Associate Degree Or Advanced Diploma? a Case Study
A NATIONAL CENTRE FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESEARCH OCCASIONAL PAPER Associate degree or advanced diploma? A case study Tom Karmel Tham Lu NATIONAL CENTRE FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESEARCH Associate degree or advanced diploma? A case study Tom Karmel Tham Lu NCVER NATIONAL CENTRE FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION RESEARCH OCCASIONAL PAPER The views and opinions expressed in this document are those of the authors/project team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government, state and territory governments or NCVER. Publisher’s note To find other material of interest, search VOCED (the UNESCO/NCVER international database <>) vocational education and training; higher education; tertiary education; training markets; higher-level qualifications; government; private providers; TAFE; articulation; labour market. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Francesca Beddie for her contribution and input to this paper. © National Centre for Vocational Education Research, 2012 With the exception of cover design, artwork, photographs, all logos, and any other material where copyright is owned by a third party, all material presented in this document is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia <>. This document should be attributed as Karmel, T & Lu, T 2012, Associate degree or advanced diploma? A case study , NCVER, Adelaide . The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) is an independent body responsible for collecting, managing and analysing, evaluating and communicating research and statistics about vocational education and training (VET). NCVER’s in-house research and evaluation program undertakes projects which are strategic to the VET sector. These projects are developed and conducted by NCVER’s research staff and are funded by NCVER.
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