Table of Contents Authors Introduction ...... 2 The Karybdis Abyss ...... 4 Rogue Trader Dynasties of the Karybdis Abyss ...... 5 Power Groups of the Karybdis Abyss ...... 9 Abridged History of the Karybdis Abyss ...... 11 Worlds and Locations of the Karybdis Abyss ...... 16 Markets of the Abyss ...... 27 Beasts of the Abyss ...... 38 Ships of the Abyss ...... 40 Acknowledgements ...... 44


Authors Introduction “A broad mind lacks focus.” – Thought for the Day

Welcome mamzels and voidsmen, fa/tg/uys and other fags! Welcome to the Karybdis Abyss, a Rogue Trader homebrew supplement for playing games in the wilderness space of the pimply blackened ass end of the Eastern Fringe. It’s written as an independent setting, fully able to be played with out of the box (or pdf). Worlds, regions, ships and etc are given simple, short description that evokes the necessary imagery, allowing each group to fit the Karybdis Abyss to their own idiosyncrasies and preferences. Some references are made to the homebrew sector of Acheron I have written which Karybdis borders, however the supplements about Acheron (Apocrypha Acheron, Acheron local patterns) are not necessary to use this supplement. But if you still want the added context provided, check the /40krpg/ general on /tg/ and you might catch me posting them if you ask around.

The Karybdis Abyss is written with pulp style adventure in 40k in mind and the setting works best working under those genre tropes, archetypes and assumptions. It should be particularly obvious when you catch the various references and inspiration for certain worlds in the Abyss. Swashbuckling duels on the bridge of exploding cruisers, saving space princesses from the clutches of evil aliens and exploring the spooky ruins of forgotten civilizations is what Karybdis is all about. However, if you prefer the “Trader” part of Rogue Trader, those types of endeavors should not be difficult to create for your group.

The rules are written in the Only War and Dark Heresy 2 variant of the system, as I personally back- port a ton of stuff from those later iterations into Rogue Trader (new unnatural stats traits, weapon qualities, new revisions of talents, new semi/full auto rules etc) but still keeping the interesting skills and talents native to Rogue Trader. But you might find stuff from all over the 40kRPG line in here, but hopefully I’ll list where I’ve taken it from.

In certain places Authors Comments will be given, explaining a concept not readily obvious in the fluff text. Such as explaining how to portray certain famous NPC’s in the Abyss, or how to best to use certain items in your groups.

I can’t think of anything more to put in the introduction, so I will simply wish you happy sailing in the Abyss, hopefully it will not devour you like so many others…

- Edeldorf


THE KARYBDIS ABYSS “The black drives men mad they say. Their minds are too weak to comprehend the gulf between galaxies and the vast emptiness tears away their sanity. It’s mans greed and lust for riches that drives men mad I say. There’s nothing unusual about the Abyss.” – Last transmission of Captain Skaldir Alquesta

The edge of the Galaxy, the end of the Astronomican, the Abyss between Galaxies. The Karybdis Abyss is a haunted and dangerous place, lying on the edge of the galactic plane and trailing out into the nothing that separates the galaxies. It is a place where the distance to the warm light of the Astronomican and the oppressive blackness of the intergalactic void drives men mad and where long forgotten alien horrors lurk far away from the wrath of the Imperiums armies. It is a place where ancient terrors of Old Night still stare up at the stars with hate and it is a place where bold men and women can become rich beyond their wildest fever dreams. Many Rogue Traders set out from Port Kharon to explore the Abyss and plunder it of its riches. Those that succeed become legends within their own lifetimes, princes by their own hands. Those that fail die unknown and forgotten on alien worlds far away from mankinds birthplace. Despite the risk of death and madness, the Abyss draws these ambitious men and women like moths to the flame. The Karybdis Abyss is a dangerous and haunted place, but to those with the courage to brave it is a place of vast riches, adventure and wonder.

The Karybdis Abyss is a vast region of unexplored frontier space in the Halo Stars on the rimward border of the ancient Acheron sector at the very edges of the Astronomicans light. Despite an intense rush to exploit the region after the discovery of the Gates of Kharon warp-lane, the dangers of the Abyss claims voidships like the mythical sea-monster that is its namesake. Meaning it remains still largely unexplored and unexploited, despite the attempts of three major Rogue Trader dynasties and many lesser dynasties to civilize it. Ambition however knows no bounds and to become the first to claim Karybdis for themselves is the dream of many a Rogue Trader, Xenos and Pirate that dwell within it. Most seek the legend of the Vault of Hades, a mythical place said to hold the riches of a thousand worlds and dead empires and contain the power necessary for its master to finally tame the Karybdis Abyss. Many have tried to find it and all have been devoured by the Abyss. None have yet to be deterred.

The Karybdis Abyss still remains wild and untamed, regardless of the ambitions of men and the ships they captain. Its siren call luring those bold and foolhardy enough to take their destiny in their own hands to brave the Abyss dangers and to find its wonders…


Rogue Trader Dynasties of the Karybdis Abyss "To gain a throne, you must possess a throne -- like calls to like. How to gain that first throne? There is the chasm that divides men from serfs." - attributed to Barabbas Krin, of House Krin

The Karybdis Abyss has devoured many men and dynasties ever since the Gates of Kharon opened and was chartered, such as the once mighty Haupsburg who fell to alien treachery, the damned Raskolnikov who fell to darkness and infamy and the lost Wasa dynasty who disappeared in the Scyllan storms. But many more have prospered and still sail the stars of the Abyss in search of riches and glory.

Most powerful is the triad of Morgan, Mercier and Drake. Three dynasties who have sailed Karybdis since the Gates opened and whose legends are written into the very stars themselves and whose deeds have become Karybdis myth. They compete with each other and have fought wars in the past over the riches of the Abyss and to claim the vacant throne the Haupsburg left as the preeminent dynasty of Karybdis and foremost in line to become its rulers once it becomes incorporated into the Imperium.

However, they are not alone. There any many lesser dynasties within Karybdis, some as old as the Imperium, having Warrants that were signed by the God-Emperor himself and others that have recently been granted theirs by the High Lords. Foremost among these lesser dynasties are Hannegan, Longsilver, Ulysses and Vane who carry as lofty ambitions as the dynasts of Morgan, Mercier and Drake. These are but the most famous, many more less known dynasties sail Karybdis that may one day outshine even the Haupsburg before their fall, but like most who sail the treacherous void, they will be swallowed up by the Abyss, unknown and forgotten.

For Karybdis is a place where only the strongest and wisest prosper and rise to greatness.

Picking your Dynasty The Morgan, Mercier and Drake dynasties are considered the dynasties of choice for making new explorers in Karybdis, as their histories are deeply tied to the region of space they dwell in. At character creation, a new group of Explorers simply picks the dynasty they wish to belong to and apply bonuses and traits as needed on their character sheets and the GM decides what (if any) narrative impact the chosen dynasties allies have on his campaigns narrative.

However, the Morgan, Mercier and Drake dynasties must not be chosen and any dynasty from those listed here to those created by your groups function just fine in Karybdis. However, it means new Explorers forgo the traits granted by the dynasties of Morgan, Mercier and Drake during character creation.


The Morgan Dynasty "The endless dark of the universe is yours, if you but reach out to take it. Yield nothing -- the void respects only strength." – Unknown Morgan scion According to legend, the first scion of the Morgan Dynasty led the vanguard of the Promethea Crusades fleet during its conquest of Acheron. Serving with distinction in many of the Crusades fiercest naval battles against the Orks and other savages the Crusade eradicated. The Morgan Dynasty still carries their martial legacy with pride, carrying the Emperors Light as their torch as they venture into the darkness of the Abyss to conquer new worlds and bring the word of the God-Emperor to the ignorant masses of humanity that populate them. Their zeal and history of service with Saint Promethea have given them close ties with the Captain-Solar Antonios Bastian Roboute Morgan III Ecclesiarchy, whose Priests and Battle Sisters frequently accompany the Morgan Armada on their conquests. Shared history in the Promethea Crusade has also made the Dynasty close allies with the Knights of House Medraut, whose younger Knight-Scions often accompany Morgan expeditions to be blooded in combat. While the Morgan Dynasty are not as capable traders or explorers as their rivals the Mercier Dynasty and Drake Dynasty, they own the largest battlefleet in Karybdis (larger even than Battlefleet Karybdis) and their coffers have grown rich from the plunder of the worlds they have conquered. Scions of the Morgan Dynasty are known to be a stubborn and ferocious bloodline, who eschew the luxury and easy living their fellow Rogue Traders live, as they believe hardship breeds virtue. These traits are both a boon and a curse, as it has allowed the Dynasty to endure through times of hardship as often as their stubbornness puts them in danger where any sane man would retreat. Flagship: Galaxia Exorcist-class Grand Cruiser Warrant Holder: Captain-Solar Antonios Bastian Roboute Morgan III Allies: The Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Knight House Medraut Dynasty Trait: From hardship cometh strength Years of harsh living has conditioned the scion to endure where lesser men would succumb to weakness or death. Explorers of the Morgan Dynasty may reroll all failed Strength & Toughness tests, but they must accept the new result.


The Mercier Dynasty “Trust not their friendly demeanor, for every smile hides a knife.” – Rozetta Morgan, describing the Mercier dynasty The youngest and richest dynasty in the Karybdis Abyss, receiving their charter a scant dozen years before the Gates of Kharon opened and allowed ships to travel into the Abyss. Despite their youth as a dynasty, the ambitious and shrewd mercantile nature of the Merciers allowed them to be the first to establish a colony in Karybdis, before even the once legendary Haupsburg dynasty. This colony, Fort Ithaka, has grown into a prosperous seat of power in the Merciers mercantile empire. Its strategic positioning in Karybdis warp-lanes causes much traffic to pass through the worlds orbit, making it a natural trading hub before merchant vessels and other Rogue Traders travel to the Gates of Kharon and Acheron beyond. The Merciers have founded far more colonies than Fort Ithaka and rule a stellar realm known simply as “the Colonies” spinward from the Gates, where their macro-plantations grow all manner of unique and exotic plants alongside mundane crops which the dynasty harvests and ships back to the vast markets of Acheron. Despite appearances, the Mercier dynasty are not mere meek merchantmen, they are the Abyss foremost pirate hunters, believing that offense is the best defense to prevent their vulnerable transport ships and colonies from being plundered by the Karybdis Abyss numerous void-brigands and cutthroats. And where they lack the numbers in their battlefleet, they are not above paying lesser Rogue Trader dynasties bounties for hulked pirate ships and proof of death for Governor-Admiral Eszter Barbaretta Mercier infamous pirate captains. The Merciers anti-piracy operations make them natural allies with the Imperial Navy and they frequently operate and share information with Battlefleet Karybdis in Port Kharon. But perhaps their greatest weapon is their oath- bound alliance with the Solar Knights Adeptus Astartes, reputedly acquired by providing help to a stricken Solar Knights strike cruiser, earning the Space Marines eternal gratitude. Thus, it is not uncommon to see singular Solar Knights or even entire squads accompanying Mercier scions. Scions of the Mercier Dynasty are known to be shrewd, intelligent and utterly ruthless. A testament to the dynasties origins as Dis nobility, their bloody intrigues and vendettas are part of Karybdis legend and some say the Mercier are behind every conspiracy in the Abyss and that they are the secret rulers of the pirates they so viciously hunt. However, like any good Mercier scion knows: Only a fool reveals all his secrets. Flagship: Deliverance Lunar-class Cruiser Warrant Holder: Governor-Admiral Eszter Barbaretta Mercier Allies: The Solar Knights Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Karybdis Dynasty Trait: Speak softly and carry a sharp knife Sharpened in the courtly intrigues of the Palace of Amber has made the Mercier adept at the game of cloak & dagger far beyond their peers in other dynasties. Explorers of the Mercier Dynasty may reroll all failed Deceive & Scrutiny tests, but they must accept the new result.


The Drake Dynasty "Lo, I see that which is beyond. I see the faces of pale moons and the fire of lost stars. I see the void un-walked and the waiting dark. I see the void that is my home and to which I return with hope and fear." – Attributed to Theodore Drake I departing for the Abyss Most men look at the yawning abyss between galaxies with trepidation and fear. The scions of the Drake Dynasty are not such men, they see only limitless possibility for exploration and profit, to boldly stride forward in the universe and expand mankind’s realm across the stars. Ever since the Gates of Kharon opened, the Drake dynasty have been those that have pushed the furthest into the Karybdis Abyss, charting hundreds of worlds and finding priceless riches amongst the ruins of dead civilizations. While not as martially inclined or wealthy from trade as their rivals, the Morgan and Mercier dynasties, the Drakes possess perhaps something even more important: Knowledge. None know the worlds and warp-lanes in the Karybdis Lord-Commodore Roland Theodore Drake VII Abyss closely as the Drake dynasty and the Navigators bound to them and none use it to earn a profit as cleverly as the Drakes do. Because of their ability to sniff out archaeotech and xenos tech in ruins across the Abyss, the Drake dynasty have formed a close relationship with the Adeptus Mechanicus of Rhuhr, their primary customers of such esoteric artifacts. Their prolific cold trade operations are not only of the scavenging kind and the Drakes maintain trading relations with several xenos species in the Karybdis Abyss and are known to employ a lesser menagerie of xenos mercenaries to back up their military capabilities. Making it not uncommon to find Blood Axe Orks or Kroot among the retinues of Drake scions. Scions of the Drake Dynasty are known to be bold, curious and open minded. A volatile and dangerous combination in the eyes of the Imperium, but traits that have allowed the Drakes to plunder forgotten alien worlds and lost human colonies far before any of their competitors. But, as the saying goes, an open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded. Flagship: Golden Hind Dictator-class Cruiser Warrant Holder: Lord-Commodore Roland Theodore Drake VII Allies: The Adeptus Mechanicus of Rhuhr, Xenos mercenaries Dynasty Trait: To boldly go where man was not meant to be Born among people with unusually open minds and encouraged to explore the unknown, scions of the Drake dynasty are exposed and habituated quickly to the strange and the terrible in the galaxy, seeing opportunity and wonder where others see terror and corruption. Explorers of the Drake Dynasty reduce Insanity Points received from all sources by 1 to a minimum of 1, but increase Corruption points received by 1.


