Societat Doctor Alonso / Teatro de Babel - Dramafest Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, from 6th to 9th of July SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org

“Y los huesos hablaron”

Coproduction betwen; Societat Doctor Alonso (España) & Teatro de Babel (Mexico)


The work “Y los huesos hablaron ”1 comes form the willingness to unearth and revisiting two historical conflicts that its narrators have wanted to keep invisible on behalf of an alleged stability that had to allow a new socio-political and cultural situation to be born. It will cope with such hidden conflicts that despite the efforts of the society andthe establishment to keep them invisible remain at the base of most political and social tensions in both countries today. The cases of and its civil war, with all the disappeared still to be exhume and recognize in the gutters of the country, and Mexico, with the long process of elimination and castration of the various indigenous cultures that were disappearing after a new single, unitary country called Mexico. Bounds will talk to the audience. The voice of thouse who never had the voice to explain it’s history, or the other site of History. This piece is the result of an investigations process called; “El desenterrador2” that Societat Doctor Alonso have been developing the last two years. More Info: https://eldesenterrador.com/

1 (=) “And t he bones spoken” 2 Desenterrador, from verb “desenterrar”(=) dig up, unearth SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org

Societat Doctor Alonso

La Societat Doctor Alonso, directed by Tomas Aragay (Theater director and dramaturg) and Sofia Asencio (dancer and choreographer) has constructed a language which has found one of its key factors in the concept of placing anything outside of its place, area or ‘own space’ in order to investigate how this movement modifies language with respect to both its constituent grammar as well as with respect to the reading made by an observer. This involves moving in order to reveal something. This movement has shown itself to be an efficient tool for creating areas of poetic discourse which question our ‘standardised’ understanding of reality.

Videos/Calendar/projects: http://www.doctoralonso.org/en/companyia/bio


Direction: Tomàs Aragay email: [email protected] Tel. (0034) 661 458 309

Production: Imma Bové,: email: [email protected] Tel. (0034) 620 325114

Distribution: Maja Cecuk: email: [email protected] Tel. (0034) 620 325114 SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org


La Societat Doctor Alonso, directed by Tomás Aragay (theater director and playwrighter) and Sofia Asencio (dancer and choreographer) has built an unmistakable stage language, which has a peculiar spectacular as less spectacular as can be. The absurd and naif are the principles of the rupture with the conventional speech of theater language, creating the poetry of the pathetic. This shows he creates generate situations of tension, that emerge from the freedom of re invention of the rules of drama and break with schemes and hierarchy preestablished, with a great dose of humor, not – smart, fresh, where the same time and space converge in drama and humor with the intention of debunk the signifier of things, searching with incitement the audience´s complicity. They mix genres, scenic forms; they count with collaborators from the most varied origin, so they create them particular way of inhabiting the stage where beauty and grotesque coexists. Offbeat with each new project, they start from zero point to start again to rethink its own artistic language, forcing the established limits.

TRAJECTORY Tomás Aragay established in 1996, with Roger Bernat, the “Creació in , where he develops his artistic activities in collaboration with other artists, Sofía Asencio among them. In late 2001 “General Elèctrica”” closes its doors, by a unanimous decision, because of personal, economic and cultural environment reasons. Since that moment Tomás Argaray and Sofía Asencio consider a new phase in their artistic development and create Societat Doctor Alonso, as an open and mutant group of artists, a space for creation, training and reflection around the scenic fact. Settles at the Empordà to get away from the “noise” and “uniformity” that surrounds contemporary creation and the artistic environment that a big city like Barcelona has. SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org

A way to retract or view of our own inside, to search our own voice.To create in a rural environment, is anchoring our steps in our own cultural tradition, in a way that from this peripheral observatory, build a strong universal discourse. In the same way the “La societat Doctoro Alonso”” is born with a clear vocation of constant exchange with the foreign; this vocation is supported by a double conviction: on the one hand the need of maintaining a permanent listening of the creative ways which are developed outside our boundaries, and on the other hand, the need of showing its work to an audience from diverse cultural provenance to place it in a frame of plural reception, which allows us to receive an artistically enriching feedback. ”La societat doctor Alonso” company collaborates with a wide spectrum of multi-disciplinary artists, and participates in several projects on a regular basis. SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org


1997 Cruza cuando el hombrecito esté en verde 1st Choreography prize Madrid. Sala Olimpia (Madrid), November. With Laura Arís, Sofía Asencio and Nathalie Labiano

1998 By natural Piety Coproduction:Festival d’Estiu Grec 98 and General Elèctrica Pati de les Dones, CCCB (Barcelona), July. With Sonia Gómez, Guillermo Weickert, Idurre Azkue, Barbara

Night Coproduction Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid i General Elèctrica Sala Olimpia (Madrid), November. With Laura Arís, Sofía Asencio and Nathalie Labiano.

