The Green Mile Dorsey to sub comes early to for injured Kelly Cosford vs. Rutgers

ACCENT page 7 page 6

Coral Gables, Florida Since 1927 Volume 77, Number 21 WWW.HURRICANE.MIAMI.EDU Friday, November 19,1999 UMwins Templeton Paradise's Queen and King miss um: merissa amkraut honors MISS UM Jewish student WINNER: Merissa Amkraul Sponsor Jewish group's entry wins Book picks top schools Student Organization Miss UM pageant for character building 1st RUNNER-UP: Kourtney Ratlift By Jessica McNeill Sponsor-United By Ernesto Londo6o Black Students/ Yellow Rose Competing with over 700 hundred other schools, the University ot 2nd RUNNER-UP: After performing Brahms' Niki Klass Miami emerged a winner when this Sponsor-Delta Hungarian Dance So. 2 on the violin, year's Templeton Gumt named il one Gamma sophomore Merissa Amkraut, repre­ ot the top 100 colleges nationwide 3rd RUNNER-UP: senting the Jewish Student for developing character ia its stu­ Emily Brennan Organization, was crowned Miss dents. Sponsor-Delta. 1999 Tuesday Delta. Detta "The University is happv with night at Gusman Concert Hall. 4th RUNNER-UP: With the crown comes a $1,000 receiving this prestigious award," Dr. Maria Angela Patricia Whitely, vice president for Sponsor-Zeta Tau scholarship, the Official Local Miss Student Affairs said. "We were the Alpha America Crown and Crown Box, a day onlv school in Honda to be named to at the Biltmore Spa and a trip to the the Templeton Honor Roll this year, Miss Florida pageant. which is quite impressive I look forward to representing UM Chris Roby, director of Student at the Miss Honda pageant, as well as Activities and leadership Programs, the Homecoming activities scheduled and Christie Carter, assistant dean ot tor later this week," she said. Students, along with » group ol 3m mr. um: matthew holder Amkraut, originally from Orlando, is a music major. dents leader., compiled .i 20 page MR UM report explaining what I'M is doing 'This pageant is not merely based on looks Thev only account for thirty in terms of character development Matthew Holder 77ie Templeton Guide recogni/ed percent of the score," she said. "1 1988: UM in the overall category, hut also Colin Eaton believe ludges look for how well you can portray yourself as a spokesper­ in two specific areas: the academic 1997: honesty program and the substance Alex Llosas son for the Universitv' Kourtney Ratliff. representing -abuse program, Robv said 1996: "They were looking for a umversi Ronnie Khali! t'nited Black Students and Yellow ty that was going above and beyond 1996 Rose, came in second, followed by Niki in terms of building character," Matthew Carbone Klass, of Delta Gamma, Emily Whitely said "They really felt some 1984: Brennan, ot Delta Delta Delta, and of the programs that we have here Matthew Gentile Maria Angela, of /eta Tau Alpha. are outstanding" I issette Cion/altv, Miss Florida 1998 According to Robv, students gam and I a'larsha Long, Miss UM 1998, their knowledge through a compre were the Mistresses of Ceremonies hensive approach to the curriculum Gonzalez, who was second runner- and the extracurricular activities up at last year's Miss America pageant, offered on campus. is completing her double major in Whitely agreed and said it was an music vocal performance and broad­ honor to be recognized in such a way. cast lournalism long is a senior "We are thrilled," Whitely said. majoring in musu "Now it highlights the Universitv The ceremony, which lasted almost inside and outside the classroom." JORGE GALVE2 / Hurncar•• two and a half hours, included vocal Roby said college life is not onlv CHEERS: Matthew Holder, representing the Gay Lesbian, Bisexual Community, leaps into the performances by Long and Gonzalez, about academics, but character, lead­ T arms of host BT after being named Mr. UM uesday night at the Rathskeller See~FAGEANf ^"Page 2 ership and ethics "Some programs are designed to teach only the tools of the trade," Roby said. "But, in order to have credibility as a leader, you need to have a person of character Homecoming tales of technology and tradition Much of the leadership Institute programs are centered around whuh began I'hursdav will feature IM. Universitv ot Miami has held to date ethics. Foote goes live lirsi official cybercast, said Dan Annual parade This vear is the first year we've had "The core of the 40 hour, non- Kalmanson,directum! Media and I xternal anyone of substance [as Grand credit certification program is basi­ today for UM's Relations gets boost from Marshall," said sophomore Danny Miller, cally leadership and ethics," Roby Ihe cvbeaast will include an intcmew Parade co-chair for the Homecoming said. first cybercast with Foote conducted bv Jackie Nespral Mayor Penelas Executive Committee. "Last year it was The Templeton Umde ranks UM WT\ I I V news anchor and IM alumna the Ibis We invited (Penelas| and he gra- fifth nationally for the diversity ol us I* vs til be broadcast live ovei the Internet By Gina Morisseau-leroy c lously accepted. This is a huge improve­ students, and Roby said he (eels this By Reynold Rosa tmm IIJO a.m to 12:30 p.m and include ment" is another important (actor in the xane Staff VV' the president's Stale of the I'niversitv TAD FOOTE "Roll over Macy's, we have our own The Hooters Girls, the U.S Southern President equation. A historic Homecoming event will take address. Kalniansi ni said parade," said lunior Andrew Zuckerman, ( ommand ( olor Guard, the Coral Gables 'Since the University is so diverse, place loday when Dniversii\ of Miami Ihe Nespral interview logins at noon, Student dovernment Stanford senator Fire Department and the Miami-Dade that presents a great opportunity lor President hdward T Foote II will address K.ilmaiisini saul on this vear s Homecoming Parade. Police Fxplorers will also participate in learning from one another," Roby alumni and students over the World Wide "The idea behind this is to make the Alex Penelas, Miami Dade County the parade, Miller said. Miller also said said. "And, through our differences, Wei- mayor, will be Grand Marshal ol the this ~ SeelMUMNI • Page2~~ we • an alwavs find similarities." The 1999 Alumni Reunion Weekend, parade, which may be the largest the --»<<• PARADE • Page 2~

m Cuban baseball ot North Carolina at Chapel Hill • ROTC spreads day on November 23 at the • Real estate one of the few positions of its • Public relations bon has hosted guest speakers J2 will be the guest lecturer fot the Rock wtth one cadet held in a kind for higher education Insti­ and visited greater Miami area lecture evening, speaking on the histo­ awareness mock pnson set-up answering appointment tutions in the U.S. Rodriguez' club elections public relations departments in • *Wme The University's Center for ry of Cuban baseball and its The campus Air Force (ROTC) questions According to Cadet Sergio Rodriguez city manager responsibilities WIN include the On Wednesday. December I, the past tor those interested in Damn Davis, hundreds ot POW's development ot strategies in the mat career field Donn Tilson, CD i on Sport in Society is significance tor the nation The organization Is holding a of the City of Miami Beach, was me Public Relations Student "Playing inside the lecture is being nek) today at 4 Prisoner ot War/Missing in are st* imprisoned around the recently appointed to me posi­ real estate owned and operated Society of America will be hold­ professor tor me School of Lines: Baseball and Nationality pm. in the Storer Auditorium It Action Awareness event m an world with thousands of MIA tion of vice president tor Ral by the University He wi atoo ing general elections The posi­ Communication, serves as me in Cuba 1898-1958 ' the sec­ is free and open to the public effort to let students know how cases still in question Estate of the University by supervise the FacWbee Planning tions available for the society advtsot tor the society 5 ond in the center's fall lecture important rt ie to stay informed President Edward T Foote II The and Construction department will be president, treasurer, his­ Qm series Lous A Perez, a profes­ on the military situations The appointment was newly created torian and member-atlarge sor of history at the University group's activities will be held all m senior management and is The pre-profewonal organiza

- • 2 Friday, Novmbr 19, 1999 The Miami Hurricane

"Taking the campus by storm."