Lesser Dynasties

The Hannegan Dynasty “You can’t make a deal if you’re dead.” – From the Rules of Acquisition A lesser dynasty of socialite merchants who have managed to amass wealth through their business acumen and impeccable sense of how to avoid dangerous deals. The Hannegan dynasty is after the Mercier perhaps the most commonly sighted trading ships in the Abyss, sailing the most well charted and safe warp-lanes in the Colonies and Haupsburgs Folly before passing the Gates and returning to Acheron to sell their goods. Scions of the Hannegan dynasty are known to be foppish and preening socialites, obsessed with proper behavior and adherence to social codes. The current dynast, Prince- Captain Abelard Virtus Hannegan IV sails the dynasty flagship Swift Venture, an Orion-class Star Clipper on a trade circuit between Bonaventure – The Pillar – Nazhau – Ithaka – Port Kharon.

The Longsilver Dynasty “You give up a few things, chasing a dream.” - Unknown A newly founded dynasty of rakehells and scoundrels, who according to rumour acquired their Warrant of Trade through ill-reputed methods and trickery. Regardless of the veracity of such rumours, the Longsilvers are able voidsmen, seeking treasure wherever they can find it. The dynasty is currently obsessed with finding the Vault of Hades and plundering it of all its riches. Scions of the Longsilver dynasty are known to be unscrupulous rogues, having a well-earned reputation as con- men and swashbackling blaggards. The current dynast, Captain Johannes Longsilver sails the dynasty flagship Hawkins, a Shrike-class Raider on the edges of Haupsburgs Folly.

The Ulysses Dynasty “And what he greatly thought, he nobly dared.” – Excerpt from the Journeys of Homer A dynasty of exiles from Cocytus, who according to their own legends became lost in a warp-storm centuries ago until they emerged in the Kharonite stars of Acheron. The Ulysses are however known for their resourcefulness and despite being far off course decided to seize on the opportunities presented and ventured into the Karybdis Abyss to continue their profiteering ways. Currently the entire dynasty is involved in mapping the foreboding Cyclopean Nebula and are rarely seen elsewhere in the Abyss. Scions of the Ulysses dynasty are known for the resourcefulness and cunning, constantly devising clever plans and ploys that will aid their survival as they travel so far away from civilization. The current dynast, Captain Kaneis Ulysses, sails the dynasty flagship Nobody a Sword-class Frigate.

The Vane Dynasty “Them that dies will be the lucky ones!” – Bilious Bones, Quartermaster of the Headsman Men of black reputation and black deeds, the Vane dynasty is an ill-favored and despised lot that few respectable traders would associate with. As they are reputed to be the worst sort of brigand and close to being as foul as the pirates that populate the Abyss. Some say the Vane dynasty sailed too close to the intergalactic void and that the darkness drove them into a savage madness that drives them to the fell, near piratical deeds they are infamous for. Scions of the Vane dynasty are known for their violent tempers and bloodthirsty demeanors, seemingly always at the edge of a wrathful outburst or shocking violence. The current dynast, Captain Carolus Vane, sails the dynasty flagship Headsman, a Turbulent-class Heavy Frigate along the edges of the Scyllan Storms.


Power Groups of the Karybdis Abyss "Anyone who looks upon a star and thinks himself the first to do so is a fool. Every planet, moon, or glittering sun is the grave of untold races and the slumbering tomb of secrets lost to the passage of time." – attributed to the Rogue Trader Maximillian Haupsburg

Battlefleet Karybdis “To bar the Gates, to throw the alien, the mutant, the heretic into the Abyss.” – Battlefleet motto A neglected extension of Battlefleet Acheron that is considered by many naval officers to be the equivalent of being exiled to be transferred to the fleet. As the distance from the glamorous patrols in Acheron has turned Battlefleet Karybdis into a dumping ground for the failed, the rogueish and the unorthodox captains that do not fit in Acherons hidebound naval tradition. This has turned Battlefleet Karybdis into a fleet of loose cannons and glory-hounds that seek adventure and danger to forge powerful reputations and legends. As far as Battlefleet command in Acheron considers them, they’re no better than the Rogue Traders in Abyss. Battlefleet Karybdis is currently understrength after the devastating defeat in Belsiks orbit 642.M41, where they lost the cruisers Indomitable and Relentless to enemy action and the flagship Lance of Siegfried captured and now sailing under command of the infamous pirate, Blackgob to the fleets’ great shame. Current fleet numbers are the cruisers Ire of Promethea and Pride of Arcturus and the light cruisers Voidbane and St. Augustus with their escorts. Pride of Arcturus serves as the flagship for Admiral Tycho Belhame, who was given command of Battlefleet Karybdis as de facto exile by Battlefleet Command in Port Faust, Acheron.

League of Hanse “The riskier the road the greater the treasure.” – From the Rules of Acquisition A loose alliance of mutual cooperation and protection consisting of freight captains, explorers, trading conglomerates, buccaneers and outright pirates that runs the void station Freiborg as a trading port and free city. Known to have loose standards and questionable morals, as the League of Hanse buys and sells anything it believes can turn a profit. Everything from slaves, gemstones, foodstuffs, voidships, archaeotech and gene-forged slave-soldiers pass their markets at least once. The League of Hanse even openly trades with xenos, having struck several profitable trading compacts with a handful of the minor xenos races in the Abyss and are even said to have been able to trade with the mercurial Storm Riders. While the League is generally not trusted by most respectable traders in the Abyss, they have cut out a very profitable niche for themselves that few can go without. Currently the League of Hanse shipping primarily sails along the Bonaventure – The Pillar – Nazhau – Ithaka – Port Kharon and Whaler’s End – Mausolea – The Pillar – Freiborg – Nifelheim – Port Kharon trade circuits. League of Hanse leadership is currently in an unstable period as 3 of the 7 seats on the Septim Council are currently vacant.

Brotherhood of Brigands “Don’t ask ‘em for parley.” – Ol’ Fogg, Able Voidsman A loose brotherhood between the various pirate captains and fleets operating in the Karybdis Abyss. The Brotherhood of Brigands exists to ensure a steady flow of profits from reaving, arbitration in the case of conflict and as a defensive pact if sufficient threat arises to threaten all pirates in the Abyss. Few hard facts are known about the Brotherhood, but what little is known is that they are ruled by a council of the 9 most ruthless and powerful Pirate lords, of which Drusus Jerubaal is known to be one. They allegedly have a base known as “Shipbreaker Bay” somewhere in the Krakens Maw and that they employ spies in the rest of the Abyss to gather information on ships and cargo routes. Their exact numbers and tonnage is currently unknown, but it is believed they mostly sail Raiders and Frigates.


The Eugenics-Lords of Dis in Exile “In ancient times, men built wonders, laid claim to the stars and sought to better themselves for the good of all. But we are much wiser now.” - "Speculations On Pre-Imperial History" The former lords of Dis, who put themselves in self-imposed exile to escape Imperial retribution after the Geneuch Wars of 816.M36 in Acheron. Until the opening of the Gates of Kharon, the Eugenics- Lords where on the run from Imperial authorities, fleeing from base to base until they acquired a piece of Freiborg for themselves. There they ply their gene-wright craft, creating ever more efficient vat-bred and gene-forged creatures in their quest for genetic perfection. Known for their great arrogance, the Eugenics-Lords current source of income come primarily from the creation of vat-bred and gene-forged soldiery, having effectively cornered the market on augmented warriors in the Abyss.

The Storm Riders "AND IN THE SMOKE HELL OF THE AFTERMATH, THE STORM PRINCE IS THE LAST ONE STANDING. THE FALLEN OF HAUPSBURG LAY AROUND HIM, TEN HUNDRED SCORE, THEIR ARMOUR CRUSHED AND BURNT, BURST AND LIFELESS. THE DEAD SING TO HIM THEIR GRATITUDE. DEATH SMOKE BOILS INTO THE SKY. AND WHEN IT CLEARS, THE STORM PRINCE IS STILL THE LAST ONE STANDING." – Excerpt from a Harlequin troupes play performed in the Palace of Amber Perhaps the most infamous pirate fleet sailing the Abyss, the Storm Riders are led by none other than the Storm Prince Eredruin himself and have been known to strike out as far as Trajanis in Acheron. Just as their leader, the Storm Riders are a mercurial and ambitiously bold fleet, being known to have assaulted heavily guarded convoys and slaughtered them to a man, raided Port Kharon itself and of course being the fleet that brought down the Haupsburg dynasty in one stroke. However, despite their ferociously dangerous nature, their ships can sometimes be seen in pairs orbiting Freiborg on missions of trade and there are a few instances where Storm Rider ships have destroyed rival pirate vessels attacking human colonies. Some Imperial xenologists (most notably Inquisitor Cydonia) believe this contradictory behavior is rooted in the corsair fleets belief that they are the rightful rulers of the Karybdis Abyss and that all that dwell within it are their subjects. It is not known whether or not the Storm Riders possess a home base or if they are nomads, likewise the composition and tonnage of their fleet is largely unknown, beyond the fleets’ favoritism for the Voidsinger class of which the fleet flagship, Stormbringer, is most well-known.

The Greenskin Menace "An Ork has no fear of pain, is not cowed by doubt or failure, and is single minded in the pursuit of what he wants. That makes him the most dangerous thing I can imagine, and the crudity of their weapons does nothing to dim my own fear of them." —Marius Lorrt, captain of the warship Victus Gloriana Even the Karybdis Abyss is not free of the orkish plague, despite its myriad dangers. Indeed, it seems the Abyss sings the same siren song for the Orks as it does for the Rogue Traders that explore the region. Like all Orks, the Orks of the Abyss bring incessant war and piratical activity to the region, primarily concentrated around the Scyllan Storms regions which is believed to be home to a major orkish breeding ground, or the xenos has access to a warp-route into the region from elsewhere the Imperium does not. Only one large and active organized group of Orks is known to operate in the Abyss, led by the infamous Orkish pirate Boss-Kaptin Blackgob, who have grown increasingly bold since they seized the Battlefleet Karybdis flagship Lance of Siegfried and converted it to their own nefarious uses. Another unusual trait of the Orks in the Abyss is that there seems to be a predominance of the “klan” sub-group known as the Blood Axes, as the Orks seem highly intent on imitating the Imperiums methods of war in the region without understanding it.


Abridged History of the Karybdis Abyss "Without the scratching of a tedious scribe’s quill there is no history. Events both great and terrible may pass unmarked and unremembered and so leave us only with scraps of what was. These fragments of memory are what fools call history and the wise call lies." —from The Lost Imperial Past by Sejanus Morn, 789.M41

What follows is the chronicle of significant events that mark the selected history of the Karybdis Abyss, as it is generally known and agreed upon by scholars within the Imperium, with particular reference to the deeds of the Rogue Traders that have forged it. Within are accounts and records of the exploration of the Karybdis Abyss, and the strange and wondrous worlds found beyond the Emperor’s Light. Few, however, who compile the chronicles of the Abyss have ever ventured there, and thus they rely on the accounts of others. The sources used by most scholars are the records kept by Rogue Traders and their associates. Such records are prone to inconsistency, embellishment, or outright falsification, and so claims as to the completeness or accuracy of any chronicle are best treated with suspicion.

