NEWS-FEATURES Chicago, December 15, 1942 Ch :ago. Those Funny Faces on Girl Í Home Towners Hear June At Missouri U Musicians Upset Scribbler Gets Hotter Lus Ángeles—Ted Le Berthon. widely read columnist (The Columbia. Mo.—The young Ed­ Daily News) stirred up plenty of chatter in the music pro­ die Sigoloff band is becoming more and more of a threat to the two fession here by going on record in his own interesting style bands which dominate Columbia’s against girl musicians—or, more correctly, against the play­ musical Sigoloff has ing of wind instruments by — agreement with the owner of his location, Deen’s, that allows him Prl musicians. to play club dates on week ends. Invited by irate members of a Krupa Gets Two The increasing quality of these girl’s ork to come out and hear clubs is a sign of his increasing them, Le Berthon wrote, in his popularity. High point was the column: Scat Davis Men band’s recent trek to th«' State Teachers College Kirks' ille, Scramble Their Maps —Gene Krupa, still Missouri, a hundred miles, away. T couldn’t because I might burning up box-office marks set at Tummy Reynold* Repeat* get hysterical and start laughing.” the Hollywood Palladium by Seems the scribbler, a familiar , has acquired two Personnel Paul Cherches, figure at the late hotteries, and new bandsmen — both from the Bernard Sigoloff, Jim Lomax and early-morning jam sessions, can’t Scat Davis crew. Charlie Lucas, Bud Breit- gn for gal footers who must, of The new men are Jimmy Rudge enstein, Saul Moskowitz, and Dick necessity according to Le Berthon, and Buddy De Franko, both sax­ Swanson, trumpets; Tom Jordan, screw their lovely maps all out of men; replacing Wilbur Schwartz, trombone and locals; L. C. Griggs, shape to produce notes. who joined a merchant marine piano; Bob Keeny, drums; Tom Le Berthon argued that with hand with Phil Harris; and Wayne Keyes, bass; Eddie Sigoloff, tiom- men it was different. They were, Songer, a local boy who has been pet and front. as he put it, funny looking any­ with the band temporarily. Boyd Raeburn snagged the way. But no man, he wrote, would De Franko is a top notch clary year’s most important university “consider marrying the prettiest man and has taken over the solo dance when he played for home­ girl if she made sour faces while spot on that instrument. coming recently. Tommy Reynolds blowing a horn.” returned, for the second time this semester, to play the military ball Tuba Kills Romance? Kansus City—Back tu Ming for the home town folk- recently wa* on December 11. The Pan-hel for­ Claims mal at Stephens College starred June Howard, a Kriimim City pretty who u-ed to sing with Henry King, “You cannot imagine,” the col­ the “Fashions in Music” of Mitch­ umnist stated, “holding a female now is featured with Freddy Nagel, who played an engagement at the Helen Forrest Muehlebach hotel, went from here to the Blue Munn in U ichita, now ell Ayres. The Ayres band got the tuba player on your lap.” most enthusiastic reception of the The word juggler advised music- New York—In a recent issue of is at the Plantation in Houston. June's boy friend is First Pilot Officer Vernon Prager, now flying transport- to the Aleutians. year, mainly because of their clev­ minded girls to play the piano or the Beat, an article on the Harry- er novelties. James band mentioned that Helen ■ing. He contended: Jam on Out-kirts “I have yet to meet the fellow Forrest had attended high school rangements plus the galaxy of who dreams of a wife who wall sit in Atlantic City, N. J. Post-haste tricks in the brass section make An error in typing last month across from him. her fact pulled came a letter from a staunch Hel­ the band what it is. The melody is gave Bob Baker, local maestro, the all out of shape, her cheeks dis­ en and Brooklyn defender, who bandì*;-« never lost from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m remnants of the original Charlie Fisk band. In reality it was Cal tended to tight balloons as she claimed that the singer had gone BY THE In other words, for sweet, inoffen­ deliriously plays a saxophone.” to the Samuel J. Tilden high school sive music, the band has it. If you Weiss, frontman of the co-op crew of that city. And would DB do want to sit and listen to the band, at Gaeblers, who was a sideman something about correcting such a go elsewhere. with Fisk, when Charlie was mistake? Programming is nice and the M U.’s most popular batoneer. . .. Cornered, Miss Forrest admitt«*d airshots are exceptional. His Co­ After hours jam sessions at the that she had gone to school for a RAY PEARL lumbia shots have built a great Green Tree, a nitery on the out­ Organ and Guitar year in Brooklyn but had done deal of interest in the band and skirts of town, are drawing large (Reviewed at the Melody Mill numbers of cats from the univer­ Vocals by MARY O'BRIEN most of her high-schooling in At­ Chicago) the crowds trample each other at lantic City. Our staff correspond­ the Mill. The only improvement, as sity. Regulars al the Saturday ent reports that the city has final­ Close your eyes and try to figure nite bashes are “King” Karrolli, out whether you’re hearing Genial a style band, would be in a little ly quieted down again. punch, little stronger tubster with Ray Tross; Cal Jan, Sammy Kaye or Freddie Na­ Weiss; Bob Baker; and Bob gel. Band uses two altos and a rhythm, and more entertainment ability along the novelty line. Hight, of the Weiss bunch. tenor in the sax department voiced The University Concert series RICKEDBRCKER “ELECTRO” GUITARS like Garber, two trumpets and a The band is full of good vocal­ ists with the bass man stealing all gives the longhairs u ehance for trombone, playing almost entirely kicks. Slated for appearance are PUT PUNCH AND PRESTIGE IN PERFORMANCE ensemble in straight muted and honors in that department. All in all, a capable, likeable band, led Jascha Heifetz, Jan Peerce, and a MANUFACTURED FV solo trumpet in wawa mute, tuba, repeat for the St. Louis Symph, bass, guitar, piano and drums by a very personable leader. Pack­ ELECTRO STRING INSTRUMENT CORPORATION ing the Mill like he is now, and under Vladimir Golschmann. . . . M71 S WESTERN AVENUE - LOS ANGELES. • Write tor Caíalo» The band is a well arranged A series of Saturday Date Dances style band. The voicing in the ar- with his exceptional air showing, he should do well with his ‘musical at Stephens college spotlights Bob gems’. Baker’s ork. GREETINGS OF THE SEASON ■Irwin Stein Subscribers please note: If you move and fail to notify us you will miss your DOWN BEAT. The post iffice does not forward magazines. Broadway Isn't Send us your change of address promptly. Gossip Anymore New York—Sign of the times is the fact that the Associated Press has stopped using its Broadway gossip column. George Tucker, the A.P. Winchell, is on his way to the middle east as a war correspond­ ent. BG Alumni Bash New York—Two generations of 12th Consecutive Season ind 1 the Goodman gas-house gang got W ALDORF AST ORIt together recently for a bash at the Hotel George Brooklyn. They were Billy Butterfield, Lou McGarrity, Harry Yaeger, and Jerry Jerome, fronting the band.

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