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s*49t*U9m'iH% WW Homecoming Parade Friday November 19th at 7pm Ponce de Leon and Stanford Drive See our Grand Marshall Mayor Alex Panelas!! ane NEWS Friday, Wovombor 1.9, 1999 im Group works with animals Honor society Hurricane Productions: The Cultural Arts {ommittee is looking is important that the animals get the for creative, ottgoing members If Campus volunteers service activities, like participating in you are interest in the opportuni­ love and care they need, especially the Humane Society's Walk for ty to get involdti through the arts help out at shelter because all these animals were previ­ Animals. on campus caln305-284-6399 for ously neglected. Participants bring their animals to celebrate more information, for homeless pets Once the animals have been and walk in downtown Fort cleaned up and cared for, they are Lauderdale in an effort to raise AED, AMSA, MAPS and Micro Club: By Jessica Brickman taken to Petsmart, a pet store, where money for the Broward Humane AED. AMSA, WPS and Micro Club • - anyone can come and adopt them, Society, said Klonaris invite all pre-health students to sign­ On Saturday mornings, a campus said Klonaris Members of Humans Helping 50th birthday up for Wacky Ovmpics 1999 to be group called Humans Helping Freshman Katie Turner said she Animals have written letters to held Sunday. Notember 21 from 10 Animals goes out into the communi- loined Humans Helping Animals Congress and to companies who per­ am to 4 p.m on le Intramural Field ly and volunteers for Pet Rescue, a partly because she misses her pet form animal-testing, said Klonaris. ership in one of those areas" said E-mail umpreme"|@yahr>o com or Omicron Delta back home. Russell. call 305-284-6422*f interested shelter that takes care of homeless They also write letters to compa­ dogs and cats, said junior Sean While away at school, she said she nies who do not use animals in tests, Kappa will initiate Russell compared ODK to Iron Council ot Intematenal Students Klonaris, the organization's president. misses the daily interaction, she said. supporting and praising those com Arrow, the society considered the and Organizations: Applications for When helping out at Pet Rescue, Junior Christina Avino, the group's panies' actions, said Turner. newest members highest honor attainable at UM. the 35th Annual lntei)atiortai Week the UM volunteers bathe the animals, vice president, said Humans Helping The organization was founded last "ODK is like Iron Arrow in that it is committees and co-clW are avail­ clean their cages and fill their water Animals is a "peaceful club." semester with ten members but has based on tradition and history," said able in the COISO offiAp Ufiiversity howls, said Klonaris. The group is about "putting words doubled since then, said Klonaris By Isabel Paez Russell. Center room 213 For mWe informa­ Most importantly, Klonaris said, into action," she said Weekly meetings are held Mondays at I '- One of ODK's traditions is the ODK tion, call Cory Cain at 30^84-3548 the members of Humans Helping Klonaris said Humans Helping 6 p.m. in the University Center Omicron Delta Kappa, a national Bell, donated by the Navy ship U.S.S. Animals play with the pets because it Animals also does other community Flamingo Ballrooms leadership honor society, will cele Bullmer in the 1960s, she said AWARE: World AIDS bay is brate its 50th anniversary Mondav, The bell is used in the tapping cer­ December 1 A candlelightVigi! will said Racquel Russell, president of the emonies, said Russell be held at 7 p.m at the tack A movie will be shown at 8 p n\ in the University of Miami's chapter, 'It lets everyone know that some­ International Lounge An information Last-minute lighting bill passes The celebration will take place at body is about to get tapped in that fair will be held on the Unifcrsity the UM Circle of the Omicron Delta area," said Russell. The bell also rings Center Patio that afternoon AVtoRE Kappa Society in front of the in Homecoming every year, Russell is looking for AIDS/HIV-related pVet- Senate bill requests recently approved improved lighting unexcused absences warrant dis­ Memorial Classroom Building, said said. When not in use, the bell is ry to be read at the vigil If interr­ behind the Panhellenic Building. missal," Gurney said. "He had three Russell. stored in the University Center, ed, call 305-446-3878 improved conditions Safety is a major reason why unexcused absences." Jamie Lesko, ODK vice president ot Russell said fspinosa said she wants the area to SG is now looking to appoint a new Special Projects, is putting together a "ODK has had a lot of different Intonnatlon Technology: Informatiti in Memorial lot be more properly lit. associate justice. Applications are memorial wali nl OOK pictures and roles throughout the years," Russell Technology is offenng free computed some people have late classes and available in the SG office. artifacts to be displayed at the circle, said. classes to all University of Miami stu­ By Jessica McNeill it's unsafe to walk to their cars," she said Russell. According to Russell, the Dr. Bowman Foster Ashe and Dr. dents, faculty and staff Topics include "Anyone can pick up an applica­ beginning and advanced HTML, Java said. "Also, soronty women have tion," Gurney said. "It's about five 50th anniversary celebration will also Jay Pearson, among others, founded script, Adobe PageMaker, an introduc­ student Government senators chapter meetings throughout the pages long be initiation dav for new tappees. Theta Omicron Pi, an organization tion to the Internet and an introduction turned talk into action by passing a night and not being able to see is and there are According to Russell, ODK's modeled after Omicron Delta Kappa, to UMSIS A full description of the bill that was proposed from the floor unsafe" interviews Alumni Association Circle was to in 1948. classes is on the Web at to improve the lighting in the Also, with better lighting, Espinosa involved with coordinate an alumni luncheon, for Theta Omicron Pi became a major edu/it/as/dasses . Memorial parking lot 209. said she thinks car thefts will be the president Wednesday at the Faculty Club. sponsor of UM Homecoming, while SG President Ileana Espinosa said diminished considerably. ofSG." "People are flying in from around under petition to be accepted in the Circle K International: Circle K, an tW bill was always something that Espinosa said she expects results After com­ the countrv," said Russell "It is a good ODK national organization international service organization, ha been talked about, and "we have soon. pleting the thing for us in college to see those On June 2, 1949, the University of meets Wednesdays in University finely put it into legislation." "It's a project the faculty will hope­ from the past" Miami Circle of the Omicron Delta Center Flamingo Ballroom B. For more paperwork E\>inosa and Lily Guallar, fully follow through on," she said. "If and inter­ Russell explained that the ODK Kappa Societv was installed as the information, call 305-689-2659 Ileana Espinosa 67th Circle of the National Sopromore senator, proposed the all goes well, (the lighting] should be views, the SG President Circle is a big accomplishment, the WVUM: WVUM is looking for a new bill, vfciioh passed through the Senate installed by next semester." candidate result of a telephone campaign in the Leadership Honor Society. visual identity as a part of Redesign with \ unanimous vote, and now In other SG news: must go before the SG Senate to be 1480s The society currently has 50 active '99. They are accepting logo designs awaits bproval from the facultv. • After one year in office, Cherison confirmed. Etched in stone at the ODK circle members, including UM students, submissions from listeners until "The \a~ll was a Category D, which Cuffy, a Supreme Court associate jus­ • The Senate voted Wednesday to are the five areas in which a person alumni and facultv, said Russell. December 31 Creativity, imagination I.I SG MkaOy means a recommen­ tice, was dismissed from office donate $200 to FunDay. tapped into the society has shown The society's activities include and quality are encouraged For full dation," FynoM said. "Now it moves November 12. FunDay is an annual event at leadership, said Russell. ODK Kids in which underprivileged details, visit www miami edu/wvum to the facuW, and if they approve it, it According to Chief Justice Jon which UM students spend the day According to Russell the areas are kids are taken to UM athletic events goes lo [\tst President for Student Gurney, Coffy was removed because with mentally-handicapped mem­ scholarship, athletics, social service, and are given the opportunity to meet A Week for Ute: The A Week for lite Patches' Committee is looking for Affairs] Pat Vrrjtelv" of "delinquent attendance at meet­ bers of the community journalism/mass media and cre­ with the team's stars. Russell said students interested in being in the 1 spmosa ||jd she felt Whitely ings of the court." Funday will be held February 26 ative/performing arts ODK also publishes a newsletter and benefit performance through any types would fully support better lighting in "Article IV of the Student and this year's theme is "FunDav at "Everyone that has been tapped participates in regional and national of creative expression (poetry, song, the area becauy the vice president Government Constitution savs three the Circus." into ODK has shown exemplarv lead­ conventions, she said dance, drama, etc.) The deadline for entry is November 24. For more infor­ mation, please call Shauna Ross at 305-689-6361 or the Volunteer Services Center at 305-284-4483

Volunteer Services Center: The VSC has children's requests avail­ able now for the Holiday Hope Tree Project. Please pick up a request at the University Center Information Desk and return all gifts, unwrapped, to the desk by Friday, December 10 at 3 pm. Call 305- 284-4483 for more information We Hiring Honors Students' Association: All honors students are welcome to attend the next meeting of HSA on Thursday. December 2 at 6 p.m. in the Mahoney classroom HSA will SPORTS EDITOR WRITERS be collecting unwrapped toys for The Hurricane really hopes this disadvantaged kids in the Honors The Hurricane js looking for a Program Office. Building 21Y For sophomore or junior that can is self explanatory We are look­ more information, call 305-284 edit and assign Tories and also LAYOUT EDITOR ing for writers for all sections 5385 or visit http //go to/hsa is a knowledgeable when it The Hurricane is looking for a layout editor that must be a (news, sports, accent, opinion) current sophomore or junior that is a print-journalism major School of Physical Therapy: comes to sports Applicants must and no previous experience is Students from the School of be able to work Sundays and The job requires working knowledge of Quark XPress and needed This is a good way for Physical Therapy will be offering Wednesdays Photoshop It also entails a must have concept of page journalism to get newsroom messages from 11 a.m to 2 pm design and some editing skills Applicants must be able to The messages are $5 for 10 min­ experience utes Proceeds will go to the work Wednesdays and Sundays. National Foundation of Physical Therapy for continued research in the areas of disabled children, geri­ atrics and orthopedics For more OPINION EDITOR information, contact Justin Spooner at 305-598-5693 The Hurricane is looking for COPY EDITOR som»one who can edit and We always want the Hurricane to be error-free The Hurricane Ceramics Department: assign stories and write. There is is looking for a Journalism or English major who is able to A Christmas pottery sale will be no previous editing experience held on December 1 on the UC Patio read and edit stories Applicants must be able to work to help the ceramics department required and we are looking for Wednesdays and Sundays and also be willing to work late fund visiting artists For more infor­ freshman or sophomores (but if hours. mation, call 305-284-5470 you are an upperclassman, we will not nold that against you). Applicants must be able to work Wednesday and Sunday. PHOTOGRAPHERS WWW. Again, no real explanation needed. All we're looking for is someone ior many people) who like to take pictures. hurricane. Applicants do not need to own a camera miami.

edu If any of these jobs interest you, please contact the Hurricane at 284-2016 or stop by UC 221 *+ Friday, November 1Q, n NEWS The Miami Hurricane

