Home Improvemeit - Included t WANTED TO RENT • SECRETARIAL SF.RV1CI 787-578'J V.F & Heating - (FAMILY OF SIX need* five SAVE MONETf Btenography. mmvi.f-ra^ Asphalt Paving or six rooms in Carteret taphone, typing. K>r',',, AVENEL with a local contractor LESLIE HENK Four children. Reasonable rent ment. Promptiipw '.>.TM We Will FRAME ATTIC "Service TOWNE GARAGE Call for Appointment Call KI 1-6220. guaranteed. Pick up and COAL 4 Oil CO. (for 2 rooms and bath) J. F. Gardner A SOD 9/28 PA 1-9120 With 1 Ivery. Day or A. & H. STANLEY 826 Rahway Avenue, Avenel plus 6" Insulation Also con- 14-lMl 185 AMBOI AVENUE FOB RENT struct dormers, rec. room*, Smile" ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS Woodbridge Delicatessen extensions, porches, garages. WOODBRIDOE—Two or three MRS. SUSAN - Read»: and LOWEST PRICES MEroury 4-3540 room apartment. All utilities Advisor on »!| affai Nothing Down— furnished. S3 Second Street daily. Call HI 2-96TI First Payment 8 Month! FOR QUALITY PARKING LOTS We're 8p«Uli»U In Woodbridge. 9-21 t 31-1M Call Now - FU 8-3373 • BEAB WHEEL ALIGN INSTALLED TREAT SHOPPE | IP YOUR DRINKING hui THALER INSULATION (Tocmnlr With CharUy fair) MENT and BALANCE CARTERET — Upstairs apart- Free Estimates 613 Rahwaj Avenue come a problem AN & ROOFING CO. • BBAKI SERVICE ment. New building. Three All Skilled Labor Woodbrldgc bedrooms, living room, kitchen Anonymous can help 1659 Church St. Rahwaj PLUMBING |BI 2-1515 or wnve P. 0 Call (Opp. Whit* Cbnich) No children. Call anytime. 164 DIAL Randolph Street, Carteret, 253, Woodbridn* • SALADS ai Thefa Best FU 1-5518 or CH 6-2631 Jewelers and USewlig Machlie Service 0/38 • SODA FOUNTAIN HAVING TROUBLE mth i • FBISB BAKEEI GOODS REAL ESTATE Beautician ME 4-1111 -2-3 sewerage? Electric 3e* HEATING HOVANEC FOR SALE Open? A.M. to 10:30 P.M. i_ . er removes roots, fl'.ft • Hair Styling ELECTRIC Sewing Mac hi oe Service INCLUDING 8DNDAI8 • Announce- SEWAREN. 60x100 lot Comer and stoppage ttoir. • Hair Tinting SEWER SERVICE HE REPAIR Central Avenue Mid Vemon pipes, dralnt and CloMd Wednesday All Daj ill Mikps of Accordion* Sold ti digflng, no daman'1, - : • Manicuring Rtpalred it Low fit PricM! Slnj«r - Ph»II - White - XttcW Street. Lots No 1054-10M Will ALL WORK Ml HBTTCU and efficient. Ca:: Is • Scalp Treatment I'rec WestlntbouM - New Homt. sacrUlce, CL 7-0583. ments Plumbing and Hnv.m M!l| FULLY GUARANTEED! CaU ME 4-0750 Woodtoidfe, N. J. eidrirh • Domeulc - ind ill 9/7-0/28 • Color Shampoo 8007. FU 8-1667 Makt Machine! PHONE ME 4-3150 AVENEL — Two stores and • Booklets apartment in rear. 363 Ave- RAYMOND GOLDBLATT'S KI 1-9187 I'inel Street. TO 8-4150. STELLA Rahwa;'i Oldest EsUbUstaed Learn To Play The and Jeweler FRANK HOVANEC 9/28-10/5* JACKSON 84 East Cherry Street PIANO - ORGAN 65? Roosevelt Avenue • Business tlCOLONIA - I960 RANCH - SEWAREN NOTES JACKIE'S RAHWAY ACCORDION CARTERET, N. J. VACANT, Living room, din- Beauty Salon and SON ing room, kitchen, birch cabi- Private Instructions br nT1 Cards nets, wall oven. Three bed- By MRS. PERlY * 26 Melnier St., Avenel, N. J. Qualified Teachers. Radii ft TV Service Druggists Lawi Mowers SMl DMlg rooms, natural woodwork, hot Hi ;Ve«» Avrno* Beginners and Advanced water baseboard heat, 1 Sewaren - Mr i :" Coal & Fuel Oil 88 Main Street Hand and Power Lawn Students Accepted. 8etNee4 • Billheads painted cellar, patio. Hi Mowers Sharpened and REP AIS SKIN DIVLNG garage, aluminum combo's, air- -On Woodbridge, N. 1. Call ME 4-5446 Gall You Too Repaired Authorised wmrUtkmer, water softener .umber JO. :t HE 4-ilM 220-V Asking $19,990. Princi Iboard Moto: Telephone MErcun 4*0554 Sales & Service Is The Best — Headquartm for — • Certificates pals call after 4:00 F M. FO'sponsor a *qu, DESERVE THE BEST From SEPTEMBER FUEL OIL Oil SERVICE Brim A Stratton CONN ORGANS ARTS~1RADIO 8-4180. benefit of th* To NOVEMBER t I|.,MI Ik' Kri] (Kill Fuel Oil Clintop-Lawton & Power RIMBALL PIANOS 9/28 8 o'clock t K^iprri Coke Product* — Gas Engine* & TELEVISION Wuinut and Cle»nnt Wunt Sewaren t hiniirl O At Thli Tlnu t Coupons JARDOT SALES and SERVICE will be the ft JOHN J. BITTING Schwinn Bicycles Dtmomtratot Tank in* be refrt-':; EUREKA WILLIAMS KefnUtor Unlti Sales & Service PIANO COMPANY 1W ATenei Street, Arena) • Folders /ft -raAhion flow lie 1A invited nil ALBRECHT S 488 Rahwaj Avenue Repair Esttmatet Ireet $49.95 —The HDH:- Woodbridge anttnaa* *•**»"*' cle Will spdii-" tuba tnU* ItM U On SUt» DAai U-l - lAfl. 1M GuuanlMd tot One Year are definitely getting Thursday. (>>••" KEY SHOP Cu bdtM Uniett mtt 1 Mobilheot rlui Frte Safety Count • Invitations away from the very pointed in the basenie;: Oil HEATING EQUIPMENT 124 Washington Avenw UK. Some of the new toes areSchool FUEL OiL Carteret, N. }. Free Classes On Divinj FREE ESTIMATE .squared and others am more of -Rev. U ••:• Over 25 Yearn of Tel. KI 1-7163 Photography Roofiig ft Sidlig - Theory at "The Reef" Even Monday Nlte at I:M • Letterheads an oval shape. There are bows. Friendly Service buckles and laces on these new Ham Forrest.». WARR For the world's finest Diving shapes Heels vary from the Carteret. wi" COAL & SUPPLY CO. ME 4-0012 Uqwr Stores Ea,nip*nMt stw to or «aU • Post Cards very high to the (communion m 785 St. George Avc, Woodbrldge ME 4-M71 I Church st n A M 100 t'ulton Street rue stacked leather bee) ft CALL ME 4-0724 —Mrs. 8'iK TII Woodbridge . MErevrr 4-18S9 Sheet Mtotal Work very ifood but the newest oncj PICTURES Booflnc. MeUl Cefllnn is the flare heel which jeUr- r|, WOODBRIDGE Ivery thin a* it travel. towardi»'««r \VMli1,.;. and rmsM Wet* ithe «round7M then flarea out-!^!11 M" Ul Uo«or Store, Inc. ward at the very bottom. | abeth. 588 Aldan Street -The Si-wan- WE DELIVER! Woodbridge, N. J. Small hats are in the ma- imet Monduy iorlty or those being seen al-|home of Complete Stock of Domestic Telephone MEienrr 4-1141 CALL TODAY | thounh blousy looking fur haU lembo- .'" NOW! Established 19*0 and Imported Wines and fedoras are quite popular \\ttt were '~ •}' 424 East Avenue Beers, ant Liquors No Job Too Large Mrs. Guaranteed Lehigh ANTI-CRIME BILli Perth Amboy, N. J. Kay S74 AMBOY AVENUE or Too Small President Kennedy signed present NUT OR 1 Q.95 23 Ford Avenue T. R STEVENS 477 Railway Avenue three bills passed by Congress WQODBBJDGE, N. J. gargal. Woodbridge in an effort to halt organised M- STOVE ' FiMi, N. J. Yes, call today . . no Cl 6(5 81. GEORGE AVE. OwntO Mad Opcntnl kr crime and racketeering. Phone Btperi«it4 Dim fee for estimates. We't) PEA WOODWDGE All three bills were pwrt of Ucksmltl rttpalri nub a man to you toan anti-crime legislative pro- —The COAL will open tlif •fall help you plan, sbow- gram led by Attorney Oeneral S-8"il0" Studio Photos Water Safteiert luncheon WOODBRIDGE KEY Trpea Robert F. Kennedy. He and J $;• SPFXIAL Q Ing you money-saving Edgar Hoover, director of the Music Studio & LOCKSMITH SHOP 95 ihort-cuts. Federal Bureau of Investiga. With »hi» Ad S* SALES tion. were present at the MJXO, HOMI Telephune Now For SERVICE orrics KISYS *uc«ijdltiiiHiii Appointment Warn alt R*at Peter & Janet UVFUCAVKU, Udiutrlil Ulmort Sjftot RENTALS FREE ESTIMATES SAFES SOLD 6 Motor Ourii ME 4-3651 roa ran uiDum Water Softener Salt Lmwn Hovv^rqt Hc^aired HI 4-21U m Ml 4-I2M Soft Water 8oaji HoUr; ttlidtl tUI>ou« Expert Developing and Bwlmmlni Pool 8upplk» MILANO S Bb Printing Service on AU MMv Studios SERVISOFT tor rait Service lutcrlor rut Wrilic (Is oil) CLASSIFIED OP WOODBRIDGE Just Give Us a C»U inr ikUon ^_ ll.lt Ask M aboyi war Ml ti Avenel, N. J. luurlM ri»» WUU * Calon (Utu) vm lallaii _ M45 WEDDING SPECIALS ADS Call SVKUI B|U(1W WblU ME 4^-1815 SIMONE BROS. Ooud OiuUt;. THE WOOOBB1DGE per fiw ME 4-8344 . BRING PUBLISHING GO. LINDEN, N. J. ••••*•« •WilOOT Read The S to ML HI 9 16-20 Green Street WOODBB1DGI 547 Amboy Avenue turned u> HU 6-2726 RESULTS Woodbridf* exclaimed Opw D»Uj I 1JU U 1 tJL Woodbridge, N. J. Directory Adi HU 6-0O59 WAST ADS CLOSED IUNDAT ALL OAT followinii THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE TWENTY-ONE