 258.M40 THE GATES OF KHARON OPENS Thrown off course by a tempest in the Warp and emerging in an unfamiliar star system on the wrong side of the Gates of Kharon, the now legendary Navigator Iason Oddys manages the impossible and safely charts a course through the impassible warpstorms, gravitic anomalies and dying stars that make up the Gates of Kharon. Once news spreads Iason Oddys and the Miriam discovered a passage to a completely unexploited area of space the first Rogue Traders immediately venture into what will become known as the Karybdis Abyss. Many ships will be lost in these perilous first years of exploration, but as Acherons markets and industry is ever hungering for new areas to exploit a seemingly unending stream of bold men and redoubtable ships cross the Gates into the Abyss.  261.M40 THE FOUNDING OF FORT ITHAKA Captain Cyrus Mercier, a disgraced nobleman of Dis is granted a Warrant of Trade, a ship and a cargo filled with colonists as he is sent on virtual exile into the Abyss, where his political rival in the Dis aristocracy hopes it will swallow him as so many others who traveled into its murky wilderness. But the fresh Rogue Trader is much more resourceful than his rivals expect as he finds a planet rich in resources, with several rare plant compounds and habitable to the point it is suspected to be terraformed to be a copy of Ancient Terra. Thus is the colony of Forth Ithaka founded and the foundation for the prosperity of the Mercier dynasty laid.  300.M40 RISE OF THE HAUPSBURG After months of sailing the stars, following rumours and finding nothing but dead stars and barren worlds in search of the riches of a forgotten alien empire. With the crew nearing mutiny, stores running low and debtors on her tail, Captain Maximilian Haupsburg finally finds a world containing alien ruins. While the ruins are nothing more but a crumbling outpost, it contains something far more valuable than technological scraps and rare materials: A star map. This star map outlines the entire ancient empire, its outposts, settled worlds, treasuries. Riches beyond any mans wildest dreams. The plunder of this alien civilization and legends forged during its collection makes a legend out of Maximilian Haupsburg and the dynasty he spawned the richest and most powerful dynasty of Rogue Traders in the Abyss until their end millennia later. The star map he found is the Haupsburgs most closely guarded treasure and it is said the Storm Prince did not find it when he laid the dynasty low, meaning it is still out there. Waiting to be found…


 550.M40 THE WAR OF PRINCESSES As the Haupsburg expanded into the region that would become Haupsburgs Folly, piracy by the became an increasing problem on their shipping, with raids becoming so bold to even attack Haupsburg warships and planetary holdings. Haupsburg patience finally runs out when the Corsair vessel Lament of Eldanesh plunders a Haupsburg treasure fleet. The reigning dynast, Frederica Haupsburg declares that the Eldar will be either purged from the Abyss or the dynasty will die in the attempt. The Haupsburgs war against the Eldar Corsairs draw on for many years, with Frederica Haupsburg forming a nemesis relationship with the Lament of Eldanesh who she manages to draw into battle many times only for it to escape before the killing blow can be struck. The war lasts until the apocalyptic battle of Gamma-Delta-VIII, where the Haupsburg battlefleet manages to draw a majority of the Corsair fleet into battle. For six days and nights the battle rages, tens of thousands die and dozens of ships are crippled or turned into burning wrecks for the battle to be settled on the bridge of the Lament of Eldanesh. Frederica Haupsburg slays her nemesis, the Corsair-Princess Faewen Starblade, Princess of Empty Night in single combat. With her dying breath, Faewen curses the Haupsburg dynasty, claiming that a “storm from the outermost dark” will wipe the Haupsburg dynasty from existence and avenge her death. Little did Frederica Haupsburg know how true the dying xenos words would be. Ignoring the Corsair-Princess dying words as nothing more than futile xenos lies, Frederica Haupsburg puts the body on display in a stasis field in her throne room on Castilla as a trophy of the dynasties victory over the xenos. The war was costly for the Haupsburg, having lost several ships and thousands of men, but with their hold on their territory now uncontested the following decades see Haupsburg coffers fill to the brim with riches and new holdings as there is no one to challenge them. Frederica Haupsburg does not live long to enjoy it, as she disappears charting systems on the border of the Krakens Maw a mere decade after defeating the Eldar Corsairs. Some say it was the spirit of Faewen Starblade that took her vengeance but those far wiser saw it as a prelude for what would befall the dynasty centuries later.  666.M40 HORRORS OF OLD NIGHT Captain Barrabas Drake, in his lifetime the most famous explorer in the Abyss, now one of its most infamous, encounters a ghost of a forgotten age while charting new systems at the edge of the Drowned Shoals. The ancient warship he encounters bears terrible wounds from a war long past, rends and infections in its armour plating that appear as if a terrible void-borne creature has partially devoured it. What Barrabas awakens within the that is now known as Scylla none now living can name, it infects and twists Barabbas and his crew into horrific transgenic monstrosities of chitinous death and cruel intellect. For one hundred days the gene- terrors plagues the Abyss, shattering ships and burning worlds in a dark rebirth of the horrors of Old Night. It is finally stopped once an Explorator fleet from Rhuhr, bearing what the scribes of the time describes as “warriors of caged thunder with whom lightning smote” finally puts an end to the transgenic monstrosities awakened in Scylla. While the gene-terror is ended, the space hulk Scylla still roams the Abyss. Its ancient systems and machine spirit reactivating upon Barrabas and his crews’ transformation, patrolling the Abyss to fight a war long over against a foe stricken from memory.


 740.M40 NIGHT OF KNIVES The Cabal of the Black Fang launches a massive realspace raid on the worlds in the Colonies, striking nearly all of the holdings of the Mercier dynasty in the same night. The Mercier battlefleet scrambles to put up an organized resistance against the xenos raiders, but fail to drive the alien raiders away. It takes the addition of the Morgan Armada to drive the Cabal from the debauchery they were inflicting on the Colonies. During the month long naval campaign, uncounted horrors are found on the worlds of the Colonies, forests of crucified men and women, churches turned into abattoirs and hundreds of thousands of people missing. Despite their long standing rivalry and dislike for each other, the sheer scale of the horror inflicted upon common men and women see the efforts of both Mercier and Morgan dynasties rebuild the shattered Colonies and them swearing a mutual pact of vengeance against the Dark Eldar, should they return.  982.M40 SACKING OF FREIBORG An errant Orkish Freebooter fleet assaults and pillages Freiborg, the Abyss most infamous hive of scum and villainy and home to all manner of renegades. While the fighting is vicious, the rogues and scallywags inhabiting Freiborg manage to be even more disorganized than the Orks and only put up a meagre resistance. However, the day is saved when Dragos Vane and Garret Longsilver scrape together their fleets and whatever else ships they can get their hands on to drive off the Orkish raiders.  139.M41 THE FALL OF THE HAUPSBURG DYNASTY Threatened by a nascent Waaaaagh!, the Rogue Trader dynasty of Haupsburg, wealthiest and most powerful of all dynasties in the Karybdis Abyss begin spending unimaginable sums on mercenaries of all stripes to hold back the maniac horde. In their desperation, they enlist the aid of the Eldar Corsair Eredruin, known to the Imperium as the “Storm Prince”. The alien Prince presents a plan that will eliminate the Orkish fleet in a master stroke in orbit over the strategically important world of Helot-Sigma-4 with the combined fleets of the Haupsburg and his own Corsairs. Commodore-Regent Kharles Haupsburg agrees to the xenos ambitious plan, deploying the entirety of the Haupsburg fleet in formation in orbit of Helot-Sigma 4. The Orkish fleet arrives as predicted and engage the Rogue Traders in a fierce naval battle, as the Orks throw themselves against the Haupsburg fleet with gleeful abandon. The battle rages on for almost a full day, leaving both fleets battered and bruised when the Corsairs arrive. The Haupsburg believe victory is at hand as the Eldar open fire on the Orks and rally their fleet to form up in formation alongside their alien allies, only to find the Stormbringer, Eredruins flagship, cripple several Haupsburg ships with its opening volley. The Corsairs show no mercy and leave only a haunted graveyard of burned out hulks and wreckage in their wake as they fall upon the battle- weary Orkish and Rogue Trader fleets. With two rivals destroyed in one day, Eredruin the Lord of Outermost Darkness and Prince of Empty Night plunder the holdings of the Haupsburg Dynasty at his leisure, sacking their ancestral home of Castilla and enslaving the remaining scions of the once mighty dynasty. With their fleet broken and home burning, the remaining handful of Haupsburg survivors fade into obscurity and their doom becomes naught but a morality tale among voidsmen about the folly of trusting the alien.


 278.M41 DEATH OF THE NAMELESS KING According to legend, disturbed by the noise and activity of the mortal men who trade, war and sail the Abyss the being known only as “The Nameless King” steps out from the Drowned Shoals and unleashes a tidal wave of horror and death upon Karybdis. Alien horrors from Old Night stalk the starways and it seems like Imperial dominion over the Abyss is to be a broken dream to be heaped on the pile of mankinds failed hopes. For reasons unknown to Imperial historiographers, the Corsair-Prince Eredruin, known as the Storm Prince in voidsman song and tale, throws his fleet into open battle with the nightmare ships of the Nameless King, driving the ancient horror back to a desolate, rogue world described to be naught but “bones and ashes”. After dueling for seven days and seven nights a top a storm wracked mountain of skulls, Eredruin slays the Nameless King with a single strike, ending its monstrous reign.  514.M41 FOUNDING OF NAZHAU Exiled and marooned by their former masters and compatriots in Freiborg on an uninhabited tropical world a group of slaves and criminals are forced to work together to survive. Against all odds, they end up successfully creating a settlement that develops into a full-fledged colony and bustling space-port once a warp-route becomes chartered through the system. Making the nascent trading hub of Nazhau a natural stop off point for shore leave and trade between Fort Ithaka and The Pillar.  642.M41 BUTCHERY AT BELSIK After months of skirmishing and maneuvering, Battlefleet Karybdis finally manages to draw the fleet of the Orkish freebooter, Blackgob, to battle. Battlefleet Karybdis plan is to end a scourge that has plague the warp-lanes near the Scyllan Storms for years by simply outranging and outmaneuvering the lumbering Orkish vessels. However, the Imperials critically underestimated the savage cunning of the Orkish Kaptin and find themselves outmaneuvered with Blackgob personally leading a boarding action on the Imperial flagship, Lance of Siegfried that cripples and captures it. To prevent absolute catastrophe the surviving Imperial ships withdraw, with several ships destroyed and crippled and most humiliating of all, the Lance of Siegfried in Orkish hands and repurposed as Boss-Kaptin Blackgobs new flagship.  650.M41 THE PILLAR IS PILLAGED With the Lance of Siegfried fully “repaired” and repurposed to his liking, Boss-Kaptin Blackgob goes on a rampage across the Abyss that would solidify his reputation as one of the most dangerous pirates in the Abyss. Worlds are sacked, ships are plundered and Blackgob even becomes so bold that he attacks the Pillar. Succeeding where so many others failed in pillaging large parts of the void-station before being finally driven off by its defenses.  666.M41 THE ZAITHITE BLACK CRUSADE The black fleet of the Zaithites attack neighbouring Acheron, causing untold destruction. The war affects Karybdis little but refugees from Acheron surges into the Colonies and the dynasties of the Abyss has several skirmishes with the Zaithites, as Battlefleet Karybdis is called back to Acheron to fight in the war.


 690.M41 YEAR OF THE KRAKEN Emerging from the Krakens Maw, Drusus Jerubaal, brings a small armada of ships and Void- Krakens to assail the Abyss. For an entire year the mutant pirate burns ships and plunders settlements, taking a heavy toll on shipping and trade in the Abyss. Jerubaal focuses particularly on the Morgan dynasty, acquiring him the moniker “Morgan’s Bane” after feeding their dynast, Hannibal Barcos Morgan to one of his Krakens. Once Drusus finally returns to the Maw, his holds filled with plunder, he has raided a dozen worlds and plundered a hundred ships.  697.M41 RECONQUISTA Brought into the Imperial fold by the Morgan dynasty in 315.M41, Midria is a world rich in mineral wealth and with a verdant biosphere ripe for plantation. Its native human population had however been enslaved by Orks, whose oppression the Morgans liberated it from. The Orks however have long memories and Midrias proximity to the Scyllan Storms make Orkish excursion inevitable and in 697, the Orks return. The Morgan dynasty is not inclined to give up their world without a fight and a brutal, genocidal war has erupted on Midria. The intensity of the conflict draws Orks to it like flies to honey and the Morgan dynasty throws their Armada and a seemingly unending tide of recruited Guardsmen and mercenaries to fight them in a war that has no end in sight.  700.M41 PRINCES OF KARYBDIS [Princes of Karybdis Campaign] The present. It is a time of uncertainty, several powerful rival Captains sail the void and conflict between them seems inevitable as they strive to reach new heights of power and glory as there can only be one Prince of Karybdis…


Worlds and Locations of the Karybdis Abyss “Pride is not a sin. Hubris is not a failing. The Stars are yours if you have but the strength to grasp them.” – Captain-Solar Antonios Roboute Morgan I

The Colonies “Don’t let the friendly name fool ye laddie! The Colonies are as dangerous as any region of the Abyss, as soon as to gut ye as it is to welcome ye with open arms. And that’s before ye account for things other than the Merciers!” – Max Bolder, Able Voidsman

Named after being the first mapped and colonized stellar cluster in Karybdis by the Mercier dynasty shortly after the Gates of Kharon opened. The Colonies is the most “civilized” part of Karybdis, its many worlds being generally peaceful and the presence of the Adeptus Terra can be found on some of the worlds. However, there is still plenty of wilderness space between the worlds of Colonies and pirates and xenos raids are a constant problem within its warp-lanes.

Gates of Kharon & Port Kharon The gates to the edge of the galaxy, the Gates of Kharon is a narrow, stable and relatively safe warp- lane in an impassable area of warp storms, gravitic anomalies, rad belts and dying stars bordering the Kharonite stars region of Acheron. It’s the single dangerous path connecting all of the grandeur and civilization of Acheron with the unexploited wilderness space in the Karybdis Abyss.

As it is the only route connecting Karybdis and Acheron, the Gates of Kharon are heavily fortified. Acheron has many times suffered from extra-sector invasion, so the masters of Acheron are rightfully paranoid in assuming many of those invasions have had their origins in the unknown space of Karybdis.

