220 Grandis Boulevard Banksia Grove WA 6031 Phone: 9233 6500 Email: [email protected]

03 September 2021 Issue 8

______Principal’s Message Mr Stephen Bevan


Dear Parents and Community Members, Positive Community Feedback

I want to recognise the effort of Mr Chris Lambe, Science Specialist and Miss Christin Bramley, PE Specialist for their work in planning and managing the Science Week and Faction Carnival week activities respectively. These leaders have been wonderfully supported by many staff across the term. I have received numerous verbal and written comments from parents about the positive way these events have impacted on students. We are certainly blessed to have such great staff at this school.

Interschool Athletics

Students selected for our team will be travelling to Carramar Primary School next week to compete in the Interschool Jumps & Throws Carnival and to Wanneroo PS for the Interschool Athletics Carnival. We wish them all the best for this event.

Science Funding

The school submitted an application for additional funding through the Primary Science Program. We were successful in our application and received an additional $40000. We will use these funds to further develop the Science program into 2022 and beyond.

School Photos Survey

Our school photos have been provided by Kapture again this year. A survey was conducted of parents with a majority indicating that they are happy with the quality of the photos and the service provided. The survey was discussed at this week’s School Board meeting. Our thanks go to those who took the time to give us feedback.

NAPLAN Reports

Individual reports for students in Years 3 and 5 who completed NAPLAN tests were sent home this week. We encourage parents to read through these reports carefully as they give you a good snapshot of how your child is performing in the assessed areas.

Long Jump Pit

The long jump pit that was installed earlier this term is scheduled to have the damaged grass in front of it replaced in the next couple of weeks. This area will be roped off and we ask that students do not go on the grass while it is establishing itself.

School Uniform

A majority of our students and parents support the school Dress Code very well. It is essential that students wear all parts of the uniform every day. We have noticed that a lot of lost property has accumulated in our office due to jackets and jumpers not being labelled with student names. Parents are asked to check the lost property baskets before the end of the term when all items will then be recycled, donated or disposed of.


Please remember that students are not permitted to use playgrounds after school as we cannot provide adequate supervision. Parents who wish to socialise together are welcome to use the school oval and the nature play area next to it.

New Playground We are excited to announce that a new playground will be constructed over the school holidays in the play area between Jarrah and Karri Blocks. This will provide our students with another place in which to play during recess and lunchtimes. Construction of this playground was made possible by a State Government grant.


Please remember to obey the rules by parking in the correct bays. The Kiss and Drive bays, disabled bays, the space in front of the school bins and the turning area at the end of the carpark are not for parking. We appreciate everyone’s support in keeping our carpark safe.

Regards, Mr Stephen Bevan, PRINCIPAL

“Teachers teach someone something, in that order.”

Samuel Natale

Deputy Principal’s Message Mrs Drage & Mrs Pearse 100 Days of School PP and Year One celebrated 100 days of school in some wonderful costumes and number activities.

Olympics Unleashed Our students in Year 4, 5 and 6 have been fortunate to be able to participate in the Olympics Unleashed Program, which connects students in WA schools with Olympic Athletes. The students have the opportunity to meet face to face with an athlete, which they have already done, and next week they will have a follow up online session with the athlete.

The program encourages students to set goals, overcome challenges and build resilience. We were connected with Jennifer Reilly who was a swimming Olympian who swan in the 400m Medley and came 8th in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games and 16th in the Athens 2004 Olympic Games. Jennifer has also won a Bronze medal in the Kula Lumpur 1998 , a Gold and Sydney medal in the and a Bronze medal in the Melbourne . Our students were inspired to hear about all the work and individual goal setting, that Jennifer used to achieve her swimming successes. We are looking forward to talking with her again online next week

Book Week - 13th to 17th September 2021

We are celebrating Book Week in Week 9 this term. The theme is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’.

Book Fair

We will be having our Scholastic Book Fair in the library starting Tuesday 14th and finishing Friday 17th September. Students will have an opportunity to visit the Book Fair during their library session to have a look at the books and to write a wish list (no purchasing). We invite families to purchase a book to donate to the school library and we will arrange for dedications to be placed in each book to recognise the family who have made the donation.

Purchasing times :

Day Before School After School Tuesday 8:00am to 8:25am 2:50pm to 3:15pm Wednesday 8:00am to 8:25am 2:50pm to 4:15pm (learning journey evening) Thursday 8:00am to 8:25am 2:50pm to 3:15pm Friday 8:00am to 8:25am 2:50pm to 3:15pm

We will have a range of books available to cater for all age groups and a selection of novelty items and posters, which are always very popular. This is a great time to do some Christmas shopping. Cash and EFTPOS only.

At the end of after school opening times please leave school grounds through Camp gates located on the west side of the administration building. If you can’t attend the Book Fair, your child can still choose a book from their wish list slip and you can pay for it online at www.scholastic.com.au/payment. Your child can then bring in the payment form with the receipt number to collect the book. This form is being sent home with your child today. Any queries please email [email protected]

Book Character Dress up parade

Parents and community members are welcome to attend When: Thursday 16th September 2021. Where: Grassed area in front of the flags near ‘The Grove’. Time: 8:50am. Who: Students from Kindy Gold to Year 6. Kindy Blue students will have a parade outside of Banksia Block on Monday 13th September at 8:50am. Wear: Students come dressed as their favourite book character or as something associated with the theme There will be prizes!

Photo Competition

We are having a photo competition as part of Book Week. If your child would like to enter, you can help them take a photo of themselves reading in ‘an unusual place’. This might be somewhere at home, under the bed, in a cubby or outside, at the beach, park or playground. We can’t wait to see your creative ideas! Labelled the photo with student name and room number then email to our library officer - [email protected] or you can bring in your photo to the library in hard copy. All entries are due by 12 noon on Wednesday 15th September 2021. The photos will be displayed in the library and we will announce the winners at the dress up parade on Thursday.