1999 JOHN KOVACH, state of emergency Prix d’Auteur de los Rencontres Choreographiques Internationales de Seine-Sant-Denis. Coproduction: Festival d’Estiu Grec’99 and General Elèctrica Sala Beckett (Barcelona), July. With Laura Arís, Sonia Gómez, Idurre Azkue, Andrés Waksman and John Kovac. Rendez-vous Dies de dansa, Festival Grec’99. Museu Miró (Barcelona), July. With Sofía Asencio and Tomàs Aragay. SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org

2000 La bocale Production; Festival Ile de Danse, Ajaccio, Corsica () and General Elèctrica February. With Idurre Azkue, Sofía Asencio and Tomàs Aragay

Paradise Coproduction; Festival Grec’00, Isadora Danses au Centre, Tours (France) and General Elèctrica Thèâtre Equinoxe, Chateâuroux (France), May. With Idurre Azkue, Sofía Asencio, Iva Horvat, Ferran Carvajal, Xavi Sabata and the colaboration of Ivó Vinuesa

2002 Tomorrow will be like today Coproduction: Mercat de les Flors and Centre Chorégraphique de Rennes and la Socie- tat Doctor Alonso Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), February. With Idurre Azkue, Sofía Asencio, Xavi Estrada and François Forêt.

2003 Shopping Bread Coproduction: Temporada Alta, l’Espai de Dansa de la Generalitat de Catalunya and Societat Doctor Alonso Teatre de Salt (Girona), Mars. With Sofia Asencio, François Foret, Nilo Gallego and Pablo Rega. SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org


Sobre la bellesa Coproduction: Societat Doctor Alonso and Festival GREC de Barcelona Teatre Lliure (Barcelona), July. With Salvador Buisam, Gloria Fuertes, Ubelsa Gonzalez, Joan Muntaner, Neus Martí, Agustí Bases, Enric Miralles and Agustí Fernandez.

Santa Sofia, el solo d’una ignorant Coproduction: Festival Temporada Alta de Girona, L’espai de Dansa and la Societat Doctor Alonso. Teatre de Salt (Girona), December. With Sofia Asencio.


Sobre la Mort Coproduction: Festival GREC de Barcelona and la Societat Doctor Alonso. Teatre Ovidi Montllor, Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), July. With Patrícia Ayuste, Lídia Ayuste, Jan Cabarrocas, Xènia Costa, Clara Farrés, Eduard Paredes, Zaïra Ros and Mar Vallés.


El Traspiés de Luisa Coproduction; Mercat de les Flors de Barcelona and la Societat Doctor Alonso Sala MAC, Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona), February. With Iva Horvat, Mía Esteve, Idurre Azkue and Sofía Asencio.


Volumen II Coproduction: Teatre Lliure and La Societat Doctor Alonso Espai Lliure (Barcelona), May. With Sofía Asencio and Nilo Gallego. SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org


Retratos o si yo fuera Coproduction; Insituto Cervantes and Institut Ramon Llull. Manila (Philippines), Praga (), Beirut (Liban), Río de Janeiro (Brasil), Warsaw (), Olot (Spain), Madrid (Spain) and Sant Esteve de Guialbes (Spain). First production of visual arts. Exhibition open in Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid), 17th of april of 2009. With Sofía Asencio.


El cuerpo colectivo Coproduction: SDA and el CCCC l’Escorxador de Elche (Sapin). L’Escorxador (Elche, Sapin) Desember. With Sofía Asencio and Tomàs Aragay.


Club Fernando Pessoa Coproduction; Teatre lliure and Concello del Ferrol. Radicals Lliure (Barcelona) 20th, 23th, 27th and 28th of May. With Mia Esteve, Ramon Giró, Sofia Asencio and Luis Carlos Viejo.

Ácido Folclórico Coproduction: Festival Temporada Alta, Centro Párraga de Múrcia, La Fira Mediterrània de Manresa, Festival Ésdansa, Mercat de les Flors and CCC l’Escorxador de Elche. Fira Mediterrània de Manresa (Spain), November. With Sofía Asencio, Idurre Azkue, Emili Domínguez and Ramon Villegas. SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org


La glorieta Coproduction: Azala espacio de creación escénica, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vitoria Artium, CCCEscorxador de Elche, Festival Short Theatre de Roma, Centro de las Artes de Sevilla-Endanza and El Matadero de Madrid. Artium (Vitoria), June.


Introducción a la introducción Coproduction: BUNKER, , AGORA de la DANSE, Montreal and Teatro PRADILLO de Madrid. Teatro Pradillo (Madrid) November. With Sofía Asencio.


