Paleoenvironmental Trends in Venezuela During the Last Glacial Cycle
PaleoenVironmental trends 4 in VenezUela dUring the last glacial cycle Valentí Rull, Mark B. Abbott, Teresa Vegas-Vilarrúbia, Maximiliano Bezada, Encarni Montoya, Sandra Nogué, and Catalina González This chapter summarizes and updates the main Quaternary paleocli- matic and sea-level trends recorded in Venezuela, and provides a pa- leoenvironmental framework for studies addressing biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary topics. Venezuela has a number of localities that have provided paleoenvironmental sequences in the neotropical, circum-Caribbean domain, such as the Cariaco basin, Lake Valencia, the Mérida Andes, and the Guayana region (e.g., Markgraf 2000). Venezuela encompasses a wide range of physiographic, climatic, and biogeographic conditions because of its geographic location. This spatial heterogeneity has led to complex, but interesting, paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Previous paleoenvironmental reviews (Rull 1996, 1999a) identified several thematic areas that needed further attention: modern analog stud- ies with numerical calibrations, consistent evidence for the period before the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), high-resolution records for the last millennium, and coordinated multiproxy studies. This review is focused on recent advances in these topics carried out during the last decade. This is not an exhaustive review, containing all the published paleoen- vironmental studies, but is an attempt to identify the significant, well- documented climate/environment events and trends. The time frame considered is from the last glacial cycle, ca. 70,000 years onward, which is the period with more reliable, well-dated paleoclimatic evidence. Paleoenvironmental interpretations from poorly dated records are not considered here. Whenever possible, ages are presented as calibrated (or calendar) years or kiloyears before present (cal yr BP or ka BP); otherwise, radiocarbon years or kiloyears before present (14C yr or ka BP) are used.
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