Guarding the Gates is Port Kharon, a Ramillies-Alpha class Star Fort, base of the recently formed Battlefleet Karybdis and seat of Imperial power and authority in Karybdis. While Port Kharon primarily exists to serve Battlefleet Karybdis needs and to watch over the Gates of Kharon, it has grown to become a bustling, fortified port city in the void. All Adeptus of the Imperium can be found there, merchants, the ships of lesser and greater Rogue Trader dynasties and even the Ordo Xenos are open with their presence in the void-station.

Despite appearances, Port Kharon marks the boundary of the Imperium and indeed, even galactic civilization at the furthest reaches of the Astronomicans light and many voidsmen consider it the last port of call before the intergalactic void.

Fort Ithaka (Mercier Dynasty capitol) The shining jewel of the Mercier dynasty, Fort Ithaka is the most civilized world in the Abyss. While still small by Imperial standards (it only has one urban area), it has all the comforts of a civilized world of the Imperium and many of the Imperial Adeptus has a presence on the world. The world itself is a world similar to ancient Terra, believed by many to have been terraformed sometime in the Dark Age of Technology and never colonized. Most of the world has temperate and sub-tropic climate and its large oceans are filled with many isolated islands as the planets tectonics have broken up any major continents.

As the capitol of the Mercier dynasty alongside its favorable position along the warp-lanes has made Fort Ithaka a major trading hub, with ships from every dynasty, Adeptus and organization operating in Karybdis can be found in Fort Ithakas orbit. Particularly as the Mercier dynasty enforces law, but does so with a light, if merciless hand and reasonable trading tariffs, which makes Fort Ithaka a preferable place for trade compared to its main competitor, Freiborg.


The Mercier dynasty itself is seated in “the Palace of Amber”, a marvel of Dis architecture built to look as if it is made of amber, verdigris and lapis lazuli. It’s informally known as “the Home Office”, which alongside the pleasant climate of Fort Ithaka can give the impression scions of the Mercier Dynasty are weak and coddled (the Morgan dynasty is particularly of this opinion). It should always be remembered the Mercier dynasty’s fleet is a major reason piracy is not a bigger problem than it is within the Abyss and that their apparent soft hands always carry knives.

Circe A verdant, tropical paradise claimed by the Mercier dynasty who run several macro-plantations on the world, cultivating a score of rare and exotic plant-forms in the uniquely fecund soil of Circe. It also houses several leisure estates for the rich and powerful in Karybdis and caters to their particular needs. As such, Circe is frequently used as a neutral meeting ground between factions to negotiate, barter and divide the Abyss between them or simply to socialize. Despite being part of Merciers holdings, the neutrality of Circe is highly valued and to break it would invite the ire of many of the Karybdis Abyss most powerful.

Cytherea One of the Abyss most caustic deathworlds, similar to Venus in the Sacred Sol system. The atmosphere is very thick, with atmospheric pressure on the surface similar to a shallow ocean and consists of primarily of Carbon Dioxide and highly corrosive gases and the atmospheres opaque thickness making surface temperatures incredibly high (approx. 700C). The atmosphere itself is not the only hazard on Cytherea, with silicate storms consisting of razor-sharp crystalline rocks and burning, acidic rain being incredibly common and violent. Lakes and even seas of boiling acid have also been observed to exist on Cytherea. However, despite all these dangers human habitation exist on the planet. With the Mercier dynasty and Adeptus Mechanicus having established joint aerostat refineries in the planets mostly habitable upper atmosphere where they mine rare gases from the planet’s atmosphere. Further, the Adeptus Mechanicus has established a handful of mineral mines on Cythereas surface, as the crust of Cytherea is filled with incredibly rare materials and metals that the Martian Priesthood covets. However, conditions in these mines are perhaps the most horrific in the Abyss, as the caustic conditions on Cythereas surface eats through men and material like a gluttonous beast.

Shibonu A technologically advanced colony established by Nihondes colonists in 082.M41 that rapidly industrialised and reached the level of a standard Imperial world in a mere three centuries. Mostly known for its night-life and gang-ridden neon-lit streets and the suspicion that a handful of Shinobi clans emigrated alongside the original colonies.

Nifelheim Covered in a world spanning mist, the mysterious world of Nifelheim is a continuous source of rumour and mystery. The world is rich in resources, but all mining stations established are eventually driven mad. Reportedly miners and landing parties encounter former and future versions of themselves, horrific apparitions and other strange phenomena. However, despite these mysteries Nifelheim is a very profitable mining colony and natural stopping point between Port Kharon and Kordova. So, its permanent settlements have fog collectors that keep the mist away and an unusual concentration of Sanatoriums and Churches for a mining colony to counteract any supposed negative effects from the world’s mist.


Haupsburgs Folly “Kill the alien before it can speak its lies.” – Thought for the Day

A dense cluster of young, vibrant stars that once brimmed with commerce during the glory days of the Haupsburg dynasty. But the fall of that dynasty has made much of the region fall silent and become forgotten. Said to have been the home of an old alien empire that the Haupsburg plundered to gather their vast wealth, much of it still remains unexplored and some say ancient Haupsburg vaults and ships float in the void simply waiting to be found.

Kordova & The Morgan Armada (Morgan Dynasty capitol) A harsh death world of punishing deserts, intense ionic silica-storms and dangerous macrofauna bathed in the bale light of a dying star. To say it is a strange place for a Rogue Trader dynasty to make their home base, is an understatement of the ages. The scions of the Morgan dyansty however believe the harsh struggle for survival on Kordova make them a better class of Rogue Traders and the toughness life on Kordova beats into them allows them to endure the many dangers of conquering the Karybdis Abyss all the better.

The benefits of suffering and harsh living notwithstanding, Kordova is a world rich in mineral wealth and the Morgan dynasty employs many strip mines upon the planet with some difficulty, as the intense storms and dangerous macro-fauna destroy men and material with frightening regularity. However, this is of little concern to the iron willed scions in Fortress Cevilla, Morgans font of power and perhaps the most fortified location in the Abyss, who intend to mine the planet if their workers are forced to do so with their own bare fingers.

The infamous Morgan Armada is the largest fleet in Karybdis, consisting of the grand cruiser Galaxia as the flagship, several cruisers and dozens of escorts and transports of various types. It is however rarely gathered together as one formation, with the various ships spread out conquering the stars in the name of the God-Emperor or transporting what little goods the Dynasty trades in Karybdis stable warp-lanes.

Castilla Once the home of the most powerful Rogue Trader dynasty the Karybdis Abyss has yet to see, Castilla remains now nothing more than a decreptic ruin. Its former grandeur and glory picked clean by the Eldar Corsairs that brought the dynasty low, centuries worth of wealth and artifacts stolen in a mere night. Now all that remains is the moldering ruins of Schloss Castilla, Haupsburgs seat of power and fortress city upon the world and the feral descendants of the Haupsburg dynasties servants and workers. However, some insist that treasure still exist on Castilla, that the ravaging Eldar did not get everything and that yet one unlooted treasury remains.

Nazhau Primary competitor to Freiborg. The inhabited part of Nazhau lie in the worlds equatorial regions, giving it the air of a tropical paradise where voidsmen of all stripes come to trade, strike deals, drink and whore. While it is anarchic and lawless, peace is kept by Nazhaus mysterious master, Duke Zamdi. Who is said to make men into thralls to his will or drag them screaming into the swamp to sacrifice them to thirsting gods if they break the peace. Regardless of the veracity of such rumours, the peace is kept with the fear they generate and by the painted mutes who act as Zamdis enforcers.


The Pillar (Void Station) Enormous and ancient, the Pillar outwardly resembles a vast space borne pillar, as if some celestial giant plucked a hive spire from its earthly domain and placed it among the stars. Believed to have once been an Ohnyl Colony from the earliest ages of human space exploration, a heritage the Pillars native inhabitants are very proud of, it still retains some of that past glory despite millennia of repairs and accumulated wear on its plasteel and adamantine hull. While the Pillarites claim their home is the very first Ohnyl Colony to have left the light of Sol to colonize the void, it is highly unlikely that it is more than myth. But the Pillar is still very old, perhaps the oldest void station in the entire Five Rivers, it is then a treasure trove of archaeotech, as the Pillarites still maintain and produce many technologies once thought lost which has lured many a Rogue Trader in their greed to the Pillar in attempts to conquer the station and make it a vassal, only to meet their doom at the expertly maintained defensive batteries and its, small but well-armed fleet.

While the Pillar is not hostile to the Imperium, indeed many Pillarites welcome the idea of joining a greater human empire to shore their defenses against pirates, xenos and worse things that dwell in the void. Millennia alone has made them a very independent people and they still maintain their sovereignty rather than bow before the Imperium, but eagerly trade goods with the Rogue Trader dynasties of the Abyss and have even allowed the Missionarius Galaxia to build a mission within the station itself as well as allow Battlefleet Karybdis to resupply at the Pillar when their patrols pass by.

However, many Pillarites, particularly those in its ruling council wonder for how long this independence can be maintained. As Imperial missionaries preach the benefits of unity with the rest of mankind that sway the masses, just as the dangers of the Karybdis Abyss itself make good arguments for bowing down to the Imperium. Only time will tell if the Pillar will join the Imperium peacefully or if their pride in independence will lead to war.

Bonaventure (Drake Dynasty capitol) A world of fungal jungles and ancient ruins now inhabited by savages with weapons of hewn crystal, virulent toxins and the treasure hunters of the Drake dynasty. Many theories abound as to the origins of the ruins on Bonaventure, as they conform little to established paradigms within archaeotechnology and violent disputes have started between xeno-arcanists and archaeotechnologists over whether or not the ruins are xenos or human in origin. Even the origins of Bonaventures natives are as mysterious, little is known of them and they have been very hard to study. But they appear to be human or possibly abhuman and live in some form of symbiosis with cultivated types of fungi they use as clothes, tools and dwellings.

The scions of the Drake dynasty dwell above Bonaventure in the orbital station “Ruby Star”, which contains within it all the wonders and artifacts in vast galleries from their voyages of exploration on Bonaventures surface and across the Karybdis Abyss.

The Drake dynasty does maintain a token force and outpost on Bonaventures surface, but they do not have the sheer manpower of the Mercier dynasty or the stubborn fury of the Morgan dynasty to have tamed Bonaventure, so the majority of the world is still unexplored. And the Drake dynasty themselves are not too proud to allow others to explore Bonaventure, for a price.

Freiborg (Void Station) A veritable hive of scum and villainy, Freiborg is a void-station built into an asteroid run and managed by the league of Hanse. A group of lesser traders, pirates and other ship captains who need a safe haven to trade their goods, legal and illicit. As such, Freiborg is a crime ridden, anarchic hell-hole but it is one of the best places to acquire all the goods that are on offer in the Karybdis Abyss, from information on warp-lanes to xenos antiques.


Mausolea The world of the dead. Mausolea appears as an enormous graveyard of the human civilization that once inhabited it, apparently destroyed by atomic and bio-alchem warfare that has left many parts of the world uninhabitable and as dangerous as any deathworld. Expeditions to the world have been rare, as there is a strange sense of foreboding among landing parties. As if they’re trespassing and being watched by the ghosts of the dead world. Rumours abound among the more superstitious voidsmen in the Abyss swear that the ghosts of Mausolea will steal away crewmen from shore parties to devour their warm flesh. Despite such rumours, many Rogue Traders are drawn to plunder the riches of Mausolea and it has become a popular site for grave robbers and treasure hunters.

Icenhof Perhaps the most storied world in Karybdis, Icenhof is a feudal world with a very harsh climate. It’s native human civilization enduring years long freezing winters and short, incredibly hot summers. Icenhof society is focused around geothermic vents and dormant volcanoes, where they manipulate the waste heat of their world to warm their cities to survive its long and cruel winters. Ruled by a feudal aristocracy consisting of a Stardrake riding nobility known as “Dragon Princes”, armed with exotic crystal weapons and laser-lances that duel across the skies in internal conflict or defend their volcanic castles from the savage barbarians of Icenhofs icy wastelands. Once a vassal of the Haupsburg dynasty, they are well connected to trade in the Abyss, exporting their worlds great mineral wealth and importing foodstuffs and high technology they themselves do not possess. Icenhofs current ruler, Imrys, Queen of Air and Darkness is known as the Abyss most beautiful woman and rules Icenhof with a harsh, but fair hand.

The Violet Reaches "Though I walk amongst beasts and feel their claws, may the Emperor hear my prayer and let me pass unharmed." – Canticle of Saint Drusus

Ancient and densely clustered stars that bathe the region in a bale, red light that gives the region its name. The region contains vast mineral wealth in an over-abundance of rocky worlds and mineral asteroid fields found in orbit of its stars, making it a highly coveted area to exploit. As it has been found to contain many unique and very rare mineral compound necessary for the manufacture of high technology. This same mineral wealth make it a prime feeding ground for Void-Krakens and its proximity to the Scyllan Storms make Ork incursions frequent, making any passage or mining operation in the Violet Reaches incredibly dangerous.

Midria A verdant world rich in resources and with highly fecund soil that was liberated by the Morgan dynasty in 315.M41, rescuing its human inhabitants from centuries of Orkish oppression. The colony prospered under Morgan protection until 697.M41 when a vengeful orkish horde returned to the world to reclaim what they consider rightfully theirs. The once verdant world has now devolved into a genocidal war, where neither Morgan lead Imperial forces nor the Orkish horde are backing down. The war is reaching a fever pitch of intensity where many believe that both the Morgan dynasty and Orkish horde will use such devastating weapons to destroy their foes they will leave the planet a lifeless husk.