Weatfleld: 4Z! E. Broad Street Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 A M WORSHIP Sunday School 11:00 A. u indthe strength Nursery provided) • Wednesday evening testimony TOGETHER meeting at 8:15 P. M. for your life... Christian Science L*»wn- THIS WEEK Sermon The Importance of distin- ciRST BAPTIST CHURCH guishing between sound end Meetlnn «:30 P M 2nd and 4tn Mon- P. M. Brownies, every Monday Market and Blfb 8lr«l and fourth Wednesdavs. .unsound thoughts will be Official Board, 8:00 P. M dayi: Mlssionottes unri»r dlrec-'at 6:45 P M Perth Amboy Women's Association. flrst; g |«n Sci- ilrd rhur«d(iy tlon ot Mr« J Wflldhriin m Thursday brougM out Bt Cnrl t i>rict Honalcnuk raitai first ence services Sunday. KMon \ M-. Morning Wo.r*ruD Cancer Dressings, first and Scriptural readings to the Fourth Tuesday, 8:00 P M 9 4S A M.. Sunday School third Wednesdays Lesson-Sermon entitled "Un- 01 Boy Scout*. Fridays, 7:30 p M., Baptist Youth ^ ' Wednesday: Junior Choii reality" will Include these j0 P M Senlor P. M. verses from Psalm US: "1 hate I Ohrij, thtnJ Monday r~ ..» » - Jr i-- ' - Choir. 8:00 no P M,. Evening Oosptl 00 P M. COUflClT under direction ol Mrs |p m_ vain thoughts: but thy taw do R. Workman. OUR REDEEMER I love .. , Thy righteousness Is rvice eigma 'Alpha Phi. secono and Thursday. Trustees, second LUTHERAN CHURCH an everlasting righteousness. ii on A M., Communion Sun ourth ruesday 8:00 P M ST ANTHONYS E Thursday 7:30 P M. 01 r I C. tl Fourth Street, Fords and thy law is the truth.' first Sunday of Congreg»tors, first 8and a? CHURCH Scouts, every Thursday, 7:00 |V to? IUOR R. sto&i From "Science and Health until 00 P M Fort Reading. P M. Organists: Ed He Jacobson Wednesday, 8 P M.. Prayer Rei. Itinhliui Milm, putor Friday Boy .Sftouts, 7:30 with Key> the Scriptures" by Men's CliiJb, fourth Thursday •nd Miss Barbara Frltsche. Mary Baker Eddy this citation1 3fl P ty: Sunday Masses, 7:00. 8:00. P M Matin Service 8:15 A. M, 9:00. .':00 and 13:00 noon Saturday: Couples Club, sec- will be read (p. 288): '"The JOHN VIANNET CHURCH Choir RthMruls Main Service 10:45. suppositional, warfare between Weekday Masses at 8; 00 A. vt ond Saturday, 8:00 P M. r/nlonU Junior Hlgb School ChMKtl. Wednesday 7:4a Holy Communion truth and error Is only the Novena In honor of St. An- KM *alt.l *« Worshl; 10:00. U:00. and 12 noon 10:00 A. M Sunday School Rei Vfllllmn Root, campaign in behalf of Walter Fl]iK|Bj Morning 1 PTA meeting third Tuesday Mr. Oarvan also questioned Confessions Saturday, 4-J, Aiiiitant Putor churoh grounds, Valley Roai A M 10:00 A. M. English Service of each month at 8:00 P M Oarvan, Independent candidate h I B Republican opponent's Baslo American School 9 15 A M. 7:30-8:30 P M Sunday Masses: 6:45. 7:45 Clark. 11:00 A. M. Hungarian Female Choir Rehearsals for Fifth Ward Commltteeman claim that over 30 roads have In Johannesburg, South Afri- 8:45.10:00 and 11:00 A. M. A "country kitchen" wltl ST JOHN'S EPISCOPAL Service. 8:00 P. M During his talk, Mr. Oarvan been paved In Colonla. ca, an old lady sitting opposite Si ( tlCFLIAS CHURCB Novena services every Tues- home-made foods and pastrli CHURCH 7:00 P M. Youth Fellowship Confessions attacked what he called "waste- a gum-chewing U. S. soldier la Iselln day, 7:30 P. M. will be featured, as well as KM John mini rasttr Hoy and Hamilton Avenues First Sunday of the month— Every Saturday 11 A. M. un- frreen-thumb shop, games, pon ful spending, duplicating in a suburban train, smiled ami- Weekday Masses, 7:00 and Senior Girl Scouts ably, finally leaned forward mday Masses 6:30. 8:0C Fords 2:30 P M. Ladles Aids Society noon, 4 to 8 P. M. and 7 rides, "wreck - a - car" ham municipal Jobs and complete 7:30 A M. and said apologetically: |M5 '^ 15. 9:30. 10,00. 10:1 •«t. muisji • rsm*, vicu Monday: Religious Training 9 P M., and sometimes made articles, and snack bar. fiscal irresponsibility." To Meet Tomorrow Holy Communion 8:00 A. M ',<•,. uoo U:30 and 12 nooi 2:30. on days before Holy Days ol CONOREQATION Mrs. Mahlon Parsons Is chai: "A business administrator ISELIN — A meeting or the "it's very kind of you to talk Morning Prayer and Sermon Iwerlcday Masses. 7:00 an. Tuesday. (First) Lorantffy Obligation. B'NAl JACOB man, with the entire congrega was hired at a cost of $12,000— Senior Olrl Scout Troop of Ise to me, sir, but I un stont- 1 A M. Guild. 7:30. Lord Street, Avenel |:00 ^ M tion serving as her committee. the very Job which was being Un, Trallbluer Division is set deaf." Church School, »:45 A. M. Tuesday: (Second) Officers FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Eabbt PhlUu Bund :KMI'I.K BAPTIST CHURCH and Elders. 7:30. 8:30 P M. Friday NEW DOVER CHURCH Pfelffer Boulevard and Tuesday: 'Fourth) Brother- 10:00 A. M.Saturday-Jun- METHODIST CHURCH Eahwaj Avenue »nd Carte'ret Krochmally A*en« hood. 7:30. ior Congregation. IN New Dorer Road. Bdlwn Road, Woodbridge Perth Amboy Wednesday: Junior Choir Kn. Ubwi I. Swnt, Paitat Rn. Alei N. Ntmeth Putoi p.Hor; jMCph B. Buktn 3;15 amci Minh. Student AuliUnt CONOREGATION BETH 8:30 A M. Early Church and rrcd A. Brleca, Jr, Orjiniit SHOLOM . 110:00 A M, Sunday School! Wednesday: Adult Choir all sues. • ! 7:30. Sunday 90 Cooper Avtnae, Iselln 10 A M. Church School and 9:30 A. M., Church School. Rabbi Bernard Fnnke) ,1:00 A M., Worship Service. 11:30 A. M., Hunday School Friday: Brownie Troop, 7:00 Dr, Notbert Kiitnn, Cantor Ommunlon Service. 11:00 A. M.. Morning Wor- 7 P. M Youta Qroup. Friday: Olrl Scout, 7:00. Sabbath Services, Friday eve- Nursery open 10-12 for chll- Saturday : Confirmation ship. tcn birth through 3. ISELIN ASSEMBLY OF GOD Class. 10:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M, Junior Chrlstian|nto8 8:00. Endeavor. Saturday Morning Service, OPEN HOUSE [ 7 oo P. M. Evening Worship. CHURCH 4g Berkeley Sonlerard FIRST PRESBYTERIAN ,6:00 P. M., Junior High :30. . JEWISH COMMUNITY united Presbyterian Youth* Iselln, New Jersey CHURCH OF ISELIN CONGREGATION ADATH ( KN TEB OF COLONIA tUy. Willlaa Klrb;, Futor Oak Tree Road 7:00 P. M.. Senior High ISRAEL 118 Inman Afenne Kn. Rof«t D. Sldener, fiitot United Presbyterian Youth. 8unday Services: Amboy Avenue, Woodbridge lubbi 8:45 A. M., Sunday School Sunday: Meetings Prlday night at 8: JO Rabbi Samuel Newberger for all ages. Morning Worship: 8:45 A. M Session, first Tuesday, 8 P, M. leimdnv School 10:30 to 12 and 11:15 A. M. 8:00 P. M., Friday. Sabbath This FRIDAY, September 29th [junior Services Saturdayi WOODBR1DOE Trustees session, Tuesday, 8 Services Church School: Nursery P M, om 10.30 to 12. METHODIST CHURCH 9:30 A. M. Saturday Services through third grade, 8:45 A M Deacons, third Tuesday, 8 School Tuesday andW n««*irt s. umuttr 9:30 A. M. Saturday, Junior ft** tutbti Martin, Nursery through sixth grade IP. M, rr::sdny.i 3:30 to t. and i to Congregation. - - 3:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. AMlltuI Paitoi toi Youth 10:00 A. M. Junior Hlgi) church Junior Choir, Fridays,' 4-5 P M. Owrf* E Mill, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE OffMlit aai CbolT Director school and Westminster Fel- P M. V.OOUHHlUUt! GOSPEL lunn Sh«mr4 III, lowship 4:30 P. M.-6:30 P. M Superintendents, last Tues- CHURCHES Soptttntrodent of Charth School CHURCH Senior High Westminster Fel- day. Rahwav: Masonic Temple Sunday Bervlces lowship, 7:00 P M.