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maglcvalley.com i f f e B T w i n Falls, Idaho/97th yc;;'car. N o. 132 m e Stintlay, ,\hiv 1 2 . 2 0 0 2 M ___ . ........... GoodD MORNING ' SlcLVV-forcst_________ G r^ d 'Va:scary o n dea] ;iipcivisor. G alo] ^ I ~ . /j hlas c i been in M o n d a yy, , The Times- ■ N e w s blegins e ^ publish- ? in g p h oitog'raphs t o of ^ W l t h graduatiniing seniors t'rom allI areaa high « Jennifer M TImos-lics-Nows writer TWIrU 'IN FA L L S .. ........... -MOMONDAY - lr (hiiu; new i.i Kmb Mnu.ih.iii, ■I High School: y . th e S.I ' S h o s h u n c hli){l • S.iwiiiiiih N,iii..u.il l-.,i.”,i\ ligh School; Glenns |C 'ft, * . ueWM Fcrr>' High School;Scf: Dietric h |f^ f “ ]>OsI II High SrhodI;)l; Richfield I figh 1 ^ •V %k / I 'I that u'tjuires h.il.iiiniu; ili< School; Caroy•ey High School; E t eresls of laiu liiiii;. c i i m -iv .i C<im .is H ig h1 School;Sc The H KI Communiiy SchoolSc ■ n i l , !'B5 IK..M slu - I m s I - TUU E E S D A Y - B ,Y ^ ii.is !),• the Ogden I w M I Buhl Higl) S(-h('('hnuf; Magic V llie' WWas.ui-h-C.u'lu' \'.tii..ii,,l ■ V ■ V.ilk'v Chrii-iiar.lian High Scliool; ■ jo c k p u l H ig h Sihriol;S( Twin T hhe e Ogil.-ii K.mgft Uisn ,, 1 Fnlls C h risti.inin Academy;/ i j l f r liostedted alpine ski r\.-iils diijio.- M .igic V.illeyy HighH School; Mi th e 201)221)1 W ini.-r ()lv ,ii|.a s ,uul A Filer hligh SchoI'hool; Magic j ^ i'u<.'>ivi.'dyin])ii s. ,Moii.ili.in i<> V .illcy H um L'e FducalcdF( HK th e ilaiifii.'i an, ilisiiiii .i)i<-[ ('..iii;r,’ss Slucii.Ti($; C iIMIMieiordc High | H L'li'd a land <'M'li.ini'.. ib.n School: Lighiliolliouse High lers s,.ill u.is imisi |.,, tlu- M m npics ,ind . rities dr, nc.r.is — .•theaii deal lV)i a w.-altliv ..il -WEDNDNESDAY - M r ,uu.Uld lc s.)lt niMlt-l. Twin F.ills Highigh School; ffr 1 "I ha. Hiinsc-n High) School;Sc Itich. ll, l.lli.- W W I .I J H 1 it on," I M urtough High I," M onahan lold 77ic gh School; ,\'ar.<. “ 1 Kimberly High;h School;S Clear H “ 1 t'elt like I loiild m ake a . L.tkc A c .id c m y ■renceoii thegioiiiul." I le went to tln' O ^leii disiricl ' I U R S D A Y - r working for llu- regiona! M inico High School;Scl Hurley f.ifill' several v. m is. She s.iid — High School: RRan.1 River High <iund ihe ()i;di-n ))..si ni Ik- nn MlrCt ;ing challeu);,- ,nid ili,u ihe School; Vnllcyy I ligh School; InI DdDddltlon to tho mortgago on thoirthol now house, Martin and Sh Dcclo High Sch< Shirloy Voga worry obout supptpporting thoir chlldron Arlano, A sl Service tru-il in <i.> iis li,-si ■chool; Mini- |{ they both lose thoir jobs at tho H 0. 4, loft, Martin Jr.. 3. and Evs;vando. 3. right. ' Cassi.i O pportuntunily Center; 10 Hoyburn Simplot plant. i ii.kIininisii-nni;iiiui ihi- l.iml -.wiii), Amcric.m Heritaritage Ac.ulemy;' i'lu-I- di-ald. u.isn’l u|) loi dt-b.Uc. O .iklcy High School;Scf: Cassia O H v ilule -i. liiiif Moiiiduin airiv<-(l in E d u c .ilio n CunlL-i Ogilen.n. il was .ilieadv ilei idi-d h\ _ liess. ^^h|. || with the land - M A Y 1 9 - Mmplot employ( yees fac2 c uncei‘Itain fut ■ ex.-nipir-d Suowba-an Ski WM Jerome High Sciv ture ichool; niiss High School: Lil)er(yyC C hri4ii.m F oood ( processors say I FOREST I Academy; VVendirndell High By Mark Heinz . School; Coocling ing High Scliiiiil; , W'orkers, OI w ould fit welld l Tlmos-Nows writer ' G o o d in g A c r e-•ler.iled le r Lc.irnir^g " ' A blOUt o u Ruth M onahan ' Cenler; H.igermaim an High litopcR-ings are few HKVHUK.N - Spipi'Cial riicilical I • School; Id.iTio SchoolScl for ihe needs for a ■I-year-oI<old ilau g h ii'i. I ■ ‘JnholiMo Is fniiiili.ir territory tu lii.ih O e .if a n d th e BJlind lin By' VirginiaVI S, Hutchins .•\ m o rtg a g .. onn a wrll-k.-[n j iMi.’iu' _________________ Tlmatne»-Nflw» writer______________ Imusc with a dog andan a rat. I’lus | ■ '' "hiM> 1I'iOdi,. !,in- ••■.oii.-.l ..f. i;ii- all the usual living e.’expcovrs. j H WivVim-;R; r hHEYBURN e - Workers soon n These r>alv • se their spud-plant jobs ii H things for whichh ilir.