Kronenborg Post-cataclysmic world ravaged by a genetic plague called the “Kronenborg-Morphitic Syndrome”. Which twists and misshapes those afflicted into horrific mutant abominations. The few naturally immune survivors cling together in nomadic warbands, scavenging to survive.


Alpha-Epsilon IV A small colonial settlement in the center of the Violet Reaches, who committed treason against the Imperium and declared themselves to be an independent polity, free from the tyranny of Terra. Captain Magnus Maximus Morgan, one of the rising stars of the dynasty strikes down the rebellion via swift military censure and crucify 80% of the rebellious population, putting the rest to harsh labor. What remains of the colony is now nothing more than a glorified slave labor camp, dotted with the grim reminders of the price of treason.

The Scyllan Storms "There are beasts among the stars, beasts that would crush our lives, make ash of our worlds and break all that we hold sacred. The beasts wait in the dark and shunned reaches like the things glimpsed in the forests of old, things that looked out with red, shining eyes and hearts filled with the joy of ruin." - from Remarks on the Nature on the Unknown by Estivan Mauritin, advisor to Rogue Trader Hiram Sult

Stormwracked, mysterious and nigh inaccessible. The Scyllan storms is a region of space wracked by violent plasma storms and gravitic anomalies created by the violent, youthful stars in the region who throw out great gouts of superheated gas that together create storms of size and intensity seldom seen in the Five Rivers. Not only that, the peculiar orbits of the stars throw out strong gravity tides that make sailing in the region even more difficult to navigate. Naturally the Orks of Karybdis has made the Scyllan Storms their home, infesting the region with their incessant warfare that regularly boils over into the rest of the Abyss.

Singpor A colony made up of Qingese settlers from the neighbouring Cocytus sector. Singpor quickly established itself as a useful outpost and Launchpad for expeditions deeper into the Scyllan Storms making the Qingese and their Cocytean patrons abundantly wealthy. The Morgan dynasty could not let such an affront stand so near to their dynastic capitol. Unleashing the Armada, they forced Singpors surrender within 48 hours of arriving in system and immediately began assuming local rule. The Singpor Qingese are however not so easily cowed and frequents act of sabotage and insurrection are common, forcing the Morgan governors to enact even greater acts of tyranny to maintain control. Despite or perhaps because of the Morgans tyranny, Singpor is the greatest black market in the Abyss, surpassed only by Freiborg. Near anything illicit, illegal and proscribed can be found in Singpors seedy underbelly and shadowy waterways. The primary habitation on Singpor itself is located in a swampy lagoon, with its hab-units and space-port built on stilts driven deep into the silt and muck of the murky water beneath it. Giving Singpor city a humid climate with waterways instead of roadways and plenty of nooks and crannies to hide all manner of illicit activities in.

Scylla’s Teeth A trio of worlds located in a starsystem dominated by a rad-furnace red giant star that form the crown worlds of the Orks in Karybdis and the most well-known Ork held worlds in the Abyss. The few Navy scouts and bold or brainless Rogue Traders that have braved the system report the worlds and the void around them to be scrapheaps. Filled to the brim with the pollution and fire of Orkish industry and the rusted hulks of internecine, unending war between the Orks themselves. It is unknown how many Orks populate the system, but judging by the intensity the Orks pump out voidships and war materiel and bring in looted supplies to fuel the furnaces of their ramshackle industry, they must count in the high billions. Currently declared a restricted system under penalty of Naval and Inquisitorial censure to avoid unnecessary provocation of the Orks and to provide the competing warbands in Scylla’s Teeth with a unifying common enemy.


Helot Sigma-4 An exotic gas mining colony in high orbit over the gas giant Helot Sigma-4 run by the Devayn Mining Guild from Arcturus in Acheron. Helot Sigma-4 would be fairly unremarkable were it not the site of the betrayal and fall of the Haupsburg dynasty. Being the site of a massive void battle centuries before, wreckage and hulks from the apocalyptic battle drift in the system and remain a fairly valuable place to salvage ship components and even entire hulls of voidships.

Neo-Angelis II A penal world that takes in the absolute worst criminals and recidivists in Acheron. However, unlike most penal colonies the only Imperial presence is an Adeptus Arbites void-station and Proctor Dread a Castigator-class Patrol cruiser who make sure criminals only enter the world and no-one leaves it. As for the criminals themselves, they are simply dumped off at random intervals at a designated landing zone and left to fend for themselves. Their fellow inmates’ brutality and Neo-Angelis II harsh conditions considered punishment enough for those unfortunates sent there.

Cyclopean Nebula "It is a place cloaked in storms, where the ghost lights of false stars lure you to a depthless nothing. It is a place that wants us not, and will see us dead for our daring its bounds." – Navigator Orbias Helach speaking of journeying into the Cyclopean Nebula

The remnants of an exceptionally violent supernova in aeons past, bathing the local cluster of stars in violent plasma storms and gravitic anomalies, making the Cyclopean nebula a very difficult region to traverse. Only the bravest have so far ventured into its unexplored reaches and few have returned, claimed by unknown assailants or the stormy void. But legends persist that the bones of a forgotten human civilization exist within the nebulas murky depths, spurring further exploration continuously onward.

Concordium A civilized world in the Cyclopean Nebula, free of strife, war and conflict. Indeed, the world is unsettlingly peaceful and its people seem to be in a strange synchrony, as if they are of one mind. Expeditions to the world find eager traders and an uneasy feeling that something is horribly wrong.


The Drowned Shoals “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…” – Last words of Captain Roy Drake.

A cluster of stars cloaked in expelled gases from long dead celestial giants and churning warp anomalies that makes traversing the warp in the region difficult. A few brave explorers have entered the region and discovered forgotten human civilizations and worlds full of riches ripe for the taking, but nearly all of them who return disappear without a trace when they return to plunder the worlds that they have found.

Thebsoom Dry and arid, Thebsoom is an advanced feudal world in the Drowned Shoals, known for its esoteric technologies and exotic, red-skinned native people who rule the world. The Thebsoomians live in warring city-states, centered around vast Pyramids and built on the slave labor of a 4-armed and greenskinned indigenous xenos species known as the “Tars”, making war with air-ships who allegedly fly on “sunlight”, armed with early black-powder weapons. These airship crews are famous throughout the Abyss for their swashbuckling fighting styles, where they eschew armor completely and enter battle night naked (Thebsoomian fashion in general expose an amount of skin that most Imperials would consider scandalous) wearing only a type of force-field that makes ranged weapons nigh ineffective and but still allows melee weapons to pass through. Most Rogue traders in the Abyss consider a visit to Thebsoom mandatory, for something adventurous lies in the world and many are the stories of Rogue traders who visit the world and leave as swashbuckling heroes with tales of exotic Princesses saved and foul villainous xenos slain. Trade with the world is however sporadic, as Thebsooms location in the Drowned Shoals make passage through the warp to it difficult at best.

Grave of the Nameless A cursed world of bones and ashes, getting its name for being the places where the dread Nameless King was slain after dueling the Storm Prince for seven days and seven nights. Storm wracked an uninhabited, few have visited its dusty shores and those few that have. Have reported a desolate landscape littered with the bones of humans, xenos and great beasts and wind-swept ash plains with a sky riven by lightning and raining blood. Some believe however that great treasure lie upon the world, but none who have gone searching for it have returned.

Kraken’s Maw “Let no joyful voice be heard, let no man look up at the sky with hope and let this day be cursed by we who ready to wake.... THE KRAKEN!” – vox-hail attributed to Drusus Jerubaal

A vast and uncharted region of space defined by a loose star cluster on one side and the mysterious Dream Serpent nebula on the other, seemingly home to every pirate and cutthroat in the Abyss. The regions haunted nature and dangerously fickle roiling warp tides that can suddenly throw ships off course or thunder up into a warp storm at a moment’s notice makes the region the perfect hiding place for these reprobates and void-scum. It is also peculiar in that the region is intensely populated by void-based macrofauna. Being a nesting ground for Void-Krakens, Void Whales, Stardrakes and a thousand other species of exotic creatures who make their lives in the inky darkness of space, making it a prime area for Void-Whalers to exploit.


Shipbreaker Bay A vast void-station in orbit of a desolate super-massive gas giant orbiting a white star. Shipbreaker bay is so called for its dangerous gravity-shoals and ion-storms around the gas giant, making it supremely difficult to navigate for those without the correct charts. Which makes it perfect hidden base for the Brotherhood of Brigands, an alliance of the most infamous pirates in the Karybdis Abyss who use it as a place to refuel, refit and rearm as well as to carouse, trade and whore. A select few highly trusted traders in the League of Hanse are allowed to visit the system, buying and then reselling the illicit goods stolen by the pirates in Shipbreaker Bay in the rest of the markets of Karybdis and Acheron.

Whalers’ End In normal circumstances, Whaler’s End is far from a hospitable world. Its atmosphere being toxic to humans and its flora and fauna being incredibly aggressive and hostile. That was before three void- whales beached themselves on the world and died. Making it a hell-hole of decaying matter, putrid swamps of void-whale effluvia and rampaging parasites and symbiotic organisms from the void- whales internal ecosystem haunt the rotting surface of Whalers’ End. However, this has not prevented the world from being exploited. Whalers’ End is Karybdis largest void whaling station and base for Karybdis Void whaling fleet in the Krakens Maw. Being a void whaler is dangerous but highly profitable work, drawing in endless waves of the lower classes from Acheron and the Five Rivers to mine the various resources spilling from the guts of the three void whales, giving the Whaling guilds and near unending supply of men to replace those that are inevitably lost to the hazards of Whalers’ End. Whalers’ Ends rough, boomtown nature has given it among the most eclectic human populations in the Abyss. With men and women from all over the entire region rubbing shoulders together, including several abhuman breeds being common in the three Void-Elevator ports that dominate Whaler’s End. With Ogryns and Ratlings being the most common, for their great strength and endurance and for the black market opportunities respectively. Most remarkable perhaps is that Whalers’ End hosts a significant population of Squats, who run one of the largest whaling guilds on Whalers’ End.

The Grey Spires The domain of Cirthein the Ship-wright, infamous Eldar Corsair and now lord of the largest Corsair fleet in the Five Rivers region. The Grey Spires is a cluster of joined Haven Spires, forming a truly immense and well hidden void-station in the wilderness space of the Dreaming Serpent nebula. A home in the stars primarily for Eldar outcasts, the Grey Spires have been the home base for many Corsair fleets across the millennia, having made Cirthein a truly wealthy Corsair Prince. As the tribute he has taken for his hospitality has been steep, but for an Eldar pirate, a place to call home where one can repair, rearm and indeed even commission entirely new ships to be built that is not under the auspices of either the stringent Craftworlders or the sadistic Commorites is a blessing few would turn down. It is even said Yriel and his Eldritch Raiders have been guests of Cirthein and that several ships in their fleet have been made by Cirtheins own Bonesingers.


Lights End "The light of the Emperor is like a lamp that shines in the dark, but as one passes further from its source, all becomes indistinct, and what one can see seems made of doubt and fear. And at the outmost limit of the light, where all is dark and light but a distant memory, that is where terror dwells." – Kobras Aquarrie

Spoken only of in hushed whispers with fearful tones in dark voidsman legends. Lights End is where the light of the Astronomican is so weak it can barely be used to navigate with and few crews and Navigators dare to cross into its lightless depths. What exists within there is only rumour and myth, worlds where terrors of Old Night still stalk the land, realms of pure madness where things made out of dream-stuff devour thoughts and where xenos so dread and terrible they seem more like daemon than creatures of flesh and blood roam the stars.

Ginnungagap Formally known as Anomaly VX-Delta-14-Sigma to Adeptus Mechanicus astrographers and Ginnungagap in voidsman chant and a source of many legends and spook-stories among the voidsmen who sail the Abyss. Officially declared to be a gravitic anomaly and a restricted zone under Adeptus Mechanicus and Inquisitorial censure and an Adeptus Mechanicus cruiser is put on permanent watch in its orbit. This however is a lie to cover its true nature, as has been theorized by some of Acherons and Karybdis finest Astrographers, Ginnungagap is a worm-hole. Where the worm- hole ends, is however a complete mystery, as if it is traversable. As every probe that has been launched has stopped transmitting data shortly after entering the worm-holes event horizon.

Unknown “Some things are best left undisturbed.” – Ancient Terran Proverb

Some places in Karybdis are more myth than reality and their exact locations in the Abyss the focus for song and fable, rather than star charts and navigators charts.

Court of Miracles (Webway Oubliette) A legendary location most voidsmen believe to only be a fable. It is said it is a market where anything can be bought and sold. Such as a prosperous future for one of your dreams, a voidship for a whisper or a chance to correct a horrific mistake for the life of your unborn son.

Tir Tairngire A mythical paradise spoken about in voidsmens songs and legends as a place where all a man’s needs are met and toil and hard labour is no longer necessary. Such legends are of course heavily suppressed by Imperial authorities because of the moral corruption they invite, there is however a grain of truth to them.

Tir Tairngire is an Eldar maiden world, a barren world turned into a natural paradise over many millennia by the ancient Eldar Empire. It is a place of staggering natural beauty, as if each mountain range, waterfall and coastline has been sculpted by a master artist, indeed, even the climate and life on the world seems to have been shaped to conform to some unseen sculptor’s aesthetic sense.

