Charles T. Clotfelter March 2013 Office: Residence: Box 90245 Duke University 17 Clearwater Drive Durham, NC 27708 Durham, NC 27707 E-Mail:
[email protected] URL: EDUCATION: Harvard University, Ph.D., Economics, 1974 Harvard University, M.A., Economics, 1972 Duke University, B.A., History, summa cum laude, 1969 AREAS OF SPECIAL INTEREST: Economics of Education, Public Economics POSITION: Z. Smith Reynolds Professor of Public Policy; Professor of Economics and Law, Duke University POSITIONS AND APPOINTMENTS HELD: Fellow, Straus Institute for the Advanced Study of Law and Justice Law School, New York University, 2013-2014. Social Science Research Institute Faculty Fellow, Duke University, 2006-2007. Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, 2005-2006. Professor of Law, 1996-present. Z. Smith Reynolds Professor of Public Policy Studies, 1995-present. Vice Provost for Academic Programs, Duke University, 1993-1994. Vice Chancellor, Duke University, 1985-1988. Professor of Public Policy Studies and Economics, Duke University, 1984-present. Vice Provost for Academic Policy & Planning, Duke University, 1983-1985. Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1982-present. Visiting Scholar, Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1982. Associate Professor of Public Policy Studies and Economics, Duke University, 1979- 1984. Financial Economist, Office of Tax Analysis, U.S. Treasury and Brookings Economic Policy Fellow, 1978-79. Assistant Professor, Bureau of Business and Economic Research and Department of Economics, University of Maryland, 1974-1979. Tutor in Economics, Lowell House, Harvard College, 1972-74. 1 Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1972-74. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS, OFFICES AND AWARDS: Spencer Foundation Award, Lecture given at Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, November 2011, Washington DC: “Sports and Populism at State U.” Co-winner, Gladys M.