-9-.30 P M. 1548 Lrving Street orner Prospect Avenn* and Church School, 2nd Wednes- at 9:48 A. M.. Church School Adult Bible Study, 10:00 A. M day. Sunday at 11:00 A. M. (tlditdkl* Avenue, ,. and Bible Class, White Church Guild, second Sunday School 9:30 A M. ii Petti Barftu, KuUt 11:00 A. M., Morning Wor- Monday: Session, third Mon- |S 4 A. M.. Sunday School day. 8:00 P M Ladies Aid see and fourth Mondays. Wednesday testimony meet- ship. ond ftnd Society, second ing 8:00 P. M. nil ant'j. Ernest Barabas, 5:30 P M., Junior Intcrmedl-| fourth Mondays, 8:00 Ladles UlitrUitrndeQt. Adult Bible ate Fellowship, — HI tame hour, teacher .7:00 P M., M.Y.P. uiiyim Ernst. oo A M., Morning worship June Chevrolet's TRINITY EriSCOPAL r'.ce Nursery Is provided Rabway Avenue. Woodbndce nn p M.. Senior youth R«v. Wlillin B. Scaouai. Bettor 10MB Bnndei Oriinlrt |7:00 P M, Evening Oospel Sunday Services rvlce. 0:00 A. M,, Holy Communion Saints Days and Holy Days IKST CONOREOA11ONAL Holy Communion 10:00 A M 11KCH OP WOODBRIDOK Premier Showing 11:00 A M Morning worship: | Barron «nd Grove Avenoes Junior Church conducted In >ir, B«;d H. ioBDwa, Jr. n •(rhT.fdrr, MlBllMT «l ***•>* lower auditorium by Mrs. Wll- Mn K»Mlk McCala lam Klrby kpenntrndrnt ol Cbartb of the Hnlxrt Winlim Orfanllt 7:4& P M. Evening Ooepei Sunday 8ervlce. Ju A M., church School 8:00 P M Tuesday: Cottage li oo K. M.. Church 8chool Prayer Meetings. 7:45 P M Wednesday: Bible :i through second grade. Study. hi ill cai« service). 8:00 P. U. first Monday of >5 P M.. Coffee Hour month: Teachers and Workers jllowshlu. Conference 1962 Chevrolets 30 P M.. Pilgrim Ftllow- 8:00 P M. Second Monday: Board Meeting.

From the »tart. make your wedding an occa, sion of long-rememDmd good taste and dis- tinction. Invitation* set the tone of .formal per JUNE Chevrolet, he lection. Choose your own paper and styling from our complete selection* Consult ua on "Direct Factory Authorized Dealer any problem An extension phone90C i amotithth 4'Quality... Worthy of the Ocauion" 2-BIG LOCATIONS-2 Next time you're in the middle of things-cooking dinner, or up to your elbows in suds-and the phone rings-think how IN METUCHEN 1 IN FORDS handy a kitchen extension would be. ATkitchen phone helps Modern Showroom and New Improved Used Cm Hwdquarters - ilft WW Brimtwlck A vctiui a reawaable adStioiiaJ cost you can mm it a 950 &&MJ0MX Arame, . ?• 20 fcreen Stweti WoodDr%> colorpboue or 4 pretty new Princess phone. Toordgyoun,rh . j ttum - Telephone simply call thfc Telephone Business Office, or ask "^ OPEN»AaY*nt9P.M. SATURDAY your teltphonc serviceman. N£W JEESEYJELL MErcury 4-1111 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Barrons Chalk Win Over Jefferson In Season's Opener Alumni Sets Union 11 Homecoming WOODBRIDGE—The Wood- Is Next bridite Hiiih School Alumni Association is euiTently com- jpletmit plans to honor the jclassfs of 1961. '51. '41, and '36 Rival on October 14 at Homecoming Day ceremonies before and :after the Linden-Woodbridge WOODBRIIXif football same »t the stifdtum. ! experience but .•,.. An Alumni social will con- sheer courage and ,• chide the Homecoming Day termltied Wo School football •. , f( st;*.-tips at the Fords V.F.W. hall immediately after the foot- rated its 19G1 V,, ball clash. Thomas Jefferson ..: -. jand emerged a la-: 1 Steve M&rkulin, ttw Associa- Rome played ui.fi. tion's vice president, announced host and humid1,!-. I this morning that tickets will The Win over th. ;.. who made their 1!)61 debut in the Pop Warner Football League a success byt |be made available at Saturday's DEBIT SITCFSSHI.: Pictured are membors of the Fords Bearcats, was a big one (o c dSi^M 'MuTthew's !,rHi'Ton!ll':r!-i:!,1«t'VhrWondi rid . High School Stadium. Seated in the firsi r.m. from left to right are: Dan Pajak Pay* Han- (home (tame between Wood- : 1 (!( Prlscoe's chaw*, i,.- d han Ifi,h Ic«is Cirl Dunirh Mike I^wis, Robert Hart, Tim Stevens. Mark Stevens. Bill Krskme, Dennis I.rsk.ne. Second row: Halter Selomski. Pett bridge and Union. test will arrive But•;:',; BiTman Kill Sisolak Lou Ferr'in, Brian Slovens, Joe Torrhia, Tom Klein. George Hart, Pat Stevens. Third row: Jtrr, Nani, Tom Eaton, Jim Weir, Former graduates of Wood- noon at the loc.il s\r Airh nromirski Tom Kurucz Mike Frinn Joe Croasdale, DOUR Bradbury, Kay Soporowski. Fourth row: Frank Hrevnak, John Makar, John Mansfield, bridge High will be given the a highly rated f- Dan Zhflyan, Jerry Satchel, Ed Gmbowsk'i, Douc Pajak. Joe Krainat., Pat Tylka, Joe Modreski. Ed Burrows, Bob Fread, Bob Nelson and Jim Valentine. opportunity to become members team moves into • of the organization by filling Farmers copped •••.-. out a brief application at each against Trenton bv , entrance to the stadium. score, but had to n.n. Fords Bearcats The next meeting of the 'lind twice to achi,•-..- • Alumni group will be held Oc- Union, which has i •.; tober 3 at the Woodbridge High r-packed team in ;.• <• School auditorium at 8 o'clock. Jersey Conference f.v Defeat Edison four years, appears t :• ed again with a w: si- ' WOODBRIDGE—The Pords^the fourth period. Brian Deis-,Flag Football cO.NOR.VH I.ATIONS AKK IN OKUfcR: John Inllo, su- terback in Gus 8,tr,t.,:.- R'flioats made their season'siley went over from the four pervisor of the Township Recreation Department, con- can run and pass vi- gratulates Robert Lanican, who was awarded one of the d(but in the Pop Warner Foot-yard line, and liter on hei » g , A -s ==pa ability. The Barrnr.-' to ball Leaeuc a tremendous sue-!tossed a pass to Morgan /\xtl*9.CtS ITT Julius Kollar Most Outstanding Player Trophies, during for "the afternoon will h cess by derating St. Matthews wrap up the scoring. the recent Bisphall Tournament of Champions sponsored a close watch on tb ;• of Edison by a 25-13 score at The Bearcat defensive unit! jointly by the Woodbridge B.P.O. Elks and Recreation backfleld ace WOODBRIDGE - John P. Department. the local hieh school Btadium, continually thwarted Bt, Mtt-jHughes, chairman of the Coach Nick Pii.%i.. Led by MI array of fast backs thews' efforts to move the ball. Woodbridge Township Recrea- rarely satisfied wit; •: and a hard charging line, the Standouts for the defensive'tion Department, announced formance of his club .:. i Bearcats pushed over two unit were ends Prank Hrevnak, that 177 boys have registered is almost perfect is [touchdowns in the second pe- Ed BurrowB and linebackers for the Annual Flag Football with Saturday's enco-,;: •• • jriod and two more in the third. George Hart and Doug Pajak. League sponsored by his De- claims the Barrons m -.-• [St. Matthews scored twice in: The Fords team will be on partment each fall season. rect several mistake the last period but never the road for the next two Sun- Teams in the Intermediate against Thomas Jeff.T- • threatened seriously to take days before returning home on League will play their games at week. They showed ... 6 the lead. October 15 for their homecom- Merrill Park on Saturday ack of experience Ki'.iri: The Bearcats scored first in ing game with South River. morning; at nine, ten, and have cost them tii- the second period. Richie Lewis Next Sunday, October 1, they eleven o'clock. The league will against a more formidr.!'. ibroke over tackle on a quick will engage the Edison Jett'at include the Port Reading Bears, However, the Red B'.a:• :* • •opener, cut to the sidelines and Roosevelt Park. Colonia Eagles, (last year's lacked determination or j scampered 25 yards for the ini- gressiveness from :. champions in the Junior 1 tial score. Doug Pajak plunged League), Woodbridge Colts, Is quarter until the fox: :. •. over for the point after touch- Recs Trounce elln Vikings, Iseliin Westbury the Tee Jay encour.'- down. Lions, and the Iselln Rams. by Johnnfo RoyU * Pete Prandano. -.. •• The Bearcats' alert defensive Team* in the Junior League who was used sparin.lv ••• unit set up the next touchdown will play their games at Fords *Thomas Jefferson, will !• I by recovering an Irish fumbleMeades 5-3 Park on Saturday mornings at as a left halfback am! q ;:• ion the kickoff following the back, if necessary, ;-..: PERTH AMBOY—The Porda nine and ten o'clock. This Conversations with Coach Nick Priscoe are al- first touchdown. Soon after, league is comprised of the Is Union. He can nil; y.r Joe Croasdale went around end Recreation, the Township elln 49'ers, Iselln Steelers, Co- ways stimulating and of interest, but before the with equal ability, -.v!v.