Suitable Sifts Lonorably Discharged in 1850
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i)UV) n Tha Pflnor lhat lt0Pi ***** tb* TIlA Potior worth tbemoMy ids raper timtitup. Notforc#d 1 DC FdpW ,nd lh,n 11,50 on any OM. THE LOWELL LEDGER per year in •dvanea. and THE ALTO WEEKLY SOXO VOL. XXVI, NO. 48 LOWELL, MICHIGAN, MAY 8, 1919 VOL. XV. NO. 14 •m iMmili OLDRESIDEIME IN THE LONG 1160 AULO LANGeGt It SYNAt ELook^s ! And May Psstlfsl. Unique Cele- Anne Montague Fero Lived In Ver- Items frem This PaperTwenty-flve Editor of Michigan Trsdesmen In- brstton by Lowell Schools. gennes 82 Yesrs. Yean* Ago This Week. dulgea in ReminiiicenceH of Remember—that no matter what you want, Lowell. The Kchoolhouse lawn was the Mrs. M. B. Fero died Saturday, A surprise reception was given to if it's carried in a Drug Store, you can buy it scene of a very attractive celebra- May 3, at her home in Vergennes Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hunter at their As I walked along the beautifully to the best advantage at the Rexall Drug Store. tion Isst Pridsjr afternoon, the oc- township, aged 84 years, 3 months, home, manouvered by the former's paved main Klreet of l<owell last Sat- casion being a May Festival and Ar- 23 days. son Harry and daughter Annie. unday afternoon, my memory took Build bor Day program. The plans were un- Funeral services vyere held at the Speakers, S. P. Hicks and Rev. K. II. me back thirty-live years and there der tbe direction of the English and Bailey church Tuesday afternoon, Shanks. mi.Hsed in review some of the sturdy There are now 8,000 Rexall Stores in the U. S. Agricultural departments but the burial at Bailey cemetery. C. B. Ensign purchased Daniel buniness invn of that period, many and Canada. succeM of the program was due to Anne Fero was a daughter of Striker's stock in the Lowell State of whom have erosed tne divide and The world hot had enough of destruc- the faithful and efllclent work of James Montague, one of Vergennes' bank and assumed vice presidency. made their peaee with their Maker. the teachers of various grades and earliest pioneers, and was born in Born, a daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. In 1*84 there was no more active Common sense tells you that no tingle store tion. Reconstruction Is the order of the day. departments. Canada January 10, 183.r). She came (Jias. Weslirook. merehnnt in Miehigan than the late At the beginning of the program, to Vergennes in her early childhood . "Bejiie" Quick celebrated his Oharley iMeCarh'. He was the per- can buy to such advantage as can eight thous- Both private and public enterprbet will Walter Hoth and Sue White, as King and had lived in Vergciines for 82 birthday with forty friends. soniiieation of push and energy. He and Queen of the May, were escort- years. Miss Kate Edmonds ill and absent was a grocer, produce dealer, bank- and storet. turn toward the building which hat been de- ed by pages and attendants to the from Post fill Ice. Will Morse served er and Krist miller. He bought any- platform where they were crowned. as deputy. tlnng which was brought to town layed during the war. Mrs. Ida Schwsrder Lived in Lowell rrom a discarded iron teu kettle to a The program, consisting of songs, Township for 54 Yesrs. , WS** Tom's Cabin at Mus- All thit means a big money saving, of which folk dances and marches, was given ic hall. carload of peaches. He never per- This bank will assist you in the accumu- Mrs. John Schwarder died at her before the throne and a good sized Geo. Roop lost 40 gallons gasoline. mitted a farmer to return hume with we give you the benefit. home in (.owell township Saturday, the load he brought to market, whe- lation of the capital which construction work crowd of other admirers. The May 3, aged G-l years, 1 month, o Left it running and forgot it until double significance of the day was tank was M. T. ther he could handle the Koods at a will require. davs. emphasised by the reading of the R. I). Stocking's bicycle races ad- proiit or a loss. He did imich to Funeral services were held Wed- give Lowell the reputation she has Have You Bought Your governor's Arbor Day proclamation nesday at South Uiwell church, vertised for Friday. The services of this bank are not limited and a paper on the origin of the day Eugene Move's team and luinher so long enjoyed as a desirable mar- burial at Merriman cemetery. vel for farm produce. He made the Wall Paper Yet? to