International Journal of Forest, Animal and Fisheries Research (IJFAF) [Vol-3, Issue-2, Mar-Apr, 2019] ISSN: 2456-8791 Seasonal Activity of Dung Beetles (Scarabaeinae) in a Forest in South Western Ghats Thomas Latha Dept. of Science, Faculty of Science & Technology, University of Belize, Belize
[email protected] Abstract— Scarabaeinae dung beetle activity is strongly provides humidity to the soil and triggers the emergence influenced by rainfall seasonality. Rainfall affects the andthe onset of activity in the beetle species (Doube, 1991; quality and quantity of dung available, affects reproductive Halffter, 1991; HanskiandCambefort 1991a, Novaiset al., performance and triggers emergence and activity indung 2016). Dung beetle activity is greatest during moist and beetles. Effects of rainfall seasonality oncommunity minimal during dry periods (Doube,1991; Hanski and attributes of dung beetles such as abundance, species Cambefort,1991a) and abundance of scarab beetles richness and diversity in a forest in South Western Ghats increases strongly after heavy rainfall (Walter, 1985). was studied. Dung beetles were collected using cow dung Majority of dung beetle species that exhibit environmentally baited pitfall traps during the southwest monsoon, northeast induced seasonality are active during favourable periods. monsoon and summer season from the forest habitat. However there are species which avoid competition by Though abundance was highest during the heavy rainy increasing their activity during periods of harsh periods of southwest monsoon season, favoring the two environmental conditions because fewer species are active dominant species Onthophaguspacificus and O. furcillifer, during environmentally unfavourable periods and those that species richness and diversity was higher during the are active, experience much less competition for resources moderate rainy periods of northeast monsoon.