-e .I.K, i Today;To) S u m y Hcyb:ybuni will find op en doors <i Simplot Co. eiiifiloyetees liavi'been ' ’,'j andan< ^varmer. otherier kinds of food processors ii u sin g th e iiKuiey anda heiiel'its ■ HighH ij 72, low 42. Magi.Igic V alley - Iciidin}’ to sugar th e y 'v e maili.- rjvt-rr the y.-ars at W- PageA2 se.se o r m eat w ork, for examam- (■■■IHH a i f l H H j the c()iiij)aiiy's llcybvbiirn lui.i'es',- , iBI Hn ing plant. Butiut the openings aren’t likelj ■L , „An<lnowUiey„lil<e<e luiiuiiLiI.s ol i jy j (illiers, ail' laced with I M a g ic'V aai k i . i -:y 'o pplentiful, i ' and most are fofor r itli loMii,: il all. • work<rkcrs with specialized skills, H | Siinj>I(ii annniiiu'<'.<•,1 I.,-., w.-ek I - i > County race; l\vir.vin Falls County plantn t m anagers .say. H >' ^^'><1 'I:llu' Ileyluuii : \ Commission candndidates talk .R. Simplol Co. will say good-lod- plant in 2()()'l and l,i\ its ()4‘) perNon uci k It about im ponantIt issues.i: ?y^! to close to 1500 employees; at Simplot omployoo Joananotto Sawyers doesn't wantIt tot loavo tho aroa becauso lo m -Ih r. 1.ill Hum I' Heyburn potato-processinging sho doesn’t want to lo! Some workers will beI; oll.'t<'il a 2 Page A l l loso hor houso. nt this fall and the rest bybv chance to M ay .111 uuiniil tlu- [il.ini earlyly 2004. shuts down coniph’U'l fornl c•\perience. \|j M c ) n i - : v Their he experience with food - 'Tt’s a scary ordc.il,ll' \\’i.’ic' will Monnli.iii ■■■ ' I alb eit ■ In d ep en d en t M eat has noiio ried, We'ie losing sk L‘it potatoes - gives them an je..puv..| il," : . ■ Foreign trade: As^s iMalaysia e oover other joh applicants at for recruitmenr targeted illat said S hirlev V'cga of Kiiperi,H . 'I ■•placed Sim plol w»irk force, looks to one Magic 'win Fails hog processor, & m pllqt “I was raised in ap.iiijiiciiis.a|; I , '' Igic VaUey com- 5 J 'j ' W o^Hcyburn flQlonF closure MorciiccICC said. ticularly if they’re experi-ri- “ never bad a h.u,tu is e ," sai<! pany for \vater-qu£ .leannelle Sawyeis rise, another is eye ed in cjuality assurance,:e , M eat m s <ii Hill irv . ' 3yemg Malaysia equiptipment operation or ecjuip- manufacturer who h as woi ked at Siiiimploi i..i Ij V" asamaricetforits ip- “They would as st l'-"l.'' Tlifliii its p ro d u c ts . m e nit t nlaintenance, saidid into our production hog processor lias dune taiII’. - yeats. "T his is my fiis;rsl Imiisr, I'm ' 1’" a ' i!L-lf(l nrecruiting when othere r alm ost fiO y e a rs <>1<I, , Page D l Indepe•pendent M eat’s chief execu-:u- a n y applicants,” he: saids - hetlLT. I. and I d..iri tive,, VlPat Florence. in fact, than aj)plicacants without Please seo JOBS, Page A6'6 ‘ Ploase see SIMPlIPLOT, Prifle A.’ O p i n i o n Looking for land;: TVvinT F a lls P H I 1 - ^ C ity C o u n c il p ro)v ve es g o v ern - louse OKKs exchamge visitits to nukke test si 0 m ent can do the: rightrij tW ng on ites. ' tflsoclotod Press______________ testing. rim proposal, todaiday’s editonal ----------- on its Wel)W site Saturday thatIt nuclear issues, says. Rep. Curt Weldon,n, K-Pa„ who classifio' . WAS\SHINCTON - The House ied briefings for select;i U'eldcjii said in a statatenu-nt bis '■ ■ie sponsored the ainc'ntiidment, told House anda Senate members PageA 14 h as apipproved r legislation calling s anieiulnient was desigiigned I.) pro- '■ lg the House last week: thatt a classi- included-•tl informalion on a new for c.xclxchange visits between thele fied intelligence hrief .V mote safely, seciuityy .Uld iran>- efing for cer- analysisis by th e j o i n t .-Atomicc pai eiicy wiih Russia by I n d e x U.S. nuclearnu test site in Nevadaja tain members of Coi Congress had ICnergy’ IntelligenceIt Committeee ing joint norii)n)lifer and Ru5lussia’s test site on an Arcticic included information n on jiossilile indicatingng that Moscow is prepar- threat-reduction efforts Classified .05-16 Mo\M ovies .........