simply taking your dollars for deposit. It and the winding of the Maypole on Ida Schwarder ,11 daughter of Is- wagon stolen from his barn. He- the green. covered but thieves escaped same mistake many of us make by is just as willing to loan its dollars to re- aac Cornian and his wife, Phebe having too many irons in the lire Our stock is still oomplete and we will be pleased to County Agriculturist Carr was a Nash, was born in Michigan March Justice llieks lined Frank Shcpard sponsible parties, on farm mortgages, or to guest of the occasion and made some ¥» tor assault upon Lawrence Egan. and met the same experience many submit you figures on papering any room in your appropriate remarks which were in- 19,1855, and had lived in this town- of us meet by having some of them Corporations, to help build and make Lowell ship for 54 years. Coppen's barber shop renovated. terrupted by the ringing of tbe lire Teachers engaged for l^jwell scorched. house—and believe it will surprise you as to how little and surrounding country a better place in bell. This hastv departure of the schools: W. A. Ludwig, Ethel Mc- 1 well remember a conversation 1 it costs to beautify your home. greater part of tne audience prevent- Death of Dewey Allen of Vergennes Dannell, Bessie M. White, Cora Ix'e, had with (lharley about a quarter of which to to live. ed the carrying out of the last num- Dewey Allen died at the home of Maggie Tate, Kstella Banney, Nellie a century auo. He was boasting ber on the program which was to his father, Edward Allen, in Ver- Bait, 1 .eltoy McDiarmid, Kate Perry, that he had been a director of the Our store invites you to enjoy the best Drug Service have been the planting of a Victory gennes township Sunday, aged 20 Lowell National Hank for a dozen Jennie (irahain, Mattle Thonmson. obtainable. W* Buy and Sell United Sfotoa Bond*. elm by Mr. S. P. Hicks. Com years and 11 months. Funeral ser- Lowell & Hastings raiiroatf' an- years or so and had not attended a vices were held at the home Tues- nounced free annual excursion to meeting of the directors for live day forenoon; burial at Oak wood all school children on its line. years. K cemetery, Ix>wcll, Rev. W. M. P. Jer- II. S. Schreiner improving resi "Have you ever looked up the def- 0ne of lhe 8( jf A' / 7t V - /)(l 0, fM(. V /ON SA/'') ret ofliciating clergyman. dence. Made 8150 harness with sil- inition of director in the diction- P I W) ON PREn DAYEddie Dewey Allen was born ver trimmings for Chas. McCarty. ary?" I enquired. D. Ij. LOOK Rexall Stores. fune 4, 1898, at Vermontville, Mich. Wesley Fox of Freeport started a "No," he responded. When 4 years of age, he moved with lumber yard here. "The delinition of director is one t($iC\TY STATE BANK Observed by the Clever Lesf Clnb. his parents to Carson City where he k •- >•>. ^ . -x x' . Leonard 11. Hunt, postmaster. who directs," I replied," and the New President Installed ived until 13 years of age when Marks Ruben advertised special man who is content to accept the ihey moved to their present home Lowf ll , Mich The Clover Leaf club enjoyed a thirty days clothing sale. oflice of director and not attend the most delightful president's day at where he spent the remainder of his Other advertisers: J. H. Rickert, meeings of the directors will, soon- the home of Mrs. C. D. Hodges April Jfe. dentist: B. E. Burt, notary; 0. C. er or later, lind himself out of the thirtieth. The day was In cnargc of He leaves to mourn their loss his McDannell, M. C. Greene and W. F. pocket." Member Federal Reeerve Syetem the president, Mrs. C. J. Bradish, and iiarents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Allen, Brooks, doctors; J. C. Train, horse Three years later I met Charley the two vice presidents, Mrs. A. L. iwo sisters, Mrs. Geo. B. Hall of breeder, hotel and opera house. on the street. The bank had practic- Coons and Mrs. C. O. Lawrence. Newaygo and Miss Mabel Allen of Farmer's Hotel, (i. F. Lane, prop., ally failed in the metntime, owing Roll call was responded to by Marine City, two brothers Elmer M. M. Perry, attorney. to the defalcation of the cashier and 1 humorous anedotes. The chairman ind Oscar of thiiss piplacen , and other the stockholders had submitted to a of the war work committee reported .'datives and friencL'ncis: . reduction of the capital stock from a large amount of work done with *100,000 10 .«i!50,000. About live years some yet to finish. The retiring )BITUARY—ALBERT C.