La naturalesa i el seu tremolor Coproduction: Moare Danza, Festival Grec and Gobierno Basco. Teatre Grec (Barcelona), July. With Tomàs Aragay, Sofía Asencio, Chus Dominguez, Espe López and Idoia Zabaleta.


El Desenterrador Coproduction: Societat Doctor Alonso, Azala, Mes de Dansa in collaboration with Iberesce- na an the Generalitat de Catalunya. Mes de Dansa(Barcelona) July With Sofia Asencio, Tomàs Aragay, Barbara Sanchex, Jaime Conde Salazar, Sílvia Zayas and the colaboration of Jordi Claramonte, Txubio Fernández and Kike Salgado.

La naturalesa I el seu tremolor (talla 8-14) Coproduction: Moare Danza, Societat Doctor Alonso and Festival GREC sponsored by Generalitat de Catalunya, Gobierno Basco with suport of Bulegoa b/z and La Casa Encen- dida. Bilbao, June. With Sofia Asencio, Chus Domínguez, Tomàs Aragay and Idoia Zabaleta SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org


Andrei Rublev Coproduction: Societat Doctor Alonso, Alt Vigo, Festival Temporada Alta, Generalitat de Catalunya (ICEC) Temporada Alta Festival, (Girona) 2015 With Sofia Asencio, Nazario Díaz and Tomàs Aragay.



Sofía Asencio (Elche, 1971) studied Classical Dance at Conservatory of contemporary dan- ce at the Institut del Teatre of Barcelona. She worked with different companies of the contemporary scene; Vicente Sáez (València), Lanónima Imperial (Barcelona), Angels Margarit/Mudances (Bar- celona) i Lluis Ayet Cia. ACTA (Montpeller) Entre l’any 1998 i el 2000 forma part del col·lectiu General Elèctrica on coneix a Tomàs Aragay i participa en els espectacles: “Creua quan el hombrecito estigui en verd” Primer Premi de Coreografia del XI Certamen Coreogràfic de Madrid , Night i Paradise. In 2001 together with Thomas Aragay she founded company “Societat Doctor Alonso”. Un- der this name they created several shows and she directs research projects such as: Tomorrow Will be like today (2000), Shoping bread (2002), Sobre la Bellesa(2003), Santa Sofia, el solo d’una ignorant(2004), Sobre la mort(2005), El traspiés de Luisa(2006), Retrats (o sí jo fos)(2007), Volum II(2007), Club Fernando Pessoa(2010), La Glorieta (2012), Caldo Primordial(2012), La naturalesa i el seu tremolor (2013), Introducció a la introducció (2013), Andrei Rublev, una paniconografia (2015). The last project they are working in cooperation with group of multidisciplinary artists and philosophers is named “The Desenterrador ”. It is Environment Laboratory of the significa- tion and meaning of words, their use and movements they create. This project started in 2015 in the form of installations as educational project. From 2003 since 2011 she was co-artistic director of the Festival MAP. Festival with tradition of Specific Site held in september in the village of Pontós (Emporda). Sofia continues co-di- recting activities of the Centre of artistic group Cèl·lula col·lectiu with who also programmed Escena Plural de Girona (2009/2011) and El cicle Teatre de Contraban (2009/2010) in Tea- tre Jardí from Figueres. In parallel she collaborates with other artists such as Belgian video artists Walter Verdin, dancer Rosa Muñoz, Iva Horvat and Claudia Dias. At 2011 she directed a solo “Ramon 2111” produced by the National Theatre of Catalonia in the cycle Mascletà. She teaches dance, choreography and dramatic creation at the University of Girona and the SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org

Municipal Dance School of Celrà. Also has given individual workshops or as a part of com- pany Society Doctor Alonso at; Rio de Janeiro , Sao Paulo during the Festival Dança em focus, Agora de la Danse de Mont-real, l’Institut Cervantes de Manila, Festival Mladi Levi de Lubliana and in to the main Spanish centers. Together with Barbara Van Hoestenberghe earns a body education scholarship project for rural schools “Corkscrew”, by Jaume Casademunt in the Alt Emporda.


He studied Direction and Dramaturgy at the School of Dramatic Arts (Theatre Institute) of Barcelona. Scenic Arts: Co-founder with Roger Bernat of emblematic company General Electric (1996-2000). In 1997 winning the 1st prize in the Choreographic Contest of Madrid with the work Cruza cuando el hombrecito esté en verde. In 1999 he won the prize for Best Authors work in Saint Denis, France with the piece St. John Kovak state of emergency. Since 2000 with Sofía Asencio co-directs company Sociedad Doctor Alonso, where they have created different works mentioned above. From 2001 to 2009 he was artistic director of Colectiu Cel.lula and the MAP Festival. In the field of education during these years Aragay Thomas developed his work as an edu- cator. He has maintained a line of permanent research focused on the one direction to study the relationships between the different expressive “weapons” as ; movement, speech, video and music, and on the other, to study how to integrate into the some person of performer/ creator the conscience of their creative potential beyond technique. He taught at the University of Fine Arts of Perpignan, Festival Dancem de Marsella, Fes- tival Nouvelles de Danse de Pau, Festival Dies de Dansa a Barcelona, Festival Enzymi RomaEuropa, Festival Mladi Levi Ljubljana and Festival Mira from Toulouse among others.