School Chaplain – Melissa Powell Resolving Family Conflict We all have unique thoughts, feeling and believes which make it impossible for conflicts to not arise. Disagreements are a healthy part of family life. Adults set the tone for their home, and the children in your family will mirror your behaviour. If you shout or use physical aggression to deal with conflict, then your children will think this is the way to communicate or win a disagreement. If you have an argument with another family member, the best way to model anger is to take time to calm down before revisiting the issue. It’s important to show kids that although conflict is inevitable in life, it can be dealt with effectively. Resolving family conflict effectively teaches kids how to negotiate and reach compromises, setting them up for strong relationships throughout life.

Here are some tips on how to develop some conflict resolution skills:  Co-operation: Get kids to help solve conflict together. Help them approach conflict in a positive way, and that they can work together to solve it.  Managing emotions: It can be really difficult for kids (and adults) to keep their cool in a conflict situation. Reacting aggressively or withdrawing from the situation are common responses. This is where taking a bit of time out to let everyone calm down can help before returning to the problem.  Empathy: Teach kids how to listen to, and understand, the needs and concerns of other people. Help them to ask why the other person wants something and consider what it might be like to be ‘in their shoes’.  Communication: Learning to speak clearly and respectfully takes practice. You can help kids practise positive ways to ask for what they want: “I would like you to ask before using my things.”

Family are the most important people in your life!

Above all family will always be there for you so it’s important to always recognise the value of each member, make your relationships a priority by setting aside a few minutes each day to spend with them. Make dinners together, read a story or just talk. Good communication is essential for healthy relationships. Children learn how to communicate respectfully when they see the adults around them speaking to each other with consideration.

Sometimes family conflict can be too hard to solve on your own. In this situation it is best to get extra external support. Relationship Australia (6164 0440) the NGALA Parent line (9368 9368) and the Family Relationship Advice Line (1800 050 321) can assist with this.

Family or domestic violence is very different from disagreements which are part of healthy relationships. This is when someone within a family uses violence or other forms of abuse – psychological, verbal or sexual – to control or intimidate other family members. Family violence is never OK, and is no one’s fault but the person choosing to perpetrate violence.

If you are experiencing this please phone the 1800Respect helpline on 1800 737 732.

Other Important Messages Keyed Up Music: Keyed Up Music will be teaching guitar and keyboard group lessons next term after school. Lessons start from $18.65 for a group of 4 per for keyboard lesson and from $19.20 for a group of 3 per guitar lesson. If you are interested in your son / daughter learning an instrument, ring Savanna on 6107 8841 or 0419 171 424 or enrol at www.keyedupmusic.com.au/enrolment_form

P & C News Quiz Night Our P&C are holding its first ever Quiz Night at the Carramar Community Centre on September 17 commencing at 6.30pm. Parents/family and community members are encouraged to form a team and come dressed in their best 80s gear. Bookings can be made here https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/80s-quiz-night-tickets- 167265217769?aff=ebdssbeac Please remember that this is an over 18s event.

Colour Run Our Colour Run fundraiser will start on the 16th of September and will run until the 29th of October. The Colour Run will take place on the 3rd of December. The reason we start fundraising early is to allow time for prizes to be sent over so they are here for the Colour Run day. The fundraising booklets will be given to students the week before we start. Father’s Day Stall The Father’s Day stall was a huge success this week! Thank you to all our families for their support in purchasing gifts at the stall and we hope all the Fathers enjoy their special day on Sunday. Of course, this would not have been a success without the support of all our P&C Volunteers who donated their time to wrap all the gifts and run the stall this week. Thank you so much, it is greatly appreciated.

Camp Australia October school holidays Rocketeers schedule attached. Book online via Camp Australia - campaustralia.com.au/rocketeers to join the next Mission!

Term 3, 2021 Events for Your Diary

Please note that activities and dates may change. Changes will usually be communicated via the Schoostream app.

08.09.21 Week 8 Interschool Carnival Jump & Throws – Carramar PS 09.09.21 Week 8 Olympics Unleashed – Yr 4-6 RU Ok? Day – gold coin donation 10.09.21 Week 8 Interschool Athletics Carnival – Wanneroo PS 13.09.21 Week 9 BOOK WEEK to 17.09.21 13.09.21 Week 9 8:50am Kindy Blue Book Week Parade in Banksia block @ 8:50am 14.09.21 Week 9 Book Fair in the Library (8:00am to 8:25am and 2:50pm – 3:15pm) to 17.09.21 15.09.21 Week 9 Learning Journey 3:00pm – 4:30pm. More details to come 16.09.21 Week 9 Book Week Dress Up Parade @ 8:50am on grass area outside 17.09.21 Week 9 Assembly @ 8:50am in “The Grove” KLA4 17.09.21 Week 9 P&C Quiz Night – Carramar Community Centre 7:00pm start 21.09.21 Week 10 Aboriginal Ear Health Nurse checks 23.09.21 Week 10 Year 1 W.A. Museum Excursion 24.09.21 Week 10 Assembly @ 8:50am in “The Grove” - GLA5 24.09.21 Week 10 Sports Hero Day Fundraiser – bring a gold coin donation 24.09.21 Week 10 Last day of Term 3 11.10.21 Term 4, Week 1 STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY – STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND 12.10.21 Week 1 Student’s first day of Term 4 (Kindy Blue group & PP – Yr 6) 14.10.21 Week 1 Kindy Gold group first day of Term 4 15.10.21 Week 1 Newsletter