Currently Tir Tairngire is home to the Belitherad, a faction of former Eldar corsairs who have joined forces to be a rebirth of the ancient Aeldari who look towards the future rather than worship their races past accomplishments. They have only recently colonized the world, but the handful of cities they have built seamlessly blend into the worlds natural beauty around them. The mobile Palace of Crystal Starlight is a particularly spectacular sight and the seat of power for the Belitherads King and


Queen. Few non-eldar, if any, will ever lay eyes upon Tir Tairngires beauty with their freedom, as its location is a jealously guarded secret and those non-eldar that do see it do so in its slave markets. Malocchio (Space Hulk) An ancient ringworld megastructure drifting on the tides of the warp across Haupsburgs Folly. Many voidsmen consider it to be a bad omen, as being caught in “the Eyes” (as it is informally know) gaze is said to bring bad luck and misfortune on those that it falls upon. Those few brave explorers who have landed on the ringworld has described it as ancient and decrepit. It’s artificial biosphere and superstructure in a worrying state of disrepair and its decks are reputedly haunted, with a few fables describing how cocksure Rogue Traders have been devoured by the phantasmal remnants of Malocchios population and other daemon-things that are said to inhabit its ruined hull.

Scylla (Space Hulk) Discovered in 666.M40 and unleashing an ancient horror contained within its hull. Scylla is a human warship from the Dark Age of Technology, bearing the marks of a void battle with what seems to be an enormous beast. It’s aged hull bearing teeth marks, acid burns and holes that seem to have been bitten away. What caused this damage is unknown, but some Imperial historiographers have suggested Scyllas wounds bear remarkable similarity to those void-ships who have survived battle with Bio-ships. Which if true, bears frightening implications for how long the Great Devourer has been probing the galaxy. After its initial discovery, the ancient systems in Scylla reactivated themselves and began attacking every ship within weapons range, giving no hails or challenges before vanishing. Since then, Scylla has become a haunting legend. A ghost ship that stalks the forgotten star ways of the Abyss, appearing without warning and destroying anything it finds. Some believe the ships ancient machine spirits are following an ancient patrol route and fighting a war long since forgotten.

The Lost City A mythical city-ship from the Dark Age of Technology, believed to be a paradise in waiting if found and restored to its former glory. While little concrete is known about it, several ancient and incomplete data-crystals do speak of a city-ship that once sailed the stars what would become Acheron and Karybdis. However, the legends also speak of it being submerged and lost because of an “ancient enemy” infecting it with some form of disease or plague that wiped out its original inhabitants. Believed to reside on an oceanic world in the Drowned Shoals, many have set out to find it and make themselves richer than kings and rulers of sectors with the bounty of archaeotech sure to be found within the Lost City. All but one have been lost to the void, the only known survivor of an expedition to find the lost city being the Rogue Trader Roderick Mackay, who returned as a babbling wreck muttering about “wraiths and life-sucking ghosts”. Mackay now stalks the drinking establishments of Port Kharon, considered by some to be a deterring example of what can happen to those who brave the Abyss and look for mythical treasure.


Markets of the Abyss “The distinction between Trade and Warfare is seen only by those who have no experience NEW WEAPON QUALITIES of either.” – Inaugural address of Heironymo Bloodletter: Such is the viciousness of this Sondar, High Master of Vervunhive weapon that it causes massive bleeding wounds, leading to messy and inglorious deaths for its victims. When wounded by this Ranged Weapons weapon, the victim must immediately pass a Hard(-20) Toughness Test or suffer from the Karybdis pattern Lasgun Blood Loss condition. A pattern of lasgun favored by the armsmen, Irradiated: When a character is struck by an mercenaries and other men at arms in the attack from this weapon (whether or not he Karybdis Abyss. While lacking the rate of fire suffers Damage) he must immediately make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test with penalty and clip-size of the M36 pattern Lasgun, the equal to 10 times X or suffer 2d10 Toughness Karybdis has greater punch and stopping Damage. (From Tome of Decay p. 42) power. Making it a preferred weapon for those that may face alien beasts and xenos warriors unknown to the Imperium at large. Karybdis pattern Lasguns have an archaic appearance to them, similar to Old Terran Flintlock weapons and the Radium Jezzails of the Martian Skitarii.

Karybdis pattern Laspistol A pistol variant of the Karybdis Lasgun, similar in appearance and with similar difference to other patterns of laspistol like the Karybdis Lasgun has to other lasguns.

Xenos Flechette Blaster Manufactured by an unnamed and believed to be extinct Xenos race, the flechette blaster is a short barreled, fluted looking weapon firing a vicious blast of razor-edged flechettes that shreds its targets into bloody giblets at short range. A common weapon among pirates and other brigands, the Flechette Blaster is incredibly vicious in boarding actions where it is capable of striking multiple men with a single shot.

Icenhof Laser-lance A long, laser weapon forged in the shape of a cavalryman’s lance, only it is tipped with a focusing crystal rather than a blade and its grip includes a power-cell and a trigger. The weapon of choice for Icenhofs Dragon Prince nobility, used to fight other Dragon Princes, aircraft and even starfighters in great aerial duels where the stabbing light emitted by the lance has proved itself to be a highly effective weapon. Despite its somewhat archaic and unwieldy design.

Rotor cannon Once a common weapon in Imperial arsenal of the Great Crusade, the Rotor cannon is a venerable class of stubber weapon that is the predecessor to the assault cannon. While it does not pack as much of a punch as a heavy stubber, it has an enormous rate of fire that allows it to cut through lightly armored infantry and xenos like a hot knife through butter.


Rad Cannon An absolutely horrific weapon commonly used by the worst pirates and mercenaries in the Abyss. Best described as a directed nuclear meltdown, the Rad Cannon fires an intense burst of radiation in a cone before. Effectively melting and annihilating organic matter and dooming the unfortunate survivors of its rad-furnace blast to a slow, lingering death as radiation poisoning finishes them off.

Harpoon Rifle A shoulder-mounted, magazine fed harpoon weapon primarily used by Void Whalers to establish climbing lines and capturing symbiotic void-fauna. The versatility and power of its harpoon launcher has made it popular with big game hunters and similar groups, where capturing big prey or anchoring ascension lines at a great distance is required. The Harpoon Rifle contains approx. 3km of high tension line on a large spool at the end of the weapon.

Melee Weapons

Icenhof Crystal-tooth Chainsword A chainsword with a long, curved, sabre-style blade and with the typical adamantine teeth of the weapon replaced by teeth made out of diamond hard and razor-sharp crystals from Icenhof. The preferred side-arm of Icenhof Dragon Princes and a highly sought after weapon by many collectors and duelists throughout the Abyss.

Thebsoomian Sabre The weapon of choice for the warriors on Thebsoom, the name “Thebsoomian Sabre” refers to a wide variety of curved sabre like swords employed by Thebsoomian warriors in their sweeping cutting fencing styles, intended to inflict horrific wounds on bare flesh. What is universal for Thebsoomian Sabres is their keen slicing edge, separating flesh from bone as easily as a flensing knife and the tox-dispensers built into the weapon. Allowing it deliver a variety of fast acting poisons to amplify its killing edge against lightly armored foes. Tox-dispenser: The standard neurotoxin used in the swords inbuilt tox-dispenser grants the weapon its Toxic [2] quality. It may be replaced by any number of poisons and other drugs, but loses its Toxic special quality if exchanged for another poison or drug.

Longsword A longer type of cruciform sword made primarily for two-hands that is popular among many swordsmen in Acheron and Karybdis, the Knights of Teuton and Order of St. Santiago among the most famous for wielding such swords. Alternate Grip: May be wielded with either one or two hands. One handed uses listed profile, when wielded two handed it adds +4 damage.

Whalers’ Axe-Pick A tool just as much as a weapon, the axe-pick allows a Void Whaler to climb the skin of void whales and similar hazards, just as the axe-side of the head allows him to defend himself against whatever creatures that dwell in or nearby the Void-Whale. An axe-pick grants a +20 bonus to Climbing tests.


Weapon Upgrades

Icenhof Crystal Weapon Rich in mineral wealth, Icenhof exports many different kinds of rare minerals and crystals to the markets of Karybdis, but most fabled of all are the crystals who are capable of being forged into bladed weapons. Weapons with blades of Icenhof crystal are known to be exceptionally sharp, causing horrific wounds that all but the heaviest kinds of armour is able to turn away. Beyond their keen killing edge, the exotic appearance of a polished piece of blue-white ice Icenhof crystal blades have is a great mark of status and among duelists and swashbucklers in Karybdis and reason enough for the demand these weapons have. Melee weapon upgrade: Any edged (swords, knives, axes, spears etc) primitive or chain weapon. Primitive weapons lose primitive quality, gain +2 Damage and Pen 3, Razor Sharp quality and Tearing quality and cannot benefit from Mono upgrade. Chain weapons gain +2 damage and +1 Pen, the Razor Sharp quality and Bloodletter quality.

Icenhof Focusing Crystal Suitable for more than just being knapped and polished into gleaming blades, certain types of crystal from Icenhof make excellent focusing crystals for laser weapons, increasing the power and penetration of laser weapons manifold and giving them an icy cool blue light to their laserbeams. Las Weapon Upgrade: Any las weapon but the Icenhof Laser-lance, as it already has an Icenhof Focusing Crystal. A las weapon fitted with an appropriate Icenhof focusing crystal gains +2 damage and +2 pen and either the Accurate or the Lance quality.


Pillarite Emergency Voidsuit An archaeotech miracle preserved on the Pillar, to the uninitiated and carried by practically everyone on the Pillar. The emergency voidsuit appears to be nothing more than a metal disc, 2.5 cm’s thick and 15 cm’s in diameter with an activation rune in the center. When pressed against the torso (generally the chest or back) and the activation rune is pressed, a thin, plastic-like material in seconds spreads across the users body, protecting them from the void as well as any far bulkier void-suit. A Pillarite Emergency Voidsuit can sustain a fully breathable atmosphere for up to 4 hours before running out of oxygen and is fully tear resistanct, following the Reinforced Construction rules of the Whaling Suit.

Pillarite Rocket-pack A similar archaeotech miracle from the Pillar. The Rocket-pack, like the Pillarite Voidsuit appears at first to be an unassuming metal disc 2.5 cm’s thick and 15 cm’s in diameter with an activation rune in the center. When held against the chest and activated, a rocket-pack and harness approx. the size of a human torso suddenly materializes over the users clothes. Pressing the activation rune again, returns the Rocket-pack to its original disc-shape through unknown techno-arcana. The Pillarite Rocket-pack functions like a Lathe-pattern jump pack, however its arcane power supply does not need replacing and seemingly cannot be drained. The Rocket-pack however, cannot be worn over bulky armor such as Carapace or Power-armor and cannot carry a heavier load than the wearer and the additional weight of approx. a second adult human.



Thebsoomian Force-shield The only proper armor worn on the world of Thebsoom, where its warriors are known to fight in swirling, swashbuckling melees mostly naked and protected only by these force-fields, generated a handful of centimeters away from their skin. Worn in broad belts, where the Force-shield generator is mounted in a large, circular belt buckle with the Force-shields power cells arrayed on either side of the belt-loop. A Thebsoomian Force-shield protects only against ranged attacks, deflecting a maximum of 25 damage before shorting out and needing to be recharged. Thebsoomian Force- Shields automatically recharge themselves outside of combat if they have not been shorted out, a process taking 2d5 minutes. Recharging a shorted out Thebsoomian Force-shield requires a Challenging(+0) Tech-Use test. Good quality Thebsoomian Force-Shields absorb 30 damage and Best Quality Force-Shields absorb 35 damage and the Tech-use test to recharge the shield is instead Routine(+20). Thebsoomian Force-shields do not function in conjunction with other Force-fields or armor bulkier than a bodyglove (flak armor, carapace, power armor et al), as the energy emissions given off by other Force-Fields prevents the Thebsoomian Force-Shields energy matrix from properly aligning and bulky armor interferes with the Force-Shields field alignment matrix, with both cases shorting out the Force-Shield and preventing its use.

Tempest Warplate A bulky suit of carapace armour used by the gene-bulked augmented Tempest Warriors and fitted to suit their enormous gene- wrought frames. Archaic in appearance, harkening back to the dark and savage days when Techno-barbarians roamed Holy Terra. The armour does however contain some advanced armour-systems, making the already ferocious Tempest Warriors more effective in combat. Helmet Systems: Incorporates Good Quality Photo-Visors and grants the Heightened Senses (Hearing) Talent. The helmet also includes a Good Quality Respirator. Slate-Monitron: Functions as an Auspex and allows the warrior to monitor vitals, vox channels, receive pict/hololith-feed, view mission objectives and similar functionality. Vox Link: Functions as a Vox Caster and Laud Hailer. Armour of Giants: Tempest Warplate is made for the gene-bulked bodies of the Tempest Warriors and cannot be used by ordinary men. Tempest Warplate can only be worn by those with the Size [5](Hulking) Tempest Warrior in service of the Haupsburg dynasty, ca 139.M41 trait.