"Ifeel my time is up and I'm cool with it" Escape lo Organizations La'Tarsha Long, Miss UM 1998 Paradise share eight HOMECOMING f9 U floats in parade

leges will be included," said Maryann F-om PARADE * Page 1 Barber, Stanford head master that a special newcomer will be mak­ "We've always done very well,** she ing his debut in the Parade this year, said. "We've won the patt several a balloon. years and I hope that thisyear's float The Sebastian balloon, which is up to our usual muster.Two college depicts the mascot sitting on a grfy councils are working pgether and pedestal, is just over ten feet tall, has have spent a long ime on the lights so that it will glow in the dark design" and inflates in about a minute. Other organization/are also work Chartwells, the Division of Student ing on their float de^ns. As in many Affairs and the School of Business other events, UnitetfBlack Students, covered the $2,000 cost of the bal­ Yellow Rose Social and Brothers loon, said Miller Overcoming £gativity and Like all other Homecoming Destruction (BQ*D) will be work­ events, Parade participants get ing together. awarded points. Judges will pick the "Bigger ideal become feasible best float from each of three cate­ when more organizations are gories: fraternities, sororities and involved cretfng the float," said independents. senior Charle- Monterio, UBS presi­ "It used to be that the residential dent "I cann* say what the float will colleges had their own category," said look like. B* when you see it, you'll senior Carolina Hernandez, Parade know it's uf' co-chair. "Now they are competing Thought he floats are a big part of in the independent [category] with the Hom/coming Parade, Miller is all the other organizations. We are quick topoint out that there is more encouraging organizations to focus to the e*nt. on spirit. We are awarding points for "1\e school only owns eight spirit more than anything else." floatsfMiller said. "There will be all Because they are now in a different sorti of people walking. The category, residential colleges are Eqiistrian Club will be there with at required to share floats like other leaf six horses. The Honor Council, organizations, according to the Irei Arrow and the Rathskeller will Homecoming Rule Book. b* walking as well And, Chartwells STACEY SPALTER / Special to the Hurricane "This year we will be sharing a fill be giving out free popcorn. The SMILES: Kourtney Ratliff and Emily Brennan accept first and third runner-up hpnors, respectively, Tuesday night. float with Eaton, though I'm not sure 'arade is by far the highlight of whether the other residential col­ Homecoming week." Music Student Wins Crown Weekend welcomes

HOMECOMING From PAGEANT » Page 1 with it," she said. UP NEXT THIS WEEK Long said one of her most back UM's alumni as well as a dance piece performed rewarding experience had been SPIRIT TREE / ALMA MATER by the University of Miami talking to high school students in SM6MHS CONTEST: Sunsations. Homestead. From PAGEANT * PeQe 1 the Web; Foote said November 18, Ashe A panel of five mdges evaluated "They were underprivileged kids Arbide said that alumni come back BuMing. tt :40 am the 17 candidates in four fields having problems with their musical present's State of the fniversity for Reunion Weekend because they 0MAMZEO CHEER The swimsuit and eveningwear department in school I told them address more accessible b students want to recapture what it feh like to be November 18. UC Patio 7 p.m competitions accounted for 15 per­ they could be anything they wanted and alumni around the world," said a student at UM. cent of contestants' total scores, said Two months later, I ran into two of Kalmanson. "People look for community in PARADE, PEP RALLY, BOAT donzalez. them at the opera," she said. Donna Arbide, diretf* of Alumni everyday life," said Arbide. "Being a BURNING, ALUMNI Their interview with the judges Long has performed in numerous Programs, said the cybntast would be student at UM is being a part of a com­ NNJHT: November accounted for 30 percent, leaving operas, including Florida Grand a way of bringing fomecoming to munity. Alums come back because 19 various locations begins at 7 p.m the remaining 40 percent to the tal­ Opera productions of Macbeth, absent alumni. / they want to recapture what it feh like ent competition, she said to be a part of our community' CLOSING Tales of Noffman and La Boheme. "The Alumni Rcltions Team came CEREMONIES: The panel consisted of 5 judges Long said the only advice she can up with the idea of having the online The events of Alumni WeekencLare November 21, UC with pageant experience, including give her successor, Amkraut, is to interview because wanted to have a structured to reconnect alumni with PM»,4pm Dr. Samuel Lamar Wright, whose take it one day at a time. virtual homecortng and we wanted the UM family, Arbide said. student at the University of South "She is goirjg to have a lot or to get the presJent's message out to Foote said Alumni Weekend is a tra Florida, Nicole Johnson, captured responsibilities now, and that can be our national aiimni who won't be ditional way to bring together alumni the Miss America title last year overwhelming at times." attending Alanni Weekend," said and students. He said the alumni enjoy During Longs year as Miss UM, She encourages prospective Miss Arbide the students, and the students enjoy she concentrated on promoting UM candidates to run for the title This will te the Irst time Foote the alumni music education "It is imperative that they under delivers the State of the University Arbide said that over 1,000 alumni She slid the Miss America stand what the Miss America pro address ove the Web. and friends have come back to UM to Pageant program motivated people gram is about though. It's a great "I'm exated," said Foote about the participate in Alumni Weekend actm like her to pursue their dreams and experience, but you've got to be cybercasL It's one vast step into the ties every year during the last five focus on their goals. ready for it," she said informadm age" years. She said the end of her reign did Like Long before her, Amkraut STACEY SPALTER / Special to the Hurricane "Thisgives the people who couldn't "Our goal is to bring back thou­ n't make her sad. said she will also promote music SMOOCH: Host B T. hugs Mr. and Miss UM, come tf Coral Gables for the reunion a> sands," she said. "We want this to be "1 feel my time is up, and I'm cool education Matthew Holder and Merissa Amrkraut. chance to be here vicariously through even bigger and better." UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI TRIVIA How much do you bleed orange and green? ANSWER CHOICES QUESTIONS Ray Bellamy / A 1 Who waa UM's tirst student' Martin Luther King Jr. / B 2 Who was UMs first president? The "Cardboard College" / C 3 Who was the founder of Coral Gables who also donated $5 million and 160 acres to the University in 1926' Nebraska Cornhuskers / D 4 What was the original name ot The Miami Hurricane when it was founded In 1927' Francis Houghtaling / E 5 Who was the Orange Bowl originally named atter when it was dedicated in 1937' Porter Norris / F 6 What South Florida city donated in 1955 a Seminole Indian war canoe as a trophy for annual UM-Universitv of Florida game' Student Government / G 7 Who performed in front of 15,000 UM students on the Intramural Field in 1969' Icky / H 8 Who was the member of UM's first football team credited with the first use of the nickname 'Hurricanes?" Hollywood /1 9 Who was the first UM football player to win the Heisman Trophy' Roddy Burdine / J 10 Who was UM's first black athlete' Man of the Hour / K 11. Who used a live Ible aa Its mascot until the bird began suffering from malnutrition and had to be given to the Crandon Park Zoo? Washington University / L 12. UM's marching band was given the the nickname "Band of the Hour" when It was about to play what song in 1949? George Merrick / M 13 Making his debut in October 1956, what was Sebastian the Ibis' original name? / N 14 What famous person lectured on campus in May 1966' Continuing the Vietnam War / 0 15 Who was bestowed an honorary doctorate of laws degree in an Orange Bowl ceremony in 1946? University News / P 16 What was UM called in Its early days because of temporary walls erected to partition the classrooms'' Jams Joplin / Q 17 what team did UM beat 31-30 at the Orange Bowl to win its first national championship? Winston Churchill / R 18 What university's law school was Edward T Foote ll the dean of before becoming UM's fourth president in 1981? ANSWERS Bowman Foster Ashe / S 19 In a 1967 referendum vote, what issue was 78 percent of the student body in favor of? Hurricane Andrew / T 20 What disaster occurred on the first day of Orientation in 1992? <«xiaioOjo». — r\jci'a»iri(or-.a-»o> OrNnajKlieNBJl I The Miami Hurricane

