Best Practices for Promoting Safe Public Access to Human-Powered Boating in

A planning tool for public agencies, waterfront property owners, site managers, and community groups to use when selecting, developing, and operating public access sites.

May 2013

Michael R. Bloomberg Mayor

Courtesy Ben Solomon NYC Kayak Championships 1 INTRODUCTION

Courtesy Ben Solomon, NYC Kayak Championships

New York Harbor is the cleanest it has been Department of Environmental Conservation in more than 100 years, and New York City’s water quality classifications, harbor traffic, and waterfront is experiencing a transformative security zones. resurgence with renewed interest for recreation The City recognizes that with the potential for and access to the water in part due to the bil- increased recreational use by the general pop- lions of dollars that the City has invested in ulation it must promote a safe and enjoyable water quality improvements. The public’s inter- environment across public access sites city- est in using the city’s waterways is evident in wide and for different boater skill levels. Individ- the thriving network of human-powered boaters ual boaters are ultimately responsible for their and many boat launches that are already avail- own health and safety, but a robust, established able for public use. network of human-powered boaters provides From 2013 through 2015, three new city funded valuable boater education within the commu- access points will be available for launching nity. This document describes different types of human powered boats. The City will continue conditions along the waterfront, ideal conditions to promote the expansion of public access for human-powered boating, and precaution- and open new sites along the waterfront, con- ary measures that should be taken depending sistent with the goals of PlaNYC, the NYC on existing site conditions. Conditions include Comprehensive Waterfront Plan and Water- Water Quality, Management, Harbor Traffic, front Action Agenda, while considering factors Security, and Site Access. such as compliance with the New York State

2 Waterfront property owners (including city agen- Combined Sewer Overflow Long-Term Control cies), site managers, and community groups Plan (CSO LTCP) program. should consider these site conditions and best To the extent possible, all future access sites practices when selecting and developing public should use the best practices outlined in this access sites for human-powered boating (e.g., document. Existing sites should also seek kayaking, canoeing, and rowing). The City will opportunities to implement measures such as periodically assess the need to update the doc- education and signage that are consistent with ument to reflect input from site managers and these best practices. This document does not the boating community as implemented, and prohibit any current or future actions or “rein- to reflect future changes in water quality condi- vent the wheel”—rather, it seeks to identify and tions based on ongoing data collection efforts leverage existing knowledge and resources. and improvement programs including the

Shoelace Fort Knox Inwood Hill Pelham Bay Dyckman Marina Public Access Points Sherman Creek

EXISTING PUBLIC ACCESS POINT Concrete Plant W. Harlem Piers FUTURE CITY-FUNDED Hunts Point Soundview PUBLIC ACCESS POINT Barretto Point Clason Point Hunts Point Landing Francis Lewis 79 St. Boat Basin Macneil Park Riverside South Little Bay CITY PARKLAND Bayside Marina Pier 96 Hallets Cove Pier 84 World’s Fair Pier 66 Avenue Pier 40 Newtown Creek

25 Main Street Pier 1

Valentino Pier Gowanus Canal

Idlewild 69th St Bay Ridge North Channel Thurston Basin Paerdegat Basin Canarsie Pier

Buono Beach Mill Basin Marina Salt Marsh Sunset Marina Mill Basin Outlet Bayswater Floyd Bennett South Beach Plumb Beach Riis Landing Rockaway Point

Great Kills

Lemon Creek Figure 1: Existing and future city-funded access points for launching human-powered boats. Conference House Source: NYC Watertrail; Department of Parks and Recreation


Courtesy Don Riepe - American Littoral Society

New public access sites may be initiated as • Private property owners are encouraged to part of privately or publicly-sponsored devel- think about appropriate siting early in their opments along the waterfront or requests from design process when proposing water- the boating or local community. As a result, front development. Site managers submit- ting Water Trail nomination forms, or seeking several nomination and review processes are public support for grant proposals for new described below to address the different ways access, should describe best practices as in which these site selection considerations and part of their public health and safety plan. best practices should be used to promote pub- • For locations on city property, the agency lic health and safety. This document should be responsible for that property will maintain considered representative of City policy and will public health and safety plans as part of proj- be used to guide related decision making. How- ect documentation, and should reference ever, it does not form the basis for a new review best practices in requests for proposals. process. These best practices are posted and linked to • For new access sites that require a city, state, the websites of various city agencies for public or federal discretionary action, these best and private entities proposing new access for practices should inform the determination of consistency with the Waterfront Revitalization human-powered boating to reference. As a liv- Program, the City’s Coastal Zone Manage- ing document to be updated based on continu- ment regulatory program. ous lessons learned and stakeholder input, it is recommended that users regularly check online for the most up-to-date version.