<:::; on a quarterback keeper and Senior League Softball Cham- lonia Titans, Woodbridge clash with Thomas Jefferson last Saturday, he had him a mo6t useful bar:. Woodbridge straight T : CLAIM l!)(il Till.K: New doubles champions were crowned at the Springwood Swim behind good blocking, raced 20 pions, added luster to their Giants and the Iselin Packers. me puzzled, In fact, during our exchange of com- tlon. Club Tennis Championships when Bob (iillis and Al Martin, two Woodbridge residents, yards to paydirt. The conver- present crown by defeating the In the Junior League, the survived the rugged finals at the Colonia courts to lay claim to the 1961 title. sion attempt failed and as a Meade Street Aces 5-3 to win Woodbridge Giants meet the ments he had me holding the telephone with one Bob Pair, the ..•M and an All County - •: ; result, the score at the half- the Harry Evanello Memorial Colonia Titans tn the nine hand and drying the tears with a handkerchief time break remained 13-0. Trophy sponsored by the Hubs. o'clock opener at Fords Park, WM tremendous at :; PAUL'S GRID PICKS Midway through the third pe- Mike Roskey, the versatil' i1""1 at **n o'clock, the Iselin with the other while explaining the deficiencies of md slot, and up tlr (Games to be played Saturday) the line, Bill Vrabfi •> FireCompany riod, Richie Bromirskl took •* Fords' chucker, went the full •9>ers meet the Iselin Of™'-~ his present club. Favorite Opponent Points handoff and swept 32 yards Iselln draw a bye standing as a block-: >: Woodbridge over Union 2 seven inning distance to pick ^ around end to put the Bearcats up the win. While tolling from or th""e "firs~ t week of play. He had reason to cry the so-called blues because fender. Asbury Park Trenton 13 Woodbridgeshouvd i" Upends Umps out front, 19-0. Again the con-the diamond podium, he gave In the Intermediate League he had only two bona fide veterans from last year's Plainneld Columbia ...: 1 palling game, but i." version was missed. The Bear- up just six hits. Bernie Dziekan the Port Reading Bean clash FORDS — Andy Polatis" run Linden New Brunswick 19 Central Jersey championship team returning to ent durbi« the «»"'•• 1 cats' final score '"' •' played for the benefit of The Metuchen • Dunellen 35 opening stanza, on a walk, two Colts meet the IseMn kVlkings. a quarterback sneak for the However, we failed to calibrate the ability of Capraro set up ad-: Independent-Leader Christmas Red Bank Cath SayrevUle 6 point after touchdown to Up base errors and a sharp single contained the Thn:;!> Fund. Matawan Carieret 19 the count to 26-0. off the bat of Red Halifko. Mr. Priscoe and his assistant, Frank Capraro, to son offense which »• • The power-packed Umpire Piscataway St. Peter's _ 14 St. Matthews scored twice In The Aces went further ahead 18-year-old mold a team from raw material. We also must one of the best in r. l Manasquan Rumson - ~ 33 3-1 in the third when Ed Kali- ty with speed, sw •" - lineup, loaded with high school admit that once again the Determined spirit of and college talent, had their Long Branch Middletown 13 aowskl singled, advanced to ability. hands full attempting to solve Red Bank Lincoln - 29 second base on a wild pitch and Cops Title Wpodbridge athletes was not taken into considera- Three minute.-, A'1' • Nutley East Orange 15 1 •the pitching slants of the vet finally scored on Lefty Znacko's tion. This combination proved successful at Eliza- of the first ti'i'' - . eran Ben Gloff, who haslet to Montclair < , Irvingtnn _ 13 safe blow to centerfold, METUCHEN — Tom Ulozas, Lutz, the Woodbr.;! . • Watc.hung beth. Saturday, and I was proud to be on hand to s: at loffc" decision in Softball com- Ridge 13 The Fords' club showed their the former WoodbrMge High Ed Ry»»' •;•, petition this season'. He wai Recurd to date: Won 14, Loot 4. Average, ,778. ability to rpcover with a four School golf star under Coach witness the game. the Thomas Jeff«-(1 '-;'• nicked for 19 hits but hat i Ernest Dubay, became the :i; 1 run rally in the fourth inning line to set up the m!"- • whenever the Arbiters threat- Whltey Mizerak, Johnny Yea- youngest player at 18 to win I ani not attempting to build up the present score. ened to break the game wide Mr. John Royle the Metucheni Country Club ger and Jack Nagy all singled Barron squad because they do not havj: it to com- On the first pl.iv •'• open. Sports Editor before Lou Banko cut npionship Playoff when he mage, Richie H«u;;: , Keasbey forged ahead 8-7 in Independent-Leader with a resounding double to defeated Tom Green for the plete an undefeated season—the odds are stacked to the Tee Jay 18 ;': 1961 crown. ! the fifth ifining, but the short Woodbridge Green Street spark the uprising, up against them, However, they are' every inch Arnott on the uv* .. Woodbridge, N. J. . The Woodbridge resident won adge failed to hold up when Fords added an insurance breewd to the 16 Charlie Fitzpatrick belted a Dear Johnny, the title when he flnlihed two football players from what I saw Saturday, and run, their fifth, in the sixth mined on a pa A qouble which drove in Bob Please accept my compli- up on Qreen In the medal play what more can you ask of an athlete who lacks With fourth fliw-' $imonwm with the .eaunlizinp vs. Union ments on your recent articles inning, Yeager and Nagy hit tournament. -•-I safely, during the brief scoring wp , and four to go, KW" •rjt run, your concern over On his way to the champion- conveying spurt. Experience, size and speed? There is no substitute out to Arnott and "•" « The Recreation crew took the path the various highly ship, yiozat ihot a par 72 in player in the Woo*1 over In the sixth frame by u BROADCAST regimented youth activities, Johnny Yeaget bad a perfect the moftiing, session and car- for intestinal fortitude and one thing for sure, the field set WasitiM.i»i" Jordan, home run; Bill Over,! Little League, etc., seem to be afternoon in the confines of rled on from there with a 1 Baxrons on this 1061 club have it regirdtew of end. He received on.-( 12-8 score on blasts by Lee following. the batter's box with three hits in the afternoon. Green, 34 and from there he '•'• 1 double: Tony O'Brien, home1 While I write as an individ- in as many attempts, while years old, completed the course their lack of varsilty competition. 1 SATURDAY at 5 P.M. own. The Thorns run: J01 French, home run. ual, our J.C.C. shares your con- Jack Nagy collected a pair of with 74 in the morning and I did not realize how 'futile the situation was linebacker and &<''' Delayed Broadcast Following RUTGERS Game finished with a 73 in the final With their backs, to the wall, :ern. I feel that while these ac- hits. The Aces' power at the until the first Woodbridge punting situation ar- back had clear -!