November 19,1999 Osth leads Injury bug bites Hurricanes Lady Canes Kelly. Jackson expected to miss over Slovan game vs. Rutgers By Michael Corbo In their final exhibition game before Bv Jonathan Santucci the regular season, the Miami tt. Oust \ Hurricanes women's team UnfortunateK foi tlie Miami scored 41 second-half points, led by Hurricanes football lean the 1999 center Camilla Osth's 19 points, in a football season will be the season of M SS win over slovan Bratislava, what it Wednesday night at the Knight Sports What if the Cams rftike the Complex fourth-and-two against Kiln State' Osth, whose career high had been What if thev plaved betti i defense seven points before Wednesday night, against hast I arolina in the iccond shot nine ot 14 from the field and half? What if we had N'aieh added five rebounds, also a cadeer Davenport or Michael Smith htjlthv high After lasi Saturdavi \xm to "()ne of the biggest things we need Virginia Lech, the same quenon this season is solid game play from could be asked in reference to q%ir iona (Graziani|, Camilla and Donna terback Kenny Kellv, who in I I Nando]," head coach Feme Labati both his right shoulder and rtjfcit said. knee against the Hokies Graziani, Osth and Nando are the "l did all I could," Kelly said of trA onlv upperclassmen on a very young ing to plav through the injuries, basketball team, as Miami lost four including an MCI sprain. "I couldn't-, starters after last season. Graziani, the move. I had no mobility onlv returning starter, had eight points "I've never been hurt this knee and seven assists in 35 minutes of plav before. It's something you ba and Nando was sidelined with a cut on deal with. Vou iust rehab and come her shooting hand. back stronger.' 'Our team is verv voung and we iust Head coach said the need to keep improving every game. Lanes'trainers decided to put Kelly's I abati said. knee in a cast lor precautionary rea­ Freshmen Meghan Saake and Alicia sons and that Kelly is not expected to \. Hurncane F Hartlaub also made kev contributions play Saturday in the Orange Bow! SIDraNED: Both Kenny Kelly (15) and running back James Jackson (21) are expected to miss Saturday's in the win. Saake had six points in a against Rutgers Kickoff is scheduled garr»-againsrrk.' t Rutgers (Below) Jarrett Payton is expected to get some carries backing up starter Clinton Portis starting role at forward, while for n«>on Hartlaub added eight points and five "Kennv KelKS will probably miss rebounds in 26 minutes off the bench. the game," he said. It will be a week lunior transfer Dalia Clarke added to-week evaluation. MIAMI vs. RUTGERS eight points, six rebounds and two " starts and I think our blocks in 21 minutes of play. kids really believe Kenny can go sin i eshinen, we iust want to go out and execute the offense." 12:00 P.M. ON ESPN (REGIONAL) and plav with a lot 3 hustle," Saake Dorsey completed six of 17 j said "1 -vervone welcomed us with lor 45 yards and an interception open arms, making us feel very com­ against Virginia lech THE MATCH-UP fortable with the team" "I don't know it he was confused That hustle turned into 17 offensive [by Virginia lech's defense j, Davis rebounds, Coverall,and 19turnovers said ' Ihe kev thing is identification In slovan, which turned into IV points and I think he did a good iob with off the turnovers tor the Hurricanes Ken Dorsey Quarterbacks Another true fresh­ that. will make tfie first start of man. Chad Schwenk. will start for M had a lot of man-to-man cover "[As a quarterback) you've got to his career this Saturday IJ. Rutgers He passed for 258 tut and reallv hustled to the ball," attack their coverages and their his pertormance against ainst Syracuse last week, lead I abati said. "It's harder to plav zone Ironts and Kenny's going to work to Virginia Tech (6-17,45 yds. 1 INT) was any indication the Scarlet Knights to an over­ detense and box out, so we will contin­ do that" things to come, Quarterback u is in serious trouble time victory Regular starter Mike McMahon is our for the ue to work on the man-to-man cover­ Davis savs both quarterbai ks need season after tearing ligaments in his shoulder last month age and as we improve the man to to spend some time in the weight Running Backs The injury-prone James Jackson is a ning Backs The Rutgers offense only averages 86 man coverage, our zones will also room to prepare for the abuse they question mark, but Clinton Portis has done remarkably stung yards a game. 107th m the NCAA Jacki Crooks improve." will endure in an 11 game season well in h's first season of Jarrett PaytqR 9^te Rutgers with 587 yards and just three touchdowns Miami's defense held slovan to iust "Quarterbacks are skilled athletes, "A vear ago we wereVting here will see increased playing time ttiis weekend. m*ma, |S fift*, on Rutgers' all-time rushing list 34 percent shinning from the field in but they have to be able to take the with a hdgerrin Ian*,, James Wide Receiver Rutgers graduated their top three the second half and JI percent tor the rigors of being hit They're going to lackson and Najeh DavenpLrt. lodav Wide Receivers It there's any hope for a solid perfor­ nceivers from last year's squad, and have a young group game I ast vear, the (anes defense held have to work in the weight room." we don't have any of ih%- What mance from Dorsey, it lies in the hands of Santana Moat, Hi season Leading the way are lumors Errol Johnson opponents to 4(1 percent from the field. When asked if Kellv would have could we have done |if thci^ere all Reggie Wayne and Bubba Franks, tfie best receiving H ree.I and Walter King (27) slovan was lead bv Renata Plavkova time to work out in the oil season here and healthy)? corps in the Big East who had 25 points and Andrea due to his baseball commitments, as Regardless of who starts 1 what MMN who had 12 points and five Offensive Line The Knights line averages 300 pounds he is also an in the Tampa position Saturdav, Rutgers wilmme Offensive Line Tne Hurricanes line was tormented by W3r man. but they have given up 33 sacks this season. rebounds. Corey Moore and the rest of the Hokies last week, but' Bay Devil Ravs organization, Davis in on a high note I he st arlet Rights ^nd have not done well run-blocking eithei Tackle Shaun On the offensive end. Miami shot SO should be able to open up holes for Portis and protect simply replied, "Well, Mark McGwire won their first game of the sAsnn •VHara was a preseason Big East first-team selection percent trom the field and moved the Dorsey against Rutgers against Syracuse last weekend. ball well at times Besides quarterback, the running "They hung in there and put Ith i Vtter a lale first half run 11-2 run bv Defensive Line DE Wayne Hampton has eight sacks this back positum is also a concern, selves in a position to win," 1>J Defensive Line Adrian Wilson and Damione Lewis boU Slovan Miami was down 29-22 with Bason to gc with his 72 tackles Nose Tackle Tom Petko lames lackson was n iniured against said 'Then they went out and N had monster games against Virginia Tech, and should twi > minutes before the end of the first 9* tackles) is also the 19th -ranked heavyweight wrestler Pittsburgh and missed the Virginia them in overlin figure in several plays mis weekend halt Once again Miami would respond m\ the NCAA Tech gann After beating SU 24-21, quarter1 with a 13-0 run at the end of the tirst hman running back (linton back (had Schwenk and linebacker halt and continuing into the start ot Linebackers Oax St~obmeyer was named the Big East Fortis rushed tor over 100 yards Dax Strohmever were both selected! Linebackers The Canes linebackers made some great the second,giving the Hurricanes a 35 Oef.enstv e Player-of-the-Week after his pertormance against the Hokies, but also tumbled Big Fast Plavers ot the Week. stops on runs last week, but their pass coverage was 2v lead exploited by Virginia Tech Against a pass-oriented tea* •gaains t Syracuse Jaban Moore leads the team with 112 three times The (anes committed Schwenk completed IV of-29 pass like Rutgers, their coverage is crucial m the game plan. kckies and three forced fumbles Miami wouldn't look back from six turnovers against V I es tor 251 vards and one touchdown there, shooting N) percent from the "1 thought we ran the ball well and ran tor another score field in the second half and never Rutgers is ranked second-to-last in passing enough to win the game, but we can't Strohmever led the Rutgers deleiise. [Secondary Leonard Myers was beaten deep again la* d.-vins e Look for Dorsey to exploit the matchups against trailing the rest of the game. recording 15 solo tackles and eight leek, and Miami cannot afford to give up big play* 1af|f overcome six turnovers," Dae is said Knights' secondary, all underclassmen Miami, who was 10 4 at home last lutgers Jeff Popovich and Mike Rumph played big far "Iwo ot the turnovers occurred in assisted stops tor : t total l.ukles year, will open the regular season on Hurricanes in Blacksburg their territory. You hate shooting Defensively they play a lot of the Sundav afternoon against Furman and yourself in the toot like that.'" same things Virginia Tech will plav their first five games at home Special Teams Backup kicker Lee McDonald stepped up With lackson, as well as Davis said, reterrmg to the eight- Ial Teams After four weeks of "musical punters.'' and kicked a 25-yard game-winning field goal in overtime "(Playing at home| should help us Davenport, iniured, Fortis and fellow man front thev use. "If I had to pick thtMiami fans are getting tired of seeing 4-yard punts » it week to end the Scarlet Knights 12-game losing to adjust and be more used to playing." Ani Crosland has kicked off well recently, however --•c»-"»c freshman larrett Payton will carry IH, it's a blend of Virginia reak Saake said We should then be ready the rushing load. lech, Pitt and Boston Colli to plav on the road as well"

• Crew (14:01 1 and Ohio State "A" • Women's and shot 53.4 percent from the • Men's Basketball Logan is rated as one of the • Swimming She ts currently ranked 57Vt m (14 10 6) In the race. UM defeat­ floor Wauns atoo plays fot the nations top 100 recruits by the world m the 100-meter The University of Miami varsity Head swimming coach Jamas * ed eights from Virginia, North Basketball Orlando Warriors AAU team, Head man's basketball coach recruiting guru Bob Gibbons. freestyle with a time of 56 90 women's eight closed out f» M Leonard Hamilton announced Sweeney "rraxneed the signing Carolina, Duke and Clemson. Head women's t averaging 13 5 ppg and 9 3 rpg and was a second-team Ail- Her other top times include 26 9 racing season with a Bronze the signing of Reo Logan of swimmer Manon van Rooi)en UM's varsity four entry finished Feme Labati announct The smrncn finnhed 13th m the Stats selection by the Illinois m the 550-meter freestyle and CD Medal finish at the Rivanna (Country Club Hills Hi i to a iCuiemborg. Netherlands) to a ftfth m its race with a time of signing of 6-2 prep AAU National Championships Basketball Coaches Association 2 04 9 in the 200-meter Romp, hosted by the University of national letter of intent to national letter of intent to attend 15307 The Virginia "B" boat Wilkins from Orlando this peat summer Wilkins joins laat season, earning All-Area nfMyte Virginia, held at the Rivanna attend the University of Miami the university of Miami next fat (15 30 7) won the race ahead of national lettor-of-intent to I 6-4 earner Shannon Pressvvood and All-Conference honors tor Reservoir Ths vanity womens van Rootien currently competes Wrjraa "A" (15:05.7) and Ohn lOrangevtHe, Ontario. Canada) aa next fall Logan, a 6-10. 205 the second consecutive sea­ eight "A" boat completed the the Uraversity ot Miami nex for the Dutch National Team and Stale "A" (15:16 31 The UM "fi­ Humcane rommftments for next pound forward/center aver­ son course vv* a time of 14255, Wilkins averaged 150 fall aged 17 points eight rebounds « a hopeful for the 2000 t-oat llnwhed 12th 11620 5) and 11 1 rebounds per cl behind first-place Virginia "A" and two blocks per game Olympics m Sydney, Australia. 1 Friday, November 19, 1999 SPORTS Thi lliiimi HiiiTiiiinr

