Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Turner, Carlton E.: Files Folder Title: American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Box: 8 To see more digitized collections visit: To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: Contact a reference archivist at:
[email protected] Citation Guidelines: National Archives Catalogue: .. i ! f;c~~~ I I ,J I American Foundation For Pharmaceutical Education I OIRECTOF)S RADBURN PLAZA BUILDING 14-25 PLAZA ROAD, FAIR LAWN, N.J. 07410 Ronald J. Brenner. Ph.D. (201) 791-5192 INCORPORATED 1942 Cytogen Corpnr~lion William H. Campbell. Ph .D. March 3, 1986 Unfrersity of Washington Herbert 5. Carlin OFFICERS The New York Hospital Peter G. Tombros. Chaimratt of Board Paul N. Clark Abbott Wboralories Ronald J. Brenner. Ph.D .. Via Clwimum of Board L. Jack R. Cole. Ph.D. Robert Hanson, Treasurer William F. Weigel. Coumel and S(•aetary Uni\·ersity of Ariwna Thomas M. Collins Carlton E. Turner, Ph.D. E. PresitJ,,,u SmithK/i11e Beckman Corpora/ion Richard Faust. Ph.D .. Herbert J. Conrad Deputy Assistant to the President Hoffmann-Lo Roche Inc. for Drug Abuse Policy John W. Culligan American Home Products Corporation The White House Angele C. D"Angelo Washington, DC 20001 St. John's University Robert A . Dube Owens-Illinois Dear Carlton, Frederick M. Eckel 1he University of Nonh Carolina George W. Eckelmann Thanks for your kind note just before the holidays ..