• ' the Firefighters fouyht back tivities are instrument* of good plate was supplied by Ed Kau-round. Barron ball ™'!!'; With a four run cluster in the healthy recreation and the nowskl and Rerf Halifko, who It was all tied up after, Green rived. I was quite close to Priscoe on the side- his knees almoM M> bottom of the sixth to make it 1450 98.3 adults who give of their time belted out two safe blows each. (Continued on Page 24) AM lines and I heard- him repeat before the ball was chin, he powtr«'tl i • (Continued on P;i|"u 241 PM are to be complimented, I am l;1 snapped back, "I only hope he (meaning the cen- the sidelines until WCTC primarily concerned about his destination those adults who lack under- ter) gets the ball back to the kicker." The Barron Hadyniak Play-by -Play by Art Browne standing, , both human and BOWL-MOR LANES lion and as * technical, who bexotne associ- skipper was a nervous wreck because he goes RS. 453 AMBOf AVENUE WOODBRIDGE wmalned 8-0. ated as coaches, etc. I am con- through more than the playera. He may not re- »nd Cliff Hitycoi-V of WClt After a EXPRESS BUSES This and EVERY GAME thin stantly amazed to see the trans- New 24-Lane Establishment member, but he offered me at least six squares of formation that occurs in tome riod, Woodbrldm- EVEKY brought to you a* a Community Now Under Construction Chiclets during the game. HowmucH gun> can a SATURDAY Service by: men when they step on the ball Held. They becoiao belligerent, sportswriter chew? . • p AND dictatorial, tmd.ly some j, Complete Wi£ There are numerous weakness I cQijdd. up their WEDNESDAY hysttrlcftl.'This Is -recreationI' COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND SNAJK BAB s I cQijdd. potet M« ELECTRIC CO. ut wfcich ocud di lt ineffective b 1 hope the attached clipping out wfcich occurred during last Saturdays game, vu! Woudbridg*, N. J. will reajjsure you that many WILL OPEN SOON the Tee *Jas y ATLANTIC CITY people share your Justified con but who am I to sit with a chart and pencil and tern. at rolling with a si)(l1' RACETRACK pass Judgment on a group of players who made, on tba WlMbeth "'""' STERN & DRAGQSET With best wishes, I am Main Btrwt and U. 8. 9, Woodbridfe JOSEPH W, SMITH in my estimation, a tremendous showing against runnirm plays bv '•• Buses leave Main & School HE 4-NII Frandano mov«i i " Chairman, Juvenile 1 Sts. «t 11:00 a.m. REALTORS - Thomas Jefferson. Sure they made mistakes, but le.fromwhi'i'^ ' Woodbridge, N. j. Conference Committee ANDEEW T. HOSPODAB, Owntr-MUftftt the four. At tl"--1"' MHINB TRIP Woodbfidgt, M J. at no time during Jhe game did they show any (Continued on pas, u)' (Continued on >" THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 PAGE TWENTY -TMKEE LEGAL NOTICES „ ANXIOUS LEGAL NOTICES LIOAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES I.EOAX NOTIOU LEGAL NOTICIS LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES .Oltfk'i Oflloe en June 31, 1937, In |lladfiphli - Kager to jet Street In a Northerly direction JV Committee ot tha Townihlp of North IS degrees « minutes West|of_the said d»y, at »h* BhtrifTa The approilmata amount ot the "TOTAL Book 1971 of De*di for said County * tim license. 87-year to the point or place of Beginning, Woodbrldge, Middlesex county, Rtw and pattllel with OradyDrtve (tor Office In tn* Cfty »f H»w Bnin*. Judgment to M uUinid by said WITH Ion Pan 451. Being the premises commonly lenej, and muat tt accompanied nitrly Park Atenuei 1M.M feet to|wtck, N. J. Ml* ta tli* no of Thirteen Thou- bLOCK LOT OWNER JULT. IMm Rollins arrived at the BBINO commonly known anil sand four Hundred nfty-teven known and designated as No. 14 iy a Non-OollQ-on affidavit and a a point; throce (1) North 71 de- "AM, that trut or ptro«l of land, ,,,,P license bureau a " ""I detlgnat«<1 at 109 Wortylko Street, certified check for not lota than tin (I1I.4S7.IM) Dollars, more or lets, 3KF its « in William ICarteret, New Jersey. Burlington Street, Carteret, N. J. gnea 19 minutes East and at right sltuste, lying and Ming In tht (10) p*r cent of th* amount bid, together with the co*U off th- talt 3SIF tw fc ir C'.ltnt Conitructlon rirly. one of the clerks! The approximate amoiint of the anglte to Orady Drive, {formerly Township' of Woodbrldt*. _l_n the Th* aDDfoxJmata imnunt xtf trm iilsmfn* In be MtliHM hy said ptvfKM Ml* *k*ak it*** w>t b« Park Av«_u») « *"»t to th* weal- IMF IM 1! J Wimim Brwn . ,,i' just in time to se# ludpnent to be satisfied by Mid rn«nr> ft MMaWtn In w* Tuftthtr with _U and jingular tot nale la the sum of Six Hundred and more than $20,000 00 nor ahalt not trly lln* of Orsdy Drive (formerly right*, prlvllegts, htrtdltamentt and .Oltnl CooMnitUoa ,•- jale In the sum of Two Thouaand 1 he l*t* than S500.00 and b* dtllvtitd New Jersey mr llnimn collapse. Bli (|M6.00) Dollars more or less Park Avenue; thence (4) Smith It 1 11110 1 1 Mwmlntn ?ip, ;oi, : J u Seven Hundred and Flfty-flv* ($3.- together with the costs of this sale it tht place on or btfor* th* hour degree* 45 minutes East along tht tt a nt In the' * *"" '* belonging 3HF ins William Br*en . V t|,,d,orR ftt the hospital 7JS.0O) Dollars, more or lew, to- i Together with »1I and singular abov* named. Tht standard pro- westerly lln* of Orady Drive I for- Corner I Mwellno „ Una Oomtle* „. gether with th« costs of this tale. .»d.; 3« A 13 ,,n Rollins n«eded was he rlKhtn, privileges, hereditaments posal form la attached to tha sup- merly Park Avenuel 110.M f«H to therein distant along " inmel. L'.ovirltaf Memorltl Park Ann. Together with ml and singular °l]ourn said tale from time to tlmej 304 J 9 to U vr-V «nd appurtenance* thereunto be- plementary specifications, copies nf the place nf Beginning. and Cloverlnf Memorltl Park ... .. Drrakfast. In his eager- the rights, privileges, hereditaments ihlch will b« furn_h*d on appllca- 1MR longing or In anywise appertaining. The above description .li 3MK n to •, i i • '. Clovirltaf Memorial Park rL tho license to marry and appurtenances thereunto be- ! n R |The subscriber reserves the right to ,lon to *ng1ne»r, no laMf than the oordance with suryey_ WK C'overl«al Memorial Ptrk 'longln«; or In anywise appertain- •', Ulinn Hicks, S2, he lor- adjourn aald sale from time to tlmel clot* of the tniilnesi day, October nest T. Chick, Civil Engr. i Bur- C'oterlelf Mtmnrltl ptrk Ann. . ing. The subscriber resenes the n \i si ii--'.. subject only to such limitations or 1M1. jveyor dated June 1J, 1M0. 30 minute* 30 wrnndli cart ISn fwii ROBERT H. m Mtrinle Tucker , Ito ct right to ad]o\im said tal* from to a point; thenre (51 south 83 (te- 1A tl 3 restrictions upon the eierclse of By »rd«r of ths Towtuhlp Com-I Commonly known u No. 345 Clln- 3BRI C overleaf Memorial Park Ann. - time to time subject only to tuch greet 39 minutes 5" ttcimdi wnt 50 snirtfl » such power as mav be specially pro mltte* of th* Township of Wood- ton Street, Woodbrldge, New Jersey, tt KBANF,. 40. "oiil.'i A. Ortnt NOTICES limitation! or restrictions upon the feet to a point: thenre north 1A vldsd by law or rules of Court. bridge, The following equipment Is In- Attorneyi 403 A 19 t '•> "Vch-rd It Istell* rfUonL.- - •xercltt ot nich power as may in B. I DUNKJAN. I eluded In tht within mortgage; Oat T ridetree 3 s 30 minute3 s SOi seconaseconds wtNI1w*rtj.1 t <.,.. -. *•. IA/VSI 403 F ROBERT H 1AMI8ON Ij I/M mm SM5.V 40SC i\ *:J ::•": ThMnu ...in...... specially provided by law or rules "Township Clark; jung*. 150 fMt to a poln' In the southerly '' ' - »• "• ' of Cifflft. ahttttr. HI l.:tl) Miumrk Co - ,n|1,PsFX COUNTY C0UR1 DAVID IJNITT I.-I,, J/M: 10/J/oi " line of Ton\- CoFrW!: tileTIC* (V\[ 415 K ROBTOT H. JAMISON, The approilmata amount of ttit slong the wine nnrth 8J defrees I)1 RESOIUTION .MB.sH.r;i "" IAW DIVISION Attorney. Judgment to be tatlsfled \ the [Mint or nlsre of beginning. ;of Reptfmber, IMl, tht 3A r:u fottth , - ,, i unriliw Corp.. « N*w I.-L. »/H, 31, M; 10/8/dl »4S.T3 SET. CRANOKRY DIVISION MID- "The abnv* description la In 7 ,31 [IIS.193 00) Dollart more or IFM, to- h 0 « 7 S'.vester _ R McCsnn i rpordtlnn, Plaintiff, and NOTICE TO BIDDERS DLESEX COUNTT. Docket No. »• gether with the costs of this snlr rord«nce'"wiinV wwjf marie "by|' 'P. ' "J"?*"*; *%.A.Sl"rf « I « 3 Charles h franefs HcCann \ [)rnni:ntil and Marga- SHERIFFS SALE i3495-«0. CRMTMONT 8AVINO8 h rl th le n| Ul Together with all and singular thet,n,,j n P Boor. Civil Knilnwr. and " "«' ****** , « WI>' »»™ . «J „ Msry Clvlok . _.. n,.|io7ii!l». neftndanti. Writ LMEX COtlNIV C0UR1 Notice 1* hereby given that sealed AND LOAN AflSOCIATION, a cor- II to 17 loci rights, privileges, hereditaments and!''"'.aurievor, . 117 Smith Rtr.