Courtesy Christopher Schiffner

Considerations for Site Selection secondary contact recreation (SC) and second- Waterbodies in New York City are classified by ary contact recreation only (I). Many waters of the New York State Department of Environmen- the city currently meet or exceed criteria for tal Conservation (DEC) according to their best secondary contact recreation. uses.1 Classifications indicate whether the water is required to be suitable for swimming, boat- Waterbodies that are classified for fish survival ing, fishing, and shellfishing, and are subject to (SD) do not meet the requirements for primary change depending on the demonstrated attain- or secondary contact. In addition, some water- ment of related bacteria and dissolved oxygen ways have been designated as Environmental standards. DEC identifies best uses by taking Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund sites for into consideration the physical, chemical, and the presence of hazardous substances in water biological characteristics of the waterbody and and sediment. When planning for public access, its use and value for wildlife protection and rec- property owners, site managers, and commu- reational, industrial, and navigational purposes. nity groups should give preference to locations in primary or secondary contact waterbodies Figure 2 on the following page shows water and might in the future also consider local near- quality classifications in New York City and the shore water quality monitoring data. corresponding numeric criteria for bacteria and dissolved oxygen. Ideal conditions for pub- The greatest water quality concern is from com- lic access include locations where designated bined sewer overflows (CSOs), which occur dur- best use is primary and secondary contact ing certain storm events when rainfall and runoff recreation (SA and SB per New York State’s are greater than the design capacity of the com- waterbody classification system). Other water- bined sewer system, causing a mix of untreated bodies are designated for limited primary and sewage and stormwater runoff to discharge into waterbodies. When stormwater runoff enters

5 Figure 2: Water Quality Standards for Waterways of New York City

6 combined sewers during rainstorms, treat- outfalls, including Tier 4 and 5, are shown in the ment plants can reach their capacity, and, as NYC OASIS map2, and are posted with signs at a result, mechanisms called “regulators” divert the actual location of the outfall. a mix of sewage and stormwater to the water- ways which discharge at points referred to as For best practices, maintaining a buffer of at “outfalls.” Approximately two-thirds of the city least 750 feet from a CSO outfall is recom- drains to combined sewers, with the remaining mended for public access sites that involve pri- 3 areas draining either to separate storm sewer mary or secondary contact. While it may not systems or directly to adjacent waterbodies. always be possible to maintain this distance when selecting a new site, the City advises that CSO outfalls are classified by tiers depending the best practices described herein should be on the volume of annual discharge: Tier 1 out- used to make users aware of proximity to CSO falls comprise roughly 50% of all CSO volume, outfalls and advise of precautionary measures Tier 2 outfalls discharge an additional 20%, Tier during wet weather, including limiting contact 3 outfalls discharge an additional 10%, and Tier and practicing proper hygiene. More information 4 and 5 comprise the remaining CSO volume. regarding CSOs, including current CSO water- Figure 3 shows Tier 1, 2, and 3 outfalls. All body advisories, is available on DEP’s website,5

Figure 3: Map of CSO Outfalls along New York City’s Waterfront

7 and water quality sampling data is also avail- hazards associated with contacting or ingesting able from 70 stations harbor-wide.6 Beaches water (see box below). can also be affected by CSOs and stormwater runoff. Beach advisories, closures, and moni- On-site staff, where applicable, should admin- toring data are posted on the NYC Department ister health and safety education regarding real- of Health and Mental Hygiene website.7 time water quality information (including bacteria levels and high turbidity conditions) and other Public Health and Safety Best Practices hazards. Washing facilities and sanitizing prod- ucts should be provided on site, with informa- For all waterbodies, users and any responsible tion regarding proper hygiene. organizations should monitor DEP waterbody advisories, DEC waterbody spill notifications, and tide and current conditions. For all loca- tions where users may be in contact with CSO- affected waters, precautions should be taken to minimize exposure during and after periods Potential Hazards of Contacting or of wet weather (usually for a period of 12 to 48 Ingesting Water hours after rainstorms and as indicated by the Health risks may include gastrointestinal CSO waterbody advisories). illness, upper respiratory, ear, nose and For launch sites in SC, I, or SD waterbodies, skin infections, as well as other infec- recreational users should remain in the ves- tious diseases.4 Small children, infants, sel and activities that would increase exposure the elderly, and those with compro- should be limited to SA or SB waterbodies (e.g., mised immune systems have a higher instructional programs for bracing, edging, and risk of developing illnesses or infections rolling kayaks, and rescue/recovery). Appropri- after contact with polluted water. ate signage should also be maintained to advise boaters of precautionary measures and potential