I In most dominating center of all holding the record for most career to the NBA championship in 1981 time, Wilt "the Stilt" Chamberlain points (38,387) Canes once scored over 100 points in a game It's considered quite the accom and topped 50 points on 118 different One of the most feared men in the phshment when a player achieves a occasions. Chamberlain helped the low post and a solid defender, Kevin triple double in a game. The 'Big ()," lakers win two NBA championships McHale helped led the Boston ( din 1 Oscar Robertson averaged a while playing in 13 All-Star games to three NBA Championships in the triple double for the 1961 62 sea­ ready and winning four MVP awards I 980s. A lanky 6-10. McHale frustrat son. Besides that amazing season, ed bigger players with his long reach Robertson was named league MVP Bill Russell was great because he helping' hill I 17*008 points in '64 and played in 12 All-SUl could do something no one else and grab more than 7,000 rebounds. games. could (hamherlain. Russell for UCF Dubbed "Pistol Pete bv a local often came out victorious when the One ol the best players ever to two battled and finished his career adorn the playott stage. James sportswriter while playing for his By Aaron Staenberg with 11 NBA championship rings, 12 Worthy helped the Lakers become high school basketball team, Pete Assistant Spats Editor All-Star game appearances ,md aver­ one ol the most dominant teams oi Maravich was tmm tut game's pre After a preseason schedule that aged 22.5 rebounds per game. the '80s Worthy was named the mier scorers. After Ming the NCAA ended in a split of the two exhibition duals MVP in 1988, just six years in scoring for three cc nsecutive years, games, the University of Miami men's The heart and soul of the Celtics, after winning the NCAA's Most Maravich went to fhe pros where he basketball team will start their regular Larry Bird dominated games with Outstanding Player Award in the Final was one of the top shooting guards season tonight in Orlando against the his«lelt shooting, crisp passing and Four He played in seven All-Star and a fan-favorite lor his entertaining University ol ( entral Florida hustle. Known as the first guy in piae games and will be remembered as play. "Wr need to play somebody," said tice and the last one to leave, Bird won one of the best clutch plavers the Hurricane head coach Leonard three NBA championships, was a 10- game has ever seen. You know vot/c good if the silhou Hamilton."We're not as tar along M we time All-Star, three time MVP and ette on the Nft* logo is yours. Only will be in the season, but 1 think we're finished his career with 21,741 Before there was Michael, there was Jerry West can make that claim making progress " points Doctor J., Julius Erving was the first While he onlyVron one NBA champi Part of the progress will be the basketball player to By through the onship (197J, he was named to 18 ( anes' ability to spread the scoring ('all him by whatever nickname air and impressed crowds with his All-Star teams and was one of the load out through the whole team, as you want, Michael Jordan was sin- awesome dunks. Frving played in 11 best Iree thfuw shooters of all-time. opposed to the departed Tim James ply the greatest to ever play the game. All Star games and won the MVP He finished his career with 25,192 being relied upon to carry the scoring me Fut Photo Whether you're impressed bv six NBA award in 1981 He also led the Sixers points.ind.\238 assists. li ud. PASS MASTER: Senior point guard Vernon Jennings, who led championships, five MVP awards, 12 "Our scoring will be more spread the Big East in assists last season, will be expected to All-Star game appearances or the 10 out," »id sophomore swingman John spread the ball out again on offense for the Canes. scoring championships, it doesn't salmons, "We're capable of having all matter. Fact is you're impressed, from five starters score in double figures." Hamilton "We're moving in the right don't care." Slam Hunk Championships to the Senior point guard Vernon Jennings direction but we're not there yet." "It doesn't really mean anything cover of Whealieslo baseball to Spate agrees, A big part ot Miami's success last until we get on the court and show /a-Ji,hedid it all. "We'll have more balanced scoring, war was center Mario Bland, who sat what we can do,' said Salmons, who more people in double figures," said out the last exhibition game after dis understands how the rest of the coun­ Many players are given nicknames, lennings, the defending Big fast ciplinary action from Hamilton trv perceives the (anes "It shows a but few were as memorable or fitting assists leader, "Hopefully we'll have "Of course |Bland| will [play lack of respect to the program." as "Magic." Earvin Johnson was 6 -J more explosiveness on the offensive against UCF]," said Hamilton. "We'd Ihe Hurricanes, though, look like but played the point guard position as the liiiihwirair's end. Our offense has good chemistry like to think he'll be ready to start, too." thev want to get out ol the gate well well as any player ever has Besides and a good understanding of the s) s Without even having played a game, and plav well right from the beginning being a part of five championship tern" Miami is the onlv team to have ol the season and improve trom there. teams, 11 All-Star teams and being a While the scoring is something to dropped out of the "We've never been on top ot our three-time MVP, Johnson holds the look forward to this season, the (anes top 25 poll and will be unranked going game early in the year," wains lakers records for both assists and Uh-fMIHV are known for their trademark into the matchup against UCF. Hamilton But hopelully we'll contin­ steals. defense, something that Hamilton "That doesn't mean anything," said ue in show improvement in every says is getting better as prac tiu M Hamilton "It doesn't matter how you UM*. Many players have had signature lllSklTIIII LTIilll tinues. start, onlv how you finish, and we Salmons savs that with the season shots, but maybe none more infa- "We're a great offensive team," said haven't plaved our first game vet opener looming, his teammates are mow than Kareem Abdul- lennings. "But we still have to tune up lennings agrees with the coach. looking good Jabbar'S sky hook Abdul Jabhar our defensive work." although he admits he was unaware ol Wi ve got depth and we're in good was one the greatest "tall men" to plav "Our offensive and deiensive sets the snub. shape," said Salmons"! vervone looks the game, winning six MVP Awards, will progress as we move along," said "1 didn't know,' said lennings "I g(H)d." playing in 18 All-Star Games and still Tin1 Miami Hnrrii ane

November 19, 1 7 1 1 hi m ia m 1 h u r r i 1 ii n IB * s (ll'Tl ill, lis

Fictionalizing and characterizing the life of William Randolph 1 Hearst, drawing paral­ lels with the newspa per mogul's palace in San Simeon and his relationship with mis tress/actress Marion Davies, bov wonder Orson Welles Citizen Kane focused on the famous first murmur ot echoed words uttered by huge rubbery lips that fill the screen R-o-s-e-b-u-d!

If Michaelangelo's David is 's national trea­ sure. The Godfather is ours The ( orleone family's saga of valor, violence and rancor is the definitive gangster tilm.

The perfect movie, Casablanca is the unique story of a love triangle set against the 3terriblv high stakes of WWII MoracCO Humphrev Bogart and Ingrid Bergman sizzle, with Bogart placing an American expatriate and war profiteer content on merelv running his Cafe Amencain until his love returns one night, inspiring him to stand up HOLD MY HAND: Director Frank Darabot t's The Green Mile is the first of many upcoming films to be screened at the Cosford. to the hrench Resistance And Sam's "As Time Goes Bv'is the best.

L>avid 0, Selzmck wanted Margaret Mitchell's I936 novel to be somehow more than a movie, a film that would broaden the very idea of what 1 film could be and do and look like It did, will, and has Gone With the Wind, a nearlv tour-hour Civil War soap opera, introduced us to two ot the most remembered char­ acters ever to grace the silver screen: the mastulinelv sardonic Rhett Butler and the vixenish Southern belle Scarlett U'Hara, as well as the classi, line,"Frankly mv dear, I don't m a damn"