Cinema and Audiovisual Scriptwriter of movies “Krampack” “En la ciudad” and “Fiction” with which obtained nomina- tions for best screenplay at the Goya awards at 2000 and 2002. He is co-ccriptwriter with Cesc Gay “Una pistola en cada mano “for which has opting the Gaudí award 2013 for best screenplay. In 2016 “TRUMAN” for which he has opting the Feroz prize, Gaudí and Goya Awards for the best script. It has also been screenwriter of Film “Blog” directed by Elena Trapé., film “Three Days with the Family” directed by Mar Coll. SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org

TV work It was also scriptwriter for TV series the “Jet-lack” (TV3) Writer of the “T Therapy” series. (TV3) Since 2002 he is professor of film script in ESCAC school (Superior School of Cinema and Audiovisual of Catalonia). 2006 and 2008 He has taught screenwriting workshops at the Film School San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. in the field of stage training Aragay Thomas he has developed his work as a teacher. It has maintained a permanent line of research focused on the one direction to study the relationships between the different expressive weapons mingling in their shows, movement, speech, video and music, and secondly, to study how to integrate into the performer /creator the awareness of their creative beyond the technical potential. He has taught at the University of Fine Arts in Perpignan, Let us dance Festival of Marseille, Nouvelles de Danse Peace Festival, Dance Days Festival in Bracelona, enzymes RomaEuropa Festival, Festival Mladi Levi in Ljubljana and Mira Festival Toulouse among others.

TECHNICAL TEAM, DETAILS cube.bz lighting and spatial intervention Maria de la Camara and Gabriel Paré since the mid-nineties engaged their project of development of arts applied to the field of space. With training in visual arts, theater and architecture, his work stands out for continued research in the fields of space, light and objects that occupy the transgressive attitude entails station oneself in the limits of paratheatrality. The conciliatory nature between light and space becomes the basis of creation and application in their work.

Cube - Theatre Awards oXcar. Conservas / Teatre Apolo / Barcelona 2008 / Lighting. Festival MAPA 2008. Colectiu Cèl.lula / Pontós (Girona) / technical coordination Festival MAPA 2007. Colectiu Cèl.lula / Pontós (Girona) / technical coordination. INn Motion 2007. Centre Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona / technical direction of the Festival. Realidades Avanzadas. Dir. Simona Levi-Conservas. / Aula Magna Univesitat de Filosofia de Barcelona / 2007 / Stage Arbusht. Dir. Alex Rigola / Espai Lliure / Festival Grec / Barcelona 2006 / Stage El malo de la película. Albert Pla i Judit Farrés / Teatre Grec / Barcelona 2006 / Stage and lighting. One Ernesto Collado. Dir. Tomàs Aragay / Banyoles (Girona) 2005 / Stage and lighting. SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO www.doctoralonso.org

INn Motion 2005. Centre Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona / Tehnical directionof of Festival. El pes de la palla. Terenci Moix. Dir. Xavier Albertí / Teatre Romea / Barcelona 2004 / Stage and lighting. Estethic paradise. Victòria Spunzberg. Dir. Carol López / Sala Becket / Festival Grec / Barcelona 2004 / Stage and illumination. Bones Intencions. Dir. Roger Bernat / Teatre Lliure / Barcelona 2003 / Stage and lighting Història(es). Dir.Joan Carles Bellviure / Teatre Principal de Mallorca / 2003 / Lighting. INn Motion 2002. Centre Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona / Tehnical direction of the festival. Seven Dust o non lavoremo mais. Dir. Simona Levi / Conservas / Barcelona 2002 / Lighting. 9mm. Dir. Lyonel Spycher / Sitges Teatre Internacional / Sitges 2000 / Stage. El paseo Buster Keaton. Dir. Joan Baixes i Jordi Sabatés / Teatro de la Abadía / Madrid 2000 / Lighting. Tango. Dir. Gabor Tompa / Sitges Teatre Internacional / Sitges 1999 / Stage. Una Joventut Europea. Dir. Roger Bernat. Cia. General Elèctrica / Festival Grec / Barcelona 1999 / Stage and lighting

And all productions of Societat Doctor Alonso.