Liberecký Region
District Semily (AD MEP Jilemnice, Semily, Tanvald - part 1), Turnov - part 2)) Liberecký Region owers Population % of households with p Health Health School unicipality Post office establishment m ha Name of municipality dministrative a Code Number Number xtended xtended yes=1, no=0, e Serial number Serial of municipality of Code of district of Code Aged presonal Statutory city=4, Statutory istrict of total internet either first of municipality parts municipality of districts cadastral of other municipality=1 other d with Code of of Code Cadastral district area, district Cadastral 15 - 64 computer or second stage=* market-town=2, town=3, a b c123456789101112 CZ0514 1 Bělá 576972 5107 1 1 776 264 171 48,0 47,0 0 0 0 1 CZ0514 2 Benecko 576981 5104 8 4 1 652 1 113 750 54,1 51,6 1 * 0 1 CZ0514 3 Benešov u Semil 576999 5107 1 1 539 885 595 50,8 46,0 1 * 0 1 CZ0514 4 Bozkov 577006 5107 1 1 680 563 378 51,6 48,4 1 * 1 1 CZ0514 5 Bradlecká Lhota 577014 5107 1 1 369 238 161 60,6 58,5 0 0 0 1 CZ0514 6 Bukovina u Čisté 577031 5104 1 1 317 207 146 58,3 54,2 0 0 0 1 CZ0514 7 Bystrá nad Jizerou 577049 5107 1 1 562 111 69 45,3 39,6 0 0 0 1 CZ0514 8 Čistá u Horek 577057 5104 1 1 1 053 587 396 53,7 49,8 1 * 0 1 CZ0514 9 Háje nad Jizerou 577073 5107 4 3 1 174 672 459 54,2 50,8 1 1 0 1 CZ0514 10 Harrachov 577081 5108 4 1 3 663 1 499 1 040 54,9 52,8 1 1 1 3 CZ0514 11 Holenice 577111 5109 1 1 350 90 55 59,0 59,0 0 0 0 1 CZ0514 12 Horka u Staré Paky 574201 5104 2 2 203 260 167 56,3 53,4 1 0 1 1 CZ0514 13 Horní Branná 577120 5104 2 2 2 087 1 873 1 249 63,6
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