ii!. ' LIU-NO. 35 Bntsrul M Jnd ClMt lteu On Thur«d»y WOODBRIDOE, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 At p. 0, Weodbrldfe, N. 1, PRICK TIN CINTS Hess Host To Business Leaders.... pinner Held Last Night in Port Reading PI mil to Pay Honor to National President of B. of E. Junior Chamber of Commem>; Many State DignataricR in Attendance To TalkFree School Lands With NJ Immediate School Accord Is Reached Needn to be Tnpir Of Today's Confab WOODBRIDGE — Members of 11 IP Board of ttducotion wll' Proceeds RO to Trenton' today to confer with members of the Depart- ment of Education and Depart- ment, of Local Government on For New wlmt Francis 'Wukovcts, Board president, last night, called "our explosive school population." Last, week. Superintendent, of j Schools Patrick A. Boylan dis- Schools cussed the Increased enroll- ment, particularly for the High School, which he said would be. WOOOBRTDGE — Proeeedj mi triple, session If new facili- from the disposal of Wte,J>#B ties aIP not, provided. School Lands will be turned The Department of Local over to the Board of Education Government has held up ap- and earmarked only for ne# proval of a second High School school construction'. pending a final court decision This agreement was reached on the separationist movement iHte yesterday aftemoou, Wb- ' in Sewaren and Port Reading. Jfft to court approval, at th* At last night's meeting, on a office of Township Attorney DINNKR: I*fl tn rlfhl. Freeholder William J. Warrrn, Mayor Frederick M. Adams, Assemblyman Norman motion made by Robert M. Vo- Stewart M. Hutt. Outers pre«- Icon Hes.s, Ciomnor Rntwrt B, Mrynpr, Dr. Robert E. Watson, president, New Jersev Junior Chamber of gel, the Bpard voted to elim- were Francis C, Foleft Robert 1 "njrr, president, V. S. Junior Chamber of Commerce; Joseph Somers, lnduatrial Commissioner inate double session in the counsel for the Board of Edu- of Mlddlesei County and Stanley Mann, Woodbridice Jaycee president. Fourth Qrade in School 11. cation and Stanton L, Levy, OB Full Session for TooW, Haney Mr. Vogel's recommendations and Romond. special counsel of id \DINO — Leon were accepted in their entirety. FIRST CONTRIBUTOR — Lawrence F. Campion, viec-president of Woodbridie Publlnh- the Trustees of Free School ivMiieni nf Hess Trad- Local Bank Successful Separationist The present gym in School 11, ing Co., is pictured above making the. initial contribution to the Disabled American Vet- lands. ( |i. I .disport was host last erans, Chapter 56, "Forget-Me-Not" drive. In the photo, left to right, are: Joseph Stabo, will be divided into two rooits. It was agreed that the lands j mil executives of lead- chairman of the drive; Miss Janice Paliwoda, commander. Junior Auxiliary; Mr. Cam- New lighting, blackboards, tack- will be disposed, of as soon as ; pion, and Myron Van Buren, commander of the chapter. All proceeds will be used (or dis- board, shelving and new desks possible for light industrial •• ,.; 4 dinner at his For Town's Notes Appeal Set abled veterans hospitalized in the North Jersey area. and chairs will be installed. The purposes and that the technl* ii MI: plimt In honor of W O 0 D B R I D G E The The projects, most of vfclch present auditorium will be con- cal personnel of the Tbwnshlp, •ii.il president of the Woodbrtdge National Bank were authorized through cer- PORT READING - George verted Into an all-purpose including the Industrial Com- :i,uiiher of Commerce, 3 was the successful bidder for tificates of necessity Issued olkowski, leader of the sepa- room, as in the newer schools missioner, Real Estate Depart- it rmiKcr. $1,871,000 worth of Town- by the State Board of Health atloni&t movement in Sewaren and will be used for gym class- Strahl Withdraws From First ment, Township Engineer and iliosf who attended ship Bond Anticipation Notes, are Woodbrldge 8pur and ind Port Heading, announced es as well as assemblies, It is Attorney "will undertake lm- rrnor Robert B, dated October 2 and matur- Ford Avenue relief sewer, ate last night that his group estimated the cost of convert- mediflte study of the best sidewalks on Inman Avenue, ms Instructed their attorneys, ing on January 16,1962. ing the rooms will-be close to means to meet the objectives." Colonla and Oreen Street Ftorio, Dunn, Marclano and $3,000 and should be. ready nnfr told the buslneai Ward Township Committee Race AS ft result Of, -JBSy'HlKStB' The local bank bid 1.84% and Oak, Tree Road, Iselin; lipinskl to file an appeal In within two weeks. One hundred ( 'he effort* of more plus a $22 premium. First Victory AcreB, Iselin, sani- the Appellate Division of Su- and seventy-five children in meeting »' which the latest n .iiuuor Chambers of Sir^nw CJUI' decision involv- Bunk Trust Company ty 'sewer; Highland