On ever. 1 aster week­ end this tamih fa~ •^f^ n entitled The Wizard of 5 Oi appears on l BS (now Turner-owned I BS 1 and its popularity continues to grow Dorothy. the S< 'he I in Man. the ( owardlv By Jeff Noller CAC teams with viid Provencher It the colleges like it, then people will 1 ion and loio. too, all remain iconic sta ^^mWh pies Next Tuesday, Novembi I ihe 'llic studio wants word ot mouth," savs Irov NET to screen Green Mile is being showV al tht ( osford ( inema al idvantages for films In 1^77, a little known space movie called Star the University ol Miami. fV lowed bs i sinitik ast that being screi puses hv Nl I Wars, based on (,reek mythology,caught the American special previews will allow University stude^s to discuss the film with "It's beneficial for the studio, who wants the bu// psyche in its tractor beam As a mass populist throw director I rank Parabont tM cast members such as before opening night Ihe school benefits because the back to an earlier era it was mst what the Xiiieruan Tom Hanks \ student organization is saving a lot ol monev ( ollege society needed atter Vietnam and Watergate 6 of upcoming, How is this being done? V indents spend monev on movies, ami have an opportu In the past tew month nematic Arts to see mov ies betore anvone else does tor no charge. -_ stankv Kubrick's warning about the approaching unreleased fea­ (.ommission (CAC) has developed a partnership with It's beneficial tor tht sponsors, who have vour attention computer age,2001: A Space Odvssey was hi- Network I vent 1 heater (onipaly (NET) that would for three hours and distribut* tterials such as terpiece Ihe groundbreaking special effects were allow NI F to show special preview-of upcoming unit posters .md I-shirts" the basis ol todays blockbusters HA! 9000 remains tures at the leased lilms to University stuuV-ts 3 the Cosford Wording lo is a middleman by cinema's creates! villain Cinema lor tree obtaining the film from the studio, sending it to the Cosford Nl I is ,1 college media nurketinafirm that dC V Clops school, and um k quiring sponsors io advertise to the David I cans sweeping camera exploration of the digital satellite networks lor about mi colli n the vicuiis In the end. she savs. evervone reaps the Arabian desert in Lawrence of Arabia can onlv be country 1 hev are all linked together kid the programs rewards beaten by lean I uc Godard'j Panavisum exploration ''red via satellite tor Ire- ;, program. "Ihis is the biggest thing that has happened with I of Bridget Bardoi m ( ontempt where ihe school 1 romottonN material and siiue i At started, says Provenchi ntnership viewing lor tree and it the same time dWlops a pari will have a maior impact on (.Al It won't take awav trom The water vvas once I nership with Nl Nil representative Frances what 1 M loei It iust adds We stil! will do the other sate pLue heloie I rov It's an ongoing relationship that il for things MA lo [We] iust wanl to make awareness Spielberg's breakthrough both of us" for other films such as independent and foreign bv pub­ 9 film Jaws hiMheaters in Ihe idea 10 work with Nil tame tront t \< t hair licizing Nt the summer ol \i~7 iust Rvan Provencher Provencher savs thai Hurricane Productions has had in time lor beach goers Ihe sheer surgical What happened was Hurricane Produnoni (the great numbers with their showing ot movies that are a craftsmanship oi the filmmaking brought umbrella tor CAI j went to th- N\i \ i onfience last hit in the box office Even when Hurricane Productions Spielberg lo the forefront ot directors February and spoke wnh Nl I there.' savs PtWncher. switched their showings trom Wednesdav to luesdav had phone conversations and one thirite led to nights at 8 p in and 10 p.m , it did not slow down the 1 he a nt 1 shower film Hitchcockdidtor another." venues tromconsistently selling out, baths what Al Gore did tor the Internet After further research,Nl 1 tpokespcoptecaundowfl "Things can only get better With Nl 1, things can only- Hitchcock s ultimate masterpiece. and spoke to Proven*.her and others at Huwicane get better and belter. IVopl. ome in |to tht 1 Al office| Psycho, is the progenitor oi the modem TOMMY BOY: Tom Hanks Productions, saving that thev wanled to work witl | w and want to know when the next event is dav honor film. Hitch stunned audu IO may be one of the cast to bring free programming to the school We provide some fun entertainment tor the campus with his brutal portrayals ot violence that. to speak via satt "In terms of advertising, college campuses are awery lor two hours. A wav lor peopk to escape, I think peopk up to that ind pak after his film strong demographic area,particularly :n South H< 1 like that

• Al • Rainbow 6 • Gangs of NY i David Duchovny • Matt Drudge • Millionaire • Box Office • Dogma •+•* Although Stanley Kubrick may Tom Clancy, an author whose Longtime Martin Scors4~e Worried X-Files fans may have Matt Drudge, of Fox News' Fans of the popular game The first o* this holiday sea­ Lions Gate Films has pulled ads JSZ De dead, his long-discussed books have been translated to collaborator Robert DeN|o some hope for David tyuoge Report, has been served show on ABC, Who Mfe/ifs To son s bloodbaths is set to for the controversial film Dogma Q() project, Al may not be He and the screen numerous times, has decided to pass Duchovnys future. Duchovny notice that he is in breach ol Be A Millionaire1' will be treat begin as Sleepy Htftow and after facing pressure from CBS "JJ Steven Spielberg had been talk- currently has two projects m Scorseses ultraviolent nei stated that even though seven contract for missing a show last ed to a gift as the show s run the new James Bond film The CBS who felt the taglme "Get e*smt ing about the project for years devetopment While the finishing proiect, The Gangs ot Ne\ years on a single show is a weekend Fox News would not continues to Nov 24. an addi World is Not fnovgh fight it Touched By an Angel.' expkxteo O and now there is definite word touches are being put on The York Instead he is looking | long time that doesn 1 rule out aHow Drudge to air a picture of a tion ot three nights That's out this weekend in the box the image of ther wholesome CL Spielberg may be gang ahead Sum of All Fears, writer Michael such projects like The Scori\ a possible 8th season More 21-week-old fetus and he their final answer office Meanwhile, Pokemon religious show Touched By an {/J with rt If the present script for Schiffer iCnmson Tide, The and Navy Divei after he com­ importantly, said Duchovny, protested Drudge is contractu- while still going strong should Angel" CBS « going to mcorpo Minority Report is not OK'd. PUMcemaker) has been hired to pletes work on Meef the\ 7?wX-frtes will likely continue aty obligated to adhere to Fox be knocked from the top spot rale Buddy Jesus into the* pro­ Spielberg will begin writing write the script for Ramixm 6 Patents m movie form. News' editorial control gram though Friday, November 10. 1999 The lliiimiJluiTiraiU!

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Formal Attire $10 Sitting Fee Any questions call (3051284-6385 ic Miami llorriimir ACCENT Friday, November HI, 1999 Music Reviews They call me itching Falling melodies, Our Lady Peace, short of not , impressing Mr. Pitts Columnist The book ends with a stress on happiness in new solo forgiveness of the abusive ot miss mg father as the most important Leonard Pitts, part of healing one's self, and Pitts' Gas Giants and « »Pnw forgiveness of his father after the Jr. discusses others death As for societal heal­ m ing, Pitts again said that it lies in By Mauricio Vieira new book both black men and black women's hands "Men and women have both Avant-garde musician Arto By Fawad M. Siddiqui been iniured in this rift I think it Arto Lindsay Lindsay tails short ot impressing in Hurricane A needs to be a matter of healing his new solo work In Prize, lindsav both." said Pitts displavs his penchant for exotic, "Players," absentee dads and abu pers Shifty Shellshock and Bret intricate and synthetic musical tex sive fathers in the African Student Response Infusing "Epic" Mazur, introduce a rantv of tures, giving continuance to his no American familv are all subjects Afterward, participants praised HaiPPNl N* sound on their first release The ditt of wave" work with Ambitious Lovers dealt with by nationally syndicated the book, though some said that it the Came Seldom, it not ever, do vou and DNA in the Hi Miami Herald columnist Leonard mav be too focused mi negative ) • riappiiess s not a Rsti Ihat metal, not see a hip-hop group bring in the Some ol his albums with Puts, |r.'s new book. Becoming Dad: portrayals of black fatherhood, or ti CalCh on* mama sounds ot driving guitars and thrash Ambitious Lovers had titles like Black Men and the lourney Into disagreed on how needed a family ing bass rifts. Creed and in\\. Prize is a work of Fatherhood values message is on a college cam­ BffNoller the other There are no parameters on what is pride Mostlv, it is a work that relies A motivational talk by Pitts to pus ntMusi( hip hop and what is metal on their too heavilv on concepts and mater­ discuss the book drew over fifty Ireshman Hanan Hamed said lit ladv Peace h n in all their record. ial Lindsay already explored as a people to the Mahoney Residential ' she has a perfectly fine relationship rds, used unconventional meth- way around Several pf the tracks rage like a bull producer, lindsav's recent collabo College classrooms last thursdav with her father and a had different by creating melodies that use like the bombastic "Toxic" that has ration with Vinicius Cantuaria, a night to discuss the book, present mmt with the book, a lack of the ~us tempos On their latest Shellshock and Mazur rapping Brazilian artist reviewed in these ed by the Woodson Williams positive side I read it and thought be, Happiness is not a lish Ihat against the bruising metal guitars, pages, resurtaces m Prize. Marshall Association. The event it was good, touching and brought •Can Catch, the band continues declaring that their music will spread Cantuaria plays guitar and per- was co-sponsored by United Black tears to my eves,' said Hamed. "But thev have done on previous like a virus. 1 he slow, brooder "Think cussitm in tracks that echo his lat- Students, B.O.N.D., Yellow Rose in some wavs it was one sided \ lot is. The result turns out to bt last" continues the raging attack bv est work, Tucuma. It would be nice Societv, Alpha Phi Alpha Lraternity, of good examples of black father­ • good, but toward the end ot the Mazur and Shellshock. "Hollywood to know in what part of Prize Im . and the Department of hood weren't there tor inspiration. i their progressive stvle doesn't Babvlon" finds the group brashlv dis Lindsav is not running on auto­ Multicultural Student Affairs. It needed more ot that." said ys work. playing a larger than life image on the pilot, pushing buttons that read Becoming Dad goes from Pitts' Hamed he signature sound of the band wild roads of Los Angeles, as they "drum from Salvador" and "saxo­ personal account of lite under an Ior freshman Noelle Fritz, Pitts' [something to do with the avant look at the town as their own phones from Manhattan" abusive and alcoholic lather to a comments struck closer to home voc.ils ol Raine Maida, who "Black (loud" deals with surviving Having lived in Brazil for storv of other men's struggl* Mv father was a black man that Js like a blend ot Robert Plant on the streets in the tace ol adversity decades before taking the lower strive in tfie absence of fathers and wasn't therefor me.'said fritz,"and Liam Gallagher By using his with its smooth, flow of rhythms Last Side bv storm with his guitar heal their own broken lives, and the speech gave me a lot to think ney voice as an instrument, he reminiscent of New Order or The skmnk, Lindsav isa master ol clip­ was based on a series inters lews he about" Lntz wasn't sure if a college an interesting twist to Mike CnuyfDwn* The Gift ol the Game Cure. The silver-tongued running ot ping Brazilian rhythms and cross conducted. campus was the best place to give OtfQ1/2 mfi m "•» tier's guitars, Duncun mutts' bass "Butterflv" with its steady drumbeats ing them with minimalist guitar following a reading, manv of this talk, though It's important, Jeremy Taggarfs drumming. and turntables bedazzle with its work, sampling, lounge ia// and those present also shared personal but guys in college campuses are By Jeff Noller not most ot the songs,do not shades of vintage hip-hop with synthesizer chaos, or whatever experiences on the subject. likely to be more focused Of my tape loops or electron!.. 1 pique and Valli's guitars streaming other name there is to, eggs being friends back home, half of them Irds Ihe band itselt can create its It's unusual to hear a hip hop in the background cracked ad infinitum Pitts on the Issues have babies and I don't see anv of rn effects, especially with Maida up group infusing metal, where usually (razv lown has entered the world, so A partisan attempt to describe While his memories may be those guys even thinking about it's rock/metal acts that infuse hip- take cover tor these bovs are about to each song may read like an enolo- painful ones, said Pitts, he at least reading this book" band. Ivruallv, talks about the hop into their re; MM town, takeover thrash metal/rap artists can't gist's tasting notes. "'Prefeelings,' did not have to deal with the junior Havden Ridore. president jtside world, trying to cope with all however, breaks all the rules and they even come close to this despite some of featuring a devilish sampled drum "emptiness" of never having known of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity, dis­ tips and downs that it brings vou do it their wav their freshness and originality ( ra/v beat from the rolling hills ol his father at all, which all too many agreed w ith the idea that Pitts' mes­ id trying to find satisfaction within Cray Town, the brainchild ot rap lown struts on lht Gift t>t the Came. Salvador that clashes in tempo and African Americans do, and which sage might be needed less here