Dragon Prince Warplate A technological relic from the Dark Age whose construction the Forge Guilds of Icenhof have preserved. Allowing the Dragon Princes to ride their Stardrakes unhindered in high altitude, the void and even survive atmospheric entry as well as protect them from enemy attack. Forged in a very distinctive, draconic style, incorporating stylized scales or fluted lines harkening to the horned visage of their Stardrake mounts, Dragon Prince Warplate is perhaps the most visually distinctive armour in the Abyss. As a Dragon Prince on foot, fully armed and armored gives off as striking an impression as one mounted on their draconic steeds. Functionally a suit of Power Armor, Dragon Prince Warplate includes the following sub-systems and includes the following bonuses: Volcanic Plating: Provides 8 AP on all locations and allows the wearer to survive orbital entry atop his Stardrake steed. Strength Augmentation: +20 Strength while worn and increases wearers size by one step. Crystal-stack Reactor: Compact power supply that functions as an Astartes powerpack Life Sustainer: As long as the helmet is worn, the armour is environmentally sealed and provides a breathable environment for as long as the armour is powered. Auto-Senses: Mimics the function of a Photo-Visor, Magnoculars and an Auspex. Recoil Suppression: The interlocking plates of the gauntlets function as a pair of Recoil Gloves. Vox Link: Functions as a Vox Caster and Laud Hailer. Grav-Cloak: This billowing and partially decorative cloak functions as a Grav-Chute.

Whaling Suit A modified, flak reinforced and archaic looking void-suit used by the Void Whalers in Karybdis to protect themselves on the dangerous journeys they go on to mine Void Whales of various resources, hunt their symbiotic xeno-fauna or drill for void whale oil. While it is bulkier than an ordinary voidsuit, its resistance to suit-tearing and incorporated armour plating makes it highly popular outside of Whaler circles, particularly among commercial vessels who lack the funds to armor their armsmen with Void-hardened carapace suits and similar. A Whaling Suit includes the following: Tool Harness: Capable of carrying all the necessary tools and equipment for the Void-Whaler trade and a clip harness, grapnel and 20m of high strength line and a suit-patch kit. Helmet Systems: The helmet incorporates a Photo-Visor, a lamp-pack and a vox-link. Slate-monitron: The left gauntlet incorporates a slate-monitron allowing the wearer to view suit status, remaining oxygen supply, receive pict/hololith-feed and perform rudimentary scans of the surrounding atmosphere and similar functionality. Void Impellors: Impellor systems mounted on the suit grant the wearer the Flier [5] trait in zero gravity or microgravity situations Life Sustainer: The suits life sustainer allows for 24 hours of continuous operation before the oxygen tanks need to be replaced. The suit also incorporates a good quality Respirator. Reinforced construction: Against any attack that would normally cause a suit puncture, roll 1d10—on a 6+, the suit’s construction holds up and no puncture is caused.

Whaler Exo-rig A bulky piston powered exo-skeleton primarily used by Void Whalers in the Abyss, allowing them to operate heavy machinery with relative ease. While the exo-rig is big and bulky, it is capable of being used over nearly all types of un-powered armor and the incorporated armour plating grants additional protection on the most vital areas. A compact nuclear battery grants the exo-rig a practically infinite power supply. Strong Arm: The Exo-rigs pistons grant a +20 bonus to Strength and the Bulging Biceps talent while worn, but the large frame increases the wearers’ size by one step. Over-suit: Designed to be worn over Void suits, the Exo-rig can also be worn over Primitive, Flak, Mesh and Carapace armour, providing +2 AP to the locations it covers. Shock Absorbers: The Exo-rigs shock absorbing boots and construction allows the wearer to count the AP of worn armour against falling damage.


Table 5-1: Ranged Weapons

Name Class Range RoF Damage Pen Clip Rld Special kg Avail

Karybdis Basic 90m S/2/- 1d10+4 E 0 30 Full Reliable, 4 Scarce Lasgun Las Variable Setting

Karybdis Pistol 20m S/2/- 1d10+3 E 0 15 Full Reliable, 1.5kg Scarce Laspistol Las Variable Setting

Flechette Basic 20m S/-/- 3d10 R 2 10 2Full Tearing, Spray 6 Rare Blaster SP

Laser- Basic 100m S/-/- 2d10+2 E 5 8 2Full Lance, Felling[4] 7kg Rare lance Las

Rotor Heavy 100m -/-/10 1d10+4 I 2 240 3Full Tearing, Storm 14kg Scarce Cannon SP

Rad Heavy 50m S/-/- 2d10+8 E 4 12 2Full Spray, 20kg Rare Cannon Exotic Irradiated [4],

Harpoon Basic 70m S/-/- 1d10+10 6 8 2Full Crippling [5], 12kg Scarce Rifle SP R Snare [3], Primitive [8]

Table 5-2: Melee Weapons

Name Class Range Damage Pen Special kg Avail

Crystal-tooth Melee -- 1d10+4 R 3 Balanced, Tearing, 5 Rare Chainsword Chain Bloodletter, Razor Sharp

Crystal Weapon Melee -- † † † †† Rare Chain/Low- Tech

Thebsoomian Melee -- 1d10+1 R 0 Toxic [2] 1.8 Scarce Sabre Low-Tech

Longsword Melee -- 1d10 R 0 Balanced, Alternate Grip 2kg Uncommon Low-Tech

Longsword Melee -- 1d10+5E 7 Balanced, Power Field, 2.5kg Very Rare (Power) Power Alternate Grip

Axe-Pick Melee -- 1d10+3 R 2 Unbalanced, Proven [2] 3.5kg Uncommon Low-Tech

†See Icenhof Crystal Weapon entry. ††Same as base weapon.


Table 5-3: Armour

Name Locations Covered AP Max Ag. kg Avail

Dragon Prince Warplate All 8 40 80 Very Rare

Tempest Warplate All 7/6† 45 50 Rare

Thebsoomian Force-Shield All †† Unaffected 3 Rare

Whaling Suit All 5/3†† 45 30 Scarce

Whaler Exo-Rig Body, Arms, Legs +2 35 20 Scarce

†Provides 7 Ap to the body and 6 AP to the remaining locations covered ††See Force-Shield rules. ††† Provides 5 Ap to the body and Head and 3 AP to the remaining locations covered

Table 5-4: Weapon Modifications

Name kg Availability

Icenhof Crystal Weapon Upgrade N/A Rare

Icenhof Focusing Crystal N/A Rare

Table 5-5: Equipment

Name kg Availability

Pillarite Emergency Voidsuit 0.5 Rare

Pillarite Rocket-pack 10 Very Rare


Markets of the Eugenics Lords The exiled eugenics lords of Dis offers many kinds of augmented warrior in their flesh markets to those with the right kind of currency. These are merely the most well-known warriors the Eugenics lords sell.

Gland Warriors A recreation of the original Gland Warriors of the Lostok 23rd regiment. The Gland Warriors the Eugenics lords offer are among the most stable warriors in their rosters and have fought on every conceivable battlefield in Karybdis and beyond. Their comparatively simple creation, affordability and ease of dealing with has made the the Gland Warriors among the most popular warriors the Eugenics Lords creates. As nearly every group in Karybdis that can afford them has at least a company of these augmented warriors in their armies.

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel 40 35 40 40 35 28 31 40 25 Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 14 Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per), Common Lore (Imperium, War) (Int), Dodge (Ag), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Ground) (Ag), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Stealth (Ag), Parry (WS) Talents: Die Hard, Nerves of Steel, Rapid Reload, Takedown, True Grit Traits: Lostok Augmentation (see p. 36) Armour: Flak Vest (Ap 3 Chest) Weapons: Chainsword (Melee, 1d10+5 R, Pen 2, Balanced, Tearing), Karybdis Laspistol (Pistol, 20m, S/2/-, 1d10+3 E, Pen 0, Clip 15, Full, Reliable, Variable Setting), Combat Knife (Melee, 1d5+4 R, Pen 2, Mono), 3 Frag Grenades (Thrown; 12m; S/–/–; 2d10 X; Pen 0; Clip 1; Reload –; Blast [3]) Equipment: Microbead, 4 clips for Laspistol, Uniform, Kill markers, Mercenary contract

Geneuchs The vat-born gene-constructs the Eugenics Lords where exiled for creating and the cause of the Geneuch wars. Geneuchs are heavily augmented, designed from the ground up and born from vats in which they are grown, unable to procreate by any natural means. Their heavily augmented physiologies are intended to make them the perfect soldier, capable of fighting in any environment and to be stronger and tougher than ordinary men. This makes the Geneuchs musclebound brutes, head and shoulders taller than an ordinary man with green-tinged skin and a primitive, atavistic human appearance. Bred dimwitted to ensure absolute loyalty to their owners and all but incapable of feeling fear. However, the dim wit of the Geneuchs is also a disadvantage, as they are slow to adapt to changing battlefield conditions and prefer simple, brutish tactics. But it is considered an acceptable tradeoff, as they will follow any order, no matter how insane or suicidal, and execute it to the letter.

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel 7 7 45 35 45 45 35 20 31 35 20 Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 20 Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per), Dodge (Ag), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Intimidate (S) Talents: Bulging Biceps, Cold Hearted, Die Hard, Hardy, Iron Jaw, Takedown, True Grit, Fearless Traits: Size[5](Hulking), Unnatural Strength[3], Unnatural Toughness[3], Sturdy, Undying Armour: Geneuch Flak Armour (Ap 4 All) Weapons: Geneuch adapted Heavy Stubber (Heavy, 100m, -/-/8, 1d10+4 I, Pen 3, Clip 75, 2Full, Ogryn-proof), Combat Knife (Melee, 1d5+7 R, Pen 2, Mono), 3 Frag Grenades (Thrown; 21m; S/–/–; 2d10 X; Pen 0; Clip 1; Reload –; Blast [3]) Equipment: Microbead, 4 Clips for Heavy Stubber, Uniform


Vat-Born The simplest and least augmented of the soldiers the Eugenics lords sell. Merely made to be in excellent physical condition, hardy to disease and psychologically tougher than an ordinary man. The simple “Vat-Born” as the Eugenics lords call them are clones. Grown from collected tissue from hundreds of different exceptional warriors to be used as templates for different batches and grown in bio-vats until they reach adulthood and are expelled, with all the necessary skills psycho- indoctrinated into them as they gestate in the vat. Considered to be cheap and disposable soldiers by the Eugenics Lords, they use them as their own guards (alongside far more exotic augmented troops) and sell them in batches consisting of 1000 men all cloned from the same donor-template. WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel

35 40 38 38 38 38 38 38 30 Movement: 3/6/9/18 Wounds: 11 Skills: Athletics (S)[+10], Awareness (Per)[+10], Common Lore (Imperium, War) (Int), Dodge (Ag), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Operate (Ground) (Ag), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Stealth (Ag) Talents: Cold Hearted, Nerves of Steel, Rapid Reload, Jaded, Takedown, Sharpshooter Traits: Disquiet (see p.36) Armour: Guard Flak Armor (4 Ap All) Weapons: Karybdis Lasgun (Basic, 90m, S/2/-, 1d10+4 E, Pen 0, Clip 30, Full, Reliable, Variable Setting), Combat Knife (Melee, 1d5+3 R, Pen 2, Mono), 3 Frag Grenades (Thrown; 9m; S/–/–; 2d10 X; Pen 0; Clip 1; Reload –; Blast [3]) Equipment: Uniform, microbead, respirator, 4 clips for lasgun

Tempest Warriors Rumoured to not be an original creation by the Eugenics Lords, but created based on information gathered from called the “Grimoire Taranis”. The Tempest Warriors are the ultimate warriors and fighters created by the Eugenics Lords, giants among men and superhumans that dwarf the fighting abilities of the already inhuman Geneuchs. Their enormous augmented physiques are capable of withstanding inhuman levels of injury and their great strength has been known to flip armoured vehicles and other physical feats of endurance and strength that some say surpass that even of the mighty Adeptus Astartes. However, unlike the Astartes who are noble warriors, the Tempest Warriors are nothing more than ruthless, bloodthirsty killers who live and breathe naught but war and death. The Eugenics Lords demand exorbitant prices for these warriors, a price said to not just be coin or valuables but something far more dread all together. WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel 55 40 1260 950 40 30 40 45 20 Movement: 5/10/15/30 Wounds: 30 Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per)+10, Common Lore (War), Dodge(Ag)+10, Common Lore (Imperium War) (Int), Intimidate (S)+20 Linguistics, Navigate (Surface), Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) (Int), Stealth (Ag) Operate (Surface), Parry (WS)+10, Talents: Ambidextrous, Bulging Biceps, Cold Hearted, Die Hard, Fearless, Hardy, Heightened Senses (Hearing, Sight), Nerves of Steel, Iron Jaw, Quick Draw, Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Powers), Swift Attack, True Grit, Unarmed Warrior Traits: Size[5](Hulking), Amphibious, Unnatural Strength[6], Unnatural Toughness[4], Tempest Enhancement (see p.36) Armour: Tempest Warplate (Ap 7 Body, Ap 6, Arms, Legs, Head) Weapons: Tempest-pattern Bolter (Basic, 110m, S/-/6, 1d10+8 X, Pen 5, Clip 30, Full, Tearing), Heavy Chainsword (Melee, 1d10+16 R, Pen 4, Balanced, Tearing), Combat Knife (Melee/Thrown, 21m, 1d5+12R, Pen 2, Mono) Equipment: Uniform, 3 clips for Bolter, grisly trophies


Table 5-6: Augmented Soldiers

Name Sold Unit size Unit Type Availability

Gland Warriors 500 Men, Company Light Infantry Scarce

Geneuchs 200 Men, Company Heavy Infantry Very Rare

Vat-Born 1000 Men, Regiment Medium Infantry Uncommon

Tempest Warriors 100 Men, Company Super-Heavy Infantry Extremely Rare†

†Acquiring Tempest Warriors cost more than mere currency and requires a far more esoteric price than what just a requisition test. Such as settling a long standing debt to the Eugenics lords, saving one of their life, giving them priceless tomes containing rare gene-lore and similar. Whatever the additional cost, it is set by the GM as appropriate.