Road, serior Court the,Jburth GradeJgBj/then be GOP Leaders Suggest throughout the qa-•alap bid' 1.84% but 1U premi- Colon la, sanitary sewer; 1 \ms, fftc land was discussed,,,*,. "By this action", he said, "nsiSjjkf'aessitnsiSjjkfaes " "^ ••>» •>rr helping their um, bid was $10.31. Th> tUM Qrove Avenue, Hopelawn, 'five-part agreement Wfts reach- •we are continuing our efforts The Board Public Meeting Tonight h bidder was John 3. Ryan U sanitary sewer and road' Im- ed by the attorneys as foll9f«: tor the legal foundation of . (Continued on! at J.lMfc and a provements authorized by the ith Ward Workers 1. The necessary technical to tb*ir •Port Waren' and for the sepa- id legal documents will im- ordinance, of 1960, WOODBRIDGE — Mayor' ' Township Treasurer ration of the Sewaren-Port To Discuss Charter Study ediately be drawn to dispose The proceeds of the sale Reading area from the Town- Frederick M, Adams today an- Charles J. Alexander noted Taxpayers WOODBRIDGE — The League of Women Voters has ex- the remaining land claims WHI.VOH. a resident of th<, mtf vm ^ ugwj by ship of Woodbridge." nounced the withdrawal of the "extremely low rate at tended an invitation to all residents of the Township to attend . such as the pipe line com- i: -* S»alr .Inycpe ^ Township to retire $1, (Continued on Page i) Fred Strahl from the First which the notes were sold." a public meeting tonight at 8:30 at. School 11, Ross Street, to aniee. the Board of Proprl- * m pnrt 097,000 worth of 190% notes Ward race as an independent "It reflect* our improved hear a discussion on the proposed Charter Study which will tors, Reading Railroad and ' <•>< v philosophy, dur 0<-tober 2 and to provide Unit Formed candidate, cf'riit- -atlng which Is now appear on the ballot in the November election. A large crowd Ilddlesex Water Company. ii'illinii nf ourtlmej additional funds to compete County Clerk M. Joseph Duf- BAA. and makes our notes WOODBEIDQE - A new is expected. The Trustees of Free School : '"•|<id each yean various projects under the Township -wide organization,fv sald yesterday that the ne- Lands and the Board of Edu- Spending Hit A non-partisan group, the • W" do not want I960 capital improvement i tfliirlblt for bank invest- chartered and affiliated with«essary withdrawal papers, .tion have already passed res- ,'fi ('Hit future. Wej program. f mcnt", he salrl. properly notarized, were filed League will present the five un- lutlons approving settlement the New Jersey Taxpayers As- opposed candidates for Charter -ftiisfiPd with roun- with him shortly before noon. rtth these officials and the sociation, has been formed and Study Commission who will ;OP Record 'inrl wt in mrdloc ByDemocrats township Committee while pre. will be known as the Wood- In commenting on Mrdiscus. s the need of a review of rfously approving the settle- bridge Township Civic Tax- Strahl's action, Mayor Adams the Township's charter which WOODBRIDGE — Charges payers Association, Inc. said: ment, will enact a suitable res- Teachers Attack of payroll padding were made was granted to the settlers of Is Lauded •"c, Dr Watson as- Started by Iselin residents olution to confirm it. today against the Republican "Fred Strahl has a tremend- Woodbrldge in 1669. who are now in the process ofous record of service to the Re- WOODBRIDGE - The Re- 2. The Board of Proprietors controlled Town Committee by The candidates, who will securing membership from all publican party through the publican party. In a statement ill receive the sum of $10,000 • a healthy discon- Edward W. Seyler, Democratic speak during the evening are: over the Township, the asso- years. This move, in my opinion today in behalf of its candi- release their claim for any ,i Hinnd-tiatism which Salary Schedule Municipal Chairman, in behalf David Pavlovsky, Fords At- dates, urged voters to review '.'•"• iis safely, surely. ciations officers are: brings him back completely in- indmds llocated in the Township of the local Democratic candi- torney; Miss Mary Connolly, the record of the Adams ad- "TMtiiiv vith auto- WOODBRIDGK - W,0od- declared in A review of the situ William J. Boyle, president; to the fold. I know all the vice principal, Woodbridge if Woodbridge, which sum Is 1 scll0 1 dW rlcl has the ministration In comparison slide Into bridge ° ' ation, "86 teachers left Wood- dates. The statement, in full, ytocent MaiorVno? vtee"p7esl- of the Republican or- a be paid, $5,000 by the Board reads as follows: Senior High School; Edward P with the previous Democratic No. 1 MoreilarRfM teacher turnover In bridge Township for better dent; Albert E. Mullin, secre- ganization will be very happy )f Education and the balance Keating, principal, Iselin Junior administration.
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