~urself as in "Happiness and the svncopation with Brooklyn-jagged he | MM .ic rose tn the interviews "Oh, these problems are definitely "One Mans Armv" deals with prose, saturates the hearing with "In the short term, it'd be better here at the college campus, though >ing out on your own and lighting Gas Giants take off with Detroit industrial dm and I to have peace at nights," said Pitts, we try to hide it,' said Ridore vourselt, .is 1 timer's guitars fttt phones fresh trom Manhattan gigs, as opposed to a childhood spent lor example, said Ridore, when o a chaotic charge Mam ot the yielding a delicate and unsettling blocking out the sounds of his the camera turns to a football play­ >ngs such as The (laming lips ish energized debut whole" father's drunken abuse, "but in the er's family in the crowd during a Is Anybody Home," "Blister" and Ignore this pica- "I gibberish long term it was hetter to have a Hurricane game and shows his son lying Awake' deal with the p Rb >dc, Alongside Wilson is long­ and know that Lindsay luxtaposes lather and not have those ques­ or daughter, a wife mav be conspic ia o| societv md coping with il M time tnend and guitarist Daniel two different melodies" in tions" uouslv missing "We can't hide that est as one can Henzerling. Ihev formed Gas Oiants "Prefeelings," slightlv off tempo to college kids are having sex. lots of There are some great numbers, in 1W and recorded their debut give i headache to the list, The Player kids drop out as a result of having such as um Man's Army," album from the Beyond the Back Arto goes to great lengths to On the issue ot the "plaver," Pitts kids' [Happiness and the lish" and tbe Burn show how sophisticated his music said that 40 percent of African Ridore said that while African ||\irk\ "Waiti .1 llml stands out Energized, the das Giants take oil iv Ihe work gravitates between American families are broken Americans have improved their Ml inconveniionallv with its basic rock with their debut, which displavs a songs like tipsv Prefeelings' to homes todav, and that of them NI uation in manv areas of society, I structure and sudden harder, more aggressive sound than gentle ballads like'Modos," sung in percent are single-mother families, "we also need to deal with these langes in tempo that sound Wilson's former Hand (.as Giants Portuguese. Lindsay is fluent and ndition centered around the problems in our community, first, t'freshing in the ptoccss. The tor­ waste no time bv opening with four proud, wishing to show he doesn't "plaver" mentality: a male fear of we need to become aware that no menting' Pol,ilo GirTlitt as a mem raucous tracks, including the hard­ sound like a gringo when singing commitment accepted as the norm one is exempt from it. and not think Arable number with its punch drum hitting opener,' Now the •< hange and bossa nova, unlike many American bv society, and, most unfortunately, of ourselves as privileged or that we beats by l.iggart and high balance ihe explosive guitar blast, "Stinking artists who fall pre\ ol the nuances bv women. don't need Ml hear this" GM amh •''.»•'^vn'^tUJiiWIi focals of Maida l'p the Charts" ofthe language It's fashion now; it's culture The album docs HUSN l( couple oi Ihe last paced rocker. "I ike it or Ihe highlights in Prize are "Pode There used to be a price to pa) Success ics as it fakers a little in cohereiic v. By Jeff Noller Letter" and 'Whose Side are Rear" and "Lx Preguica" because there used to be shame," said Puts Dexter (allendar, assistant pro- ings such as 'i onsequeike ot Vou On keep the momentum coming thev emplov the studio tools ! he plaver is a sad state He's being lessor ot religious studies and lughmg" and "Stealing Babies" tend as the record progresses. "Quitter" lindsav prizes in an economic I player, but it's not a game. A assistant master at Mahoney and be so erratic in tempo and tlow ot Back in 1HJ, the Blossoms stands out u greal powei pop, renu fashion, to create I sensuous, father's presence secures the home the event's main organizer said he urcction that it hinders the songs it leased \. M Mitt PttM / xpcnente, niscent ot the Om Blossoms mantra like mood The problem is, he's not home We thought that it and the discussion it hcmselvcs It becomes to the point an album that every radio station Relentless, charged and full ot In a formulaic style, which need to cry to bring father back generated were a huge success ^herethev almost make il difficult to would plav over and over the next memorable hooks, the das Giants Lindsav solidities in Prize, the home," said Pitts "I thought it was an absolutely llow the songs to tlow on its own. \ftei a disappointing second strike gold with "From Bevond the Bra/ihanness ot the music is iust powerful book that addresses a Despite the shake finish, Our 1 .uk albumin 1996, the Om Blossoms split Back Burner" Ihe album is an amaz another element in the equation, The Power to Heal serious problem in our society and ttstt shows great maturity on their up and formed new bands ing collection of rock songs that burn at times no more than a cosmet­ Pitts said that much of the kev to has some personal significance tor urd release, continuing to improve Ihe tormei trontman, Robin trom start to finish With their first ic prop for avant-garde indul­ solving this situation lies in the IIK said ( allendar, who thought of the same formula that the\ start Wilson now has a new band with tor release. Wilson and Companv prove gence hands of African American women. bringing Pitts here atter reviewing im r Blossoms drummer Philip that they're iust getting started It is imperative tor women lo use (he book for Tht HciaU *m the their power to raise the standards summer that men are held to," he said. 'It was important to bring it to "If there is one mi uld the college campus because manv give to the women here tonight, it students are dealing with this in ichool of Music takes part in four-day fest is You have it within vour power to some form and it was an extremely make us better' And if there is one effective opportunity to engage the IM hosts regional The regional conference was host and each centered on a different Real Womack Ihe explosive work message that I could give to the issue Hopefully, people will see eel bv the Society ot ( omposers IIK instrumentation. About thirty works was performed by the Universitv ol men, it is'l ome home said Pitts how widespread and dose the conference outside ISI I).an organization devoted to the were performed, ranging trom solo Miami Symphony Orchestra, and problem is to them, and that many -mentation and appreciation ol new instrumental to full orchestral One contained elements of iazz, blues and The Color-Line ot their peers are suiter mg under wp radio and contemporary music st I toe us highlight was a solo piece performed rock Pitts added that issues ol lather the same circumstances,'' said es on the kind ol music not normally on I steel bowl by Sal il Sachdev Ihe Oneot the mote progiessice pi hood 'don't stop at the color line," ( allendar I Tim Stutts heard on the radio piece, which was entitled Magic, was RM Till, for the digital media i al and that another kev problem with "I would like tei see more events • I hose effecting pop and/or top showcased the vast tonk capabilities egory, bv lames Paul Sam An elec the modern concept of fatherhood like this and more discussion ot This past week, composei-. Irom all twenty, which were probably tew, ot a single piece ot kitchen weai iroacoustic piece, lag I ill was created is its over emphasis on the father as family issues Alter the success ot •tl the country gathered al the would have been astounded to dis Afterwards, one music student Irom the recording ol a subwav | simply a monetary provider He this event, we're thinking ot more chool of Music to take pail in an eocer that there is quite an ahun even expressed an interest in chang­ ing through Stockholm It exhibited sighted spending time to plav. similar ones Bv dealing with (Citingfbuf da) event, during which dance ot music existing outside the ing his principle instrument to a an austere atmosphere seldom pre­ watching out lor or iust being with greater issues, you get better stu i were performed, papers Matchbox JO/Back street Bovs realm toaster. sent in muchol todav * music their children as crucial umtribu dents academically, and you get given and tatty -nliee-. were ON Seven concerts took place in both Another gem was Tern The Conference was a success, lions thai have nothing to do with r citizens socially," said turned. Gusman and i larke Recital Halls, irossithhis, composed by Donald drawing a larger audieine than ever. monev ( allendar IO Friday, November 1S, 1998 The Miami Hurricane