LOSTOK AUGMENTATION (TRAIT) The Lostok process introduces a series of new organs and glands to a Gland Warrior’s body, allowing it to survive in more toxic environments as well as fight even more fiercely than before. These duplicate the effects of a Respirator and make them immune to most Toxins (including the extra damage dealt by weapons with the Toxic quality). Their new glands also act as Injectors containing Frenzon, Slaught, Stimm, and Spur. The user may activate their implant glands to produce any of these drugs as a Free Action requiring a Routine (+20) Willpower Test for each dosage. A Failure means that gland has malfunctioned, and will need 1d5 days to recover. Other newly added organs are designed to filter away any chemical by-products of the dosages, so the user does not need to take any tests afterwards for ill effects. The augmented physiology will also ward off any effects of excessive drug use (see page 142 of Rogue Trader). (From Into the Storm, p. 84)

DISQUIET (TRAIT) There is something that feels “off” or strange about a person with this trait. A strange, off-putting disquiet surrounds them that one can’t entirely put ones finger on. Characters with this trait suffer a -10 penalty to all social tests because of their strange, disquieting aura. Further, characters with this trait do not make friends easily and the difficulty of all tests attempting to influence another characters disposition is increased by one step. Characters with the Disquiet trait are not affected by the effects of being near another character with the Disquiet trait.

TEMPEST ENHANCEMENT (TRAIT) A thoroughly invasive augmentation that wholly recreates whoever undergoes it and heretically similar to the creation process of the first genetically enhanced warriors used by the God-Emperor himself. Tempest enhancement provides the following bonuses and advantages listed in the Tempest Warrior profile: Blood Cleanser: The Tempest Warrior only has a 5 percent chance of dying each round from Blood Loss, rather than the normal 10 percent and adds to the Resistance (Poisons) talent. Omni-lung: Provides the Amphibious trait, Resistance (Poisons) talent and functions as a Respirator. Mental Conditioning: Provides the Cold Hearted, Resistance (Psychic Powers), Fearless talents and Nerves of Steel talent as well as refocusing the Tempest Warriors mind to focus on war and aggression. Steel Flesh: Consists of a variety of physical augmentations, this provides to the Unnatural Strength and Unnatural Toughness traits, Bulging Biceps, Die Hard, Hardy, Iron Jaw, Resistance (Cold, Heat) and True Grit. It also causes the physical growth of the warrior to their enormous size and provides the Size[5](Hulking) trait. Bulky: The large size of the Tempest Warriors means they cannot use equipment intended for ordinary humans without modification and count weapons intended for humans one weapon class smaller than they are. For example, a Heavy weapon would function as a Basic weapon to a Tempest Warrior. Oppositely, weapons adapted for the Tempest Warriors count as one weapon class larger for ordinary humans.


Beasts of the Abyss

Many strange beasts, creatures and other xenofauna creep, crawl, stalk and fly across the Karybdis Abyss. Here follows but some of the most well-known and infamous.


A chimeric beast found on many worlds in both Karybdis and Acheron, famed for its ferocious nature and dependable loyalty if tamed. Believed to be the result of genetic experiments in ages past, Gryph-hounds are a melding of lion and eagle, about the size of a large stalking cat. Living in prides roughly 20 beasts strong, they tend to be the apex predators of whatever environment they inhabit, but they generally prefer savannahs or forests. WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel 35 -- 50 40 40 10 45 30 05 Movement: 8/16/32/64 Wounds: 20 Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per)[+10], Stealth (Ag)[+10] Talents: Berserk Charge, Crushing Blow, Hardy, Sprint, Swift Attack Traits: Bestial, Bred For War, Crushing Blow, Dark Sight, Deadly Natural Weapons, Loyal, Natural Weapons, Quadruped, Size(5)[Hulking], Armour: Tough Hide (Ap 2 All) Weapons: Claws and Beak (Melee, 1d10+8R Pen 2, Tearing)



One of the many strange void-dwelling fauna in the Five Rivers region, the Stardrake is perhaps one of the most magnificent and idolized, as its fierce nobility has made it a common heraldic device. Equally capable of living in the void as it is in planetary atmospheres, Stardrakes roam the void hunting other void-fauna, having been observed to feast on Void whales in great flocks. It is however speculated that Stardrakes also subsist on starlight to some extent or that they have an organic equivalent of a plasma generator, keeping them both alive in the void and generating their bulkhead melting fiery breath. While much of a Stardrakes life is spent in the void, it is known they nest on planets, preferring worlds high in volcanic activity with rich biospheres. To those few societies who have managed to domesticate them, the most famous being the Dragon Princes of Icenhof and the Drake-riders of Avalon, they are known as intelligent and loyal beasts, who form lifelong bonds with the bold men and women who manage to ride them into battle. Where they are capable of jousting equally with aircraft and starfighters in the void. WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel 45 -- 1980 1680 45 20 45 40 05 Movement: On Foot: 8/16/32/64 Flying: 20/40/60/120(240) Void: 7 VU’s Wounds: 80 Skills: Athletics (S), Awareness (Per) Talents: Berserk Charge, Crushing Blow, Hardy, True Grit, Sprint Traits: Bestial, Bred For War, Brutal Charge (8), Crushing Blow, Dark Sight, Deadly Natural Weapons, Fear (2), Flyer (20), Loyal, Natural Weapons, Natural Armour, Quadruped, Size(8)[Immense], Unnatural Strength (11), Unnatural Toughness (8), Undying Armour: Glittering Scales (Ap 7 All), Volcanic Barding (Ap 15 Chest/Front Legs/Rear legs) is used when acting as the mount of an Icenhof Dragon Prince Weapons: Claws and Fangs (Melee, 2d10+21R Pen 4, Tearing), Plasma-breath (Special, 60m, 3d10+10E, Pen 10, Clip N/A, Rld N/A, Recharge, Spray, Flame, Melta)


Ships of the Abyss

Additional Starship Hulls As with any region in the galaxy, the Karybdis Abyss has its own fair share of unique and local starship variants. The Abyss itself is known to contain many designs considered peculiar (or deviant in the Navy’s eyes) among its ship registries as many old designs lost or not in use anymore are common salvage in the Abyss. As well as the Antietam shipyards orbiting the hive world of Arcturus and their eccentric ship designs being a common supplier to purchasers in Karybdis. These hulls are additional options for players and GM’s creating new ships.


Ahab-Class Void Whaler

Hull: Transport Class: Melville-Class Void Whaler Dimensions: 3.4 km long, .4 km abeam at fins approx. Mass: 17 megatonnes approx. Crew: 35,000 crew, approx. Accel: 4.6 gravities max sustainable acceleration. Speed: 6 Maneuverability: +10 Detection: +10 Hull Integrity: 45 Armour: 15 Turret Rating: 1 Space: 46 SP: 30 Weapon Capacity: 1 Prow, 1 Dorsal Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this. This hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold Component (see ROGUE TRADER page 203). The hull’s Space has already been reduced to account for this, however, when the ship is constructed it must be able to provide two Power to this Component. Whaling Ship: Built to hunt and mine massive Void Whales for their precious resources in the Deep Void, this ship comes pre-equipped with the Grappling Cannon (Hostile Acquisitions p. 71) component in the prow weapon slot despite being the wrong hull-type. The Ahab-Class also comes pre-equipped with a Whaling- Cutter Bay, functioning as a launch bay with its profile listed below. As the Cutter Bay is built as a part of the vessels hull, it cannot be replaced and does not take up a weapon capacity slot. Space has already been reduced to account for these components, however, when the ship is constructed it must be able to provide two Power to this Component.

Whaling-Cutter Bay (Launch Bay, Strength 2, May only Launch Whaling-Cutters†) †Functions as an Assault Boat, use Shark Assault Boat profile (Battlefleet Koronus p. 14)


Light Cruisers Antilles-Class Patrol Frigate

Hull: Light cruiser Class: Antilles-Class Patrol Frigate Dimensions: 3.6 km long, 0.6 km abeam at fins approx. Mass: 10 megatonnes approx. Crew: 30,500 crew, approx. Accel: 4.3 gravities max sustainable acceleration. An unusual vessel originating in the murky years of Acherons founding as a long range scout vessel that operates well in deep void patrols. However, the Antilles-Class is not a true frigate, as its large size and heavy armament bears more similarities with light cruisers such as the Dauntless-class that has a similar role. Indeed, the Antilles-class is best thought of as a smaller light cruiser in role and application. However, it’s odd classification and role means it’s unpopular with the hidebound and traditionalist Imperial Navy, who see such unconventional vessels as breaking with naval tradition and tantamount to heresy. Rogue Traders and backwater battlefleets, such as those guarding wilderness space find much use for a fast, powerful vessel capable of extended operations that does not carry the prohibitive cost of operation that a proper light cruiser does. Speed: 7 Maneuverability: +5 Detection: +15 Hull Integrity: 48 Armour: 20 Turret Rating: 1 Space: 50 SP: 48 Weapon Capacity: 1 Port, 1 Starboard, 1 Prow Extended Supply Vaults: A Antilles-Class may remain at void for up to two years before suffering from Crew Population and Morale loss. In addition, any successful Extended Repairs repair an additional 5 points of Hull Integrity.


Buccaneer-Class Light Cruiser

Hull: Light Cruiser Class: Buccaneer-Class Light Cruiser Dimensions: 4 km long, .4 km abeam at fins approx. Mass: 22 megatonnes approx. Crew: 40,000 crew, approx. Accel: 5 gravities max sustainable acceleration. Based on ancient Imperial designs uncommon in the 41st millennium, the Buccaneer-Class is yet another unusual design produced by Antietam Shipyards in Acheron. Designed as a sleek space-borne predator, the Buccaneer-class is a ship almost wholly dedicated to raiding and privateer work. Where it excels in lightning raids on planetary holdings and cutting apart convoys and transports. While it is exceedingly effective at what it is designed for, it seen as an unseemly ship. Said to harken back to darker days in the Imperium and encourage blackguard behavior among its captains. It remains rare among more traditional Imperial Navy squadrons, but has found popular use among those that patrol the edges of Imperial space and has a high demand among martially minded Rogue Traders, such as the Morgan dynasty of Karybdis. Speed: 8 Maneuverability: +15 Detection: +20 Hull Integrity: 56 Armour: 18 Turret Rating: 1 Space: 60 SP: 55 Weapon Capacity: 1 Dorsal, 1 Prow, 1 Port, 1 starboard Black Reputation: Considered to be a ship of scoundrels, blackguards, pirates and other such voidsmen of ill repute. The Explorers (or other owners) of the ship receive a -10 modifier on social skill checks when interacting with members of civilized society (Imperial Navy, Ecclesiarchy, members of the Adeptus Terra etc).


Cruisers Arrogance-Class Star Galleon

Hull: Cruiser Class: Arrogance-Class Star GalleonDimensions: 5.2 km long, 1.1 km abeam at fins approx. Mass: 25 megatonnes approx. Crew: 75,500 crew, approx. Accel: 3 gravities max sustainable acceleration. The inception of this ship design is lost to history, but it is first referenced in the Long Count Macro-Archives of the Rhuhr forgeworld in early M33 as a ship designed and commissioned for the first Rogue Trader houses operating in the then Acheron frontier. Similar in design to the Conquest-class, it is however a sleeker vessel, designed to operate deep in unexplored and dangerous frontiers, it sacrifices some cargo-capacity for more powerful engines and thicker armour plating. While it is still not a true warship, the Arrogance-class is a highly versatile vessel that remains incredibly popular among the Rogue Traders of Karybdis. As the art of its construction is not lost, the Shipwrights of Rhuhr has maintained a small, but continuous production of the Arrogance-class since the founding of Acheron, making it far more common compared to its illustrious cousin, the Conquest-class. Speed: 5 Maneuverability: +8 Detection: +15 Hull Integrity: 66 Armour: 17 Turret Rating: 1 Space: 65 SP: 57 Weapon Capacity: 2 Port, 2 Starboard Galleon: The Arrogance-Class comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold Component (see page 203 of the Rogue Trader core rulebook.) The hull’s space has already been reduced to account for this; however, when the ship is constructed it must be able to provide two Power to this Component. Hybrid Vessel: The Star Galleon may be equipped with Transport or Cruiser Components. However, if the Component has both a Transport and a Cruiser variant, it must take the Cruiser variant.



This is a completely fan-made supplement and in no way endorsed by Limited, Fantasy Flight Games and etc. All art used also belongs to their respective artists but have been gathered all over the internet thanks to the magic power of search-engines and image boards and I can’t properly credit you because I don’t know who you are. Exception is the Stardrake which I found is from the Awaken Realms blog (he’s got some cool models, check that shit out). The various quotes used are from across the 40kRPG books, other 40k related books and found on various fanwikis.

Thanks for reading!

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