The Shape of Recovery: What’s Next? Panelists Leon LaBrecque Matt Pullar JD, CPA, CFP®, CFA Vice President, Private Client Chief Growth Officer Services 248.918.5905 216.774.1192
[email protected] [email protected] 2 As an independent financial services firm, our About Sequoia salaried, non-commission professionals have Financial Group access to a variety of solutions and resources and our recommendations are based solely on what works best for you, not us. 3 1. What are we monitoring? 2. What are we hearing from our Financial investment partners? Market Update 3. What are we recommending? 4 COVID-19: U.S. Confirmed Cases and Fatalities S o urce: Johns Hopkins CSSE, J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Guide to the Markets – U.S. Data are as of June 30, 2020. 5 Consumer Sentiment Index S o urce: CONSSENT Index (University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index) Copyright 2020 Bloomberg Finance L.P. 17-Jul-2020 6 COVID-19: Fatalities S o urce – New York Times 7/20/multimedia/20-MORNING- 7DAYDEATHS/20-MORNING- 7DAYDEATHS-articleLarge.png 7 High-Frequency Economic Activity S o urce: Apple Inc., FlightRadar24, Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), OpenTable, STR, Transportation Security Administration (TSA), J.P. Morgan Asset Management. *Driving directions and total global flights are 7- day moving averages and are compared to a pre-pandemic baseline. Guide to the Markets – U.S. Data are as of June 30, 2020. 8 S&P 500 Index at Inflection Points S o urce: Compustat, FactSet, Federal Reserve, Standard & Poor’s, J.P.