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i Up answers traffic on MWed for clarity, i and accuracy. A bad drivers

"Miami traffic is so JUtTW RUBERTO Eric Atria Junior bad just I MtM it's v~>ur first dav here in Miami, ymi've proba Wy noticed that the traffic hen' is appalling Bad traffic in because other major cities is usualK attributed to an overabun dance ot cars and not enough lanes However, it is mv Miami "I didn't know opinion that Miami traffic is *> bad iust because Miami we had a are stupid drivers are school Just go right across the street from campus one day newspiper" amund 530 and you'll see what I'm talking about A light stupid." turns a-d, but do people stm not'Ihree cars continue to turn lett, causing, mo mum -vait Suxe this traffic has to wait, thes will then run their red JACKIE light, causing the others to wait, causing them to run Freshman their red light. Do f* MM a pattern devekiping here? furthermore, drivers adamanth iduM to let some­ one cut in tnmt ot them ll vou haven't noticed, we've moved five blocks in ihe last hour 1 ettmg someone cut in front ot you isn't really gonna keep vou horn getting 'No, I home that much quiet don't tike As more and more people torget to pay attention..! r>fWSP.ipi*rs. dents happen. Now, evervone has to wait in traffic t~ as k»ng because we all have to see what m**m Mavbe I'll see a head on the sidewalk. Hev.mavbe senne one's relative is maimed or dead, let's get a good bok- see. PETEGftYN Most of the tault lies on the citv ot Miami's public Sophomore transportation department Ihe Metn: ihout one twentieth ol Miami. And what is the point ot taking a bus when it has to drive on the same ( streets' Other maior cities haw been aine to devdop efiectivepublic transportation, 1 wonder wh\ Miami has "Yes. because been unable to do so it gives good Perhaps the citv could install sonic sortot imei inlormation traffic lights to detect when people run red light. about upcoming mild take in thousands of dollars an hour iust bv events * catching these light runners Furthermore, it would make rush hour traffic saler and quicker (»r. we could iust make the driver s license test more dittic ult sc > moron in Miami doesn't get one. 11 you fail the test, thev HUTMNANCE kindly give vou a Metn> bus scheduk'. Sorn, mavbe it Freshman you weren't so dumb, vou'd be able to drive

Una ts a tumor majoring mpsYchcilog).

"to, f am a great MM tan and I like to follow me Take advantage of Homecoming, school spirit

fraternity guys I was considering attending dents have been plaving friibee and toot mas in the countrytyet has acres ol open QUEEN M0SEPB1 Tulane, and they treated me like a king. ball on the grass in front ofthe Library.As grassv fields This is Homecoming week­ "These are Sophomore Possiblv the best thing about the campus, I walked past them, 1 could not help but end. Tonight is the parade, boal burning though, was the school spirit that thnv notice the strange U*s that other passers and fireworks find a nice patch of grass on supposed to 1 visited over a weekend, and on bv were giving them The students relaxing Stanford ' irde, watch the parade, maybe Saturday morning, Tulane was playing were not chatting on their cell phon. snag some free stult.and enjoy the beauti be the best Uiuisvilie in basketball The Green Wave talking about who had the cutest outfit last ful weatlui It vou have never seen the "rn, for the Michael Kricsfeld* was not that great, and the t animals were nightat Liquid reflection ot the fireworks over the lake, I Speak Up and years of our ranked m the top 10 Everyone was talking When I visited It Berkeley last vear, urage allot is fti s gap thesports Flashback three years 1 was a senior in about the game. There was supposed ' students were plaving a game on one lieki lallv with the1 hundreds ol ,.i news " lives" high school with no idea where 1 would an all-campus bonfire/pep tally that night and on another, some were laving out glowing in the night end up at college. Slowly, my choices were It is all I heard evervwhere I walked. enioying the weather. No one thoughl Iwfc e h>r one evening, torget about thi narrowed to a select few including Miami Even though the tire was postponed about them. It seemed normal oi South beach On this Homecoming Tulane University in New Orleans was because ot rain, people were psyched it was As college siudents, then' are supp weekend, let's show the alumni that v^ NEULMANNE another Friday. On the IM fields, there were M to be the Inst vears ot our live?. Why not not spoiled and apathetic Let's show them Freshman I wanted to visit both campuses betore and Fnsbee games going on Students take adv.image ol all the opportunities we we do have spirit and we do care about making my decision I visited Tulane first were relaxing and throwing footballs and have before us' Nowhere hut Miami can I IM Who knows, vou might even etif and immediately fell in love with it Inert Fnsbea on an\ grassv. area large enough to vou sunbathe on a lake or poolside in the Wait, atl M.WH' are big stone buildups with ivy growing up do so. There was a real sense i it college life. middle ot November! the sides, huge trees, a real trat row and just What does this have to do with Miami? Students M to reali/e that I'M is in the \U, km • 'i junior majotti \ COMPI.EC evi LWOJTUMI. a general campus atmosphere I told the Over the last two weeks now several stu middle ol one ol the biggest metropolitan psycho.

Editor In Chief Jon Santucci Financial Adviser Robert DuBord lAffllMM MlH Ihr MIMBMI lUTTHliH r Senior Adviser Sigman Spiichal Business Manager Ben Ferguson The MaV~» Hurncan* s buamau office » located al Found* 1627 1308 Stanford Dr Norman A WhKlefi UnrvaWaMty Mn Aaaocmtmd Com9s.1t Pt** H*» ol fmm* issmsrspeper Newe Editor Art Director BUSINESS OFFICE Office Assistants Center Room 221 Coral Qmtm. Fla 33124 6*32 Th* mam Humcane n puWiehed *emi wMtcly during thi regular *cader~*c ye*' efd Chris Sobel Chery", Miltbrandt Presti Anand Clatnfiad advertMemanta may bt placed at that toe* m edited ind produced by undergiaduat* »tud*ni» at tha Uravarwty ol Miami Thi* publi Aseistant Heme Editor Ad Reprssentstlvss tion Monday through Friday 0 I m lo 4 p m (xcept cda-on doea not neceeearily rjcratant tha viawa and oplraont ol advartiaara or tha Hosana Armenteros Layout Editors Darren Haimer on holidays Th. Miami Hurncan* >* pubtrahad UrawanMya trudiaa* faculty or admnietmtion Unngoad adnonalt rapraaant tha opmion Beth Neumann Monica Fernandez Rajeeh Nayyar Tueadayi and Friday* during th* Umveraity * tail and of The Humcmrmi EdHoritl Board Commenarie*. letter* and cartoon* lapvaaant only David Anesta Jennifer Lande •pring academic term* Neweptperi are dwiribuiad the view* ot thaw r**pectiv* author* Tha ne*»room and bucnea* office ol Th* Humcmrm Assistant Sports Editor Adrianna Bustos Lisette Perez Melissa Linden tree of charge on tha eSoral Oabl** campu* th* um soctatptri ttva Nor man A Whtttan UniverMy Center Room 221 Aaron Staenberg Padmmi Jagadish Photo Editor Elizabeth Pereiro School oi Med-cme and thai Woainnial School of Evelyn Pereiro Umrirm and Atmoapheric Sciencei m Key Biecayne Tha Mmm Humcane encourage* all read*-* to vote* th«r opinions on iej)u*t r*lated Accsnt Editor Matt Stroshane Claaslfisds Manager Deedltna* All i.tatmtma and ditplay ad* muct M lo the Umvavaity or in raaponaa to any raport perbHthdd in The Humcene Zachary Unterman Evelyn Pereiro Samia Syed Copy Editor lecetved caah with copy in The Miami Hurncmn. Lattart to cha tdra-x may ba aubmrttad typad or handwritten (plaa** make your hand Assistant Accsnt Editor Lour-as* office WtaSen University Ctnter Room 221 «rTlir»jle9aa*)totlwVM'manU™v-^^ or mailed to PO Bo. 248132, Jett Kreindei Shane Weaver Staff Aasociate by noon Tueedey tor Friday • leem and noon Fnday to' Coral eaablee. Fl* 33124-8922 Connie V Lackey the Tuesday eaue Laser* seen % mjQeeWri length ol 300 worda muat b* tigned and include a copy of Online Producsr lu»*«rtptlon* The Mmm Hurncan* ia available tor your Mudant ID card phon* numbai and yd*' in tchool Anonymou* lettara will not b* Opinion Editor Davjd Anesta Anu Waarna tubecription at the rale of 130 ptr ya«r tccepted fviavrte* may be withheld upon requtet *i tha diacratton ot The Hurricane Th* For advertlaln* rate* (••par reearvm* th* nght to •drt letter! tor clarity, brevity *nd accuracy call 264*401 ortai ua : 264 2016 Buelneea Otflea: 264 4401 Fa* 264-4404 •1264-4404 O1067 Univeriity ot Miami 1 12 Friday, November 19, 1999 Tin Miami llurrii line


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