*t. Perth «»"" <>«iJ<>l» tee »"«»";« V''J 443 R Msiy Clvlok — ,..,„,, fnr the sals of moTt- LAW DIVISION bids will bo received by the Town- poration of the State of New Jer- 18 A II appurtenances thereunto belonging:rtl , "Yj'ij1 1 442 11 Olga Michel* Ocktntlfn ,,'.rnilirs dated June 13th, MIDDLESEX COUNTY ship Commute* of tha Township o: sey, is Plaintiff, snd FRANK M. » Amhnv New Jerfev, dated Mrtvembw niltllnnn Ifltg 1th4 ein trwtloBlockB 4M-of 0t odwHllnn;n Haw- M44J4 B„ 20 to 34 Incl. or In anywise appertaining. Thrj ' Anton Oljlnovlch , «. Docket No. Book X, Page 191 Woodbrldge for tht Widening ant. RITACCO and JOYCE RITACCO, nl-o knnwn as 43 roiyi'horne Avenue, Colonla. New Jer- 444 B 30 to 33 Incl, Stanley _ \>ro«lci Ptduch Resurfacing of Lake Avenue In the subscriber reserves the right to nl- drtI T)jsty «nd that determination of ald ... n' the above Itattd Alexander Bohayda, t-a Al't Mar- his wife, FKDDERB CORPORATION,! Corner, ]woodbrtdgt"Twp")',|w. «nrt that d*t*rrnlnatlon of Midi uia • & 44 Forrest _ B plgott _ Township of Woodbrldge In trip Journ aald talt from time to time I Conin7rt t^ 11* eif BoarT^r"i_» 9jQd o^fT Adjustmenan (nit ^w •titl hs!• _» _ Til Ji ket, Plaintiff, and Lena Broughton a New York corporation, CNITKD 1 N. J. 13.* 16 Michael tt D. Daly •-,» directed and rt«ltter«d, subject only to such limitations or been tiled In the office of aald Board 1 Defendsnt County of Mlddlenet with a FABC-1 BONDINO INSURANCE COMPANY, "Being the sam» premises con- H7 c lilt to IMl In:) Michael Dtlv . „ .„ to ule »t publlo »*n mitf.ncs upon a Modified Fenetm restrlntlont upon the exercise ot at the Municipal Building, Main- otherwise known a* UNITED BOND- scons up i the 448 V 11312M2 Ato 113U«37 Incl. Klmball k Klmball „. Writ of EiMutlon for tht tal* ol tlsn "Macadam on Macadam founds such power at may be specially pro- Btiwt. Wnodbrldgt. New Jersey, and -f-Jli.\T TIB 11TH DAY 'fmls*s dated t)ecember 9th, I960. 1NO COMPANY, an Indiana cor 44RV 1350 to 1381 Incl. f Imball1 * Klnball tlon, estimated amount nf FABC- vided by law or rules of Court simiiltaneoutly herewith. Is avftllftble for Inspection, I 'B A. D. 1M1, By virtue of the above ataud Writ, poratlon, MILTON STONE and 4S2 1 Reeb Mlllwork C'o requlred Is MO Tons, of Mod(n>< STATB OF NEW JERSEY an Da- ROBERT H. JAMISON. "This Is a purchat* money mort- FREDKRICK SIMON8F,N I i,our" nf two o'cloc'lkk by th* to me directed and delivered. 1 wilijPenetratlon Msradn Sheriff. WO 2M3 ta 2037 Incl Richard ft Gloria Thrnnat m foiindntlor goge being given toseeore a portion Secretary Board of Adjustment 474 B n-jlUilit iStandard or D»y- •tpose to sale at public vendue on n u Wrlt RICHARD HABDIB THIEtB. 8 >,i of 14 Rudolph li Mj-rtl* P«ul — 113 Bauart'Tariisrini opened"and'j""'"'» , ' of Ejecutlon for the of the purchase price of the fore- Township of Woodbrldge i 4*4 H divinr) time, In the afternoon WEDNfBIHT THI Uth DAT read In public at Memorial Mu-!»i« of mortjaged premliei datad Attorney, Pt of 33 to 33 81 i described premises." I.-L. B '28/61 Mat Wtlntr _..., ._ "I'I dav. at th* Shtrtffi Of OCTOBER AD,, 1961 nlclpal Building On October 17, 1MI, dl ' 9th, 1M1. I.-L. »/7, 14, ai.aa/ei 133 .n: Inol. me city ot N*w Brun* at the hour of two o'clock by the at 8 P. M., Prevailing Time. By virtue of the above Hated NOTICE OF TAX SALE 4S4n Pt Of !« Si * Mil W*ln*r K f then prevailing Standard or Day- Drawings, specifications and forma Writit, to me directed and deliver*], sHimrr's SALK , 4ML 20 Mary M. Wathlngton ^ iMt, tract or parcel of 1 light Saving) time, In the afternoon of bids. contractJ) and bond for the I win eipoat to wit at publlo Te ' (uriRioR COURT or j TOWNSHIP OF, WOODBRtDGE' 4ML 48 « 4« SmU Banders .^ ' ;r/.. hereinafter partleu of the said day, at the Sheriff's Of- 4NP 17 D»nl»l * T. Caruto proponed work, prepared by Carl F. due on sew JERSEY SECTION an r'he'd. situate, lying an fice In the City of New Brunswick. Wheeler, Township Engineer, und WEDNESDAY, THB 4TH DAT CHANCERY DIVISION 900 >2 Robtrt k E. Coetnoughtr Notice la hereby given that the undersigned Collector of Tun of t'.f nnrough Of Carter*! N. J spprovpd by the State Highway •OF OCTOBER, A. D. IMl, MIDDLESEX COUNTY 501 78B Bertha Cohen .... the Township of Woodbrldge, in tht County of Middle*** will hold a • M'ddiesei and BUM o: "•- - ' ' ~' " In at the hour of two o'clock bythe Docket No. F-2427-M SOtO Otlvln A C. Carney Beginning on the easterly aide otiCommlsslone'r, have been filed ,„, -- - ' —• public sale tt the Tax Office, Mrmorlsl Municipal Building. Main Strut, tnfn Hudton County National Bank, 507B 7 Fated Conitructlon Co. „., Burlington Street, formerly S»vage]the omre of the imld Engineer at Prevailing (Standard ot Day Woodbrldge, New Jersey, October 13, IMl. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. h;:-.n» n and deilgnated u^reet, and also formerly known if ighl Saving) time, In the afternoon Trustte under Trust Agreement 507 B I Ptttd Conatructlon Co. - Memorial Municipal Building, 1 Eastern DnyltRht Time, to tatUfy municipal lims now In arrears. fB-15 on map *n- Thomas Street, distant 323.31' from ot the tald day, at >h« Bhtrlfl's Of- dated November », 1M4. a national J07B t • pet*d Conitructlon Co. ..__ - Mnlu Street, WoodhrtdRe, New Jer- Th* parrels to b< Hold ire listed below, berni detcrlbed by lot and , nf Mnnroe Bastes, Bee- the corner formed by the lnterser- fice In tht City of New Brunswick, banking awoclatlon, Plalntlfl, and 510 A John -Hammond . ,..,.-__ sey, und of snkl State Hlghwnv block number shown on th* Township Assessment Map. and In accord- 348 A 34t ,',,!(.d In Borough of Ctr- tlon of the Southerly aide of the N. J. 510 A Marie Booier .. Commissioner, Trenlon, N. J.. and Donald 8. Jacob and Jane Jacob. ance with the last tin duplicate giving the owner"! name as ahown on 348 to 191 Incl. l' esex County, N. J., pre- Wooobrldie Road, now known as All the following tract or parcel 510 8 Dtvld * B. Davit ...., may he Inspected by prospective his wife, The Btat* of New Jersey tbe last tax duplicate, together with ths total amount due thereon as 728 * 127 H Thomas Carr. Civil Roosnvplt Avenue, and the Easterly of land and premises hereinafter 3101 Frink Tuttlt . bidders during business tiourfl. Bid- and the United States of America, computed to THE FIRST DAY OF JVI.V. 1M1. 81 to 84 Incl. surveyor— City Planntr, side of Burlington Street and run- ders will be furnished with « copy particularly described, situate, lying Defendant!. Writ of Execution for 5101 13 Frank k Henrlttt* Tuttl* A -. 'n December 11, i»J6," ning thence; (1) Easterly direction of the sppclflrntlons nnd blue prints and being In th* Township of the tale of mortgtited premises Said respective psrcelt of land will be aold to make th* amounts 3101 13] to 117 Incl. John k Laura Brawn — h>.i""i the Middlesex County snd at right angles to Burlington of the drawings by the engineer on Woodbrldge• , in the- Count- y of Mid- dated August Ith, IMl. severally chargeable against the aame on said FIRST DAY OF JULY, IMl SUF 341 Chtrles Btbtla "' ,<•' P on April I. 1957. as Street 92.27' to a point and run- proper notice and payments ot rait ldeaex and Stat* of New Jersey: By virtue of the ivbove stated as computed in said list together with Interest on said amount FROM 5UO 303A & 3O4A Charles tt K. Reed ,., ;I?V Pll* 945. nlng thence; (2) Southerly direction of preparation. Bids must be made BEGINNING at a point of Inter' Writ, to me directed and delivered, SAID FIRST DAY OF JULY TO THE DATE OF SALE, and th* cott of 51(0 319 & 310 Floyd Wilton, Jr. . 4 the name premltM con' anf pare!!*! with aald Burlington ion standard proposal form* In the section of the westerly UW of Oraty l will eipote to lale at puWte ten- sale 9171 121 h 123 Charlii Lukatiewikl «ts-valor« A. IX Rogatlt Strict 25' to a point and nmnlnrlmiinne.r deslRnaterl therein and rr- Drive (formerly known as Park Ave- du* on Said parcris will M Mid In fee to such perton* aa will purchase thi 9171 123 * 124 John k J. Hocktnbern , ,l.