Resources 1 Rules and Regulations of the State of New York, Title 6, Chapter X, Part 701: Classifications- Surface Waters and Groundwaters: 2 NYC OASIS map: 3 Rules and Regulations of the State of New York, Title 10, Part 6, Subpart 6-2 Bathing Beaches: 4 Dorevitch et al., 2012: Health Risks of Limited-Contact Water Recreation. Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 120, Number 2. 5 NYC DEP, New York City Waterbody Advisories: 6 NYC DEP, Harbor Water Sampling Data: 7 NYC DOHMH, Beach Quality and Safety:

8 For sites where water quality is generally suitable for primary con- Water Quality tact (SA and SB), limited primary or secondary contact (SC) or Best Practices secondary contact (I): n Install signage that identifies water quality designations, appropriate recreational uses, and directions for monitoring DEP waterbody advisories. n If a launch site is near a CSO outfall, users should be made aware of proximity and monitor DEP waterbody advisories.

For sites where water quality is generally suitable for limited pri- mary or secondary contact (SC and I) but where CSOs may have an impact (e.g., within 750 feet from a CSO outfall), follow best practices listed above and consider the following: n Signage should include advisory information to limit activities that would increase exposure to water and outline potential health risks of activity during wet weather. n Consider use of secured entry to access points (e.g., low guardrails and low gates) to maintain intended use of water- way. Secure site access should also be designed to limit unin- tended uses, but should not prohibit egress from the water. n Provide user directions for monitoring DEP waterbody adviso- ries, DEC waterbody spill notifications, and tide and current conditions; or, consider implementing limitations or closures during DEP issued waterbody advisories. n Provide washing facilities and sanitizing products on-site, or information regarding proper hygiene.

For sites where water quality is generally not suitable for second- ary or primary contact, including SD waters and Superfund sites: n If no alternative locations are available and access is pro- vided, consider applying active management to provide targeted boater health and safety education and oversight. Secure site access should also be designed to limit unin- tended uses, but should not prohibit egress from the water. n Implement best practices listed above and provide additional signage and educational material to describe water quality conditions and associated health risks.


The boathouse at Pier 66 on the Hudson River in Manhattan is an example The gravel beach at Louis Valentino Jr. Pier Park in is an example of an actively managed public access site. of a passive access site.

Considerations for Site Selection The pictures above are of an active access There are two types of management for public site at Pier 66 on the Hudson River in Manhat- access sites: active and passive. Active access tan (left)8 and a passive access site at Louis sites are those where an agency, concessionaire Valentino Jr. Pier Park in Brooklyn (right).9 At or other organization manages use of the site. the active access site, launching and landing is For example, active sites may have staff on site available only when the boathouse is open and during the recreational season to sign in users, the site is secured with gates when closed. At provide educational programming, enforce per- the passive access site, a gravel beach provides mits, and promote access to the water with access to Buttermilk Channel and the Upper boat rentals or storage. Passive access sites Bay. The photo depicts a volunteer group (the are unstaffed but can make use of signs and Red Hook Boaters) that provides paddling and secured site access as appropriate manage- safety tips for kayakers. ment tools. While many current and future public access sites may be passively managed, active Public Health and Safety Best Practices access sites provide additional opportunities to Boaters should be advised that they assume full educate boaters and share public health and responsibility for their own safety. Several mea- safety information. sures for both active and passive access sites to ensure boater safety to the maximum extent possible are described below.