-?irc M. D* Rogslls, his thence i3) Westerly direction antllqulred by the jpeclflcntlons, must nue) with the northerly line of WEDNESDAY, THB 1ITH DAT tame, subject to redemption tt tht lowest rat* of Interest, but not« 317 L 39 to 31 Incl. Paul _ Mary Bkula of L-Vlllsge Two, a (parallel with first courie 9112' to|be eticlo.wil In sealttl envelope*, Clinton Street; thence II) South 72 OF OCTOBEH, A, D. 1961, ceedlng eight per cent per annum 517 M 25 t« 37 Incl. Jtatniu * Mlnnlt Vlcktr* _,— the mate of New;tlie Easterly tide of BurllnBtonihfiarlnt! the name and addresi of i|p(!rpn 2J minutes West along the «t the hour of two o'clock uy the Bnld sates will be subject to municipal Hens accruing AFTER JULY 317 8 16 to 18 Incl. Joseph St Mtrgt Klrach .lime 20. 19S7. and re-l8treet aforesaid and running thenrf; hldtlcr nnd name, o( the road on iinrlherlv lint of Clinton Street then orevalllng (Bt.nndnrd or Day- S17 8 19 to 21 Incl. Joseph k Margt Klrach l I, IMl, Including aiMsamenti conflrmtd after that date and IMl t\e Mlddleeex County l4) Easterly jlde ot Burlington!outside addrtBsocl to The Township 48.01 feet to a point; thence (2) light Saving) time, In the afternoon •». and to the right ot Interested parties to redeem within tbe time M9E 16B & 17A Hllen Ntgy _ fixed by law. 551 C 103B to 107B Incl W. Beiton & O, Jr., Frlese 5MA TOTAL LIENS 7B & IB Wllltam C. SMton 99

ADVERTISEMENT OF JUDICIAL SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY MIDDLESEX COUNTY Docket No. C-585-60 By virtue of a Judgment for Ball of tbt Superior Court, Chancery Di- vision, made on'the 25th day of July, 1001, In as action pending Unrein, wherein Mary Crttd, li Dlalntlff. and William Repmann and SMUa Kepmuin, hit wife are da- fendtnts. the subscriber, the 8berlff of Middlesex County, will on Wed- ne*day the llth day of October, iHI. at two o'clock In th* after- noon, sell at public vendue to tha blghett bidder, it the Sheriff1! Of- flee,- In tht City of New Brunswick. I County of Middlesex, and State of N*w Jtrtty. the following described tract of l«od and premises: BEINO known and designated ta Lou No. 17 and IB—In Block 839 at ahown on "Map of proparty of Wil- liam Zlegltr, Esq., Pemortat-on-the- HtllMpt, surveyed January, 1891, by at the advantages of J. M. Trowbrtdge", and filed In the Office of the Clerk of the County of Middlesex tt Map No. 196 on Sap- Winter 34, 1891. ELECTRIC BUNG alto known and designated aa Lots No. 17 and 18 In Block 829 shown on the Official Ttx and Assessment Map of the Township ot Woodbrldn, in the County of Mil- HEATING FOR dieaex ana State of New Jersej. l_wa more commonly known Unit dtMgnittd ei No. tBl Woodruff Avenue, Avenel. In the Township qf YOUR NEW HOME Woodbrldge, In the Countywif Mid- dlctei, and State of New Jersey Including the Inchoate rights of Public Service's new low Electric heating rate dower of the defendant. Stella Rep- mann, wife of the defendant. Wil- lets you step into the future ... to enjoy all the liam Repmann, and together with til and singular tha hereditaments luxurious comfort and oonvenienoe that only Moo- and appurtenances U> the aald premises be^hglng or In any wise trio home heating oan give you I appertaining, The snld lunkis and premises will Thermostat controls comfort level for eaoh bl told subject to all municipal I'.cn.. tuxes and the ussessinents and room ... olean like an eleotrio light. . ejlstlnj; tenancies. If any. The sub- scriber reserves the rluhl to adjourn no fuvnoe. soot or odor .., elletxt,. said aalo (loin lime to time, »ub)eti only to such tlniltntlons or r*ttrlc. fast... no moving parts to tlous, upon the exercise of such power as may be spedaHv ori'idad replace or wear out, by Uw or rules of court. ever ... no fuel ROBBRT H JAMISON. SHERIFK What's so different about this gas station? Middlesex County delivery NEW BRUNSWICK, New Jersey IJOSKPH P, GRECO problems Attorney for Plaintiff 451 Pearl Stre-t ' . either! Woodbrldge, New Jertty

I.-L. KI-28-10/5-U/81

j I'oinHy Burrofiate's t' NOTICE TO CRKDITOIIS Certified Regular and Certified 100+ Kil/,abc-ih UiM'kow and I e.vl; S, Because we're gasoline men wh^tayed Jacnbum, tikocutors of i Ur i B'n. ni Octane...both refined to protect and Oordon Bcrkinv, decfiasi'd, by^lr^CT out of the retailing business until we tlou of Elin:r E. Hro»n, Surra t1 to power...to help you start faster, of tlie County of Mlrtrttf-ui, hfr.'ijy figured out how to eliminate hidden Hive Uutlci) lo Hie rietiltorb of Ih*-1 without battery strain.,.to climb hills said | Dr.) Sinmn-1 Oiiriloii Uer«,ow.' to bring In tlirlr 'debts. deniiM-PM costs. We're one of the East's largest and clnlMie naln.-t the esiale of th*-' easier, without knock... to pan on thru- tKlif tlm'isird, iniiltr oiith uc alni'liu- indepwdents.,. own arid cerate a brand fIon, within six months from jihli ways with safety..,to stretch your mile- rial* or Uicy will tu loiuver -VtMl new, pushbutton refinery in New Jersey, !ot any action tlierffor as«lnst tbt age.,. and your dollars. See for yourself. ,*ltl ttxe.'utors have our own oUwelli, pipelines, termi- DsteU titiiieinber Uih. idol HMZABflH BliilKOW, * Dmeinforquality...getabonusofsavmgs! 1KWIS B JACOBIOM, Gxtcutor*. Jtcebwn anil WtnMri. liqi, 2H Smith Street, P«rth Amboj, N, J , ' Attotawi • . I I.-L. 8/31, 28, 10/5, 13/el ' THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER M, 1961

Hadmlak boot« hte flnt extraith* outolde and minted al. Johnny William.,, rt, gathering of auto locksye will fumble and stepped scrae* the the Thomas Jefferson 44 to the! At this potnt, the a«gwsslv« ldie 27 y c in their tot touch o locksye will 33 for a fir.-t down. HadyniakWoodbtKlire team handed the potat of the afternoon to make w»y to the Woodbrldie 27 yard extra point. tfl m»yr sm thf motor pitit* fof r thth e final stripe The tally remained Moore the Thomwdown of the game. Tom aaltn once charged up 'he middle on thejplgdtln to Hadyntak and w- M th Thomw The WoodbridB, i on Harnpsis ' 12-0 when Hfldyniak were Opnrt'r |. next play mid had elw sall-cort*! him around the left end four minute, remainin. Mtaf 1. UJi llCUUCSa ,xtra,big card. nnt again mliwcd the conversion. a vulnerable chink in the step In front of the final stripe Kenny, Harold Am,, Ing until hf was dropped on the all the way to pay dirt. After in the game. Ken White picked _ I Though -«•--"•- and dropped Into the end zone. Vrabel and Wrs|r * t n be! Hutehlru hustled frotnil4 for another first down. being penalised five yard*,, otf Larry McLaughlin'g j»» to Woodbrldge defense and tosneo V |bshootinfiwidg for » record cash I""** trace is Set "" an-d added Incentive FREEHOLD ~ The richest • limtst race ever staged tn plonship point* resulting from STILL MORE FOOD BUYS DURING THE KM Jersey will be presented at feature racs, Instead ofj .IWehold Raceway Saturday i (he rti5ton:ary one | •fternoon when the urr w FREE!! PRcher Pace, final In the ' Wtlet, of (our historically MRrslJl 1 COYS" ani einht races will use flamed races that hav>"•«e *»<-" " "' inverted Mart, Including TRADING ' tf oval this month, will head- the I*™ "m ISP |jne a program of 10 raw* The that nvp the brilliant prwam CELEBRATION ^SALE STAMPS local campaign i." slated tn its name of Twln-20>. terminate Tuesday. October 3, Four 10 lap heat raced will t^Tldlns rhrrp are no further qualify the field for the first 1 p«rt'»n»mpnt,v 20 lap battle, with faster cars OF 170 PASSAIC ST. wofi* The last of the bisr features in the rear: oner completed, OUR GARFIELD, N. J. tilt attract outstanding drivers this event will be followed by NEW GARFIELD STORE '2.25 Mid horses. The mariaeement'aTi Identical 20 lapper ^xrept MTIADf INANY hopes to *e> al least four 'hat Hie finl-hers l»e up ra- SATURDAY till 11 WARTMIOT timlllar reln^men from the big actly in werse from'the first OPEN DAILY till 10 SUNDAY tilt 8 Route 9, Woodbridge •Hew York tracks. Stanley;race's finish, maklni? for an Dtneer, Billy Haughton, Jimmy fher "xclting motor fleht Cruise and either Del Insko or: Two rookie raws, dteplayinn Oeqrge Sholty. Bob Parrtnuton.jan average of 40 car? In past Mtidn's leading driver, also Saturday meet*, will also be V01 appear In the Molly Pitch-,orewnted Post time IF 8-xn P. g. Another probable starter te'M. BONUS SPECIAL ONE BOOK SPECIAL Hirold Btor? j The new winded cars, cre- ENGELHORN "Haaghton Is expected to Te-iattng a tremendous stir In the I "Aristocrat" tvn with Mr. K Braden, the|$port. will appear again, «Mth 9'IMCH. 0f«d8t«r who failed In hi* bow'the strong possibility that wv- I CAKE PANS Lum'uious Dial Electric 'Wtt L«l»r Day Cruise, report-Ural more of the weird creations I «djy will steer his always dan-j will be In competition. BY WEAREVER PORK LOINS CHIME ALARM CLOCK germu Vandyke Hanovar, while! '•— I co or Sholtr will rein Lionel Hebert, 1960 POA I SPECIAL CLOSE-OUT PRICE • luminoui hands and Dream. 