10 Examples of new signage installed at kayak and canoe launching areas

Access sites, whether actively or passively man- forms agreeing to safety provisions or face aged, should use signs and secured site access revocation of access privileges and/or boater as management tools. Examples of precaution- certification at boathouses. ary and informational signage are shown in the Boathouses should be staffed at all times when photos above. Secure site access should also open to the public, and access to boathouses be designed to limit unintended uses, such as should be secured when closed for the day swimming in unsanctioned areas, but should or season (e.g., with locks). Passive locations not prohibit egress from the water. can use signage and secured site access to If the site is to be actively managed, an entity limit activity at these times. Training programs should be designated as responsible for oper- should be developed to ensure staff on duty are ating the launch and ensuring compliance with appropriately trained. Boathouse staff should operating restrictions and rules. To assure employ check-in and check-out procedures to compliance with safety requirements, the City account for all boaters at the close of business. requires a permit for the use of all Department The management entity should ensure at all of Parks and Recreation (DPR) launch facili- sites that children under 16 are accompanied ties. The managing entity should also consider by a parent or adult, or provide adequate staff implementing expanded measures to promote supervision. Further restrictions on the age of public health and safety including an education boaters may be necessary to ensure public and oversight program. For example, individual health or to necessitate enhanced parental or boaters should be required to sign consent adult supervision.

11 Several boathouses throughout the city provide a local boating group. The NYC Watertrail Map good examples of active management prac- & Guide11 also provides information to boaters tices. The New York City Water Trail Associa- about launch permits, safety, hazardous condi- tion10 is a helpful resource to connect with the tions, security zones, and boating clubs. human-powered boating community and find

Resources 8 (Pier 66): 9 Louis J. Valentino Park: 10 New York City Water Trail Association: 11 NYC Watertrail Map & Guide:

12 For an active water access site managed by concessionaire, Management private, or non-profit entity which provides education and over- Best Practices sight to ensure users follow safety restrictions: n Propose management approach that provides education or requires a targeted program for users and oversight to ensure users follow safety restrictions. n Require boaters to sign consent forms agreeing to all safety provisions and to adhere to all safety provisions. n Staff boathouse with trained and certified operators when open and in use, and secure access to boathouse when closed. n Formalize check-in/check-out procedures to account for all in-water users at the close of business. n Ensure children under 16 are accompanied by parent or supervised by an adult.

For a passive or unsupervised water access site: n For signage, include appropriate water quality information and information about permits and Rules and Regula- tions for Kayaks and Canoes. n Consider use of secured entry (e.g., guardrails and gates) and barriers.


Courtesy Ben Solomon, NYC Kayak Championships

Considerations for Site Selection Public Health and Safety Best Practices Ideal access sites include protected inlets or For launch sites near security zones, boaters coves removed from harbor traffic. Areas with should be educated about the proximity to the lower harbor traffic and/or farther away from security zone(s) and charts and navigational aids navigational routes are preferred over high har- or other notices (including Coast Guard12) should bor traffic areas or areas in close proximity to be made available. designated navigational routes for commercial For locations adjacent to harbor traffic, includ- and large vessels. The launch site should be vis- ing commercial and large recreational vessels, ible from both the water and shore allowing pad- the site should ensure communication with har- dlers to locate the launch site easily. bor operation and maritime industrial groups, The United States Coast Guard and New York and provide information describing the potential City Police Department should be included hazards for recreational boaters posed by large in any siting discussions. Launch sites should vessels. be located outside a Coast Guard designated Resources such as The Safe Harbor website13 security zone, and the City recommends that are available to provide education about the proposed locations within approximately 0.25 “Rules of the Road” for boating safely around mile of a security zone communicate early with New York City. Additional resources include the Coast Guard and Police Department regard- the United States Coast Guard Boating Safety ing the intent to establish a site in close proxim- Resources Center,14 National Safe Boating Coun- ity to the security zone. cil,15 United States Lifesaving Association Water Safety Tips,16 the American Canoe Association,17 and local tide, current, and weather conditions.18

14 For a protected inlet or cove removed from harbor traffic and Harbor Traffic visible from both the water and shore: Best Practices n Ensure charts or other navigational aids are available to boaters. For an area adjacent to harbor traffic, including commercial and large recreational vessels, and/or visibility limitations, follow best practices listed above and consider the following: n Ensure site is visible from both the water and shore allow- ing paddlers to easily locate it. n Ensure communication with harbor operation and maritime industrial groups. n Provide information describing the potential hazards for recreational boaters posed by large vessels, including the effects of wake and surge. n Implement additional education regarding the “Rules of the Road” for boating safely around New York City.

For an area more than 0.25 miles from a Coast Guard established Security security zones: Best Practices n Include Coast Guard and NYPD in siting discussion. n Ensure charts or other navigational aids are available to boaters. For an area less than 0.25 miles from a Coast Guard established security zones: n Notify the Coast Guard and NYPD of the intent to establish a site close to a security zone. n Ensure charts or other navigational aids are available to boaters and consider additional boater education about proximity to security zone(s).

For an area inside a Coast Guard established security zone: n Coast Guard permission must be granted.

15 Resources 12 United States Coast Guard, Sector New York Homeport: 13 The Safe Harbor: 14 United States Coast Guard Boating Safety Resources Center: 15 National Safe Boating Council: 16 United States Lifesaving Association Water Safety Tips: 17 American Canoe Association: 18 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:


Courtesy Rob Buchanan, NYC Water Trail Association

Considerations for Site Selection Provisions should be made to improve the Priority should be given to locations where in- accessibility of proposed locations with poor water access is currently limited and strong proximity to public transportation or parking local community support exists. Proximity to lots, or where boats are unable to be stored public transportation and parking should also onsite. Design features or criteria such as the be considered to provide easy access. Loca- ones described below should also be used to tions should demonstrate ease of portage or enhance the accessibility of a site. ability to store or provide boats on site. For sites where boats or storage are to be made avail- able on site, bikeways and greenways may also provide appropriate access, including ease of portage, for users.

17 For an area with strong local community support with demand Site Access from likely users and/or good proximity to subway, public trans- Best Practices portation, bike paths, parking lots, and easy portage or boats available on-site: n No specific action(s) necessary.

For an area with moderate local community support with demand from likely users and/or fair proximity to subway, public transpor- tation, bike paths, parking lots, and moderate portage or boats available on-site n Implement provisions to enhance access to transportation, ease of portage, and/or access to boats.


Courtesy Don Riepe - American Littoral Society

Any entity proposing new access sites should meandering bend. Sites should be located in an be able to demonstrate that it has considered area where it will not cause damage to ripar- specific site selection conditions and related ian habitats or vegetation during construction or public health and safety best practices. Future operation. plans and development proposals that may Beaches are a good option for water access affect the programming of the site should also if water quality and safety provisions are met. be considered. In addition, the property owner Height differences between surface water should employ design and management prac- levels and dock height or shorelines should tices that would further promote public health be between six inches and two feet from the and safety for its users. Several examples are highest expected water level. The launch area described below and detailed design guidelines should be at a minimum 5 feet wide and prefer- are currently being developed by the Metropoli- ably 6 feet to 12 feet wide and at least 25 feet tan Waterfront Alliance and New York City Water long to allow paddlers “dry” access to the entire Trail Association with input from DPR. length of their boats. Ideal locations would have To minimize contact with water, public access no physical in-water barriers such as impass- sites should provide protection from exposure able sections, dams, or weirs. to high winds and heavy flows or currents such The example design recommendations above as river eddies. Ideal locations for in-water are not meant to be an exhaustive list and all access would be located in or adjacent to loca- sites must comply with applicable city, state, tions of calm waters such as a cove, inlet or

19 Courtesy Rob Buchanan, NYC Water Trail Association and federal regulations. The Americans with will impact any significant habitat or wetlands. Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines DEC also regulates impacts to tidal wetlands may dictate slopes and other access features and water quality through permits that must be during design and construction, and other obtained prior to construction activities. DEC design elements may be considered to facilitate Part 59 regulations also prohibit the use of boat easy portage. Permits from the United States launch sites for any purposes other than launch- Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) are needed ing boats and impose minimum distances for for all in-water work activities below mean high other uses. water or ordinary high water, or if the project


©Etienne Frossard

The purpose of this document is to inform of the boating community to discuss proposals waterfront property owners, site managers, and and requests for new access sites, and track community groups of best practices for locat- implementation of best practices at new loca- ing and managing new in-water access points. tions and opportunities to implement at existing Representatives of city agencies responsible for sites. Recommended updates to best practices the compilation of these best practices will con- can be brought forth as part of this process and tinue to meet internally and with representatives reflected in future iterations of the document.


These best practices were developed by an interagency group with input from the human-powered boating community. This group will continue to meet internally and with representatives of the boating community to track implementation of best practices and recommend updates to future iterations of this document.

Primary Contributors: Department of Environmental Protection – Bureau of Environmental Planning and Analysis

Department of Parks and Recreation - Maintenance and Operations Division, Planning Division, Borough Commissioner’s Office

Department of City Planning – Waterfront and Open Space Division

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene – Division of Environmental Health

Economic Development Corporation – Ports and Transportation Division

Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability

Additional Contributors: New York City Law Department

New York City Police Department

United States Coast Guard