'champion and winner of nurrmotj Story will be back wltii Redithe 1961 Americftn Oolf Classic Bobln. who was magnifl-iover the same Akron course, • Absolutely irttm In winning the Old Ten-!had trouble unfastening a gal- Mlf-starting c 5 RIB END Race here In near record l«ry rope during the. first With 2* OR MORE I PORTIONS • U.I. Approvtd clMtric ttme of 2:02-4/5. Parrington's!round of the DallAs Open He movtrrwnt consistent Sunny D., winner of;borrowed 8 knife, cut the rope, FOOD PURCHASE the Battle of Monmouth Pace'and made his shot. 169 • lokelitt cat* in 3 three weeks ago, will take art-i • popular pastel thodei ether fling at the classy field J „, n I PLUS BOOKLET OF 10 LOIN END >- HMghton said that Mr. K.| nre Lompanv FAVORITE RECIPES Briden was not at his best In1 r I BOOK OF Labor Day event. "We got (Continued from Sports Page) I OF MARGARET MITCHELL YOURS "2 GUYS" parked out all the way and I 12-12. The big blows were dealt PORK CHOPS for ttttnk the heat got the horse," iby Charlie Banko, Richie I UST 2.5) * NKM1SII StPMITHT 1 M TRADING STAMPS explained Billy. Boland, Paul Boos. Lou Silagyi, 1 Crake will be making his sea- and Art Krffla. I utr s.49 -1 maum wuimr u» Hlnal bow. at Freehold. Insko, In the last half of the sev- • ••••••••••••• J Wle most of the year while re- enth, Banko led off with a • ••••••••••••••El Hk covering from injuries suffered double, and from second base, from a serious accident, will be watched two of his teammates IMlSTtO i a first time Freehold starter. go down the drain before Dayek CUBE STEAKS 8& CHUCK STEAKS 45fb. FRANKS HAW j Last year he was one of the drove him home with the win- | - -.•hading lights of harness rac- ning run, t i big. ,Sho!ty is one of the true Charlie Banko, the Keadbey GROUND CHUCK 5& CROSS RIB ROASTS ,=•£- 78fb. POLISH HAM '• stars in the sport. He has been centerfielder, had a perfect day , «rjon« thf leaders at the New at the plate with two home ! York tracks. Weighing a mere runs, a double and a single. 108 pounds, he is considered while his teammates Richie MARY ANN the best lightweight driver in Boland, Paul Boos, Lou Banko America. and Art Krllla each hit safely Th« Molly Pitcher is named twice. The most effective bat for the gallant girl who played carriers for the Umpires with (» dramatic role in the 1778 three hits were Johnny Zullo, of Monmouth during the Bill Oyer and Tony O'Brien. revolutionary War. Born Marie , she was wed to Private Cisorse Hayes, a cannoneer tn th« Continental Army. She 18 - Years - Old f-'ihM water for the troops to (Continued from 8ports Page) "-In t> name of Molly Pitcher. won the 16th hole, but Ulozas Later when her husband fell came up with' back-to-back w-'ndnd. Molly, brave little birdies on the last two holes gr! dropped her bucket and for the triumph. On the 18th rushed to help load a cannon. KRAFT DELUXE 8-oz.Pak ALL VARIETIES 11-01. Pok hole, his drive landed three eet from the pin. While at Woodbridge High, Jflozas wan the Journal-Ameri- CHEESE MORTON in Bill can Metropolitan Champion 4 ship, and because of this Mb* achievement, he was selected as SLICES 25 DINNERS 28 AtFlemington the Woodbridge B.P.O. Elks PLEMDJGTON —It is "bar- Athlete of the Month. gain night" Saturday at the KRISP-GREEN STALK NEW SUNKIST Flemington Fairgrounds when PASCAL IB. the spectacular Twin-20's Barrons Win CELERY 10' CABBAGE GREEN ORANGES VALENCIA 10 •37 NASCAR stock car speed show Royot 2-ib. will be staged at regular admis- (Continued from Sports Page) Dairy |oal THRIF-T-PAK sion prices, featuring 100 laps Jay line held the Barrons in Cheese Spread 69' C Pros, Ptai and Carrot*, toby of high speed competition In the shadows of their own goal 3-29* FRESH MACINTOSH APPLES Umai, Miitd VU eight exciting motor contests. posts. Fruit Salad CITRUS CoDardtondKal*. 99 With the ball resting on the 7, With all other speedways in 58- the State having closed for the Thomas Jefferson one yard season, the Route fair- line, the home team decided to Cheese Cake JUBILEE 18-or Kin* grounds offers the only raving run the ball out, but the 48' Beef Steaks Cub* -75 action for the pro and rookie strategy backfired when George Colored stocks, indicating a banner Fair scooped up Eddie Roberts' or White Ib. Amer. Cheese 49' Fish Sticks 6 Mi ph. Importtd Now Hear This Chopped Ham Polish Ib, 83' Potato Nuggets & 4,,89 (Continued from Sport Page) signs of lack of courage or physical deficiencies. ALL FLAVORS-DUNCAN MINES DELUXE Their assets were desire and determination. I enjoyed the three touchdowns, but the player who gave me the biggest thrill was a 130-pounder SPAGHETTI named Bichie Acquila. During the fourth period, ' "Tie. went into the game fes a defensive halfback and " it wasn't too long before he received his first taste of varsity action. One of Thomas Jefferson's heavy- Weighted bail carriers shot through a gap in the Woodbridge line, but before he traveled four yards beyond the line of scrimmage, young Acquila came 10' COUPON up fast from his position and dropped him like a CINNAMON RAISIN ton of bricks. The husky Tee Jay back scrambled THIS COUPON TOWARDS ,.to his; feet, took a look at young Acquila, ihook his WORTH 10 PURCHASE OF -head In amazement and walked slowly back to his COFFEE RING 39< .,_'..jhuddle. To me, this was the most outstanding play ANY EAT M0R PIE ; *of the game because it proved to me that "guts" in football overrides speed and size. Coupon Good Till Sat.. Sept. 30,1961 Priscoe also stated that the' present Woodbridge 1 Ccupon Per Family CHEESE HORNS 49c -team will take at least three games before it finally becomes a coordinated unit, and we believe him. RITZ /They are making continuous coktly mistakes as a sophomores and juniors, but let us not take away CRACKERS • .;the fact that he and Frank Capraro have condi- , i STACKPAK MEDIUM CUT • -'fcjoned this team physically and Instilled into them "1 GUYi"»»6 PttOOf PRIVATI STOCK F SIFTED F /a deep desire to play football It Is a pleasure to HURRY O O watch them. GREEN R WHISKEY ^r COOKIES ^^ R SWEET 30i ' 40% ftYeuiiOld Dvliuoui *% 6 • - As this colujfin is reaching a climax, I am not CAN CAN V leaking any attempt to Inflate the ego of the fkivon 4 ( BEANS "iGU«"*«OPBOOf HFTH FtfTH PEAS ^oqdbridge football team, but 1 am proud of their PLUS Individual performances against Thomas Jefler- ' '• ion,, and I attribute it to Coach Nick Priscoe. VODKA SCOTCH™"*™ 3" HUNDREDS Our reliable statistician, Lou Paul, picks Wood- JW I Vn WHISKEY 9 Of FRUIT * bridge over-Union by two points. If his prediction •"J OUYS" an «* own privata braMk 0HN RAHY Til TO - ClOSiD SUNOAU UNADVERTISED * SoU only at QaHUt. lUaimy, Totowa, Mi ItraMV WoodUid*.. I. Irumwitk, fcrikntown SPECIALS COCKTAIL is correct* he has a free steak dinner at the Ab lib » ThtM mmmum rttdb priut at* M flb w|lh Ittt N*w Jtrwr AK on me, and Coach Priscoe will furnish the tran- LC 2'/.CAN quillzers. HOt MOB HKWE INN. $M. SVT. M. Wl IHERVI TMf MCNT fO UMIT